Unit 1: Renaissance, Exploration, New Monarchies, Period 3: Review, Unit 2: Age of Reformation, Unit 4: Scientific, Philosophical, and Political Developments, Unit 3: Absolutism/Constitutionalism, Unit 6: Industrialization, Revolutions, and Reform, U...

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Illustrative Examples of Outcomes of the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution

English Bill of Rights Parliamentary sovereignty

Constitution of 1791

Established a limited constitutional monarchy. There was still a monarch.

French national assembly summoned to remedy the financial crisis and correct abuses of the ancient regime.

Estates General

Baroque Art: Artists

--Gentileschi, Judith Slaying Holofernes --Bernini --Caravaggio

Frederick the Great: not Enlightened Reforms

--believer in social order --strengthen Junker's privileges --Junkers retain full control over their serfs

Renaissance: women

-Castiglione, wrote "The courtier -Christine de Pizan, feminist -Isabella d'Este, Renaissance woman

Golden Age of Spain

-During reign of Philip II 1556-1598 -absolutism built by Ferdinand and Isabella

Triple Entente

-France offered russia financial investments + diplomatic friendship, formed Franco-Russian Alliance in 1894 -Britain abandonded "splendid isolation" when bismarck threatned naval power -joind france + russia, formed Triple Entente

spanish conquistadors

-Hernando Crotes conquered Aztecs in Mexico -Francisco Pizarro conquered Incas in Peru

Printing Press

-allowed humanists to spread works -made it difficult for authorities to supress views

Thomas Malthus

-argued human pop. would inevitably outstrip food production -making famine and misery inevitable

18th century britain

-became europe's leading commercial nation -upper class benefitted the most -slaves and serfs supported commodities -robert walpole became first prime minister, led whig party

cold war confrontations

-berlin wall constructed by khrushcehv -cuban missle crises, krushchev constructed nuclear misssles in cuba, agreed to withdraw in exchange for US not attacking Fidel Castro

Revolutions in sciecne and technology

-big science -the information age -the digital world

chartist movement

-britains workers wanted more sweeping reforms -drep up People's Charter in 1838 demanding universal manhood suffrage + equal elactoral districts -parliament refused

religion in England 17th century

-calvinists dominated -puritans demanded changes to Angelican church

Legislative Assembley 1790

-conservatives, supported king, on the right -moderates in center -radicals distrusted the king, wanted revolution, sat on left

Dutch republic economic decline caused by

-costly wars w/ England + France

Population growth + urbanization

-decreased death rates -imporved agricultural + industrial production -19th century, rural poeple left villiages -crowded into ubran tenements

Napoleonic code

-equality before the law -freedom of reigion -abolition of privelage -protection of property rights -code increased authority of husbands in families, women + children legally dependent on them

guest workers

-erioes booming post war economy + decling birth rate produced a severe labor shortage -the collapse of the colonial sysem created a vast pool of unskilled laborers -during the 1960s +190s, millions of manuel laborers from former colonies entered Europe as "guest workers" -guest workers and their families often stayed in their host countries

Edward Bernstein

-evolutionary socialists began to revise marxian doctrine to new economic realities -rejected marxs class struggle -sought to achieve socialist goals of progress and gradual refrom -as capitalism matured, wokring conditions improved


-exercised total control over citizens -used modern tech. + communication to manipulate and censor info. -used education to mold loyal citizens and demonize enimies

europe after WWII

-faced grim future -hunger and desperation -displaced person -staged economic miravle

French estates general

-faced threat of bankruptcy -called meeting of estates general (clerfy, nobility, and everyone else)

Louis XI

-france -late 1400s -enlarged royal army -promoted industries

Italian war with Austria

-french + piedmont armies defeated the austrians -italian nationalists staged revolts in north -sardinia annexed all of north except Venetia

Simone de Beauvoir

-french feminist author -called attention to social problems that women faced -emphasized need for women to control their own lives -wrote "the second sex" -argued male dominated society forced women into dependent lives

The great exhibition

-held to celebrate britain's undisputed economic and technilogical dominance -hall of machinary w/ locomotives, power looms, etc that powereded the industrial revolution


-hitler blamed germanys problems on jews -passed laws forbidding htem to hold office -nuremburg laws deprived jwa of citizenship, forced to wear yellow star of david -nazi vioolence afainst jews -kristallnacht, crystal night, spontaneous mob illing of jews

Thomas More

-humanist in England -wrote "Utopia" -imaginary world w/ religious tolerations, humanist edication for men and women, + communal owenership of property

consequences of New Imperialism

-hurt native cultures -created a global economy -intensified European rivalries

Storming of the bastille

-in paris, angry mobs protested bread price -mob stormed royal fortress bastille, gaing gunpowder + weapons, and freeing prisoners -symbolic act against royal despotism

Medieval Kings

-income from vassals -army of vassals (owed military service for land) -nobles taxed + enforced law on peasants -shared powe w/ church -subordinate to pope

motives for new imperialism

-industrialists searched for raaw materials + new markets for finished goods -militarists + nationalists sought power + prestige -social darwinists believed strong nations had natural right to dominate weaker people -missionaries had "civilizing mission"

James II 1685-1688

-inherited throne -determined to return England to catholocism

Johannes Gutenberg

-invented first printing press -Mazarin Bible published -quickly spread over Europe

Dawes Plan

-led by american charles dawe -planned to reestablish german currency -provided american loans -reduced inflation

Commercial Revolution in England 17th century

-middle class increased -joint stock comapnies promoted colonies


-multiple views of same object -flat, jagged shapes -pablo picasso "Guernica"

Reorganization of Germany w/ napoleon

-napoleons victories allowed him to dissolve the holy roman empire, took the confederation of the Rhine -abolished feudaism and granted peasants freedom -but caused spark of german nationalism -accelerated german unification

modern art

-new inventions like camera and cinema new ways to portray people and places -bourgeoisie were patrons


-oldest dynasty -setbacks in thirtys years was + end of rule in spain -reaffirmed power over Austria, Bohemia,+Hungary -Treaty of Utrecht gave them italian states + netherlands -many ethnic groups, unified by catholic faith and loyalty to habsburgs

Renaissance art + ex

-perspective -classical forms -christian subjects -Michelangelo- David; strong greek pose, nude -Raphael- School of Athens; ancient philosopjers


-pragmatic tough minded use of shrewd diplomacy and military force -napoleonII, Camilo di Cavour, Otto von Bismarck

Fourteen Points

-president Woodrow Wilson wanted lasting peace -wanted open diplomacy -reduction of weapons -nationa self determination -undermined by secret treatinf and desire to punish germany

Spain in 1400s

-prominent Jewish + Muslim communities -kingdoms of Castille + Aragon dominated Navarre + Portugal

child rearing

-rosseau encourage parents to provide warm environment for ids -greater emphasis on child rearing

The Enlightenment: women

-salons -rational explanations

Teresa De Avila

-spanish leader in reforms for monastaries + convents -preached prayer allowed direct relationship with God

hitler rise to power

-weakness of weimer republic -used elctoral process to legally gain power -denounced versailles treaty -skillfully used modern propaganda -offered people ideology of nationalism, master race, anti-semitism, anticommunism, the fuhrer

european feminists

-worked for liberalized divorce laws -improved access to birth control information -expanded child-care facilities

nobles made up this estate

2nd estate

1618- 1648

30 years war, austrian stasge, swedish intervened, Battle of White Mountain


35. All of the following were aspects of the influence of the American Revolution on the French Revolution except A) providing young men with a taste of revolutionary action and ideals. B) providing a revolutionary role model. C) increasing the class conflict between nobility and bourgeoisie. D) increasing the financial burdens of the state. E) providing the example of a revolutionary government producing a written constitution.


69. The Committee of Public Safety wasA) Napoleon's secret police. B) the Paris police departm ent. C) King Louis XVI's secretariat for roads and public works. D) an emergency executive committee appointed by the Convention. E) the Parliamentary committee chaired by Sir Edmund Burke.

1756- 63

7 years war


A Protestant sect that believed only adults could make a free choice regarding religion; they also advocated pacifism, separation of church and state, and democratic church organization.


A Roman Catholic tribunal for investigating and prosecuting charges of heresy - especially the one active in Spain during the 1400s and Italy.

Dreyfus Affair

A divisive case in which a Jewish captain in the French army, was falsely accused and convicted of treason in 1894. After the man was declared innocent, the French government severed all ties between the state and the church.


A movement dedicated to building a Jewish national homeland in Palestine, started by Theodor Herzl.

Guiseppe Garibaldi

A nationalist soldier and leader, wanted to unite southern areas of Italy. He was the "action guy" behind Italian Revolution.

Sans- culottes

A reference to Parisian workers who wore loose-fitting trousers rather than the tight-fitting breeches worn by aristocratic men.


A term coined by literary scholar Edward Said to describe the way Westerners misunderstood and described colonial subjects and cultures.


A time of excess in a festival that was celebrated before Lent. Consumption of food and sexual activity wer commonplace. It was time to drink in excess.

Maria Theresa

Accepted privileges of Hungarian nobility and the right for them to have their own laws, sheabolished Austrian and Bohemian chancelleries and replaced them with departments such as that of foreign affairs. She curtailed the role of diets and made nobles forced to pay property and income taxes to royal officials.

Henri Bergeson

Accepted rational, scientific thought as a practical instrument for providing useful knowledge but maintained that it was incapable of arriving at truth or ultimate reality.

Second French Republic

After the 1848 revolution in France, which caused Louis Philippe to flee, this government system was put in place by revolutionists and guaranteed universal male suffrage.

Austro-Prussian War, 1866

Also known as the Seven Weeks' War. Resulted in a Prussian victory . Prussia offered Austria generous peace terms, and Austria agreed to withdraw from German affairs.

Seven Years War

Anti prussian coalition threatened to crush prussia -prussia saved from defeat from Russia's new tsar Peter III, who admired Frederick the Great, dropped out of the war -ended with the treaty of paris -prussia kept silesia -britain gained french canada

Leo XIII's "De Rerum Novarum"

Book of Pope Leo XIII's which protected the right to private property but critically criticized both capitalism and socialism.

Aldous Huxley

Brave New World

archbishop after Calonne who took the proposals and gave them to the parlements where they were rejected, needed to call an estates general


Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species

British biologist who introduced the ideas of natural selection and evolution.

Prussian commander, the duke of Brunswick, issued a manifesto announcing that Paris would be totally destroyed if the royal family suffered any violence (totally wrong thing to say)

Brunswick Manifesto

apointed after Necker, proposed a number of taxes, one would tax wealthy and decrease tax on peasants, take Church land and sell it, call an assembly of nobilities to approve these, didn't, he was dismissed


British Industrial Acts

Factory Act of 1833, Mines Act of 1842, and Ten Hours Act of 1847

Otto von Bismarck

Chancellor of Prussia from 1862 until 1871, when he became chancellor of Germany. A conservative nationalist, he led Prussia to victory against Austria (1866) and France (1870) and was responsible for the creation of the German Empire.

Northern Italy turned sister republic

Cisalpine Republic

Commercial Revolution: Consequences

Conflicts and rivalries = competition for trade --Spain, England, France, Dutch Rise of Western Europe Nation-States Decline Venice & Hanseatic League (Baltic States) Rise Capitalism Rise of the Bourgeoisie/middle class

Vaclav Havel

Czech dramatist and statesman whose plays opposed totalitarianism and who served as president of Czechoslovakia from 1989 to 1992 and president of the Czech Republic since 1993 (born in 1936)

During the French Revolution, the campaign of extremist republicans against organized churches and in favor of a belief system based on reason


Compulsory Education

First required by government fro children in the industrial revolution

Women's rights

Flora Tristan: one of the early leaders in Europe in the fight to win the right of women to vote

Dutch patriots wanted to reduce the power of the prince of Orange, the kinglike stadholder who had close ties with Great Britain

Dutch Patriot Revolt

Triple Alliance, 1667

Dutch, English and Sweds that forced Louis to sue for peace by invading the Spanish netherlands and forced him to accept a few towns there

Ludwig van Beethoven

(1770-1827) This German composer and pianist was a crucial figure Romantic eras in Western art music.


-influential christian humanist -important in northern renaissance -devou catholic -wanted to reform church -wrote "the praise of folly"; sature on merchants + immorality/ hypocrisy of church leaders

Betty Friedan

-inspired by Simone de Beauvoir -frustrated with tradional role of housewife + mother -published "feminist mystique" in 1963 -founded the National Organization of Women (NOW)

czechosolvakia's velvet revoltuion

-inspired by fall of the berlin wall -genereal strike resulted in the collapse of the communist government -ethnic differences between czechs + slovaks prevented stable unified state -1993, peacefully split into two different countries

fall of ther berlin wall

-inspired by poland -east germans demanded change in gov. -opened the wall and reunified

revolutions of 1848 failed becuase + key points

-internal division -lack of popular support outside of cities -continued strength of conervative froces -but basic iberal principles did increase as middle class grew -peaceful reforms allowed england to avoid reforms -repressrive policies stifled reform in russia

italian unification problems

-italian parliament proclaimed the kingdom of Itlay with Victor Emmanuel II as king -venetia still under austria -papacy hostile to new italian state -north was urban + industrialized -south was rural + poort -new gov. had hevy debt

Steam engine

-james watt created first one in 1769 -replaced water poweer in British textile factories -boosted iron production

russo-japanese war

-japan modernized economy + built navy/army -also became imperialistic, interest in manchuria china, this alramed Russia -Japan easily beat russian forces 1904

Absolute monarchs vs. 20th century Dictators

-lacked financial + technological resources -didnt mobilize mass support for their programs -didnt commision art or create propaganda

British economics

-laissez fairre policies advocated by adam smith -supply and demand work as invisble hand, selfish acts ultimately benefit the whole society

Factory System

-large numbers of workers used machines to manufacture goods -as it spread, putting out system disappeard -created social classes: proletariat (working class) + bourgeoisie (middle cass)

Northern Renaissance

-late 1400s -called Christian humanists -combined classical ideas w/ christian virtues -committed to moral + institutional reform

the information age

-late 20th and early 21st centureis -television allowed shared information and images -1950s-1970s, televion part of daily lives, shaped public attitudes toward entertainemnt . commercial products, national leaders, and global events -computers change pace and patterns of work and leisure in 1980s + 1990s

Poland and Solidarity

-led by Lech Walesa, polish workers formed a democratic trade union called solidarity -1989, polish voter rejected communist part and elected solidarity candidates -peacfully turned a communist regime out of power


-led by Ned Ludd -frustrated english workers -broke into textile factories and smashed machinery -couldnt stop industrial revolution -parliament passed law against machine destruction -workers realized had to form labor unions instead to fight for higher wages + better working conditions

Post WWII Feminism

-led by Simone de Beauvoir, feminists called attention to social problems women faced, she emphasized need for women to control their own lives -femiinists worked for liberalized divorce laws, access to birth control info., and expanded child-care facilities -during postwar period, women married earlier and gave birth to fewer children -emplyment rates for married women drastically increased

Enclosure movement

-led to development of marker-oriented agricultural production -forced manny poor rural people to move to cities and work in factories

nationalism importance

-led to unification of italy and germany -ledto breakup of ottoman empire -led to transformation of the austrian empire

Joseph Stalin vs. Leon Trotsky

-lenins death created power struggle -trotsky wanted russia to support communist revolutions around the world -stalin argued communism should first gain firm hold in Russia -stalin ruthless, expelled Trotsky from the Communist Party -stood alone as undisputed leader

Factory work

-low wages -long hours -child labor -monotony/ routine -poor working conditions Workers had to learn to follow strict schedules, working a set number of hours at a repetitive task often in unsafe conditions in for very low pay

womens suffrage movement

-lucretia mott + susan b anthoney led seneca falls convention in 1848 -great britain, milicent fawcet led NUWSS, pressured parliament for womens suffrage -Emmeline Pankhurst founded WSPU, held peaceful demonstrations -Emily Davison committed suicide throwing herself in front of the kinds horse 1913 -thousands of women in white carried banners demanding right to vote at her funeral

Protestant Reformation art

-luther believed it could spread word of god, art + hymns -Calvin avoided ornamentation, thought it distracted -protestants liked woodcuts

Henry VIII + MArtin Luther CC

-luther was guided by his faith to reform the church -henry guided by dynasic interests -both thought church should be subordinate to the state -both rejected papal authoruty -both stregthened nobility to supress peasants

The Frech Revolution: women

-march to versailles -Olympede Gouges -Mary Wollstonecraft -Napoleon's civil code

Ferdinand and Isabella

-marriage united Aragon + Castille -completed Reconquista, conquered Granada (muslim) -declared Christian state, forced religious conformity -expelled Jews 1492, later Muslims

middle class

-merchants, shopkeeps, lawyers, teachers, doctors, gov. emplyees, factory workers -chepaer foods increased real wages -able to but labor saving gadgets -electric stree car allowed commute -department stores, cafes, opera -leisure time w/ organized sports

Austrian Empire defeat

-military defeats form Frnce and Piedmont and then Prussia -discontent of natinalists under Habsburgs -Magyars largest nationalist gorup


-moment in tume -fleeting effects of light + color -depicted leisure activities of Parisian bourgeoisie ex: claude monet "Impression Sunrise"

18th century

-monarchy prevelant type of gov. -enlightened despotism in eastern europe -aristocrats gained infuence -Britain, france, austria, prussia, russia great powers -spain, olland, poland,sweden, ottoman empire declined -professional armies for territiory and economic motive, no more religious wars

Isabella d'Este

-most famous renaissance woman -her life illustrates that being a patron of the arts was the most socially acceptable role for a well-educated renaissance woman

lateran accord

-mussolini eneded dispute between papacy + italy -pope Pius XII recognized italy -mussolini recognized vatican city as independent city

The Concordat of 1801

-napoleon wanted to end strained relationship of france + catholic church -granted catholic church special status as "majority of the frenchman", pope gained powers -in return, pope recognized french gov. and accepted the loss of church properties taken in the revolution

Reign of Terror

-national convention est. the comittee of public safety to defend france and its revolution -led by Robespierre, exercised dictoral power -carried out reign of terror -in the name of creating a Reublic of Virture, Robespierre executed the queen, chief rivals, "dangerous" class enimies


-nations consists of groups of people who share similar traditions, history, language, + political identity -every nation whould be soveriegn -greatest loyalty to nation state

Spanish America

-natives converted to christianity -became subjects of the spanish king -new discoveries caused colombuan exchange

weimar republic

-new german republic -faced high reparations and inflation -destroyed middle class, felt betrayed by gov.


-new literary and artistic style -reflected disenchantment with romanticism -rejected romantic works as artificial + over idealized -precise descriptions of modern work -everyday activities -described social realities + common people -critized cruelty of industrial life + greed ex: Charles Dickens hard time

The National Convention 1792-1795

-newly elected national convention abolished the monarchy and declared France a republic -jacobins demanded he be executed -jacobins branded the girodins as counterrevolutionaries and ousted them from the national convention

The Eighteenth Century: women

-nuclear families -later marriages -domestic servants

Family style of 18th century

-nuclear fmailies -large multigenerational households wern't the norm

womens march to versailles

-october 1789 -thousands of women marched to versailles demanding cheap bread + royal family move to Paris, who did

Northern Renaissance Artists

-oil painting -everyday objects w/ detail -disguised symbols -Jan Van Eyck painted the Arnolgini Wedding

Pablo Picasso

-one of the most important figures in modern art

spark of WWI

-ottoman empire declined, everyone wanted Balkan peninsula -most people there spoke slavic, supported pan-slavism nationalist movement, Bismarck feared -supported Serbian independence -and Austri-Hungarys right to admin. Bosnia and Heregovinia -serbia became independent, wanted to unite all slavs, Austria felt threatned -austrians enreaged serbs by annexing B +H -serbian nationalism threated austria -russia supported serbian nationalism -slav nationalist Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to Austria -set off war

The Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)

-outlawed war as an instrument of national policy -violated repeatedly during 1930s


-outrageous behavior -art should be meaningless like WWI -tried to shock

Japans Empire 1940

-overran French indochina -roosevalt ordered total embargo on all trade with japan -japanese suprise attack at Pearl Harbot -US joined WWII to crush Japan + Germany -japan gained vast pacific empire

Charles II1660-1685

-parliament invited from exile after cromwell's death -called The Restoration; restored monarchy, church of england, and parliament -no male heir, only brother James II

English Bill of rights 1689

-parliament made William and Mary accpet -taxation + laws required parliamentary consent -monarch couldnt be roman catholic -placed clear limits on the power of the English Monarchy -England became constitutional monarchy controlled by an aristocratic oligarchy

The Treaty of Versailles (1919)

-peace treaty of WWI -refused to allow either defeated germany or communist russia to participate -forced Germany to sign a war-guilt clause used to justify imposing large reparation payments -returned Alsace-Lorraine to France -dissolved Austria-Hungary into Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia -created the League of Nations to settle disputes w/o resorting to war -created bitterness in Germany -1919

french revolution causes condensed

-peasant distress -government debt -aristocratic resistance -royal weakness

French revolution causes expanded

-peasants lost income from noble, church, + royal taxes, and preformed forced labor called corvee -grain shortages led to increase in bread price -french nobles exempt from taxes -Louis XV weak, Marie Antoinette unpopular and frivolous -Louis XIV left massive debt, american war added -the parlement eroded royal power

German Peasant's War

-peasants orignally supoorted Luther -started to arrack castles + farms because of opression from landlords and clergy -Luther thought christians should obey rulers, urged nobility to crush them

repeal of corn laws

-placed high tarrif on imported corn + grains -industrialists formed anti corn league, advocated free trade policy -wealthy landowners resisted reforms -parliament repealed corn laws in 1846, yay free trade + urban pop

Unification of Germany obstacles

-politically divided into small states that guarded independence -german confederation dominated by Austria -french foreign policy continued to oppose unity -prussia gew in pop and led Zollverin -promoted german economic growth + advanteages of unity

Henry IV

-politique -created Edict of Nantes -appointed Duke de Sully as chief minister -nobles still didnt pay taxes, did make tax system more efficient (not just) -nobles threat -sold gov. offivces to robe nobles

Russian Revolution

-poorly equipped russian army no match for germany, Nicholas II proved inept ruler -food shortages in petrograd let to strikes -Nicholas told troops to restore order, they refused and supported demonstrators -Nicholas II abdicated, ending romanov rule

Provisional Government

-provisional gov. led by Alexander Kerensky replaced the tsar -continued war against germany -unpopular decision weakened the provisional gov

Seven weeks war

-prussia vs austria 1866 -prussia easily crushed them -austria agreed to the dissolution of the german confederation -bismarck then organized north german confederation dominated by Prussia

20th century literature

-questioned accepted values + practices -disconted form middle class conformity + materialism -complexity + irrationality of human mind -stream of consciouness technique James Joye "Ulysses"

destalinization in eastern europe

-raised hopes ofr more freedom in eastern europe -strikes and protests swept east germany, czechoslovakia, pola, and hunagary -hunagarys liberal communist leader, Irme Nagy, called for removal of soviet troops -

The Helsinki Accords (1975)

-ratified the european territorial boundaries established after WWII -est. Helsinki watch committees to monitar human rights in nations that signed the accords -marked high point of Cold War detente (easing of hostility) -1975

Post cold war era

-re-emergence of Russia as a major power -economic integration of Europe into the EU -transformation in women's lives caused by movement for gender equality -demographic changes caused by European baby bust and mass immigration of people into Europe -impact of revolutionary informational and digital technologies

Cardinal Richelieu

-real ruler of France till death -politique -weakened nobility by replacing them w/ royal officials called intendants that implemented royal orders, stregthened royal power -limited Habsburg power by supporting protestants in Thirty Years War -helped defeat them

Enlightenement key ideas (philosophes)

-reason (informed think ing about social problems) -natural laws (regulare universe + human society) -happiness (inalienable human right) -progress -liberty (intellectual freedom is natural right) -toleration (questioned institutional religious beliefs)


Franco Prussian War, German Empire declared at Versailles, Modernization of Paris begins


-reason + science incapable of proving insight on humans -god, reason, + progress are myths -humans live in meaningless + hostile world alone -loliness challenge to action -peope give meaning to theri lives througth their choices Jean Paul Sarte "being and Nothingness"

The Locarno Pact (1925)

-recorded an agreement between france and germany to respect mutual frontiers -marked beginning of brief period of reduced tensions in Europe -1925


French Protestants; followed teachings of John Calvin

Emile Zola

French naturalist writer whose depressing works was largely influenced by Darwin's "On the Origins of Species" and its idea of the struggle for survival.

factors that encouraged overseas exploration

-renaissance spirit of individualism (explorers) -search for spices and profits -desire to cultivate cash crops (sugar) -desire to sprread christianity -ability to use new techonoly (caravel + compass)

french decolonization

-resisted it unlike britain -attempted to reassertt control over Indochina -resistance movement led by Ho Chi Minh, defeated french forces at battle of Dien Bien Phu -war broke out in Algeria, after struggle, french accedpted algerian self-determination

conservative people, their power was based in the provinces and feared the influence of the sans-culottes


Romanticism + nationalism

-romantic authors believed in revolutionary movements that would give people more freedom + control over their lives -studied past to be aware of common heritage -sparmed nationalists movements across europe

russian political movements

-rpaaid industrialization -kadets wanted constitutional monarchy -social democrats wanted economic and political revolition -mensheviks wanted social reform -led by vladimir lenin, bolsheviks wanted communist revolution

Revolution of 1905

-russia's humiliating defeat from japan exposed weakness of autocrats -cossacks opened fire on a peaceful crowd in st.Petersburg -called "bloody sunday" -povoked strikes and demands for change -Nicholas II approved russian parliament, Duma -but didnt work with them, more advisory than legislative

stalemate of wwi

-schlieffen plan failed, quick victory impossible -trench warfare produced a stalmate for four uears -unprecedented casualties

Developments in the Sciences; The Emergence of a new Physics(Name people who u can attribute this too)

-science was one of the chief pillars that contributed to the idea of a optimistic and rationalistic view of the world

Domestic View

-some enlightened thinkers thought men and women dominated seperate private spheres -"natural differecnes" between sexes -wmen should concentrate natual talents on the domestic sphere

Charles I 1625-1649

-son of James I; like him he... +divine right +needed $$$ +opposed puritans, supported Angelican Church -agreed to Petition of Right, no one can be taxed w/o parliament consent or imprsoned -encouraged William Laud to make church of England into a Catholic church w/o a pope -scots formed army against -charles called parliament for help -the long parliament executed Laud and passed laws limiting royal power

Absolutism of monarchs

-sovereignity of a country -not subordinate to national assembley -control over nobility -control over Roman Catholic Church command large standing army

spanish civil war

-spain divided, civil war betwee nationalist forces led by francisco franco against the republic -hitler + mussolini sent men to support nationalists -russians supported republic -german planes bombed guernica, pablo picasso painted to protest this atrocity -franco est. authoritarian regume

Dutch + Spanish economic Decline cc

-spain prospered in 16th century w/ colonial empire -dutch prospered in 17th century w/ commercial empire of international finance -both fought costly wars (e/o, + france, dutch also fought english) -economic competition (england) -small populations

Battle of Lepanto

-spanish venetian feet defeated turkish navy -phillip was champion of catholocism

Scientific Societies

-sponsered by gov. and monarch -prmoted researcha nd spread scientific knowledge -royal society in england -created international sciencetific community

Five Year Plans

-stalin launched to transform Soviet Union's economic + social structure -ednded new economic policy -create socialist command economy, gov. makes all economic decisions -promoted development of heavy industries -collectivized agriculture

Great Terror

-stalin totalitarian dictator -launched state sponsered terror -eliminated old bolsheviks many arrested


-started by Henry VIII cause pope wouldn't let him divorce wife -wife was aunt of HRE Charles V -parliament passed the Act of Supremacy -closed monastaries

Impressionist music style

-stressed elusive moods and haunting senstation and is distinct in its beauty and sound


-stressed faith, emotions and "the religion of the heart"

Teresa of Avilla

-symbolized renewal of intense faith -spanish -founded her own order of nuns that live in isolation, eat/sleep very little, dedicated life to prayer and meditation -canonized: recognized as saint

Scientific Method

-systematic and logical way of seeking the truth -regular patterns in nature -controlled experiments -mathematical formulas

The "Nation in Arms"

-terror caused domestic dissent -robespierre + committee proclaimed "levee en masse" (compulsary military service of men 18-40) -created a national army based on mass participation -first example of complete mobilization -france's citizen soldiers were motivated by patriotisma nd led by talented officers ike Napoleon -defeated the First Coalition's professional army

Louis XIV young

-the Fronde rebellions of nobles against royal authority forced him to flee Paris -remembered humiliation, vowed to control nobles

the revolution of 1905 in Russiae

-the growing discontent of increased numbers of russians rapidly led to upheavel. the working class longed for liberal institutions and liberal political system. Nationalities were dissatisfied with thier domination by an ethnic russian population.

