The Movement III: Painting, Art History: The Movement III: Painting, Art History: The Movement II: People, The Movement I: Renaissance Architecture, Art History: The Movement I: Renaissance Architecture, Art I B Cumulative Exam Notes

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What type of artwork is on The Gates of Paradise doors?


This piece by ______(1)______ shows the values and expression that can be achieved through ______(2)______.

(1) Rembrandt; (2) etching

When creating a(n) ______(1)______, artist draws on a metal plate with a tool called a ______(2)______.

(1) drypoint; (2) burr

What is an impost block? a. a block that is between the column top (capital) and the springing of the rounded arch b. another name for a column c. a section of the clerestory windows that provides support d. none of these


What was Brunelleschi's relationship with the Medici family? a. He was commissioned frequently by the Medici family for many projects. b. He married a Medici daughter and became involved in the family business of banking and patronage. c. Both A and B are correct.


What is the first step to masking a woodcut?

A drawing is made on wood.

Which of the following best describes the scene in Disputa?

A dream of heaven that has been opened up.

Which of the following features could be found in more exotic grottos?

A fountain or pool.

What is gesso?

A medium used as a surface preparation or primer for a painting.

What is linear perspective?

A method artists use to create the illusion of space

What symbols did Michelangelo include in the sculpture titled New Sacristy?

A moon and gold to symbolize night.

What is a triptych?

A piece of art with three panels.

What purpose did a grotto serve?

A place where one could commune with nymphs and muses, and escape the summer heat.

What is intaglio?

A printmaking technique where the image is incised into the surface

What did Donatello's use of expression add to his sculptures?

A realistic quality

What was the Counter-Reformation?

A rebuttal from the Catholics to seek internal reform and renewal.

What is a grotto?

A recess typically made of irregular stones and covered with artificial foliage.

What is Pieta?

A sculpture of Mary holding Jesus' body

What original character did the mercenary replace in the image above?

A second woman.

What is the Tempietto, seen below?

A small tomb built by Bramante, in the courtyard of San Pietro in Montorio.

What is Mannerism?

A style from the 16th century that suggested elegance, self-awareness, and sometimes artificial grace.

What is buon fresco?

A technique in which water based paints are applied on wet plaster.

There are four statues by Michelangelo in the Great Grotto. What were they originally designed for?

A tomb for Pope Julius.

What is aquatint?

A type of etching that uses powdered resin that stops the acid from eating away at the surface, creating a tonal effect.

In Robert Campin's Triptych of the Annunciation, what everyday object was turned into a religious symbol?

A white towel.

How does Michelangelo emphasize that God made Adam in his own image in The Creation of Adam?

Adam's form and pose mimic God's.

What was Bronzino's real name?

Agnolo di Cosimo

What was Bronzino's real name?

Agnolo di Cosimo.

Which artist created the building seen in the image below?

Alberti (Leon Battista Alberti)

Which of the following is true about the Mona Lisa?

All of the above (She has an ambiguous expression, it is da Vinci's most famous painting, and that her gaze is shifted slightly to look straight at the viewer)

What was the focus of Renaissance art?

All of the above (harmony, math, ancient Rome)

How did Masaccio enhance the look of the fresco above?

All of the above (he painted using a high contrast, he illuminated the figures from outside light sources, he painted Jesus in lighter colors than the other figures) (???)

Which of the following was a popular art form during the 15th century?

All of the above (murals, frescos, sculptures)

What significant role did printmaking play in the art of the period?

All of the above (printing opened the door for female artists, printing helped to generate revenue, and printing helped spread knowledge and art in the forms of illustration)

What is the vanishing point?

All of the above (the point where you can no longer see the image, the point where all imaginary lines converge, the point where the image fades)

What traditional Flemish symbols can you identify in the piece below?

All of the above.

Which of the following best describes Florence during the beginning of the Renaissance?

All of the above.

What is a guild?

An association of people of a certain trade or occupation.

What is a guild?

An association of people organized by occupation.

Which of the following people is included in the painting School of Athens?


Which of the following statements is true about the paintings of Flanders?

Artists commonly understood symbols in their paintings.

How was the artist for The Gates of Paradise chosen?

Artists competed for the opportunity (Ghiberti won)

How was the artist for The Gates of Paradise chosen?

Artists competed for the opportunity.

What is Correggio's most famous piece?

Assumption of the Virgin.

What is atmospheric perspective, and where can it be seen in The Tribute Money? (shown above)

Atmospheric perspective is making objects that are further away less detailed. It can be seen in the mountains as they fade from grayish green to grayish white.

What technique was used to create a more realistic interpretation in Flemish art?

Atmospheric perspective.

