Trivia 12K

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What Temperatutre Is Absolute Zero

-273 Degrees C Or Kelvin - 459 Degrees F

According to the title of a famous novel, there are how many 'Years of Solitude


In Which Year Did The Battle Of Hastings Take Place?


A can of Pepsi holds __ fluid ounces.


Between what ages is a brandy or port described as VSO

12 to 17 years

How many days of Sodom were there according to the Marquis de Sade?


How many witches in a coven


How Old Was Adrian Mole When He Began Writing His Secret Diary

13 & Three Quarters

How many weeks until Christmas Day if it is the 25th September?

13 weeks

In what year was the first English translation of the Bible completed?


Given 5 Years Either Way, In What Year Did Sir Francis Drake Begin His Voyage Around The World


In What Year Did The Great Fire Of London Occur


What's the highest possible finishing score in a game of darts


The dollar was established as the official currency of the U.S. in what year


How Many Uk No 1's Did The Beatles Have In Total


Great Britain Was The First Country To Issue Postage Stamps But In What Year


When was the first Australian cricket tour to England


When did Castro take power in Cuba


When was the Watergate break in


In Which Year Was Saturday Night Fever Released


In Which Year Was YMCA First Released 1975, 1977 Or 1979


William Golding won the Nobel Prize for literature in which year


At which olympics did Zola Budd accidentally trip Mary Decker


Ed Moses won the 400 metre hurdle title in which year


If body temperature was 86 degrees, how many years would a man man live?


How old was shirley temple when she made her last film


In Star Trek, what is Mr Spock's pulse rate?

242 Beats Per Minute

Which Artist Has Had More Hits Dead Than Alive?

2Pac Shakur

What is a Blue Moon?

2nd full moon in 1 month

"What Did My True Love Give To Me On The ""Third"" Day Of Christmas"

3 French Hens

For how many years did the 30 Years War last? 27, 30 or 36?

30 Years

How long was the love affair between dashiel hammett and lillian hellman

30 years

How many records does an album have to sell in the UK to go Platinum?


How Many Million Barrels Of Beer Are Sold Annualy In The UK

36 Million

How many days where there in 1976


Scotch Tape Was Invented In 1930 By American Richard Drew For Which Company Did He Work?


How Many Sisters Are There In The Group "Sister Sledge"


What percentage of a peanut is fat


How Many Of The Top Ten Singles Of The 60's Were By The Beatles


The individual hair of a chinchilla is so fine that __________of them equal the thickness of a single human hair.


How Old Was Edward VI When He Became King?

9 Years Old

What is the first letter of the Russian alphabet


What has 12000 eyes

A Butterfly

What Type Of Creature Is A Shaded Cameo

A Cat

What type of food is Port Salut?

A Cheese

What Do We Call A Squirrels Home

A Drey

What Is The Home Of A Hare Called?

A Form

What tree is mentioned in the Christmas song 'Twelve Days of Christmas' ?

A Pear tree

What Is The Smallest Instrument In An Orchestra

A Piccolo

On three's company,what was Chrissy's father's ocupation?

A Reverend

What Is A Kumquat?

A Small Japanese Variety Of Orange

Which James Bond Film Duran Duran Provide The Theme Music For

A View To A Kill

What Was The B52's Chrysler As Big As

A Whale

With what would you rock the baby or walk the dog

A Yoyo

What did the Romans call the tenth part of a legion - between 300 and 600 men

A cohort

46% of women say this is better than sex - what

A good nights sleep

In the film "bringing up baby", the baby is what

A leopard

What kind of creature is a redback

A spider

What is a "koopa?"

A turtle

On irc, how do you ask age, sex, location


What 70s pop group was originally called The Engaged Couples


Which Well Known Pop Group founding The Company Polar Music


What is the capitol of the United Arab Emirates

Abu Dhabi

What is the imaginary line on the surface of the earth approximately parallel to the geographical equator

Aclinic Line

Medical treatment involving needles


Desert antelope that originally ranged from the western Sahara and Mauritania to Egypt and the Sudan


Sun-dried brick used in places with warm, dry climates, such as Egypt and Mexico; also, the structures built out of these bricks.


Who was supposed to present Jesse Owens his 100 metre Gold Medal at the Berlin Olympics?

Adolf Hitler

Which Handheld Everyday Object Was Invented In Oslo In 1926 By Erik Rotheim

Aerosol Can

In arabian mythology, what is the spirit of a murdered man seeking to avenge his death


Whose headstone reads 'my jesus mercy'

Al capone

Who is the current monarch of Belgium

Albert ii

What was Britain called - before it was Britain


Pigs can become what - like humans


Who wrote the poem The Lady of Shallot

Alfred lord tennyson

Under My Wheels' and 'Be My Lover' were cuts of whose 1971 'Killer' release

Alice Cooper

Who was the first woman to compete in the World Snooker Champion?

Alison Fisher

What distinguished the 9th and 10th Cavalry

All Black Regiments

14% of Americans could not identify which country on a map


International Airline Registrations N is what country


Sports: what do the letters al stand for

American league

What Does A.M Stand For On Radios

Amplitude Modulation

Who cut off Samson's Hair (King James Edition)

An Unnamed Man

What does iron deficiency cause


What daughter of czar nicholas ii is said to have escaped death in the russian revolution


Who is on a U.S. $20 bill

Andrew jackson

The Title Of The Manic Street Preachers Album "This Is My Truth, Tell Me Yours" Came From A Slogan Coined By Which Old Labour Politician

Aneurin Bevan

Near what falls did jimmy angel crash his plane in 1937

Angel falls

What name is given to a savoury of oysters wrapped in bacon slices, served on toast?

Angels on hoseback

Who wrote the book Interview with a Vampire

Ann Rice

Who Was The First Female Presenter Of The Old Grey Whiste Test

Annie Nightingale

Where is Queen Maud Land located


Which actor won an Oscar for his portrayal of Gauguin in the film Lust For Life

Anthony quinn

Where was the bloodiest one day battle fought in the u.s civil war


Which architect was responsible for many of Barcelona's famous buildings

Antonio gaudi

What is myrmecology the study of


What is the echidna's favorite food


In St Croix Wisconsin its illegal for women to wear what publicly

Anything Red

Sinophobia is a fear of ______

Anything chinese

In the play "The Entertainer" what is the name of the Entertainer

Archie rice

In Greek mythology, who helped theseus escape the labyrinth


In which state is the Painted Desert?


What is the second most common international crime

Art theft

Who was the greek goddess of the hunt


Stones hewn, squared, and smoothed for use in building, as distinguished from rough building stones.


In 1995 what was the most common name given to girls in USA


What continent is Cyprus considered to be part of?


On IRC, how do you ask age, sex, location?


Teaching what subject banned Oxbridge Unis King George VI


The Madeira islands lie in which ocean


A tool with screw point for boring holes in wood


What do astronomers call the red sky before sunrise


Sport variable ground size 120x150yd min 170x200 max

Aussie rules football

What links Fitzroy, Essenden, Collingswood and Carlton

Aussie rules football teams

What country spends the most per capita in casinos


Other than germany, whose official language is german


Lack of what vitamin causes pellagra


Whats The Nickname Of Emma Bunton

Baby Spice

Legend says bats lived in the rum distillery and one of them is on the label.


What islands got their name from the Spanish 'baja mar', meaning 'shallow water'


An ornamented canopy over an altar, tomb or throne.


French artist Edward Degas noted for what particular subject

Ballet Dancers

Every plant in Tomorrowland at Disneyland in Anaheim, California, is edible. Plants in this section of the amusement park include __________, strawberries, tomatoes, and more. Guest are more than welcome to pick their fill.


What Japanese word ironically means " May you live forever "


In Christian churches, the universal rite of initiation, performed with water.


