Trip 8
Smilax pumila
Creeping vine. No prickles! Leaves pubescent, with 3 main veins arising from base. Pair of tendrils at base of each leaf
Pleopeltis polypodioides
Fern. Plant looks dead when dry. Revives when wet. Grows on tree limbs (an epiphyte).
Galium aparine
Sprawling herb. Leaves whorled, 6-8 per node, light green. Stems and leaves rough to touch. Sticks to clothing. Flowers tiny, 4-petals. Fruit a bristly, 2-seeded schizocarp.
Quercus falcata
Tree. Leaf lobed, shiny dark green above, pubescent on underside. Lobes bristle-tipped. U-shaped leaf base.
Quercus michauxii
Tree. Leaves large, margin w/ uniform small lobes. Secondary veins straight, evenly spaced. Bark shaggy, light gray.
Pinus glabra
Tree. Needles in 2's, short. Needles twisted. Broad canopy, heavily foliated. Trunk can have twisting shape. Cones small, all open at maturity.
Poncirus trifoliata
Tree. Stems green, with big thorns. Compound leaf 3-foliolate with winged petiole.
Thelypteris kunthii
Leaves pinnate, finely pubescent. Leaflets once pinnate and pinnatifid.
Yucca filamentosa
Long, straplike leaves have parallel venation, sharp spine at tip. Fibers peel from leaf margins and hang in curls.
Arundinaria gigantea
Grass. Looks like a bamboo. Florida's only native bamboo.
Arisaema triphyllum
Herb with large trifoliate leaves. Inflorescense with hooded spathe.
Viola walteri
Herb. Leaves heart shaped with rounded (not pointed) apex, often with silver variegation. Stems creeping. Blue flowers have bilateral symmetry.
Parietaria floridana
Herb. Stems tender, reddish. Leaves ovate, papery thin; the lowest pair of secondary veins arise at base of leaf. Flowers tiny, clustered in leaf axils.
Sabal minor
Shrub. Leaves costapalmate, dark green, the costa very short, leaf flat, not curved, blade often split down middle to costa. Flowering as a shrub, never becoming a tree. Flower stalks often persistent.
Ardisia crenata
Shrub. Leaves dark green, shiny; margins crenate. Red berries.
Symplocos tinctoria
Shrub/small tree. Leaves to 6" long, elliptic, apex attenuate, margin slightly toothed. Leaf midrib sometimes tastes slightly sweet. Leaves alternate and spirally arranged, branches often coming off in threes. Flowers white w/ showy stamens.
Crataegus marshallii
Shrub/small tree. Lobed-dissected parsley-like leaf. Thorns on branches. Leaf veins end at points and gaps on margin.