What characteristic method of Roman architecture was used to create The Basilica of San Lorenzo in Florence? a. statistics b. mathematics c. trigonometry d. astrology


What did Renaissance architects seek to create? a. perfect balance in their architecture b. perfect images by using mathematical formulas c. perfect symmetry d. all of the above


What does the word Renaissance mean? a. new birth b. rebirth c. reconstruction d. renewal


What was the portico of the Foundling Hospital to be used for ? a. a porch b. a public shelter c. a walkway d. a chapel


All of the following are reasons why engraving can be difficult, except which?

Before beginning the engraving, the artist must apply a thin layer of acid to the metal surface on which the engraving will be done.

How is Leonardo da Vinci?s The Last Supper different from traditional depictions? How is Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper different from traditional depictions?

Both A and B are correct. (He paints Judas within the disciples instead of off to the side, creating a realistic and psychological interpretation that places importance on the role Judas, Peter, and John in the story of the Gospels and He represents the Trinity by painting Christ in an equilateral triangle and by grouping the apostles in threes.)

Who is pictured below?


Who is pictured below?


What artist painted the image below?


Which artist developed linear perspective?


Which of these artists designed the Great Grotto in Boboli Gardens?


How is tempera paint made?

By binding pigments with egg yolk.

By what means was most of the art in Florence created? a. by the churches themselves and the wealthy clergy b. by the donations to the Catholic church c. by patronage funding from the Medici family


What style(s) did the Foundling Hospital construction reflect? a. new Renaissance style, with no traditional forms b. traditional Roman style, and no Renaissance style c. both traditional forms and Renaissance style d. none of the above


Who were the Medicis? a. a family of architects during the Renaissance who built famous buildings b. a family of artists who produced much of the art in Italy during the 15th century c. a wealthy banking family who virtually ruled Florence d. a wealthy family of writers during the Renaissance


Which of these architects developed the St. Peter's basilica that exists today, and what were his changes from the original design?

Carlo Maderno extended the nave to 636 feet, and added a new facade.

It took Michelangelo 4 years to paint the ________ of the Sistine Chapel.


What did the color purple symbolize in Flemish painting?

Christ's royal heritage.

What does the sensuous quality of this piece suggest was its inspiration?

Classic mythical beauty as well as flesh-and-blood beauty. Who is the artist of the piece above?


Who is the artist of the piece above?


What artistic skills are best represented in the image above?

Color and form.

Where did much of the Counter-Reformation take place?

Council of Trent.

Which of the following is one of the painting steps in Cennino Cennini's painting handbook?

Cover with linen soaked in gesso.

What was the Foundling Hospital? a. a hospital founded by the Medici family b. a public orphanage that was constructed by the Medici family c. a hospital that was built by Michelangelo d. a public orphanage that was constructed by Brunelleschi


What is depicted in the image below?

David with his conquest beneath him

Which of the following is true of woodcuts?

Delicate lines strengthen inner forms (?)

Correggio was known for creating _________ and ____________ effects.

Dramatic; theatrical.

What interesting feature did Alberti use on each floor of the Palazzo Rucellai?

Each floor has a different type of classically inspired column.

What is the name of the painting shown below, and who is the artist who painted it?

Expulsion from Paradise, Masaccio

Where are The Gates of Paradise located?

Florence Baptistry

The dome pictured below is part of which structure?

Florence Cathedral

What does tromp l'oeil arch mean?

Fool the eye arch.

Which technique is being used when paint is applied to a dry plaster wall?

Fresco secco.

Which of the following is considered one of the most famous pieces of art of the Renaissance?

Gates of Paradise

Which of the following was printed by William Caxton's publishing house?

Geoffrey Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales"

Which artist created the masterpiece seen above?


Who was Titian most inspired by?


Who painted the frescoes in the image below?

Giotto di Bondone.

What is the overall theme of the Sistine Chapel paintings?

God's relationship to man.

Which of the following are characteristics of the High Renaissance?

Gravity and balance of individual parts to the whole.

What is pictured below?

Great Grotto, Boboli Gardens

What is pictured below?

Great Grotto, Boboli Gardens.

Which of the following best illustrates Tinoretto's planning techniques?

He created a small scale model with wax figures.

How did Brunelleschi solve his problem with the dome of the Florence Cathedral?

He created many layers of support within the dome. (?)

What astonishing decision regarding St. Peter's Basilica did Pope Julius II make in 1506?

He decided to demolish the original Constantinian basilica.

What is William Caxton known for?

He developed the first printing press in Germany.

What characteristic of Donatello's work helps to define him?

He explored human emotions and expressions.

What is Martin Schongauer known for?

He had the amazing ability to shade from the deep blacks to faint grays, using only lines. (?)

What is Bramante credited with?

He introduced the High Renaissance style of architecture.

What is Aristotle's gesture in School Of Athens, and what is meant by it?

He motions towards Earth, signifying that everything can be understood from gathering scientific knowledge from the material earth.

