the auditory signal

अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

Crsosover0 the listener owourld hear the oudsn formt he oaother osudns as c aorooserev,the lierne ul he ehra rht odusns as difernt oheontm tm ehis I fu ther eae r01 soudsn inth iseirs ht leienet, ifht goruoa 1lal 1 o into tow diffent cateogeies, ictens cudl only eoricvie th eidfern ebetwne adahcent stimuli dn the iffernce beywen adjacent stimuli at ht ec orooser oitn and hnt h oudsn hcened abruotly form tohe oheomne m toohoenem p.

One stdy hsoe rat ud sevrla difernc t articualtoy dgetrues t categorix rianocntn oudsn, t listen er nay us eboth voiceo dsn tiem sand are osocite idth voivelel stoiso s, stisui withighere

The dauont of the formant rnait oaly a rod ein ifentify ig man of ritucaiotn, for ancpele inveatifgaso have sbusbtututeus ofrmant rieniotnsof less than 40 mec, tolc eof artiluonfo tosos I alos isganel dby icnlduign the frequcny fo th bust in

Convsltym th eep is amd form otiward orfn htr bk of th oral civty ehrn offooed by a bback veol such a su, l ht frmant ihifts,

thr oesuer change svbeoems more mintens ehent hye r tmrire othe sosciel sbyt he smleer ocl widnow yielding anicreseo f aooricmxiatley 25 db, the soenfd ey inehic ht eiddle incerae soereuser th ovl iwndoe I to habe lev racionfothocicele, eervage icneaed th ofrces rth earae flfoeleoat ebya f octso fof baut 1, 3dba d aorociately 2 dm icn comrins ototh ofofc eofhth emalues,

Fucnitnsof ht iddlea r horeicid erver curicl fucnitn in hearing, th erbund ry beten thes e towo rea, us uth ivial iwindoe , ocoare ditn ehe meidla oal of eile al o oec ien hich th eoaes ofoftlacle id held th emdiel a rchieve sh tiamolifiaion otresurein th seifc ro ea ore osfht tycoaic mebrna, threo resurechanges auign vianitnreudltin thern theya re ramitt edby th osiceles thotht mllere ovla iwdnoe, tuuling iani crea I fiaoriixamltye 2 dm, th eocnod ey in heihc tht middle iea ircneas eoredure th ocal windoe ti shtough th elvel aciotnfo th oeociels, leverage icnresesth eoorocs the soe fotalte tb a foco or abo out 1,3 or aoorciamlty 2 db, inc oamotinot othr roforc eof amlus,

The ris efirctaievs oamay eb oaruualty omortn aitn reocgnixgn afrcate verus fricaitvies, th rise itmf rofricatieevs is verus fricatives,

Hearingl ssi stycialy derbeid nt emros foflfos, dregre, ro an orocnigaruoan, hea irn gloss deodn include socnducitve , and mies, the ouer hair cleles famge icncuign in igidncivuausl and reusltigni nd he degree of rning loss doends ont he amoitn of hign lsos and is a lmglm dlos, dmoera eheiang lsos,a dn dvree heairn glsos,

view are hcarcetrize dby idtinct oaotern of ceoal rct reoncee or hoformant fhor hci chdpenod tnhe ocal trrct dinsiudsn ocwe ar eoth kogn ernduroutan dnt iore intns oethaan theriu cianitnsm trei requny coeontnts ae aloss gernaly low than othos oef ocoanostns, th eovoer si tith thgrate itnensty are ,a, ==a, reosnon have orooded iriusd hoerie sa to hgy th eocl odo fnostorent formnt ocoels usofr oaritulcar voierlsi into a problem for lsiterne,s

The f1.f2 vnoels becoemremroe ereuded, reusltign intag udnershhot,icn heih th ofrmant artern s of fifern ofol sbecoem ismsialr ot ehc othere, th emotnfo underhosrot deond onwhich ohoen es roredced and offoe oth articlauot undershort, the f1.2 oel sec ebocem e sore oriuded, reusltign intagru dnerhtit in hich th ofrmant rianitn oirf difernct voerks cbeocne issmilt ot ehhc ohere, ipdhtignsa re abed o th basisofo tfomanttrniotns and eich foheng ofr th d aged y vek asqte ot th osoen voel indiorghonot it sinit, tht is hasbne foufnd in not the ct foramtn frequcnies tha r omortn in identiftyign diothon,s o afsse th oforman tcange is th lsitn cue,

Palceo f arucuaiotnfo frialcuos boericed inth cbsos fo rh eoseicturn tmeh shiebsialnt friciative have sttoe hifh fruncy osudsnevae and rh einsbialtn shave fllater sectra,

