Theology Final Study Guide

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As discussed in class (in relationship to "Broaden Your Perspective"), the term _____ refers to the cultural phenomenon, generally facilitated via technology, whereby one concludes that their Subjective Appraisals are "good" and/or "true," because they are continually/consistently affirmed by others with similar viewpoints.

"Echo Chamber"

As discussed in "Sacramental Vision," the Jewish philosopher Martin Buber suggested that _____ relationships are characterized by seeing others as existing only to the extent that they can be tools utilized to meet my ends.


As discussed in "Sacramental Vision," the Jewish philosopher Martin Buber suggested that _____ relationships are characterized by seeing others as true others, without reference to the roles they potentially can play or actually do play in my life.


In "Meditation in a Toolshed," C.S. Lewis introduces the idea of a(n) _____ perspective, characterized by an insider's, sacred, experiential, faith-informed worldview.

"Looking Along"

In "Meditation in a Toolshed," C.S. Lewis introduces the idea of a(n) _____ perspective, characterized by an outsider's, secular, rational, science-informed worldview.

"Looking At"

Which of the following IS NOT one of the "General Principles in Media Literacy" we discussed in class?

"Media contain no inherent ideological or value messages."

In "Love Defined," the author discusses how the experience of "Falling in Love" has as one of its characteristics "the illusion that the experience will last forever," an illusion fostered by what he calls the...

"Myth of Romantic Love."

Which of the following IS NOT a difference between Cathecting and Loving discussed by M. Scott Peck in "Love Defined"?

A cathexis involves an extension of our limits.

As discussed in "Sacramental Vision," the term _____, which is Greek for unconditional love (Love as a Choice, an act of the Will.), describes loving someone in light of who s/he truly is and responsive to what s/he deeply needs and desires, not for how I feel or how s/he makes me feel by loving her/him.


In "Love Defined," the author explains that "the process by which an object becomes important to us" is what psychiatrists call...


Which of the following IS NOT an idea explicitly endorsed by Brené Brown in "Strong Back. Soft Front. Wild Heart."?

Clear Eyes.

As discussed in class (in relationship to "Broaden Your Perspective"), the term _____ refers to the potential psychological state resulting from an encounter with something in Objective Reality that, at least initially, seems to fundamentally contradict one's currently-held Subjective Appraisal(s).

Cognitive Dissonance

As discussed in class (in relationship to "Broaden Your Perspective"), the term _____ refers to the psychological phenomenon whereby one's experience of Objective Reality is filtered in such a way as to validate their currently-held Subjective Appraisal(s).

Confirmation Bias

Sebastian's tendency to pretend that he's infatuated with the same actresses as his friends, despite his true feelings that such idol worship is shallow and immature, is an example of the "Habit that Hinders Thinking" called _____.


According to "The Innovation of Loneliness," and in large part due to the Western World's emphasis on "Individuality," we sacrifice meaningful, life-giving interactions with others for what the video dubs _____ and consequently experience unprecedented levels of self-reported loneliness.


According to "The Innovation of Loneliness," we shy away from what the video dubs _____, because such interactions with others involve uncertainty, due to an inability to edit/delete what we say.


In "Love Defined," the author explains that the knowledge of our physical and psychic limits inside our minds is what psychiatrists call...

Ego Boundaries.

Which of the following IS NOT one of the core practices discussed by Brené Brown in her book Braving the Wilderness, as outlined in this selection?

Endure Joy. Celebrate Suffering.

As discussed in "Sacramental Vision," if I were acting on _____, a term which is Greek for romantic love (Love as a Feeling, a manifestation of Emotion.), "I would want to make you feel good because it will make me feel good, and so I will do whatever you want done and tell you whatever you want to hear."


Jessica's repeated attempts to maintain a favorable impression in her parents' eyes, by making excuses for any behavior that might otherwise tarnish this image, is an example of the "Habit that Hinders Thinking" called _____.

Face Saving

In "Love Defined," M. Scott Peck implicitly argues that a common pattern in regards to romantic relationships might best be diagrammed as...

Falling In Love->Falling Out Of Love->Real Love

Which of the following IS NOT a point made by M. Scott Peck, the author of "Love Defined," regarding the difference between "Falling In Love" and Real Love?