Radicals divided into

-the jacobins:wanted to overthrow the monarchy and create a republic, Jean Paul Marat, Jacques Danton, Maximillien de Robespierre, Lafayette -the girondeists: wanted to involve france in a war that would discredit the monarchy and extend revolutionary ideas across europe


-truman demanded stalin permit free elections throughout eastern europe -stalin refused, declared it was anti-soviet -soviet union dominated sphere of influence in eastern europe -truman adopted containmentas foreign policy to contain/block soviet expansion

The Directory (1795-1799)

-two house legisature and executive body of five men (the directory) -dominated by rich bourgeoisie, corrupt + unpopular -failed to deal w/ inflation, food shortages, and corruption; led to public discontent -1799, young general Napoleon Bonaparte overthrew the Directory and seized power


-type of totalitarianism -led by one leader and one party -condemnedd democracy -supported state sponsered capitalism -glorified war and agressive nationalism -exercised control over media


-type of totalitarianism -led by one party (dictatorship of prletariat) -condemned capitalism, exploits workers -supported state ownership of means of production -glorified the working class -exercised control over the media


-united w/ great britain under Act of Union in 1801 -led by Charles Parnell, Irish nationalists sought to get Ireland its own parliament -prime minister Gladstone supported this, but conservatives + anti home rule liberals didnt -conservatives took power as liberls were split -finally parliament passed irish home rule bill in 1914

Mass Politics

-universale male suffrage granted 1871-1914, led to mass political parties -trade unions gained rights -workers upported socialist political parties -demands for refrom by socialist parties and labor unions, promoted programs for the welfare state

Great Britian prosperity

-unprecedented prosperity -shipyards built iron ships -bankers invested surplus capital

Congress of Vienna revolts

-uprisings in Spain , wanted represtantice gov. after bourbon Ferdinand VII restored, france stopped -repressive monarchs in Italy sparked rebellions, Metternich sent austrian troops -young germans wanted liberal reforms + unification -Metternich persuaded major german states to issue the carlsbad decress; dissolved student associations, censord books + news, secret police -decemberist revolt in russia

soviet women...

-urged to work outside the home -divorce and abortion were both easily available

why weimer republic failed

-versailles treaty outraged nationalists -conservatives wanted a strong leader -runawat inflation destroyed middle class savings -great depression devestated germany

Bismarck's Allies

-wanted to isolate France -formed alliance w/ Austria-Hungary -Italy joined forming the Triple Alliance -1887, signed treaty with Russia

Isabella + Elizabeth CC

-wanted to rule over united country -Isabella devout catholic, revived inquistion -conquered Grenada, expelled Jews + Muslims -creted religious unity, but hurt Spain's economy -Elizabeth politique, avoided religious civil war -allowed cultural golden age + economic prosperity

Louis XV

-weak leader -nobles regained much power + privelages lost under Louis XIV -gov. debts increased

Gentry of England

-wealthy landowners -dominated House of Commons -payed taxes; demanded role in determing national expenditures -conflict w/ stuart kings

NATO alliance

-western europe nations joined US and canda to for defensive military alliance called NATO -had american commitment to permanetly station troops in western europe -marked break of us isolationism

Civil war in russia

-white armies attempted to overthrow the bolsheviks -led by Leon Trotsky, the bolsheviks formed the highly disciplined Red Army -divided + poorly led whites lost to Red Army

The Enlightenment

-women hosted salons, giving them a voice in cultural affairs -Madame Geoffrin most influential salon hostess -witchcraft superstition declined as eduated Europeans turned to rational explanations for events

French Revolution: women

-women led march to Versailles demanding cheap bread and roayl family to move to Paris -women didnt gain right to vote -Olyme de Gouges wrote "Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen", demanded women gain same rights as men -Mary Wollstonecraft wrote "A Vindication of the Rights of Women", argued women only seem to be inferior because of a lack of education -Napoleon's civil code reassseerted the Old Regime's patriarchal system where the husband had control over wife (ex: wife needed husbands consent to dispose of their own property)

Catherine the Great (1762-1796)

-worked w/ Voltair + Denis Diderot -supported printing presses -provided education for daughters of the nobility -restricted torture -allowed limited religious toleration to jews -pugachevs rebellion (uprising of serfs) marked end of enlgihtened reforms -to preven future rebellions, gave nobles absolute power over serfs and estates -gained territory of Ottoman Empire and Poland -streamlined bureaucracies, reformed local govs., encouraged economic growth -reacted negatively w/ french revolution, banned philosophes


-wrote "Emile" about education -agued for "natural education"; emphasizes freedom and hapiness, is individualized, and includes "discovery learning" -wrote "the Social Contract", talking about the general will -argued individuals entered a social contract with one another, creating a community -rulers are servants of the community -defended individual freedom -distrusted reason and science, trustin emotions

Giovanni Mirandola

-wrote "Oration on the Dignity of Man" -italian renaiisance -celebrated human potential for greatness

18th Century: women

-young married couples lived in nuclear families -most couples postponed marriage until mid to late twenties -young peasant women increasingly left home to work as domestic servants

Thirty Years War (1618-1648): Political Divisions

1. Austrian Habsburgs = want reverse Protestants & build stronger monarchy 2. German princes and independent cities = want resist attempts Catholics centralize power 3. France (Richelieu) = oppose a Habsburgs/strong power in Germany = even though France Catholic--ally with Protestant princes 4. Lutheran kings in Denmark and Sweden = defend Protestant interests in HRE and spread power and influence

German Peasants' War (1525): Swabian Peasants

1. Causes --12 Articles -- want end manorialism/feudalism --complain nobles seized common land, high rents, etc. --support Luther and think message support freedom from oppression 2. Consequences --100,000 killed --strengthen the authority of nobility 3. Luther's Response --against Rebellion and ought to obey rulers

Jesuits: Goals and Actions

1. Education --founded hundreds of schools 2. Missionary Work --spread and preach Christianity in the Americas and Asia 3. Combat Protestantism --spearhead revival in Bavaria and Poland

Thirty Years War (1618-1648): Religious Divisions

1. Growing Calvinism 2. Peace of Augsburg didn't provide for recognition of Calvinists 3. Protestant Union formed = defend their interests 4. Catholic League formed = defend their interests

Commercial Revolution: Causes

1. New Ocean and trade routes 2. Growth of pop 3. Price Revolution 4. New nation-centered economic system

Council of Trent (1545-1563)

1. Reform Catholic Church = stop abuses --don't sell indulgences for money --forbade simony, stop absenteeism, improve education and stop worldliness 2. Reaffirm Catholic Doctrines --salvation by both faith and good works --equal weight to bible and pope, Catholic teachings --seven sacraments

Protestant Reformation: Causes (Long Term)

1. Religious: --abuses/corruption: clerical worldliness, ignorance, pluralism/absenteeism, nepotism, simony, sale of indulgences --decline of church prestige: Great Schism --influence of Reformers: Wycliff, Huss, Erasmus 2. Intellectual & Technological: --Renaissance/Humanism --Printing Press 3. Political/Economic/Social --Kings & Princes = want to be master of own territory --middle class = want to manage own affairs --poor/common people = protest social order

Thirty Years War (1618-1648): Peace of Westphalia

1. Rulers allow decide religious faith = Calvinism included 2. German States receive right to conduct diplomacy and make treaties 3. Independence of Dutch, Independence of Switzerland 4. France annex part of Alsace 5. Sweden gain territory around Baltic Sea

Philip II of Spain: Consequences

1. begin political and economic decline 2. Dutch begin "Golden Age" of commercial prosperity and artistic creativity 3. England's power increases, overseas trade and colonizing North America

New Monarchies: Characteristics

1. centralized administrative bureaucracy --tax collection --rely on educated and loyal middle-class officials 2. professional armies --pay from treasury 3. dispense justice 4. right to determine religion of subjects

Thirty Years War (1618-1648): Consequences

1. devastated German economy and population 2. Germany's long term commercial growth suffered 3. left Germany fragmented and delay German unification for two centuries 4. France = emerge as strongest power & weaken Habsburgs and keep HRE weak and divided

European Exploration: Motives

1. direct access to gold, spices, luxury goods, cash crops (sugar) --Muslims and Venetians controlled trade routes 2. enhance state power and personal wealth --rise New Monarchies & Nation States --Renaissance Spirit of Individualism 3. spread Christianity --duty to spread & right subjugation of indigenous civilizations

New Monarchies: Characteristics of Medieval Kings (old monarchies)

1. income from own estates, grants of money from vassals 2. army from vassals who owe military service for land 3. relied upon nobles for advice and counsel 4. shared power with church and subordinate to pope

Calvinism (key ideas)

1. predestination: --God already knew who would be saved a person's eternal fate was set 2. the elect --those chosen by God to be saved = in order to ensure people wold live according to God's law --this behavior would be outward sign that such people were part of the elect --accumulation of wealth would be another sign of God's favor ("protestant work ethic")

The Thirty Year's War

1618-1648 -Holy Roman Empire divided from Peace of Augsburg -Protestant Union vs. Catholic league of states -Austrian Habsburgs wanted to reverse protestant gains -france opposed power in germany, alligned with protestant princes (even tho catholic) -lutheran kings of denmark + sweden also defended protestants

old imperialism

16th + 17th centuries -Portugal, Dutch Republic, + England built trading post empires along the coasts of Africa, India, and Indonesia -new world empire of spain in central + south -england control in north america

The Directory

1785-1799. Five man group. Passed a new constitution in 1795 that was much more conservative. Corrupt and did not help the poor, but remained in power because of military strength. By 1797 it was a dictatorship.

Napoleonic Empire

1804-1815 -defeated Austria, Prussia, + Russia in military victories -victory at Austerlitz solidified reputation as military genius -french rule extended to Spain + Italy

Giuseppe Garibaldi, Red Shirts

1807-82 An Italian radical who emerged as a powerful independent force in Italian politics. "Liberated" Southern Italy. Gave his support to Victor Emmanuel II

Corn Laws

1815- tariff on imported grain to protect domestic producers. These laws didn't allow for importing of cheap grain, this gave way to great anger towards the landed aristocracy who imposed them.

Treaty of Nanking

1842 -Gave Hong Kong to Britain (until 1997) -Four "treaty ports" were opened to British trade including Canton and Shanghai -British residents in China (and European visitors) were granted extraterritoriality and thus were immune to Chinese law

Leopold II

1870'S - King of Belgium. Became notorious for exploitation of the Congo's rubber, ivory and minerals and peoples.


1870-1914 -woodrows self determination inspired demands for greater independence -india + other countries expected political sovereignty for their support in WWI -devestated by WWII, imperial powers barelyy able to support themselves -horrors of WWII undermined European self-confidence + moral justification for imperialism -demand for national self determinition intensified in africa and asia

Boxer Rebellion

1899 rebellion in Beijing, China started by a secret society of Chinese who opposed the "foreign devils". The rebellion was ended by British troops


18th Century intellectuals/writers/thinkers promote enlightened ideas, scientific attitude criticize ancien regime: fuedal social and political system seek reform of the systems believe in natural laws to govern, progress, reason


19th century art/literature movement emphasis on emotion and intuition rather than reason and rationalism emphasis on nature, individuality, national histories broke with neoclassical forms

How did Russian react to French Revolution?

278 outbreaks of peasant unrest occurred in Russia


3 Laws of Planetary Motion. --elliptical orbits around sun Significance: --further supports Copernicus theory --The universe is governed by Mathematical rules. it's not just random. --dispute religious belief that circle is "perfect shape" and reflects Divine Order


30. The group that met in 1787 to discuss tax reform was the A) Estates General. D) National Convention. B) Assembly of Notables. E) Parliment of Paris C) National Assembly.


31. During the Reign of Terror, the dominant person on the Committee of Public Safety was A) Abbé Sieyès. D) Charles Fourier. B) Napoleon Bonaparte. E) Maximilien Robespierre. C) Georges Danton.

common people made up this estate

3rd estate


41. According to the text, the Directory continued French wars of conquest begun by early revolutionary governments A) out of an ideological commitment to liberate all of Europe from aristocratic domination. B) out of fear that without French intervention Russia would dominate the continent. C) because big, victorious armies kept men employed and could draw sustenance from the conquered areas. D) because the nationalistic populace demanded this. E) to prevent the French people from asking questions about the Terror of 1793 to 1794.


49. The first great revolt against the Grand Empire occurred in ___________ in 1808.A) Spain B) Italy C) Holland D) Portugal E) the Rhineland


54. The legal definition of the composition of the prerevolutionary Third Estate included A) everyone who was not a noble or member of the clergy. B) the clergy. C) the peasantry. D) the nobility. E) businessmen and artisans.


57. The grievance petitions from all three estates called for all of the following exceptA ) an American-style republic. B) a constitutional monarchy. C) the guarantee by law of individual liberties. D) economic reforms. E) improvement in the living conditions of provincial clergy.


58. The Tennis Court Oath was A) sworn by Maximilien Robespierre. B) sworn by King Louis XVI. C) sworn by members of the Paris parliment. D) sworn by all delegates of the Estates General. E) sworn by renegade delegates from the Estates General, most of them from the Third Estate.


59. The term "Great Fear" refers to the A) Reign of Terror (1793-94). B) murder of thousands of detainees in Paris prisons in the fall of 1792. C) fear of vagabonds and outlaws in the countryside that fanned the flames of rebellion in the summer of 1789. D) horrific retreat of the Great Army from Russia in 1812. E) panic at the invasion of France by Austria and Prussia in the summer of 1792.


60. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen guaranteed all of the following except A) equality before the law. B) economic equality. C) representative government. D) individual freedom. E) the presumption of innocence in criminal investigations.


61. The accomplishments of the National Assembly included all of the following except the A) administrative reorganization of the provinces. B) introduction of the metric system. C) introduction of universal compulsory education. D) abolition of monopolies, guilds, and internal tariffs. E) abolition of the nobility as a legal order.


62. According to the text the string of French military victories after the winter of 1793-1974 was largely due to A) superior generalship. B) patriotism and the superior numbers supplied by the draft. C) superior French technology and tactics. D) Austria's withdrawal from the First Coalition. E) French control of the seas.


63. During the September Massacres,A) Robespierre crushed the Conspiracy of Equals. B) the Directory suppressed popular revolts. C) the king fled France. D) the Austrian army slaughtered civilians in eastern France. E) Parisian crowds slaughtered prison inmates.


65. According to the text, in the summer of 1789 the National Assembly was driven toward more radical action by A) Maximilien Robespierre's brilliant rhetoric. B) fear of attack by Austria and Prussia. C) King Louis XVI's attempted flight from France. D) revolutionary actions by French peasants and the common people of Paris. E) the completion of the American constitution.


66. The Reign of Terror ended when A) the First Coalition armies entered Paris. B) the Pope threatened to excommunicate Robespierre. C) members of the Convention, afraid Robespierre would turn the Terror on them, had him arrested and executed. D) crowds of Parisians stormed the jails and released the prisoners. E) the French army mutinied.


67. The Reign of Terror was directed primarily at A) the aristocracy. D) any and all enemies of the Revolution. B) monarchists and Girondins. E) the clergy. C) members of the middle class.

Scramble for Africa

; british, french, protugese, germany, belgium spain

After passing the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, what was the next step the National Assembly took to curtail religious authority? A. They required all clergy to swear an oath of allegiance to the Civil Constitution B. They called for immediate elections to fill clerical offices with revolutionaries C. They offered the clergy a choice between internal exile and renouncing their vows D. The passed a law banning the celebration of the Mass in France


As a reward for his efforts in fighting off the Spanish armies the French appointed Toussaint L'Ouverture a former slave, governor of St. Domingue. Which of the following is also true of Toussaint L'Ouverture? A. He later died in a French prison after his arrest by Napoleons army B. He was later made an honorary deputy of the Convention C. He immediately turned on the French in an effort to win control of the western half of the island D. He had staged the initial revolt against the Spanish.


In an attempt to appease the devout rural populace, how did the Committee of Public Safety institute an alternative to its campaign of de-Christianization? A. It replaced the secular Cult of Reason with the deistic Cult of Supreme Being B. it arrested the campaign's most radical leaders as a show of solidarity with devout Catholics C. It reinstated many of the clerics who had refused to take the oath of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, declaring "silent acquiescence" an acceptable alternative D. It issued ordinances returning a good deal of church property to local parishes


The Directory regime, which came to power in 1795 after the fall of Robespierre, was known for A. its tenuous hold on power and the more relaxed atmosphere it supported wthin French society after the oppressive years of the Terror B. its attempts to resurrect the policies and memory of Robespierre through an even more oppressive crackdown on "subversive acts" C. its complete indifference to revolutionary ideals and its return to an Old Regime atmosphere of luxury and extravagance D. its desire to end the continental war in Europe and renew diplomatic relations with Austria and Prussia


The counterrevolutionary uprising in the French countryside in 1793 can be described as a battle between A. town and country B. radical Jacob ins and the more moderate Girondins C. the nobility and the peasantry the traditionally devout and modern secularists


Two events that showed the rapidly escalating crisis in 1789 were a. The storming of the Bastille and the Great Fear. b. The taking of the Bastille and the beheading of Louis XVI. c. The beheading of Louis XVI and the rise of Napoleon. d. Napoleon's marriage to Marie of Austria and his defeat of England. e. Napoleon's Hundred Days and his defeat at Waterloo.


What new reforms resulted from the Second REvolution of August 10, 1792? A. The legislature ordered elections for a constitutional convention and instituted universal male suffrage, when the National Convention met, it abolished the monarchy and established a republic B. The National Assembly outlawed the Catholic church, instituted mandatory secular elementary education for all children, and ended peasant taxes to landlords C. The legislature instituted vast reforms of the economic system, including making the tax code more equitable and providing agricultural subsidies to farmers D. Confronted by the threat of an Austrian invasion, the legislature instituted a constitutional monarch along the lines of Great Britain, with most power residing in the Assembly



A French political leader of the eighteenth century. A Jacobin, he was one of the most radical leaders of the French Revolution. He was in charge of the government during the Reign of Terror, when thousands of persons were executed without trial. After a public reaction against his extreme policies, he was executed without trial.

German Social Democratic Party (SPD)

A German working-class political party founded in the 1870s, the SPD championed Marxism but in practice turned away from Marxist revolution and worked instead for social and workplace reforms in the German parliament.

Dreyfus Affair

A Jewish captain was falsely accused and convicted of comitting treason, really done by Catholic. Family and leading intellectual individuals and republicans like Zola wanted to reopen the case. Split in two, first army who are antisemetic and Catholic, and other side the civil libertarians and more radical republicans. Result is government severed all ties with church, no longer priests in state schools, catholicism loses a lot of power of indoctrination.

William Gladstone

A Liberal British Prime Minister who gave concessions to various parties and introduced bills for Irish self-governance and elementary education. He competed with Disraeli throughout the 1800s for political power in England. He was elected and defeated 4 different times to the position of Prime Minister.

Humanism (Renaissance)

A Renaissance intellectual movement thinkers studied classical texts (Greek & Roman) focused on human potential and achievements reject medieval scholasticism & focus AWAY from theology new approach education = study literature, rhetoric, history, languages, etc. (liberal arts)

Herbert Spencer, Social Darwinism

A body of thought that applied the theory of biological evolution to human affairs and saw the human race as driven by an unending economic struggle that would determine the survival of the fittest.

Civil Code of 1804

A codified law that preserved most revolutionary gains that recognized the equality of all citizens before the law, the right of individuals to choose their profession, religious toleration and the abolition of serfdom and feudalism. Divorce was no longer easily. Fathers were in control of their family.

Dreyfus affair

A divisive case in which Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish captain in the French army, was falsely accused and convicted of treason. The Catholic Church sided with the anti-Semites against Dreyfus; after Dreyfus was declared innocent, the French government *severed all ties between the state and the church*.

Petition of Right (1628)

A document drawn up by Parliament's House of Commons listing grievances against King Charles I and extending Parliament's powers while limiting the king's. It gave Parliament authority over taxation, declared that free citizens could not be arrested without cause, declared that soldiers could not be quartered in private homes without compensation, and said that martial law cannot be declared during peacetime.

Swiss turned sister republic

Helvetic Republic

Cult of Domesticity

Husband and father worked outside the home and supported the family; women stayed home and cooked, cleaned, and cared for children; home life revolved around the emotional relationships between family members

Paris Commune of 1871

A leftist revolt against the national government after France was defeated by Prussia in 1871. Supporters of the Paris Commune were known as Communards and were crushed by the conservatives.

Emmanuel Sieyes

A liberal member of the clergy, supporter of the Third Estate, and author of the fiery 1789 pamphlet "What Is the Third Estate?" Sieyès was one of the primary leaders of the Third Estate's effort at political and economic reform in France.


A literary movement that stressed the depiction of life as it actually was. Reaction to Romanticism, used mostly prose.

Scientific Revolution

A major change in European thought, starting in the mid-1500s, in which the study of the natural world began to be characterized by careful observation and the questioning of accepted beliefs.

"Bloody Sunday"

A massacre of peaceful protesters at the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg in 1905 that triggered a revolution

Bloody Sunday

A massacre of peaceful protesters at the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg in 1905, triggering a revolution that overturned absolute tsarist rule and made Russia into a conservative constitutional monarchy.


A member of a radical movement of the 16th-century Reformation 1. rejected infant baptism, only adults could make decision = thus adults baptized 2. believed in exclusion from society = sinners everywhere = direct conflict with governments because refuse to serve in government or military = attacked by Catholics and Protestants 3. simplicity of life.

Napoleon Bonaparte

A military general that rose through the ranks in the French Revolution. He had energy and charm as well as intelligence that allowed him to take over France in a coup after escaping from Egypt. He formed a new government of a bicameral legislative assembly voted indirectly to reduce role of election.


A movement in the mid-19th century aimed at unity of all the Slavic peoples.

The "Nouveau Rich"

A new elite social class based on class and not noble blood


A new institution of local government in reformed Russia


A political and economic system under which the means of production are owned or controlled by society and used for public good; promotes regulations governing the acquisition and distribution of property

Olympe de Gouges

A proponent of democracy, she demanded the same rights for French women that French men were demanding for themselves. In her Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen (1791), she challenged the practice of male authority and the notion of male-female inequality. She lost her life to the guillotine due to her revolutionary ideas.


A reaction against the "cold and unfeeling": reasons for the enlightenment, and against the destruction of nature resulting from the industrial revolution. Stress is on liht, color and self expression, in opposition to the emphasis on lne and firm modeling typical of neoclassical art. Values: emotion, feeling, morbidity, exocitism, mystery.

Anti-Corn League

A reform movement led by Sir Robert Perl and members of the middle class; pressured Parliament to repeal the Corn Laws so that the price of what would be based on supply and demand; also supported free trade

June Days

A revolt during the month of June as a result of the abolishment of national workshops. This event ended the liberal capitalist and the radical socialists tension ending in victory for liberalism and Capitalism.-Also with the June Days it led to having a new constitution demanding a strong executive, which led to the rise of Louis Napoleon.

Steam engine

A revolutionary technology that used steam from water heated by a coal fire to power numerous devices; allowed factories to no longer have to be located near a body of water


A set of reforms designed to remake the Ottoman Empire on a western European model.

Diplomatic Revolution

A signing by Maria Theresa of new rivalries. Britain and France over colonies and Austria and Prussia over Silesia. France allied with Austria and Great Britain with Prussia.

Domestic System

A system that was a family interprise that applied traditional methods of manufacturing in homes. Merchang entrepreunuers bought raw materials to rural workers where they spun it. The entrepreneurs sold the product and used profits to manufacture more.


A tax that the clergy and the second estate were exempt from as opposed to the Third Estate which paid all of the taille.

Grand Tour

A tour young aristocratic men went on at the end of their school career throughout Europe to study antiquity as well as art throughout Europe's biggest cities.

The Great Fear

A vast panic by agrarian people that feared invasion by foreign troops that were supported by the aristocracy that encouraged the formation of more citizens' militias and permenant committees.

Index of Prohibited Books

A weapon of the Counter-Reformation of the Catholic Church; this documented books that disagreed with or criticized the Church. This was supposed to protect people from immoral or incorrect theological works, but included scientific writing.

member of the 1st estate (both clergyman and lower noble) Wrote an essay called "What is the 3rd estate" Argued that lower classes were more important than the nobles and the government should be responsible to the people

Abbe Sieyes

Joseph II

Abolished serfdom and tried to give peasants heriditary rights. He abandoned economic restraints by removing guild restrictions, eliminating internal trade barriers and ending monopolies. He established equality under the law in Austria as well as religious toleration. He made 6,000 decrees and 11,000 laws. His reforms were undone.

*Enlightened Absolutism*

Absolute monarchies that gave freedom of speech and press. the right to hold private property, fostering the arts, sciences and education. They must obey laws and enforce them equally on all subjects.

Boxer Rebellion

Boxers, or Chinese that belonged to the Society of Harmonious Fists, whose aim was to push foreigners out of China. They murdered foreign missionaries, Chinese who converted, railroad workers, foreign businessmen and the German envoy.

Slow industrialization in the rest of Europe

British gov't guarded its inventions; during the late 18th and early 19th century, continental Europe was beset by revolutions, wars, and border disputes; many nations lacked the natural resources; extreme focus on the aristocratic market; continental Europe gov'ts were more autocratic than democratic (military leaders and aristocrats led industrialization)

Enclosure Movement

British landlords consolidated or fenced in common lands to increase the production of cash crops

Social Darwinism

British philosopher Spencer's idea of applying Darwin's theory of "survival of the fittest" to societies.


