
अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

Which of Laura's glass figures is her favorite and how does it get broken?

"The Unicorn" and it got broken by Jim bumping into it.

Much like the playwright Tennessee Williams, Tom Wingfield from The Glass Menagerie worked where?

A Shoe Factory

You are watching a performance in which an actor is dimly lit by a single candle on a table next to him, which isolates the actor and the table. Despite the darkness, you can see the actor's face with great clarity, and you can see strong emotions deep within his eyes. What type of performance are you most likely to be watching?

A TV show

In She Kills Monsters, Tilly died from:

A car crash

In I and You, the Beeping is revealed to be:

A heart monitor

What is a callback?

A invitation from the director to participate in the second round of an audition.

An actor speaking onstage with or without other actors on stage with him is most likely giving

A monologue

You decide to watch a performance over the weekend, but before you do, you decide to do some research on the performance you wish to see. In your research, you learn that it was written by one author. You are most likely seeing

A play

Which of the following is an example of the unity of time?

A play follows a storyline that occurs over the course of a day

In theater, what is the dramaturg?

A specialist in dramatic analysis and literature, production research, and audience engagement

Which of these is a task of the Dramaturg?

Act as an in-house critic

A critics response to a piece of art is:

Aesthetic response

Which of these works closest to the artist?


Which option is NOT a quality of all art?

All art has one main goal: to please every member of its audience

An Actor's rehearsal process includes:

All of these

In theater, what are some considerations designers must consider?

All of these choices

What is the inciting incident in Glass Menagerie?

Amanda discovers that Laura dropped out of business school.

What is an aesthetic response?

An audience's emotional and intellectual reaction to a piece of art or natural beauty

What is catharsis?

An emotional release you get from watching something

Who is the most successful creator of British Invasion shows?

Andrew Lloyd Webber

One of the major twists in "I and You" is:

Anthony died on the basketball court

What is the proscenium on a proscenium stage?

Arch that serves as a picture frame

This type of stage has an audience on all sides and, is in the round, and has less focus on the scenery.


You are standing alone on stage, singing. You are most likely giving:


Which is the term for the way things are spatially and temporally arranged in a play?


Where would you most likely find "codified acting"?

Asian culture

Why can theater sometimes be referred to as "the complete art?"

Because it incorporates the other art forms.

What is a flexible space also known as?

Black box

What were the main characters names in "I and You"?

Caroline and Anthony

You're watching a performance of a show. The set is sparse and actor-centered. What kind of performance are you watching most likely?

Chinese Beijing Opera

What is the most common plot structure in western theatre?




Which is a short, distilled statement that communicates the director's overall vision?


You are a director taking on a new production. You begin the project by critically analyzing the text and interpreting the text in order to create a(n)


The lines of a play, or conversation among characters, is known as what?


How does speech and dialogue in a play differ from speech found in everyday life?

Dialogue in a play is more evocative and intense.

What is it called when the cast of a show are in costume and show the director with the lights?

Dress Parade

________ reimagined the concept of "music" as "organized noise" in 1966.

Edgard Varèse

In the Pixar Story Structure, what line creates the Status Quo?


A Broadway preview audience is getting the same show that the audience for opening night of the same show will get.


A fight call is a copy of the script the stage manager creates that has all the blocking and rehearsal notes, technical cues, and other instructions written into the book so that they can "call the show."


A piece of art created in 1912 is, at the time, considered one of the greatest pieces of the year. Since those who first saw it highly revered its value, its value undoubtedly will continue to grow and grow.


A scrim is a "map" of what each character wears in each scene, developed so that the overall organization of the costumes can be seen at a glance. This chart later may be used as a dressing list to aid the actors and their dressers in keeping track of the costume pieces and changes.


Acting for the stage is not much different from acting for the camera.


Acting for the stage requires subtlety that is not required on camera, considering the "Hollywood" qualities of film acting today.


Acting on the stage is not much different from everyday acting in real life.


All directors pre-block the play before rehearsals begin.


All playwrights work individually.


An Open Scene has a tremendous amount of Given Circumstances compared to a typical scene in a play.


An auteur director develops a play by making his/her actors follow the script word for word and completes all blocking and design aspects exactly as noted in the script.


As exemplified in his play Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller believed deeply in the power of American Dream to solve all problems.


Because of all the actor's preparation, the first day of tech for Two-Character Play goes smoothly.


Contemporary playwrights receive professional training in BFA or MFA programs.


Darkening the audience space has been a common practice throughout the history of theatre.


Dramatic action is found in the stage directions written in the play.


During a performance, no change from what is rehearsed is acceptable.


During the Renaissance, most plays were considered the highest form of literature and, therefore, were published to great demands.