Who portrayed Mrs Cleaver

Barbara billingsly

Who portrayed Jeannie in "I Dream Of Jeannie"

Barbara eden

Who did the los angeles times endorse in the 1964 preisential election

Barry goldwater

Which singer is known as the 'Walrus of Love'

Barry white

With which sport is Babe Ruth associated ?


Herb Caen is credited with inventing what word


Which Animated Movie Became The First To Receive An Oscar Nomination For Best Picture

Beauty And The Beast

Which meat do Hindus not eat


At which stage of a meal would you have an hors d'oeuvre?


In Which Country Was The Battle Of Waterloo Fought


Who courageously proved that lightning was electricity

Benjamin franklin

What is a flat, round hat sometimes worn by soldiers


In which European city is Templehof airport


What city hosted the 1936 summer olympics


Led Deighton trilogy Game Set Match What 3 Capitals

Berlin MexicoLondon

What European capitol stands on the river Aare

Berne Switzerland

In the Bible where was Jesus when he ascended into heaven


Where was jesus born


Which individual bought one of Leonardo Da Vinci's notebooks for over 19 million pounds in 1994?

Bill Gates

Who averaged receiving 21,000 letters a day in 1993

Bill clinton

Which Wild West legend was born Henry McCarty?

Billy the Kid, alias William H Bonney

What is the active ingredient in Chinese birds nest soup

Bird Spit

Aquatic mollusc with hinged double shell


Who Did John Mcenroe Play 3 Times In Wimbledon Finals

Bjorn Borg

Henry Rollins Was A member Of Which Punk Band "Black Flag" Or "The Sex Pistols"

Black Flag

What is the 15' by 18' cell that 146 captured british officers were forced into by indian troops in the 19th century called?

Black Hole of Calcutta

What comes next in the following sequence (Red, Blue, White, Black, Orange)

Black and White (Grey Hounds)

What cocktail is made from vodka and kahlua

Black russian

Treat religious name or subject irreverently


What Police Resource Was First Used In The "Jack The Ripper" Investigation


Name the original comic strip Bill The Cat appeared in.

Bloom County

What color is the lion on the side of the Detroit Lions football helmet


Which 60's folk artist sang the lyrics "god told abraham kill me your son. abe said man you must be puttin me on"

Bob dylan

Who recorded the albums Blonde on Blonde and Blood on the Tracks

Bob dylan

Who Claimed To Be The Wild One

Bobby Rydell

Which Singer Got His Break When His Band The Shadows, Deputized For Buddy Holly After He Died In A Plane Crash

Bobby Vee

To who did boris spassky lose in the world chess championship

Bobby fischer

A blunt thick needle for sewing with thick thread or tape


A short thick post used for securing ropes on a quay


Mumbai is the modern name of which city


Who sang Its a Heartache, nothing but a heartache?

Bonnie Tyler

By what 4-letter name is U2's front man Paul Hewson better known?


Paul Hewson Is the Real Name Of Which Rock Star?


What is the name of Yogi Bear's best freind

Boo Boo

Tennis - who won the us open in 1989

Boris becker

Which element is alloyed with steel to make control rods for Nuclear reactors?

Boron (Boron Carbide also used)

A group of ducks is called


Who starrs in the show 'moesha'


What sexually arouses a Jactitator

Bragging about sex

Who was the author of 'dracula'

Bram stoker

In the language of flowers what does oak leaves mean


In area what is the largest South American country


What body parts are oversized in a man suffering from gynecomastia


Known To Millions As Hank Marvin What Is His Actual Christian Name


He led the mormons to the great salt lake

Brigham young

Which Films Theme Was The Biggest Selling Song Of The Year 1979

Bright Eyes

In ballet, a jump off one foot that is 'broken' by a beating of the legs in the air.


Who built the concorde

Britain and france

Sage mountain on Tortola, is the highest point at 1,781 feet, of which British Caribbean dependency

British virgin islands

Highway 9 is the official name of what thoroughfare

Broadway New York

A booklet containing descriptive information


Jockey / Author Dick Francis what injury on his wedding day

Broken collar bone

Is wholemeal bread brown or white?


In the TV sitcom 'Married With Children', what is the dog's name?


In Which County Is Chequers , The PM's Official Residence?


Bob Clampett created which character in 1938

Bugs Bunny

What was built by the inmates of Changi Prison Camp

Burma Railroad

Who Was The Lead Singer Of Bad Manners

Buster Bloodvessel

Which swimming stroke is named after an insect?


The deficiency of which vitamin causes scurvy


Which vegetable is 91% water


In the suburbs of which modern Egyptian city would you find the pyramids


What is the largest city in africa


Which emperor made his horse a senator?


Petula clark sings 'if you're feeling sad and lonely, there's a service i can render'. what is it

Call me

What country was ruled by pol pot, leader of the khmer rouge party


In which country do the Khmer people live

Cambodia kampuchea

In what country is Banff National Park


The City of Bridges in _________ are to be found in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. The city of Saskatoon was named for the red berries that grew along its riverbank


The first country along the great circle route due south from San Francisco


Which country did boxer Lennox Lewis represent in the 1988 Olympics


Originating around 1830 as a social dance, by 1844 it had become a raucous dance performed in French music halls.


Italy Schiaffetoni, Rosetti and Crusetti in Sicily what pasta type


Which company developed the Laser Printer


The 'Wife of Bath' is a character from what tale

Canterbury tales

On what T.V. show could Tom Terrific be found?

Captain Kangaroo

What is the first ingredient in most soda pops

Carbonated water

What does cpr stand for

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

In gardening what would you use a 'trug' for

Carrying things

Sharks and rays are the only animals known to man that cannot succumb to cancer. Scientists believe this is related to the fact that they have no bone _ only __________


Whose epitaph reads Lived a philosopher died a Christian


Who had the gift of prophecy and the curse of not being believed

Cassandra Daughter of Priam of Troy

In Strongville Ohio what book is banned by law

Catch 22

In Baseball slang who would use The tools of Ignorance

Catchers Equipment

What Food Do You Use Up More Calories Eating Than You Gain Through Consumption?


What is the latin name for the top set of vertebrae?


Lizard able to change colour for camouflage


A branched hanging support for lights


What Is The Earliest Known Drawing Medium


Who is known for his 'theory of evolution'?

Charles Darwin

What was Buddy Holly's real first name?

Charles Hardin Holly

Who was on the throne at the time of The Great Fire Of London

Charles II

What's the international radio code word for the letter "C"


In 1976 what show appeared on TV for the first time

Charlie Angels

What train leaves pennsylvania station at quarter to nine

Chattanooga choo

If an Australian called you a cadbury what would he mean

Cheap Drunk

From which fruit is the liqueur Kirsh made


From which fruit is the liqueur Kirsh made?


What are garbanzo beans also known as

Chick peas

What is the main ingredient of a booyah


To which S American country does Easter Island belong


What country consumes the most coal each year


Which country's national flag consists of five-pointed yellow stars, one large and four smaller, in the top left corner on a red field


What are the names of the two famous disney chipmunks

Chip and dale

C.F.C.'s are said to be damaging to the ozone layer. For what do the initials C.F.C. stand

Chloro fluoro carbon

Who was Prime Minister of China 1949 to 1976

Chou En-Lai

Which cellular structures are composed of DNA


Who recorded "maybellene" in 1955

Chuck berry

What is a period of play in polo


What does an ecclesiophobic fear


Which car manufacturer was the first to introduce front wheel drive in 1934


What is the collarbone


What is a 'tandoor'

Clay oven

Clemantine Campbell became famous under what name

Cleo Lane

In 1975 Who Discovered To His Horror That His New Single "Honky Tonk Angels" Was About Prostitutes And Promptly Banned The Record Himself

Cliff Richard

The long term effect of the sun's radiation on the rotating earth's varied surface & atmosphere


In his play The Birds, what name did Aristophanes give to the birds' kingdom in the sky

Cloud cuckoo land

With the development of which computer language was grace hopper associated


C17 H21 N04 is the chemical formula for what


How would you serve Gezpacho Soup


Who wrote the song 'Anything Goes'

Cole porter

What is the basic unit of currency for El Salvador ?


