THEO 104-Quiz: Introduction to the Study of Humanity and Sin

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What passage of Scripture discusses the creation of man in the image of God?

Genesis 1:26-27

Marriage is a signpost for what?

God's love and profound intimacy with his people, the church, that he loves

Which form of sin was specifically common in the Old Testament period?


Which passage in the New Testament affirms that the sin of Adam has affected all mankind?

Romans 5:12

The concept of original sin in Christian theology is a term that refers to which of the following.

The idea that original sin precedes actual sin

What is temptation?

The lure toward incorrect thoughts and actions

The awesome beauty and stifling ugliness of the world is bound up in this original moment which is still present today:

The moment sin entered the world

What was the first temptation of Jesus in the wilderness?

The temptation to turn stones into bread

Why do people run from the idea of sin?

They do not like a problem they are unable to fix

What is the goal for humanity in Christian teaching concerning the image of God?

To recover, restore, and more fully redeem all that humanity has lost

The human personality is primarily comprised of three aspects-the intellect, the emotion, and the _____________.


Which of the following is(are) aspects of being made in the image of God?

a b and c

Removing God from his proper place means

all of the above

What are the lies that humans believe about their identity?

all of the above

Which of the following do Christian theologians believe to be true about humanity's makeup?

all of the above

Which of the following constitutes sin?

both A and B

According to Romans 1:13 and 1 Corinthians 6:9, sin is only sin when God's way is willfully and knowingly disobeyed.


Even though vocations are instituted by God, they are not a relevant platform through which to love others and serve God.


It is difficult for Christians to deal with naturalism because it can be proven within the realm of science.


Some humans beings are inherently good and have never sinned.


The Bible gives a narrative explaining the beauty and dignity of humanity, but does not address the struggle and ugliness that is all too much a part of the human experience.


The Christian becomes a part of the Holy Spirit at salvation.


The Christian is to accept reductionism and focus strongly on the soul, not the body.


The New Testament does not affirm that the Genesis account of the fall has lasting consequences


The concept of the image of God in humanity is a theme that stretches across the entire Old Testament only.


The most popular word for sin in the Bible is the word, hamartia, which means to "offend God."


Unlike the rest of the creation account, human creation was not a divine act.


Humans are able to relate to God because we are created in the image of God


One of the most basic questions of origin is, "Where did everything come from?"


Sin is anything that removes God from his proper place in our lives.


The New Testament clearly points out that the Genesis account is a story with lasting consequences.


The doctrine of the image of God is one of the most misunderstood in the Bible.


The term "image" is both an abstract and concrete term in that it is used to describe both an idea and an actual product.


The very nature of human creation gives humans meaning and purpose.


Though many people downplay the existence of a soul, the arts, which appeal to areas of life greater than biological impulses, are important parts to every culture.


Though we often think about what we want to be when we grow up, we are not nearly as reflective on who we are now.


To succumb to temptations means to choose the wrong path to fulfill our desires


Does a close reading of the Bible show that Scripture affirms the soul?


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