The United Nations
What are the five goals for the UN?
1. To maintain international peace and security 2. To develop friendly relations with other countries 3. To co-operate in solving international problems and in promoting respect for human rights 4. To coordinate the actions of the member nations in securing peace 5. To help achieve foreign policy goals of the U.S. and other nations.
How many nations are members of the United Nations?
What is the United Nations?
An international organization that maintains peace and security, promotes human rights, and provides federal policy goals of the U.S. and other nations.
What is a preamble?
An introduction
Contains all 192 member nations
General Assembly
Every member nation (192) has 1 seat and 1 vote
General Assembly
Led by Secretary General Ban Ki Moon
Coordinates negotiations between disputing nations, provides peacekeeping troops
Security Council
Imposes sanctions against countries
Security Council
What are the six organs (branches) of the UN?
The General Assembly, The Secretariat, The International Court of Justice, The Economic and Social Council, The Trusteeship Council and The Security Council
The World Court
The International Court of Justice
What document is the UN charter set up like?
The U.S. Constitution
What are the 5 permanent nation members of the Security Council?
The U.S., China, Russian Federation, France, UK
What are two reasons the UN is important to the world?
The UN maintains peace and security and they develop friendly relations with other countries.
What is the work done by the UN relating to mail service?
The flow of mail is made possible by the UPU.
What is the UNs plan for world literacy?
To have basic literacy for all children by 2000.
What is the job of the International Atomic Energy Agency?
To prevent the diversion of nuclear weapons from peaceful use to weapons use
What are the main goals or aims of the UN based on the preamble of the Charter?
To prevent war in future generations, to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from the treaties and other sources of international law, and to promote social progress and better standards of life.
What is the job of UNAIDS?
To provide health officials with all the latest technology and research about how to prevent/treat AIDS
Organ that is not operating at the time; became inactive in 1994
Trusteeship Council
Organ that oversees/prepares territories for self government
Trusteeship Council
What is a charter?
A document stating the goals, functions, and rules of an organization
Coordinates the economic and social work for the UN
Economic and Social Council
There are 54 members elected for 3 years
Economic and Social Council
Makes reccomendations to the Security Council for actions; where ideas/proposals begin
General Assembly
15 judges elected by the General Assembly and Security Council
International Court of Justice
Hears cases submitted to it and UN members agree to accept its decisions
International Court of Justice
Located at the Hague, Netherlands
International Court of Justice
Where and when was the Charter written?
June 26, 1945 in San Francisco
Where is the UN headquarters located?
New York City, New York and The Hague, Netherlands
Does the UN have military troops?
No because they are trying to maintain peace, but it does have peacekeeping troops that are provided by member states
What is the work done by the UN relating to air travel?
Safety standards are set and no vaccinations are needed for small pox because the disease no longer exists.
Carries out the policies of the General Assembly and Security Council
Similar to the U.S. executive branch
Made up of five permanent members and 10 members elected for 2 years
Security Council
Maintains international peace and security; responds to international conflicts and crises
Security Council