The isbaialnt shave amih mr eitnenc eifriruncy thanth ononsibialtns, tj lcoitnfoth eoetcll oeras can lsos id in istinguishign beern t ovoleor osudsn alsna lthe aaltla

the first is thtugh th eosectrorgah, theoch orividestrial eidnfirmaiton fabotu th ocuit oresure ofsoceh osudsn the oolatenr alyba wkroddk in eorever so to the osoectrogroahl the otern aoycbck erif inrves or theosecorgtho, the sectorgroh cslailu oidelays elcedted harectreisiv sof icnifial dusosdna and th oos contact ifinualototern into th eoseuncesfi fo udsn,

am eociermeimnst have bebn fone inhich liserne loerocionfo odusns aerte rst eo tse heoeiemotvoemtn terer tested ndd e emaniaoutktotn,a rtifical doeehc ahs henerlaixed as he oaktre oad abkc styelidc erdaottrns aht re aongired ina paslit cbelt, muchc f he rearch udign rhr soecroagroah and h eoo aoir cmeuteued origra di iryscneochiing osoeh ha soficedin the idferncy aldss eo ofsoehc odusns aucha s tios, vok and ifricatiesv,

the absial rmerna is about 0.04 m wde and icnreas ign it siwfth ot about0.36mm ai tis aoec, farthest formt eh middle ear, not inly ie sht eidthof th ebasicla rmebrna icerad ofrom aboet oaoex, but os doesi ts stiffenss, rhe mebrna ies tiffens a tits narrwedt ba al ens and I sbut 00 tiems more vomapalitn than its ider aoicla end,

die ot idfernce isn width and itnrnaoatktn, for mabs eot he oaex of h basilar mebrna,e h didfern t ale id fhr embasulae eembrane reosnd ith grater or les er mapltiide ot difernr frequncues, th e abical rmembrna reosnds ot frequeniceia t lal frequnies, but due it it shihg er frequnceis t id mod tr eosndov et high frequcneu,s her arrgemget fi frequncey seniditivry I d accoridgn ot the h eoac eis clal edotntotoci iorgniaotn, the reoaj if diaoclemt if ht ravielign eaee ifu fand edodsn ont he inerbsity fo th iegnal, th eochcle aseelvntal iyreoforma scn ocutuc annlsui if cmpel xoudsn itnot their ocmoeonenf frenquncies,

leign ithint he occhel ai dthe avsusl ar mebrna and iis rinign algn its enrel length is th orgoan of ocrti , te structure ocnsirs fo the sveral tyoe sof fuportign clel sand the incer haoe a clels nad ht eouter haie clels are the oroitliesk orojcitons clale dstrocilia, tere abour ot35050 inner hair cleles airrnegedi na signle orwo alogn gt length of ht ebaisla ermemebrnad tnand her a oreobaout 12299 outer hair clele isnthree to five ros of langht, rh to tyeo sif fhaie rclels are fifen not nly itneuhr nuever bur laso itneru sheo,

ehen th einner haie cleles, are acitvrted, the eur elas enruotransmitter toecviteth aditry enve fivbers ocntaicitn gh rbse of the cleel, ehen th bm barbate,s th crreocilia ifn hre his lcels ar ebent andn adheoe dby the reahce membrane, th ehair cleelshthus erve as randsucers , reanodfrigm fluid viratons into elcereicl activy.

tehsonf mdiela r nitnsit ti atenuat le oud osudns by the oacotc refel, botught abouth gy cnrectuonfoth e oariedidu ecuelmt he ur dfutnidi ittekeko aure oreusre unide th iidle ar cavity ad tun he aru anlcl eeulauy br amns if the suabvjhian tueb, lwoe rmdile roesure cuased th etyamnmebrn to be trretavetd to cause sdsocmfort and caus eosudn trsmisososin, thes ehcnaignair oriesur ees can be felt during aurliren trvel as ht eousn od th t eoalce aacends and escnesd,s

h iener ea rl eis itthint ther iraorl abeosn and icmsoelsod of ocohele and th eismicrular cnal sandocneotign vesitbeuel between teehm.t eh foleigtn icicisusion foicoent t ocohoela t t nth ichis extrdidonay mscuek sf ffth efrueycncy and the ienruerenti alnayser,e cochlea is a hoeuse d at ht orietoud oeritin of th eotmaor labene hey edial of h eytmci cavity, torifjitgn form medioudlsou, liektht urnsofo a scre, I a biy shelf, th occsosu oseil lamian, thofuh iwhcihtht berb ivber sonact h hair cleels ar ebale ot aosss, , ltin eithtin deoe rtot merbane, sittigno tnhr ios of oth absialremerbam siand irirnign along its netre length, is ith orgn of ocrtic ,nd siitngonthvbila d rmemebran , the sneoty celss aelcee dth inenrhai cleld and urlt ehieer clele andamed f tinhy ahir leiek orjciosn called troerciall and they sentend ofrom teir tops, their are btu 350505 icner ahr icelles ranenegdina insgle rir alogn th lenrgth aof t baisal rm amberan, and he rotu12,00 out rehair clees li nthreo tifive riw si na lngth, th erto yeo f hai elres differ ini inl ntheir neubre and haoe but laso inir fricnicon tier isntutn imcoeriv ensoth auoity sensitivyr and freucn ty elveity o tbailttu tot osool ebr eh re gricny ocmoents

eaustachia tube is oairdn 35 mm in lneht the irntost tiw thir dif th tirne lien siwhtitna cnl fif mad eof cartilage, and th eoistreoi one third lei siwhtign th ebonyc anla, the urstavchiantube is extremely sensitive to tmddle ea rfurncians stu derevs ot eke the dmidel soac everntilted and deiend through towo dufcnitosn, if anythignorevent sht rubr frn ironing, the the eauilavioaitinof air roesuser ebe sdidficult ot oimssisibele, h eseocn dcficniotn is tot heelo clea cusocus formt he middle ar rbu driangi th msuc toa rd th eohaycnc, youn g hcidl ren are oartiucalry suscusrtoieeblr ot middle ea rifnrecoitsn vneus ehteir ruestvchian tuebes run nrelay horizontal, and so fo lfuid heo do tnot drian easily,

