The Definitive Anatomy EXAM 2 QUIZLET

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Example of Amphiarthrosis

(Fibrous)-radius/ulna shafts (Cartilaginous)-pubic symphysis, intervertebral discs

Examples of Synarthrosis

(fibrous)-cranial sutures (cartilaginous)- Epiphyseal cartilage(synchondrosis)

All muscles share these properties

-Extensibility- able to contract over several resting phases -Elasticity- goes back to original length after contract -Excitability- respond to stimuli -Contractibility- able to shorten and exert pull

Functions of Synovial Fluid

-Lubricate 2 bones rubbing against each other -Nourishes chondrocytes which keep articular cartilage alive -Shock absorption


-cytosol of the cell

Functions of skeletal muscle

-maintains posture/position -supports/protect soft tissue -regulates exit/entrance of material -maintain body temp.

Rhomboid minor/major

-origin on inferior part of spine, inserts on scapula -retracts scapula

What are the non-respiratory functions of the diaphragm?

-prevents acid reflux -increases intra-abdominal pressure which is important for expelling vomit/feces/urine

Pectoralis minor

-pulls/depresses elevated scapula -protracts a retracted scapula

The pelvic girdle is formed by how many bones


Steps to muscle contraction

1. motor neurons send electrical impulse to sarcolemma, t-tubules send this to the sarcoplasmic ret. which then sends out Ca ions 2. Ca ions bind to troponin, tropomyosin moves, exposing active site 3. Myosin heads bind to actin site (cross bridge) 4. Myosin moves towards middle (contraction) 5. ATP binds to myosin head, cross-bridging stops 6. myosin heads return to normal state

How many phalanges are there total in one hand


The knee is formed by how many bones


The pectoral girdle is formed by how many bones


The elbow joint is formed by how many bones



Agonist and antagonist muscles tht contract at same time to stabilize joint, but not move

When the forearm is pronated, the shaft of the radius is ____________ to the shaft of the ulna.


Sharp ridge on the tibia responsible for causing pain when the shin is hit

Anterior tibial margin

Saddle joint

Biaxial synovial joint where one bone is concave and other is convex

The ligaments on the plantar portion of the foot connects what two bones together

Calcaneus and navicular

When the elbow is extended the radial head articulates with the

Capitulum of the humerus

Rough spot on the lateral side of the humerus. Serves as muscle attachment for a major muscle in the shoulder

Deltoid tuberosity

When the elbow is extended the coronoid process articulates with what

Does not articulate with anything

Extensor Indicis

Extends index finger

What bone feature and bone articulates with humeral head

Glenoid fossa of scapula

The neck of the femur is lateral to the

Head of the femur

What bone can be located in the arm


During forced exhilation, what are responsible for depressing the lungs?

Internal Intercostals

The lateral femoral condyle articulates with which bone feature

Lateral tibial condyle

Example of Diarthrosis

Limb joints

Articulates with the talus to form part of the ankle joint

Medial malleolus

Located on distal portion of the tibia & articulates with the talus to form part of the ankle joint

Medial malleolus

Flexor retinaculum of the hand Funt: Wide band that holds tendons of flexor muscles

Name Muscle: Function

Abductor pollicis longus

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Adductor Longus

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Adductor Magnus

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Biceps Brachii (Short head) Origin: Scapula Insert: Radial Tuberosity Funt: Flexion @ elbow & Shoulder, Supination

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Biceps Brachii (long head) Origin: Scapula Insert: Radial Tuberosity Funt: Flexion @ elbow & Shoulder, Supination

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Biceps femoris

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Brachialis Origin: Anterior of Humerus Insert: Ulna Funt: Flexion @ elbow

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Brachioradialis Origin: Epicondyle of humerus Insert: Styloid process o/radius Funt: Flexion@ elbow

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Calcaneal Tendon

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Deltoid Origin: Clavicle& Scapula Insert: Deltoid tuberosity of Humerus Funt.: Abduction, Flexion/extension, Medial/ Lateral Rotation

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Extensor Carpi radialis Longus

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Extensor Carpi radialis brevis

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Extensor Digiti minimi

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Extensor Digitorum Longus

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Extensor Hallucis Longus

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Extensor Pollicis Brevis

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Extensor Pollicis Longus

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Extensor Retinaculum of hand

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Extensor carpi ulnaris

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Extensor digitorum

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Extensor retinaculum of the foot