How did Michelangelo paint the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel?

He painted them as a narrative story.

What is Plato's gesture in School Of Athens, and what is meant by it?

He points up to heaven, signifying that everything is a reflection of Forms that reside in heaven.

How does Donatello's depiction of Mary Magdalene deviate from others?

He shows her as emaciated and ragged

How does Donatello's depiction of Mary Magdalene deviate from others?

He shows her as emaciated and ragged.

How did Bramante bring about the High Renaissance style of architecture despite his slow beginnings?

He understood classical architecture and gave it a fresh look.

How does the artist use light in the image above?

He uses one natural and one supernatural light source. How does the artist use light in the image above?

He uses one natural and one supernatural light source.

What physical characteristic does Michelangelo commonly used in his frescoes?

He uses strong muscular forms.

What is one geometrical fact explained in the lecture that reflects the mathematical technique da Vinci used in The Last Supper?

He uses the coffers of the ceiling to place Jesus in the mathematical center, and to create an illusion that extends the room beyond what is visible. (?) OR He uses trigonometry to find the exact place where each thing should be located and create the picture plane.

What were Michelangelo's feelings about painting in the Sistine Chapel?

He was less than happy.

The Sistine Chapel paintings resulted in a new powerful style in ______ Renaissance.


What was Masaccio best known for?

His interest in perspective, architectural style, and classical sculpture

In the work seen above, Correggio brought in the______________ of ___________ work.

Idealism; Raphael's.

Which of the following is not one of da Vinci's contributions to technology?

Ideas for space travel

What are orthogonal lines?

Imaginary lines that lead to the vanishing point

Which of the following is true about the Mona Lisa?

It is a highly replicated work.

What was Florence's key role in the beginning of the Renaissance?

Its wealth and individualism promoted artistic growth.

Which of the following was a famous Flemish painter?

Jan van Eyck.

What Master's influence can be seen in The Small Cowper Madonna? (above)

Leonardo da Vinci.

What is the name of the painting below?

Madonna with the Long Neck.

What techniques were used in the creation of the piece above?

Mathematics and linear perspective

Which artist created Pieta, the sculpture seen below?


Who are some of the characters identified in the fresco below?

Names common to the Christian faith - Jesus, Mary, John the Baptist, and many other saints

According to the lecture explanation of the painting Pope Leo X with Cardinals, what clues explain to the viewer the type of mood in the painting?

No one in the painting is looking at each other.

What is sfumato?

None of the above. (Latin, not Italian)

What was the benefit of using oil versus tempera paint?

Oil paint is more flexible and allows artists to make changes easier.

How was Rogier van der Weyden's Last Judgment displayed?

Painted on inside to display when open, painted on outside to display when closed.

Which of the following buildings is considered a hallmark of Renaissance architecture?

Palazzo Rucellai

Where is the image above located?

Parma Cathedral.

Which of the following is Giorgione most well known for?


What Renaissance technique does Raphael use in School of Athens? (below)


What is the artistic term for an image of Mary holding her dead son Jesus?


Which of the following is a tomb monument in the Vatican basilica of Saint Peter?


Who is the artist and what is the title of the piece above?

Pontormo, Entombment.

What scene is depicted in the painting Pope Leo X with Cardinals?

Pope Leo and the Cardinals have just finished an argument or None of the above.

In the above image, what does the white towel in the back of the middle panel represent?


Which of the following techniques, developed by a fellow Renaissance artist, did Raphael use in one of his painting?

Pyramidal figures.

Who commissioned Bramante to build the structure below?

Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand

Who commissioned Bramante to build the structure below?

Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand.

What did the invention of linear perspective allow artists to do?

Represent the visual world in a realistic way

What significance do Leonardo's technical achievements have?

Scientists have actually built some of them.

Why did most Italian architecture seem to be focused more on design than engineering?

Sculptors and painters were responsible for Italian architecture.

In addition to being a religious symbol, the statue David also _______________________.

Served as a reminder of Florence's republican state.

What technique of Leonardo da Vinci's is demonstrated in the fresco seen above?


Which of the following projects was commissioned by popes?

Sistine Chapel.

What is the mood in Disputa?

Solemn and majestic.

Who is depicted in this woodcut?

St. Christopher, patron saint of travelers

Why do you think Donatello chose to make Mary Magdalene have a haggard, emaciated look?

Students should mention: For psychological intensity, to add realistic qualities and emotion.

Intaglio printmaking can be dated back to the ___________ people, around the year 3000 BCE.


What classical features are included in the Palazzo Rucellai?

Superimposed columns

What does David's expression suggest?

That he is about to encounter danger.

What is the name of the painting below?

The Creation of Adam.

Who was the above piece painted for?

The Duke of Urbino.

What is the title of the work below?

The New Sacristy.

What is the name of the painting above?

The Tempest.

