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slogan of those wanting to take all of oregon; numbers (54 40') was line of latitude where people wanted oregon border; did not want compromise of 49th parallel, as was done by president polk.

54 40' or fight

Shay's Rebbellion led to what?

A stronger federal government

Wanted to seceed New York and New England Destroyed the federalist's hope for being elected Tried to convince Britain and France to invade America

Aaron Burr

republican who received the same number of electoral votes as jefferson since they ran together, thus throwing the election to the house. caused an amendment to state that president and vice-president were to be voted separately.Crazy politician

Aaron Burr

Which of the following was not an improtant cause for the French and Indian War? Formation of the Ohio Company Desire of Massachusettes Colonies to clear the French out of Canada Washington and Braddock's attack on Fort Duquesne Trade limitations imposed by the Acts of Trade French Eploration in the Great Lakes Region and westward

Acts of trade- led to American revolution not French and Indian War

What was the Northwest Ordinance?

After sufficient population growth, western territories could be organized and admitted as a state

Wiped down to a man in 13 days Battle for Texan independence Slavery was an issue


when the land which became this state was acquired in 1867, many americans thought it quite foolish. in fact, the agreement by which it was purchased was known as "seward's folly" for the secretary of state who made the agreement with russia. name this, the 49th state.


Made because cheap British goods were taking over US factories Strong Banking System Protective Tariff Built Roads and Canals

American System

What were the two best-established demonations?

Anglicans and Congregationalists

The first of these wars caused the first interracial union in Virginia. The second was the last effort to dislodge the colonists from the New World.

Anglo-Powhatan Wars

the first major battle in the american civil war to take place on northern soil. it was the bloodiest single-day battle in american history, with almost 23,000 casualties. after this "win" for the north, lincoln announced the emancipation proclamation


july 21, 1861. va. (outside of d.c.) people watched battle. thomas "stonewall" jackson: confederate general, held his ground and stood in battle like a "stone wall." union retreated. confederate victory. showed that both sides needed training and war would be long and bloody

Battle of Bull Run

Sparked Nationalism Andrew Jackson was in command (became a hero) British were over confident

Battle of New Orleans

Revived the colonial cause in the revolutionary war. This battle caused the French to provide foreign aid to the colonies.

Battle of Saratoga

The last battle of the Revolutionary war, sealed the deal for the colonists.

Battle of Yorktown

Strip on the deep south from Georgia to South Carolina Some places blacks made up 75% of population

Black Belt

Missouri border ruffians crossed into the Kansas to vote against slavery; severely divided the fledgling state

Bleeding kansas

Monopoly of tea in America Lowered tea cost Enforced: did not work

British East India Compony Monopoly

The french and Indian war created conflict between the british and the American military because?

British officers treated the American colonial militia with contempt.

Tecumseh and the Prophet

Brought together all Indian tribes west of the Mississippi

Helped spark the Morman religion Sermons about damnation

Burned-Over District

Which of the following men explored in North America for the French Magellan Coronado Hudson Frobisher Champlain


British captain demanded the surrender of four US ships Caused the Embargo act

Chesapeake Affair

What was the main reason that no new colonies were founded between 1634 and 1670

Civil war in England

a Spanish soldier, explorer, and adventurer who took part in the gradual invasion and conquest of much of the Americas and Asia Pacific, bringing them under Spanish colonial rule between the 15th and 19th centuries. Notice that the term is not used for the Portuguese explorers and conquerors of Brazil, such as the Bandeirantes.


most extreme portion of the peace democrats. they openly obstructed the war through attacks against the draft, against lincoln, and the emancipation. based in ohio, indiana, and illinois. there was really no victory for this group.


Jackson won popular vote but not electoral vote House picked Adams as president

Corrupt Bargain

Which of the following had the LEAST significance in providing experience and concepts that were used by the colonists in their arguments and fight for independence French and Indian War New England Town Meetings Use of the Power of the Purse by the Virginia House of Burgesses The Albany Plan Developement by the colonists of crops for export

Crops for export

People that acquired a desire for luxury goods from Asia. They wanted to find a different way to Asia, on the way they discovered the New World.