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Fibularis Brevis

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Fibularis Longus

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Flexor Carpi Radialis Origin: medial epicondyle of humerus Insert: Metacarpal 2 &3 Funct: flex & abduct @ wrist

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus; olecranon on ulna Insert: Pisiform, hamate, base of metacarpal V Funt:Flexion and adduction at wrist

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Flexor Digitorum Brevis

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Flexor Digitorum Longus

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Flexor Hallucis Longus

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Flexor digitorum superficialis Origin:Medial epicondyle of humerus; coronoid process of ulna and radius Insert: middle phalanges 2-5 Funt: Flexion at proximal interphalangeal, metacarpophalangeal and wrist joints

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Flexor pollicis longus Origin:Radius and interosseous membrane Insert: distal phalanx of pollex Funt: Flexion o/thumb

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function


Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Gluteus Maximus illium Iliotibial tract and gluteal tuberosity of femur Extension and lateral rotation at hip; helps stabilize the extended knee; abduction at hip

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Gluteus Medius ilium Greater trochanter of femur Abduction and medial rotation at hip

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function


Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Iliotibial tract

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Inferior Gamellus

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Infraspinatus Origin: Scapula Insert: Greater tubercle o/Humerus Funt: Lateral rotation @ shoulder

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Obturator Internus

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Palmaris Longus Origin: Medial Epicondyle humerus Insert: Retinaculum Funct: Flexion @ wrist

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function


Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function


Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function


Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Pronator Teres Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus & Coronoid process of ulna Funt: Pronates forearm, flexion @elbow

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Triceps Brachii Origin: Humerus & scapula Insert: Olecranon of ulna Funt: Extension @ elbow

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function


Origin is temporal bone, inserts on mandible, same function as temporalis

The patella articulates with which bone feature

Patella surface

What bones fuse to form the os coxa

Pubis, ilium, ischium

What structure is the patella encased in and formed inside of

Quadriceps femoris tendon

The radial head articulates with this depression on the humerus

Radial fossa

The radial head articulates with the

Radial notch of the ulna

Joint where the axial and appendicular skeletons meet in the lower limb and serves to transmit the weight of the torso onto the pelvis and lower limb

Sacroiliac Joint

Which carpal bones articulates with the forearm

Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum

The most medial portion of the clavical

Sternal end

Which tarsal bone articulates with the tibia?


Which carpal bone, based on its location, would articulate with the metacarpal of the thumb?


Which two bone features compose the condyle of the humerus?

Trochlea and capitulum

The humeral trochlea articulates with the

Trochlear notch of the ulna

When the elbow is extended the trochlea articulates with the

Trochlear notch of the ulna

Articular Cartilage (hyaline cartilage)

Type of Diarthrosis joint on the end of the bone where it will come together with another bone

Diarthrosis (Synovial joints)

Type of joint that is freely movable


Type of joint that is slightly movable

The ulnar head articulates with

Ulnar notch of the radius

Joint movements in coronal plane

abduction and adduction

Femoral head articulates with which bone feature


Pectoralis Major

adducts/medially rotates arm

Psoas major

an axial and appendicular muscle that attaches femur and lumbar vertebrae -contracts to pull back into anatomical position with rectus abdominis

Extrinsic muscles

appendicular muscles that originate from vertabrae or ribs and insert on bones of upper limb

3rd class

applied force between resistance and fulcrum (flexion at elbow)

Example of pivot joints

atlanto-axial joint and radioulnar joint


attaches scapula to hyoid, pulls hyoid inferiorly


attaches sternum and clavicle to mastoid process -has 2 heads (sternal and clavicular) -if both heads contract at once, it will flex neck/pull chin closer to chest -if one side contracts, it will pull that side laterally SCALENES ASSIST in laterally flexing


axial and appendicular muscle in iliac fossa that attaches to femur

Intrinsic Muscles

axial muscles that orignate from vertabrae or ribs and insert on vertabrae or ribs

Internal intercostals

between ribs, depress -runs opposite diagonal (superior medial to inferior lateral)

External intercostals

between ribs, elevate -runs diagonally btwn ribs (superior lateral to inferior medial rib)

Ellipsoid joint

biaxial synovial joint where an oval surface fits into depression on opposing surface