Which of the following is depicted in the image below?

The angel Gabriel tells Mary she will be the mother of Jesus.

Why is the painting above considered a hallmark of 16th century painting?

The architectural details, vibrant and vivid colors, theatrical and realistic.

Which of the following is true about Flemish painting?

The art was both symbolic and realistic.

What classic principles did Bramante combine in his work Tempietto?

The classic principles of Vitruvius and architect Alberti.

What is atmospheric perspective?

The effect produced by diffusion of light in the atmosphere whereby more distant objects have less clarity of outline and are lighter in tone.

Why was the painting above so controversial?

The heads of the Inquisition felt it was offensive, unfocused, and blasphemous. Why was the painting above so controversial?

The heads of the Inquisition felt it was offensive, unfocused, and blasphemous.

How are the nudes in the images below depicted differently?

The nude in the painting on the left is depicted more maternal than erotic.

Who commissioned most of the work during this time period?

The papacy.

What is one major contributing feature to the Tempietto?

The stepped Doric columns and the frieze

What style of portraiture that Raphael uses in The Small Cowper Madonna was likely influenced by Leonardo? (above)

The tilt of the head, reflecting a pyramid shape.

What part of the image above best shows how Masaccio uses perspective?

The top of the barrel vault

How did the papacy behave during the High Renaissance?

They lived like princes.

What artist painted the above image of The Last Supper?


What artist is depicted in the image above?


What was Tintoretto's painting goal in The Last Supper?

To combine Titian's color with Michelangelo's drawing.

A three-paneled painting is called a __________.


Buon fresco and fresco secco can be used in the same wall painting.


What is the mood of the painting Pope Leo X with Cardinals?

Uneasy, tense.

All of the following encompass the style of Mannerism except _________.

Using simplistic subjects.

How were metal engravings made?

Using the intaglio technique

What purpose did a grotto serve?

a place where one could commune with nymphs and muses, and escape the summer heat

What did Donatello's use of expression add to his sculptures?

a realistic quality

What is a grotto?

a recess typically made of irregular stones and covered with artificial foliage

What is the Tempietto, seen below?

a small tomb built by Bramante, in the courtyard of San Pietro in Montorio

There are four statues by Michelangelo in the Great Grotto. What were they originally designed for?

a tomb for Pope Julius

What did Donatello inspire many artists to do?

add expressiveness to public monuments (?)

Which of the following is true regarding the sculptures of David and Mary Magdalene by Donatello?

all of the above

Which of the following was a popular art form during the 15th century?

all of the above

Which of the following best describes how Donatello's David is depicted?

angular, boyish, and with confidence

This print by Francis Jukes, entitled, Mount Vernon, is a beautiful example of ____________.


How does Masaccio reinforce the one point perspective seen in the house in the image above?

by diminishing the size of the trees in the background

This example of Intaglio by William Hogarth, was created using what type of Intaglio printing?


Which form of Intaglio is one of the oldest and most difficult to work with?


Which of the following forms of Intaglio are most similar to drawing?


What was Masaccio best known for?

his interest in perspective, architectural style, and classical sculpture

______________ is the printmaking process in which lines are incised into the surface of a plate.


All of the following are examples of Intaglio printmaking, except which?


What techniques were used in the creation of the piece above?

mathematics and linear perspective

______________ was the first tonal method to be used enabling half-tones to be produced.


What did da Vinci add to the concept of Vitruvian man?

notes written in reverse at the beginning and end of the page OR the human body as it fits into a circle (I think it's the notes though as it's asking what he ADDED to the Vitruvian Man)

What technique did both Masaccio and Ghiberti use to create realism in their work?

one-point perspective

Mannerism has been interpreted as an artistic expression of the unsettled _______ and ___________ conditions in Europe.

political; religious

What type of artwork is on The Gates of Paradise doors?


Where is the vanishing point in the image below?

right under the window panes at the end of the hallway.

What is a coffer?

sunken panels located on the ceiling

What famous classical building exhibits impost blocks that architects of the Renaissance used as inspiration?

the Roman Colosseum Why is the painting above considered a hallmark of 16th century painting?

the architectural details, vibrant and vivid colors, theatrical and realistic

What classic principles did Bramante combine in his work Tempietto?

the classic principles of Vitruvius and architect Alberti

Who was Johann Gutenberg?

the inventor of the moveable printing press

What symbolism does da Vinci use in his representation of The Last Supper?

the shape of Jesus resembles a triangle How are the emotional aspects of the fresco above expressed?

through the odd pose, the scale of the piece, as well as the contrasting colors

What was Tintoretto's painting goal in The Last Supper?

to combine Titian's color with Michelangelo's drawing

All of the following encompass the style of Mannerism except _________.

using simplistic subjects

What is Vitruvian man?

world renowned drawing of the correct human proportions

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