Glorified the customary functions of the homemaker Changed life of the home

Cult of Domesticity

the first highway built by the federal government. constructed during 1825-1850, it stretched from pennsylvania to illinois. it was a major overland shipping route and an important connection between the north and the west.

Cumberland Road

Antifederalists were usually who?

Debtors and small Farmers

Reaffirmed parliments right to bind the colonies. Total power.

Declaratory Act

Relied on reason rather than revelation Science not bible believed in a supreme being


England's victory over the Spanish Armada gave it control of the Spnish colonies in the new world dominance of the Atlantic Ocean and a vibrant sense of nationalism a stable social order and economy Effective control of the African slave trade

Dominance of the Ocean

Imposed from London. Created for defense and to promote efficiency in the Navagation Laws.

Dominion of New England

rights activist on behalf of mentally ill patients - created first wave of us mental asylums

Dorothea Dix

Created the Cotton Gin

Eli Whitney

a member of the women's right's movement in 1840. She shocked other feminists by advocating suffrage for women at the first women's right's convention in Seneca, New York 1848. She read a "declaration of sentiments" which declared "all men and women are created equal."

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

An act that stated that American ships were no longer allowed to sail to foreign ports, and it also closed American ports to British ships.

Embargo Act

True or False? Britain valued the Georgia colony primarily as a source of gold and timber


True or False? John Rolfe enabled the Virginia colony to survive by introducing African slave labor in 1619


True or False? King Philip's War enabled New England's Indians to recover their numbers and morale.


True or False? Life expectancy amog the seventeenth-century settlers of Maryland and Virginia was about sixty years.


True or False? Orinally, the primary purpose of the joint-stock Virginia company was to provide for the well-being of the freeborn English settlers in the colony


True or False? South Carolina prospered partly by selling African slaves in the West Indies


True or False? Sugar, unlike tabacco, was considered a "poor man's crop" that could be grown by individual farmers on smaller plots of land


True or False? The Maryland colony was founded partly to establish a religious fefuge for persecuted English Quakers


True or False? The large, separatist Plymouth Colony of Pilgrims strongly influenced smaller Puritan Massachusetts Bay.


True or False? The middle colonies were characterized by tightly knit, ethically homogeneous communities that shared a common sense of religious purpose.


True or False? Colonists in Britsh North America managed to avoid direct involvement in most of Britain's "world wars" until the French and Indian War


True or False? New York became the most democratic and economically equal of the middle colonies.


True or False? Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson were both banished for organizing political rebellions against the Massachusetts Bay authorities.


True or False? The defeat of the Spanish Armada was important to North American colonization because it enabled England to conquer Spain's New World empire


True or False? The earliest English colonization efforts experienced success.


One of the advantages the colonists enjoyed in the impending conflict with Britian was

Fighting defensively on a large, agriculturally self-sufficient continent

The chief significance of the Great Awakening was that it Led to the founding of colleges Provided Jon Edwards and opportunity to preach First unified movement in the American Colonies Revived intolerance Created a new interest in Churches

First Unified Movement

Two major Industries in Massachusetts Bay

Fishing and Shipbuiling

Army and Navy can be used to collect federal tariffs

Force Bill

Where Washington was forced to retreat by the French army. In the Ohio Valley.

Fort Necessity

an american politician and the fourteenth president of the united states.His popularity in the north declined sharply after he came out in favor of the kansas-nebraska act, repealing the missouri compromise and reopening the question of the expansion of slavery in the west.

