Textbook chapter 11 and 12
the effects of others on our behavior can take them form of ___, imitative behavior involving the speed of behavior, emotions, and ideas
social contagion
____ refers to the way individuals define themselves in terms of their group memberhsip
social identity
which of the following theories states the way individuals define themselves in terms of their group membership is a crucial part of theur self image and a valuable source of positive feelings about themselves
social identity theoty
____ is an anxiety disorder in which an indiviual has an intense fear of being humiliated or embarrassed in social situtaions
social phbia
_____ is the scientific stay of how people think about influences and relate to other people
social psychology
____ is a psychological disorder in which an individual has irrational, overwhelming, persistent fear of a particular object or siituation
specific phobia
a ____ is a generalization about a groups characteristics that does not consider any variations from one individual to another
which of the following theoretical approaches to physiological disorders would be most likely to consider a persons gender and ethnicity when diagnosed with a disorder
the sociocultural approach
the tendency for the presence of firearms to enhance aggression is known as
the weapons effect
ptsd may best be explained by which of the following
theory of mind
attractive people are general assume to have a variety of positive characteristics. according to research which of the following is a key aspect in peoples determination of facial attractiveness
a fear becomes a phobia when
when a doctor diagnoses it as such
which of the following defines conformity
a change in a person's behavior to coincide more closely with a group standard
all of the following are symptoms of major depressive disorder except
a history of manic episodes
___ is behavior that is deviant, maladaptive, or personally distressful over a relatively long period of time
abnormal behavior
which of the following most likely occurs when an individual has a deep, caring affection for another person and desires to have that person near
affectionate love
____ mans helping another person for personal gain, such as to feel good, or avoid guilt
____ are disabling, uncontrollable and disruptive psychological disorders that feature motor retention, hyperactivity, and apprehensive expectations and thoughst
anxiety disorders
____ refers to the analysis of the use of operant conditioning principles to change human behaior
applied behavior analyisi
____ is a psychological diorder, commonly diagnosed in childhood, in which an individual exhibits one or more of the following symptoms: inattentions, hyperactivity, and impulsivity
attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder
_____ is a nuerodevelomental disorder characterized by persistent problems is a sustaining attention and difficulty engaging in quiet activities for a prolonged period
attention- deficits/ hyperactivity disorder (adhd)
an individual's opinions and beliefs about other people, objets, and ideas, and how the individual feels about the world refers to
which of the following refers to the interferences that we make in order to explain the causes of ones behavior
the ___ approach is evident in the medical model
the ____ approach to physiological disorder primary focuses on the brain, genetic factors and neurotransmitters functioning as the sources of abnormaility
In the context of the theoretical approaches to psychological disorders, the ____ attributes psychological disorders to organic internal causes
biological approach
___ is an obsessive compulsive disorder (cod) related disorder that involves a distressing preoccupation with imagined or slight flaws in ones physical appreance
body dysmorphic disorder
according to contemporary relationship research, which of the following statements about mate selection researches true
both genders are interested in finding partners who are warm and trustworthy
the tendency of an individulal who observes an emergency to be less likely to help when other people are present than when the observer is alone known as the
bystander effect
one of the most common compulsions exhibited by individuals who have obsessive compulsive disorder is excessive
____ is the psychological discomfort caused by two inconsisitent thoughts
cognitive dissonance
in the context of the social influence, Solomon Asch's experiment demonstrates
the reduction in personal identity and erosion of the sense of personal responsibility when one is part of a group is known as
____ is an unrelenting lack of pleasure in life
the ___ was published in 1952 by the American psychiatry association for the major classification of psychological disorders in the united states
diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM)
the ____ is a theory suggesting that preexisting conditions, such as genetic characteristics personality dispositions, or experiences, may put a person at risk of developing a psychological disorder
diathesis- stress model
all of the following are symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder except
difficulties with memory and concentration
which of the following refers to an unjustified negative or harmful action toward a member of a group simply because the person belongs to that group
extreme memory loss that stems from extensive psychological stress is referred to as
dissociative amnesia
____ involve a sudden loss of memory or change in identity
dissociative disorders
which of the following was formerly called multiple personality disorder
dissociative identify disorder