British physicist (born in New Zealand) who discovered the atomic nucleus and proposed a nuclear model of the atom (1871-1937)

Emmeline Pankhurst

British political activist and leader of the British suffragette movement that helped women win the right to vote. She used tactics such as processions to the House of Parliaments, window smashing and bombs in letter boxes. When they were arrested and jailed, the women suffragists went on hunger strikes. The government let the women go when they were sick because of hunger but rearrested them when they recovered.

Benjamin Disraeli

British statesman, who as Prime Minister, bought controlling interest in the Suez Canal and made Queen Victoria the empress of India and extended the vote to the rich middle class in order to broaden the political base of the conservative party


British textile artisans against the changes produced by the Industrial Revolution; thought machinery would eliminate their jobs and attempted to destroy it

Boer War, 1899-1902

British versus Boers over southern African gold and diamonds.

Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797)

British writer, philosopher, and feminist -wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman -women not inferior -only appear to be from lack of education

Suez Canal

Built by the French & finished in 1869. It was seen as an important life-line to India.

Russia Industrial Revolution

Built railroads to connect major commercial centers; Russia's coal, iron, and steel industries developed along with its railways, mostly in the 1890s; economy remained largely agricultural until 1917 with the Communists

Africa's response to Imperalism

By the beginning of the 20th centry, a new class of educated african leaders had emerged. Many came to resent the foreigners and thier arrogant contempt for colonial peoples.

Between 1788 and 1791, how did the Polish Patriots attempt reform in Poland? A. They took power away from King Stanislaw August Poniantowski and dispersed it among Polish nobles and aristocrats B. They granted King Stanislaw August Poniatowski much greater monarchical power in order to oppose Russia C. They enacted a new constitution that gave townspeople limited political rights and hinted at possible Jewish emancipation D. They abolished serfdom completely and instituted a sweeping measure of land reform to benefit newly freed peasants.


German states reacted to the French Revolution with an artistic and intellectual revival that was linked to A. enthusiasm for the French Cult of the Supreme Being B. a flood of French pamphlets intended to bring the Germans over to the French side C. anti-French nationalism stirred by distrust of France's advancing armies D. reforms enacted by the Holy roman Emperor to placate those who were attracted to the French revolutionary model


Republican festivals sponsored by the Committee of Public Safety were designed to A. raise funds for the ware effort by inspiring people to give money to save the republic B. show other Europeans that stores about the Terror in France were greatly exaggerated C. destroy the mystique of the monarchy andmake the republic sacred through symbolism D. gain the support of the army through the observance of holidays celebrating soldiers as "the heroes of the republic"


The Termidorian Reaction refers to A. the return of France to a monarchy after 1794 B. the successful efforts of Jacobins to prevent further reform after the death of Robespierre C. the successful efforts of anti-Jacobins in France to roll back the Terror after the death of Robespierre D. the efforts of French women to end the violence of the revolutionary era through political action


What did France's intro into ware with Austria in 1792 have an immediate radicalizing effect on the Revolution? A. Most French citizens had no desire to go to war against their great ally, so massive protests sprang up throughout the countryside attacking revolutionary leaders B. Realizing they had Austria behind them, millions of French citizens joined a huge counterrevolutionary movement in support of the monarchy C. When the French armies proved dreadfully unprepared for battle, the authority of the Assembly as challenged, and angry crowds instigated the Second Revolution D. With the support of the Austrian army, Louis XVI made another unsuccessful escape attempt, leading revolutionaries to call for his execution


Why did Robespierre believe terror was a necessary measure for the success of the Revolution? A. He believed it instilled a stronger revolutionary character in the French people, who had lived for too long under a monarchy B. He tought that fear was an element that had to be provided by the government since the Catholic church's authority had been curtailed C. He argued that the suppression of dissent and severe measures were necessary to ensure demoracy and keep enemies from underming the goals of the Revolution D. He believed that to be more powerful than a monarch, he needed to be more frightening, and so he instituted a regime of terror to maintain authority



Italian nationalist whose writings spurred the movement for a unified and independent Italy (1805-1872)

date of the fall of the Bastille

July 14th, 1789


Leader of Swiss Reformation. Agreed to disagree with Luther about communion. He thought it was only a symbol, and that it wasn't Christ's body or blood untill it touched your mouth, only symbolic. Found on the battlefield of the Swiss Civil War wounded and the Lutherans found him, cut him up into little pieces, then burn them and scattered the ashes over the land. Luther said Zwingli got what he deserved.

Illustrative Examples of Prussian and Habsburg Rulers

Maria Theresa of Austria Frederick William I of Prussia Frederick II of Prussia

Karl Lueger

Mayor of Vienna whom Hitler idolized


Napoleon era begins

Peterloo Masacre

On August 16, 1819, about 70,000 people gathered in St. Peter's Fields in Manchester, England, to demand reforms in Parliament, such as expanding the right to vote; resulted in 15 deaths; demonstrated to many working people that they needed to unite to defend their interests; they became more willing to join labor unions

Revolution of 1905

Overturned absolute tsarist rule and made Russia into a conservative constitutional monarchy.


Peace of Augsburg


Peace of Westphalia

Truman Doctrine

President Truman's policy of providing economic and military aid to any country threatened by communism or totalitarian ideology

Whig Party

Promoted limited gov't; passed the Great Reform Act and repealed the Corn Laws; believed in free trade, voting rights, and social reforms

Joseph Lister

Reasoned that a chemical disinfectant applied to a wound dressing would "destroy the life of the floating particles."

Illustrative Examples of Overseas Products

Sugar Tea Silks and other fabrics Tobacco Rum Coffee

Scramble for Africa

Term for rapid colonization of Africa by Europe at turn-of-the-century. Motivations include economic and nationalistic goals.

Luther: 95 Theses (causes)

Tetzel aggressive selling tactics of indulgences near Wittenberg purchase certificate = soul of relative or friend reduce years in purgatory or cancelled help pay for new St. Peter's printing press spread ideas around Europe

During the industrial revolution the leading industry was


Revolution of 1848: France

The 1840s were hard economically and tense politically. /The government's unwillingness to consider reform led to Louis Philippe's abdication on February 22, 1848. /The revolutionaries quickly established universal male suffrage and other push forward a variety of reforms. /Voting in April produced a new Constituent Assembly. /Socialist revolution in Paris frightened much of the population. /Conflict between moderate republicans and radicals came to a head in 1848. /Three days of fighting in June left thousands dead and injured and the moderates in control

Social Darwinism

The application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies - particularly as a justification for their imperialist expansion.

John Calvin

The founder of Calvinism that wrote The Institutes of Christian Religion that adhered to justification of faith alone.


The physical growth of cities.


These were the liberals of France who did not want to execute Louis XVI, but The Mountain did anyway


This German State would start to rise to power with an increased focus on military under the leadership of Frederick the Elector and Frederick William I


This astronomer stated that the orbits of planets around the sun were elliptical, the planets do not orbit at a constant speed, and that an orbit is related to its distance from the sun

Second French Empire

This was created when Louis Napoleon assumed the title of Emperor Napoleon III

Joseph II

This was the ruler of the Habsburgs that controlled the Catholic Church closely, granted religious toleration and civic rights to Protestants and Jews, and abolished serfdom

John Law

Tried to create a national bank for France and paper currency. People went overboard and drove stock exremely high and the bank went bankrupt.

Muhammed ALi

Turkish ruler of Egypt who one effective independence of Egypt from the Ottomans in early 1800s

each province in Belgium had separately declared its independence and the delegates from the various provinces declared themselves this

United States of Belgium

Chartist movement

Universal male suffrage, William Lovett, many Chartist reforms enacted in last half of 19th century; the movement declined after 1850

Edwin Chadwick

Urban reformer who advocated for sanitary reforms in cities

a revolt that was mainly in the Vendee region of France but was in other areas, very violent and lots of people died, Guerilla bands with hit and run tactics, "Catholic and Royal" armies

Vendee Rebellion

National Assembly

When the First Estate refused to vote by head, the Third Estate voted to create this and decided to draw up a constitution.


When the native ruler remains in power outwardly, but the imperialist nation actually controls affairs behind the scenes.

Reform Bill of 1832

Whig party bill which redistributed the seats in the House of Commons to reflect the shift in population to the northern manufacturing counties and the gradual emergence of an urban society. Gave representation to industrial towns. Number of voters increased by 50%, giving the vote to middle class urbanites and wealthier farmers.

Abbe Sieyes

Wrote What is the Third Estate? that says that it is everything. It hasn't been represented and wants to. This showed the view of changes within a framework in the respect of the king.


a finance minister under Louis XIV applied mercantilism to France to help increase revenue raise external tariffs decrease internal tariffs ship building and increase navy and military

Louis XIII

a young king that passed his power down to the many cardinals at the time

European Exploration: Means

Advances in: 1. navigation--compass, astrolabe, caravel, lanteen sail 2. new knowledge--cartography, math, astronomy 3. military technology--gun powder, cannons, guns

Assasination of Tsar Alexander II

After a 3rd bomb exploded, Alexander was carried by sleigh to the Winter Palace to his study where he lay bleeding to death, with his legs torn away, his stomach ripped open, and his face mutilated.

Austro-Hungarian monarchy

After being defeated by Prussia, Austria could no longer ignore the call for national autonomy coming from Hungary. The creation of a dual monarchy gave Hungary control over domestic affairs. Certain areas of governance, such as foreign affairs, were to be directed from Vienna.

Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

After the February Revolution in Paris in 1848, he was elected President in France, because he was the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, among the newly enfranchised voters. He soon declared himself Emperor Napoleon III. France prospered under him for two decades.

Revolution of 1848: German States/Prussia

After the fall of Louis Philippe, Prussian liberals pressed for the creation of liberal constitutional monarchy. /Urban workers wanted a more radical revolution and the Prussian aristocracy wanted no revolution at all. /A self-appointed group of liberals met in May in Frankfurt to write a federal constitution for a unified German state. /The Assembly was absorbed with the issue of Schleswig and Holstein. /In March 1849 the Assembly completed its draft constitution and elected Frederick William of Prussia the new emperor of the German national state. /Frederick William rejected the Assembly and retook control of the state


Also known as the Society of Jesus; founded by Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556) as a teaching and missionary order to resist the spread of Protestantism.

Atlantic revolutions

American Revolution, Dutch Patriot Revolt, Belgian Independence Movement, Polish Patriot Revolt, French Revolution

Woodrow Wilson

American president that attempted at the start of 1918 shifted the discussion of war aims to higher ground through fourteen points to the American Congress. He also spelled out steps for lasting peace. He waged it as a people's war against absolutism and militarism. He wanted liberal nations that would guarantee political independence.

Charles Fourier and Robert Owen

Among Saint-Simon's most active followers; advocated the establishment of intentional communities - small societies governed by the principles of utopian socialism; in these societies, all property would be owned communally, and every aspect of life would be governed by the rules of the community; Owen: New Lanark

Jeremy Bentham

An Introduction to the Principals of Morals and Legislation (1789): outlined his theory of utility; thought that the gov't should enact legislation that promoted and protected the well-being of most of the population; value of every law could be measured by how much good it accomplished; his idea became known as utilitarianism; supported prison reform, education for women, religious freedom, and the humane treatment of animals

Triple Entente

An alliance between Great Britain, France and Russia in the years before WWI.

Grand Alliance

An alliance between the English, Dutch, Austrians, and Prussians against the expansionist wars of Louis XIV.

Holy Alliance

An alliance formed by the conservative rulers of Austria, Prussia, and Russia in September 1815 that became a symbol of repression of liberal and revolutionary movements all over Europe.

Renaissance Art

An art of line and edges, figures from the bible,classical history, and mythology, commisioned portraits, use of perspective, chiarascuro (light and dark) to achieve rounded effect, secular backgrounds and material splendor. Values: secularism, individualism, virtu, balance, order, passivity and calm.


An attempt to portray the fleeting and stransitory world of sense impressions based on scientific stuides of light, forms are bathed in light and atmosphere. colors are juxtaposed for the eye to fuse form a distance, short, choppy brush strokesto catch the vibrating quality of the light. Values: immediate, accidental, and transitory.

Jean Baptiste Colbert

An economic advisor to Louis XIV; he supported mercantilism and tried to make France economically self-sufficient. Brought prosperity to France.

laissez faire

An economic doctrine that opposes governmental regulations of or interference in commerce


An effort by moderate socialists to update Marxist doctrines to reflect the realities of the time.

Paris Commune

An organization of disgruntled bourgeoisie members took over Paris

League Of Nations

An organization of nations formed after World War I to promote cooperation and peace.

japans response to imperliasm

Anti-foreign sentment led to a sumari revolt in 1867 and the restoration of the emporer as the rightful head of government.


Any action is "right" that promotes happiness or well-being for all those affected; it contradicted Christian teachings and other ideas about ethics which held certain acts as inherently or always wrong; gave birth to the concept of the "greater good"


Architect of Italian unification in 1858; formed an alliance with France to attack Austrian control of northern Italy; resulted in creation of constitutional monarchy under Piedmonteste king.

Vincent Von Gogh

Arguably the most major of all Post-Impressionists, his originality and power of expression in his "The Starry Night" still influences today's art.


Art of the french aristocracy portraying nobility in sylcan settings or ornate interiros, venusues and cupids above ladies in sillk along with finely dressed cavaliers. Values: ornamentation, elegance, sweetness.


Art that is florid, more colorful, richer in texture and decoration, more light and shade- apparently less control. Scenes embody mystery and drama, violence and spectacle, suggesting a deliberate striving after effect. The Catholic church commissions artists to stir religious emotions and win back defectors. Values: sensualsim, dynaism, emotion.


Artistic response to realism. Followers believed that the world was not real but only a collection of symbols that reflected the true reality of one's mind.

Legislative Assembly

Assembly that the power of the King was vested in 1791 that was to sit for two years and consist of 745 representatives chosen by an indirect system of election that preserved power in the hands of the more affluent members of society. A distinction was drawn between active (men over 25 paying taxes equivalent to 3 days of unskilled labor) and passive citizens.

Pope John Paul II

Assumed Papacy 1979, Conservative Pope, against strengthening women's position in church, more staunch on birth control

European sea powers vied for ______________ influence throughout the 18th century


the revolts that took place on the borders of the atlantic

Atlantic revolutions


Atomic bomb dropped on Japan, WWII ends.

Schlieffen plan

Attack plan by Germans, proposed by Schliffen, lightning quick attack against France. Proposed to go through Belgium then attack France, Belgium resisted, other countries took up their aid, long fight, used trench warfare.

the noble deputies announced their willingness to give up their tax exemptions and seigneurial dues, abolishment of "the feudal regime"

August 4th decrees

After Franz Ferdinands death what unfolded?

Austria invaded Serbia as ordered by the german kaiser.

1820-1830 revolutions

Austria: fight for conservatism (Carlsbad Decrees); Russia: tsars were absolute monarchs, when Tsar Nicholas I was to inherit the throne Decembrists attempted to establish a representative gov't, they were crushed and the tsar intensified the Russian police state; France: restored the monarchy with Charles X, he became autocratic, demonstrations began in the streets of Paris (July Revolution) and Charles abdicated and fled, Louis-Philippe (the "Citizen King") assumed the throne and reigned as a constitutional monarch and extended civil liberties; Greece: in 1821, Greek nationalists sought independence, originally failed, got support from France, Britain, and Russia and won independence in 1832; Italy: nationalist leaders (Giuseppe Mazzini) tried to start revolutions and to unify Italy but failed

Klemens von Metternich

Austrian foreign minister and chancellor from 1809-1848; conservative, not down with liberalism; wanted the good ol' days of monarchs; more progressive with international co-op - Congress of Vienna: after Napoleon defeat, powers met to hear "Concert of Europe"/balance of power idea; no state stronger than any other; divvy up land to make everyone comfy; idea was that it would end centuries of war (worked for a little while, revolutions aside) Alarmed by both the French Revolution and Napoleon's rise to power; opposed democracy bc he believed that it would weaken Europe and lead to costly revolutions and wars; only a strong centralized gov't could result in prosperity and peace

Klemens von Metternich

Austrian foreign minister that was an experienced diplomat that was concerned about reestablishing peace and stability in Europe. He believed that legitimate monarchs were the only ones who could preseve traditional institutions.

Klemens von Metternich

Austrian foreign minister who basically controlled the Congress of Vienna.


Austrian foreign minister who basically controlled the Congress of Vienna. Wanted to promote peace, conservatism, and the repression of libaral nationalism throughout Europe.

Leopold I

Austrian who encouraged eastward movement of Austria that was challenged by the Turks. The Turks were defeated and eventually laid their power in southeastern Europe. Austria gained possession ofthe Spanish Netherlands and revieved formal recognition of its occupation of Spanish territory. It was never fully centralized.

According to historians, approximately how many people were imprisoned during the Terror? A. 50,000 B. 300,000 C. 1 million D. 5 million


As France's revolutionary armies won victories across the European continent what was the French government's policy toward the newly "liberated" lands? A. It set up a system of military occupation and forced the peoples in those lands to become subjects of the French state. B. It created semi-independent "sister republics" that were modeled on the new French republic. C. It set up French colonies in the annexed territories, sending large groups of French citizens to organize new settler communities there. D. It left the old government structures largely in place but forced the occupied territories to pay the cost of the war.


How did Emperor Joseph II's Enlightenment-inspired reforms ignite the Belgian independence movement? A. Belgians were so motivated by Joseph's enlightenment ideals that they pushed for more direct participation inn their own government and eventually for independence. B. Joseph's reorganization of the government eliminated offices belonging to nobles and lawyers and his anti-Catholic measures offended the Catholic population galvanizing resistance C. Since Joseph had little interest in governning Belgium, his reforms were designed to make the territory self-governing and stir up support for independence D. Belgium had a strongly Catholic population that had little interest in the Enlightenment and wanted to get rid of any regime that had anything to do with the movement


The final act that led Louis XVI to threaten to dissolve the Estates-General was a. The Estates-General's vote to disband Louis' government and to institute a more liberal form of government. b. The Third Estate's creation of the National Assembly and its pledge to draw up a new constitution for France. c. A moved by the First Estate to enrich its position as the nobility of the sword. d. His fear of the impact of the American War for Independence. e. The enlightened ideas of the philosophes, especially those who advocated violent revolution against the old order.


What was the role of the twelve-member Committee of Public Safety, created in 1793? A. To oversee the legislative affairs of the country while the Convention was in recess B. To set the course for government and the war and manage the machinery of the Terror C. To run the new revolutionary tribunals that had been set up to purge all enemies of the Revolution D. To oversee executions by guillotine and the confiscation of the property of traitors


the Dutch Republic turned sister republic

Batavian Republic

William I of Germany

Became king of Prussia in 1861 & was convinced of the need for major army reforms. He wanted to double the size of the highly disciplined regular army. He also wanted to reduce the importance of the reserve militia, a semi-popular force created during the Napoleonic wars. Army reforms meant a bigger defense budget and higher taxes. It was because of him the Anti-Socialist Laws were passed.


Became one the world's most industrialized cities and a center for manufacture of machines during the 2nd IR; created the world's first industrial park (an area designated expressly for manufacturing) in 1898; Manchester capitalism: the idea that free trade could raise the living standard of all workers

King Leopold II

Belgian king that had rushed to pursue Africa. He treated Africans so brutally that many were apalled. He created the International Association for the Exploration and Civilization of Central Africa and engaged Henry Stanley to establish Belgian settlements in the Congo.

Friedrich Nietzche

Believed Western bourgeois society was decadent and incapable of any real cultural creativity, primarily because of its excessive emphasis on the rational faculty at the expense of emotions, passions, and instincts.

Frederick the Great

Best educated and most ultured monarchs in the 18th century. Establismed single code of laws that eliminated torture exept for treason and murder. Limited freedom of speech and press as well as full religious toleration. Took away Frederick I abiliy for commoners to rise to power. Expanded army. Made Prussia a military power.

France Industrial Revolution

Between 1850 and 1870; didn't have large reserves of coal and iron; limited growth in manufacturing during the mid-18th century (only luxury goods for the wealthy); French Revolution disrupted economic development; Napoleon laid the groundwork for industrial growth (iron and cloth for the military, established schools, initiated construction of new roads, bridges, and canals, established Bank of France); returning French aristocrats brought British tech with them; gov't sponsored railroad expansion during the second half of the 19th century (Freycinet Plan)

Prussia Industrial Revolution

Between 1850 and 1870; it's large deposits of coal and iron helped it become the first German state to industrialize; Zollverian Agreement allowed for free trade between German states

Great Reform Act of 1832

Bill extended the vote to some middle-class men who did not own property - those who paid at least 10 pounds a year in rent; about 20% of Britain's adult male citizens could vote; favored rural regions - Conservatives feared giving cities too much power

Ten Hours Act of 1847

Bill limited the number of hrs women and children between 13 and 18 could work to 10 hrs a day on weekdays and 8 hrs a day on weekends; children under the age of 13 were banned from working entirely

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

Bishops and priests of the Catholic church were to be elected by the people and paid by the state. They were required to swear an oath to the Civil Constitution. The pope forbade it, so only 54 percent took the oath.

Social Democratic Party (S.P.D.)

Bismarck largely repressed this party, believing socialism would undermine German politics and society.

Franco-Prussian War, 1870-71

Bismarck realized that a patriotic war with France would drive the south German states into his arms. This essentially worked as Prussia flattened France and forced them to accept harsh peace terms.


Bismarck's attack on the Catholic Church within Germany from 1870 to 1878, resulting from Pius IX's declaration of papal infallibility.


Book: Institutes of the Christian Religion call for political and religious reform agreed with many of Luther's criticisms of Church unique ideas: predestination & the elect Geneva (theocracy) followers: spread Calvinism to France, Netherlands, Scotland, England, German States

re-emergence of russia

Boris Yeltsin: -centralized state monopolies still dominated -committed to adopting new policies that would lead to a market economy in russia -implemented "shock therapy" to free orices and privatize industry, just triggered inflamation -civil war with Chechnya muslims Vladimir Putin: -adoped new policies for free markets -stregthened the power of the cnetral gov. -limited media critics -russian economy grw form high oil prices -vowed to reassert strog image of russia -supressed independece movement in Chechnya -revived russian tradition of authoritarian gov.

Cecil Rhodes

Born in 1853, played a major political and economic role in colonial South Africa. He was a financier, statesman, and empire builder with a philosophy of mystical imperialism.

Toward the modern consciousness; Intellectual and Cultural Developments

- most Europeans continued to believe in the values and ideals that were generated by the scientific revolution and the enlightenment

Renaissance: women

-"Courtier" by Baldassare Castiglione, how perfect court lady should be charming + educated, not expected to seek fame like men -Christine de Pizan, feminist author, wrote history of famous women -Isabella d'Este, famous Renaissance woman, life shows being a patron of the arts was the most socially acceptable role for well educated Renaissance women

Warfare 1700s (1740-1763): Rivalries

--British v. French = vied for trade in North America, West Indies, and India --Prussia (Hohenzollerns) v. Austria (Habsburgs) = vied for power in Central America

Henry VIII: Breaks with Pope

--Catherine of Aragon, first wife, failed to give male heir --Henry wants marriage annuled by Pope, so can marry Anne Boleyln --HRE Charles V armies control Rome, Pope won't annul marriage --Henry defies pope and marries --has Parliament proclaim him head of church and break with church = Anglicanism

Geocentric View of the Universe

--Earth was a motionless body in the center of the universe, and all celestial bodies moved around it in perfectly circular paths. --They believed that different physical laws applied to the earth and the heavens. --Aristotle and Ptolemy supported the geocentric theory. --The church taught that god had deliberately placed earth at the center of the heavens, making it a special place where life took place.

French Wars of Religion: Edict of Nantes

--Henry IV knows majority still Catholic = chooses to become Catholic = "Paris is worth a mass" = shows a Politique --proclaims toleration for Calvinism and recognize rights of Protestants --saves France and prepares way for resurgence of power

Joseph II: Enlightened Reforms

--abolish serfdom and feudal dues --abolish forced system of labor known as the robot --proclaim religious toleration for all Christians and Jews --reduce influence of church --reform judicial system --abolish torture and end death penalty

Henry VIII: political and economic reasons

--close all monasteries and seize their lands --sold much of the land to nobles and merchant class = become loyal supporters of Tudor dynasty

Catherine the Great: Enlightened Reforms

--correspond with Voltaire and invite Diderot to court --support first private printing press in Russia --restrict practice of torture --allow religious toleration to Jews --convene Legislative Commission = new enlightened law code (nobles refuse to concede any privileges and little accomplished)

Baroque Art: Characteristics

--dramatic use of light and dark --focus on dramatic moments --portrayal of everyday people not idealized --Baroque buildings feature grandiose scale and ornate decorations

Baroque Art: Purpose & Context

--during Catholic Reformation --want to reenergize faithful and stop spread of Protestants --Council of Trent reaffirm works of art should stimulate piety --want dramatic works that involve worshippers

French Wars of Religion: St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

--growing Hugenots strength alarms king's mother = powerful Catherine de Medici --Marriage Margaret of Valois and Henry of Navarre (Hugenot leader) --with Catherine's support = Catholics killed thousands of Hugenots --ignites bloody civil war

French Wars of Religion: Hugenots

--growth of Calvinists in France --Calvinism appeals to nobles & express opposition to Valois Kings

Henry VIII: Anglicanism

--he remained devout Catholic --Six Articles = define doctrine of English Church --pope is not supreme = but reaffirm Catholic teachings while rejecting Protestant beliefs

French Wars of Religion: Henry of Navarre

--leading Hugenot --leading Politique --becomes King Henry IV --Catherine de Medici died and Duke of Guise and King Henry III assassinated

Joseph II: Protest and Reaction

--nobles bitterly oppose program of reforms and abolishing of serfdom --after this emperor's death, nobles got new emperor to repeal many of the reforms = serfdom and robot put back into effect

Philip II of Spain: Netherlands

--spread of Calvinism in the area --threatens traditional liberties & imposes Inquisition = provokes riots --sends more troops & Duke Alva --levy new taxes and brutal actions of Alva --Northern Provinces (Dutch) declare independence --help from England and Elizabeth I = help Protestants and want to weaken Spain

Philip II of Spain: England

--threatened by aggressive actions of Spain in Netherlands --helped Dutch with money and troops & raid Spanish ships --assembles Spanish Armada to invade --1688 defeated by English Ships = bad storms and Spanish ships slow moving

Prince Henry the Navigator

-1390-1460 -Portuguese -voyages on west coast of Africa -est. trading posts along west coast -business in gold + slaves

Italian Renaissance

-1400s -rebirth of classical learning, literature, + art -wealthy merchants formedoligarchies that governed the independent city states in north -dominated political, economic, + artistic life -Florence center w/ Medici family (bankers) -celebration of the individual -"virtu"; full range of human abilities -Humanism, Petrarch (christian), studied classical texts + cultures of ancient Greece and Rome -pleasure of material possessions; music, food, art -patrons for artists, displayed wealth -debate about women


-16th + 17th centuries -old, widowed women accused -caused by religious reformers stressing the devil, belief women were weak, and great social and economic stress from religious wars -declined as religious wars ended, restoring social stabiliy -enlguhtenment emphasezed reasona dn nutral laws -protestant exmphazed supreme god

ALfred Tennyson

-1847 poem "the princess" -expressed european gender roles -man with head, women with heart -men command, women obey -stay at home wife indicator of middle class respoectability -ideal middle class wife "angel in the house" -supervised moral education of children, domestic servants, + managed the house

Paris Commune

-1871 -franco-prussian war left france defeated -third republic began ceding Alsace + Lorraine -radicals formed revolutionary council (commune) -gov army bloodily crushed them

belle epoque

-1880-1914 -berfore WWI -beautiful period -unorecedented opitimism, regional peace, economic prosperity, technoological progress

munich conference

-1938, hitler annexed austria -wanted czechoslovakia next -hitler, neville chamberlain, mussolini, edward daladier eld emrgency confernece in munich to negitiate hitleers demand for Czech sutenland -chamberlain tried to perserve peace by appeasing hitler -now hitler wanted poland -symbol of surrender


-1957 -soviet union successfully launched the worlds first sattlite -symvol of soviet technological power -started space race

Womens suffrage

-1n 1900, no country allowed women to vote -Emmeline Pankhurst led agressive campaign of british women for the right to vote -during WWI, many women replaced men in factories, shops, and offices -in 1918, parliament granted suffrage to women over 30

The Dutch Republic

-7 provinces each politically independent -not goverend by absolute ruler -political power in wealthy merchants -calvinism dominant, allowed religious freedom tho -leading commercial power in 17th century -amsterdam financial center -shipbuilding important in economy -replaced italians as bankers -Dutch East Indies Company displaced Portuguese in spaice trade in East indies -allowed artisitic creativity

Marie Curie

-A Polish physicist who, with French husband Pierre, discovered radium emits subatomic particles

Toward a New Understanding of the irrational

-A small group of intellectuals attacked the idea of optimistc progress, dethroned reason and glorified the irrational

Portuguese Trading Posts

-Bartholomew Diaz: cape of good hope -Vasco da Gama: Malabar coast of India (pepper and cinnamon) -Pedro Cabral: Brazil (spices) -didn't conquer territories, instead built trading posts to control trade -ex: Gao on the indian coast

end of WWI

-British and france + american forces stopped germans -William II abdicated throne and Germany became a republic

Enlighted despots

-Catherine the Great of Russia -Frederick the Great of Prussia -Joseph II of Austria

Agricultural leaders

-Charles "turnip" Towenshend; continous crop rotation -Jethro Tull; seed drill

King Phillip II of Spain

-Charles V left son Phillip Spain, Netherlands, + America -wanted to advance spanish power, catholicism, and defeat ottoman turks -sent ruthless Duke of Alva to Spanish Netherlands -showed oppostion by converting to calvinism -led by Holland province, Dutch delcared independence -Elizabeth assisted Dutch, Phillip sent failed Spanish Armanda to England

French revolution of 1830

-Charles X succeeded, apposed repuclinism, liberalism, constitutionalism -july riots of his policies -Eugene Delacroiz captured uprising spirit in painting "liberty leading the people" , unified people overthrowing tyranny -workers wanted republic -bourgeoisie wanted constitutional monarchy, they won and Louis Phillip became citizen king

The Attack on Christianity and the churches response

-Church saw the growth of scientific thinking andforces of modernization as a threat

Georges Sorel

-Combines Nietzche and Bergsons ideas on the limits of rational thinking with his own interest in revolutionary socialism.