Who Sang The Seductive "I Wana Sex You Up"

Color Me Bad

Which computer firm made a model called Amiga


What is the name given to the dish of fruit stewed or preserved in syrup?


What is the smallest dinosaur so far discovered?


Mustard, ketchup and onions on a hotdog are all types of what


Officers in which army were given copies of 'les miserables'


Who played 'Cricket Blake' in the 1960s T.V. series Hawaiian Eye

Connie stevens

Who did mozart marry

Constance weyburn

Dom Perignon invented champagne - what else

Corks in bottles

The upper part of an entablature, extending beyond the frieze; also, ornamental molding projecting along the top of a building or wall.


Where was Napoleon born Ajaccio -

Corsican capitol

Soccer new york ______


Traditional English dance in which dancers form two facing lines.

Country dance

What is a group of quail


What is a group of this animal called: Partridge


A poltroon is a(n)___.


What is the only flavour Jell-o containing any real fruit


Lobster like freshwater crustacean


Where on your body would you find your Rasceta

Creases on inside of wrist

Alan MceGee Signed Oasis To Which Label In 1993


Which war was formally concluded at Paris in 1856


In which European country is the Dalmation coast?


Strabismus is the medical term for which complaint

Crossed eyes

Astronauts cannot do what in space

Cry - no gravity for tears to flow

What london palace was destroyed by fire in 1936

Crystal palace

The roadrunner belongs to what family of birds


In what sport do you need brooms and brushes


The US uses up 7000 tons of what annually

Currency - it is shredded

Who wrote 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'

Dale carnegie

Urea is only found in humans and what other animal

Dalmatian Dogs

Which Future Pop Star Attended The Scene Of Eddie Cochran's Fatal Car Crash In 1960 In His Job As A Police Officer

Dave Dee

Who Had A Novelty Hit With "The Laughing Gnome" In 1973

David Bowie

French impressionist Claude _______


What was the first American state to enter the union 7 Dec 1787

Delaware Pennsylvania second

Who Provided The Voice Of Esmerelda In The Disney Animated Movie "The Hunchback Of Notre Damme"

Demi Moore

Where are swedish buns found


Magnum PI wore a baseball cap supporting what team

Detroit Tigers

In which county is Combe Martin


Cavendish is the family name for which Duke


In the Bible what was an adamant


In His Joy Division Days Bernard Sumner Used Two Other Surnames Before Settling On Sumner, Name Any

Dicken, Albrecht

The amazing Spider Man' was one of the first comic books to have a story in which one of the supporting characters ____


What product is sold with "just for the taste of it"'

Diet coke

Mark Knopfler Was A Member Of Which Band

Dire Straits

What Group Performed On The First CD To Sell Over A Million Copies Worldwide

Dire Straits

Margie Belcher provided the body movements - which character

Disney Snow White

Someone with initials DD after their name has what qualification

Doctor of Divinity

The most expensive car produced by the Chrysler Corporation.

Dodge viper

A __________ can remember a specific tone far better than can a human.


The majority of small toothed whales are called_______


In which county is Corfe Castle


Who wrote The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

Douglas Adams

Which 1964 Movie Had The Alternative Title 'How I Learned To Stop Worrying & Love The Bomb''

Dr Strangelove

Who created the 'grinch'

Dr seuss

Who was the dragon in the film 'dragonheart'


What is the only word in English that ends in mt


Quinine is obtained from what part of an evergreen tree

Dried Bark Bark

Approximately 70 percent of the Earth is covered with water. Only 1 percent of the water is _______________


As what are male bees also known?


PG Woodhouse books Bertie Wooster used what London Club


In the song My Darling Clemantine how did Clemantine die


If you were crapulous what would you be


What word in English has the most synonyms


Who sang the theme song to the James Bond movie, "A View to A Kill"?

Duran Duran

__________ is one American breed of hardy hogs having drooping ears _ it was allegedly named after the horse owned by the hog's breeder.


What industry would use a mordant

Dying - to fix a colour

In what musical note do most toilets flush

E Flat

How did the Greek dramatist Aeschalys die

Eagle dropped tortoise on head

Brian Harvey Was The Lead Singer With Which 90's Boyband

East 17

On which day was the resurrection of Christ?

Easter Sunday

What is the state bird of New Jersey

Eastern goldfinch

MDMA is another name for which illegal drug


Who invented the Egg Mcmuffin?

Ed Peterson

Wakame Tengusa and Mozuku are Japanese what

Edible seaweed

And what the least - two tablespoons per person


What is the name of the wrought iron tower in Paris?

Eiffel Tower

How many championship divisions are there in boxing


Mercury's period of orbit takes how many earth days?

Eighty eight

In the theatre what is behind Barn Doors

Electricity Sockets

Energy waves produced by the oscillation or acceleration of an electric charge. Electromagnetic waves have both electric and magnetic components.

Electromagnetic radiation

Hyraxes, Which Grow To Weigh A Maximum Of 5kg & And Are Conies Mentioned In The Bible, Have A Shared Ancestry With Which Large Mammal


Excluding man, what is the longest-lived land mammal?


Who Supported John Lennon On "Whatever Gets You Through The Night"

Elton John

With Which Singer Does Bernie Taupin Co Write

Elton John

What is a baby eel


What do you call the three wires on a transistor

Emitter, Base, Collector

What animals cannot walk backwards


A disease of the brain


Book of information on many subjects


Which aircraft was the first jet-powered bomber of the RAF?

English Electric Canberra

Who won the best actor award for Marty in 1955

Ernest Borgnine

Which organic compound is the psychoactive ingredient in Budweiser?


On the show FRIENDS what was Phoebes twin sisters name?


Which Football Team Are Known As The Toffees


What is e.g. an abbreviation of ?

Exempli gratia

What does epcot stand for

Experimental prototype community of tomorrow

What were more than 99.9% of all the animal species that have ever lived on earth before the coming of man


What comprises than 54% of humpback whale's milk


What is a system of government in which states are united for certain purposes, but for others are independent


What is the most popular Saints name

Felix - 67 John 65

Europhobia is the fear of what

Female Genitals

What do Yoni worshipers worship

Female Genitals

What sport was described as "Chess with muscles"


How many fires erupted in the april 18, 1906 san francisco earthquake


Which Country Has The Highest Population Of Mobile Phone Users?


What european language is most closely related to mongolian


What Was Michael O'Briens Claim To Fame

First Ever British Streaker

What World First Took Place On Saturday The 19th November 1994

First Uk National Lottery

When olive oil is described as 'extra virgin', what has happened to it to make it so

First pressing of the olive

Canthopterygian is a(n)___.


How many Great Lakes are there?


How many litres of air is in an adult lung


What is the most powerful whip in 'Castlevania 2'?

Flame Whip

Which musical term denotes that the pitch of a note is lowered by a semitone


What is the young of this animal called: Birds

Fledgling nestling

In Which Film Did Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers Team Up

Flying Down To Rio

What's the sky king's home, near the town of grover, called

Flying crown

Who sang 'Rescue Me'?

Fontella Bass

Which Band Wanted to Know What Love Is


Name Paula Abduls First Ever Album

Forever Your Girl

What Type Of Acid Is Contained Within A Bee Sting


How many chambers does the human heart have?


How many lines are there in a Clerihew?


Benoit Mandelbrot discovered what mathematical structures?


What Live Record Did "Rolling Stone" Readers Vote The Best Album Of 1976

Frampton Comes Alive / Peter Frampton

What is the basic unit of currency for Guinea-Bissau ?