___ s the traumatic, least common, ad most controversial dissociative disorder
dissociative identity disorder
____ is a disorder in which an individual has two or more distinct personalities, each with its own memories, behavior, and relationships
dissociative identity disorder (did)
_____ refers to rationalizing the amount of work we put into getting something by increasing its value
effort justification
from the perspective of the social exchange theory, the most important predator of relationship success is
the tendency t favor ones own cultural group other groups is called
microgresions are ____ and_____ acts that communicate bias to members of marginalized groups
everyday, subtle
the ___ is the observers overestimation of the degree to which everybody else thinks or acts the way we do
false consensus effect
deficits in the functioning of the ____ are associated with aggression
frontal lobes of the brain
the tendency for a group decession to be riskier than the average decision mad by the individual group members known as the
group polariztaion
the solidification and further strengthening of an individuals position as a consequence of a collective discussion interaction is known as the
group poloraiztaion effect
____ refers to the pared decision making that occurs in a team the making the right decision is less important than maintaining group harmony
according to the attribution theory, attributions very along which of the following demnsions
internal and external causes
attributions that include causes inside and specific to a person, such as their traits and abilities are called
internal attributions
according to the national institute of mental health, the leading cause of disability in the United States is
major depressive disorder
with respect to the three characteristics oof abnormal behavior, when a behavior interferes with a persons ability to function effectively in the world is considered
three of the following are risk factors for autism spectrum disorder (and). which of the following factors does not pose a risk for the development of asd
male sex
in the context of the theoretical approaches to the psychological diodes, the ___ describes psychological disorders as diseases with biologicaal orgin
medical model
milligrams studies are a classic series of experiments by the Stanley milligram that demonstated the profound power of
in attribution theory, the person who offers a casual explanation of the actors behaviors s called thw
____ are recurrent thoughts, and ___ are recurrent behaviors
obsessions, compulsions
the anxiety disorder in which an individual has an anxiety provoking thoughts that will not go away and/ or urges to perform receptive, ritualistic behaviors to prevent or produce some future situation is called
obsessive compulsive disorder
in an ___, a persons experiences recurrent, sudden onsets of intense terro, often without warning and with no specific cause
phobic disorder
____ is an unjustified negative attitude toward an indivddual based n the individuals membership in a particular group
____ refers to a on mendical process that helps individuals with psychological disorders recognize and overcome there problems
which refers to a physically or verbally harming another person directly
rational aggression
____ theory is daryl bets the on how behaviors influence attitudes
self perecption
For a person to be diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD), he or she must have experienced a significant depressive episode and depressed characteristics, such as lethargy and hopelessness, for at least
2 weeks
the volunteer participants in Solomon Asch's experiment on conformity conformed to group pressure to select the incorrect answer approximately __ percent of the time
approximately ___ percent of people who die by suicide are estimated to have a diagnosable psychological disorder
which of the following about panic disorders is false
American men are twice as likely as American women to be diagnosed with panic disorder
____ is said to have the highest mortality rate of any psychological disorder
Andrea nervosa
according to Thomas joiners interpersonal theory of suicide, what two factor are involved in suicide
a desire to die and the acquired capability for suicide
in ____, social expectations cause individuals to act in ways that make their expectations come true
a self furling prophercy
____ is an eating disorder that involves the relentlessness pursuit of thinness through starvation
anorexia nervosa
_____ is a psychological disorder characterized by guiltiness, law breaking, exploration of others, irresponsibility and deceit
antisocial personality disoder
____ is a mood disorder that is characterized by extreme mood swings that include one or more episode of mania, and overexcited unrealistically optimistic state
bipolar disporder
____ is a characterized by a pervasive pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self image, and emotions, and of marked impulsivity beginning by early adulthood and present in various context
borderline personality disorder
____ is an eating disorder in which a person consistently follows a binge and purge eating pattern
bulimia nervosa
which of the following refers to the simultaneous presence of two or more disorders in one person
_____ involves strong components of sexuality and infatuation, and it often predominates in the early part of love relationship
compassionate love
____ are sensory experiences in the absence of real stimuli, ____ are false, unusual and sometimes magical beliefs that are not apart of th individuals culture
delusions; hallucintaions
genetic factors are stronger predators of ___ than predators of ____