Franklin Pierce

The trial of Peter Zenger in New ork has often been considered an important step in the development of religious toleration freedom of the press trial by jury the right to bear arms concepts of privacy

Freedom of the press

Causes: Ohio River Valley Land

French and Indian War

Effects: Confidence in Military British are not invincible

French and Indian War

this agreement stated that the u.s. government had to pay mexico $10,000,000 and mexico had to give the u.s. southern parts of what are now arizona and new mexico

Gadsden Purchase

What were the two largest non-english white ethnic groups in the colonies?

Germans and the Scots-Irish

The event that sparked the collapse of the Dominion of New England was king Philip's War. the revocation of the Massachusetts Bay governor Andros's harsh attacks on colonial liberties. the Glorious Revolution in England.

Glorious Revolution

The whiskey rebellion was most significant because it showed that American citizens would rise up against unfair taxation it showed that the new federal government would use force if necessary to uphold its authority. it demonstrated the efficiency of the American military it showed the strength of continuing anti federalists hostility to the new constitutional government.

Govern would use necessary force

Called because they thought that New Oreans was going to be captured ended federalist party

Hartford Convention

Meeting of Federalists near the end of the War of 1812 in which the party listed it's complaints against the ruling Republican Party. These actions were largley viewed as traitorous to the country and lost the Federalist much influence

Hartford convention

distinguished senator from kentucky, who ran for president five times until his death in 1852. he was a strong supporter of the american system, a war hawk for the war of 1812, speaker of the house of representatives, and known as "the great compromiser." outlined the compromise of 1850 with five main points. died before it was passed however.

Henry Clay

German soliders, for Britain. More interested in Booty than Duty


Jackson had the Specie Cirular issued in 1836 because he feared the high rate of debt and the speculation brought about by the sale of western land disliked the bank of the US thought it would win his party presidency

High rate of debt

united states educator who introduced reforms that significantly altered the system of public education (1796-1859)

Horace Mann

the forcible seizure of men for military service. War of 1812 issue with Britain.


Aimed at Boston Punishment for Boston Tea Party No town meetings

Intolerable Acts

Imperial England and English soliders develpoed a contemptuous attitude toward "natives" partly through their colonizing experiences in Canada Spain India Ireland


The passage of the Quebec Act aroused intense American fears because

It extended Catholicism and a nonjury judicial system

the 15th president of the united states (1857-1861). he tried to maintain a balance between proslavery and antislavery factions, but his moderate views angered radicals in both north and south, and he was unable to forestall the secession of south carolina on december 20, 1860.

James Buchanan

Father of the Constitution.

James Madison

Founder of the Georgia Colony

James Oglethrope

president in march 1845. wanted to settle oregon boundary dispute with britain. wanted to aquire california. wanted to incorperate texas into union.

James Polk

Was not liked by the colonists. A treaty that stated that the US had to pay Britain its debts and Britain would leave the US alone and respect their neutrality. French were not happy because they thought that it was a step towards an American/ Britain alliance.

Jay's Treaty

Which President is this? Kept Hamiltons plan (Bank, Tariffs, and Debts) repealed excise tax and reduced debt Did not like the bank


an american statesman and politician who served as president of the confederate states of america for its entire history from 1861 to 1865

Jefferson Davis

Election that was seen as a return to democratic principles Peaceful transfer of Power Jefferson vs. Adams

Jeffersonian Revolution (1800)

A religious reformer. Conversion- God's saving grace. Created Calvinism- humans were weak and wicked.

John Calvin

He secretly made a treaty with Britain behind France's back after the Revolutionary war.

John Jay

in the presidential election of 1824, no one candidate received a majority of electoral votes and the election was decided in his favor by congress.

John Quincy Adams

Father of the Tabacco Industry, economic savior of the Virginia colony.

John Rolfe

religious leader who founded the mormon church in 1830 (1805-1844)

Joseph Smith

Later used by Southerners to support nullification, and secession. The states were the final judges of whether their agent had overstepped. The federal government had overstepped its powers.

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

expression used by southern authors and orators before civil war to indicate economic dominance of southern cotton industry, and that north needed south's cotton.

