The Origins of Judaism

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Ethical Monotheism

The emphasis on right conduct and the worship of one god - a Hebrew idea that has influenced human behavior for thousands of years through Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Torah (TAWR•uh)

Jews consider the Torahs to be the most sacred writings in their tradition. Most of what we know of the early history of the Hebrews is contained in these five books.


Hebrew name for God. To the Hebrews, God was not a physical being, and no physical images were to be made of him.

How was Hebrew law different from Hammurabi's Code? and the other codes of the time?

However, its strict justice was softened by expressions of God's mercy. The code was later interpreted by religious teachers called prophets. These interpretations tended to emphasize greater equality before the law than did other codes of the time.

What is the importance of Abraham?

In the Torah, god chose Abraham as the "father of Hebrew people" ~ 1800 B.C., under the command of the Torah, his family and their herds made their way to Canaan, located at the Eastern shore of the Mediterranean. "Go from you country and your kindred and you father's house to the land that i will show you. I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great" - Genesis 12:1-2

What were the role of judges according to the bible? How were they chosen?

In times of emergency, the Bible reports that God would raise up judges. They would unite the tribes and provide judicial and military leadership during a crisis. In the course of time, God chose a series of judges, one of the most prominent and unusual of whom was a woman, Deborah.

How did the religion of the Hebrews differ from many of the religions of their neighbors?

Unlike other groups around them, the Hebrews were monotheists - a belief in a single god comes from the Greek words mono, meaning "one," and the-ism, meaning "god-worship."

Lex Talionis

law of retaliation - whereby a punishment resembles the offense committed in kind and degree. an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth


monotheism - a belief in a single god comes from the Greek words mono, meaning "one," and the-ism, meaning "god-worship."


Abraham and his followers and descendants promised to obey God in exchange for his protection. This mutual promise between God and the founder of the Hebrew people is called a covenant

Who is Abraham? Where did he and his family originate from?

Abraham was a shepherd in Ur, Mesopotamia.

According to the bible, why did Yahweh look after the Hebrews?

According to the Bible, Yahweh looked after the Hebrews not so much because of ritual ceremonies and sacrifices but because Abraham had promised to obey Yahweh. In return, Yahweh had promised to protect Abraham and his descendants. This mutual promise between God and the founder of the Hebrew people is called a covenant (KUHV•uh•nuhnt).

What happened after the death of Moses?

After the death of Moses, they returned to Canaan, where Abraham had lived. The Hebrews went from a nomadic, tribal society => settled herders, farmers, and city dwellers. They learned new technologies from neighboring peoples in Canaan. Loosely organized in two 12 tribes of which lived in separate territories and were self-governing


Between 1300 and 1200 B.C; the Hebrews fled Egypt Jews call this event "Exodus," and they remember it every year during the festival of Passover


Caanan - located at the Eastern shore of the Mediterranean, was the ancient land of Hebrews( later called the Jews), which they believed had been promised to them by God. Around 1800 B.C., Abraham, his family, and their herds made their way to Canaan.

What were the roles of men and women in Hebrew society? How were they compared to each other?

Deborah's leadership was unusual for a Hebrew woman. The roles of men and women were quite separate in Hebrew society. Women could not officiate at religious ceremonies. In general, a Hebrew woman's most important duty was to 1) raise her children 2) provide moral leadership for them.

What are the first five books of the Hebrew Bible?

Jews consider the Torahs to be the most sacred writings in their tradition. Most of what we know of the early history of the Hebrews is contained in these five books.


Palestine - A region at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea where the Phoenicians and other groups of ancient people inhabited, the Hebrews inhabited

What does Hebrew law require of believers? What role Hebrew law played in society?

The Ten Commandments were part of a code of laws delivered to Moses. The code included other rules regulating social and religious behavior borrowed the concept of lex talionis The laws urged its believer to lead a moral life by adhering and be faithful to their covenant with god and live justly with fellow humans. In the words of the prophet Micah, "He has told you, O mortal what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"

How was Hebrew law similar to Hammurabi's Code?

The Ten Commandments were part of a code of laws delivered to Moses. The code included other rules regulating social and religious behavior borrowed the concept of lex talionis (an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth) from Hammurabi's Code

Where and how long did the Hebrew wander?

The Torah reports that the Hebrews wandered for 40 years in the Sinai Desert. Later books of the Bible tell about the history of the Hebrews after their wanderings.


The Torah says that the man who led the Hebrews out of slavery was named Moses. It is told that at the time of Moses' birth, the Egyptian pharaoh felt threatened by the number of Hebrews in Egypt. He thus ordered all Hebrew male babies to be killed. Moses' mother hid her baby in the reeds along the banks of the Nile. There, an Egyptian princess found and adopted him. Though raised in luxury, he did not forget his Hebrew birth. When God commanded him to lead the Jews out of Egypt, he obeyed.

Why did the Hebrews migrate to Egypt? How were they initially received?

The bibles says the Hebrews migrated from Mesopotamia => Canaan => Egypt to escape drought and famine. They were initially welcomed but were later forced into slavery


The prophets taught that the Hebrews had a duty to worship God and live justly with one another. The goal was a moral life lived in accordance with God's laws. In the words of the prophet Micah, "He has told you, O mortal what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"

A New Covenant

While the Hebrews were traveling across the Sinai (SY•ny) Peninsula, Moses climbed to the top of Mount Sinai to pray. The Bible says he spoke with God. When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, he brought down two stone tablets on which Yahweh had written the Ten Commandments. These commandments and the other teachings that Moses delivered to his people became the basis for the civil and religious laws of Judaism. The Hebrews believed that these laws formed a new covenant between God - Hebrews. God promised to protect the Hebrews. They promised to keep God's commandments.

Describe the God of Abraham and the relationship between god and the Hebrews.

Yahweh -the all-mighty god of the Hebrews. The Hebrews proclaimed Yahweh as the one and only God. In their eyes, Yahweh is omnipotent - had power over all people everywhere. To the Hebrews, God was not a physical being, and no physical images were to be made of him. The Hebrews asked Yahweh for protection from their enemies, just as other people prayed to their gods to defend them.

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