U11 L4: Art and Culture in Medieval Europe

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Tales of King Arthur

heroic legends also became popular - story of a british king and his knights - included elements of magic and chivalry

A knight there was, a worthy man, That from the time he first began To ride about the world, loved chivalry, Truth, honor, freedom and all courtesy. His name was held in high repute In every camp without dispute. In every pagan or Christian nation He won the greatest acclamation.

"a knight there was, a worthy man" "to ride about the world, loved chivalry" "truth, honor, freedom and all courtesy"

Geoffrey Chaucer (1342-1400)

- English poet who wrote in the vernacular - influenced by french romantic literature - wrote the Canterbury tales

Three-Field System

- allowed for two harvests a year - reduced the chance of famine - provided extra crops

Expansion of Trade

- merchants expanded trade by traveling from town to town with their goods - merchants shared goods, ideas, and information at trade fairs - towns formed trade organizations, such as the Hanseatic League

Courtly Love Songs

- performed by troubadours - told stories of knights and ladies - emphasized bravery and chivalry - accompanied by music on the harp or the lute

Effects of Economic Changes

- urbanization - growth of the middle class - art

Which best describes why a manor in the early Middle Ages was self-sufficient?

A variety of crops provided the necessary food.


the normal spoken form of a language

How were courtly love songs and epic poems similar?

Both emphasized bravery in battle.

In what way was the feudal system like the Roman Empire?

Both provided structure to people's lives.

In a paragraph, explain how Chaucer's Canterbury Tales can help a historian better understand the Middle Ages. Support your claim with reasons and evidence.

Chaucer uses descriptions of his characters to better help the reader understand medieval society. His descriptions of how people dress can give a historian clues about the class structure. He greatly admires the knight and his character, telling us that many in Europe likely felt that way. He also used tales to comment on the problems Europeans were facing at the end of the Middle Ages, giving the perspective and the point of view that people in the time period may have had on these issues.

One of the pilgrims described in The Canterbury Tales is a knight. Choose the best words or phrases to complete this passage about the characteristics that a knight should display. Knights were expected to take a _______ vow of loyalty to their Lord. When they were knighted, they agreed to follow a code of _______, which included a promise to be loyal, courageous, and courteous, and to protect _______. In addition, knights were expected to be able to entertain a lady with _______. This was called _______ love.

Christian; chivalry; the weak and poor; songs and poetry; courtly

After the fall of the Roman Empire, which best describes Europe's political situation?

Europe had no centralized government.

How did Charlemagne improve the lives of people in Europe?

He revived education.

Why would Beowulf be considered a perfect medieval knight?

He was determined to confront a dangerous creature.

How was the knight's son, the squire, different from his father?

He was more interested in courtly love.

The Islamic calendar is a lunar-based calendar, based on the phases of the moon, rather than on the solar year. It has a year with 354 or 355 days, which are spread over twelve months. The months are not linked with the seasons and drift from year to year. The Islamic calendar is used primarily to date religious holidays. Ramadan, a month in which Muslims practice fasting, is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Most Muslim countries still use the Gregorian calendar for public and business purposes, but the Islamic calendar is the official calendar of some countries, such as Saudi Arabia. How is the Islamic calendar primarily used today?

How is the Islamic calendar primarily used today?

In a paragraph, explain how the knight reflects the ideals of feudal society. Use at least two details from the reading to support your answer.

In the passage, the author states that the knight "loved chivalry, truth, honor, freedom and all courtesy." These are all traits of an ideal feudal knight. It also states that the knight is brave and has fought in many battles. The end of the prologue says he wants "to make peace with God." That tells me he is seeking forgiveness for the people he killed in battle and shows the importance of his Christian faith, another important knightly trait

Words to Know

In the three-field system, two fields were planted and one was left fallow. During the high middle ages, literature written in the vernacular became popular. the growth of towns created a new class of citizens called burghers. tales of chivalry and courtly love became popular during this time period. epic poems, such as beowulf, told long stories about heroes. merchants and craftsmen created guilds to protect their interests.

Julius Caesar introduced the Julian calendar in 45 BCE because he wanted a more standardized system for commerce and tax collection for his vast empire. The Julian calendar replaced the older Roman calendar. The Roman calendar was problematic because it was based on the phases of the moon. The moon's cycle of phases (29.5 days) didn't line up evenly with a solar year. It required a group of people to decide when days should be added or removed to keep the calendar in agreement with the seasons, equinoxes, and solstices. The Julian calendar used more advanced astronomical observations to merge these two cycles. It had a year of 365.25 days, based on the solstices, with the days divided into twelve months. It also included a "leap year" where one day is added to the month of February in every year divisible by four. How was the Julian calendar more accurate than the Roman calendar? Check all that apply.

