The Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment

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How did traditional sources of authority react to the role of the print media and the visual and performing arts?

A. With attempts at censorship.

The potato was a significant part of the 18th-century agricultural revolution because

A. it was a new crop in Europe, having been introduced from the Americas.

This excerpt most directly espouses the idea of:

B. Capitalism

The print likely depicts what new social locale which developed during the 17th and 18th centuries?

C. Tavern

Which of the following was an implementation of the ideas described in these excerpts?

A. The U. S. Declaration of Independence.

Newton's argument in the above passage most clearly supports which of the following ideologies?

B. Natural Philosophy.

According to the first excerpt, the source of all human knowledge is

B. experience and observation.

The Enlightenment idea Montesquieu most obviously espouses here is that

B. the separation of powers provides political freedom because it allows people to live without fear of oppression and tyranny.

In the passage, Outram implies that libraries and coffee houses played which of the following roles during the Enlightenment?

B.Both were conduits for the intellectual development of the Third Estate.

Which of the following was a direct result of the improved techniques of the Improvers Society of the 18th century?

C. Population growth.

The admiration of Republican Roman values.

C. Renaissance.

In the 1700s, rural people in England engaged in a textile production system known as

C. the domestic system.

Which of the following best explains the motivation behind Newton's publication of the above statement?

A. The Christian faith of many influential scientists and philosophers during this time period.

Which of the following intellectuals would most likely NOT agree with the sentiments of the artist?

B. Adam Smith.

The passage directly challenges which of the following political theories?

B. Divine right of kings.

The author of the excerpt is describing his understanding of the government of which of the following countries?

B. Great Britain.

In the passage, Smith foreshadows which of the following consequences of 18th-century British economic policies?

B. The American Revolution.

Inferring from the passages above, which of the following Revolutionary Era developments is most likely the subject of both?

B. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen.

In this passage, Davies is describing which of the following?

B. The Enclosure Movement

The historic changes presented by Davies are MOST similar to which of the following historical developments?

B. The Europeans division of Africa at the Berlin Conference.

According to the document above, which of the following technologies played an integral role in the shift from farming to textile production in England?

B. The development of large, new weaving looms.

How did the rapid pace of urbanization pose a problem for relief organizations?

B. The number of those seeking aid overwhelmed the resources available.

The author's concept of the "general will" could be manipulated and used as a justification for

B. dictatorship.

In the debate revealed in the above excerpts, which of the following was a MAJOR assumption made by most Enlightenment thinkers at the time?

C. If women had full equality with men, then European society, and especially the family, would suffer.

Which of the ideas in the following documents would be LEAST likely to be discussed at a salon such as the one mentioned in the excerpt?

C. Institutes on the Christian Religion

The views expressed in the excerpt above are best seen as evidence of which of the following in European society during the 18th and 19th centuries?

C. Literature reflecting the outlook and values of commercial and bourgeois society.

Which of the following is an important difference, evident in this passage, between Rousseau and other Enlightenment-era philosophers?

C. Rousseau believed that man had been happiest in a state of nature, while most philosophers championed the role of modern political and social institutions.

Which of the following clearly identifies this work of art as reflecting Enlightenment ideals?

C. The admiration of Republican Roman values.

This describes which of the following ideas?

C. The powers of government should be divided between its main branches.

The artist is most likely concerned with all of the following EXCEPT

C. a decline in religious observance.

Which of the following theorists MOST directly opposed the institution of government aid such as workhouses?

A. Thomas Malthus.

Which of the following might best explain Catherine's "need" to please the people as expressed in this passage?

A. The events surrounding her ascension to the throne.

Which of the following statements LEAST supports the author's view of the social contract?

A. The idea that the most important function of the law is to protect the private property of individuals.

This excerpt MOST likely describes which of the following?

A. A gathering at a Parisian salon during the Enlightenment

Which of the following would MOST LIKELY support the Scottish Improvers Society ideas as described in the image?

A. The Grand National Consolidated Trades Union.

In which of the following countries would this image likely NOT have happened in the mid-18th century?

C. Russia

What fundamental idea of John Locke is evident in the passage?

C. Social contract.

Which of the following statements best demonstrates the differences between the authors conception of the Enlightenment?

D. Outram believes the men of the time were aware of the potential dangers in their ideals, while Burke questions their motives and tactics.

The views expressed in the excerpt above are BEST seen as evidence of which of the following in European Society?

B. The use of reason and experience to develop theories relating to practical problems.

How did these new social locales affect later political revolutions?

B. They created a public sphere where individuals could air grievances and collectively organize.

Based on your knowledge of the period, which of the following was most likely the intent of the artist?

B. To promote religious fervor.

Which of the following represents the author's primary view of society?