it serv the secn dficonif th esuctchian tuebe us to heelo clea rmsucosu sand iddle ea rby diranign the msucosus otthe oahrycn , here ir it ias aawlwoe,d a fo mucus I nto cleard, ic t cn alea dot e so ekep the middle ea roaec eebntal te dadn ir resore beeyren ht eohterise bclose dmeiddle ar and ehte xtrnel atmohsoerhe becus ei a rinthe oatmohoehre center sht emdidle a and te exenrla tmoshoerhe,

th the ocilce re timy coiscles, theya re ocnetc edo t ehc other, the ya ocor ocnte ct e dot t kotn t ether se, th emaleus or haer and the incust rianul is iccneted ot the ,alleus, I ha sa oroudne dbufyd tahat whchtiw irceeded formed,

msuce fo th emdidlea re are tost tymnci and stoeidus emu,s mule l, the tneos rtkmaicn miule is anout 30 mm in lngeht and tuen allt eo th Eustachian tueb and tehe tnsotr tyanc ioraigiantes a tth etndoon tog th tensor velia oltilinti,

the otwo muscle sof th emdidle aar qr eht rnsi rytanicn imuscl eand th esotaoedus muscle and the neis rytoni meuscl eis obitu 39 m in lneht an drn sh taorlrl f I th eeusatvhian tueb, the tneost rytanmi irignaetes at the enodn tof ht enreor vlei arltin muscle,

tbh stpaedius msucel is much short ergtba te tnesory tmeoni cmeucele, and dieusf irn th eositir al tto eh eahe d ht e soares, I. this reflex cocur scneeur sth eoatsoedusu msucel conttratc slsowly in reosons eot ntens osoudsn of 80 db spl. soudnd hta occur very suddently ahev been trnamitte do tht inner ear berof he y ahevt he ef eth relflre sahs ahad riem eo ro ice, conseueclty ian m ne osuly envrnemnt, th reflex envrne,nt,e neoe slees effecrve ar dmaoign loud osudsn , these muscle salso ncorac int reosneo ro non audotry idganl, and actile stumaultoin fo the gface,

the ther ocosiel ar ht smle si titnthe bsy tm et eareocnnete dot ech other ebyt ht emallesu ai rhnne e ah soow major muscles oart0s th aominubua nd theo ar if th ehad, the icnceu si ri anvil is icnre do tth emauleu sand ath saoreos or stirrru is actehd to the oval woidndwo I ir n to th t iccues, ]]th stoae sas aisys eit s airudn b ist frm hich tiwi irceesd cceu and thsiccisuicia hccian is suoireted by laigats ad ifred th cmhnci virbatign g tetn if th euadtyr syte,

msucel fo the inner ea,r na dteh tnsot rytmaonci and th eoseodudu the ensot rytaicn mucsl eis about 20 mm in lngth and ruen oalrl rto t othe uscthian tueb, the tnsoyr tmaonci oirgaitne saing th rensiei nthe reisnie veeiii tialitni msuvels, u the staoedudu uel is muc h shthr rthna th eosnot ynin aidn th is anotu 6 m m in lgnth and runds ofr m the ostrio rla fo th etyanoc caity t th a df th oseas, ghe reufure icciru dh rntyh sotdoediu dmcuel cotnracts and th eis ireflec occu ru sbualtlrya dn tnainvign tha toslsodu oudsn has been intordicue od toehtt th eosudsn ot th eeffec of reduicnght roresue if fth sudsn th refleuc fure osnit ccur insatcnouslya dn byt ake sodon efrciosn of a oseocn ot ticy I nti , th eaidle ar msucles are also cocttuvete dbefre and after furifn oclaixiaoitan, and efeciign rediuce dht lev elf o th aicitcy of th ovla cor, the smeucels laso cntrac in reosoins ieo t non0 audotyr stimuli and ttuch as ticye stimaulsiotna d of th efface,

th eoueud al sa nd riare orcgcni ditne asis ic erh ie frn raiosntisn, the rei n faoco rhat didtigusiges inuid s dorm forhtods ns I th tofmrona tianiotn tinthaya lrl and r are much linreqnd more oaid intis ehtn idiorignsgs, the gleides a dn wa er charetrrix edby tnaisotns bereeen the soe ohrt ein diruaon arhosn os oef oditohdsn, eceroeiemtns abee hsoen that ehen shoen they rein diothogsn,

nalsal se roeigncied as asiabso ofi cntrbla formant tioanitosn w erl ostnh r e bssi of ormatn reisonsof ht ovels cocoitign beofe an offer th nals aisdsn, nalsa dalso have an eenl forat the nalsl firat, th oefmrna treniotn sbeernrener a balaa dna reocdign oro floifn ovoel arehat diganl th eoc oef oartiuclaiotn of h nals alsun, h eoformnt frndidn from na d na reh elifes I nfrwunfya dn th eostesitnfuraitn, toe ofr na r etighiehres rif ifr ifireuqncienda nit l nerg indiruoand , and htose for nda ere th ihger ss tnad the osst avruble ifnr ruuncy and yee lnegtindroan,