King Cotton

One section in each township was was reserved for the support of education and public schools. Slavery was not permitted in the northwest territory.

Land Ordinance of 1785

How the first Americans got to Americas.

Land bridge

King Philip's War represented the first serious military conflict between New an example of the disastrous divisions among the Wampanoags, Pequots, and Narragansetts. the last major Indian effort to halt New Englanders' encroachment on their lands. a relatively minor conflict in terms of actual fighting and casualties.

Last major

The essential disagreement between Hamilton and Jefferson over the proposed Bank of the United States was whether the constitution granted the federal government the power to establish such a bank whether it would be economically wise to create a single national currency whether the bank should be under the control of the federal government of the states whether such a bank violated the bill of rights

Loosely Constructed Constitution

Doubled the United States 3 cents an acre

Louisiana Purchase

Reopened trade with everyone Showed the US couldn't function without France or Britain

Macon's Bill

french viceroy appointed by napoleon iii of france to lead the new government set up in mexico. after the civil war, the u.s. invaded and he was executed, a demonstration of the enforcement of the monroe doctrine to european powers.


britain wanted to build road through disputed land. led to full on shooting - aroostook war

Maine Boundary Dispute

Feralists tried to pack the court Made the Supreme Court the end all be all

Marbury vs. Madison

Specialized labor by region South-cotton West- grain and livestock East- Factory Widened gap between rich and poor

Market economy

senator, vice president, and president of the united states; the panic of 1837 ruined his presidency, and he was voted out of office in 1840. he later supported the free soil party.

Martin Van Buren

1819. involved an attempt by the state of maryland to destroy a branch of the bank of the united states. imposed a tax on the bank's notes. john marshall declared the u.s. bank constitutional by invoking the hamiltonian doctrine of implied powers. he strengthened federal authority and slapped at state infringements when he denied the right of maryland to tax the bank.

McCulloch vs Maryland

The transatlantic sea voyage that brought slaves to the New World- the long and hazardous journey.

Middle Passage

Adams signed the commissions of judges on his last day in office.

Midnight Judges

William Penn's colony of Pennsylvania sought settlers primarily from England and Scotland. experienced continuing warfare with neighboring Indian tribes. made no provisions for military defense against enemies. set up the Quaker religions as its tax-supported established church.

Military defense

If Missouri was slave Maine was not Balance between North and South

Missouri Compromise

No foreign intervention or colonization Made to protect the US Expression of nationalism

Monroe Doctrine

Besides Pennsylvania, Quakers were also heavily involved in the early settlement of both New Jersey and New York. New Jersey and Delaware. New Netherland and New York. New York and Delaware.

NJ and DE

All goods from America had to go the Britain for tariffs

Navigation Laws

Main reason was for denfense and colonial disputes. Created because Britain was in a civil war and the colonies were on their own.

New England Confederation

Who did the Triangular trade involve?

New England, Africa, and the West Indies

he was an american financier who was also president of the bank of the united states. he was also known for his bribes. he was in charge during the bank war, where jackson refused to deposit federal funds, which bled the bank dry. he also showed the corruption of the bank.

Nicholas Biddle

Reopened trade with everyone but Britain and France

Non-Intercourse Act (1809)

• Abolitionist groups were unpopular in the North. o The North needed the cotton from the South. o Slavery was a bargain. o The money that the South owed the North would be gone if slavery was gone. • Many outbursts over slavery in the North. • By 1850 abolitionists had made a dent in the North. • Many Northerners saw the South as land of the unfree and home of the hateful institution.

North's Reaction to Anti-Slavery Sentiment

South Carolinans that wanted to nullify the tariff First threat of secession


Where were the border states located during the civil war?

On the border between Union and Confederacy- they were for the Union

One reason that the Massachusetts Bay Colony was not a true democracy is that only church members could vote for the governor and the General Court. political offices were dominated by the clergy. people were not permitted to discuss issues freely in their own towns. the governor and his assistants were appointed rather than elected.