depressive disorders; bipolar disorders
_____ is a depressive disorder in children who persistent irritability and recurrent episodes of out of control behavior
disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
____ is a common negative symptom of schizophrenia which means the display of little or no emotion
flat affect
depressed people end to have too few receptors for the nuerotrasnmitters
gaba and epineprine
people with bulimia nervosa tend to have ___ of perfectionism and ___of self efficacy
high levels; high levels
which of the following is on of the three main symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity (add)q
in the context of the psychological factors in conformity, which of the following best describes informational social influence
it refers to the influence people have on an indiviaudla because the individual because the individual wants to be right
the main medical treatment for bipolar disorder
suicide is correlated with which of the following biological factors
low levels of seretonin
_____ refers to a psychological state in which an individual feels overexcited and unrealistically optimistic
the phenomenon that the more individuals encounter someone or something, the more probable that I the way they will start liking the person or thing even if they do not realize they have seen it before is known as the
mere exposure effect
a depressive is classified as a (n) ____ disorderr
like those who develop anorexia nervosa, these who develop bulimia nervosa tend to be
refers to the processes by which we use social stimuli to form impressions of others
person perception
behavior that is meant to harm the social standing of another person through activities such as gossiping and spreading rumors is known as
physical aggression
____ are favorable views of the self that are not necessarily rooted in reality
positive illusions
the ____ pf schizophrenia are marked by a distortion or an excess of normal function, whereas the ___reflect social withdrawal, behavioral deficits, and the loss or decrease of typical functions
positive symptoms; negative symptms
dissociative disorder are sometimes seen in people who also show signs fo
post traumatic stress disorder
refers to a disorder that develops through experience to a disturbing or distressing event that overwhelm a persons ability to cope
post traumatic stress disorder (ptsd)
a subgroup of people with antisocial disorder are remorseless predator who engage in violence to to get what they want. these people are sometimes refered to as
____ refers to a psychological state in which a persons perceptions an thoughts are fundamental removed from relaity
____ refers to ascribing personal meaning to complete random events
referential thinking
____ is a severe psychological disorder that is characterized by highly disordered, psychic thought processes
_____ refers to the tendency to take credit for ones own successes and to deny responsibility for ones own failures
self serving bias
the area of social physiology how people select, interpret remember and use social information is called
social cognition
the process by which individuals evaluate their thoughts, feelings, behaviors and abilities in relation to others is known as
social comparison
according to ____ the most important predator pf relationship success is having both partners feel that each is doing their fair share
social exchange theory
according to ____, social relationships involve an exchange of goods, the objective of which is to minimize costs and maximize benefits
social exchange theory
which of the following is most likely to occur when an individual performance improves because of the presence of others
social facilitation
which of the following refers to each person's tendency to exert less effort in a group because of reduced accountability for individual effort
social loafing
____are defined by noticeable bodily changes that are very distress or interfere with a persons functioning along with excessive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors about those bodily change
somatic symptoms and related disorders
_____ is an individuals fast- acting, self fueling fear of being judged based on others negative generalizations about the group in which they belong
stereotype threat
bias that is baked in to decision making by processes that may have been set in motion generation before referred to as
systematic racism
an important feature of optimal intergroup contact that involves working together on a shared goal is known as
task orientated cooperation
the hormone that is typically implicated in aggressive behaviors is
according to ____, people who have first agreed to a small request tend to comply later with a larger request
the foot in the door technique
the tendency for the observers to underestimate the impact of the external situation and overstate the impact of the internal traits when they seek explanations of another persons behavior is called
the fundamental attribution error
which of the following essentials examines the ways that commitment, investment, and the ability of attractive alternative patterns predict satisfaction an stability relationships
the investment model
which theoretical approach emphasizes the contribution of experiences, thoughts, emotions, and personality characteristics In explaining psychological disorders
the psychological approach
the mayhem on the streets of the boston after the Red Sox won the world series is an example of
the self serving bias
according to the evolutionary perspective, women who are attracted to mates who
will invest in their offspring