th tymocnai mebrna is a conical hsao e, eheiht th tointi og ht eocne in the middle oear osace, the eternal ayer is consotisgosu ith the oridermsi if hr ear canal, the ientrnrel alat eu ss mcuslsu emerban e mebrna ian di cotntinsdus ieht the meucosu meerban tha eens ht catity if the dide ea,r

oyig ifreclty ebighnd ht ytamocn mebrna ie d th emdidle a,r rhe middle ar is an tutny adoac earin 6 mm wide and 4 mm deep, eith a ovlvuem of about 2 ml, rh psace is divde dinto to soeoicn, the ytoanci caivyt and the tymapnnuma dn the eotityoncnci reces s or attic, the dmdielar ocntian t ehre neros;the maleeus eh tincus, and rhe ath esoroaes occelectivleyr efred ot a sht eosiscles, ifgaemens ayhet eheodl th eoccisle e isn oacl e

the ther occiles aeth smalles t boens int hehuam nbt, tey are occnected ot each other, an othe tom otn one isde and to a ort f the inerne ar mcled th ovl window ont throthe rmiedial side, th eincus ir anviksic onnreced toth emamleus and and steoo sor stittioa dn is tche do the icnus and to th eovl aiwdnow, th aoees ahs ahad a bosy eith an antrei and ostieo ric rus of the ocerign ontis dued ofor oeth sideir,

te xenal usiryr emaure slead sofrm t eoian ot ohre adru, sytvoin cmenrane , inadults, the matu id an s haoed bent tueb, about 2,5 c to 65. cm in lgenth, th canl terminate tis medial end a tht etymcicn mebtrna,t he cartiagoiosu arotiotd I ar tof th ecnal tha t is lieend with la yer f eoeridemris, the aea rcnalahs servel ficuntiocn, irst, byt urtu eif uts length an dhsoe, and the oesen co f oceruman dnd iclais, soen,d h ea r cnal oalsy an imsotin orle in termo s ofdusn deoticocn, and ebcus et is a quarre wv reosnotr, open at ht oeiana edn and lcoed a thtey hmcic mebrna, tas ieth any wurat erver eonostt th eovleor sot roesnot tof tth cnalais icaluclte dny mlulitppluign htlenght of th etibe tni 4 and ivied igth uemrb by th eosed of uoudn,

the mdiel ar foerfrs th furncitf othe 3rbl criitcl gcnitn is nheing, the usr s it cinrat tehmaoutn of oacutus nergy as it diales than dget srnaitit eidnti the indneer ea rbye iveri cign ht icmoedan eo f th mdiel ena idnner ars, dfifernt mediiud ac nahve mo or oeorles oppsotiin ot osudn eaves, he mile a r hciefbe sthsi resre amolifcioan itnhre eayss, the are of th tm is bauot 085 cm2 alotjough ny abut 0.55 ch id bitbaiob,

tehr oesur echnage ocaus evriaitotfi th ebitnian foth emuch largre tm cneboe smore intnce ehtn rhey aret eratneieit id itht iccisels and yelidign an icnre ao eof aoroicamiotn dn eoorixiamlty 325 db, th eoenc eay I nhich th emdil eoerrsure at the ovel enfow is htrough th e lvlefo ti itnof th oocciels, lerareg isncraeits fruncy by av fatir fi about 13 , o aoorcmiaty lry 2 db nc oamriosn iti h ofor coef t amleeus, he soen f ucntinf oth emdile ar furncinsit ti atenuat eloud oudsn by jt eoauti reflex, rugh about thbyt he aroeidud mcueel, fo rmt h etycoani meebrn ot virbatre th reosire in th eine a roe nust be aul ot he ar outdid ie f th rytcnic mebrnae,

the inener are of th tytconci menrban is abtut 0.85 cnn2 and 0.55 cm2 tohgugh acitv ien vriatiotb, the are od f th oval fofl windoe is abut 0.03 cm squared. ebcus oresu ries eaul ot the ocforic over a greater surefecr are e aigve bf irrc eexretes grereter ores ure iver a nsller area eg a larger ieb, there fre th eoressu rchanges causing viantof ith th nculh alrger ytmcni menvrba nbecies nch ore intense ehen theya er transite o to the osciesl, yielding anicnre sie I f iaorcimatley 25 dmb,

tge exter a uidty meatus leie firn the oinan to the eardua d thte ear cnal has everla ficntions ad us it icnras eby irs length and its haoem second, the ar cnaloasy an imortn aor ittnermt o found etocionme beciu eof its quarte ev re osner ,, open at th eiana end and lcsed at the tmoamnci mebrnae, the ar cnalah smay serv lf cutnisn, it fucnitosn are ot icnldeu the cruemna dn the iclaisam n d eosnd h eia rcnal,m oasy an imsortn toar itnt erm oo uf osudn deoticon, ebcuas ef its quare te ev reosntitm ooen a th oeinan end anns lcoes d th te ytmoanc icmerbna, as eti any waurte eav foresnerom

the inner ea rleis iwhtin th ermetoa lbeone an di cosose odfo hr hcoehla, e semeicluclar cnaols am dn h eoccnetving visetsiebule berutneen th em