Falling in love is not a reciprocal process.

With which of the following statements would M. Scott Peck, the author of "Love Defined," DISAGREE regarding "Falling In Love"?

It serves no apparent evolutionary/biological purpose.

Which of the following IS NOT a facet of M. Scott Peck's definition of love, as discussed in "Love Defined"?

Love is synonymous with the intention to love.

The author of "Broaden Your Perspective" suggests that, to process things clearly, people should develop the habit of _____, which he describes as being "aware of your initial impressions of problems and issues, particularly those impressions that prompt you to take a stand immediately without examining the evidence or weighing competing views."


Shaundra's tendency to inherently assume that her opinion is superior to anyone else's, before ever actually hearing their perspective, is an example of the "Habit that Hinders Thinking" called _____.


As discussed in "Passion and Purity," by Ronald Rolheiser, "Someone once said that the Church does not understand _____," thereby downplaying how exciting sex can and should be.


As discussed in class, the "Prince Charming" VS. "Insatiable Wh*re" Comic suggests that "_____" primarily distorts men's view of love and relationship(s).


As discussed in "Passion and Purity," by Ronald Rolheiser, "Someone once said that... the World does not understand _____," thereby downplaying how special sex can and should be.


Marisol's tendency (stemming primarily from lack of motivation, but also partially from insecurity) to instinctively reject new ways of doing something is an example of the "Habit that Hinders Thinking" called _____.

Resistance to Change

The term _____, as used in "Sacramental Vision," refers to any one of seven objective, public, and communal encounters with God that bring about the spiritual reality to which they point.

Sacrament (Upper-Case)

Ishmael's honest inability to remember how, just a few years ago, he felt very differently about the issue of drug use than he does now is an example of the "Habit that Hinders Thinking" called _____.


According to "Sacramental Vision," a _____ is an arbitrary pointer to something else, with no intrinsic connection to what it represents, such as an octagon indicating that a driver should stop.


Robert's tendency to direct his irrational road rage primarily at female motorists, due to an unquestioned belief that women are inferior drivers, is an example of the "Habit that Hinders Thinking" called _____.


Which of the following IS NOT one of the "interpenetrating dimensions" of Eros for the ancient Greeks, as discussed by Ronald Rolheiser in "A Spirituality of Sexuality"?

Storge - Instinctual affection, such as the love of a parent toward a child.

According to "Passion and Purity," by Ronald Rolheiser, we want the great satisfaction "of deep sexuality, but we do not want the painful _____ upon which it depends."


Which of the following IS NOT one of the "Potentially Sacramental/Agapic Human Activities" discussed in class?

Submitting to God - Salvation

According to "Sacramental Vision," a _____ is an external/outward expression rooted in what it points to, expressing something within its own depth that cannot be expressed in any other way, such as a hug.


With which of the following statements regarding "Dehumanization" would Brené Brown, the author of "People Are Hard to Hate Close Up. Move In.," DISAGREE?

That "Dehumanization" is always the result of language and images propagated by violent psychopaths who are dispositionally-sadistic.

With which of the following statements would Ronald Rolheiser, the author of "What Is Spirituality?," DISAGREE?

That "Every choice inevitably results in a greater number of options from which to choose."

With which of the following statements would Ronald Rolheiser, the author of "A Spirituality of Sexuality," DISAGREE?

That "Sexuality" manifests itself exclusively in relationships characterized by erotic attraction.

With which of the following statements would Ronald Rolheiser, the author of "A Spirituality of Sexuality," DISAGREE?

That "Spirituality" is best understood as expressions of our Desire to connect and be in relationship with God.

With which of the following statements would Brené Brown, the author of "Speak Truth to BS. Be Civil.," DISAGREE?

That BRAVING involves Beliefs, Rigidity, Acculturation, Viewpoint, Individuality, Nuance, and Gratitude.

Which of the following IS NOT a valid connection/parallel between Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion and our wider class discussion of "Sacramental Vision: Encountering the Other" in Unit 4?

That Boyle's idea of the "No Matter Whatness" of God, which he believes we should all strive to model, is essentially in keeping with an understanding of love as Philia.