Who sang the theme song for Rawhide

Frankie Lane

What nationality was the first man to die in a plane crash

French - Orville Wrights passenger

It takes about 50 hours for a snake to digest one __________


Who or what was introduced to the USA in 1964

G I Joe

Who invented condensed milk

Gail borden

Pocrescophobia is the fear of

Gaining weight

Who does the Beatles song The fool on the Hill refer too


In Schulter Okalahoma illegal for towel wearing women do what


What was Oliver Mellors' daytime job


The Spear Leek was the original name of what food item


What was elvis presley's twin brother's first name


In the show Cheers,what was the name of the bar that always played practical jokes on the gang at Cheers?

Gary's Old Time Tavern

Borborygmus is the medical name for what

Gas noises in gut

Who Was Head Of State Of Spain Before King Juan Carlos?

General Franco

Who wrote The Canterbury Tales?

Geoffrey Chaucer

Nicknamed The Tiger who lead France at the end of WW1

George Clemenceau

Who painted the picture, entitled Mares and Foals in a Landscape, in 1762

George stubbs

Who did Jimmy Carter defeat to win the Presidency of the USA

Gerald ford

What presidential ticket was dubbed bozo and the pineapple

Gerald ford and

In what language was Bambi originally published


What nationality is Henry Kissinger by birth


Who wrote the Savoy Operas

Gilbert and Sullivan

Which UK city, other than London, has a station called Charing Cross


What is the name of the scale measuring depth of coma (GCS)

Glasgow Coma Scale

When going on stage, actors consider it bad luck to be wished what

Good luck

On Friday 23rd Sept 1955 ITV First Began Boadcasting , But What Other Major Media Event Occurred On That Very Same Night!!!!!!!!

Grace Archer Died On Radio

On what type of surface are the tennis matches at Wimbledon played


Which Is The Most Common Plant In The World?


What is the most commonly eaten insect by humans in the world?


Hellenologophobia is a fear of ______

Greek terms

What colour is angelica


Where is nuuk


Which island left the E.E.C. in 1985


Trunk lid name the only president to be married for the first time while in office

Grover cleveland

In wacky races who drove the Creepy Coop

Gruesome Twosome

Bissau is the capital of ______?


Who was the author of "The Tin Drum"

Gunther grass

What is the fear of naked bodies


Who wrote the books on which the television series The Darling lands of May was based

H e bates

When is 'trick or treat'


When Kevin Keagan Left Liverpool To Which Club To Move To


A small village without a church


In 1997 who became the first family group to reach number one with their debut single?


The First Family Group To Reach Number One With Their Debut Single Happened In 1997. Who Was That Act?


In what tv series did ron howard play richie

Happy days

Shovelhead, Knucklehead, Panhead types of what

Harley Davidson

What is the metal part of a lamp surrounding the bulb and supporting the shade


In London what would you find at 87-135 Brompton Road


Which Pair Had A Leaky Bucket In 1961

Harry Belafonte & Odetta

What was Erich Weiss better known as

Harry Houdini

What is the capital of connecticut


What flavouring is in frangelico liqueur


Public Speaking is the most common fear what's the second


In which play did Shakespeare write a whole scene entirely in French

Henry v

Who released the following album 'Whipped cream and other delights '

Herb Albert and the Tijuana brass

What is a group of horses


Rosalind Julia Portia Viola Cymbeline what links not obvious

Heroines dress as men

What bird has the maximum recorded life span 36 years

Herring Gull - Royal Albatross

What is embolia

Hesitations in speech

Police in Winchester - got call - Man being held by wife - how

Hidden artificial leg

Who wrote The Bad Child's Book of Beasts, first published in 1896

Hilaire belloc

What 'HHH' Does Santa Do In His 3 Gardens

Ho, Ho, Ho

KLM Is The National Airline Of Which Country

Holland / The Netherlands

Who recorded the album "moving finger" in 1971


What has a type of hair on their eyes


Caruso put what in Nellie Melbas hand singing tiny hand frozen

Hot Sausage

Which European country suffered one of the world's highest ever rates of hyper-inflation in 1946?


What type of storm has a central calm area, called the eye, which has winds spiraling inwardly


For what is the chemical formula H2O2?

Hydrogen peroxide

"Up On The Roof" Was The B-Side Of Which Robson & Jerome Single

I Believe

Kylie Minogues First Single Was "I Should Be So Lucky" Or "The Locomotion"

I Should Be So Lucky

Who Nickname is Beefy ?

Ian Botham

Who made 11 appearances for Scunthorpe United between 1979 & 1984 but is far better known outside of football?

Ian Botham

What is the white trail behind a jet plane made from

Ice Crystals

Who wrote the music for the ballets Firebird and Rites of Spring

Igor Stravinsky

Ten 1000 virgins bought insurance against what in 2000

Immaculate conception

How Are Tandoori Dishes Cooked

In A Clay Oven (Tandoor)

The Doors Frontman "Jim Morisson" Passed Away In 1971 , But Can Anyone Tell Me Where Exactly Was The Body When He Was Found.

In The Bath

Name Three Of The Four Types Of Adult Teeth

Incisors, Canines, Premolars & Molars

Into what ocean does the Zambezi River empty?

Indian Ocean

What state is 'the hoosier state'


What fictional archaeologist trained under Prof Abner Ravenwood

Indiana Jones

What is Interpol short for ?

International Criminal Police Commission

Which imaginery line approximately follows the 180 degree meridian through the pacific ocean

International date line

In Computing Terms What Does The Abbreviation I.R.C Mean?

Internet Relay Chat

What is the ninth letter of the Greek alphabet


Which Country Consumes The Most Cornflakes

Ireland (Per Head)

Name Cathy's on again/off again boy friend?


Capital cities name translates as City of Islam


Which Country Did The 1998 Eurovision Song Contest Winner "DANA INTERNATIONAL" Come From


In what country was Bonnie Prince Charlie born


What country started the tradition of exchanging gifts?

Italy (Romans)

Who did dita beard work for


Sir Wilfred is the real name of which eponymous character


What company used the little aligators as it's symbol on clothing?


Harry Patterson is the real name of which author

Jack Higgins

Who wrote the book - Call of the Wild

Jack London

American motion-picture actor, writer, director, and producer, a performer of great versatility and range, known for his enigmatic, faintly menacing grin and his skill in portraying nonconformist loners

Jack Nicholson

What was alanis morissette's first album

Jagged little pill

What sport features the fastest moving ball

Jai alai

In 'star wars', who was darth vader's voice

James earl jones

What were the two forenames of dramatist and novelist J.M. Barrie

James matthew

Who is `The Naked Chef'?

Jamie Oliver

Who was nick named Hanoi Jane in 1972 because of her enemy propaganda broadcasts from Vietnam?

Jane Fonda

David Sylvian Was The Former Frontman Of Which Group


What Is The Name Of The Bad Guy In The Friday The 13th Series


Which former 'Neighbours' star had a hit with 'Any Dream Will Do'

Jason donovan

Which famous talk show host made a guest apearence on Laverne & Shirley?

Jay Leno

What Was Roxy Music's Only No.1 Hit

Jealous Guy

Who sang a song inspired by 'alice in wonderland'

Jefferson airplane

By What Name Is Pianist Ferdinand Joseph Lemott Remembered

Jelly Roll Morton

Which American Soprano Became The First Singer To Give A Solo Proms Recital In August 2000

Jessye Norman

The "final solution" dealt with what people


Who played alexis carrington in the tv series 'dynasty'

Joan collins

She was called "The Maid of Orleans".