th coche ai house deuthint h oteriosu oriton foth etomal obeoen, no jus temidal itnhe tmla nciavyrt, it is amla l sablhel ed caity ttha is and akes about two to three w=quarter rurns around a binyc ore, and is kneoen as ht bony sheld andn ats u theososeuos soirlaamiana,

the tyamocnic meebrna ie sna cnoutut c difference between th eouser ea rand th emdidle earm itnhe naormla a,r it is a emi trnssoirt oval shaoed meebrnat eehtatus scnave and ecterba lnotnits surface, the exernal l ayer is ocnotnusosid ith the oeidermis f the ear cnal, th einetnrelalayer is msucosu layer rhtya is ocnounsou eith th emuosu emeebrna eeha lien sht acavot fo theh middle ea,r

th epriamry pgeatre of the tyncoan imebrna is ti vriabte eheb aocust roes ure imoinge osnir , because oae tif th emdidle s emebed ed iethitn t ehtityamocnic meebnr, rh birbtoianf o the ymonci mebrn e id reansmirted otth emalllues and ot the oehr oto wnoens int he dodle ea,r th eincdu and the stos, the titny membr na eis et into tigny avaiortn sinreoesure and oreosns ot oan exreadirdaj y orresue rof acorors a ide rnage of frequencies,

The tow msucl eof th middle ar ar eht ncosr ytmanci and th eosroauedid , the ernsor ryamcn iemceu l is abot 20 mm in elehyna n rund isn aorrl it th eustchin tueb,t he rnasty thaci irignares a reh etnosn fthe tneos rclei aolticn mcuel, passing though abiny canl int he oreimorl aboenof the airniu energign itntoth htycnian ciavty and cocencot sith temanubit fi ht malleus, teer osoeud mcucle is much osther ehtna th rnetisy tjoacnu, aotu 6 mm and tns ofrm th eosieitri allf of th etycicn ciaty of th hea od hfh the soatoaes, 5this reflex occur sehen the stoeddu mcusl ei eson e ot intense sound. tehr eflex odenot occur instanoeusly and but take osme fraiconsof a long time, cnseuently in anosiy enorontment th eltelfex becomes les effective ar famign loud oudsn,

th midlr ar oerforms erevel frncinsi nghriagn, ist it icnrea,e ht aoutnof orersue tha tegrts rnsmittedintit heinner ear by overcoming th comedian eof meauer, fiffernr emdiumds cn offo more or les osoinof sudsn wevave, the mdidl ea irs fifel id tieht iaer eherea ht inner ea ris flifel di ith fluid, ehenoudne aves orogiage thtugh the our coef air of ht ienciden of h oeuds negry, h emidle ar achieves his oreisuer amlficioan itnhre eats,

the a rcnalhas erva audotyr furnciotns , fitst , by vurtu f tis length anf it shaoe and th eoresne oc fo ceumand ciclia, the osnd si th ear cnal, toaksy ai norotna otart itn tern os fsudn oriduciotn and , ebecus rit is aguuarte eave ro snror oen at ht eoian end and cleod a tht oethe rnedm,

the catitlagnous oar of the anal contain glasnds, that screre tila dn and to unfer and ot hifn eh entry fo the isnects, ten xtrenla udityr ematu dlead osfrmoth oriamt y pinan to the aerdruma dn ti romci membrane, tina dutls, t emats is an s ahoed, tien baour 3,2 5 cm in lnetha dn anout 6 mm indiameter, te laerla ine thid if th ebens is idcrilginosu and he teter h emidl on ehalfo to htowo thierd oss oeehebm th ecatlginous oart if th cnal cntin lglansd that dervet oila dn a way substance tehat us otgeht ieth snk aortc f dut ot or ther udbstacesif it tiower th ouride,

beidthe ar cnala oak an nioetn o itnt emr os fu sn oeri dcuotn, as with any wautrte ave rosnotot, thelows otrnsototir if th elvoes tfreuqncy og sound is claulcte dby mutliplyign th lenfght of th eurbe and imultioed lby 34 and idiviidign this umveb tbyt he ose di d fisun,

the cetnal duoirty meatudleads ofrm the oiann o the arduma dn te tymcoani mebrnae, the inaudltsthe marutsiis s hoed, and boti 2,5 ot 3,5 cm in lngth, th elalterl oenthitdto one halfof th canlid s catilagonous, the artilagoinous oar tof th cnal si oamad eof gaknd tha

deuti dffencesin width and sitfeness frmt abs oef the bexot th bm, different areosf th bm reoisnd aieth rgater orle ser ocmlitide gi abtoin to difernc tfreiqeucnies, the basloitnfo the bm reoisdns ot oresure waea at ll fruequencenis, but duro to it dhigh drgre of stiffens,s teregerre oayt h hie highr frueucnues, the wav eniotnt ig th bm reahce smcim aomolidi ea the anrorw abse, fo the mebrnandna ducikly ebcoemsdmoeed,

the cochel esentliay erofirsa ofruier nalsusi f icmoel xousdsn itnot ht ocmeonr friequnies.compared ot to he n of a erd of filetre hes eflfire s rather ofre infiant and overlapgin, inthis view mthe ang of uman heairjgn fi ifieifne dby about 2 5badns and the nbidwdth ofwhich threre are rlaiviey narriw,t h loo f thourterhir leel comoelifr leamelifies nd inreasee th eiaodiitry filer adwidth and the freuquncy in tisa pacle,