With which of the following statements would Brené Brown, the author of "Strong Back. Soft Front. Wild Heart.," DISAGREE?

That a "Strong Back" does not involve habituation/repetition, but is rather the result of a colossal, one-time effort.

With which of the following statements would Brené Brown, the author of "Strong Back. Soft Front. Wild Heart.," DISAGREE?

That a "Wild Heart" recognizes the insurmountable contradiction between staying awake to the struggle in the world and fighting for justice and peace, and cultivating its own moments of joy.

According to the film "Killing Us Softly 4," which of the following statements IS NOT true?

That advertising merely reflects and reinforces, rather than serves to shape, a given culture's pre-existing notions of what is "Normal," "Good," "Important," "Beautiful," etc.

Which of the following IS NOT in keeping with our examination of the role of media/advertising, as discussed in class?

That advertising's effects are slow, isolated, and conscious, such that most humans are impervious to media's intended persuasive impact.

With which of the following statements would Michael J. Himes, the author of "Sacramental Vision," DISAGREE?

That an experience of "The Word," mediated via Nonhuman Nature, can serve as both a "Source of Grace" and a "Moral Exemplar."

With which of the following statements would Brené Brown, the author of "Strong Back. Soft Front. Wild Heart.," DISAGREE?

That authentic experiences of joy generally require an ignorance of what's happening around us, the part(s) we play, and how we can make things better.

According to our study of the "Seven Categories of Otherness," which of the following statements IS NOT true?

That identifiable, malicious acts by members of one group toward members of another group, based on preconceived judgments or opinions related to perceptions generally associated with the "Seven Categories of Otherness" constitute what are known as "Embedded Forms" of Prejudice [Social Sin].

According to our study of the "Seven Categories of Otherness," which of the following statements IS NOT true?

That individuals' experience(s) of "Unearned Advantage(s)" and "Prejudice" within American society are fixed, certain, and universal, regardless of varying societal perceptions.

With which of the following statements would Ronald Rolheiser, the author of "Passion and Purity," DISAGREE?

That intercourse within the context of marriage is always Sublime, and therefore never an instance of Negative/"Abusive Sex."

According to our study of the "Seven Categories of Otherness," which of the following statements IS NOT true?

That invisible systems and structures which result in the creation/perpetuation of "Unearned Advantage(s)" enjoyed by members of Dominant ("Norm") groups in American society constitute what are known as "Active Forms" of Prejudice [Personal Sin].

With which of the following statements would Fr. Greg Boyle, the author of Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion, DISAGREE?

That many truly have no desire whatsoever, at any level, to be acknowledged, known, called by name, or to have someone express interest in them.

With which of the following statements would Brené Brown, the author of "People Are Hard to Hate Close Up. Move In.," DISAGREE?

That no one has to listen to any point of view that they don't like, that they think is wrong, or that is not up to their standards of political correctness.

With which of the following statements would Ronald Rolheiser, the author of "Passion and Purity," DISAGREE?

That our Subjective Appraisal, informed by things like past experience, has no meaningful impact on how we experience Objective Reality.

With which of the following statements would Brené Brown, the author of "Strong Back. Soft Front. Wild Heart.," DISAGREE?

That perfecting, pleasing, proving, and pretending are essential to establishing/maintaining a "Strong Back."

With which of the following statements would Brené Brown, the author of "Speak Truth to BS. Be Civil.," DISAGREE?

That so-called "Inclusive Language" is unimportant, given that "Civility" does not require one to speak inauthentically.

With which of the following statements would Ronald Rolheiser, the author of "Passion and Purity," DISAGREE?

That someone who breezes through "The Semester," because they find the subject matter incredibly easy, will inevitably experience "The A+" they ultimately receive as Sublime.

With which of the following statements would Brené Brown, the author of "Speak Truth to BS. Be Civil.," DISAGREE?

That the extreme discomfort characteristic of "The Wilderness" makes it difficult to justify any positive trade-off relative to whatever results in one going/being "there."

With which of the following statements would Michael J. Himes, the author of "Sacramental Vision," DISAGREE?