C. Man is born in a pure state of nature, but is corrupted by society.

Which of the following methods of popularizing Enlightenment ideas BEST parallels the trend outlined in the passage?

C. Pamphlets.

Which of the following statements BEST describes Montesquieu's scientific approach to political theory?

A. Montesquieu used empirical reasoning to support the idea of the separation of powers as a necessary way to guard against tyranny and degradation.

The ideas expressed in the first excerpt were a direct challenge to which of the following thinkers of the era?

A. Rene Descartes.

Rousseau's ideas most directly influenced which of the following cultural movements?

A. Romanticism.

How do both passages demonstrate the limits of reform in the era?

A. 18th century Intellectuals were largely creatures of their class and highly skeptical of the capabilities of lower classes.

Which of the following individuals would agree with Smith's argument?

A. Anne Robert Jacques Turgot.

The innovations in agriculture brought by the Improvers Society of Scotland DIFFERS from 18th century Eastern European agriculture because

A. Eastern European society was dominated by nobility and serfdom.

Based on the passage, what of the following developments most likely led to the decline of alchemy and other traditional pseudo-scientific practices?

A. Experimentation in laboratory environments over time disproved traditional assumptions and theories.

Which of the following nineteenth-century political factions was most likely to embrace Adam Smith's economic philosophy?

A. Liberals.

The bolded phrase of this excerpt is most similar to which of the following quotes by Adam Smith?

B. "It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest."

The interactions described in the passage above are best understood in the context of which of the following?

B. A rising middle class in European society.

This passage establishes which of the following as the principal difference between the Enlightenment and previous intellectual movements?

C. Discourse in philosophy and the arts developed into public opinion.

The tone of the above statement best reflects which of the following developments in Europe during Newton's lifetime?

C. Natural philosophers who persisted in holding traditional views of religion.

How did attitudes toward prostitution in Western Europe in the nineteenth century differ from those in the eighteenth century?

D. Concern for public health in the 1800s led to greater government regulation of prostitution.

Which of the following historical developments replaced the labor system described above?

D. The introduction of the factory system.

All of the following demonstrates the primary difference between the role of the salon in the Enlightenment and that of the new print media EXCEPT

D. The salon avoided use of the arts as a means to convey Enlightenment ideals.

With whose ideas does Catherine the Great's "Proposal for a New Law Code" most align?

D. Thomas Hobbes.

To the degree that Joseph II expanded rights to Austrian Jews, which of the following also advocated for religious toleration?

D. Voltaire, in Treatise on Tolerance on the Occasion of the Death of Jean Calas from the Judgment Rendered in Toulouse.

The ideas expressed in this excerpt were MOST directly a reaction to

D. a display of the arbitrary power of the state.

What early modern economic system does Smith oppose in this passage?

A. Mercantilism.

Which of the following ideas and principles of the Scientific Revolution does this excerpt reflect?

A. There is an observable balance of forces in nature.

Which of the following most directly caused the rise in the numbers of women engaged in prostitution in Western Europe over the course of the eighteenth-century?

A. Unemployment among working class women in the cities.

Which of the following conditions was the most important cause of the situation discussed by Malthus in the passage above?

A. Volatile weather for much of the 17th century.

The passage above emphasizes

A. the continuity of folk beliefs like alchemy and astrology, even among elites.

Which of the following BEST explains the continuity evident in the folk practices discussed in the passage?

B. Folk beliefs shared with the new science the notion of a predictable and knowable universe.

Voltaire would MOST agree with the religious policies of

B. Frederick II.

Which of the following aspects of the work best aligns with the Enlightenment concept of citizenship?

C. All four men pledge themselves to actively defend their common interests.

Which of the following theories would Malthus be most likely to later serve as a source of inspiration? Choose the BEST answer.

C. Charles Darwin's theory of evolution

Which excerpt best supports Locke's contention that political society is primarily driven by self-interest?

D. "There is no judge to be found, no appeal lies open to any one... whose decision relief and redress may be expected."

Salons hosted in private homes were more prominent and necessary in France than in England because...

D. French philosophers were at a greater risk of censorship and imprisonment because France was an absolute monarchy

Rousseau's arguments in this passage reflect which commonly held conviction of the Enlightenment era?

D. Individual liberty is a basic necessity for human happiness.

Which of the following was a long term effect of the land displacements of the agricultural revolution?

D. Industrialists were provided with an abundant labor force in need of employment.

Which of the following groups would be MOST supportive of the sentiments expressed in the second excerpt?

D. Merchants and businessmen.

Which of the following article/topic would likely NOT be investigated in Diderot's Encyclopedia?

D. Socialist political theories.

Which of the following intellectual movements is MOST evident in Smith's economic philosophy?

D. The Enlightenment's reliance on observation and rationality.

A historian studying which of the following would find this passage helpful?