Henry VII

-England -1490-1510 -created special court, Star CHamber -political weapon to try nobles

Henry VIII

-England -early 1500s -created chruch of england


-Equation in German physicist Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity that shows that each particle of matter is equivalent to its mass times the square velocity of light. It led to the atomic age.

Crimean War (1853-1856)

-France vs. Russia over Turkish holy lands -Tsar Nicholas I wanted to dominate Turkey + go into meditteranean -austria threated by russias expansion in balkans -france, britain, turkey + piedmont-sardinia defeated russia -Napoleon III abled to breka allaince between austria and russia -alexander II launced reforms -left austria isolated from Prussia and russian as allies


-Francesco Petrarch -studied classical texts and cultures of ancient Greece and Rome -to gain understanding of human nature -rejected medieval scholasticism -promoted liberal arts -developed vernacular language -eloquent + persuasive speakers/writers

Second French Revolution

-French forces stopped the Austro-prussian army, saving the revolution -summer 1792, radicals called the sans-culottes, took control of the Paris Commune (city gov.) -the revolutionary Paris Commune intimidated the Legislative Assembley into deposing Louis XVI and calling for an election of the national convention -violence exploded in Paris, san -culottes believed royalists would betray the revolution, executed thousands of priests, bourgeoise, + aristocrats -called "september massacres", marked second french revolutionled by radicals

Louis XIII 1610-1643

-Henry IV assasinated, 9 year old son left -appointed Cardinal Richelieu as chief minister -died in 1642, leaving 5 year old son Louis XIV in charge + his chief minister Cardinal Mazarin -sensing royal weakenss, nobles led rebellions against royal authority known as the Fronde -intended to limit rather than overthrow the monarchy

Herbert Spencer

-Herbert Spencer who argued that societies were organisms that evolved through time from a struggle with their environment and that the state shouldn't intervene in this natural process.

War of the Austrian Succession

-Hohenzollerns of Prussia vs. Habsburgs of Austria in central europe -bristish vs. french in trade in NA, west india, + india -Frederick the Great of Prussia ignored pragmatic sanction and seized silesia , supported by France -english supported austrians -english vs. france in canda + india -Treaty of Aix la Chapelle ended w/ prussia retaining silesia

Hohenzollers of Brandeburg Prussia

-Holenzollern fmaily gained Prussia

Declining Empires 1600-1725

-Holy Roman empire, Poland, Ottoman Empire -each lacked a strong central authority + efficient system of government -all had diverse ethnic + language groups -HRE: divided from reofrmation + Thirty Years War -Poland: lack of centralized power created power vacuum, made it vulnerable -Ottoman Empire: Austrians caused steady decline

French Wars of Religion

-Huguenots w/ nobles, expressed opposition to Valois kings -St Bartholomew's Day massacre; w/ Charles IX mother's support (Catherine de Medici), catholic killed huguenots at henry of navarre's marriage

Id, Ego, and Superego

-Id was the center of the unconscious drives.This one is responsible for human desires and sinful lusts.

the Jesuits

-Ignatius Loyola -society of jesus -authorized by Pope Paul III -spiritual army, obidience -focus on catholic education, missionary work, combating protestantism

Modernism in music: Nationalist music

-In the beginning half of the nineteenth century Romantics' were attracted to culture which cause a fascination in folk which sparked artists to compose music that can express national identities. But as the second half came nationalistic spirt had been fanned in both literature and music.

Glorious Revolution

-James first wife protestant, raised their daughter Mary protestant -Mary wife of William of Orange, powerful Dutch leader -parliament invited William and Mary to overthrow James II for protestantism -James II fled to France

Europe Economy

-Jean Monnet, french economic planner, helped creat the Schuman Plan that created the European Coal and Steel Community, called for tarrif free trade in coal amoung france, west germany, belgium, italy, netherlands -Treaty of Rome sign created the Euroepan Economic Community, known as the Common Market -EEC eliminated trade barriersD

The Nineteenth Century: women

-John Stuart Mill -Henrik Ibsen -ideal middle class woman

Columbian Exchange: Old to New World

agricultural products: sugar, coffee, wheat, rice animals: cows, horses, pigs, sheep diseases: smallpox, measles, diphtheria population: slaves, colonists

Henry Cort

an inventor who created a process called puddling which produced malleable iron

The new imperialism:Africa; Result of the impearlism of Africa

by 1914 Britian, France, germany, belgium spain and protugal had carved up the entire african continent. Only two african states had remained free states.

The Munich Conference (1938)

ceded the sudetenland to adolf hitler -discredited British policiy of appeasement -1938


certificate granted by the pope in return for the payment of a fee to the church; time in purgatory reduced by many years or all together canceled


contain or block the spread of Soviet Policy; expressed in the Truman Doctrine and implemented in the Marshall Plan and the North American Treaty Organization (NATO) alliance; inspired by George F. Kennan

Henry VIII: Act of Supremacy 1534

declares Henry VIII Supreme Head of the Church and Clergy of England

olympia de gouges

demanded that french women be given the same rights as men


direct tax on the French peasantry; most important source of income for French monarchs until the French revolution

Coal Mines Act

eliminated the employment of boys under ten and women in the mines.

Berlin Conference

established the "rules" for conquest of Africa.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

expelled from school for advocating atheism. Wrote Prometheus Unbound as a portrait of the revolt of human beings against the laws and customs that oppress them. Romantic author

European states followed by mercantilist policies by:

exploiting colonies in the New World and elsewhere

once they found out that Necker had been fired, the common people began to arm themselves and eventually they marched on the fortified prison that symbolized royal authority

fall of the Bastille


free-trade union; major German states in 1834


gave educated women a voice in cultural affairs

Da Vinci, Last Supper

geometric perspective symmetry


government has total control over the lives of individual citizens

in 1918, Parliament...

granted the suffrage to women over the age of 30

Frederick I

granted the title King of Prussia

Bourgeoisie types

haute bourgeoisie: wealthy bankers, merchants, and industrialists petit bourgeoisie: shopkeepers, skilled artisans, and clergy


history is the result of a class conflict; new classless society would abolish private property; Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels

19th century: women

-John Stuart Mill write "The Subjection of Women", argued social and legal inequalities of women were outdated -Henrik Ibsen wrote "Doll's House", criticized conventional marriage roles -the ideal middle class woman was an "angel in the house", taught kids morals + managed the house -rising standards of living allowed men + women to marry younger -rising cost of child rearing caused decline in the size of middle class families -few married women worked outside the home, most working women single -opportunintiesfor educated women limited to teaching, nursing, and social work -law codes gave women few legal rights (divorde legalized in late 1800s france + britain but not catholic spain and italy) -advocates work for right of women to control their own propert -end of 19th century, educated middle class "new women" enjoyed independent lifestyles -as mass culture developed, fashion expanded

William II's agressive policies

-Kaiser William II forced Bismarck to resign 1890 -let treaty w/ russia lapse -challenged britain's naval supremacy

France vs. Prussia + Austria

-Leopold II of Austria + Frederick William II of Prussia issued the Declaration of Pillnitz, wanting to restore absolutism in France -the Legislative Assembley declared war against Prussia and Austria

Medici Family

-Lorenzo the Magnificent late 1400s -built churches -commisioned artworks

Science advancements

-Louis Paster found pasteurization; heat could destroy bacteria -Robert Koch identified bacteria for specific diseases like tuberculosis -Joseph Litzer promoted sterile surgery, used carbolic acid -decline in death rates -urban residents benefitted the most

Jean Baptiste Colbert

-Louis XIV named him controller of finances -implemented strict mercantilist policies -expanded manufacturing -abolished tarrifs that inhabited trade -encourage emigration to canada; fur trade -promoted economic growth, but still didnt make nobles pay taxes


-Louis XV -lightherted and frivolous scence -light colored pastels -decorated interior ceiling Francis Bouscher "cupid a capttive"

Louis XIV's Expansion

-Louis wanted to gain Spanish Habsburg possessions in New World and Europe -sent armies to Netherlands -coalition by Dutch republic stopped him

European Union

-Maastricht Treaty chnged the name of the ECC (european economic community) to the EU -commited member nations to adopt common production stnadards, uniform tax rates, single european currency, adn a common EU citizenship -Eu vindicated Jean Monnet and Robert Schumans vision of integrated european economy that permitted free movemen of goods, labor, capital,and services -euro adopted in 2002 -eastern states wanted to join -didnt save greece's recession (banks loaned massive bailout funds that delyed but didnt solvs its debt crisis)

The Reformation: women

-Martin Luther -Protestant Reformation -Quakers -John Calvin -Witchcraft

Reformation: women

-Martin Luther believed Christian women should try to be models of obideince and christian charity -Protestant Reformation reduced access to convents, changing womens roles -Quakers regularly allowed women to preach -older, widowed women ofton accused of practicing witchcraft

women in the Soviet Union

-Marxists argued that capitalism and middle class husbands exploited women -the Bolsheviks proclaimed complete equality of the rights of women -soviet women urged to work outside of home and become proffessionals -divorce and abortion easily available

English Civil War

-Oliver Cromwell led roundheads -defeated cavaliers w/ new model army -executed King Charles I

Elizabeth I

-Protestants supported under Edward VI -Catholics supported under Mary I -was politique -Elizabthan settlement restored Church of England (Angelican)

Frederick the Great (1740-1786)

-Prussia -supported scientific agriculture -worked w/ voltaire -created a unified national code of law -limited torture -encouraged french huguenot and polish jews to immigrate to prussia -believer in social order, stregthend junkers privelages, retained full control over serfs

Sigmund Freud

-Published "The Interpretation of Dreams," which contained the foundation for psychoanalysis.

Max Planck

-Rejected belief that a heated body radiates energy in a steady stream but maintained instead that energy in radiated discontinuously in irregular packets called "quanta."

Impact of Darwin: Social Darwinism and Racism(Examples of groups)

-Social Darwinism is the application of Darwin's principle o organic evolution to the social order, Often was used to justify discrimination or racism. Herbert important figure

new imperalism Asia:

-Through war, the British won Hing Kong at the mouth of the Pearl River and trading rights to a number of Chinese cities, greatly expanding the Empire and its influence.

Decemberist Revolt

-Tsar Alexander I dued, army officers rebelled + called for constitutional reforms -successor Nicholar I supressed decemberists -turned russia into police state, became ruthless autocrat who forbade representative assemblies and censored views + curriclea

War in asia

-US hated japanese afvance w/ battle of midway -successful "isalnd hopping" destroying japans pacific empire -didnt want to invade japand itself -truman issued potsdam declaration calling japan to surrendor or face devestation -japanese gov. ignored warning -truman authorized atomic bomb on hiroshima and nagasaki, cuased immediate surrender -wanted to intimidate stalin

marshall plan

-WWII left western europe devestatated + vulnerable to soviet influence -program of economic aid to promote recovery in war-torn europe while also preventing spread of soviet influence -part of tumans contianemnt -increased american political + economic influence in western europe

Otto Von Bismarck

-William I of Prussia chose him as prime minitster -junker, conservative, realpolitik -stregthend prussia w/ army + territory expansion -led war with Denmark to gain Schleswig + Holstein -this vicotry + shwred diplocay eliminated austria from german affiars

tennis court oath june 1789

-abbe sieyes demanded all 3 estates meet togeter -king refused, third estate declared itself the ture national assembley -locked out, met a tennis court, took oath not to disband until constitution drafted -makred beginning of the french revolution

Interregnum under Oliver Cromwell 1649-1653

-abolished monarchy + house of lords -titled Lord Protector -crushed royalists in Ireland, replaced w/ protestants -passed Navigation Act of 1651 -launched wars weakening Dutch -was Puritan, imposed strict moral codes -oppsed radical groups; levellers + quakers -ruled unitil death

Naturalism (Name some Artists)

-accepted the material world as real and felt the literature should be realistic

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

-act passed by the national assembley -declared bishops + priets elected by the people -made clergy take -pope pius VI refused

German forces

-after months of fighting, decimated german forces surrendered -US + britain liberated north africa and invaded italy -US, british, canadian forces under General Eisenhhower won DDAy on normandy beaches in france -hitler comiited suicide and germany surrendered

scramble for africa

-agressive new imperialism in africa -so frantic, bismarck called for Berlin Conference -1885, est. rules for dividing africa -led by Great Britain, France, Germany -africa successfully partitioned continent -except Liberia and Ethiopia

Population Growth caused by

-agricultural revolution -potatoe -advances in transportation -less destrictive wars (geogrpahic not religious) -commercial capitalism -medical improvement (edward jenner, smallpox vaccination in 1796) -powerful monarchs supressed civil wars

russian autocracy + repression

-alecander II's assassination ended bried reform period -Alexander III and Nicholas II committed to traditional policied of autocracy, orthodoxy, and russification -led anti semitic attacks


-all natuonal historic, + religious traditions essential to foundations of society -change should be gradual -appealed to those frightened by social disorder and violence (french revolution)

berlin airlift

-allies dived germany -soviet union blocked access to west berlin -truman ordered massive airlifts of supplies -success

Fall of Napoleon

-appeared to be invincible -insatiable desire for power led to his downfall -closed all european ports to birtish ships and goods (continental system) -guerrilla warfare in spain from deposing bourbon rulers and installing his brother Joseph II -continental system prevented russia from exporting grain to Great Britain, so Alexander I refused to stop trade -Napoleon's army invaded russia but forced to retreat from cold weather, disease, and merciless russian attacks

Bishop Bossuet

-argued all power comes from god who gives authority to kings -supported absolutism and divine right

Women + Green Movement

-as more women became activits, german women applied themselves to the grren party -led by Petra Kelly, the green movement fought to protect the environent and defend the human rights and equality

Declaration of the rights of man and the citizen

-august 1789 -all men born free and equal in right natual rights of

Joseph II

-austria -abolished serfdom and forced labor called "robot" -religious toleration for christians and jews -reduced church influence -reformed judicial system -abolished tortyre -nobles opposed his reforms -after his death, Leopold II repealed many reforms

Italian nationalism

-austria dominated north -nationals founded secret society called the Carbonari, wanted to drive out Austrians + unify Italy -rebelled but Metternich sent in austrian troops -carbbonis failed

europe after WWI

-austria hunagary dissolved, Habsburgs eliminated -czechslovakia and yugoslavia created

Dual Monarchy

-austria satisfied magyrs by creating a dual monarchy -austria + hungary independent + equal states under common Habsburg ruler -new empire known as Austria-Hungary -slavics still discontent

Count Kaunitz

-austrian chancellor -vowed to recover silesia -formed coalition w/ france, austria, + russia -through marriage of Marie Antoinette, daughter of Maria Theresa to Louis XVI -england joind prussia to maintain balance of power

Prince Kelmens Von Metternich

-austrian foreign minister, conservative -host for the congress of vienna (napoleonic wars) -saw nationalism + liberalism as threas to multi ethinic austrian empire

Stuart Kings

-authoruty from god (divine right) -wanted monarchy free from parliamentary restraints -favorred Episcopal church organization (hierarchal arramgement) -James I -Charles I -Charles II -James II

Tsar Alexander II

-autocrat, his will was law -aristocracy held power, small middle class, most people peasants -issued Emancipation Edict freeing serfs in 1861 -but they still didnt own land -created zemstvos, local elected govs. -nihlists believed in nothing, stated "the peoples will", to overthrow the gov. -member killed tsar w/ bomb -his death triggered supression of civil liberties

Napoleon 1788-1804

-became first consul, held all power, made all decisions -his popularity rose as he restored order, prosperity, and defeated the second coalition -voters endorsed, used democracy to destroy democracy -enacted policies to make france into efficient modern state, embodied enlightened despot -created Napoleonic legal code


-before 1750, later marriages to acquire land or learn trade, parental auhtority and strict laws controlled marriages -after 1750, cottage industry increased income, young people financially independent, arranged marriages declined along wiht parental and villiage controles, young women moved to become doemestic servants

big science

-before WWII, theoretical science + sophisticated engineering were seperated -during WWII, western govs. combined science and tech to produce new weapons (british radar, german jets, american atomic bombs) -under governemnt sponsership -during cold war, big science produced technological breakthroughts w/ rockets + satellites -space race w/ sputnike launch

Industrialism in britain

-began in late 18th century -increased size + significance of business leaders, merchants, and middle class -created new class of urban workers


-began when italian poet F.T. Marinetti issued the Futurist Manifesto -encourage artists to demonstrate courage + revolt -glorigy patriotism and speed -abandon clssical artistic traditions -embrace railroads, planes, new industrial age

new imperialism

-beginning in 1870 -european nations exercised increasing economic + political control over Africa and Asia -not content with trade, wanted to directly rule

second industrial revolution

-bessemer process increased steel production, replaced iron -built for "cloud scrapers" -germany led chemical industry (soaps, dyes, explosives) -electricity, oil, gasoline replaced coal + steam -alexander Graham Bell developed the telephone -automobiles developed from combustion engines -business enterprises became larger + more powerful -capitalists like andrew carnegie and john D rockefeller held economic power + political influence

Grand Alliance

-big three; roosevelt, churchill, joseph stalin saw hitler as biggest threat -met in Thran, reaffirmed demand for surrender of Germany and Japan

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

-bolsheviks agreed on ending war with germnay -russia lost territory + population -later repudiated and joined allies

Cavour and Bismarck CC

-both realpolitiks +skillful opportunits -cavour participated in crimean war to gain allied support for piedmont-sardina leadership for unity -bismarck used Ems Dispatch to provoke war w/ france -cavour recognized piedmont-sardinia didnt have military power, manipulated france for military -bismarck had powerful prussia army -cavour didnt have economic resouces -bismarck had economic wealthf rom zollverein + prussia industrial power

Peter the Great + Frederick the Great CC

-both wanted to transform countries into great powers with western ideas -waged wars to conquer strategic territory -peter w/ sweden allows baltic power -fredeick w/ austria allowed taking silesia dn becoming leading german power -instituted changes that only impacted top layers of their societies -serfs re,aimed tied to land and dominated by nobles

Frederick William I (1713-1740)

-built powerful army -military priorites dominated prussian ife -junkers most prestigious class

Scientific Method: Bacon

inductive reasoning = specific to general combine careful observation with experimentation to collect information use information to support valid conclusions

The railroad

-built with steam power -liverpool-manchester railway connected port of liverpool and manchester spinning industry -tracks made of iron -stimulated further industria growth -created regional and national markers for agricultural and industrial goods -reduced cost of shipping -promoted leisure travel

all quiet on the western front

-by erich maria remarque -german WWI veteran -described senseless slaughter on western front

The changes in art from the 19th to the 20th centry

-by the beginning of the 20th century the task of depicting reality had lost much meaning

all eligible men were drafted into the army

levee en masse

Balance of Power

maintain an equilibrium; weak countries join together to match the power of a stronger country; guiding principle of the Congress of Vienna


making concessions to an aggressor in the hopes of avoiding war; Neville Chamberlain's policy of making concessions to Adolf Hitler

during world war I women....

millions of women replaced men in factories, offices, and shops during...

older, widowed women

most often accused of practicing witchcraft

Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel Ceiling

painting, commissioned pope individualism = individual faces

Enlightenment (Age of Reason)

period of intellectual history = thinkers/writers in politics, economics, religion, education, and culture apply scientific method to political, social, economic, and religious institutions = transform European society influenced by Scientific Revolution


played a key role in hosting salons


political necessities above personal beliefs --Elizabeth I --Henry of Navarre (Henry IV)

Charles Fourier

proposed the creation of small model communities called phamlansteries that were self-contained. It had ideally 1,620 people. that were communally housed and worked together for their mutual benefit. Work would rotate to relieve workers of undesirable tasks.

Witch Trials

reflecting folk ideas and social and economic upheaval, accusations of witchcraft peaked between 1580-1650

Utopian Socialists

replace the overly competitive capitalist structure with planned communities guided by a spirit of cooperation; property should be communally owned; Charles Fourier, Louis Blanc

Edict of Fontainbleau

revoked the Edict of Nantes

Leon Trotsky

revolutionary and chairman if the Petrograd soviet that took over the city. The government collapsed.


rules that put political needs over personal beliefs; Henry IV of France, Elizabeth I of England

"without breeches" the men who worked with their hands wore long trousers


Invisible Hand

self-regulating nature of a free marketplace; phrase made by Adam Smith

Joint-Stock Investment Banks

several small investors would buy stock in rising new companies in order to make a profit

Industrial Revolution

shifted Europe from a traditional economy focused on farming to a economy focused on industry and production of goods

Richard Arkwright's Water Frame

spinning machine that used water or a horse to power the loom.

Robert Owen

the British cotton manufacturer that believed humans would show their true kindness. He was successful in transforming a factory into a coopertative community. However in New Harmony in Indiana, the bickering within destroyed his dream.

night witches

women who served as combat pilots in the soviet union during WWII

the oath that the National Assembly made saying that they would not disband until they had given France a constitution that reflected their newly declared authority

"Tennis Court Oath"

"Belle Époque"

"The beautiful age." Period of time from the late 19th century to WWI that witnessed great peace, prosperity, and scientific/artistic progress between France and her Western neighbors

John Calvin

"by an eternal and immutable counsel, God has once and for all determined, both whom he would admit to salvation and whom he would condemn to destruction"

Enlightenment: Challenge to New Culture

"noble savage" new view of nature of societies scientists and explorers encountering around the globe --the live in joyful state of nature the was unspoiled by civilizing forces

Jeremy Bentham

"the greatest happiness for the greatest number"


"the politics of reality"; tough, practical politics; idealism and romanticism play no part; Otto von Bismarck and Camillo Benso di Caovour

Jacques-Benigne Bossuet, French Bishop and court preacher to Louis XIV

"the state of monarchy is the supremest thing on earth, for kings are not only God's lieutenants upon earth and sit upon God's throne, but even by God himself are called gods. In the scriptures kings are called Gods, and their power is compared to the divine powers"

Peace of Augsburg (1555)

"whose the region, his the religion" = "cuius regio eius religio" Document in which Charles V recognized Lutheranism as a legal religion in the Holy Roman Empire. The faith of the prince determined the religion of his subjects. didn't include Calvinism or other religious minorities

Thomas Cromwell

(1485-1540) Became King Henry VII's close advisor following Cardinal Wolsey's dismissal. He and his contemporary THomas Cranmer convinced the king to break from Rome and made the Church of England increasingly more Protestant., (1485-1540) King Henry III's Chief Minister; he confiscated the wealth of the Catholic church and divided administration according to its functions by creating seperate departments of state

Cardinal Richelieu

(1585-1642) Minister to Louis XIII. Brought them into 30 Years War = political reasons 1. Reduce power of Habsburgs (Austria) Also known for 1. Break the power of the nobility, 2. helped to send France on the road to absolute monarchy.


(1596-1650) French philosopher, discovered analytical geometry. Saw Algebra and Geometry have a direct relationship. Reduced everything to spiritual or physical.

Pugachev Revolt

(1774): He won the support of many peasants when he issued a manifest, which freed all peasants from oppressive taxes and military service. The peasants, encouraged by him to seize their landlords' estate, killed more than 1500 estate owners. Pugachev was captured, tortured, and executed.