That the inevitable response to and effect of "Sacramental Vision" is Eros (Selfish Love).

With which of the following statements would Brené Brown, the author of "Speak Truth to BS. Be Civil.," DISAGREE?

That the inherent tension between "Speaking Truth to BS" and "Civility" presents an insurmountable "Paradox," such that the two are Mutually Exclusive.

According to our study of the "Seven Categories of Otherness," which of the following statements IS NOT true?

That the members of the Dominant ("Norm") Groups in American society enjoy greater social power and influence due to their outnumbering the members of the Subordinate ("Exception") Groups.

With which of the following statements would Ronald Rolheiser, the author of "What Is Spirituality?," DISAGREE?

That the term "Will" expresses Desire, but the term "Want" expresses Desire of sufficient intensity that it is translated into Action.

Brené Brown's main point, as portrayed in "People Are Hard to Hate Close Up. Move In.," can best be summarized as...

That we must be vigilant against any/all forms of "Dehumanization," since such language and imagery violates "Emotional Safety," as a means to eventually justifying attacks on people's "Physical Safety."

With which of the following statements would Brené Brown, the author of "Strong Back. Soft Front. Wild Heart.," DISAGREE?

That we must each, personally, choose either advocating, resisting, and fighting, or being kind, civil, and respectful.

With which of the following statements would Ronald Rolheiser, the author of "What Is Spirituality?," DISAGREE?

That what we do with the Desire that is within us, how we channel our Inner Fire/Eros, is our Theology.

With which of the following statements would Fr. Greg Boyle, the author of Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion, DISAGREE?

That where we stand, in all our mistakes and imperfection, is not often where we should truly be, and can therefore be the most difficult place to meet God.

Which of the following statements IS NOT in keeping with our discussion of Compassion in Unit 4?

That who and/or what one exposes one's self to has little bearing and/or impact, for better or for worse, on one's ability to respond to a situation/person in a compassionate manner.

Which of the following IS NOT a "Main Point for an Adequate Anthropology" discussed by Fr. Mike Schmitz, during his treatment of the Theology of the Body, in the video "Why God Gave Us Bodies"?

That you have a body (i.e., God made human beings a dualistic "Body VS. Soul Dichotomy").

According to our study of the "Seven Categories of Otherness," which of the following statements IS NOT true?

That, according to Sociology, to say that American society is Racist and Sexist means that members of the Dominant ("Norm") Groups where Race/Ethnicity and Sex are concerned are inevitably, individually/personally Racist and Sexist.

Which of the following IS NOT a valid connection/parallel between Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion and our wider discussion of "Sacramental Vision: Encountering the Other" in Unit 4?

That, as Boyle describes, Shame is feeling bad about one's actions, which is not inevitably a negative thing, whereas Guilt is feeling bad about oneself, which equates to an inability to recognize what Himes would call the Sacramentality of Nonhuman Nature.

With which of the following statements would Ronald Rolheiser, the author of "Passion and Purity," DISAGREE?

That, as the ABC Primetime Live piece highlighting Michelle's/Belladonna's experiences attests, one can repeatedly engage in (Negative) Abusive Sex without any lasting Spiritual, Psychological, and/or Emotional repercussions.

With which of the following statements would Michael J. Himes, the author of "Sacramental Vision," DISAGREE?

That, at a single point in their lifetime, every human person should be able to definitively communicate their Verbum, i.e., the totality of what they most essentially are.

Which of the following IS NOT in keeping with our examination of the role of media/advertising, as discussed in class?

That, despite their detrimental effects on male self-esteem, depictions of the Ideal Male and "Masculinity" appear to have no negative repercussions for/on women.

With which of the following statements would Brené Brown, the author of "Strong Back. Soft Front. Wild Heart.," DISAGREE?

That, essentially, "Belonging" can be thought of as synonymous with "Fitting In."

Which of the following IS NOT a "Nonnegotiable Christian Principle of a Healthy Christian Spirituality of Sexuality" discussed by Ronald Rolheiser in "A Spirituality of Sexuality"?

That, for a Christian, sex always needs the protection of a healthy Chastity, inevitably characterized by Celibacy/Abstinence.