During the initial performances of his work, Shakespeare's actors had weeks to prepare with the complete script.


European megamusicals such as Evita and Miss Saigon tend to have a lot of spoken dialogue.


Film and television experiences are no different from live theatre.


Film, television, and live theatre are organized, arranged, and enacted only in symbolic time.


If an actor auditions for a play and has an amazing monologue, he or she will probably be cast simply because of talent and experience.


In a university theatre context, the play's director would function as the production's producer.


In the Glass Menagerie, Amanda tells Laura how she had been shy like her as a young woman.


Nonprofit theatre is where the theatre cannot earn a profit.


Once a play is chosen, the director spends little time working with the actual script, other than to check stage direction and dialogue.


Once a playwright finishes a play, he/she does everything possible to keep it the way it is.


Plays DON'T change from night to night.


Stage right and stage left are based on the audience's view of the stage.




Terrell McCraney wrote the play Sunshine, about the experiences of a white gay kid growing up in New York.


The Glass Menagerie is a memory play, and it is Laura's memories.


The concept of the Director has been around since Ancient Greece.


The director always chooses the play on which they work.


The first task in any rehearsal process is memorizing lines and staging the show.


The green room in theater is used for CGI (Computer Generated Imagery).


The lighting designer's process is much the same when compared to the scenic and costume designers - they do the bulk of their work before rehearsals start.


The rehearsal process is no different for a musical than a play.


The technical director works independently of the set designer to plan, budget, and execute the design.


The two-dimensional script is all that is needed for a show; you are experiencing a complete theatrical production when you read a script.


When a Broadway show is a popular success and runs for a long time, the playwright comes in frequently to revise and refresh the text.


When an actor misses his or her entrance, the actors currently on stage shouldn't improvise until the other actor gets on stage because an actor should never deviate from the playwright's words.


When assessing a character, you can simply make a list of physical traits.


When staging a play, it is necessary for the director to follow the requisites of the playwright in terms of period; i.e., a play by Shakespeare would be set in the time it was written.


With respect to its audiences, theatre is more like film than like television.


You are a lighting designer, and for one of the scenes you are designing you wish to reflect the somber and calm mood of the scene by using lights with soft edges to them. In order to do this, you would most likely use which type of light?


Name the event that sets a story in motion.

Inciting Incident

The major elements in the progression of a story include main character, status quo, _______, major actions, and the conclusion.

Inciting incident

Which of the following is NOT true about the dialogue of a play?

It is the same as everyday speech.

In the Glass Menagerie, who gives everyone nicknames?


In the Glass Menagerie, what happens after Jim and Laura kiss?

Jim says he has a girlfriend

Who fathered the idea of the "magic if" of representational acting?

Konstantin Stanislavski

What does the "wright" in "playwright" mean?


In a scene from the famous Sophocles play Oedipus Rex, Oedipus begins one of his many lines with "You are at prayer, and in answer,/if you will heed my words/and minister to your own disease,/you may hope for help and win relief"." He then continues to speak for another 70 lines. He is not the only person on stage and he is directly speaking to another character. What kind of language element is this?


At what point in the production process does the director begin to collaborate with the designers?

Months before rehearsals begin

What is blocking?

Moving actors around on stage


Music, Lyrics, Libretto and Dance

Except for the actor, what is the earliest role in the history of theater?


What is the order of importance of Aristotle's Poetics (according to Aristotle)?

Plot, character, theme, diction, music, spectacle

What type of acting is aware of the audience and tends to focus from the outside in?


Since 2010, musicals like Hamilton (2015), Allegiance (2012), and The Scottsboro Boys (2010) have highlighted important social issues like


Which of the following describes the content of a play?

Sarah Kane's Blasted tells the story of a disturbingly violent couple in a warring country.

In the Glass Menagerie, what is Tom's nickname?


In the Glass Menagerie, Amanda was angry with Laura because of what?

She dropped out of business school

In She Kills Monsters, what does Agnes discover about her sister?

She might be gay.

Which of Aristotle's aspects of theatre includes lighting, costumes, and sets?


Which of these is defined as "part of text"?

Stage Directions

Who is in charge of keeping the prompt book?

Stage Manager

Which one of these things is art?

Statue of Liberty

Which of these terms do NOT refer to scenic elements?


What is the term for the audience's awareness that the events unfolding in front of them are not real?

Suspension of disbelief

What is the term for the audience's investment, despite the awareness that the events unfolding in front of them are not real?

Suspension of disbelief

Which form of "performance" does NOT gather its audience into a special place?


Which of these is NOT one of Aristotle's Six Elements?


In I and You, what was the one requirement for casting the actors?

