THE 101 chapter 7

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A mansion is _______________ in medieval theatre.

A temporarily crafted piece of stage that was set up in a public square and then moved about from day to day

Which country is the home of the oldest continuous theatre tradition?


The word Kabuki:

Derives from Kabuku, meaning "askew", and refers to a style of behavior that might today be called "hip" or "punk".

Elizabeth I was part of what is known as the Royal era, often inviting William Congreve to produce plays at the royal residence. T/F?


Kabuki is mainly a characters theatre. T/F?


Medieval mystery plays were performed only in Latin. T/F?


The Royal era was characterized by the aristocracy's support of public theatres, such as Global Theatre. T/F?


Which of the following can NOT be said of Shakespeare?

He wrote only for the court of Elizabeth I

Which of the following is NOT true of the Greek chorus?

It offered individual opportunity to voice personal opinions.

What kind of sexualized, audacious, political, and scatological comedy was considered fit material for translation or publication only in recent times?

Old Comedy

Playwrights of the Romantic era include all of the following EXCEPT

Pedro Calderon

All of the following authors wrote for royal theatres EXCEPT


According to the book, historically, traditional drama began when

Spoken drama was introduced into shamanistic rites

Which Renaissance-era building has been recently (1997) restored as a functioning performing space?

The Globe

Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides are the three masters of Greek tragedy. T/F?


The work of Shakespeare and Ben Jonson in England and Machiavelli, and commedia dell'arte in Italy are all example of Renaissance theatre. T/F?


In Mandarin, Chinese Opera is called "xiqu", which means

Tuneful theatre

The "medieval era" describes the period of history

between the fall of Rome and the coming of the Renaissance

Plays of the royal theatre era are characterized by

rational sensibilities

The most comprehensive and detailed theatrical treatise of the ancient world, detailing analysis of dramatic texts, the theatre, building, acting, staging, music, and even theatre-company organization, is

the Sanskrit natyasastra, or "treatise on theatre" (began in the second century a.d.)

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