With which of the following statements would Brené Brown, the author of "Strong Back. Soft Front. Wild Heart.," DISAGREE?

That, in addition to the walk out to the "Wilderness" being difficult, the utter lack of authenticity one encounters out "there" represents a sort of spiritual, psychological, and emotional death.

With which of the following statements would the author of "Whom Do You Follow?" DISAGREE?

That, in essence, there is very little difference between one's "Verbum," as discussed by Michael J. Himes in "Sacramental Vision," and one's "Persona," as discussed in the article.

With which of the following statements would the author of "Broaden Your Perspective" DISAGREE?

That, inherently (i.e., due to the very fact that we exist), every human being enjoys/exhibits Individuality.

With which of the following statements would Ronald Rolheiser, the author of "A Spirituality of Sexuality," DISAGREE?

That, today, we enjoy a much richer understanding of Eros than did the ancient Greeks, and therefore have a far better understanding of "Sexuality" than they did.

Which of the following IS NOT a valid connection/parallel between Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion and our wider discussion of "Sacramental Vision: Encountering the Other" in Unit 4?

That, when Boyle relays how Willy experiences himself as Firme (or "could not be one bit better") in God's eyes, he is essentially experiencing what Himes would call the Sacramentality of the "Other."

Which of the following statements DOES NOT generally characterize the perspective of the Dominant ("Norm") Group(s) in a society, due to the dynamics of the "Seven Categories of Otherness"?

The Awareness of Discrimination

In "Love Defined," M. Scott Peck discusses how the experience of falling in love has as one of its characteristics "the illusion that the experience will last forever," an illusion fostered by what he calls...

The Myth of Romantic Love.

Stated positively, _____ is a notion forwarded by Michael J. Himes (the author of "Sacramental Vision"), which maintains that what is always and everywhere true, must be noticed, accepted, and celebrated somewhere, sometime.

The Sacramental Principle

According to "Sacramental Vision," the fundamental, primary sacrament for each of us, which opens the door to the possibility of seeing the Sacramentality of the Universe, is _____.

The Self

Michael J. Himes' main point, as portrayed in "Sacramental Vision," can best be summarized as...

The belief that we exist in a "Sacramental Universe," in that any person, place, thing, or event can potentially get us to notice, accept, and celebrate God's love, which is always present in our lives.

C.S. Lewis' main point, as portrayed in "Meditation in a Toolshed," can best be summarized as...

The belief that, in every situation, we should be open to the possibility that the insider's perspective is superior to, inferior to, equally correct as, or equally wrong as the outsider's perspective.

Which of the following IS NOT a person explicitly mentioned by Brené Brown in "Strong Back. Soft Front. Wild Heart."?

Toni Morrison

In her TED talk, Brené Brown discusses the power of _____, stemming from its double-edged capacity to open us up to both joy and suffering.


Associated with his contention that "Love is as love does," in "Love Defined," M. Scott Peck maintains that love is an act of _____, which he defines as "desire of sufficient intensity that it is translated into action."


In "Love Defined," the author discusses all of the following differences between Cathecting and Loving, except that...

a cathexis involves an extension of our limits.

In "Love Defined," the author argues that the means of human spiritual evolution, which is motivated by "Real Love," is...


In "Love Defined," the author offers all of the following reasons why the experience of "Falling in Love" is not "Real Love," except...

falling in love is not a reciprocal process.

In "Love Defined," the author argues that "Falling in Love"...

is, seemingly, an experience of merging with the loved one. is an act of regression. elicits a sense of omnipotence.

In "Love Defined," the author's definition of "Real Love" includes all of the following facets, except that...

love is synonymous with the desire to love.

In "Love Defined," the author discusses all of the following popular misconceptions of love, except...

love requires sex.

According to "Sacramental Vision," a _____ is any person, place, thing, or event who/which makes Grace effectively real for us, by getting us to notice, accept, and celebrate God's love, which is always present in our lives.

sacrament (Lower-Case)

In "Love Defined," the author states that the most immediately apparent problem/s with the belief that "Falling in Love" is "Real Love," is/are that...

the experience of falling in love is specifically a sex-linked erotic experience. the experience of falling in love is invariably temporary.

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