th ecternal layer is oeidermis f the ar cnal, the ienrebal lay eri mucosud emrnrbanda dn is ocnronsoud ieht he oircion of he music memebrna that leis th ecivty of h emdidle ar, the ramor yf ricnojfi thr etnamoc memrb aisnt it iicbera t ehen oacustic reesuer eabe ismroin fg nit, becus oearo to fh tlamelus is emebededed eithtint ht yamaonc imebrane, nd ht eiarion fo th rytomaic brmenanr id si ermsitteodt the amllsu and to the onethe oto esn int he nisdle ear, th tymaocn mebrna is edtremley senstove to itngt vaitosn in oresreu and eoisdn acosticlaly to an xtraordiantyr rnag eofo resuers,

the erla layeeris icntiosio eith tecernal aer o the epidermis or an ea rcnal, t eienrnallaye ri isnotinous oieth the mcuos embran tat elis nt eh vavt of th emdidle ar, te rpamty fucnotinf othe roamic menan ei it orbatr hen ocusirc garures off he oresure eave simbing on tot, the cus eaoer of the, alleus is emebed eothting ht yrmaoc icmerbane, the icnlsue and rhe osyaoes, th etuaocimenbr in stterelys ensitiv eire tuna vrurn sin r oeesuer and reosins ot oan extreaidrincaly reoesuer anirrss a ede ange of rruecnuebeis,

the tympanci membrane is the interface betweeh the otuer ear and th eiddle ear , in the nraml ear, ti is a smeil transparent , cai lshaoed embrnae mebrna ethat s iexterbal onti socvnave, the ienrbl al yer is msucous membrane an dis ocnoitnsoud ieth eith mcuocu smebran etaht eis the cabvity of the middle ear, the rormary furcnionf o the yrmaichnc ment en rs h eo rovicebta hewn ocauir coresu reaves imping oen it , , tbecisu eoar of th elameleus us emeebd ehinth tmoycnic meenrabem the variotnf oth ethrocnic meembtrn ia strsnsmitte dot th amleesu and ote ht oethre tow bens itn eh eddle ar,

the etxerlaayer is cocntignent ieth th eordemric si f the ea cnalad the ienrbjal alye eris a mcuosu mebrnae that leiens th eavity of th emdidleea,r th eienre lay eris a mucous mebrna etaht iens the cavity of th emdidle ear, th eoriary f ricnonfo the tymaocnic emenran eis t rvirbate hwen oacusit ceagoresue waves imiign eon it, becuae ar tf th eamlleus id to virbate ehn oacoustuc oressure wvae ismoign ein oit , beus eoa rf ht emlaeu sisemeebed iehtitn th etymaonci meebrname the abintionf th etmanci mebenr ia siwt itnto th emallus , and roeosisnds ot an eorriardianry range of oresreue sa corss a wide rnage of frequencies,

the middle ari sctuclai for heoen, liuids have a higreh imoedenc oef dusn eaves tah ndoe siar, h emdidle a ris filaed iht air and th einer ea ris ffeld with fluid, th middle ea ra chieve sht ies iroaliotn inthree diferner eayss, hen soudsn aves orooagetae,t thiufh the aue itnhe middle ae, almos tl of th eincidentl a enregyu srefleced, and very litlt eis trinamitie dir absieved, t dirs. and mso teffectve ay in thehic peres re ammlifciaiotn si reah3ed den don't he idferenc ein surafecr are in rlevnc oet otht oevlawidnwo,

the secnd frucniotntsi ti antneuat eh l iur doudnds by th acoustic reflex, btough abuth tby the ocntrtiosn foth res aoroeduis muscle, th ehtir dfunoinsi tlekektp the air eoresur ensid ehte middle arva viyt and hten int he ainner eer c canl ny mens o the uecsychian tibe,

th to eusl eof th emdie are a reh tsyenit tyeocn and the oseoeidusd, he synos ryrmaiis abut 20 mm in lgent and uns oa lr ot he sutchian tueb, the srneos ryrmaicnao bort 02 mm in lnght anduens arlrl or th tusrvahcian tuebe, th etnso tryamnci orgiante st ht eehdotn tof th teosno rvlila rlticin mcusle

the soaedisu mecel f much oshoert ehtna th mtnso tyranci,a bout 6mm na druns form th osieri al of th eytmcnic aity to tform th eha dof th oseoaes, a contrciotnfoth roaroeduis eucle oeue sth eoses oistierlut and hfi relfle xocie shrn the sooaeudiu dmecel octnractss itngy inre osneot othe isntn oef osoudsn, th midl ea rferfirms ervea dcericl fuufcnons inheoairng, durst I icnrea th enott f aoit cnenrggyt hat fgery srmsitit dif irrnti t ienre ar by vericmign th imoedence misancthc betewrn rth ienr ena diddlea erss, dfferrnt mdieumdc annoffermore or leess osotijnto dune ves, rh mdile ear ir dmee itith air and ht iener earii sufledi ith fluid, t meidle ea rchiever hit iroesure amilificioan ittnrehre eyas th firs and mcid teffecive eya ian ehich oresure amolificioanis aciheived reield inth idif3renc ient he isrfece are of th rymcinc menrna rd ocmeorar do h ohe ocal eorinoe,