Joan of arc

Whose yacht was called Honey Fitz

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Who was george washington's vice-president

John adams

Who was Poet Laureate during World War Two

John masefield

What Montreal brewer built Canada's first steamboat, in 1809

John molson

Who wrote the words of the hymn 'Amazing Grace'

John newton

What pope died 33 days after his election

John paul i

What do the initials in j.r.r tolkien's name mean

John ronald reuel

Who was defendant in the so called "monkey trial"

John t scopes

Who was the 10th president of the U.S.

John tyler

Who wrote the science fiction books Consider Her Ways and Chocky

John wyndham

What is the robots name in the movies "Short Circuit 1 and 2?"


Which 'tarzan' swimmer was the first man to swim a hundred yards in less than a minute

Johnny weismuller

The musical word scherzo comes from Italian meaning what


Who was swallowed by a whale


Who Began The Decade Riding In A "Big Yellow Taxi"

Joni Mitchell

Whose last novel was 'Portrait of an Artist, as an Old Man'?

Joseph Heller

Before coming a full time author, what was the profession of Frederick Forsyth


What religion does a 'rabbi' practise


What Is Andrew Lloyd Webbers Brothers Name ?


After who was the month of July named

Julius Caesar

What is the sixth month of the year


Which novel by Michael Crichton was the number one best-selling paperback in 1993

Jurassic park

What is the Capital of: Uganda


What animal can hop as fast as 40 mph?


What actress has received the most Oscar nominations?

Katherine Hepburn

Who was the first woman golfer to earn a million dollars

Kathy witworth

Which former Soviet Republic in Central Asia has Alma Ata as its capital


The Dish Of Rice, Flaked Fish And Hard Boiled Eggs Is Known As What


Who is the most-capped scottish footballer

Kenny dalglish

What shape is something that is reniform

Kidney shaped

Pop Star Marty Wilde Had A Baby Girl In 1960 What Did He And His Wife Call Her

Kim (Kim Wilde)

Who played the stepmother in 'my stepmother is an alien'

Kim bassinger

Who wrote the Booker Prize-winning novel The Old Devils

Kingsley amis

The Patella is commonly known as what?


What Japanese city was the scene of a devastating earthquake in 1994


What Is The Most Performed Opera In The UK

La Boheme

Which Glands Are Tears Produced By

Lachrymal Glands

In which sport is the Wingate trophy awarded


On which great lake are buffalo and cleveland

Lake erie

What is the full name of lake tonka

Lake minnetonka

Which famous male actor made his name in 'I Dream Of Jeannie'?

Larry Hagman

Who was the only boxer to knock out Mohammed Ali?

Larry Holmes

What sport was invented in 1973 by a group of drinkers at a pub in West Sussex?

Lawnmower Racing

Of what are epidermal cells, palisade cells and veins a part


Which Football Club Play Their Home Games At The Walkers Stadium

Leicester City

Which Beatles album was not produced by George Martin?

Let it Be

What derivative of cocaine is often used in Dental surgeries as an anaesthetic?


Vaduz is the capital of ______?


The following is a line from which 1970's film 'Blessed are the cheese makers' ?

Life of Brian

What Can Be Ball, Forked Or Sheet?


In which type of rock would you find features called "Clints" and "Grikes"


President Kennedy was shot in Dallas in what type of car


What is the basic unit of currency for Malta ?


Who Had A Hit With "Someday I'm Coming back in 1992

Lisa Stansfield

1777 George Macintosh created a red dye cudbear what is it

Litmus - Ammonia and lichens

Vermicelli literally means ___________.

Little worms

The average Britain in their lifetime eats 4907 what

Loafs of Bread

Which Is The Disease Tetanus Also Known As


Who had a Hit in 1958 with the Song 'Hoots Man'

Lord Rockingham's XI

Who was Howard Carter's sponsor during his discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamen

Lord carnarvon

Stephen King's: "Salem's _________".


Who was the first man to fly across the channel

Louis Bleriot

Which western writer created Hopalong Cassidy

Louis L'Amour

Who was the American master of decorative "art nouveau" glass, especially lamps

Louis comfort tiffany

To which part of the body does the adjective 'pulmonary' refer


What u.s president was castigated for picking up his pet beagles by the ears

Lyndon johnson

What is the fear of rabies or of becoming mad known as


Volney was in hundreds of films where can you see him

MGM films he was the lion

Who did Macduff kill?


What European capital city is NOT on a river


What is the Capital of: Spain


What are the larvae of flies called


What was unusual about the Gossamer Albatross aeroplane

Man (pedal) powered

Who said "If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman." ?

Margaret Thatcher

Which French athlete won both the 200m and the 400m on the track at the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games

Maria-jose perec

Who said: "Let them eat cake"?

Marie Antoinette

Which instrument developed from African and Latin-American origins features in a modern orchestra as a bass xylophone


Which of Charles Dickens' novels in set partly in America

Martin chuzzlewit

What is the capital of Lesotho


The Fields Medal is equal to a Nobel prize in what area


Man shall not live by bread alone - Which NT book

Matthew 4.4

The Blur Max medal was named after Max who

Max Immelmann

In the UK sport of Kings what is significant about the number 18

Max letters in a racehorses name

Who wrote the book "wouldn't take nothing for my journey now"?

Maya angelou

Who starred in the film version of 'hamlet' that grossed the most

Mel gibson

Who devised the periodic table of elements?


What are the membranes enveloping the brain and spinal cord called


What is the process which gives a high lustre to cotton called


The planet closest to the sun is _______.


The planet closest to the sun is _________.


Which metal is in liquid state at ordinary room temperature


What is a ziggurat

Mesopotainian Temple tower

What nationality are the most immigrants to the USA


Board in what country would you find the world's largest pyramid


The Vanilla Plant Is Native To Which Country


Where would one eat a taco?


What song on the Rubber Soul album became No 1 Overlanders

Michelle - 1966

November 18th is who's birthday

Mickey Mouse

What was the d-day invasion password

Mickey mouse

In the acronym MASER what does the 'M' represent


What Was Sweet Stout Known As Until Banned Under The Trade Description Act

Milk Stout

The General Strike, Called In 1926, Supported Which Union?

Mine Workers Union

This Chinese dynasty lasted from 1368 to 1644.


What is officially the poorest US state


Whats the oldest brewery in continuous operation in North America


Two weeks after hatching what is 3000 times its birth weight

Monarch Butterfly

The Boomtown Rats were averse to which day of the week


What are the busiest days for hospital emergency departments


Name the Indian version of Barbie


What was romeo's family name


In Formula One what is the race course called in Italy?


What name was given to the 8th century Muslim invaders of Spain


Which British Car Companys First Car Was The 2 Seater Oxford In 1913


In Hindu mythology, who is kali

Mother goddess

What held up a Cricket test Match between England Pakistan

Mouse on pitch

Who wrote the Paris and Prague symphonies


Who is the boss of UNCLE

Mr Waverley

In Ferris Bueller's Day Off, what is the Principal's name?

Mr. Ed Rooney

What was Ben Stiller's character called in 'Mystery Men'?

Mr. Furious

Whose teachings are collected in the Hadith


What Do Silk Worms Feed On?

Mulberry Leaves

Tissue or organ of the animal body characterized by the ability to contract, usually in response to a stimulus from the nervous system


What is a group of peacocks


Who was Dick Dastardley's pet


On what japanese city was the second atomic bomb dropped during world war ii?


What is the capital of Kenya


Elizabethan England what was Lift leg Dragons Milk Angel food

Names for Beer

Name the aboriginal detective in the novels of Arthur W Upfield

Napoleon Bonaparte

Which ex-Neighbours star released the No.2 hit single "Tom" in October 1997

Natalie imbruglia

Where Would You Find The Trapezius Muscle

Neck & Shoulder Area

Name the fat, rich detective with a passion for beer, food and orchids?

Nero wolfe

Concord Is The Capital Of Which US State?

New Hampshire

What city has the world's largest black population

New york

In 1992 Kevin Keegan became manager of which football club?