When the elbow is flexed the radial head articulates with the

capitulum and radial fossa of the humerus

Unhappy triad injury

common injury where force comes from lateral side of knee and ACL, medial meniscus, and medial tibial colateral lig tears


compresses cheek (bubble in mouth), pushes food towards teeth


connections between bones that may or may not allow movement

Flexor/extensor tendon sheaths

connective tissue that wraps around each fibrous tendon and reduces friction

Muscle belly

contain the part of the muscle that contracts the skeletal muscle fibers

When the elbow is flexed the coronoid process articulates with the

coronoid fossa of humerus


covers anterior neck muscles, orignates on clavicle , inserts on mandible

Main function of muscles

create movement in the body

Flexor/extensor Retinaculum

dense fibrous tissue that covers the tendons of fingers, on wrist, holds everything in place


depresses hyoid and larynx

Joint movements in ankle

dorsiflexion and plantarflexion

intrinsic muscles on your intermediate layer of back

erector spinae group: spinalis, longissimus, and iliocostalis (responsible for extension at torso) -longissimus and iliocostalis will rotate torso when both contracted -help extend back to put into anatomical position


fibers run oblique on either side of multiple tendons (deltoid)


fibrous cartilage pad important for shock absorption


fibrous connective tissue that Attach bone to bone, support joints by limiting movement

fat pads

fill spaces that form when joints change shape

Joint movements in sagital plane

flexion and extension

convergent muscle

form a broad end and come together to form a tendon on other end (Pectoralis muscle)

1st class

fulcrum in between resistance and applied force (flexion at neck)

Rotation of back involves which muscles?

iliocostalis, longissimus, internal/external oblique


important for swallowing, lifts hyoid/larynx during swallowing

Serratus Anterior

inserts on ribs, origin on axial skeleton -protracts scapula

Lateral flexion of the back involves what muscles?

internal/external obliques and quadratus lumborum

Splenius capitis

intrinsic muscle on back of neck that originates on vertabrae and inserts on occipital bone -if both sides contract it will extend the neck -if one side contracts, laterally flex to that side

Cardiac muscle

involuntary muscle that is found in heart and pumps blood through arteries and veins


involuntary muscle that works to push fluids and solids through digestive tract


involved in chewing/retraction of mandible, inserts on mandible

Example of saddle joint

joint btwn 1st metacarpal and trapezium

Example of hinge joint

knee, elbow, ankle, inter-phalangeal joint

joint movement in vertebral column

lateral flexion- moving head to shoulder

Lateral/Collateral lig.

ligament that runs laterally down femur and tibia, does not connect to meniscus

Teres Major

medially rotates arm

Example of Ellipsoid joint

metacarpophalangeal joint, metatarsal phalangeal joint (2-5)

Pivot Joint

monaxial synovial joint that allows rotation of one bone around another

Hinge Joint

monaxial synovial joint where a rounded convex surface fits in concave surface

Gliding Joint

monaxial synovial joint, where 2 flat or slightly curved surfaces articulate


movement in one plane (elbow and ankle)


movement in three planes (shoulder and hip)


movement in two planes (ribs and wrist)

Skeletal Muscle fiber

multi-nucleated, cellular component of muscles, striated, 30-40cm among biggest cells in body


muscle action group that extends forearm


muscle action group that helps agonist and antagonist with particular action

Prime Movers

muscle action group where muscles are responsible for particular movements (biceps brachii)

Eccentric Contraction

muscle force generated is insufficient to overcome load on muscle, fibers lengthen as it contracts (slowly lowering weight)

Concentric Contraction

muscle force generated is sufficient to overcome resistance, muscle shortens when contracted (lifting weight)

Isometric contraction

muscle remains same length (holding in place)

Pennate muscles

oblique angle of muscle fibers to tendon

Adductor Magnus

only adductor in thigh that will do all three: extend/flex/adduction

Adductor Hiatus

opening btwn 2 parts of adductor magnus that allows passage for femoral artery and veins


originates on scapula, inserts on humerus -abducts humerus

Latissimus dorsi

originates on verterbral column and inserts on medial part of humerus -flex arm, adduct arm

What bone forms the pelvic girdle

os coxa


part of muscle that connect muscle to bone, skin, or muscle, create leverage to allow muscles to move, also limit movement

Skeletal muscle exerts what on skeletal elements

pulling force

2nd class

resistance in between applied force and fulcrum (standing on toes)

