Tutorial 1 session 1.1 (word)
Redo typing
Undo typing
Nonprinting characters
Appear on screen but not on the printed page.
The blank spaces around the edges of a documents content. The dark gray area on the ruler represents the documents margins.
Microsoft Word Help
This button opens up the Help window, where you can find information about word commands and features as well as instructions for using them.
Show/hide button
When this button is selected, the nonprinting characters are displayed in the document.
When you automatically check spelling and grammar, Microsoft Word uses wavy red underlines to indicate possible spelling errors and wavy green underlines to indicate possible grammatical errors.
You can choose to display them. They can be useful as you work with different elements in a document.
Paragraph mark
indicates the end of a paragraph. It is only visible if nonprinting characters are turned on.
tells you how to enter the rest of the AutoComplete word
Print Layout view
the default view, most closely resembles how your document will look when printed. The orange highlight indicated that it is selected.
contextual spelling error
words that are spelled correctly but used incorrectly (for example "you're" instead of "your"). They are underlined with a wavy blue line.
Home Tab
Includes options for formatting and editing text.
Microsoft Word has several different ways for you to get a good view of your work, depending on the task at hand.
Status bar
Provides information about the current document, such as the current page and number of words in the document.
Quick Access Toolbar
Provides one-click access to commonly used commands, such as save.
Insertion point
Shows where characters will appear when you start typing.
Window Buttons
You use these buttons to minimize, maximize, and close the word window.
Spelling checker
a useful tool for correcting errors. it continually checks your document against Words built-in dictionary. A wavy red line appears beneath the error.
a word feature that automatically inserts dates and other regularly used items for you.
View buttons
allow you to change the way the document is displayed.
wavy red line
appears beneath a misspelled word, a non-existent word and, if you mistakenly type the same word twice in a row.
Zoom level
can be changed quickly by dragging the zoom slider left or right.
Scroll Box
dragged up or down to see other parts of a document.
Grammer checker
marks grammatical errors with a wavy green line.
Zoom level of 100%
shows the document as if it were printed on paper.