It measured a year as 365.25 days. It added a day in February every four years. It incorporated advanced astronomical observations.

Why were banks created in medieval England?

Merchants needed a place to exchange currency from other countries.

What was a main advantage of the three-field system?

NOT - Crops matured at different times.

Which development most influenced the expansion of trade?

NOT - creation of guilds

Medieval economics and culture

Population boom - population nearly doubled during the high middle ages growth of towns - farming methods grew more efficient - people moved to cities growth of trade - use of money increased trade - guilds developed arts & culture - epic poetry, courtly love songs, and vernacular literature flourished

Before clocks, people marked time by the sun and the phases of the moon. With the development of the railway and the creation of the telegraph, accurate time became more important. Prior to adopting a unified time system, trains traveling east or west between towns had a difficult time maintaining coherent schedules and smooth operations. Because they moved with the sun, they could leave one station at noon and arrive at the next before noon further down the track. On November 18, 1883, precisely at noon, American railroads switched to a new standard time system for rail operations, which they called Standard Railway Time (SRT). Almost immediately after being implemented, many American cities enacted ordinances, thus resulting in the creation of time "zones." The four standard time zones adopted were Eastern Standard Time, Central Daylight Time, Mountain Standard Time, and Pacific Daylight Time. Though tailored to the railroad companies' train schedules, the new system was quickly adopted nationwide. Why was there a need for a standard measurement of time?

Railroads wanted to offer consistent schedules across long distances.

How did the development of different languages further divide Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire?

Speaking different languages meant people from different areas could no longer communicate easily with each other.

The Islamic calendar is a lunar-based calendar, based on the phases of the moon, rather than on the solar year. It has a year with 354 or 355 days, which are spread over twelve months. The months are not linked with the seasons and drift from year to year. The Islamic calendar is used primarily to date religious holidays. Ramadan, a month in which Muslims practice fasting, is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Most Muslim countries still use the Gregorian calendar for public and business purposes, but the Islamic calendar is the official calendar of some countries, such as Saudi Arabia. How is the Islamic calendar different from the Gregorian calendar? Check all that apply.

The Islamic calendar is based on the phases of the moon. The Islamic calendar has fewer days.

Which event happened first in history?

The epic poem Beowulf was written.

What was the impact of increased crop yields?

The general population rose dramatically.

Why was Chaucer's knight an example of chivalry?

The knight admired truth and honor.

Why would a lord face at least as much danger from invaders as a peasant would?

The lord would have more to lose, in terms of wealth and property.

What was a major effect of the new economic prosperity in medieval Europe?

The population moved from rural to urban settings.

Why was the development of towns economically important?

The towns became centers of commerce.

How were the nobles and the clergy similar in medieval Europe?

They had equal status in the social structure.

In nomadic times, cultures marked the passage of time with the migration of the herds. As people developed agriculture, a more precise measurement of time became increasingly important. Farmers needed to time the planting and harvesting of crops just right, or they would not have enough food for the winter. Keeping track of these natural cycles was so important that the dates were coordinated with religious ceremonies at the core of society. With the development of agriculture came food surpluses, which led to more complex forms of government and the ability to trade with other cultures. Record keeping grew, and historians and rulers needed a way to track when certain events occurred. Merchants needed a way to know when deliveries were due or payments needed to be made. Military leaders needed to be able to coordinate attacks and defenses. The accurate recording and interpretation of time was central to the development of civilization. What is the main idea of this passage?

Time measurement became more important as civilizations became more advanced.

As technology progressed, it became apparent that the measurement of 365.25 days for a year, used by the Julian calendar, was a good approximation, but it was not precise enough. In fact, the Earth revolves around the Sun every 365.2425 days. This small discrepancy might not seem like much, but over the centuries that the Julian calendar was in use, the date of the spring equinox began slowly to drift. By 1582, the date was off by ten days. The celebration of Easter continued to move further and further away from the spring equinox, which was unacceptable to the Roman Catholic church. In 1582, a correction of 0.002% was adopted by the Catholic church and ten days were removed from the calendar. A new system was applied in which most years that are divisible by 100 (such as the year 1900) are not leap years, so no day is added in the month of February. The calendar was dated to start at the traditional date used to mark the birth of Jesus (anno domini, or AD). At first this transition was resisted by protestant and orthodox Christians who did not recognize the authority of the pope, but over time, nations agreed upon this more accurate system. This calendar, named the Gregorian calendar after the pope who served as the head of the Catholic church at the time, is now the one most used by the international community for trade, diplomacy, and travel. Why was a change made from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar?