The Actors need to be different races

What is the room called that is full of the giant boards used for operating the lights and sounds?

The Booth

A director is attempting to reproduce the historical experience of attending an ancient Greek production of Medea (in which Medea gets revenge on her cheating husband, Jason, by killing their children), and tells his cast that their acting style will be presentational. Which of the following is an example of how the actors might carry out this style?

The actor playing Jason reproduces the facial expressions and postures of famous adulterers from photographs.

You are walking through the park and you watch as a jogger bumps a painter who is painting the horizon. The bump causes the artist to spill paint all over his canvas and thus creates something of immense beauty that causes everyone to stop and stare. Someone proclaims, "This is true art." Which of the following is the "best" answer?

The bystander is wrong in that it was created by accident, not intention.

The inciting incident of a play is:

The occurrence that sets the dramatic action of the play in motion

Emotional memory is best defined as:

The use of one's own memories to fuel a character's emotions

The speech or dialogue in a play is often different than speech found in everyday life. How?

The words of a play are more evocative and intense.

Aristotle's unity of action suggests that:

There should only be one central action or conflict important to the play.

How is Tennessee Williams' father like Tom's father in the Glass Menagerie?

They abandoned their families.

In the time of William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe, before the first notion of "royalties" from a show, how did playwrights make money off a show once they sold it to a company?

They didn't make money because once a play was sold, because the playwright no longer retained any rights to it.

What defines a slash director?

They have multiple duties besides just directing the play

Ben is a set designer for a theater group that is planning on performing a Greek Tragedy. In order to make the audience feel like they are watching an actual ancient Greek play, what type of Theater Space should Ben choose for the production?


What is a flexible space also known as?


What is the theater configuration was used in Ancient Greece?


What type of theatre space was specifically mentioned in the lecture as being typical in Ancient Greece?


What are the unities of a well-made play?

Time, Space, Action

In the Glass Menagerie, why do the lights go out?

Tom didn't pay the light bill

A "play doctor" is a writer called in at the last minute to fix a "flawed" play.


A basic difference among the performing arts is their different "arrangement" of temporal and spatial relationships.


A musical most commonly involves performers who both speak and sing, often dance, and are usually accompanied by an orchestra.


A put-in, also known as a "load-in," is a work call during which a crew installs all the sets, lights, and other technical equipment for a show in a theatre or performance venue.


Acting includes not only Imitation but also Interpretation.


Art is distinguishable from "real life" by an artist's intention to create or craft something that will evoke a certain kind of response—an "aesthetic response"—from its audience.


Given circumstances is the basic information given by the playwright.


In the Glass Menagerie, Jim O'Conner turns out to be Laura's high school crush.


In theatre, masks can help identify specific characters.


Musical theatre is as old as theatre itself and has, in actuality, been the dominant mode of theatrical expression throughout history.


Playwrights do not only write; they craft the plays they create.


Playwriting started out as a way to make money and has continued as such since Ancient Greece.


Rajiv Joseph wrote the play The Bengal Tiger at the Bagdad Zoo. He became interested in war and international subjects after serving in the peace corp.


Sporting events, church, and theatre may all be considered performances.


Stephen Sondheim writes both music and lyrics.


Straight makeup is used to enhance the actor's natural facial features.




Texts can be a book, story, poem, play, screenplay, website, visual art, video game, film, TV show, or performance of a play; even the body can be read as a text.


The play A Raisin in the Sun, was based off experiences the playwright Loraine Hansbury had growing up.


The play Buried Child, written by Sam Shepard was based off a newspaper article about a child who had been buried under ground.


The presentation on Sarah Ruhl did not have a PowerPoint, but instead had students present to the camera.


Theatre quite often resembles life and various performances within life.


When we say a performance is mediatized, we mean performances that are presented through or include a significant component of a media, like film, video, or new media.


Whenever an important element in a performing art changes, the art itself changes.


In the Glass Menagerie which of Laura's figurines broke?


In I and You, what author are Caroline and Anthony studying?

Walt Whitman

In She Kills Monsters, the director's concept might have been:

We use our fantasy life to better face our reality.

Which of the following is one of Goethe's criticism questions?

What is the artist trying to do?

In the Glass Menagerie, why does Jim call Laura "Blue Roses" in high school?

When she said she had Pleurosis, Jim thought she said "blue roses."

Neoclassicism in France and Restoration in England saw the first appearance of what on stage?