Dreyfus Affair

-captain alfred dreyfus was the first jewish french general -convicted in 1894 for selling military secrets to germany -really was innocent tho, catholics, monarchists, + anti semites made him scapegoat -Emile Zola, realist novelist, wrote article "J'Accuse" saying military knowingly let guilty go and dreyfus imprisioned -dreyfus exoneratin in 1906 -deepended political divisions + revelaed anti-semitism -inspired Thoedor Herzis "jewish state" calling for national homeland for the jewish people

Unification of Itlay

-carboni + mazzini's young italy failed (romantic nationalsim) -austrua still dominated small italian states, pope pius IX opposed italian nationalism -piedmont-sardinia leadership of italian nationalists -king Victor Emmanuel II named Cavour his prime minitster, was a realists + realpolitik -cavour launched economic program building railroads +expanding commerce, modernized army -cavour saw austria as obstacle, formed alliance w/ Napoleon III to drive them out of north

great depression US

-casued by overproduced consumer goods, consumers didnt have enought credit to purchade these foods, farmers overproduced -stock market crash triggered global financial crisis -replaced optismism with fear in 1920s -created uncertainty for unemployed -promoted increased gov. ecnomic intervention -allowed dictators to exploit fears

Revolutions of 1848

-caused by conservative leaders not fixing problems of sicial tensions from industrialization and urbanization france: Louis phillipe's gov collapsed from public pressure, french voters elected Louis Napolean as president of the second french republic italy: giuseppe mazini led " young italy" moevement to est. lliberal republic unitying itly, asutrians too strong, italy too divided germany: nationalists wanted liberal german state, states except austria fromed the zollverin, economic union that facilitated commerce -riots broke out in berlin, Frederick William IV responded with reforms -frnakfurt assembley met for german constitution, but frederick william dissolved prussian assembley + rejected frankfurt assembley austria: huge dynastic state, metternich fled, constituent assembley abolished the robot, revolution spread but new austrian emporer Francis Joseph defeated Hungarian resistance w/ Tsar NIcholas I

Industrial revolution impact

-caused modernization in 19th century -concentrated factories and workers in industrial centers, promoting urbanization -led to the formation of new social class: the work class, called the "proletariat" -also formed middle class, called "bourgeoisie -improved standard of living by providing more consumer goods, better medical care, and new leisure activities

Napoleon's restrictions

-censored the press -supressed al political opposition -despite loss of individual liberties, france enjoyed security, stability, and prosperity -supported by a grateful nation, napoleon declared himself emporer in 1804

Utopian Socialism

-charles fourier, louis blanc, robert owen -advocated social + economic planning to create societies based on cooperation rather than competition -experiments faied

War of Spanish Succession

-childless CharlesII died, left throne to Louis' grandson Philip -England formed Grand alliance w/ Holland, austria, Brandenburg, and Italian duchy of Savoy to maintain balance of power -beat France, making debts that led to the revolution -ended w/ treaty of utrecht that created new balance of power

Neoclassical Art

-classical heros -classical virtues of self sacrifice and devotion to the state -greek ideals of restraint, simplicity, and symmetry -thomas jefferson "monticello"


-close government regulation of the economy -to build strong, self-sufficient economy by maximizing exports and limiting imports -supported acquisition of colonie - wanted to accumulate reserves of gold and silver

Jena-Baptiste Colbert and Adam Smith CC

-colbert pro mercantilism, best way to increase french power and wealth -economic policies for favorable balance of trade -subsidized french industry (monopolies tarrifs) -smith urged gocs to abandoned policies -advocated free trade -self interst of individual in a free market would increase production and wealth

Early labor unions

-combination acts of 1800 prohibited british workers organzing them -pressure from labor and middle class reformers caused parliament to repeal the acts

conservative authoritarianism

-comitted to existing social order -opposed popular participation in gov. -revived ine astern europe, spain, portugal

Thermidorian Reaction

-committee successfully crushed internal dissent and defeated the first coalition -robespierre still tried to create a republic of virtue -national convention feared for lives + wanted stability, reasserted authority by executing Robespierre -his death ended the radical phase -july called thermidor (heat)


(1814-1824) Restored Bourbon throne after the Revoltion. He accepted Napoleon's Civil Code (principle of equality before the law), honored the property rights of those who had purchased confiscated land and establish a bicameral (two-house) legislature consisting of the Chamber of Peers (chosen by king) and the Chamber of Deputies (chosen by an electorate).


(1815-1898) Prussian chancellor who engineered the unification of Germany under his rule. Delivers "blood and iron" speech.

Battle of Peterloo

(1819) This battle, occurred in Manchester, England. It was more of a massacre than a battle; people had gathered to discuss political reform and spread new ideas, and were killed by government troops.,

gorbachev's reforms

-communist part selected Mikhail Gorbachev as new leader -launched program of reforms -glasnot; openess to discuss ways to reform society, unrestricted media -perestroika; economic reconstructuring, removed bureaucratic control, providing incentives for greater productivity -demokratizatsiya; democratiation, loosend grip on soviet society, called for electron of new legislature

Crimean War

(1853-1856) A conflict fought between 1853 and 1856 over Russian desires to expand into Ottoman territory; Russia was defeated by France, Britain, and the Ottomans, underscoring the need for reform in the Russian empire.

Alexander II

(1855-1881) Emperor of Russia; advocated reforms for Russia; emancipated the serfs; he was assassinated.

Revolution in belgium

-congress of vienna united austrian netherlands (belgium) with holland -catholic belgium vs protestant holland -riots in belgium for independence -great britain + france opposed intervention, recognized belgium as a neutral state

Kellog-Briand Pact

-countries signed promising to renounce war as an instrument of national policy -renewed spirit of optimism

David Ricardo

-created "iron law of wages" -influenced by malthus pessimism -thought labor was a commodity whose price determined by supply and demand -said increasing working class wages would prompt laborers to have more children -as supply of workers increased, wages would decrease -NO BETTER FUTURE for working class families -provided support for labor unions + refusing raise wages

refroms of the national assembley

-created a constitutional monarchy -divided france into departmens goverened by elected officials -est. metric system of measurement -abolished tariffs -abolished guilds didnt abolish private property + give women right to vote

The Nazi-Soveit Nonaggression Pact (1939)

-created a nonaggression agreement in which hitler and joseph stalin promised to remain neutral if the other became involved in a war -divided eastern Europe into German + Soviet zones -1939

The Treaty of Rome (1957)

-created the european economic community (EEC) -generally known as the common market -marked beginning of European economic integration -1957

The Maastricht Treaty (1991)

-created the european union (EU) -world's largest single economic market -created central bank for EU 1991

Crystal Palance vs arc de triomphe

-crystal palce in london commisioned to celebrate british leadership in industrial age -demonstrated possibililites of mass production -arc de triomphe in paris commsioned to ceebreate french victories during the revoution and napoleon -based on triumphal arches of anceint Rome -comined neoclassical arch w/ romantic sculptures

age of anxiety

-deaths from wwi -overthrew est. monarchies + social orders in russia, germany, austria-hungary -many questioned optimisted nelied in reason, progress, and individual rights -widespread feeling of disillusionment + anxiety -new doubts on ability to control lives -stressed irrational + destructive nature of humans

Tories and Whigs

-debated over James II as successor -divided parliament -whigs anti-James, suspicious of catholics -tories pro-james, loyal to monarchy

Textile Industry

-demand for cotton coth led to entreprenuers financing new ways of spinning it 1700s: -james hargreaves made spinning jenny -richard aekwright made water frame -eli whitney made the ctton gin -output of cotton fiber increased in Britain -inventions marked shift from human and animal power to mechanical power -mechanization of the spinning process in the textile industry ushered in the industrial revolution

Lenins key ideas

-denouced gradual reform -capitalism could only be destroyed by class conflict -insisted communist revolution possible in nonindustrialized russia -argued russia's small working class couldnt develop revolutionary class consciousness -needed disciplined group of professional revolutionaries

Louis XIV: the Sun King

-didn't share power w/ parliament -"I am the state" -increased power of the intendants -held meetings w/ councils -reduced political power of nobility, appointing bourgeoise into key positions instead -supported the arts, used as propaganda -Versailles Palace visable symbol of absolute power -revoked edict of nantes, hueguenots fled, losing skilled workers and businessmen

Mussolini + Fascist Italy

-didnt get promised claims in treaty of versailles -faced severe economic crissi -1922, Victor Emmanuel III named Mussolini prime minister -quickly consolidated power + organized fascist state -outlawed other political parties -used propaganda to accept leadership w/o question -supported capitalists + corporations -his corporate state combined private ownership with state control over economic decisions

Christopher Columbus

-discovered Caribbean islands, thought asia -propeled spain to forefront of european exploration


-distribution of wealth is unjust -resources and means of production should be owned by the community -profits of human labor should be equally distributed

James I 1603-1625

-divine right -published "The True Law od Free Monarchies", kings are gods -fought w/ parliament, puritan members wanted him to purify church -convinced presbyterian system would destory royal control + threaten monarchy

Baroque Art

-dramatic moments -intense emotion -everday people who aren't idealized -ornate decorations

Charles VI 1711-1740

-drew up Pragmatic Sanction, securing succession of his daughter Maria Theresa to the throne -and Habsburg territories indivisble

WWII: women

-during 1930s, italy and germany encouraged women to stay at home + make more kids -during WWII, total war caused women to enter the workforce -women contributed directly as medics + nurses -soviet "night witched" were combat pilots -postwar reconctruction required women to keep working

the digital world

-during late 1990s, ongooing advances in computer electrons ushered in digital revolution centered around the internet and mobile phones -today, labor, capita, ideas, services, and goods are all interconnected into complex and fast moving social and eoconomic webs

italy and germany on women

-during the 1930s encouraged women to remain at home and provide their countries with more offspring

French Physiocrats

-economic reformers -questioned mercantilist principles -led by Francis Quesnay -pro laissez-faire policy


-economic system where wealth is invested to get more -based on private ownership of porperty -capitalists motivated for desire to earn profits -Age of Discovery ushered in comercial capitalism -as it expanded, new middle class called the Bourgeoisie did

working class

-edge of pverty -electricity, rade unions, slowly rising wages improved their lives -sense of nationalism, male suffrade, and welfare programs weakened revolitionary spirit (marx)

Napoleon III (1852-1870)

-elected president of the second French republic -proclaimed himself emperor Napoleon III -policies of industrialization w/ railroads, free trade policies, and increasing industrial production -appointed Geroges Haussmann to redesign Paris, put in boulevards, monuments, parks -transformed paris in to symbol of french prosperity, harder for rioters to block streets tho -thought concert of europe limited frances foreign policy -determined to undermine it and win international glory


-emreged as soviet leader after stalin's death -attacked stalin in a secret speech, denoucning his reign of terror, and his "cult of personality" -program of de-stalinization -shifted resources toward producing more consumer goods -curbed power of secret police -granted more freedom to writers + intellectuals -permitted aleksandr solzhenitsyn to publish "Ivan Denisovich" describing life in stalinist concentration camp -Boris pasternacks novel"Doctor Zhivago" showed limits of destalinization

The Congress of Vienna (1815)

-enacted a settlement after Napoleonic Wars that was acceptable to both the victors and to france -created balance of power that lasted till German unification in 1871 -underestimated the forces of liberalism + nationalism -used principle of legitimacy to restore the Bourbons to the French throne -united Belgium + Netherlands (single kingdom of the Netherlands) -created loose confederation of 39 German states dominated by Austria -russia , prussia, +austria gained terriroty -britian gained oversea territories (Cape of good hope, tinidad, tobango) -1815

British Leadership from

-enclosure movement (privatized land, small farmers dispaced, new cheap labor) -agricultural revolution (crop rotation replaced openfield, new crops + inventions) -population explotion (more food, medical advances, new market for production) -commercial revolution (merchants invested, developed banking systems) -the enlightenment (royal society, inventors and entreprenuers)

new woman

-end of 19th century, women lived longer+ had fewer children -enjoyed more independent lifestyles -gneration of middle class new women, became activits who improved their communites -abandoned corsets, joined sports clubs

british decolonization

-ended imperial rule in India -settlement divided subcontinent into Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan -surrendered control of Palestine -decolonized sub-saharan Africa

The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 1918

-ended new Bolshevik Russia's participation in WWI -negotiated by vladimir Lenin -nullified following Germany's defeat by the Allies 1918

Napoleons Final Battles

-enemies took adavantage of this weakness -great britain, russia, prussia, and austria formed a grand alliance that defeated napoleon at the Battle of Nations 1813 -napoleon abdicated and exiled -returned but defeated again at the Battle of Waterloo -exiled to St. Helena where he died

Evaluating Peter the Great

-energetic and ruthless autocrat -successfully transformed russia into a great power -policies increased disparities between nobles and peasants

Concert of Europe

-england, austria, prussiam + russia deomed quadruple alliance for conservatism -worked to prevent wider wars -effort to achieve consensus on foreign policy issues -collective security

First Coalition

-england, spain, holland, and Sardinia joined Prussia and Austria to form the first coalition -went to france -girodinists and royalist catholics also fought jacobins

Florence Nitingale

-english nurse -organzed battlefield nursing service in crimean war -professionalized nursing for women

Edmund Burke

-englush -warned mob rule in france would lead to anarchy and ultimately military dictatorship

Peter the Great (1682-1725)

-enlightened despot -modernized Russia, making it a great power -visted Holland + England, observing western customs -army + navy trained by foreign officers -improved russian agriculture w/ potatoe -stregthend economy by importing skilled workers -defeated Sweden, gaining outlets on Baltic shore -built St.Peterburg in 1703, symbol of power -controlled Boyars (traditional, old nobility), shaved off beards, army, and build houses in st. p -exploited the sefs, sold apart from land, forced to work in mines + facotories

Enlightenism + Romanticism on religon

-enlightenment embraced mechanical view of human nature + physical world -rejected faith + relied on rational, scientific approach to understand the natural world -favored deist view that god left world to wrok with natural laws -romantics believed in loving, personal god -stressed emotions, inner faith, + religious inspiration -embraced the wonders and mysteries of nature to feel divine presence

The Berlin Conference (1884-1885)

-established rules for dividing Africa amongst the European powers -a european state could no longer simply declare a region of africa its colony -it first had to exercise effective control over the territory -declared the Congo under Leopold II of Belgium -est. rules for governing the race for African colonies -1885

Columbian exchange consequences

-european diseases killed natives -horses transformed culture in america -new crops helped European diet, increased pop. -caribbean sugar plantations, gold + silver mines in Peru brought wealth to spain, causing inflation -promoted triangular trading system and trans-Atlantic slave trade

Baby Bust

-europes post war bay boom turned intoa baby bust as birth rates steadily declined -will produce long term consequences -as europes population declines it will ages -so health care costs will rise and the shrinking labor force will support rising social security taxes -causes of baby bust: after WWII, european women married early, had children, and then entered the labor force, anincreasing number of chuldrendidnt have more children as they concentrated on their careers

social effects of industrialism

-factory system -working class misery (dangerous machines, diseases, long hours 14 a day, child labor, gender exploitation, no health insurence, little job security) -urbanization (many towns turned into crowded cities form factory system, crowded sums lacked sanitation) -middle class properity (political power, leisure time)

New Economic Policy under Vladimir Lenin

-famine, deteriorating economy, + unrest plagued russia following the civil war -1921, launched new economic policy -temporary compromise with capitalism -free markets with agriculture -successfully revived russian economy

New Monarchs

-feudal income -taxed towns, merchants, peasants -created professional armies -centralized administrative bureaucracy -rose from new military weapons like cannons -didn't have absolute power

german social welfare programs

-first european state to develop them -bismarck;s social welfare legislation included health insurance + disability pensions -wanted to prove state was benevolent institution not an oppressor -William II expanded bismarck's social reforms

John Wycliffe

(c.1328-1384) Forerunner to the Reformation. Created English Lollardy. Attacked the corruption of the clergy, and questioned the power of the pope.


-first hald of 19th century -inspired freedom of thought, feeling, + action -enlightnement stressed reason which romantic rejected, focused on emotion, intution, + subjective feelings -neoclassicalsis looked to greek + rome, romantics looks to medieval periods of chhibalrous heroes and mysteries -enlightenists used sciencitfic method, romantics contemplated the beauty of nature -natural wonders source of spiritual inspirtation -william Wordsworh "lyrical ballads" -jacob and wilhelm grimm "Grimms fairy tales" -Beethoven, Ninth Symohony

Transformation In Women's Lives

-following WWII women left wartime jobs, birthrates rose leading to the "baby boom" -after birthrates declined, women began to marry at an early age, entered workforce -white collar service industries in gov., education, and healthcare opend new oppurtunities for women -faced discrimination in salary + working conditions

Charles VII

-france -early 1400s -concluded Hundred Years War, expelled English -made taille taxes, more income -created first permanent royal army

Francis I

-france -early 1500s -made Concordat of Bologna w/ Pope -allowed king to nominate church officials

War with france 1870

-france feared agressive prussia -bismarck edited Ems Dispatch, inflaiming relations -Napoleon III declared war on Prussia -prussians successfullly invaded france and forced Napoleon III to surrender -king William I proclaimed German emporer at versailles -forced france to pay huge debt + cede Alsace and Lorraine to the German empire -created new balance of power

british reforms

-franchise act extended voting rights to rural male laborers -parliament laid foundation for the British welfare state, est. system of health and unemployment insurance

Rene Descartes (1596-1650)

-french philosopher + mathematician -deductive method for search of truth -used logical reasoning to deduce inferences

Denis Diderot

-french philosphe -editor of the Encyclopedia -brought together englightened thinking that disseminated across Europe and North America -undermiend est. authority by including controversial political and religious subjects

Marxian Socialism

-friedrich engels, appaled by conditions of facotry laborers, wrote "the condition of the working class in england", denounced capitalist middle class for exploiting the working class -engels + karl marx published the communist manifesto -marx argued 19th century society split into bourgeoisie (thesis) and proletariat (anithesis) -clash between thesis + antithesis brings new system of synthesis -class strigge would lead to abolition of all classes and there wouldnt be any private owenership of production -engels + marx aruged women exploited by men and capitalists


-frnech nobleman -wante to limit abuses of royal absolutism -wrote "the spirit of laws" -tried to create a social science wanted seperation of powers with executive, legislative, and judicial branches -this would protect the rights of individuals -influenced american constitution

Russia before Peter the Great

-geographically + culturally isolated -had disorder of time of troubles after death of Ivan the Terrible -nobles elected Michael Romanov as czar

Vladimir Lenin + Bolshevik Revolution

-germans helped Lenin return to Petrograd -urged followers to overthrow the provisional gov. -slogan "pace,land, bread" allowed bolsheviks to win widespread popular support -1917, bolsheviks occupied gov. buildings -next day, lenin proclaimed new bolshevik gov.

WWII outbreak

-germany + russia signed non agression pact =germany attacked poland, used blitzkrieg -britain + france declared war on germany -conquered scandinavia, belgium, france -british refused to surrender, led by Winston Churchill -Hiter could fight british royal air force -hitler broke pact and invaded russia

Schlieffen Plan

-germany had to fight russians at east and french on west -genral schlieffen attempted all out attack on france before russia had chance to mobilize -had to invade belgium -casued britain to declare war on germany

Treaty of Versailles

-germany lost land, Alsace-Lorraine -african + pacific territoes given to britain france japan -poland became independent -germanys army reduced -germany declared guilty for starting the war, forced to pay huge reparation -allies created Leage of Nations

truman doctrine

-goal to block expansion of soviet influence into greece and turkey -gave aid to greece and turkey -declared US would support free people resisting subjugation of outside pressure

Enlightnement: Deism

-god cosmic watchmaker -created universe and then let it run according to natural laws -reliance upon reason -lack of religion

Habsburg-Valois Wars

-golden age of florence ended when lorenzo died in 1492 -king Charles VIII of france invaded -led to the Habsburg-Valois Wars, involved all italian city states

collapse of European communism

-gorbachev's reforms -poland and solidarity -the fall of the berlin wall -czechoslovakia's velvet revolution -collpase of the soviet union

collapse of the soviet union

-gorbachev's reforms relased forces he couldnt control , glasnot loosend controls and enabled ethnic protests -led by Boris Yeltsin, preseident of the Russian Republic, russian people ended the communist coup -gorbachev resigned -soviet union dissolved into 15 seperate republics

War of Austrian Succession (1740-1748)

*Causes* /Rivalries 1. Pragmatic Sanction = Maria Theresa's right to inherit the throne 2. Frederick the Great = ignores Pragmatic Sanction = seizes Silesia 3. France supports Prussia 4. England supports Austria = fear French and Prussian alliance and power *Effects* 1. The Treaty of Aix-la-Champelle saved the Austrian throne for the Hapsburgs. 2. Prussia emerged as a German state and as Austria's rival. 3. Austria created an alliance with France. 4. Great Britain created an alliance with Prussia to financially aid their military. 5. Frederick the Great then began the Seven Years War.

home front WWI

-governments mobilized all human and industrial resources in order to wage total war -tightly controlled news -used propaganda to rally public morale -arousd hatred of the enemy -women replaced men in factories and offices -emmaline pankhurst let feminist campaign for more political and social right, durin =g war called halt to focus on war


-governments must protect natural rights -supported civili liberties -believed in individual rights protected by a written constitution (limited gov.) -admired british constitutional monarchy -favored representative gov. -advocated economic individualism -inspired revots in france + reforms in britain

Paris Peace Conference

-great britain, france, US made major decisions -germany and austria-hungary not allowed to attend -russia not allowed (in civil war)

new industrial powers

-great britain, germany, US dominated the world economy

Frederick William (1640-1688)

-great elector -Hohenzollern possessions large in HRE -only Habsburgs had more -made strong army, got loyalty of junkers by giving them full power over the serfs

Price Revolution

-great increase of price and inflation across Europe in the later 1500's to mid 1600's -influx of gold and silver from new world and rising demand of growing pop. contributed

greek independence

-greek revolt against ottoman empire 1821 -succeded form support of great britain, france, + russia -they wanted to expand influence in Balkans + public support for birthplace of western civilization

Enlightenement: Philosophes

-group of thinkers and writers of enlightened ideas -exposed social problems -proposed reforms -leading ones were french -advocated religious tolerance -thought women should be equal, receive greater access to education + intellectual life

-reform bill 1867

-growing working class demanded elactoral reform -led by Benjamin Disraeli, conservatives supported a new refrom bill that exttended suffrage to urban workers

The Pragmatic Sanction (1713)

-guarenteed the succession of Habsburg emporer Charles VI's daughter Maria Theresa to the throne --guaranteed the indivisibility of the habsburg lands (can never be broken apart) -violeted when Federick the Great of Prussia incaded Silesia in 1740 -1713

Soviet Union under Brezhenz

-hardline policies led to political repression and economic stagnation -czechoslovakia communist leader Alexander Dubcek, Brezhnv called on warsaw pact to invade -brezenv doctrine claimed soviet union and its alliws had the right to interven in domestic affairs of other communist countries -Detente (reducing tensions w/ US, nixon), agreed to Helsinki accords ratifying european boundaries -renewd cold war tensions and continued domestic problems, invaded Afghanistand to save unpopular marxist regime


-hitler ordered systematic killing of jews and other allegedly inferior peoples -jews were vulnerable minority -hitlers propaganda convinced germans jews were inferior -his secret poice stifled dissent -6 million jews killed

Nazi Totaliarn state

-hitler transformed germany into totalitarian state -laws banned all other parties -special secret police called Gestapo -gov. supervised labor + business -triumoh of the will film

fascist agression

-hitler withdrew from league of nations and marched into the rhineland -mussolini invaded ethiopia -british + fench hoped appeasement would maintain peace -great depression made them focus on domestic issues -deaths of WWI made them want eace -american isolation

reform bill of 1832

-house of commons less representative -boroughs sparsely populated, cities had no reps -parliament passed bill creating new districts in urban areas -also doubled the number of voters -resulted in supremacy of the house of commons over the house of lords


-imposed five year plan for industrializaton -insisted absolut eobideience -expanded into eastern europe -transformed the soviet union into nuclear superpower -did mass killings -created prison system of gulag -stalin insted on absolue obedience, bring imprisonment, slave labor, or death -

womens movement

-industrial revolution opened economic oppurtunites to women, factories payed high wages -part of cotton industry -unions didnlt let women in -wrked as clerks, typists, telephone operators, nurses, teachers, social wokrers -gained legal rights in late 1800s; divorce in briatin + france -1900, no country allowed women to vote


-influenced by freud -depicts worlds of unconsciousness and wild dreams ex: salvador Dali "the persistence of memory"

Russian Revolution of 1905

Imperialist ambitions brought defeat at the hands of Japan in 1905 and political upheaval at home. The Bloody Sunday massacre, when the tsar's troops fired on a crowd of protesting workers, produced a wave of indignation. By the summer of 1905, strikes, uprisings, revolts, and mutinies were sweeping the country. A general strike in October forced Nicholas II to issue the October Manifesto, which granted full civil liberties and promised a popularly elected parliament (Duma). However, Nicholas II eventually dismissed the Duma.


Importance of tradition, trust in traditional political and religious authorities (upper class/monarchy/military/church), fear of the chaos of mass movements; Edmund Burke, Joseph de Maistre, and Klemens von Metternich; rise of the dictator Napoleon to restore order in post-Revolutionary France, international congresses, which helped Europe stay mostly at peace from 1815 to 1914

Claude Monet

Impressionist painter influenced by Pisarro. He painted "Impression, Sunrise" and was enchanted with water and light.

Henry Cort (1783)

Improved the production of wrought iron with the invention of his puddling furnace and roller mechanism; father of Britain's iron industry

Reform movements

Improving public sector: reforms addressed to infrastructure, housing, public health, and education (Edwin Chadwick), social gospel movement (improve social conditions in order to enable people to become devout Christians), temperance, anti-sex trafficking (Josephine Butler), women's suffrage (Barbara Smith Bodichon and Emmeline Pankhurst's Women's Social and Political Union), Sunday School Movement (provided basic education for working class children), social gospel movement

Great Exhibition of 1851

In 1851, the British organized the first industrial fair at London in the Crystal Palace. The fair had 100,000 exhibits that showed a wide variety of products made in the Industrial Revolution. It was a display of Britain's wealth and industrial strength to the world.

William II of Germany

In 1890 the new emperor, the young, idealistic, and unstable, he was opposed to Bismarck's attempt to renew the law outlawing the Social Democratic party. Eager to rule in his own right and to earn the support of workers, William II forced Bismarck to resign. After "dropping of the pilot," German foreign policy changed profoundly and mostly for the worse, but the government did pass new laws to aid workers and to legalize socialist political activity. Yet he was no more successful than Bismarck in getting workers to renounce socialism.

Emmeline Pankhurst and the WSPU

In 1903, her and her daughters Christabel, Adela, and Sybil formed the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) to promote women's suffrage; they organized huge rallies (in June 1908, ~500,000 women assembled in London's Hyde Park to demand the vote); forced the Liberal Party to take women's suffrage seriously and include it in their party platform; in 1918, Parliament passed an act allowing all men over the age of 21 and all women over the age of 30 to vote; in 1928, the act was amended to allow every citizen over 21 to vote, making voting a universal right for all adults in Britain

Committee of Public Safety

In order to curb domestic crisis, the National Convention made this. They were organized to protect the republic from internal enemies.

Agricultural Revolution

Increase in food production due to more farmland, increased yields per acre, healthier and more abundant livestock and an improved climate. It improved living conditions.


Indebted to Freud, art tries to penetrate the facade of bourgeoise superficilaity and probe the psyche, that which lurks benath an individuals calm and artificial posture. Values: subliminal anxiety, dissonance in color and perspective, pictorial violence- manifest and latent.