Superior Oblique of eye

rotates top of eye medially (intorsion)


separates synovial membranes, reduces friction/absorbs shock

2 factors affecting mobility of a joint

shape of articulating surfaces and types/quantity of accessory structures


sheet of tendon that connects muscle to muscle


smallest functional unit of muscle, an arrangment of thick/thin filaments

These two muscles come together to form the calcaneal tendon

soleus and gastrocnemius

Intrinsic muscles on your superficial layer of back

splenius capitis

Example of Gliding joints

sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular, intercarpal, intertarsal joints

Sarcoplasmic reticulum

surrounds each myofibril


surrounds muscle fiber/cell, regulates transport of substances


surrounds the bundles of muscle fassicles


surrounds the muscle fibers/cells


surrounds the myofibrils

Intermediate Tendon

tendons between muscle bellies (abs)


thick myofilament, titin holds it in place


thick/thin filaments in sarcomere


thin myofilament that contain two strands

What divides the extrinsic and intrinsic muscles?

thoracolumbar fascia

When these 3 muscles work together they will cause dorsifelxion of the foot:

tibialis anterior, extensor digiorum longus, extensor hallucis longus

Joint capsule

type of diarthrosis joint that surrounds bone Has 2 layers: Avascular layer (outside) and synovial membrane (secretes synovial fluid that fills up synovial cavity)


type of joint that is immovable

Inspiration Maximum

when diaphragm contracts, it moves inferiorly, increasing space in thoracic cavity and draws air into lungs

Expiration Maximum

when diaphragm relaxes, decreases air in space, forces air out of lungs

Sustenacular Groove

where the tendons of several muscles run through in order to pass from the leg into the plantar part of foot

Central Tendon

white area on superior part of diaphragm


-extends from occipital bone to scapula and spine -elevates scapula and clavicle -retracts scapula -wraps around anteriorly to clavicle

How many carpal and tarsal bones on one side of the body

8 and 7

What are responsible for contracting during respiration? (Taking in breath)

External Intercostals

A sheet of fibrous connective tissue between the two bones of the forearm and leg

Interosseous membrane

What does this pulling force from the skeletal muscle do?

It can either stabilize a joint by preventing movement or create movement.

When the elbow is flex what does the olecranon articulates with

It doesn't articulates with anything

Coracobrachialis Origin: Coracoid Process of Scapula Insert: Shaft of Humerus Funct: Adduction & Flexion @ Shoulder

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Rectus Femoris

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function


Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function


Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Superior Gamellus

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Supraspinatus Origin: Scapula Insert: Greater tubercle o/ Humerus Funt: Abduct shoulder

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Tensor Fasciae Latae

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Teres Major Origin: Scapula Insert: Bicipital Groove of Humerus Funt: Extension & medial Rotation @ shoulder

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Teres Minor Origin: Scapula Insert: Greater tubercle of humerus Funt.: Lateral Rotation & Adduction @ Shoulder

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Tibialis Anterior

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Tibialis Posterior

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Vastus Lateralis

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

Vastus Medialis

Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function


Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function


Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function


Name Muscle: Origin, Insertion Function

When the elbow is extended the olecranon articulates with the

Olecranon fossa of the humerus

The ulnar notch is on the distal portion of what bone


Which dome in your diaphragm is taller?

Right dome, bc of the liver

When the elbow is flexed the trochlea articulates with the

Trochlear notch of the ulna


fibers run oblique on either side of tendon (rectus femoris)


fibers run oblique on one side of tendon (extensor digitorum)

Parallel muscle

have parallel muscle fassicles, majority of muscles in body are these

Joint movements in transverse plane

left/right rotation-shaking head lateral/medial rotation- rotating forearm/leg Supination/pronation-forearm only

Posterior Cruciate Lig (PCL)

lig. that connect posterior part of tibia to anterior part of femur, prevents tibia from moving too posteriorly

Anterior Cruciate Lig. (ACL)

lig. that connects anterior part of tibia to posterior part of femur, prevents tibia from moving too anteriorly

Medial/tibial collateral lig.

ligament that runs medially along femur and tibia, stabilizes knee joint, attached to medial meniscus

Muscle fassicle

long cylindrical structure made up of muscle fibers/cells, those muscle fibers are made of myofibrils which contain the sarcomere for contraction

Ball and socket joint

triaxial, one surface is round, other is cupped

Transverse or T-tubules

wrap around parts of myofibril, communicate with sarcolemma of muscle fiber

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