Only Church members

All of the following are a reason for calling the Constitutional convention of 1787 except Northwest Ordinance Shay's Rebellion Annapolis Convention Near- bankruptcy of the Confederation government Lack of executive leadership in the confederation


Native Americans did all of the following except Aid the Pilgrims in Plymouth Split their support of the French and English during colonial wars Felt their way of life was threatened by the territorial expansions of the colonies Converted to Christianity in very limited numbers Organized effectively to block English expansion west of the Appalachians

Organized effectively

Where did the first Continental Congress met?


When Jackson was president, many state banks received government money that had been withdrawn from the Bank of the U.S. These banks issued paper money and financed wild speculation, especially in federal lands. Jackson issued the Specie Circular to force the payment for federal lands with gold or silver. Many state banks collapsed as a result. A panic ensued (1837). Bank of the U.S. failed, cotton prices fell, businesses went bankrupt, and there was widespread unemployment and distress

Panic of 1837

What was the half-way covenant?

Partial church membership to people not converted

The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution primarily to?

Protect Individual Liberties

The Act of Toleration in 1649 gave religious freedom to who in Maryland Jews Atheists Protestants and Catholics Those who denied the divinity of Jesus

Protestants and Catholics

British Forced colonists to house their soliders

Quartering Act

Guarenteed French religious toleration and to keep old customs

Quebec Act

After the South seceded the Congress passed legislation that benefited the North and the West such as the Kansas-Nebraska Act Pacific Railroad Bill Underwood Tariff


The most distinctive feature of the Rhode Island colony was that it enjoyed the most complete religious freedom of all the English colonies. it secured an official charter from England. it contained a high proportion of well-educated and well-off colonists. it had a strong common sense of religious purpose.

Religious Freedom

The failed lost colony


confederate general who had opposed secession but did not believe the union should be held together by force

Robert E Lee

All of the following important colonial cities are correctly paired with their colony EXCEPT Williamsburg- Virginia Annapolis- Maryland Salem- Rhode Island Charleston- South Carolina New London- Connecticut


The Puritans believed were the cause of their problems or misfortune, The fear of witches led to what in Salem in 1692

Salem witch trials

Which of the following events occured last? Establishment of elected government in Massachusetts Bay colony Signing of the Mayflower Compact Expulsion of Roger Williams from Massachusetts Bay Colony Sakem Witch Trials Decline of Puritan Immigration to Massachuttes Bay Colony

Salen Witch Trials

Leader in the Boston Tea Party. Political agitator and organizer.

Samuel Adams

Father of the Factory System

Samuel Slater

exiled mexican dictator who doubled crossed the us rallying mexico to protect californiamexican general who tried to crush the texas revolt and who lost battles to winfield scott and zachary taylor in the mexican war (1795-1876)

Santa Anna

Encouraged reforms Middle class woman were most involved More people than the first one Diveristies emerged (Churches, Politics)

Second Great Awakening

What was one important change in the church from the American Revolution?

Seperation of church and state

• Before 1820 anti-slavery groups were larger in the North than in the South. • By 1830 Southern abolitionism was silenced. • The debate in 1831-1832 in the Virginia Legislature was a turning point. o After the debate, slave states tightened their slave codes. • Nullification Crisis in 1832 worried slave owners even more. • Tried to show slavery as a good thing. o Said that is was supported by the Bible. o Relationships between people resembled that of family. o It was better than in a factory o Cared for in sickness and old age. • They acted defensively and were very intolerant of the entire situation. • Endangered freedom of speech.

South's Reaction to Anti-Slavery Sentiment

Begininning of the end of the Spanish empire. Helped secure Britains dominance in the Atlantic, sparked English nationalism.

Spainish Armada

Rewarded political supporters with public office Important in emerging two seperate parties

Spoils System

Used stamps to show paymeny of products and documents

Stamp Act

A step towards colonial unity. Was not recongized by Britain. An attempt to repeal the act

Stamp Act Congress

The first winter at Jamestown. 1609-1610. Only 60 people survived.