Newcastle United

Who Wrote The Flight Of The Bumblebee Which Later Turned Up As A Pop Hit Called Nutrocker

Nicolai Rimsky Korsakov

Which Danish Duo Rode Their "Little Donkey" Up The Charts In 1960

Nina & Frederick

Which Band Relaased The Albums "Bleach, Nevermind & The Muddy Banks Of Wishkah"


In denmark, who takes the place of santa claus


In the year 1000, leif erikson was the first european to set foot on ______

North america

Where are the Appalachians

North america

Epitaxis Is The Correct Medical Term For Which Common Condition

Nose Bleed

What did Scott find at the North Pole

Nothing - he never went there

What did scientists build in a squash court under a football stadium at the university of Chicago in 1942

Nuclear reactor

Old Lyme Connecticut has a museum dedicated to what


Polyhexamethyleneadipamide is better known as what


ORD are the identification letters of what airport

O'Hare Chicago

Which group sang the song "Go Let It Out"?


Which American state featured in the title of a 1971 hit for Olivia Newton John

Ohio (Banks Of The Ohio)

In which U.S. state would you find Tulsa


What Was Rodgers & Hammerstein's First Musical


Who was the wise cat in TS Eliot's book of cats

Old Deuteronomy

Name Lancashire town first test tube baby born


What is an 'aceituna' in english


Who Was The Comic Partner Of The Man Born Arthur Jefferson?

Oliver Hardy

She is famous for her airbrushed woman-animal art


Where does Santa land his sleigh?

On The Roof

Which vegetable has the highest sugar content


What is the fear of hearing a certain word known as


Name Alley Oop's girl friend.


The Japanese word 'karate' can be translated as

Open hand

Who would use a Snellen chart in his/her work


What colour are an American porcupines teeth


What colour is the Black Box carried in aircraft


Vanilla is the extract of fermented & dried pods of several species of what


Which Yorkshire river is formed by the confluence of the Swale and Ure


What is the shape of the U.S. President's office


25% of the adult male population of the UK are what

Over 6 feet tall

Flatfishes form a unique and widespread group that includes about 130 American species, common in both the Atlantic and __________

Pacific ocean

What is the Capital of: American Samoa

Pago pago

The Louvre in Paris, was originally a what, before it was changed to a museum durung the French Revolution?


Panchaguni is the Indian God of what art


What word for a cigar type is also Italian for a small loaf


In Greek mythology, who was the first woman on earth


A Chinese eunuch invented what in the second century


Fluctat nec Mergitor - Wave tossed but not sunk - Cities Motto


Which city had the world first public bus service


Where Is The Louvre

Paris, France

Name of George Clinton's corporation which put out "One NAtion Under A Groove"

Parliafunkadelicament thang

What is the real name of the actor who plays the voice of the spaceship in Flight Of The Navigator?

Paul Reubens

In the film version of Willy Russell's play, who played Shirley Valentine

Pauline collins

What gift is associated with the 30th Wedding Anniversary?


What is the only real food that U.S. astronauts are allowed to take into space

Pecan nuts

The Travelmate was designed to allow women to do what

Pee Standing Up

What is the fear of pellagra known as


What tennis ball company's logo is 'you've seen one you've seen them all'


What is the birthstone for august


Development of agricultural ecosystems intended to be complete and self sustaining


Who helped them to get married in "The Ballad of John and Yoko"?

Peter Brown

John McEnroe won Wimbledon doubles with what partner

Peter Fleming

Who is regarded as the most influential monarch of Russian Romanov Dynasty?

Peter I

Who was the first male to appear on the cover of Playboy

Peter Sellers

Nick Nolte played the Poor Man who played the Rich Man

Peter Strauss

Who Had A Hit With Downtown

Petula Clark

Who sang 'In The Air Tonight'?

Phil Collins

In which American city can the Liberty Bell be found


What football team was previously known as the frankford yellow jackets

Philadelphia eagles

Which screen role has been played by, among others, Elliot Gould and Humphrey Bogart

Philip marlowe

In what field were Louis Daguerre and William Henry Fox-Talbot pioneers


The study of natural phenomena: motion, forces, light, sound, etc. is called ______.


What Musical Instrument Does Elton John Play


By which name are English Truffles known?


In Kingsville Texas its illegal for who/what to shag on airport land


Who sailed to the new world in 'The mayflower'?


Which American city was named after a British Prime Minister


What's a computer screen's display made up of


What is added to a Welsh Rarebit to make a Buck Rarebit

Poached egg

Name 1st Disney cartoon film based on the life of a real person


Iophobia is the fear of


Long jump, High Jump, Triple Jump what missing

Pole Vault Olympic jumping events

What is the fear of many things known as


What was willie mosconi famed for shooting


What are the two primary ingredients in cracker jack

Popcorn and

In Penny Lane what is the nurse selling from a tray


What are Misty Rain Sunshine Blue Honey Rose

Porn Stars

What is the capital of Mauritius

Port louis

What is the Capital of: Papua New Guinea

Port moresby

What is the capital of Vanuatu ?


What was Robert Browning's pet name for his wife Elizabeth


The Gravindex Test Is Used To Detect What


There is a museum in Philadelphia 211 North 3rd Street to what


Madness released a hit single in 1979 titled "the _____"


Who Wrote The Song "Manic Monday" For The Bangles


Who wrote the children's story The Old man of Lochnagar

Prince Charles

For a Non-Muslimans , the tour to Mecca is


The 18th amendment to the Constitution was introduced in 1919, repealed in 1933 and is the only one to have been repealed, what did it relate to?

Prohibition of alcohol

Milk, cheese and meat are good sources of which nutrient needed for a healthy diet


Who Is Sean Coombes Better Known As?

Puff Daddy / P Diddy

What links The Reivers, Grapes of Wrath, Humboldt's Gift

Pulitzer Prize winners

In astronomy what are rapidly rotating neutron stars called


In an alphabetical list of countries in the world, what middle eastern country comes between portugal and romania


Which battle was fought by Wellington two days before Waterloo

Quatre bras

Who is the supreme head of the Church Of England?

Queen Elizabeth II

Who was proclaimed empress of India in 1877

Queen victoria

What is a group of this animal called: Colt


A sun-dried grape is known as a(n) ___________


What is the largest gold refinery

Rand refinery

In computing what is Ram short for?

Random Access Memory

Who was poisoned - shot - and drowned river Neva 1916


The Cairn terrier is great at catching __________


Who said if i had to choose between staying married & Snooker it would be snooker everytime

Ray Reardon

We have heard of the Renaissance - what's it literally mean


What is the colour of the maple leaf on the Canadian flag


A Hobbits will requires seven signatures in what

Red Ink

What was added to Band Aids in 1940

Red opening string

What is the common name for cercis canadensis, the state tree of oklahoma


What was the name of the bar that the characters from "Three's Company" frequented?

Regal Beagle

In ballet, a rising with a spring movement to point or demi-point.


Which major car manufacturer will take over the Benetton Formula 1 team next years


The Soldiers Song is the National Anthem of what Country

Republic of Ireland

Which World Famous news agency began life in 1850 using carrier pigeons


What pigment allows humans to see better at night


8% of people in the world have an extra what


What Type Of Food Stuff Do Humans Eat The Most Of


What other name does Stephen King write under?

Richard Bachman

Amaxophobia is the fear of what

Riding in a vehicle

Which 90'S Group Were Named After A Bernard Cribbins Hit Of The 60'S?

Right Said Fred

With which hand do soldiers salute

Right hand

The Paramours changed their name to what gaining fame

Righteous Brothers

What are the sava, drava and soca


What was the real name of Kool,of Kool and the Gang fame?

