Traffic congestion

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noise pollution

- Noise pollution ocurs when there is harmful and excessive noise that may disrupt human and animals - road traffic as the biggest cause of noise pollution in the United Kingdom, disturbing more than 12 million people - example, in India, there is noise pollution due to drivers honking their cars very frequenty

Stress on physical and mental health

- People caught in traffic congestion often experience stress and anxiety - Physical health refers to the general condition of a person - mental health refers to a person's psychological state - Long traveling times can lead to fatigue - Drivers are more prone to losing their concentration or falling asleep, causing accidents and even deaths - Traffic congestion poses health hazard. - It is a source of exhaust fumes from idling vehicles stuck in traffic - it includes carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and particulate matter -Some particuiates can penetrate deep into lung tissues, causing inflammation. -Long-term exposd been linked to several health problems -Traffic congestion also has negative impacts on people's mental health - Due to spending more time on the road, drivers may be more prone to stress and frustration while stuck in traffic. -increases their chance of being involved in accidents and fights with other drivers.

Separation of work and residential areas

- People work and live in different parts of the city. - work are often located away from housing areas. - need for people to commute to work on a regular basis - private or public transport. -private vehicle because it is convenient and allows for flexibility. -in most cities ownership is high, leading to massive cars that drive in and out of the CBD daily -This contributes to the problem of traffic congestion.

Inadequate transport infrastructure and poor provision of transport service

- a city's transportation facilities are not capaple of handling the amount of traffic it receives. - Roads may not have enough lanes or the networks may not well-connected. - some roads may be congested due to lack of aiternative routes - when there has been an accident or during Peak hours - Transport services refer to services provided to move people and goods from one location to another. - a city only has a small fleet of public buses and rail - does not have enoughl of them to carry commuters. - This results in overcrowded-trains or buses - result in buses that do not arrive frequently and on time - avoid taking bus and rail - buy cars drive to work - leads to more vehicles

Encourage cycling

- bicycle are environmentally friendly and convenient mode of transport cos of mobility and flexibility they offer EG: - COPENHAGEN, DENMARK -has a network of wide cycling lanes that covers large part of the city - making it convenient for ppl to travel from place to place - numerous parking lots for cyclists BENEFITS: - environmental friendly and sustainable - provides flexibility and mobility CHALLENGES: -some cities r not suited to cycling cos of the layout, traffic conditions or topography - it mayb dangerous for cyclists cos cycling lanes are near the motor vehicles on roads

Increasing capacity and frequency of buses and rail services

- bus and rail systems can be upgraded to carry more ppl and arrive more frequently - transport operators can be put into place so that buses and trains arrive at the scheduled times EG: -SG starting from 2012, govt has partnered with bus operators to increase the capacity and frequency of buses though a programmers called BUS ENHANCEMENT PROGRAMME. - expected to reduce waiting times for buses throughout the island - plans also have been made to increase the capacity and frequency of trains in SG - since 2011, more trains have been added to existing lines - the train signaling system will also be upgraded BENEFIT: - more ppl can be transported to places and within a short time CHALLENGES: - increasing frequency and capacity of buses and trains can be costly

enhanced traffic monitoring

- can make use of tech to monitor traffic - it can alert drivers of traffic confession Amdahl avoid traveling on that road EG: - EXPRESSWAY MONITORING AND ADVISORY SYSTEM (EMAS) -vehicle breakdown/accident, live info will be made avail to drivers on the roads about the current situation - drivers can opt to take an alt route BENEFIT: - drivers can avoid places with traffic congestion CHALLENGES: - traffic monitoring only encourages drivers to drive elsewhere and does not reduce the number of vechiles on roads

Increased parking fees

- increase cost of driving, especially to and fro the CBD - encourage ppl to take public transport instead - with increased costs, ppl may seek alternative means of transport so they can save money on fuel cost, parking fees and congestion charges - also reduces no. Of Vehicle on road EG: - SHANGHAI city govt plans to increase parking charges in downtown areas BENEFIT: - High parking fees add to the cost of owning and using a car, hence discourage a private car ownership CHALLENGES: - drivers may resort to illegal ale king to avoid paying high fees, illegally parked car may even block traffic or even pose dangers to drivers

Integrated public transport system

- it connect various modes of transportation that it functions as a whole - it is an impt first step to encouraging ppl to use public transport EG: - TOKYO, JAPAN - all public transport modes can be paid for using a rechargeable contactless smart card - speeds up the movement of people taking PT - makes commuting smooth and convenient - transport is timed to precision - allows commuters to plan their routes more effectively BENEFIT: - more convenient, accessible, and efficient, can make use of the many modes of transport to get to a place quickly CHALLENGE: - required EXTENSIVE planning and us COSTLY to build, may not be feasible in all countries