Starving Time

Did the antifederalists want a stronger federal or state government?


Taxed Sugar

Sugar Act

social reformer who campaigned for womens rights, the temperance, and was an abolitionist, helped form the national woman suffrage assosiation. Helped to define the movement's goals and beliefs and to lead its actions

Susan B Anthony

No more slaves in Missouri Gradual Emancipation Made South angry

Tallmadge Amendment

Protected American Industry South felt discriminated against South called for states rights

Tariff of Abomination

How did Hamilton finace his large national debt?

Tariffs and Taxes on products such as whiskey

Texan Americans


What was the Great Compromise?

That there would be Representation by population in the House but equal representation in the Senate

What were America's first political parties developed out of?

The disagreement of Jefferson and his states' rights followers with Hamilton's economic policies.

What did the Battle of Tippecanoe led to?

The fall of the Indian Confederacy

The most important action the Continental Congress took to protest the Intolerable Acts was

The formation of the association to impose a complete boycott of all british goods

American colonists especially resented the Townshend Acts because

The taxes went to British officals and Judges in America

How did the British react to the Boston Tea Party?

They closed the Port of Boston until damages were paid and order was restored.

Type of farming method used by the early settlers to grow food.corn, beans, and squash. .

Three sister farming.

Used to pay salaries of governers and judges Tax on glass, white lead, paper, and tea

Townshend Acts

Government forcefully removed 15,000 Cherokees

Trail of Tears

Golden age in literature Thought knowledge came from the senses - direct link to God Athens of America


Americans could share Newfoundland fisheries with Canada Oregon could be occupied

Treaty of 1818

No territory was gained in this treaty war of 1812 ended in a draw

Treaty of Ghent

foreign event involving union seizure of british ship with confederate diplomats.

Trent affair

Where the US stood up against pirates

Tripolitan War

True or False Although unsuccessful in uniting the colonies, the Albany Congress demonstrated a strong desire among some English colonists to overcome their differences and control their own affairs


True or False The removal of the French made the colonies less relaint on Britain


True or False? All the Southern colonies eventually came to rely on staple-crop plaantation agriculture for their economic properity


True or False? Among the English citizens most interested in colonization were unemployed yeoman and the younger sons of the gentry


True or False? Compared with its neighbors Virginia and South Carolina, North Carolina was more demoratic and individualistic in social outlook


True or False? From the time of its founding, South Carolina had close economic ties with the British West Indies


True or False? General Burgoyne's defeat at Saratoga in 1777 was critical for the American cause because it led to the alliance with France


True or False? In their early years, neither North Carolina or Georgia relied on very heavily on slave labor


True or False? Most early colleges were linked with Religion


True or False? Protestant England's early colonial ambitions were fueled by its religious rivalry with Catholic Spain.


True or False? Puritans believed that the Church of England was corrupt because it did not restrict its membership to "visible saints" who had experienced conversion.


True or False? Rhode Island was the most religiously and politically tolerant of the New England colonies.


True or False? The American Revolution created a substantial push in the direction of social and political equality


True or False? The Theory of Mercantilism was based on the idea that colonies existed primarily for the economic benefit of the mother country


True or False? The colonists considered the Quebec Act especially oppressive because it appeared to extend the domain of roman Catholicism.


True or False? In the Chesapeake there was a fierce competition over women?


True or False? Massachusetts Bay restricted the vote for elections to the General Court to adult male members of the Congregational Church. "Visible Saints"


True or False? Most of the Europeans that came to Virginia and Maryland in the 17th century were indentured servants


True or False? Southern woman recieved more rights that New England Woman


True or False? The defeat of Powhatan's Indian forces in Virginia was achieved partly by Lord De La Warr's use of brutal tactics


True or False? There was more of a stable family life in the New England than of the Chesapeake


True or Flase? The Great Awakening tended to break down denominational and sectional barriers, creating a greater sense of common American idenity and unity


an american general and the eighteenth president of the united states (1869-1877). he achieved international fame as the leading union general in the american civil war.