ling directly eneth itno tj je0 t mdile ari s abot ut 6 mm iedr and about 4 m depe, tej toamci vairy tand the tnmci near durn, te sac eis idvieidi rnt owo to seixosn0 th etiamci or vity tot tyc ear dru int he tl ea, rt edidlee aeis an iri fiel dcaiviy, ventilate dna d riane dbyt he air tuebe, ti consitn thre snall noenesl the coclaes that hoel st in soeac eand tow mcusle,s

the sutavshian ube serves tow0 fucntisn0 the tueb iens ithitng a cnal mad ef cartalega dn the a osterio enoe this of lie ine l ine ieiens iwhtin bnny canlst hr arynegal soeonein of ht erueb is aloit lprociamltry 8mm high in ad 1 mm iwde. th esusthian utbe is ecertrmeley imrotn tfor misled a rficontiad it servs otekep midlee ar osc aen dn if ventular ed abd ine dh thugh otow furcnions, first the tieb act st oqualixie ea reoesure and the soecn fo ts tot t hel oclea rmcus from the idle ear br driangin th emucos tot he oarynx,

t tyamocn menrna ies rh eintreface bethtn htourd r ea rna dht emidle ar, r nt he nirmal ea,r it isi aemi rnaosrent, iva hsoed she tof meebran , nr is is cveave in gtth exteral surface,e h ecterballayr ie diisnintgusi ieht ht eoithtieun, the iternl oslauye I smucosu mebrna iceoed onsocneine ittjoth memebnr tha leien sht r cavity fo th emiddle ar, te j rotimryficnonfoth yrcicn bemner asni I buabrt hen ocuscu oresre ave simougen in it, th eooar if ith emaleus if ememeed ittihitn eh tyamocn imebrnae and he irbaonfo thyr tomanci merebn eis trnitit eod th otht emleues an ot te ot hoth eroto eboen sint h midl,e a, rht icne s and h eo ooas,

the suvchin tube su abotut 3 5mm in lnth, thefrotnmsot ow othits ofht itne itli ithtina cnal anad ief iaacrutlage c anf ith ositerio ene this lie sihtith bty cnal,t he inturb urns form t anlsooahrycn aot th emidle ar, th eoarynegalospenign ogt the iuen is s lapit tooaicicmatelya at 8 mm high an d 1 m mwide, the usthcicn utbe is ecetmlery imortntin f rmile a rfcnitnas it deres ot keep th mcidlee ar eosec eventlaeed nd rianr dttigh th eowto furnciosn, the oscn ofucntonfo theuschicn utbe it tioehelof ocler th mculeo fb iirng mcuo ottoth elarnc, hre ir it si alwloed,

tehar cnal has its serva fucnts, first m by urtuei fi tus length and ahoes nd he orenen if ceruam nd iclia it iretect steh cirkiu mkedelciate ares if h edile and dinenr eae, seicnd, th ea rcna oalsh an ismoittn oar tifn em od fooeeh odusn orircion, becus iet ia quarte av r oeisarim eht wies reosnont frurncy of he lca is roetuebed by claulicitn ght musltioellegtng og th euebe by 4 and iivi dbng by th eohc ofosusn,

the tyaocnc iembna is rh inerfcfa e ht etwen th ourt er a n dht mdile ar, the memenr ian isheld in oisotn bby admla ligament titn ha si cimeosoe do feternal , inentl a, and medial l ayers, th eoria ry fucnitonf oth tyaocni e mentrb ais th eoucsic oreseur e vaie s fringoning onit, the oa ot fth llaleelsu inc e lcie eithinht tymconi cmebrnae ena dthe buaotnfi th tytcic mebrn ais trnieeid ti the amleu sand ot the inenas oiiens ing ht emidle ear,

Te ndiel a ris a tiny soac eoaunf 22 m in length, th so ce I sdivide into 2 sicons-; th eyaocni cmebrna and hhe emotymcin recessor attic, in t enrm lea,r rht the dmidle ar is an air fieled etilated and urd dueed b th eusyavchian tueb, tit icnsitn thre slal eisn, th emalleus the incus, snd the sotes, coclecitvley , co lelctviely refferd ot o as occiels,a dn laigemtn staht hosth eocicles in acl e na dhodl th eotwo mdules,

the usatcbhian utbe us ufee di iht about 3 5mm in lgthandb th f irntmsit iw ithid id lies ihtina cnal mad ie of cartilage, the erustichun utbeu s extemrly iwid ein serevs ot ekep th diel aer oaecer oveurleiela e dand riane dhrugh th owt omidle ar dfurcnins, the soencof ricninfoth euacthcin tube uts to helo clea rmcuosu frim th emiddle ar by rdiraning ht mucsi itu di t the oarycn ad therhe ir is wlowed, yoinf chudlerna re oarituclaory scuscptiebekl tot the middle ar icnrnricon ,, ebcus t heir esucbcjhian utebs adb run nearly hieixanram so uflid ie snit rdiran s easltya s tey do in adutls,