A production of Romeo and Juliet stages a scene in which Juliet must fall from the balcony into Romeo's arms. What does this likely require the actors to do before rehearsals and performances?

a fight call

You attend a performance in which a famous actor you are familiar with is involved. You know the actor to be rather old, but during the performance he appears to be a much younger person. Most everyone in the audience, however, doesn't seem bothered by this discrepancy in age. What type of performance might you be at?

a live theatrical performance

An actor speaking onstage with or without other actors on stage with him is most likely giving

a monologue.

You go to see a performance in a nearby city. While at the performance, you become less interested in what is happening and your engagement with the performance diminishes. While you might not be aware of it, this negatively affects the performers and their morale. Where might you be?

a play at the community theatre

Which of the following elements of Two Character Play is most important to the intimacy of its performance?

all of these choices

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the presentational actor?

attempts to live emotions

A(n) ________ takes the heretical approach to directing to the extreme, often viewing the playscript as little more than a point of departure for the production.


You're auditioning for a play. You've done your monologue and have received a callback, during which they give you a script excerpt and ask you to act it out, without rehearsing. What is this called?

cold read

Based on the videos you have seen , each performance of live theatre is

different, as the audience affects the blocking and mood with their reactions, which are always varying.

A "dress parade" is when the actors walk on stage in their costumes so the director can see their costumes against the light and sets. When does this usually occur?

during tech week, right before dress rehearsals

Which of the following is the best classification of Two Character Play's style?


You are the director of a famous play that has been done on Broadway; however, you are doing the play Off-Broadway at a local civic theatre. Before you are able to read the script text, the producer confronts you and says that there is only one concept for every show; regardless of the director and location, the concept of the show will always be the same. The producer's statement is most likely

false, each production of a certain show will generally always have a director with a different concept.

You are beginning your new life as a playwright and ask your friend for advice on writing. His advice to you is that if you wish to make it big in playwriting, you should treat it like a job, writing a script from 9 to 5. Your friend's advice is

false, everyone is different and can write whenever they feel is the best time for them to capture their ideas.

You are in a program for Theatre Design at the local university and one of your courses is in Lighting Design. On the first day of class, the instructor is giving a historical overview of lighting and says that lighting design was not important to theatre until theatre moved indoors. After class, you talk with the instructor about the class and say that their comment on the history of lighting is

incorrect, during the time of Ancient Greek theatre, the sun acted as the lighting for the shows and was a factor in how decisions were made.

With the proper inspiration, could a white playwright write a play about the black experience?

it is a matter of opinion; therefore, this question cannot be effectively answered with a yes or a no response

In adapting a previous work, what do modern playwrights advocate to be the best method for changing without hurting the integrity of the original work?

keeping most of the original script but updating and making cuts to go with the change in the audience, their understandings, and what entertains them

When given a play to read for an assignment in class, you wonder if there is one thing you can skip in reading. Which of the following could you not read?

none of these choices

You are a young sound designer applying for that position at the local regional theatre. During the interview process, your interviewer lists off several responsibilities, such as making sure the actors can be heard, compiling and developing sound effects, and ensuring that the orchestra can be heard and that they can also see the conductor. After listing these responsibilities, the interviewer asks you which of these duties do not apply to the position of Sound Designer. You are most likely to respond that the responsibility of ________ does not pertain to the sound designer.

none of these choices

You are rehearsing a scene in a play without your script. You are said to be

off book

You are studying at your local university to be a production manager. During the final exam, you are asked to summarize the work of the production manager. Knowing what you have learned, you would most likely summarize his or her work as which of the following?

overseeing much of what is created behind the scenes

Which style of acting was called for more in classical theatre?

presentational, because emotional subtlety would've been lost in the massive amphitheater-type stages of the past

You are a writer for a theatrical magazine, and your editor asks you write an article about lighting designers. In the article, your editor wants you to discuss the various goals of the lighting designer. After some research, you compile a list of common goals for lighting designers that consists of providing visibility for the show, creating a mood for each scene, establishing the environment or setting, and giving the look and aesthetic value. Your editor looks over the list of goals and asks you if, in most shows, one goal is more pragmatic to complete before addressing the others. Knowing what you have learned, you would most likely respond that ________ would be the most pragmatic to complete for most shows.

providing visibility for the show

Which form of "performance" does NOT gather its audience into a special place?


America's primary contribution to world theatre is

the Broadway musical.

"Upstage" refers to

the area at the rear of the stage farthest from the audience.

Who most likely acts as the producer of university theatrical production?

the department chair

What is "table work"?

the first week or so of rehearsals when actors sit around a table and read through the script

What is a denouement?

the point in a play where all the loose ends are tied up; resolution

Perspective painting paved the way for

the proscenium

In the past, what about playwrights made them morally suspect?

their involvement with the stage

When we say that "Life is a comedy for those who think... and a tragedy for those who feel," we are

using a metaphor.

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