Ulysses S. Grant

written by harriet beecher stowe in 1853 that highly influenced england's view on the american deep south and slavery. a novel promoting abolition. intensified sectional conflict.

Uncle Tom's Cabin

God was only one person salvation through good works


Caused high birth rate and long life span growing of cities


Representative government was first introduced to America in the colony of Virginia Maryland North Carolina Georgia


One important difference between the founding of the Virginia and Maryland colonies was that Virginia colonists were willing to come only if they could acquire their own land while Maryland colonists labored for the landlords. Virginia depended primarily on its tobacco ecomony, while Maryland turned to rice cultivation. Virginia depended on African slave labor, while Maryland relied mainly on white indentured servitude. Virginia was founded mainly as an economic venture, while maryland was intended partly to secure religious freedom for persecuted Roman Catholics

Virginia was an economic venture, Maryland was religious

The Puritans all believed strongly that they should separate completely from the Church of England. only the elect of "visible saints" should be members of the church. human beings were fundamentally good and capable of working out their own salvation. kings like Henry VIII and James I had sufficiently reformed the Church of England.

Visible Saints

Young Hot Heads Wanted a war with Britain led to war of 1812 Divided Congress

War Hawks

War that porved that the US belonged White House was burned down

War of 1812

The Puritan missionary efforts to convert Indians to Christianity were weak and mostly unsuccessful. initially successful but undermined by constant warfare. similar to the evangelistic efforts of the Catholic Spanish and French. developed only after the Indians were defeated and confined to reservations.


To recharter the Bank four years early to make it an election issue Jackson vetoed the idea- helped him in the end

Webster/Clay Recharter Bill

Political Party that hated Jackson wanted schools, roads, and telegraph lines

Whig party

Challenged the national government. Gave Washington's governemnt a new respect. A colonist revolt on a tax and alcohol.

Whiskey Rebellion

was an american military leader, politician, the ninth president of the united states, and the first president to die in office. his death created a brief constitutional crisis, but ultimately resolved many questions about presidential succession left unanswered by the constitution until passage of the 25th amendment. led us forces in the battle of tippecanoe.

William Henry Harrison

1805-1879. prominent american abolitionist, journalist and social reformer. editor of radical abolitionist newspaper "the liberator", and one of the founders of the american anti-slavery society.

William Lloyd Garrison

The leader in the London government. Led Britains first major victory in the French and Indian war. Led Britain to be the dominant power in North America

William Pitt

general whose march to sea caused destruction to the south

William T Sherman

Was overshadowed by the fight against slavery

Woman's Rights

The United States became involved in undeclared hostilities with France in 1797 because of fierce American opposition to the concessions of jays treaty American anger at attempted french bribery in the XYZaffair french interference with American shipping and freedom of the seas president Adams sympathy with Britain and hostility to revolutionary France

XYZ affair

general that was a military leader in mexican-american war and 12th president of the united states. sent by president polk to lead the american army against mexico at rio grande, but defeated.

Zachary Taylor

The purpose of the Freedman's Bureau was to gain the vote for the freed slave feed and educate former slaves work against the black codes

feed and educate

At the time of the first colonization efforts, England was

going through sharp political conflicts between "sea dogs" and the Elizabeth I monarchy

The primary value of the New England Confederation lay in restoring harmony between Rhode Island and the other New England colonies. promoting better relations between New providing the first small step on the road to intercolonial cooperation. defending the colonial rights against increasing pressure from the English monarchy.

small step towards cooperation

The major reason for the demise of the federalist Party in the decade before 1820 was their faliure to support tariffs and New England manufacturing interests the faliure of New England Federalists to support war of 1812 their support of the spred of slavery into the Northwest Territory

the faliure of New England Federalists to support war of 1812

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