D. The dissemination of ideas.

When Lady Montagu writes "I may, however, have courage to war with 'em," she is most likely anticipating what great difficulty in persuading English doctors to adopt inoculation?

A. As a woman, her ideas would be suspect, especially since they would have been imported from the practices of women healers in a non-European nation.

How does the message in the drawing by Hogarth lend support to Malthus' view of the poor?

A. Hogarth's depiction of the poor using alcohol consumption to escape their miserable lives supported Malthus' view that the poor would not make an effort to improve their own conditions.

The economic theories articulated by Adam Smith differ from those of Mercantilists in all of the following ways EXCEPT

A. Mercantilists believed importing goods from foreign countries should be encouraged, while Adam Smith advocated that the country should limit foreign trade.

Which of the following was an important direct effect of the processes reflected in the passage above?

A. The rise of consumerism as Europeans attempted to become respectable and fit into "respectable society".

Which of the following ideas would NOT be supported by the author of this excerpt?

A. Torture was necessary in certain circumstances to elicit a confession from a criminal.

The Turkish method of inoculation bears the closest resemblance to the work of which European innovator?

B. Edward Jenner.

Which of the following was an indirect effect of the wide-scale adoption of Smith's advice?

B. Famine in Ireland and other parts of northern Europe (1840's).

Smith's ideas in this passage were most likely a reaction against which trend in eighteenth-century Europe?

B. Guild restrictions on production methods and pricing.

This painting by Rembrandt, one of the great "Dutch Masters," could BEST be used as evidence to support which of the following theses?

B. In various eras in European history, arts and sciences flourished in states that prospered from trade and commerce.

Which of the following is the best explanation for Malthus' bleak view of the poor?

B. Malthus had a pessimistic view of the poor and did not believe they could adopt a higher standard of living, even if their wages and benefits increased.

Which of the following solutions to the problems displayed in the painting were proposed in the 18th and 19th centuries?

B. Police forces.

Which of the following principles does Paine evoke when he says, "My own mind is my own church"?

B. Reason.

What is the most likely conclusion a historian would draw from this satirical cartoon?

B. Some British people resented the economic success of illicit businesses such as prostitution.

Which of the following events managed to put an end to the type of policies Catherine proposed in the passage?

B. The Cossack Rebellion.

Which of the following had the strongest influence on the creation of works like this in the period between 1648-1815?

B. The patron.

Which of the following quotes from the passage most strongly reflects Catherine the Great as an Enlightened​ Monarch?

C. "The Form of Government therefore, which best attains this End... is that which coincides with the Views and Purposes of rational creatures..."

Which of the following quotes from the excerpt MOST reflects the influence of the new ideas of the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment?

C. "that all the little variations that differentiate the atoms called men"

Which of the following aspects of this work best distinguishes it, and other Baroque art, from the art of the Renaissance?

C. Emotional intensity.

Which of the following BEST describes how workhouses influenced later responses to poverty in Europe?

C. Governments would turn to work relief programs as a means of addressing poverty and unemployment.

Thomas Paine believes that mankind can find religious truth through which of the following means?

C. Once church and state are separated, mankind is freed in their belief system from the corruption and hypocrisy of ecclesiastical authorities and can have an authentic connection with God.

This painting illustrates which of the following changes in the role of science during the 17th century?

C. Scientific work was seen as an aid to society, commerce, and the state.

Which of the following individuals would be MOST likely to support Montesquieu's view of government?

C. Sir Robert Walpole.

Which of the following was a major goal of the work as reflected in this excerpt?

C. The encouragement of skepticism toward all human knowledge.

Malthus's argument in the above passage is MOST likely a response to which of the following developments?

C. The legacy of the 16th Century population explosion in Europe.

Which of the following provisions in the Edict above most closely aligns with the idea of Enlightened Absolutism?

C. The stated desire to make the Jews, "more useful and serviceable to the state."

The shift in government policies towards the poor during the eighteenth century in England reflected

C. the belief that poverty would continue if unchecked.

The argument made in the second excerpt challenged the opinions found in the first excerpt by suggesting that

C. women are just as capable as men of rational thought and intellectual pursuits.

Adam Smith's free-market ideas most embody Enlightenment principles in which of the following ways?

D. Both Adam Smith and the majority of Enlightenment thinkers encouraged individual freedom and limitations on arbitrary royal power.

Which of the following best describes how Deism views other religions?

D. Deists criticized most religious institutions for corruption and were mainly anti-clerical, but deists did recognize the existence of God.

Which of the following beliefs is LEAST supported by the first excerpt?

D. Only if women have the intelligence should they be allowed to pursue higher learning.

Smith's main argument for the increased use of the potato is that

D. it is a more efficient use of land and greater source of nourishment than grains.

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