theology chapter 2

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satan, lying, die, eyes, god, god-centered

Adam and Eve placed their trust in ____ when her suggested God was ____ to them. He assured them, You certainly will not ____" God knows well that when you eat of it your ____ will be opened and you will be like ____ who knows good and evil". Consequently, they rejected a ____ life and chose a self-centered life.


Both Humans and Angels can choose to move towards God or away from him


By restricting the one tree in the Garden, God made Adam free to love or reject God

false- only angels

Devils and demons are names fir angels and humans who reject God radically and choose evil

False, Mary

Early christian writer identified the woman mentioned in the protoevangelium as Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist


God sent prophets to both the north and south to remind people of his covenant with them

new covenant, hearts, fulfillment, Israel, Abraham, Messiah, dynasty

The Old Testament covenants foretold a _____ that would be written on the ______ of humankind . Jesus Christ was the ___ of his promise, God made with the people of ancient _____. His first covenant was with ______, then with ________, Moses, and finally David. It was the latter in which he announce that the ________, and savior would come from David's _____


The Old Testament speaks about Christ in an anticipatory manner


The author of the Genesis accounts stressed God's judgement on sinners and mercy

consequences, harmony, other, lost, place, grace, justice

The expulsion from paradise reflects the tragic ______ of Adam andEve's disobedience: loss of _____ with God, within themselves, with each ____, and with all of creation. They ____ everything that derived from the intimacy they shared with God: their _____ in paradise, original _____, original holiness, and original _____

Ezekiel, restore, promised land, Isiah, servant songs, future

The prophet ____ brought hope to the jewish people by predicting a time when God would _____ Israel and the people would return to the _______> The Book of _______ predicted much about the Messiah which applied to Jesus. It included the ___________ that describes the servant whom god will use to usher in a glorious _______


The story of the flood is a typology of christ saving us from sin in the waters of baptism

free will, receive, communion, refuse, allowed, freedom, puppet

Thinking about evil requires thinking about ____. Humans have the ability to freely ____ God's love and to enter into ____ with him and one another, but also to ____ God. There is no evil in God, but he ____ the reality of sin and evil. If there were no ____ and opportunity to choose, you would be like a _____ or action figure that God manipulated.


While the Jews were suffering the consequences of many years of infidelity and sin in Babylon, God sent prophets to give them hope about their future

false- they are due to original sin

life threatening and reducing aspects of human existence are not due to original sin

False- Law of Moses

the decalogue summarizes the Law of Abraham and expresses what humans know in their hearts, and deduce by reason to be right or wrong.


the key promise of God's covenant with David led the Israelited to believe in the Messiah, one who would come and save them from their enemies


Adam and Eve's is affected human nature, which had been passed down through the generations

consequences, holiness, friend, justice, creation, ignorance, death

Humanity experiences three important ______ as a result of Adam and Eve's sin. We have lost original ___, now experiencing fear of god rather than beloved _____. The loss of original _____ has brought disharmony with ourselves, between man and woman, and with God's _________. Finally, we are subject to _______, suffering, and the dominion of ______


I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your offspring and hers. He will strike at your head, while you strike at his heel."

false- typology

Identifying things in the OT that prefigure and serve as a prototype of the fulfillment of God's plan in the person of christ, is known as eschatology

False- a path of suffering and service

Jesus interpreted the messianic way to Salvation as a path of earthly glory and domination, not a path of suffering and service

False- it is contracted, not committed

Original sin is committed by human beings rather than contracted

Persian, Romans, Hellenize, Temple, synagogues, priests, Pharisees, Zealots

Prior to the birth of christ, ______ rule gave way to the Greeks, the. to the selucid dynasty and finally to the ________> The Jews fought efforts to _______ them and faithful Jews kept their religion alive through _______ worship ad by meeting in _______. Disagreement among Jewish leaders and _______ divided Judaism into different sects, including the ________, Sadducees, Essenes, and _____________

False, satan is only a creature

Satan is equal to God in power

taxed, wives, idols, Israel, Judah, Benjamin, capital

Solomon's building projects severely ______ the people, and his many foreign _______led him to worship their ________ After his death the kingdom divided into the northern kingdom of _______ consisting of ten tribes, and the southern kingdom of ________, consisting of the tribes of __________ and Judah with Jerusalem as its ________.

False; St. Augustine

St. Athanasius said that humans need God's grace for the forgiveness of their sins and for the healing of their relationship with God.

golden, David, Jerusalem, prosperity, Solomon, wisdom, Temple, pilgrimage

The _____ period of Israel's monarchy was during the reign of king ______. He made ______ its capital and brought peace, culture, and ____ to the land. ________ his son, succeeded David as king and was down for his ______ and the building of the _____ in Jerusalem which became the center of worship and ______ for the chosen people

Protoevangelium, predicts, battle, announcement, New Adam, disobedience

The ______ is God's immediate plan of salvation. It ______ the future Messiah and Redeemer who will _______ with evil and emerge victorious. The church understands this to be the ______ of Jesus Christ, the ______.His obedience made up in a superabundant way for Adam's disobedience


the heretical belief that people, because of their natural powers of free will, can lead morally good lives without God's help.

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