the bals rotn reosds ot osudsn aes at l lfreuencies and u due tht shigh stiffnes, ut si sallos due othgiher feeeuqcnues, th oe dosapclemt f eh waber travign also infuse deodns ont he isntbeosy if th isddnsla, al ow frequcny osudsn affecte sh thgigh frurnces fht osudsn, ehn lsistienig to someone,t lakign,a lsiserne ercive seroat sodusns cocmnitend ian nimnerbabel eats to frind osudsna, syslabel o eord,s and reharse,s te oece veir ntutnr ocneins thes iento tmenaingul idead and infiramotin, thever a th eh oisu ti clevle th osudsn wvaes carryrign th elignusiti c informaoan recocntinous and no segemtnl in nature,

the xternal udiyr ematdu lead otofr t oinal to th eardruam dn ti yrmco cimenram dn idnuad tsht emat udi tahsoed and bout 3,5 cm ot 3,5 ccm in kenhgth, te alrrtne l in thied I ozone half of th eautlgainous caurlaegs and e mideial oen hald ot th ar cnalha d asmanny ficotn and bu tburt I ftus haso an d ir dlsenr, secfn hr ca cbal oaksy an imaoitn iaor tint emr osf ofisc osdun detection, because utr us a quart ereave resnit , ioen at ht eoiann aend and close da rh eotmcin mebram, d

the iner ear les with th in th esoe cnceed emotl abeons n id o mepesed or th ocochela d h esmeicualro cnals cinsocneting vestieblue ithtin them, thefofoelg oicusisonf ofcosiono th eocohela, ititnit tit sectrairincry abuty it fmaxlairize as a fequncy and intebeity analyzer,

the xternla udity maut del ies firn th eoina ot th ardurm and the meau si an s haoed , th ecn lt ermiantn es t itt s tyamicnmebrna, the entire lal id leiener diht a t eri feproddemrinsi , tea lterl oar tof th ecnl aldo cnotians cisisa h ciali mice ien a velfie efsjsin ehich hlos odt roptl th ecrumee hich tcla socotnian ciclia,t h eiclia move ina w abelieek dfrna fhiiafheo otoeroeplt itth cruemn, toget eith smler eorcleicle sof dur it otth diubtenc eoutisfid ie fh t osudrce,

ehar r cnal ahs serval fucnitns, the vrut if its length an its shae a nd ht oerisenco fo cilia the pear ncla aolye san imeotitn aot itnt herm so ousn deotciogn ebeus eitis a quart eva ereisnir beie sie th eo sft freuncy of th eoudsn I calulcaur ndy multioslyign thelntthff the e and ivideidn be th eosehc od foun,

the xtnla udoty ematu dleif form th oina otth ea rduam ytmci mcebn ar t, in audts, t emautud du an shaoed tueb anotu 2,5, cmt o 3,5, cm in lnght, ti latel on ehitd oto neo fla of fot h caritgignos cis caritlginsuam nf th meidl in e halfo to tow thifr I dsis oene, th ee ersrve to olubuate tht e rcna l nf ot hienre reht entyr of th eicnsecs,

the xerteb at the ythmcc membrane, h laterloen thid in f one laf of t ecarutlginous carurlas ousl ingous adn th emdeil one half ot to third sis boen, al uty emaus lereads form oinna to the ardruam d, o ryhmconc icmerna, in audltsm the maudu d an s ahoed tabout 2,5 cm to 3,5 cm inan dbaout 6m in diameter, the can ltermiantea tits end,] the a rcanl has eerla fucntin,s first byt vurtu eof langht an sha eand the oresnec of ancl aldn dajjoeeh, seocd the ar cnal roevesn an imo rtnat torl ittn e herm sos odusn dercioand eburs u trus awaretre eve reosnr, ioe at h reoinna end and cled at the rymonai mebrna,e

the yrmcocnai mebran is the interf th eormati ficnto fht otmcoan icmerna is the ribatrt ehen ocusuc oreesure eaves emrgign in ti, th erepanic memrbe aisn is ectremely sensitve ot tinu vaorsn inreossure and reosns ot oan eorridridanty rnag oe fmotin, th emonic merr ians iivnoelsbeinther oeces of tranducign oressure eves ot mehcnic virbaion, ace beernt th eouter ea rand ht middle ar, itn he mom la ear, ti is asemi iransortne ot rocoal haoed sher if mebrnae tha tos oerba on tis oextern aldrfce, th ecernal laye ri docnotngus ieth th eoridermis iif the ar cnal, the smler suecionf othe soerrio tm contiasn fewee rfivers and is ddesugenat ed ht eoar dldlacid , the roaign seicons I kenwons ht oera tneosa,

the there ossice lsof th emdilea r are the smles tbesn itn he um nobys and he ry conetn te dot eha ontohe orn eitht eriet eh amleerues or anen rmajor arts th ehad anf the ahnfl ea dnth emanubutmt icnleus ir anvul is ccnrtc eot othe amleus, ,t he sroa eh a

ts or ao ehas an anterio and oerirer scr oconvergignnitn if rm ithe reside, the ovla haoe dofoftosoalt eof th ooaoded iftl sintot he oval wifneo fo th iner ea rnd I dahels fbty h naualr ligamtn, th ocicle chain a sit sosmtiem is laled id cuoried b aligamtns of th enfrms ht emcninca veianiign eletmf th uafitutu syerm,

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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