Why was a change made from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar?

epic poem

a long poem that tells a story about a hero

Background information: This passage is from Beowulf, the oldest surviving work in British literature. It tells of the story of an evil monster, Grendel, who attacks the castle of Hrothgar, the king of Denmark, and of the warrior Beowulf, who finally defeats him. One night, after a party, the Danes settled in the hall for sleep; they knew no sorrows. The evil creature, grim and hungry, grabbed thirty warriors and went home laughing. Poets sang sad songs throughout the world, how Grendel tormented Hrothgar; how no warrior, no matter how brave, could kill Grendel. How Grendel wasn't about to stop, or pay damages. Grendel kept ambushing from his lair, the moors which lay in perpetual darkness. But a warrior of Hygelac's heard of Grendel's doings; he was the strongest of men alive in that day, mighty and noble. That man called for a ship, said he would cross the ocean and help the king who needed help. Based on the passage, what type of literature is Beowulf? Which of these lines from the poem describes Beowulf?

an epic poem; mighty and noble

Types of Time Periods: Eras

an era is a period of time characterized by specific events or characteristics - middle ages - renaissance - enlightenment - age of exploration - industrial age

Background information: This passage is from the rules of the tailors guild in Stendal, Germany. The Garment Cutters of Stendal: Guild Law Revision, 1231 1. No one should presume to cut cloth unless he is part of our organization; those who break this law will pay a fine of three talents [a medieval currency]. 2. Three times a year there will be a meeting of guild members, and everyone who does not attend will face a penalty. 3. Whoever wishes to enter the fraternity whose father was a member and cut cloth will come with his friends to the guild meeting, and if he conducts himself honestly, he will be able to join the guild as soon as he pays the entry fee. He will also pay six denarii [a medieval currency] to the master. According to the passage, who has the right to be a tailor?

anyone who has joined the guild and paid its fees

Early Medieval Economy

based on the manor system - manors were isolated, self-sufficient communities - agriculture formed the basis of the economy


characteristic of a piece of land that is not being used to grow crops

Feudalism and the manor system changed life in the Middle Ages by

creating sufficient food for a larger population.

Beowulf is considered an epic poem because it

describes the actions of a great warrior.

How long did Charlemagne's empire have an influence on Europe?

for more than eight hundred years

In literature, an ideal knight would be a man who

fought and slew a dragon.

Epic Poems

found great popularity during the middle ages - revived a greek form of storytelling - told the story of a hero - were often based on ancient tales - included Beowulf and The Song of Roland


growing interest in literature and the arts - popularity of courtly love songs - revival of epic poetry - development of vernacular literature


in the Middle Ages, an organized group of merchants or craftsmen

Lunar Calendars

in the ancient world, tine was measured by observing phases of the moon - lunar calendars are based on these observations - 29.5 days

The Canterbury Tales is helpful to historians because the author

indicates the strict class structure of the period.

Which description best summarizes why the feudal system benefited all its members?


Solar Calendars

later, astronomers observed and measured the sun's position in the sky - spring (vernal) and autumnal equinoxes - winter and summer solstices


merchants and craftspeople formed guilds to protect their interests - ensured that quality standards were met - regulated trade practices - set rules for apprenticeships - served as town leaders

At a manor, what responsibility did the lord and the lady share?

participating in mass


someone who lives in a town; a member of the middle class


the code of conduct for medieval knights; the ideal qualities of a knight

Medieval Banking

the growing economy created a need for banks - exchanged currencies from different countries - gave loans for large purposes - kept deposits safe

Who was at the top of the hierarchy in medieval European society?

the pope

Canterbury Tales In the prologue, the narrator describes twenty-seven of the pilgrims, detailing each person's occupation, appearance, clothing, and personality. This gives the reader great insight into the Middle Ages. The clothing worn defines each character, not just their appearance, but also their place in society. What is the author referring to in the underlined phrase?

the strict social pyramid of the feudal system

The Middle Ages witnessed the creation of a new and more prosperous economy. Several factors were tied to this. In agriculture, the development of the _______ system of rotating crops led to increased and more reliable food production. In the growing towns, merchants and craftspeople banded together to form _______, which helped them protect their interests. The rising number of people in the middle class were called _______.

three-field; guilds; burghers

Why were guilds developed?

to protect the interests of the craftspersons

Why was the legend of King Arthur most likely written?

to show that betrayal of knightly duties could be disastrous

Growth of Towns

towns were established by charters from the king - became important centers of trade - led to the development of a class of burghers

In what role did both nobles and knights serve?


The Canterbury Tales was a popular book of the period because it

was written in easy-to-understand language.

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