Individualism (Renaissance)

Individualism stressed: personality, uniqueness, genius, fullest development of capabilities and talents pursuit fame and glory virtu = display full range of abilities Merchants = don't inherit rank (nobles), success depends on own skill = pride in achievements Artists & Writers = want to be known and remembered for talent Painting = Self-Portraits Literature = autobiography

New social classes: Bourgeoisie and Proletariat

Industrialists and businessmen become wealthy, overshadow military aristocracy and other privileged classes Middle class - small business owners, factory managers, engineers, accountants, employees of large corps, professionals - primary beificiary of industrialization Working class - laborers in factories and mines,

Price Revolution of the 16th century

Inflation Previously thought to be caused by --the influx of precious metals from Latin American mines now believe --also due to the population increase (and the resulting increase in demand for land and food without increasing supply)

Illustrative Examples of New Financial Practices and Institutions

Insurance Banking institutions for turning private savings into venture capital New definitions of property rights and protections against confiscation Bank of England

Issac Newton

Invented calculus as well as composition of light. He wrote Principa which focused on the culmination of Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo. He defined the 3 laws of motion: ever object continues in a state of rest unless deflected by a force; the rate of change of motion of an object is proportional to the force acting on it and every action has an equal of opposite reaction. He argued the laws of gravitation.

James Watt (1769)

Invented the steam engine

Richard Arkwright

Invented the water frame powered by horse or water that turned yarn much faster than spinning looms that would later develop mechanized looms.

Famine Effects

Irish emigration; many Irish joined a campaign demanding Home Rule (Irish Unionists opposed this); in 1914, Parliament passed a Home Rule bill; Easter Rising of 1916: Irish rebels seized the main post office in Dublin to demand independence, they were defeated and 15 were executed; yrs of fighting followed and in 1922, a peace agreement created the Irish Free State

Hong Kong

Island off the coast of China obtained by British in 1842.


It is a term used to describe a follower of Jeremy Bentham, a radical philosopher that taught that public problems could be solved using a rational, scientific basis. (p.792)


Italian astronomer and mathematician who was the first to use a telescope to study the stars; demonstrated that different weights descend at the same rate; perfected the refracting telescope that enabled him to make many discoveries (1564-1642)


Italian nationalists looked for leadership from this kingdom. It was the largest and most powerful of the Italian states.


Italian patriot whose conquest of Sicily and Naples led to the formation of the Italian state (1807-1882)


Italy became the first European country to suffer a defeat by this country which remained independent.

The new imperialism:Africa; Ethiopians defeat the Italians

Italy joined in the imperalist scramble but were humiliated by theier defeat to the ethiopians In 1896 which only ed the itlains to try again in 1911, when they invaded and seized the ottoman tripoli which they renamed libya.

Why Britain?

Its natural resources (coal and iron) combined with its social, economic, and political structure No location was mire than a few miles from a canal, a river, or the coast Britain's gov't enables manufacturers and industrialists to influence gov't policies through their representatives or members of Parliament Growing middle class; British social climate favored inventors, businessmen, and entrepreneurs Private industrialists owned the mills (capitalism) Parents and incentives

a French political club formed in 1789 that inspired the formation of a national network whose members dominated the revolutionary government during the Terror

Jacobin Club

a well known painter and a deputy and an associate of Robespierre, took over the festival planning of The Festival of Federation which marked the first anniversary of the fall of the Bastille

Jacques-Louis David

Illustrative Examples of Absolute Monarchs

James I of England Peter the Great of Russia Philip II, III, and IV of Spain


Jane Austen and Charlotte Brontë presented characters who married for love, not money; young people believed that they should have the right to marry whomever they chose; marriages between middle-class and working-class people were relatively rare and frowned upon by most middle-class families; within social class restrictions, people sought a companionate marriage

Louis XIV and his financial minister, _______________________ extended the administrative, financial, military, and religious control of the central state over the French population

Jean-Baptiste Colbert

A deputy allied with the Mountain who called for more and more executions and who was finally murdered in his bathtub by Charlotte Corday

Jean-Paul Marat


Jews got kicked out of Spain, and COlumbus sails the ocean blue


John Calvin set up a ministry that brought a church constitution that used clergy and layman for te church as well as a code enforcing discipline.


John Calvin; God has known since the beginning of time who will be saved or who will be damned

John Wilkes

Journalists who openly criticized the king's ministers. He was arrested and then released, but expelled from his seat in Parliament. When he won another seat, he was denied a place in Parliament again. He became a symbol for liberty and end to Parliamentary privileges.

Reign of Terror

Killed royalists, former revolutionary Girodins and peasants. Many who opposed the san-culottes were killed by guillotime. 16,000 were formally killed. The true number was near 50,000.

How did the Swedes react to French Revolution?

King Gustavus III was assassinated by a nobleman who claimed that "the king has violated his oath...and declared himself an enemy of the realm" king's son, Gustavus IV insisted on avoiding "licentious liberty"

Christian IV

King of Denmark that was a Lutheran that intervened by leading an army into northern Germany. He was defeated by Wallenstein and ended Danish supremacy in the Baltic.

William of Orange

King of England and Scotland and Ireland

Charles II

King of England, Scotland, and Ireland (1660-1685) who reigned during the Restoration, a period of expanding trade and colonization as well as strong opposition to Catholicism

Louis- Philippe

King of France following Charles X. Abdicated the throne against threat of republican revolution (smelled his popularity was diminishing)

Louis Philippe

King of France, 1830-48. "Citizen king" In the February Revolution of 1848, he abdicated.

Frederick the Great

King of Prussia (1740-1786). Successful in the War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748) and the Seven Years' War (1756-1763), he brought Prussia great military prestige in Europe.

Phillip II

King of Spain that ushed it into greatness by use if the Soanish Inquisition. He made trade important as well as the importance of Catholicism.

English Civil War

King tried to take advantage of split between radicals and moderates and arrested some radicals. He arrested Putitans and started the English CivilWar.

Thomas Cromwell

King's principle secretary that advised annulment of marriage.

Martin Luther

Known by many as the creater or the reformation, he broke away from the Catholic Church and then later began to question the popes role in the church and the sale of indulgences.

the new national anthem of the Republic of France

La Marseillaise

Southern Europe Industrial Revolution

Lacked significant deposits of coal and iron; economies featured large landowners who used peasants or serfs; landowners didn't want industrial development for fear of losing agricultural workforce; no states sponsored initiatives to construct railroads; little cash and banks had little role in the economy

Lady Montagu

Lady who was sympathetic of Islamic women and wrote "Turkish Embassy Letters "on Islamic Women

Nicholas II

Last Tsar of Russia and then ended the Romanov line. Was executed along with the rest of his family under the order of Lenin.

Louis XV

Lazy and weak ruler that allowed ministers and mistresses to influence him, control the affairs of state and underminethe prestige of the monarchy. He lost the overseas empire in the Seven Years' War and gave burdensom taxes.

Dutch Golden Age

Leading Commercial Power in 17th Century Amsterdam--financial center, banking center Dutch East India Co. replaces Portuguese in spice trade Oligarchy--led by wealthy merchants, absolute ruler Religious toleration and freedom

Edwin Chadwick

Led many efforts to reform the Poor Laws (laws that jailed people for simply being unemployed); helped establish public health standards; his report titled "Sanitary Conditions of the Labouring Population of Great Britain" (1842) was influential and was a landmark in the development of public support for the idea that the gov't in an industrial society should protect the health of its citizens

Leon Blum

Leon Blum, who began as a literary critic, became active in politics as a result of the Dreyfuss Affair. In 1919, he was elected to the French Chamber of Deputies. In 1925, he became the head of the Socialist Party and, in May 1936, he became France's first socialist Prime Minister since 1870. During his one year in office, he instituted a number of important social reforms, including the 40-hour work week. He used the Popular Front very successfully and it was used the workers and lower middle class. Revolutions by conservatives and inflation ruined the Popular Front and because of this Blum was forced to resign in June 1937.

Declaration of Pillnitz

Leopold II of Austria and King Frederick II of Prussia invited other European monarchs to take the most effectual means to put the king back into power. However, the leaders were suspicious of one another that did not do much of anything.

Revolutions of 1848: Short Term Results

Liberal failures don't share clear ideology, class divisions, ethnic divisions most governments react becoming more Conservative fear republicanism can't work


Literally means "Folk," this was a German concept which embodied the extreme nationalism and racism in nineteenth-century Germany.

Tabula Rasa

Locke's belief that every human is born with a blank mind. People were molded by their environment and subject to influence. By change the enviornment and influence, society would be changed. This could be achieved through Newton's reason.

Cardinal Richelieu

Louis XIII's chief minister that initiated policies that eventually strengthed the power of the monarchy. He eliminated the political and military rights of the Huguenots while preserving their religious ones, Richelieu transformed them into more reliable subjects. He uncovered noble plots and crushed conspiracies.

1848: France--Results

Louis-Napoleon voted president Vote for order over liberty Louis-Napoleon declares self Emperor Napoleon III reestablished authoritarian government


Loyalty to one's nation, making state and cultural boundaries match; Grimm Brothers and Giuseppe Mazzini; developments ranging from liberal reforms to racial and anti-Semitic oppression Political meaning of cultural pride: by emphasizing the culture of common people, it became associated with democracy (a threat to the ruling monarchs of Europe); the focus on one's own cultural group led each group to demand its own state; threatened to break apart the multi-ethnic empires in Austria, Russia, and Turkey; interest in culture meant that people who shared a culture but not state wanted to unite under one state; ex.: Germans and Italians; the importance of cultural unity gave leaders a way to instill a sense of nationalism in people who lived in their state but did not share their culture

Luther: Background

Luther's struggle with finding personal salvation, guilt that won't achieve it Church = good work & faith studies St. Paul = "saved by faith"


Marquis de Lafayette was a French major general who aided the colonies during the Revolutionary War. He and Baron von Steuben (a Prussian general) were the two major foreign military experts who helped train the colonial armies.


Martin Luther- 95 Theses on granting indulgences


Marx and Engles, communist manifesto, France, Austria and Prussian revolution (all failed) Louis Napoleon Elected.

A lawyer from northern France who laid out the principles of a republic virtue and of the Terror. He was arrested and executed. His execution brought an end to the Terror.

Maximilien Robespierre

Class consciousness

Members of a social class were aware of which class they belonged to and consciously identified with that class and its interests; especially true if the proletariat

Congress of Vienna

Met November 1814-June 1815; Austria, Britain, France, Russia, and sometimes Prussia; pretty informal; rarely met together as a group; formed framework for Euro relations until WWI; initially, the representatives of the four victorious powers (Austria, Britain, Russia, Prussia) hoped to exclude the French from serious participation; main results were enlargement of Russia and Prussia; has been criticized by historians for ignoring national and liberal impulses; served as a model for later organizations such as the League of Nations in 1919 and UN (1945)

new system of measurement based on units of ten that was invented to replace the hundreds of local variations in weights and measures

Metric system

Concert of Europe

Metternich's plan, movement by leaders to restore "legitimacy" and a "balance of power" to the continent based on the principles of 19th-c. conservatism: the right of monarchies to rule, the rights of landed aristocracies, the need for an organized religion, and the danger of liberal nationalist movements

Opium Wars

Mid 19th Century conflict between the British and the Chinese. The Qing (Manchu) dynasty wanted to limit the amount opium (heroin) that was coming into China from British merchants. GB wanted free trade in China and went to war in order to continue the drug trade. Treaty of Nanking ends the conflict

Illustrative Examples of Transatlantic Slave-Labor Systems

Middle Passage Triangle trade Plantation economies in the Americas


Mikhail Gorbachev in 1980s; called for less government regulation and greater efficiency in manufacturing and agriculture

Causes of Irish Potato Famine

Most rural Irish relied almost entirely upon potatoes; around 1846, the blight began to destroy crops; Parliament did little to help (laissez-faire); prices increased; absentee land owners who were unsympathetic; English Protestant vs Irish Catholics; workhouses insufficient

global mass migration

Movement of people from Europe in the 19th century; one reason that the West's impact on the world was so powerful and many-sided.

Continental System

Napoleon attempted to prevent British goods from reaching the European continent in order to weaken Britain economically and destroy its capacity to wage war. But countries resisted and this failed as well.


Napoleon met combined British and Prussian forces and suffered defeat. He was then exiled to tiny St. Helena.


Napoleon placed in charge of Paris. With other urban planners, he destroyed old buildings to cut broad, straight, tree-lined boulevards through both the center of the city, as well as on the outskirts. This allowed for easier traffic flow, better housing, and sewers.

Battle of Trafalgar

Napoleon was defeated by the English navy, one of his first of a series of defeats.


Napoleon was exiled here first on the coast of Tuscany while the Bourbons were restored to France in Louis XVIII. Napoleon slipped away from here back to France.

the third estate declared itself this and later both the 1st and 2nd estates joined them

National Assembly

abolished the monarchy and established the first republic in French history.

National Convention

1848: Austria--Prague

Nationalism Czechs demand self-rule

1848: Austria--Budapest/Hungary

Nationalism dominant ethnic group, Magyars demand autonomy led by Louis Kossuth

swiss banker, increased spending and borrowing, but the results did not come fast enough so he was dismissed, liked by the people (him being fired inspired the Bastille incident) later to be rehired


Jacques-Louis David

Neo-Classical painter who used moral seriousness and honor and patriotism.

Southern Italy turned sister republic

Neopolitan Republic

Napoleon III

Nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, and elected emperor of France from 1852-1870, he invaded Mexico when the Mexican government couldn't repay loans from French bankers. He sent in an army and set up a new government under Maximillian. He refused Lincoln's request that France withdraw. After the Civil War, the U.S. sent an army to enforce the request and Napoleon withdrew.

Post- Impressionism

New art movement which arose in France but soon spread throughout Europe. Revolutionized Impressionism by maintaining it but increasing more attention to structure and form. They wanted to use color and line to express inner feelings and make personal statements of reality instead of just imitating an object or image. Wanted to withdraw from the traditional ways of depicting the external world Was the beginning of modern art

National Convention

New body that was taken over by the radical Paris Commune. It began its sessions as well as ready to draft a constitution. It was the sovereign ruling body of France. 2/3rd of deputies were under 45 and many were lawyers, professionals and property owners with a few artisans. All had political experience due to the revolution and were distrustful of the king. They decalred France a republic.

Agricultural Revolution

New methods of farming led to the Industrial Revolution took place in the 18th century


Newly available to the middle class. Included new beach holidays, organized sports and theater.


Nineteenth century ism popular with the middle class. Based on Enlightenment philosophy


No one single point of view, no continuity or simulaniety of image contour, all possible views of the subject are compressed into one synthesizes view of top, sides, front and back. Picture becomes multifaceted view of objects with angular, interlocking planes. Value: a new way of seeing, a view of the world as a mosaic of multiple relationships, reality as interaction.


Nobility/Landed Aristocracy of Prussia that owned large estates with many sefs that played a dominate role. They had monopoly of officers in the Prussia army.

Abstract Expressionism

Nonrepresantational art, no climazes, flattened- out planes and values, the real appearance of forms in nature os subordinated to an aesthetic concept of from composed of shapes, lines and colors. Value: personal and subjective interpretation.


North Atlantic Treaty Organization; an alliance made to defend one another if they were attacked by any other country; US, England, France, Canada, Western European countries

wrote Declaration of Rights of Women; played on the language of the official Declaration to make the point that women should also be included

Olympe de Gouges

Kaiser Wilhelm I

On January 18, 1871, in the Hall of Mirrors in Louis XIV's palace at Versailles, __________, with Bismarck standing at the foot of the throne, was proclaimed emperor of the Second German Empire (the first was the medieval Holy Roman Empire).

John Stuart Mill

On Liberty Politician and writer; believed that everyone was entitled to seek happiness as long as he or she did no harm to others (social liberty); joined the Liberal Party and was elected a member of Parliament in the House of Commons in 1865; worked to expand voting rights and to expose corrupt gov't practices; supported free speech, equal rights for women, and the abolition of slavery The Subjection of Women (1861): the first work in the English language to assert that women should have the same rights as men to vote, hold property, and pursue professional careers; Principals of Political Economy On Liberty, and Considerations on Representative Government; often called himself a utilitarian; believed that gov't should protect individual liberties, even from a democratic majority

Enlightenment and Women: Marquis de Condorcet

On the Admission of Women to the Rights of Citizenship --women possess same natural rights and ability to reason --so shouldn't be excluded from public sphere, education, and right to vote


On the Revolution of Heavenly Spheres Polish clergyman mathematician and natural philosopher presented heliocentric view, challenges geocentric view applied advanced math and astronomical observations to confirm ideas in classical writings found ancient Greeks who questioned Aristotle and Ptolemy and believed in heliocentric universe fears criticism and published work after his death


On the Spirit of Laws Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances = best systems of government feature these inspired by scientists explaining natural world apply scientific principles to political institutions

Mirandola, Oration on the Dignity of Man

One of the most famous writings of the Renaissance which combined the works of many philosophers celebrate human potential for greatness In this book, he wrote that humans have unlimited potential

Anti-Corn Law League

Opposed high taxes on imported wheat and the laws that regulated wheat trade; used petitions as one of its main public-opinion tactics; in 1846, it convince British PM Peel to support the repeal of the Corn Laws


Ordinary patriots that were both the working people and poor but also merchants and better-off artisans who were the elite of their neighborhoods and trades.

"Age of Mass Politics"

Ordinary people felt increasing loyalty to their governments. By 1914 universal male suffrage was the rule. Governments were often led by conservatives who manipulated nationalism.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Overthrew French Directory in 1799 and became emperor of the French in 1804. Failed to defeat Great Britain and abdicated in 1814. Returned to power briefly in 1815 but was defeated and died in exile.

Women's March to Versailles

Parisian women marced to demand bread from the king. They had starving children. Louis XVI promised grain supplies but this did not end the protest. Lafayette ordered them to march and now they ordered the family return to Paris. The king also brought flour from the Paris stores.

Charles I

Parliament passed the petition of right that the king was supposed to accept before being granted any tax revenues that granted many freedoms. He originally accepted it but decided not to. He decided that he would not summon parliament. He collected taxes on seacoast towns called ship money. He married a Catholic that aroused suspicions.

Pugachev's Rebellion

Peasant that won support by freeing all peasants from taxes and military service. He encouraged them to sieze their landlords' estates and killed. The rebellion collapsed and serfdom expanded.

Russia Industrialization Downfalls

Peasants remained extremely poor even after serfdom emancipation; tsar ruled as an absolute monarch and traditional roles in society changed very slowly; remained an autocratic state; rural, agricultural economy; tsars enforced strict censorship, suppressed demands for constitutional reform, and defended serfdom; tsars suppressed and change, creating a stagnant empire

George Eliot

Pen name of Mary Ann Evans. Works: - Middlemarch - Silas Marner


Personality; Concepts: Defense mechanisms, ego, displacement, sublimation, projection, repression, regression, etc.; Study Basics: "The ego and the mechanisms of defense."

Who "westernized" the Russian state and society, transforming political, religious, and cultural institutions?

Peter the Great Catherine the Great

Great Northern War

Peter's was with the Danes and gained a warm-water port that would be the 'window of the west' and the capital of Russia.

White Man's Burden

Phrase coined by Rudyard Kipling, which meant that it was the white race's obligation to civilize the less developed people's of the world.

Olympe de Gouges

Playwright and pampleteer that refused to accept the exclusion of women from political rights that wrote Declaration of the Rights of Women and Citizen.

The inability of the Polish monarchy to consolidate its authority over the nobility led to:

Poland's partition by Prussia, Russia, and Austria, and its disappearance from the map of Europe

polish patriots who sought to overhaul the weak commonwealth along modern western European lines

Polish Patriot movement


Polish astronomer who produced a workable model of the solar system with the sun in the center (1473-1543)

Renaissance Art: Patrons

Popes/Church, Wealthy families, Princes concerned with enhancing prestige visible symbols of power display wealth and promote fame


Popular sovereignty, limited gov't role, individual rights, social reform, and enlightened self-interest (the idea that a person can see how acting for the good of society also benefits them); John Locke, Richard Cobden (Anti-Corn Law League), Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, Edwin Chadwick, and Josephine Butler; increased voting rights, Anti-Corn laws, rise of Whig and Liberal Parties, rise of utilitarianism

Who culminated in British domination in India and Dutch control of the East Indies?

Portuguese Dutch French British

Vasco da Gama

Portuguese explorer. In 1497-1498 he led the first naval expedition from Europe to sail to India, opening an important commercial sea route.

New Imperialism

Post-1880s scramble by European powers to seize control & colonize areas in Africa & Asia. Illustrates the enormous gap in technology between Europe and the rest of the world.

Edmund Cartwright (1785)

Power loom (water-powered loom to weave cloth)

Christian Democrats

Powerful center to center-right political parties that evolved in the late 1940s in Europe from former Catholic parties of the pre-WWII period. Christian parties gained increasing support in the postwar era, winning elections in par because of their participation in wartime resistance. A vital component of postwar politics, these groups shifted from their decades-old emphasis on advocating church interests to welcoming non-Catholics among their ranks and focusing on democracy, anti-communism, and social reform.

Rump Parliament

Presbyterians of the Parliament were purged, leaving 53 Puritans by Cromwellthat tried and condemned the king. They executed him.

David Llyod George

Prime minister of Great Britain, had won a decisive victory in elections in December of 1918. His platform was simple: make the Germans pay for this dreadful war.

Portuguese: Key Explorers/Individuals

Prince Henry the Navigator: organize voyages Diaz: round Cape of Good Hope da Gama: reach coast of India (bring pepper & cinnamon)


Principia Universal Law of Gravitation brought together ideas of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo gravity applied to objects on Earth and space was force that held planets in orbit around sun universe as "machine" (God made and set in motion)

John Stuart Mill

Prominent advocate of liberalism and author of On Liberty, a classic statement of liberty of the individual. Supporter of women's rights.

Frederick William I

Promoted evolution of civil bureaucracy through creating the General Directory. It was the chief administrative agent of the central government, supervising police, military and economic and social affairs. Made code of obedience, honor and service to the King.

Pierre Bayle

Protesant that was critical of traditional religious attitudes (skeptic). He attacked supestition, religious intolerance and dogmatism. Compelling people to be a certain religion was wrong and created hypocricy. Conscience should determine one's actions.s He believed that this should be applied to the Bible as well, as seen in the Historical and Critical Dictionary (calling David evil) and Dictionary.

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen also allowed what?

Protestant and Jewish men received the right to vote, while women were declared citizens but could not vote. However, the document raised questions about the inclusion of blacks (free and enslaved), Jews, Protestants, and women.

John Calvin (1509-1564)

Protestant reformer -wrote The Institutes of the Christian Religion -weakenss of humanity, naturally sinfull -predestination -est. Geneva as model Christian community -followers: French huguenots, English Puritan, Presibytarians in Scotland

Martin Luther (1483-1546)

Protestant reformer whose criticism of indulgences helped spark the Reformation -salvation by faith, authority of the bible, + priesthood of all believers -christian women should be models of wifely obideience and christian charity -"faith alone" -church said salvation through good works + faith -witnessed John Tetzel selling indulgences -nailed 95 Theses to chuch door -only baptism + holy communion valid sacraments -abolished monastaries + encouraged priests to marry

As a result of the Holy Roman Empire's limitation of sovereignty in the Peace of Westphalia, _____________________________________________

Prussia rose to power and the Habsurgs, centered in Austria, shifted their empire eastward


Prussia's landowning nobility; supported monarchy; served in army in exchange for absolute power over their serfs

Who joined the war against France? Why?

Prussia, Great Britain, Spain, Sardinia, and the Dutch Republic. Because the king was executed.


Prussian economic union, removed tariff barriers between German states, in step toward political unity


Prussian economic union, removed tariff barriers between German states, in step toward political unity.


Published work of many philosphes in his Encyclopedia. He hoped it would help people think more rationally and critically.

Catherine the Great: not Enlightened

Pugachev's Rebellion = uprising of serfs --marks end of Enlightened reforms and ideas for free serfs --gave nobles additional privileges and power over estates and serfs. --needs nobles support for her rule --convene Legislative Commission = new enlightened law code (nobles refuse to concede any privileges and little accomplished)

Treason Act

Punishable by death to deny that the King was the supreme head of the church

Elizabeth I

Queen of England from 1558 to 1603, This queen of England chose a religion between the Puritans and Catholics and required her subjects to attend church or face a fine. She also required uniformity and conformity to the Church of England

Paris Commune

Radical Parisian political groups that called themselves a commune that organized a mob attack on the royal palace and Legislative Assembly in 17922 as well as taking the king captive, forcing the Legislative Assembly to suspend the monarchy and call for a national convention based on universal male suffrage.


Radical group that grew out of deputies. They occupied Paris and formally made groups and correspondence networks. There were 900 clubs in one year with Paris in the center.


Radical republicans during the French Revolution. They were led by Maximilien Robespierre from 1793 to 1794. (See also Robespierre, Maximilien.) (p. 588)

Raphael and Picasso CC

Raphael's school of athens: -humanist interest in greek + roman philosophy -renaissance artistic techniques of idealized human portraits -exhibits harmony, proportion, and balance -painted for Pope Julius II, church patronage Picasso's Les Demoiselles dAvignon: -modernist interest in ugliness of real life depicting prostitutes -utilizes cubist techniques of multiple views -lack of harmony + proportion -painted for artists + critics

Enlightenment: Key Ideas

Reason, Progress, Equality, Toleration, Secularism, Skepticism --rational questioning of prevailing institutions and thought --human progress was possible

Utopian Socialism

Redistribution of wealth; Henri Saint-Simon, Charles Fourier, and Robert Owen; "intentional communities" in France, Britain, and US

Consumerism and the Home

Refrigerated railroad cars (William Davis in 1868); zinc-lined iceboxes; electric stoves; canned foods and prepared mixes; gramophone; light bulbs; radiator

Committee of Public Safety established this policy during the French Revolution to arrest dissidents an execute opponents in order to protect the republic from its enemies.

Reign of Terror

Robert Walpole

Relied on by King George I and II as prime minister. They were allowed to handle Parliament and dispense patronage that led to modern day Great Britain. Pursued peaceful foreign policy.

renaissance vs age of anxiety individual

Renaissance: -interest in classical culture + human potential -reive classical standard of beauty -utilized perspective -glorified beauty of the human form michelangelos david -emphasized well rounded humanist education Age of Anxiety -rejected classical standards + human potential -shocked + appalled by violence of WWI -disillusioned by Einsteins objective reality and Freud's irrational human behavior -meaningless human existenc

Corn Laws

Repealed in 1846. They had imposed a high tariff on imported grain. Laws kept the price of wheat high, thus benefitting aristocratic landowners and makes bread expensive for everyone. It's repeal led to the relaxing of trade laws in general and further increased the importance of industry


Represented the interests of the city of Paris and owed much of its strength to the radical and popular elements of the city although most of them were middle class. They won and condemned the king to death.


Represented the provinces that feared radical mobs in Paris and were disposed to keep the king alive as a hedge for the future.

Napoleon attempted to restore slavery in Haiti, but the remaining black generals defeated his armies and in 1804 proclaimed Haiti this

Republic of Haiti

Robespierre's belief that a governemnt would teach, or force, citizens to become virtuous republicans through a massive program of political reeducation

Republic of Virtue

October 1793, National Convention introduced a new calendar, with Year I dating from the beginning of the republic on September 22, 1792, had 12 months with exactly 30 days each, consisting of 3 weeks of 10 days (goal was so that people didn't know what day was Sunday)

Republican calendar

control of education away from the Catholic church, but lacked trained teaches to replace those the Catholic religious orders had provided

Republican education

How did German states react to French Revolution?

