topic 4

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Describe a strategy for the cleaning up and restoration of a eutrophic lake.

..To clean up and began restoration of and eutrophic lake is to pump the nutrient-enriched mud from eutrophic lakes and reintroducing plant and fish species that "mop-up" excess nutrients. We could also change our human activity by using alternative methods of enhancing crop growth and alternative detergents,Avoid plowing or disruption of soil, and Organic farming(friendly farming) to reduce phosphate and nitrates.

example of aqua culture aka fish farming method

A method of fish farming is submersible Net pens. They are cages that are circular but with hexagon shaped corners. They can be used for a variety of fish rather than just one specific species. What this method does well is catch fish, but it also as a negative affect to the habitat of the aquatic species. This method isn't as friendly to the aquatic species and sea floor. It damages the environment because the water flowing into the net pens come along with fish waste, uneaten food, and chemicals. The net pens are open which can potentially cause harm disease to transfer to wild fish populations

methods of fish farming evaluate (strengths and weaknesses)

A method of fish farming is submersible Net pens. They are cages that are circular but with hexagon shaped corners. They can be used for a variety of fish rather than just one specific species. What this method does well is catch fish, but it also as a negative affect to the habitat of the aquatic species. This method isn't as friendly to the aquatic species and sea floor. It damages the environment because the water flowing into the net pens come along with fish waste, uneaten food, and chemicals. The net pens are open which can potentially cause harm disease to transfer to wild fish populations.

Define the term biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)

Amount of dissolved oxygen required for decomposers to aerobically break down organic matter into a given volume of water

water conflict

An example of conflict of water resources is between the countries Syria and Israel. Armed clashes broke out between Israel and Syria over the Jordan River to Yarmuk sources. Israel and Syria shot at each other when Israel tried to build a water project in the demilitarized zone between the two countries.

Describe one example of the use of a biotic index to measure pollution.

An example of the use biotic index to measure pollution is to measure how healthy the water is. A Trent bitoic Using an indicator species can determine whether or not the ecosystem is polluted. If there are less frogs in an ecosystem, it can be a sign of pollution.

how to measure BOD

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) DO should be measured the initial amount of oxygen in the sample Sample should be sealed and in the dark After 5 days a second DO reading should be recorded Calculate the change in oxygen levels Unpolluted, natural water has a BOD less that 5mg/L

Define the term biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and explain how it is used to assess pollution levels in water.

Biochemical oxygen demand is the amount of dissolved oxygen that must be present in water in order for microorganisms to decompose the organic matter in the water, used as a measure of the degree of pollution. To determine the pollution levels in water you have to look at the BOD levels. High BOD indicates there are many organisms using oxygen for respiration. Low BOD indicates relatively few organisms needing oxygen for respiration

State what is meant by the term biotic index.

Biotic index is a scale for showing the quality of an environment by indicating the types of organisms present in it. It is often used to assess the quality of water in rivers

Compare the environmental value systems of two named societies and describe how these societies might differ in the way that they exploit their resources.

Buddhist and Judeo-Christian are two religions. Most Buddhist are either deep ecologists or ecocentric. They believe in the importance of nature for the humanity of man. The ecological laws dictate human mortality. As for ecocentric , Since this is a religion they have specific beliefs and associate that with their spiritual, social, and environmental dimensions. The use of technology is not used to achieve what they want/need. They work with the natural enviroment to solve issues within the enviroment. They see the world with limited resources (which ties back to sustaibility) and believe that it needs to be controlled rather just taking too much when its not needed and over using it. An example of how a ecocentric would handle fossil fuels is by calling for a reduction of greenhouse gases and informing people of the situation and suggesting to change their lifestyle to reduce fossil fuel use. If it came to water resources, an egocentric person would encourage the conservation of water and more recycling and that it should be within the sustainable levels. Judeo-Christian is Anthropocentrism. They believe that "humans have a role of responsibility towards the earth." Anthropocentrism is when humans "believe humans must sustainably manage the global system." The way they would handle there environmental issues is through through taxes, environmental regulation, and legislation. It's said that debates would be a good thing to hold to get to a point of agreement of how to solve environmental issues.

define sustainability

Don't use/take more than can be replenished.

Define the term eutrophication.

Excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water, frequently due to runoff from the land, which causes a dense growth of plant life and death of animal life from lack of oxygen.

explain why point-source pollution is easier to control than non point-source pollution

Point-source pollution is to control a single source, such as a factory, a water waster treatment plan, or a leaking oil tanker. This is easy because you know where the problem is coming from. The problem with Nonpoint-source pollution is that the pollution can come from many different sources with make it difficult to identify the source. Nonpoint-sources can enter bodies of water in many different ways which makes it hard.

method of irrigation and envirometnal imapct

Surface water comes from the rain, melting snow that forms streams and water stored as resevioir such as tanks, dams, and ponds. Surface water is distributed over the surface of the soil by gravity.. Some impacts it may have is the excessive loss of water, excessive soil eroisn, and fertilize eroded from the soil. Enviromental impacts are also the changes in quanity and quality of soil water. It can affect the natural soil in river basins and down the stream

case study for eutrophication - name and talk about a case study with eutrophication

The Baltic Sea is enclosed by Scandinavia, Finland, the Baltic countries, and the North and Central European Plain. The body of water is mixed with salt water from the North east atlantic and fresh water from rivers and streams that are surrounded by it. The reason why it's so important to save the Baltic Sea is because nine countries are surrounded by it and those people highly depend on the sea. They depend on the food that comes from it and just the sea itself. It provides space for activities and it's just a part of nature and a habitat to the aquatic animals within the water. So far this has been happening for over the past 100 years. The cause of the eutrophication is the amount of runoff coming from agriculture locations. What comes from the runoff is too much nutrients and the nutrients comes from nine different rivers that all lead into the Baltic Sea. That nutrients creates algal blooms. Another known problem has to do with Phosphorus. A lot of the phosphorus was released into the sea and it helps algal blooms and that negatively impacts the sea. The problems of the Baltic Sea is tied to farms because the nutrient runoff from the crops goes into the water. It's said the major solution to the problem of eutrophication lies in addressing land-based measures with the promotion of more sustainable farming and land management practices. They worked together and developed action plans such as HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan, agricultural policy at national, regional and European levels and EU directives. The farmers agreed to reduce less nutrients runoff into the Baltic sea in order to save it. They will stop bad agricultural practices because that is another cause of it. So therefore they are starting to do sustainable farming practices. Another solution is also using a high tech N-sensor which assures that exactly the right amount of nutrients are applied to the crops so that not too much and not too little is added so that it doesn't runoff into the Baltic Sea and continue its negative impacts.

talk about dead sea unstatainbilty

The Dead Sea is unsustainable throughout the years because of the water that has been taken, which results in shrinkage of the Dead Sea. The human made factors are what is shrinking the Dead Sea and also the over extraction of the minerals for cosmetic products from the Dead Sea cause a decline in water levels. Those water levels cause multiple sinkholes through the community surrounded or close by the water which has highly affected them and the economy because tourism is popular there, but it's not hazardous. The Jordan River is the main source which is what the Dead Sea feeds off of. The high consumption of the river goes down and it also does for the Dead Sea. Since there are alot of bad affects, the water is not sustainable due to the over usage. If it was sustainable, there would be no negative impacts on the environment. The only solution to get the Dead close to sustainability is connecting the Red Sea to the Dead Sea so it can fill the Dead Sea with what is being take away from it.

Define what is meant by the term sustainability.

The use and management of resources that allows full natural replacement of the resources exploited and full recovery of the ecosystems affected by their extraction and use.

State three environmental effects of eutrophication.

Three environmental effects of eutrophication are algal blooms, oxygen depletion, and species diversity decreases.

ways to deal with pollution.

altering human acitvity such as, ban or limit detergants with phosphate, educate farmers about mroe effective timing for feritlizer application

possible effects of water pollution

europhiciation, loss of biodiverity , damage to organisms

what does bod calculate (indirect)

measures the amount of dissolved oxygen that is required by areobic organisms, the higher the bod, the more polluted the water is

name variety of strategies exist for managing water pollution

monitoring quality • setting and imposing standards • water purification.

97% of saudi arabia has acess to imporved water where as 55% of Sudan has access to improved water, why is this?

most of the red sea runs through the west of saudia arabia and it also has the golf sea on its east side. Sudan only has access to the red sea on most of the noth eastern part of Sudan. It also is surrounded by mostly land on all other sides

ways to measuring water pollution (direct method), find way to explain

pH, nitrates or ammonia, dissolved oxygen conductivity, turbitiy,

possible sources of water pollution

pesticides, sewage of human and animal, oil spills, nitrates fertilizers

example of point and non point source

point source: leaking oil tanker none point source: car emissions

eurtrophication qualties

smells because of areobic activity Drastic increase in algae growth polluted May happen in freshwater or oceans (red tide) Human influence by using fertilizers or detergents

define biodiversity

the variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem.

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