Robert Bell

Who wrote the poem "The Pied Piper of Hamlin"

Robert Browning

Who was Led Zeppelins original lead singer

Robert Plant

Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk became inspiration for what novel


Outcrop, Big Wall And Crag Are All Forms Of What

Rock Climbing

Which Record Was The First Chart Success For A Young David Essex In 1973

Rock On

Which 1956 film caused riots in cinemas

Rock around the clock

Second city: Brisbane (state)


What beating victim's 23-lawyer defense team handed the city of los angelesfor million

Rodney king

Which Tennis Player In 2007 Equalled Bjorn Borg's Record Of Five Consecutive Men's Wimbledon Titles?

Roger Federer

What is a hypocaust

Roman Heating System

Which city is furthest north in terms of its line of latitude?


What is a group of otters


The owl parrot can't fly, and builds its nest under tree __________


What is the stinky gas called hydrogen sulphide said to smell like

Rotten eggs

Who said - "A woman only a woman - good cigar is a smoke"

Rudyard Kipling

Add this to milk, eggs, and sugar to make a Tom and Jerry.


Germany's allies in wwii were japan, italy, hungary, bulgaria, finland, libya and ______


What English meadow saw the signing of the Magna Carta


As We All Know David Beckham Now Plays For US Team LA Galaxy But Who Is The Coach For La Galaxy

Ruud Gullit

Clarissa Luard, Mariane Wiggins & Elizabeth West. Have All Been Married To Which Famous Author ?

Salman Rushdie

Which Scottish Golfer Was Captain Of Europes 2002 Ryder Cup Team

Sam Torrance

What is the capital of El Salvador ?

San Salvador

When Cook Discovered The Hawaiian Islands What Did He Name Them?

Sandwich Islands

What was the name of the helicopter service that was the cover for Airwolf?

Santini Air

What was Jane Wyman Reagan's birth name?

Sarah Jane Fulks

In British Columbia is illegal to kill what


Lepidoptera (from the Greek) literally means what

Scaly Winged

In What Country Was David Byrne Born


The thistle is the national flower of ______


Grunge music originated in which American city


What company developed the dot matrix printer for 64 Olympics


Who composed the classical piece Peter and the Wolf

Sergei Prokofiev

What Type Of Oranges Are Traditionally Used To Make Marmalade

Seville Oranges

The Beatles film Help was dedicated to the inventor of what

Sewing Machine - Elias Howe

Who are the two most translated English writers

Shakespeare - Agatha Christie

What hats were worn by British troops during the Napoleonic wars of the early 1800s?


Ovine refers to what kind of animal


Only one world team horseracing event at Ascot what trophy

Shergar Cup

Which legendary games designer/producer created the Super Mario Brothers franchise for Nintendo?

Shigeru Miyamoto

Alister Allan and Malcolm Cooper won Olympic medals in which sport


King Mongut had aprox 9000 wife's/concubines what country

Siam - Thailand

In traditional wedding anniversaries what is given on the twelfth


Old superstitions - it is bad luck to do what in the morning


In Hazledon Pen a lecturer can't legally do what while working

Sip Carbonated Drinks

Name the British General in charge of the 1916 offensive WW1

Sir Douglas Haig

Who was the New Zealand mountaineer who in 1953, together with Sherpa Tenzing Norgay, became the first person to reach the summit of Mount Everest

Sir Edmund Hillary

Who Was Inspired By An Apple Falliing

Sir Isaac Newton

Who said I've have take more out of alcohol that it has out of me

Sir Winston Churchill

Who discovered penicillin

Sir alexander fleming

Approximately how many times a minute does lightning strike the earth?

Six thousand

Captain Flint buried his treasure where ( Ben Gunn dug it up )

Skeleton Island

Ingemar Stenmark won record 85 world cup races in what sport


What part of your body is elastic, waterproof, washable & fits you very well


What is the Capital of: Macedonia


What is the smallest member of the weasel family


What did Sir Arnold Lunn begin in Switzerland

Slalom skiing

In Albany NY in winter children were arrested for what illegal act

Sledging and sledges were broken

What is podobromhidrosis?

Smelly feet

In Italy what is Provolone

Smoked hard cheese

Which Increasingly Popular Winter Sport Was Introduced As An Official Event At The 1998 Games

Snow Boarding

Which element makes up 2.83% of the Earth's crust


What 'S' was a king of israel who was famous for his wisdom?


In Which Country Are The Worlds Deepest Mines

South Africa, Near Carletonville ; They Are 3,777m Deep

In Which US State Is Mount Rushmore ?

South Dakota

What continent is home to jaguars

South america

Trick what country suffered the most combat deaths in world war ii

Soviet union

Ferdinand and Isabella were joint rulers in which country


During which war did the term "Fifth Column" originate

Spanish civil war

Who "Beat The Clock" To Number 10 In 1979


In the equation E=MC2, what does the C stand for

Speed of light

In Greek mythology, the riddle of what did Oedipus solve?


What kind of creature is a funnel web


This large bean-shaped lymph gland can expand and contract as needed.


What is Alberta's most important tree


Chris Difford & Glen Tilbrook Write Songs For Which Group


In which country do the Sinhala people live

Sri lanka

Name the heaviest breed of domestic dog

St bernard

What is Chartres Cathedral in France famous for having 160 of

Stained glass windows

In musical notation there are five lines in a what


Who Wrote The Lyrics To The Songs In West Side Story

Stephen Sondeim

What do we call in English the type of painting known to the French as 'nature morte'

Still life

Whose Real Name Is 'Gordon Sumner'


Kolpeuryntomania is what sexual activity

Stretching the vagina

What common legal item literally means under penalty


In which country is the city of Omdurman


What 1958 Eddie Cochran song became his biggest US hit and a rock classic?

Summertime Blues

This traditional Japanese wrestling sport takes place in a circular ring.


What was found by the River Deben in East Anglia in 1939?

Sutton Hoo Burial Ship

Phagophobia is the fear of


What country celebrates its National Day on 6th June?


Where in Europe it is illegal to flush the toilet after 10 P.M. if you live in an apartment?


Which Country Was The First To Win The Eurovision Song Contest In 1956


In which sport would a dolphin bent knee, a walk over front and a catalina

Synchronized swimming

War heroine Violette Bushell was better known by her married surname - what is it


Which 1980's Band Took Their Name From A Vulvan In Star Trek


What Was The first TV Show To Give Away One Million Pounds

TFI Friday

In the US 20,000 what are made for children each year

TV ads 7000 cereals

What is the fear of speed known as


Guess The Band From These Initials MO / HD / RW / JO / GB

Take That

Jason Orange Is A Member Of Which British Boy Band

Take That

Name the band - songs include "Psycho Killer, Road To Nowhere"?


The Italian Date is a common name of what fruit


Where does young Anakin Skywalker come from?


What word spelled the same French, English, German, Swedish


An animal stuffer is a(n) ________.


Baby opossums _ upon birth when they move to the mother's pouch _ are smaller than honeybees. An entire litter can fit in a __________


What Is The Male Sex Hormone Called


What is the fear of lockjaw, tetanus known as


What is the most frequently used word in the english language


What cult-fav eighties movie features John Lithgow from another dimension?

The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai

Which Is The Smallest Living Relative Of The Dinosaur

The Bee Hummingbird

The Treaty of Paris in 1856 ended which war

The Crimean war

AG Bell opened school in Boston in 1872 for Teachers of what

The Deaf

Lord Harry, Old Billy, Queed, Skipper, Toast nicknames for who

The Devil or Satan

What Famous Landmark Was Discovered By "Garcia Lopez De Cardenas" In 1540

The Grand Canyon

What Is The Name Of The Controlling Body In Flat Racing

The Jockey Club

In The World Of Movies How Is 'Jack Napier' More Commonly Known

The Joker (Batman)

What Was The Name Of Elvis Presley's Backing Group

The Jordinaires

In 1927 what ceased to be a weapon in the British Army

The Lance

On Which Side Of The Road Do They Drive In India

The Left

What was Betty Grable's nickname?