Resisted French occupation and attacked Jews because the French offered the Jews religious toleration


Return to classical antiquity for inspiration, scenes are hisotircal and mythological, figures appear to be sculptued, appeal is to intellect, not heaty. emotions are restrained, and balance is achieved. Values: reason, order, balance, reverence for antiquity.

Revolution of 1848: Austria

Revolution in France sparked revolutions throughout Europe. /The revolution in the Austrian Empire began in Hungary. /An unstable coalition of revolutionaries forced Ferdinand I to capitulate and promise reforms and a liberal constitution. /National aspirations and the rapid pace of radical reform undermined the revolution. /Conservative forces regrouped and the army crushed the revolution. Helped by Russia/Francis Joseph was crowned emperor of Austria in December 1848

Anti-Corn Law League

Richard Cobden and John Bright who formed it to help workers by lowering bread prices.

Natural Rights

Rights that were inalterable privileges that ought not to be withheld from anyone. This included equality before the law, freedom of religious worship, freedom of speech and press and the right to assemble, hold property and seek happiness.

Papal states turned sister republic (pope had run away)

Roman Republic

William Wordsworth

Romantic poet, used one of the most important aspects of Romanticism: love of nature.(1770-1850) *evidence of Romantic literature

Tsar Alexander I

Ruled Russia during Napoleonic Wars and wanted peace after Napoleon's armied continued winning victories. The young tsar and Napoleon negotiated and he ended up accepting Napoleon's reorganization of Western and Central Europe and promised to enforce Napoleon's economic blockade against British goods.

Eastern Europe delays

Russia: reliance on serfdom Lacked raw materials

Wassily Kandinsky

Russian abstract painter who was one of the founders of abstract painting. He sought to avoid representation, as is seen in his "Square with White Border."


Russian chemist who developed a periodic table of the chemical elements and predicted the discovery of several new elements (1834-1907)

Alexander III

Russian czar who strengthened secret police and influenced the regulation of the press.


Russian leader who succeeded Lenin as head of the Communist Party and created a totalitarian state by purging all opposition (1879-1953)


Russian painter who was a pioneer of abstract art (1866-1944)


Russian parliament created after the revolution of 1905

Russian Duma

Russian parliament opened in 1906, elected indirectly by universal male suffrage but with absolute veto power from the tsar.

Fyodor Dostoevsky

Russian realist author who maintained that the major problem of his age was a loss of spirituality. Western people were trying to gain salvation through the construction of a materialistic paradise based on human reason and will, not god.

Leo Tolstoy

Russian realist author whose most famous piece, "War and Peace," was set in Napoleon's invasion of Russia. It was realistic because of its vivid description of military life and character portrayal

Leo Tolstoy

Russian realist who wrote War and Peace: monumental novel set against the historical background of Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812.

Karl Marx

Saw history as an unending story of class struggle. French Revolution the proof. Communism was simply the next step, and it was inevitable Believed history had certain laws (i.e. historical determinism), just as nature did Manifesto was more or less Marx's "reveal" in February, 1848 Wanted to develop a model of socialism that reflected the same systematic approach that scientists used; one of the first close observers and critics of European capitalism; him and Friedrich Engels published the Communist Manifesto in 1848; Marx's more detailed analysis of the modern economy, Capital, formed the basis of the body of thought known as Marxism; thought technology shaped economics, which then shaped politics and other aspects of culture; Thought that the working class would gain class consciousness; the proletariat would then overthrow the middle class industrialists who profited from their labor, leading to communism

Adam Smith

Scottish economist who wrote the Wealth of Nations and designed modern Capitalism

David Livingstone

Scottish missionary that believed that he needed to convert many in central Africa.

John Knox

Scottish reformer that helped spread the Calvinist thought throughout Europe

Prussia and Russia feared French influence on Poland and so divided up generous new slices of Polish territory

Second Partition of Poland

sans-cullotes organized an insurrection and attacked the Tuileries palace, the residence of the king

Second Revolution of August 10, 1792


Self-proclaimed holy man who claimed to heal the sick and have prophecy. He had much influence over Tsarina Alexandra and she often went to him for advise on political issues. He was believed to be having a sexual affair with Tsarina Alexandra and was assassinated by three members of the higher aristocracy; Tsarina Alexandra was very distraught and depressed due to his death (coincidence? I think not). (905)

violence in September 1792 when the Prussians were approaching Paris, mobs stormed the overflowing prisons to seek out and kill traitors who might help the Prussians

September massacres

Elizabeth I

Settled religion that used Act of Uniformity that restored service to Book of Common Prayer as well as Act of Supremacy. She also used caution in her foreign policy.

Berthe Morisot

She was an impressionist painter who painted Young Girl by the Window

Crimean War

Showed Russia had fallen behind the West and needed to reform. Conflict between the Russian and Ottoman Empires fought primarily in the _____________ peninsula. To prevent Russian expansion, Britain and France sent troops to support the Ottomans.


Social Contract = he argues that the only way to secure civil society is through universal submission to the absolute authority of a sovereign. Leviathan (1651) Human Nature = violent, self-centered, brutish

Marxist Socialism

Social control of the means of production; Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels; communist revolution in Russia, 1917


Soviet Dictator from 1964 to 1982; brought an end to the Dethawing of the Cold War, instituted his doctrine of intervention in Eastern Europe; invaded Afghanistan in 1979

Brezhnev Doctrine

Soviet Union and its allies had the right to intervene in any socialist country whenever they saw the need; justified the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968


Soviet statesman whose foreign policy brought an end to the Cold War and whose domestic policy introduced major reforms (born in 1931)

League of Augsburg

Spain, Holy Roman Emperor, the United Provinces, Sweden and England that ed to his third war that brought famine to France.

Importance of railroads

Sped the transportation of raw materials to factories and of finished goods to consumers; allowed a sense of common culture and national identity to form; increased trade and migration

James Hargreaves (1764)

Spinning Jenny

a polish king who supported reform and rewrote the Constitution (former lover of Catherine the Great)

Stanislaw Poniatowski

Charles X of France

Started to return France to a more absolutist state by imposing rigid censorship and abandoning the civil Code of Napoleon. Led to Revolution of 1830. He abdicated and fled to England.

Cahiers de Doleances

Statements of local grievances that were drafted throughout France during the elections to the Estates-General; advocated a refular constitutional government that would abolish the fiscal privileges of the church and the nobility

Pope Leo XIII

Successor to Pope Pius IX, he allowed the teachings of Darwin as a hypothesis in Catholic schools and upheld the right to private property. but blamed capitalism for the poverty and degration it had left the working class. Basiclly aimed for working class

Leon Trotsky

Supporter of Lenin who helped in the takeover of Petrograd and the Bolshevik revolution

Frederich the Wise of Saxony

Supporter of Marthin Luther, he hid him from the Catholic Church when he refused to repent.

The new women (name and what they did)

Suttner was but one example of the new women who are becoming more prominant at the turn of the century.

Ulrich Zwingil

Swiss reformer that spread rthe reformation. Relics and images were abolushed, paintings and decorations were removed from the churches and repaced by whitewashed walls. The Mass was replaced by reading of the Bible.

John Calvin

Swiss theologian (born in France) whose tenets (predestination and the irresistibility of grace and justification by faith) defined Presbyterianism (1509-1564)

Led national revolt in Poland, promised the serfs a reduction of their obligations, but not freedom itself. Some joined in his fight, but most did not and he failed

Tadeusz Kosciuszko

Gaileo Galilei

Taught mathematics. First European to make systematic observations of the heavens by means of a telescope. He discovered mountains and craters on the moon, phases of Benus, sunspots and four moons round Jupiter. The Starry Messanger reiterated that the planets were not heavenly bodies. Wrote Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems: Ptolemaic and Copernican. He discovered inertia and if uniform force was applied to an object, it would move at an accelerated speed rather than uniform.


Telegraph in the 1840s - Samuel Morse; electric grids (a system of supplying cities and towns with electric power) were established ; telephone in 1876 - Alexander Graham Bell; radio in the 1890s

Middle-class family

Tended to have large families; birth control was limited and highly controversial in the 19th century

1st Industrial Revolution

Textiles, iron, and coal Began in the textile industry in Britain in the mid-18th century


The Book of the Courtier strive to be "universal man" = excel in many fields explain how upper-class men and women become accomplished courtiers ideal courtier = polite, charming, witty; be able to dance, write poetry, sing, play music, physically graceful and strong women = educated and charming; don't seek fame, don't create art or poetry = inspire it

Catholic/Counter Reformation

The Catholic Church's response to the Protestant Reformation --reform church --stop spread of Protestantism

Thermidorian Reaction

The National Convention curtailed the Committee of Public Safety and shut down the Jacobin club. Churches were allowed to reopen and the decree of 1795 let all be free to worship. Laissez-faire and moderation triumphed.

Ulster revolt of December 1913

The Northern Irish Protestants of Ulster and the Southern Irish Catholics were against each other (North opposed independence, South wanted it) and the hostility and fear of the Ulsters caused them to resist Southern rule, raising troops until offered a solution.


The Prince, (founder modern political science) advise rulers on statecraft needed to unite war-torn homeland death of Lorenzo the Magnificent left Florence without strong leader; invaded by France, led to wars


The Russian parliament that opened in 1906, elected indirectly by universal male suffrage but controlled after 1907 by the tsar and the conservative classes


The Russian parliament that opened in 1906, elected indirectly by universal male suffrage but controlled after 1907 by the tsar and the conservative classes.


The Starry Messenger --reaffirms heliocentric theory and brings new ideas --observes with telescope --moons orbit Jupiter, craters on moon --not everything orbiting Earth but Sun, planets similar to Earth in composition, not heavenly or perfect Put on Trial by Catholic Church (Inquisitition) and house arrest Laws of motion and inertia --use mathematical formulas and observations/date to prove

British Third Reform Bill of 1884

The Third Reform Bill of 1884 gave the vote to almost every adult male. It made a giant leap for democracy in Britain.


The basis of Planck's quantum theory which theorized that a heated body radiates energy in these irregular pockets.

Republic of Virtue

The belief of what would happen when all the internal enemies were purged. France would be a stronger nation.

Socialist "revisionism"

The belief that an equal society can be achieved through participation in politics rather than violent revolution. It led to minimum wage right and social reform, also convinced socialists to reject the Marxist faith that violent revolution was inevitable.

Second Industrial Revolution

The burst of industrial creativity and technological innovation that promoted strong economic growth toward the end of the nineteenth century. Characterized by steel, electricity and scientific advancements.

Three Estates

The clergy made up a very small percentage but owned 10% of the land; the nobles made up another small percentage but also owned most of the land; and the rest of the people made up 97% of France and owned very little land

The decision made at Yalta was:

The division of Germany into the post war occupations

Columbian Exchange

The exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world following Columbus's voyages.

James I

The first Stuart to be king of England and Ireland from 1603 to 1925 and king of Scotland from 1567 to 1625

Frankfurt Assembly

The first freely elected parliament in Germany. Ultimately disintegrates because it can't muster the power to lead itself.

The Directory

The government that the Council of Elders elected from five electors presented by the Council of 500 to act as the executive authority. It was a materialistic reaction to the Reign of Terror. They had to contend with political enemies.

Red Shirts

The guerrilla army of Giuseppe Garibaldi, who invaded Sicily in 1860 in an attempt to liberate it, winning the hearts of the Sicilian peasantry.


The idea that Jews must have a state of their own in Palestine.


The idea that each people had its own genius and specific identity that manifested itself in a common language, history and culture. Threatened large multi-ethnic empires.


The king took defensive measures by increasing the number of troops at the arsenals in Paris and along the roads to Versailles. Increased mob activity happened. The Parisian people needed arms, so the captured this royal armory and freeing seven prisoners. This was a symbol of triumph over despotism.

Flight to Vareenes

The king was upset by the upheaval so he tried to flee France to his wife's native land Austria. He was captured at Varennes and brough back to Paris. The moderates chose to ignore the king's flight and pretended that he had been kidnapped.

Maximillien Robespierre

The leader of the Committee of Public Safety that governed France. He centralized the administration of France and helped expand the Reign of Terror.

Lech Walsea

The leader of the Polish anti-soviet resistance, and in 1990 he won the presidency in Poland's first free election in half a century. As an organizer of shipyard strikes in the mid-1970s, he lost his job in 1976 over his anti-communist political views, along with many others who dared to resist the Soviet influence. (http://www.answers.com)

Invasion of Russia

The major event that Napoleon decided to do with 600,000 men. His Grand Army had hopes for swift victory. Scorched earth policy was made to prevent Napoleon from taking the land. When he reached Moscow, even that city was on fire. His Great Retreat in terrible winter conditions only managed 40,000 men to remain. This was a military disaster.

Tennis Court Oath

The meeting place of the National Assembly was locked so they moved to an indoor Tennis Court and swore to meet until they produced a Constitution.

"Sick Man of Europe"

The name for the Ottoman Empire in the late 19th and early 20th century.

Home Rule

The nationalistic idea starting in the mid 1800s that Ireland should be independent of England. It gains momentum during the 1800s and eventually comes to fruition in the 1920s.


The nobility of Brandenburg and Prussia

Abstract Expressionism

The peak of the modern artist's flight from "visual reality." Followers believed that art should speak to the soul. To do so, it must abandon visual reality and focus on color.

Concordant of 1801

The pope gained the right to despose French bishops, but the French state retained right to nominate bishops. The pope could hold processions again and reopen seminaries. The pope acknowledged the revolution and to not bring up land taken. Catholicism was not reestablished as the state religion. The Catholic church was no longer an enemy.


The popularly elected lower house of government of the new German Empire after 1871


The popularly elected lower house of government of the new German Empire after 1871.

Crop Rotation

The practice of rotating use of different fields from crop to crop each year, to avoid exhausting the soil.

Impressionism (Name artists)

The preamble to modern painting. It began when a group of French artists rejected the studios and museums and went to the countryside to paint nature directly

Camillo Cavour

The prime minister of Italy appointed by Victor Emmanuel who pushed for Italian unification. This man orchestrated the unification of Italy around the constitutional monarchy of Piedmont-Sardinia employing method of realpolitik.

Meiji Restoration

The restoration of the Japanese emperor to power in 1867, leading to the subsequent modernization of Japan.

October Manifesto

The result of a paralyzing general strike in October 1905, a Russian decree that granted full civil rights and promised a popularly elected Duma (parliament) with real legislative power.

Sepoy Rebellion

The revolt of Indian soldiers in 1857 against certain practices that violated religious customs; also known as the Sepoy Mutiny. (p. 661)


The right to vote

"blood and iron"

The speech that Otto Von Bismarck gave with the belief that a strong industry and military was needed in a country to have success.

______________________ expanded in the 17th and 18th centuries as demand for New World products increased

The transatlantic slave-labor system expanded

gunboat diplomacy

The use or threat of military force by Western countries to coerce a government into economic or political agreements.

the Factory

The workplace shifted from the cottage industry to this. Run by the assembly line.


These were the angry old cottage industry workers who lost their jobs and costumers to machines and as a result, they began to secretly destroy the machines

the last partition of Poland in which poland is wiped completely off the map, pieces going to Russia, Austria, and Prussia

Third Partition of Poland

Habeas Corpus

This act radically changed Britain's laws regarding "judicial system" and treatment of prisoners, including providing for speedy trial

Irish Home Rule

This is Act is passed in 1914 ...but it is suspended because the Irish Protestants in Northern Ireland/Ulster don't want it and World War I breaks out in 1914.

Ludwig Van Beethoven

This pianist was considered the master of Romanticism music

Congress of Vienna

This was a meeting to formulate a peace agreement and to balance the victories of the Napoleonic wars. From 1815-1848 this "Congress System" dominated.

The Mountain

This was a political party within the National Convention named because the people that made up this party sat on the highest benches in the assembly hall. These people were the activists within the Convention. The Mountain worried that the Girondists would become conservative because of their already moderate beliefs. Although they were in competition with each other, the Mountain eventually won due to their alliance with the Sans-Culottes, resulting in a more radical group of people. The mountains believed in equal outcome.

Charles V

This was the Holy Roman Emperor that called for the Diet of Worms. He was a supporter of Catholicism and tried to crush the Reformation by use of the Counter-Reformation

Holy Alliance

This was the alliance between Austria Prussia and Russia on the crusade against the ideas and politics of the dual revolution.

German Empire

This was the empire that was unified by Bismarck of Prussia.

Maria Theresa

This was the queen of Austria as a result of the Pragmatic Sanction. She limited the papacy's political influence in Austria, strengthened her central bureaucracy and cautiously reduced the power that nobles had over their serfs


This was the royal dynasty of Austria that ruled over a vast part of Central Europe while battling with the Turks over Hungary Rise to power under their rule and expand East


Thousands of young women acquired jobs as telephone operators

Napoleon III'd coup d' etat

Took place after the National Assembly failed to change the constitution so that Louis Napoleon could run for a second term. He began to conspire with key army officers and on December 2, 1851, illegally dismissed the Assembly to seize power. He restored universal male suffrage and called on the French people to legalize his actions. The people then elected him as president for ten years, but a year later made him the hereditary emperor.

Black general and ex-slave, changed sides from Spanish to French. Rewarded by being appointed governor of St. Domingue. Was in charge until Napoleon sent French armies to regain control of the island, he was arrested and transported to France, where he died in prison

Toussaint L'Ouverture

Aryan women

Treated more favorably than in later India. Widows could remarry and weren't given in child-marriage. In epics (Ramayana) women portrayed as forceful and able to achieve goals. (Aryan Society)

first guy appointed by Louis XVI, tried to cut government spending but then there was less money in flow, he was dismissed


Louis XVI

Under his reign, the nobility had continued to play a crucial role in French society.

Factory Act of 1833

Under the age of 9: not employed in a factory or mine; 9-13: could work up to 9 hrs a day; 14-18 could up work up to 12 hrs a day No child could work between 8:30 at night and 5:30 in the morning Children were supposed to receive at least 2 hrs of schooling each day It made people aware of the need to protect children from some of the worst aspects of industrialization, and it introduced the idea that the welfare of children was the gov't's responsibility

Edward VI

Underage and sickly king that passed power to the council of the refency. They moved England to be more Protestand and insituted rights of clergy to marry, elimation of images and the creation of a revised Protestant lituary in the Book of Common Prayer

Rise of Italian City-States

Urban Centers & Wealthy Merchants Growing Trade with East = wealth While the rest of Europe was still rural, a number of cities prospered in northern Italy 1300s - Florence, Venice, and Milan had large populations


Us enters the war, Russian Revolution and civil war

Napoleon III

Used Napoleonic legend to win elections in 1848 to become France's first president under universal suffrage for men. Seized power in 1851 via coup d' état and became dictator of second French empire.

Utopian Socialism

Utopian socialists hoped to create self-sustaining communities whose inhabitants would work cooperatively.

1989- 91

Velvet Revolution, revolts in Eastern Europe, Berlin Wall goes down in 89'. Ussr destoryed in 91

Portuguese caused

Venetian + Muslim monopoly on trade w/ asia -center of commerce moved from mediterranean sea to atlantic ocean -reduced baltic sea + hanseatic league

Enlightenment and Women: Wollstonecraft

Vindication of the Rights of Woman --same natural rights as men --if appear inferior, because denial of educational opportunities --advocate for better education for women, cultivate capacity to reason --advocated for women's rights


WWII begins, non agression pact between soviets and germans

Russo-Japanese War

War between Japan and Russia, marking the first time an Asian nation defeated a European nation.


War in Afghanistan, 9'11. US war on terrotism

war was declared on Austria on April 20, 1792 in which Prussia immediately entered on the Austiran side, didn't go very well

War with Austria

Louis- Napoleon

Was not only the first president of the French Republic (for two terms), but was also the last emperor. As emperor, he was called Napoleon III and he was the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Boris Yeltsin

Was the first President of the Russian Federation from 1991 to 1999. The Yeltsin era was a traumatic period in Russian history—a period marked by widespread corruption, economic collapse, and enormous political and social problems. In June 1991 Yeltsin came to power on a wave of high expectations. On June 12 Yeltsin was elected president of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic with 57% of the vote, becoming the first popularly elected president in Russian history. But Yeltsin never recovered his popularity after endorsing radical economic reforms in early 1992 which were widely blamed for devastating the living standards of most of the Russian population. By the time he left office, Yeltsin was a deeply unpopular figure in Russia, with an approval rating as low as two percent by some estimates.


Waterloo defeat and Congress of Vienna

Middle Class

Wealthier and better educated than peasants but without the traditional status and power of nobles and clergy; lived in comfortable houses often with servants waiting on them

Responses to Imperalism

When Europeans impose thier culture on people they consider inferior, it caused natives to attempt to expel the foreigners which only led to devestating defeats at the hands of westerners. A custom to rule by small elites, most people simply accepted thier new governors making western rule relatively easy.


When a disease infected this crop, millions of Irish peasants died from starvation. "The Great Famine"


When a powerful nation formally takes over and governs an undeveloped area

Sphere of Influence

When a powerful nation secured exclusive economic privileges in an underdeveloped region.

Divine Right of Kings

idea that rulers receive their authority from God and are answerable only to God

Fourteen Points

idealistic peace aims; national self-determination, the rights of small countries, freedom of the seas, and free trade; President Woodrow Wilson

Congress of Laibach

in 1821, Austria, Prussia and Russia went behind Britain's backs and authorized the sending of Austrian troops to Naples that crushed the revolts there. Restored Ferdinand I to the throne and then moved north to suppress the rebels in the Piedmont.

right to vote for women

in 1900, no country in europe allowed women the right to vote

Central Powers

in World War I the alliance of Germany and Austria-Hungary and other nations allied with them in opposing the Allies

Lorenzo Valla

Wrote "On Pleasure" defended the senses of good


Wrote "The Courtier" describing all of the major things that a man must have in order to be a functioning societal person

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Wrote Discourse on the Origins of the Inequality of Mankind that saw humans were happy in equality in the state of nature. In order to preserve their private property they turned to government. He also wrote The Social Contract to harmonize individual liberty and government authority. Best for all was best of individual.

Benedict de Spinoza

Wrote Ethics Demonstrated in the Geometrical Manner that believed that humans were part of God. The lack of understanding of God led to bad things, so people should love him to gain their ends. Human emotions should be analyzed.


Wrote French tragedy. Impressed with England (had to flee for 2 years) he wrote Philosophic Letters on the English that showed a deep admiration for English life, its freedom of the press, political freedom and religious toleration. Criticized royal absolutism in France. Attacked traditional religion and advocated for religious toleration.

Cesare Beccaria

Wrote On Cimes and Punishments that was opposed to capital punishment. Turned towards cells and thepeople subject to discipline.

Pico della Mirandola

Wrote On the Dignity of Man which stated that man was made in the image of God before the fall and as Christ after the Resurrection. Man is placed in-between beasts and the angels. He also believed that there is no limits to what man can accomplish.

Andreas Vesalius

Wrote On the Fabric of the Human Body that deviated from traditional practice by dissecting a body to illustrated the individual organs and structure of the human body.

William Harvey

Wrote On the Motion of Heart and Blood that demonstrated the heart was te beginning point of the circulation in the blood in the body and same blood flows in both beins and arteries and blood makes a complete circuit throughout the body.

Mary Astell

Wrote Serious Proposal to the Ladies that said women were to be better educated. She also argued for the equality of the sexes in marriage.

Marie-Jean de Condorcet

Wrote The Progressof the Human Mind that showed humans went through 9 stages of history and noow were entering to the tenth stage of perfection.


Wrote Two Treatises of Government. Said human nature lived free and had the natural rights of life, liberty, and property. He said government was created in order to protect these rights and if the government failed to do so it was the duty of the people to rebel.

domestic servants

in the eighteenth century, young peasant women increasingly left home to work as what?


Wrote Two Treatises of Government. Said human nature lived free and had the natural rights of life, liberty, and property. He said government was created in order to protect these rights and if the government failed to do so it was the duty of the people to rebel.

Adam Smith

Wrote Wealth of Nations that condemned mercantilist use of tarriffs to protect home industries. Believed that labor was true wealth of a nation as well as the government should leave the economy alone and only be used for army, police and public works.


Wrote songs for large audiences that wrote 40 operas and secular music. However, he is most known for Messiah


Wrote the Prince, a book about using politics as a science. "feared rather than loved" and "fox and lion"

well-educated women

in the nineteenth century, for this group, the only job opportunities were teaching, nursing, and social work

Pope Paul III

included himself in politics and patronized the arts. He appointed a reform commission and helped create papal reform.

Second Industrial Revolution

increased use of steel, chemical processes, electric power, and railroads; spread of industrialization from Great Britain to western Europe and the United States


indebted to Freud, explores the dream world, life without logic, reason or meaning, fasicnation or mystery, the strance necounters betwen objects, and incongruity, subjects are often indecipherable in their strangeness, the beautiful is the quality of chance association. Values: the dream sequence, fantasy.

Da Vinci, Mona Lisa

individualism pyramid symmetry chiaroscuro perspective uniqueness: smile, eyes

Scientific Method

inductive logic and controlled experiments to discover regular patterns in nature; patterns are then described with mathematical formulas


influential German philosopher remembered for his concept of the superman and for his rejection of Christian values (1844-1900)


influential humanist of Northern Renaissance edit and produce Greek and Latin editions of New Testament reform church from within, not destroy it The Praise of Folly = witty satire poked fun at immorality and hypocrisy of church leaders, pompous priests, greedy merchants

New Economic Policy

initiated by Vladimir Lenin; stimulated the economic recovery of the Soviet Union in early 1920s; utilized a limited revival of capitalism in light industry and agriculture

Enlightenment: Rationalism

innate reason = people know independently of what they observe the ability to recognize and understand through reason deductive reasoning

Agricultural Revolution

innovations in farm production; eighteenth-century Holland and spread to England, replaced the open-field agricultural system with a more scientific and mechanized system of agriculture -openfield system replaced enclosure movement -low countries innovaters; enclosure, crop rotation, manure, drainage

Columbian Exchange

interchange of plants, animals, diseases, and human populations between the old world and the new world -new world gave: potatoes, maize, tomatoes, chocolate, tobacco -europe gave: coffee, wheat, sugar, cows, pigs, sheep, horses, smapppx, + african slaves

Philip III

interested in court luxury and relics, he allowed his first minister to run his country.

Charles XII

interested in military affairs in Sweden that would involve them in wars. He lost much of his land to Russia, making Sweden's power short-lived.

Secularism (Renaissance)

interested in pleasures of material possessions openly enjoy fine music, expensive foods, beautiful works of art medieval culture emphasize spiritual values and salvation = move away from this

Joint-Stock Company

investors raise money for a venture too large for any of them to undertake alone; share profits in proportion to the amount they invest; used these to finance the new world colonies

The Edict of Nantes (1598)

issued by Henry IV of France (navarre) -granted religious tolerance to French protestants -first time monarch allowed 2 religions to coexist -revoked by Louis XIV -1600


a Bohemian noble that took advantage of of Fernidad's victory over Frederick and defeated the Dutch. He was assasinated but would bring victory for Southern Germany

Franz List

a Hungarian[3][4][5] composer, virtuoso pianist and teacher. He was also the father-in-law of Richard Wagner. In 1865 he became an abbot in the Roman Catholic Church.