Expansion of rail way track

- it means to increase the number of locations that trains can reach - BY laying more tracks so covers a larger areas - BY more stations can be bust to ensure more locations have access to trains -SG govt have been expanding rail networks in accordance w the land transport master plan 2013 - building more MRT lines, such as Cross Island line and the Jurong region line - adding new station to CIRCLE LINE, DOWNTOWN LINE, NE LINE BENEFITS: - trains have high capacities and can transport more ppl each time - can travel to MORE destinations by train of some of which were in,y accessible by car previously CHALLENGES: - building rail networks is expensive -proposed rail lines may cut through housing elastase and buildings, affected residents and businesses have to bear construction noises or give up their property to make way for new lines , this causes inconveniences for residents and businesses in the area

Reduced productivity

- productivity refers to the rate of goods or services being produced - productivity is doing an activity that brings in economic benefit - Traffic congestion reduces productivity because people have to spend more time commuting. - This wastes time that could be spent on productive work - Productivity goes down when the transport system is inefficient, - This leads to an economic loss for coutry as a whole.


- refers to a work arrangement where employees work from home and need not travel to the office - it is made possible by technology - they still r able to keep in contact w their colleagues or clients even tho they are not physically in the office - eliminates the need for ppl to commute to and fro, their workplace - reducing no of vehicles on roads and traffic congestion BENEFITS: - ppl do not need to travel out of their residential areas to go to work , reduces number of drivers and public transport passengers during peak hours

Road pricing

- road pricing refers to a traffic management measure that charges drivers when they use certain roads - the number of locations of gantries have to be determined. Road prices are adjusted from time to time - drivers are required to pay more during peak hours in order to discourage the use of certain roads EG: - SG, road racing is implanted via the ELECTRONIC ROAD PRICING SYSTEM - 72 gantries have been set up across SG as of 2012 - located in areas that are more congested -CBD is the most congested, hence rates r the highest BENEFITS: - higher cost discourages driving during peak hours, drivers may then use alternative modes of transport such as public buses and trains CHALLENGES: - traffic is diverted to other roads because of drivers avoiding the ERP, may lead to congestion else where

Bus lane schemes

- set aside for private and public buses on specific days and time - buses can enter and exit bus stops smoothly and quickly - necessary cos it provides faster and uninterrupted journeys for commuters BENEFIT: - bus lanes allow buses to move quickly so that buses will not be held up by traffic congestion - buses will arrive in schedule more often even during peak hours, makes traveling by bus more appealing CHALLENGES: - success of bus lane schemes depends on compliance of drivers - allocating a lane for buses take away precious road capacity for other drivers, designated bus lanes may lead to traffic congestion for private car users

Air pollution

-Traffic congestion increases the pollution level of a city. - Cars emit greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide and carbon monoxide and ____ -These gases cause the earth's temperature to rise as they trap heat. -When vehicles remain stationary in a traffic congestion - or constantly accelerate and brake during stop-start traffic - wasted fuel will increase air pollution and carbon dioxide emissions -. Cars also produce other harmful air pollutants which contribute to poor air quality -Smog is a combination of smoke and fog, caused by exhaust and particles from cars and factories. - It can affect our physical health

Impact of traffic congestion on the environment

Air pollution NoisePollution

Measure taken to manage TC

Making public transport a mode of transport - integrated public system -Bus lane schemes -expansion of road networks - increasing capacity and frequency of buses and rail services Managing road usage -road pricing - increased parking fees - enhanced traffic monitoring Other measures -telecommuting - encouraging cycling

Movement from one part of a city to another to obtain or provide goods and services

People may need to move about within the city to obtain goods and services. For instance, they may need to purchase goods from specialised stores or attend classes in a different part of the city. There is a wider range of goods and services available in the city compared to rural areas People might also need to travel within the city to provide goods and services. For instance, wholesalers deliver to retail shops, and home delivery services deliver products to homes. The delivery of goods to different parts of the city is carried out using different vehicles including freight trucks and motorcycles

Impact of traffic congestion on people

Reduced productivity Stress on physical and mental healthq

Cause of traffic congestion in SG and other cities

Separation of work and residential areas Movement from one part of a city to another to obtain or provide goods and services Inadequate transport infrastructure and poor provision of transport service

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