The Legs

What flower is the symbol of culture

The Lotus

In what George Bizet opera do Zugra and Nbadir appear

The Pearl Fishers

Capers Are Derived From What

The Pickled Flower Buds Of A Mediterranean Plant

What Was The Name Of Prince's Band In The 80's

The Revolution

Iain Stewart - dropped - looked too normal - what pop group

The Rolling Stones

What Well Known Organisation Was Founded In 1844 By "William Booth"

The Salvation Army

What caused a separation of Baja, California and the rest of Mexico

The San

Name Disco Tex's group?

The Sex-O-Lettes

What Vaccine Did Edward Jenner Develop

The Smallpox Vaccine

Where were Archie and Edith Bunker's chairs enshrined?

The Smithsonian Institute

Name The Only Act To Have Had 3 Christmas No.1's In The 90's?

The Spice Girls

What famous race was established in 1903?

The Tour de France

What Forms The Natural Border Between Europe & Asia

The Ural Mountains

What is the name of the four holy books of the Hindus

The Vedas

What is the longest river in western Europe

The Volga

Which Famous Book Contains The Line 'Once Upon A Time There Was A Little Chimney Sweep And His Name Was Tom'

The Water Babies

What was the name of the attempted invasion of Cuba in 1961

The bay of pigs

What is the unit of currency of Venezuela

The bolivar

Porphyrophobia is the fear of

The color purple

What name is given to the fleshy part of a horses tail

The dock

What's the fastest sea dwelling mammal

The dolphin

In what TV series did we see Del Floria tailors shop

The man from UNCLE

What do the seven stripes on the American flag represent

The seven original states

Which poem begins "If I should die, think only this of me"

The soldier

What phrase did the nazi adopt in the 1920s to label their new order

The third reich

What portable device did James Spengler invent in 1907, using a soap box, pillow case, a fan & tape

The vacuum cleaner vacuum cleaner a vacuum cleaner

What was broadcast causing U.S. radio listeners, to flee for their lives fearing an attack by aliens

The war of the worlds

Where did Mr Badger live in _The Wind in the Willows

The wild wood

Who Sang Here Comes The Night Featuring Van Morrison In 1965


What was Beaver Cleaver's first name


Who was the youngest American President

Theodore Roosevelt

What Is The Connection Between Swing Bandleaders - Woody Herman, Artie Shaw, & Benny Goodman

They All Lead On Clarinet

What Did Churhill, Cromwell, & Shakespeare Have In Common ?

They all Had Red Hair

Approximately how many inches are there in one meter?

Thirty nine

What were the first names of T E Lawrence, known as Lawrence of Arabia

Thomas edward

How many lives did Herb Philbrick lead


How did Alice get into the land of the living chess pieces

Through the looking glass

To which family of birds does the fieldfare belong


Giovidi is what day in Italian


Which red-head won Star Search and then went on a shopping mall singing tour that took America by storm in 1987 and 1988?


What do you call the act of putting a word inside another (ie: abso bloody lutely.)


What Was The Function Of Press Gangs In The Early Nineteenth Century?

To Press Or Recruit Men Into The Royal Navy

Name the porceilan chair on at least once a day


What Does The Initial 'T' Stand For In Cat Scan


Cows clean their noses with their ______


Glossitis is inflammation of which part of the body?


Which TV gangster owns the nightclub called The Ba Da Bing

Tony Soprano

What part of the body has a crown, a neck & a root


Lester B Pearson International Airport Is In Which Canadian City


Baked beans were originally served in what sauce

Treacle - molasses

Which department of the us government did eliot ness work for


The sackbut developed into which modern instrument


Which Instrument Connects Glen Miller & Tommy Dorsey


Consumption was the former name of which disease


What is the third day of the week


How many points are awarded for a safety touch in football


How many tunnels under the mersey link liverpool to the wirral


Which pain relieving product was subjected to a public relations scare in the eighties?


Brotherhood Of Man Won The Eurovision Song Contest For Which Country In 1976


What Do The Initials U.H.T Refer To In Relation To Milk?

Ultra Heat Treated

Who Told Stories About Brer Rabbit & Brer Fox

Uncle Remus

In Greek mythology, as which constellation did zeus place callisto


The Big Dipper is part of what constellation

Ursa major

Who Are Known To The British Secret Service With The Codenames "Potus & Flotus"

Us President & First Lady

What was rembrandt's surname

Van rijn

Which flavouring is added to brandy and egg yolks to make advocaat?


At the Montreal Olympics, Nelli Kim was judged to have given a perfect performance in the floor exercise and which other discipline


Lachanophobia is the fear of


Dagon is the mesopotamian god of ______


In which country would you find the Angel Falls, the highest waterfall in the world?


Where would you find the Ponte de Sospiri

Venice - Bridge of Sighs

What is the capital of Seychelles ?


What is the capital of Laos


In what country is the mekong river delta


What is the capital of Vanuatu


Which Was The First Group Beginning With The Letter "V" To Have A UK No.1 Hit

Village People

Who shot and killed himself while painting 'wheatfield with crows'


Name The "Fade To Grey" Ban Fronted By Steve Strange


The cultivation of grapes


What's Penthouse's sister publication for women


What is the Latin word for to roll


What is the national religious folk cult of haiti


The Perils of Penelope and Dastardly and Mutley spin offs what

Wacky Races

Who was the first voice of Mickey Mouse?

Walt Disney

Desire for more cows is the translation what Sanskrit word

War - same in English

In the 15th century, what was the war between the houses of lancaster and york

War of the roses

Which state is the Evergreen State?


What is the common name for hydrogen oxide


A tornado at sea is called a ___


Which Track Became Elvis Presley's Final UK No.1 In The Weeks After His Death

Way Down

What song was The Pittsburgh Pirates anthem

We are Family - Sister Sledge

What would the ancient Greeks do with an Apodesm

Wear it type of bra

A mustelidae family member is a(n)___.


What is the capital city of New Zealand?


Where do Rocky and Bullwinkle play football

What'samatta u niversity

All US Presidents were Federalists Republicans Democrats or what

Whigs 1841 - 45 1850 -53

What's the international radio code word for the letter "W"


James Abbott McNeill were the first names of which artist


What colour is the cross on the Greek Flag


What was the name of the hollow hole-covered plastic ball kids used to hit instead of a baseball?

Wiffle ball

Which newspaper owner's career inspired the film "Citizen Kane"

William randolph hearst

Which author, famous for such novels as 'The Naked Lunch', died in 1997

William s burroughs

On The 19 th November 1994, Paul Merlon Became The First Person Ever To Do What

Win The Uk National Lottery

In mythology Romulus and Remus were brought up by which animal


__________ are freeze_tolerant and spend winters frozen on land, only to thaw in the spring and begin their breeding process in vernal ponds.

Wood frogs

Seth Wheeler patented it in 1871 - what

Wrapping Paper

What was the first product to have a bar code on it?

Wrigley's gum

Cheyenne is the capital of ______


In the USA where would you see a crossbuck

X on railroad crossing

Fear of dryness is called


Men women compete 3 Olympic sports Equestrian Shooting ?


Ancient Roman brides wore a wedding dress - what colour


What is the flower that stands for: rural happiness

Yellow violet

In Disney's Fantasia what is the Sorcerers name

Yensid - Disney reversed

In military slang which word means to carry heavy equipment on foot over difficult terrain


Syngenesophobia is the fear of what

Your relatives

The Italian Desert Made By Whisking Egg Yolks, Wine And Sugar Is More Commonly Known As What


What is the capital of Croatia?


Which species of animal has sub-species that include Burchell's, Grant "s and Chapman's


In which African country is the city of Bulawayo


Himalayan, Rex, Manx, Maine Coon are breeds of


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