Alfred Dreyfus

a Jew that was captain in the French general staff. A secret military court found him guilty of selling army secrets and condemned him to life in prison. Mobs yelled 'death to the Jews'. Soon after, evidence showed him innocent and he was pardoned by the government of France.

James Watt

a Scottish engineer who created a more efficient engine

*Jacob Burkhardt*

a Swiss writer that wrote Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy in 1860. He was the first to coin the Renaissance as a period of rebirth.

Marshall Plan

a United States program of economic aid for the reconstruction of Europe (1948-1952)

The Medici

a banking family of Florence that controlled much power in the city state; they helped patron much of the arts and made Florence the center of the Renaissance

Geradus Mercantor

a cartographer that created a world map that was based on new projections of the new world.


a city that was centered around trade and dominated in power

Hanseatic League

a commercial and defensive league of many merchant guilds and their market towns that were made up of many German States against trade that prevented a lot of commerce for a time


a female artist that was the first woman to be elected to the Florentine Academy of Design. She painted heroines from the Old Testament.


a french rebellion that was caused by Mazarin's attempt to increase royal revenue and expand state bureaucracy, caused Louis XIV to distrust the state and turn to absolutism

Filippo Brunelleschi

a friend of Donatello that drew inspiration from architecture of Ancient Rome that built Church of San Lorenzo. He created church environments that did not overwhelm the worshipper but comforted them in human, not divine measurements.


a kingdom that did not have much power; they were not a real patron of the Renaissance

Concert of Europe

a means to maintain the new status quo. It grew out of the reaffirmation of the Quadruple Alliance that renewed their commitment against any attempted restoration of Bonapartist power and agreed to meet periodically in conferences to discuss their common interests and examine measures to maintain peace.

Corn Law of 1815

a measure that placed extraordinarily high tariffs on foreign grain that was beneficial to landowners, but made bread too high for the working class.

Pope Alexander VI

a member of the Borgia family that was known for his sensuality. He encouraged his son Cesare to carve out a central Italian territory out of the Papal States, creaing a scandal.


a movement for a Jewish nation. They advocated to return to Palestine, the land of ancient Israel that had been the land of their dreams. National independence caught their attention.


a movement in literature and art during the late 18th and early 19th centuries that celebrated nature rather than civilization


a movement that originated in France in the 1870s when a group of artists rejected the studios and museums and went out into he countryside to paint nature directly.


a palace built in the 17th century for Louis XIV southwest of Paris near the city of Versailles


a palace that was the household of the king, the location of central governmental machinery and where powerful subjects found themselves. He used it as a way to keep powerful people out of politics.


a playwright that wrote through mastery of the English language as well as the codifying of the language. He knew human phschology and wrote about human condition. He brought both upper and lower classes to his plays.


a political theory advocating state ownership of industry

Catherine de Medici

a powerful womanwho used her young sons as puppets to control the throne

1848: France--class divisions

a reason revolutions failed working class angry with middle class ignoring demands for "national workshops" across country middle class in National Assembly closed "national workshops" middle class fears working class rioting

Concert of Europe

a series of alliances among European nations in the 19th century, devised by Prince Klemens von Metternich to prevent the outbreak of revolutions


a social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages,

95 Theses

a statement that criticized that the sale of indulgences was not just. It was originally just to spark debate and not a break with the church.

Crystal Palace

a structure made entirely of glass and iron that was a tribute to British engineering. It was 19 acres and had 100,000 exhibits of items made during the Industrial REvolution. It was a symbol of success and how humans dominated over nature.


a system that permitted the conquering Spaniards to collect tribute from the natives and use them as laborers. In turn, the holders were supposed to protect them, pay them and suprivise their spiritual needs. Many took advantage of this and treated them poorly.

Ptolematic System

a system that put the Earth in the center of the Solar System with the sun and Heavenly bodies around it. It made humans seem like the masters and controlers of the universe.


a system that put the Sun in the center of the Solar System with the Earth revolving around it with other planets. It brought the human view to feel more small to the universe around them.


a tax on imported goods that governments in Europe used to encourage their own industries

The Second Republic

a unicameral housed legislature of 750 elected by universal male suffrage for three years and a president, also elected universally by males, for four years.

British policy in south Africa

it was largely determined by Rhodes who founded both diamond and gold companies that monopolized production of these precious commodities and enabled him to gain control of the territory north of transvaal. One of his goals was to create a series of british colonies all linked by a railroad. but his imperalist ambitions lead to his downfall.

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

italian scientist who contributed to the scientific method by conducting controlled experiments -used telescope -popularized new scientific ideas -condemned by inquisition for supporting copernicus heliocentric theory

Theodor Herzl

key figure in Zinoism that published The Jewish State in which he advocated for a Jewish state. Finances came from yishuvsm or settlements in Palestine by wealthy Jewish bankers.

Louis XVI

king of France from 1774 to 1792

Gustavus Aldophus

king of Sweden that revived Sweden and made it a Baltic power. He brought disciplined and well-equipped Swedish army to northern German. He was a devout Lutheran and was killed in battle. It led to southern Germany to remain Catholic.


known for woodcuts and self-portraits first N. Renaissance to fully absorb innovations of Italian Renaissance

Thirty Years War

last of the religious wars between militant Catholicism and Calvinism

Nicholas II

last tsar of Russia that was forced to abdicate after the 1905 Revolution

Feminist Movement

late 19th + early 201th centuries -womens movement focused on overturning legal inequalities (womens suffrafe) -led by Millicent Fawcett and Emmeline Pankhurst, british women won right to vote in 1918 -suffrage didnt change women's salaries -economic inequality still -women activists fought for "equal pay for equal work"


leader of Czechoslovakia during the Prague of Spring, he expanded freedom of discussion and other intellectual rights at a time when they were being repressed in the Soviet

Margaret Thatcher

leader of conservatives in Great Britain who came to power. Pledged to limit social welfare, restrict union power, and end inflation. Formed Thatcherism, in which her economic policy was termed, and improved the British economic situation. She dominated British politics in 1980s, and her government tried to replace local property taxes with a flat-rate tax payable by every adult. Her popularity fell, and resigned.


leader of the Bolsheviks. He was dedicated to the violent revolution that would destroy the capitalist system. He spent most of his time in Switzerland but went back to Russia when he saw the opportunity for power.

Giuseppe Mazzini

leader of the resurgence of Italy that was a dedicated Italian nationalist who founded the organization of Young Italy in 1831 that set its goalin the creation of a united Italian republic. He wrote The Duties of Man that urged Italians to dedicate their lives to the Italian nation. Inspired by him, rebellions spread as ruler after ruler granted a constitution for his people. They rebelled against their Austrian overlords in Venitia and declared a republic in Venice. Charles Albert assumed leadership for a war of liberation and was unsuccessful and Austrians reestablished control over them.

Congress of Berlin

led by Bismarck that demolished the Treaty of San Stefano (a treaty where a large Bulgarian state extended from the Danube to the Aegean Sea that would become a Russian satellite) The Bulgarian state was reduced and the rest of the land was under Ottomancontrolled. Serbia, Montenegro and Romania were recognized as independent. Bosnia and Herzegovina were placed under Austrian protection.

Jesuits (Society of Jesus)

led by Ignatius Loyola --spiritual army = emphasize discipline and obedience --religious organization that became the "spiritual arm" for the Counter-Reformation

Enclosure Acts

led to an increase in the size of farms held by large landowners


legalized in britain in 1857 and in france in 1884; however, catholic countries such as spain and italy did not permit it


liberalization of the Stalinist system in the Soviet Union; denouncing Joseph Stalin's cult of personality, producing more consumer goods, allowing greater cultural freedom, and pursuing peaceful coexistence with the West; carried out by Nikita Khrushchev


literature that accepted the material world as real and believed that literature should be realistic. By addressing social problems, writers could contribute to the objective understanding for the world. It lacked liberal optimism about people and society that was often prevalent in Realism. They were pessimistic about Europe's future.

young married european couples

lived in nuclear families

Triple Entente

loose association of Russia, France and Great Britain that grew rigid as the Balkans were heating up.

Oliver Cromwell

made The New Model Army that was made of Puritans that believed they were fighting for the lord. He became a leader after the death of the King. He made a military dictatorship.

John Cabot

made a British claim of Canada that was the first British explorer

rising standards of living

made it possible for men and women to marry at a younger age in the nineteenth century

Johannes Gutenburg

made the Gutenburg Bible, which was the first truebook of the West to be produced by the movable type.

Richard Arkwright

made the water frame spinning machine that was powered by water or horse and increased cotton production

Diplomatic Revolution (1756)

major reversal of diplomatic alliances 1. France and Austria, traditional enemies, now allied against Prussia 2. Austria wants to recover Silesia from Prussia = forms coalition with France and Russia 3. England forms alliance with Prussia = counter France, Austria, and Russia 4. Balance of Power (doesn't change basic rivalries)

Peterloo Massacre

mass protests of the Corn Laws took a turn when a calvary charged into a crowd of 60,000 people that killed 11 people. The Parliament restricted large public meetings and dissemination of pamphlets among the poor.

Protocol of Troppau

meant that great powers had the right to send armies into countries where there was revolutions to restore legitimate monarchs to their thrones. Britain refused to agree and argued that the intention of the alliance was not to interfere in the internal affairs of other states except in France.

Cardinal Richelieu

minister of King Louis XVIII, appointed by Marie de Medici , had the real power, wanted to curb power of nobility, 32 generalities, military provinces France was divided into

Sergei Witte

minister of finances sponsored the state's industrialism in Russia. He saw industrialism as ssential to Russia's strength. He built railroads and encouraged protective tariffs. He believed in foreign capital.

Catholic Reformation

mixture of old and new elements. Medieval Catholicism revived with mysticism through tied experiences as well as monasticism was brough in.

Working Class

mixture of several groups agricultural laborers, industrial workers, domestic servants


moderate republic faction active in the French Revolution from 1791 to 1793; favored a policy of extending the French Revolution beyond France's borders

Indian National Congress

moderate, educated Indians that were starting to seek self-government. When Britains were violent and insensitive, they demanded independence.

Pope Julius II

most involved in war and politics. Called the 'warrior-pope' personally led armies against his enemies,much to the disgust of pious Christians.

Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle

most peaceful congress in which the four great powers agreed to withdraw from the occupation from France and add France to the Concert of Europe, making a quintuple alliance.


movement demanded universal male suffrage

Women in politics (name figures and what they did)

movement for womens rights had entered the political arena with the call for equal political rights. Many feminists believe that voting is the key to all other reforms

Greek War for Independence

n, was a successful war of independence waged by Greek revolutionaries against the Ottoman Empire between 1821 and 1830.

When did the French Revolution come to an end in 1799?

napoleon took power and established himself as First Consul


nation consists of a group of people who share similar traditions, history, and language; every nation should be sovereign and include all members; greatest loyalty should be to a nation-state

Commercial Revolution: Features

new Merchants and Bankers new domestic or putting-out system new Joint Stock Companies

The development of the market economy led to:

new financial practices and institutions

people now registered births, deaths, and marriages at city hall, not the parish church. Marriage became a civil contract and as such could be brokedn and nullified

new rules for family life

Mary, Queen of Scots

next in line to the English throne who was Catholic. She was placed on house arrest and later executed.

right to control their own property

nineteenth century women's rights advocates worked primarily for this

Absolute monarchies limited the ___________ participation in governance but preserved the aristocracy's social position and legal privileges


Erasmus (1466-1536)

northern humanist -wrote In Praise of Folly -wrote in latin (most humanists wrote in vernaculer) -wanted to reform catholic church, not destroy it

During the great witchcraft persecutions who were often tried as witches?

older women

Friedrich Nietzsche

one of the intellectuals that glorified the irrational. The Western bourgeois society was decadent and incapable for any real culture creativity, primarily because of its excessive emphasis in the rations faculty at the expense of emotions, passions and instincts. Reason played little role in life as they were dominated by the irrational. Christianity was believed to take away human impulse for life and human will. God is believed to be dead and that it was no longer needed in a cosmic order. Eliminating it would cause a greater being he called superman.


one of the largest and longest battles of the war that resulted in around 750,000 dead with one of the costliest battles in human history.

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola

one of the most famous pieces of writing of the Renaissance called The Oration on the Dignity of Man. He combined the works of many philosophers that were all part of God's revelation to humanity. He believed in unlimited human potential.

Paul Cezanne

one of the most important Post-Impressionismts. He rejected the Impressionists and in paintings such as Woman with Coffee Pot, he saught to express visually the underlying geometric structure and form of everything he painted.

Houston Stewart Chamberlain

one of the supporters of the Volkish Ideology which Believed Germans were the only pure successors of Aryans, and had to fight for Western civilization and save it from "lower races" (Jews, Negroes, and Orientals.)

David Lloyd George

orator from Wales who had been moved by the misery of Welsh coal miners. Increased taxes on the wealthy to pay for social reforms.

Millicent Fawcett

organized a moderate group who believed that women must demonstrate that they would use political power responsibly if they wanted Parliament to give them the right to vote.

Labor Unions

organized association of workers, often in a trade or profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests.

July Revolution

overthrow of King Charles X (sought to impose absolutism by rolling back the constitutional monarchy)-radical revolt in Paris forced Charles to abdicate

El Greco

painted enlongated and contorted figures in unusual shades that created emotion

Caspar David Frederich

painted landscapes with an interest that transcended natural details. He showed mystery and mysticism. Nature was manifestation of divine life. Romantic artist

Dutch Golden Age painting

paintings commissioned a lot by merchants focus on individuals, families, possessions, and lands Rembrandt, Vermeer

Bartolome de Las Casas

participated in the conquest of Cuba and recieved land and natuves, He underwent radical transformation and came to believe that the natives were treated porly. He became a Dominican friar and fought for their rights. He wrote The Tears of the Indians.

Boxer Rebellion

patriotic uprising by Chinese nationalists against Western domination defeated by a multi-national force of imperial powers

Pope Leo X

patron of Renaissance culture. Accelerated the construction of St. Peter's.

Peasants' War

peasant dissatisfaction in Germany stemmed from several sources. Many peasants had not been been touched by economic improvement. Social discontent became tangled with religion, seeking for Luther's support but he did not.

Enlightened Absolutism/Despots

philosophes push rulers to use power for good of people --combat ignorance and superstition, eliminate irrational customs, promote religious toleration, reform legal codes, and support education --rulers look to philosophes to strengthen state control and streamline bureacracy, reform and modernize social institutions, better manage resources, and increase national prosperity --do not support democracy = people can't be trusted with self-rule

Columbian Exchange: Consequences Africa

plantation economy = need for labor trans-Atlantic Slave Trade & growth slavery promote triangular trade system


policy initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1980s; new openness of speech, reduced censorship, and greater criticism of Communist Party policies


policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.

Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)

polish clergyman and astronomer -wrote On the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres -challeged geocentric theory, launching scientific revolition -heliocentric universe


polish labor union in 1980; contested communist party programs' ousted the party from the Polish government; founded by Lech Walesa and Anna Walentynowicz


political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

General Will

political philosophy referring to the desire or interest of a people as a whole; the general will is identical to the rule of law; Jean-Jacques Rousseau


political reforms sponsored by British workers in the late 1830s; universal manhood suffrage, secret ballots, equal electoral districts, and salaries for members of the House of Commons

Different models of ___________ ____________ affected the relationship among states and between states and individuals

political sovereignty


political support for his rule came from the upper-middle class. He dressed like a member of the middle class. Financial qualifications for voting were reduced by did not raise enough, guaranteeing only the wealthiest could vote. The working class was disappointed. The rapid expansion of industry gave rise to the working class and terrible working and living conditions and economic crises led to high levels of violence.

Utopian Socialism

political theorists that wanted to introduce equality into social conditions and believed that human cooperation was superior to the competition that characterized early industrial capitalism. They were against private property and the competitive spirit of capitalism. By eliminating these things and creating new social organization, they thought that a better enviornment could be achieved for humanity.

Elizabeth I: Elizabethan Settlement

politique --try find middle course that moderate Catholics and Protestants accept --restore Church of England/Anglican Church & allow priests to marry and conduct services in English (Protestant) --retain archbishops and bishops who wore elaborate robes and conducted services more formally and traditional (Catholic)

The new imperialism:Africa; central africa

popular interest in the forbiddingly dead tropical jungles of central africa was first aroused in 1860s and 70s.

what required women to continue working after WWII?

postwar reconstruction

Louis-Maurice Debellyne

prefect of Paris that made police officers called serjents that were dressed in blue and a white cane. They were supposed to free traffic movement, maintain safety, clean streets, supervise and precaution against accidents and maintenance of order in public places.


preferential treatment to established inhabitants over immigrants.

Putting-Out System

preindustrial manufacturing system; entrepreneur brings materials to rural people who worked on them in their own homes; allowed the avoidance of restrictive guild regulations

Cult of Domesticity

prevailing value system among the upper and middle classes during the nineteenth century in the United States and the United Kingdom that places women and men in separate spheres

British East India Company

private trading company that was responsible for subjugating much of India. After a revolt of sepoys caused the British to defeat them, London gained direct control of it.

Industrial Revolution

process where economic production shifted from the use of hand tools ot the use of power machinery, first fueld by coal and steam -began in great britain in the 1750s -napoleoonic wars delyed industrial growth in western eropue

bolsheviks on women

proclaimed complete equality of rights for women


prolific Flemish baroque painter


prolific and influential Spanish artist who lived in France (1881-1973)

Christine de Pizan

prolific author who wrote a history of famous women and is now remembered as Europe's first feminist

The Dutch Republic developed an oligarchy of urban gentry and rural landholders to:

promote trade and protect traditional rights

Rousseau: Emile/On Education

proper role of education = foster innate curiosity of each child learn following own interests preserve original, perfect natural state of child


prosperous landowning peasants in czarist Russia; Joseph Stalin "liquidated them as a class" by executing them


protestants who insist that only adult baptism conformed to the scripture; advocated the complete separation of church and state -rejected secular agreements -advocated seperation of church and state -seen as radicals -Thomas Munzer one

Sigmund Freud

put forth a series of theories that believed in the irrational in the human mind. In The Interpretation of Dreams contained the basic foundation of what came to be known as the foundation of pyscoanalysis. Human behavior was determined by the unconscious by earlier experiences and inner forces. To explore the content of the unconscious, Freud relied not only on hypnosis but in dreams. Theywere dressed in a code that had to be interpreted. Repression made influences of the unconscious mind in which unsettling experiences were blotted from consciousness.

The ____________________, or cottage industry, expanded as increasing numbers of laborers in homes or workshops produced for markets through merchant intermediaries or workshop owners

putting-out system


radical republic party during French Revolution; unleashed the Reign of Terror; Maximilien Robespierre, Jean-Paul Marat, Georges-Jacquest Danton, and the Comte de Mirabeau

William and Mary

raised an army and invaded England while James, his wife and son fled to France. They accepted a declaration of rights and Parliament's authority

What did the Agricultural Revolution do?

raised productivity and increased the supply of food and other agricultural products


reaction against Neoclassical emphasis upon reason; stressed emotion and the contemplation of nature

Thermidorian Reaction

reaction against the radicalism of the French Revolution; associated with the Reign of Terror and reassertion of bourgeoisie power in the Directory

napoleon bonaparte's civil code

reasserted the old regime's patriarchal system; gave extensive control over their wives


rebellions against royal authority in France between 1649 and 1652; key role in Louis XIV's decision to leave Paris and build the Versailles Palace

protestant reformation

reduced access to convents, thus changing the role of sixteenth-century women

Ten Hours Act

reduced the workday for children between 13 and 18 to 10 hours. Women were also included.

The Council of Trent (1545-1563)

reformed Catholic Church discipline and reaffirmed church doctrine -perserved the papacy as the center of christianity -confirmed all 7 sacraments -reaffirmed latin as language of worship -forbade clerical marriage -mid 1500s

Frederick William IV

refused the assembly's offer and ordered them home

National Convention supported by a narrow margin to execute the king, and he was guillotined on January 20, 1793

regicide of Louis XVI

Sphere of Influence

region dominated by, but not directly ruled by, a foreign nation


regularly allowed women to preach


rejected the work of Aristotle and Galen and attacked universities. He followed a chemical philosophy that a human was a small replica of the larger world. He used chemical remedies that went for each sickness, He is associated with diagnosis and treatment of disease.

Until about 1750, Baroque art and music promoted _____________ and was employed by monarchs to ___________________

religious feeling; glorify state power

Machiavelli (1469-1527)

renaissance political philosopher - rote The Prince -urged rulers to study war, end justifies the mans -humans are naturally selfish + corrupt -rulers must ne pragmatic -ruler should be like a lion + fox

Congress of Vienna

represantitives of all states that fought Napoleon gathered for a peace settlement in 1815 to settle a decade of war. The rulers sought to restore stability by reestablishing much of the old order to a Europe ravaged by war. Kings, landed aristocrats, bureaucratic elites regained their control over domestic governments and internationally the forces of conservatism tried to maintain the new status quo.


representative government dominated by the propertied classes, minimal government interference in the economy, religious toleration, and civil liberties such as freedom of speech

Charles II

returned toEngland. The restoration of the monarchy still made Parliament have much power and its necessity for its consent to taxation was accepted. Arbitrary courts were still abolished.


revolt that were against the foreign cardinal. The nobles were against centralized power and allied with the Parlement who opposed the new taxes levied by the government and the masses that did not want more taxes. They were interested in overthrowing Manzarian to secure their positions. It was crushed and said that the best hope in stability was through the crown.

Greek Revolution

revolted against the Turk masters for 400 years that allowed them to maintain language and faith. Their national sentiment brought a revolt. The British and French defeated an Ottoman armada as well as Russia declaring war on them. The Treaty of Adrianople ended the Russian-Turkish war and caused them to protect two provinces. The Turks gave Britian, Russia and France the right to decide the fate of Greece.Declared Greece an independent kingdom and two years later a new royal dynasty. The revolution was successful because the great powers supported it.


revolutionary Marxists who seized power in Russia in 1917; led by Vladimir Lenin

Habsburg-Valois Wars

rivalry between Charles V and Valois king of France, Francis I that became in conflict after disputed territory in southern France, the Netherlands, the Rhineland, northern Spain and Italy.

Giuseppe Garbaldi

romantic garibaldi worked w/ pragmatic cavour -agreed italy should be free from foreign control -cabour united north, secretly supported garibaldi in the south -led the red shirts, liberated two sicilies -stepped aside to let Victor Emmanuel rule

Vasco de Gama

rounded the cape with his crew and stopped at several ports controlled by Muslim merchants along the coast of East Africa. Crossed the Arabian Sea and reached the port of Calicut and brought back ginger and cinnamon.


royal officials that were sent to the provines to execute the orders of the central government. They further strengthened the power of the King.

Catherine the Great

ruled Russia from 1762 to 1796, added new lands to Russia, encouraged science, art, lierature, Russia became one of Europe's most powerful nations

Machiavelli, The Prince (qualities of Prince)

ruler = ruthless, pragmatic, end justifies means strong as a lion and shrewd as a fox cynical view of human nature


ruler claims sole and incontestable power; not limited by constitutional restraints


ruler has unlimited power and uses it in an arbitrary manner; ex. Romanov dynasty in Russia


rulers who have been driven from their thrones should be restored to power; ex. Congress of Vienna restored the Bourbons to power in France

Luther: 95 Theses (key beliefs)

salvation by faith alone (sola fide) bible is ultimate authority (sola scriptura) church consists of all believers = spiritually equal two sacraments = baptism and communion "consubstantiation" abolish monasteries and convents = clergy should marry


scholarly interest in the study of the classical texts, values, and styles of Greece and Rome; promotion of a liberal arts education based on the study of the classics, rhetoric, and history

Karl Marx (1818-1883)

scientific socialist -coauthored The Communist Manifesto -class conflict: thesis, antithesis, synthesis -bourgeoise vs. proletariat would lead to the dictatorship of the proletariat and a classess society

Adam Smith (1723-1790)

scottish economist -wrote Causes of the Wealth of Nations -opposed maercantilism -advocated free trade + invisiable hand of competition; laissez-faire - free markets, supply and demand create self regulating eocnomic system


secret revolutionary society working to unify Italy in 1820s

Marquis of Louvios

secretary of war that led France to develop a professional army numbering 100,000 men in peacetime and 400,000 in time of war.

In order to restore order, the National Assembly abolished what?

serfdom, seigneurial dues, and special legal privileges


served as bridge from the Classical to the Romantic. He wrote Eroica that was originally intended for Napoleon that had many uncontrolled rhythms. It opens many emotions through music.

Charles X

set out to restore the absolute monarchy with the help of the ultraroyalists. Tried to repay nobles for lands lost during the revolution, but the liberals in teh legislative assemly opposed him. Eventually, he issued the July Ordinances.

Revolution of 1848 - France

severe agricultural and industrial depression beginning in 1846 brought hardship to the lower middle-class, workers and peasants. One third of workers were unemployed by 1847. Scandals and corruption were rampant. When the government forbade banquets and pople came anyway, students and workers threw up barricades. Although Louis-Phillipe proposed reform, he was unable to form a ministry and abdicated and fled to Britain. A provisional government was made by moderate and radical republicans. They ordered representatives for an assemply to draw a new constitution for universal male suffrage.

Columbian Exchange: Consequences Europe

shift center of power to Atlantic states revolutionize diet = growing population influx of wealth (gold, silver, spices, sugar)

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

signed a treaty with Germany that gave up eastern Poland, Ukraine, Finland and the Baltic probinvrs to try to keep peace.

legal and illegal immigration

since the fall of communism, povery, political persecution, and civil wars have combined to create wave of legal and illegal immigrants seeking oppurtunity and slavery -arrival of immigrants strained social services of Europe -alarmed native residents, felt immigrants threatened their jobs and undermined national unity -21st cnetury trend of muslims into europe -end of 2015, many refugees from syria caused tension in europe as it studgle to cope

france had a lot of influence over these even though they were technically independent

sister republics


skilled craftspeople in the Midlands and northern England who in 1812 attacked the machines that they believed threatened their livelihoods. These attacks failed to stop mechanization but they had wide-spread support in the areas that they were present in.


skilled craftspeople who attacked machines and the industrial revolution since it was causing them to lose their jobs


small group of Russian Social Democratics who saw value in socialism. Needed to control people to overthrow the provisional government. Redistribution of land to peasants and factories to the soviets. Peace, Land Bread. Worker Control of Production. All Power to the Soviets.

John Locke: Two Treatises of Government

social contract- the duty to protect natural rights life, liberty, and property people come together to form government = protect natural rights if government fails, people can replace it

Hobbes: Leviathan

social contract--government guarantee peace and security people naturally dangerous = pursue their own survival and self-interest without respect for others life would be "nasty, brutish, and short"


someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality

Charles I

son of James I who was King of England and Scotland and Ireland

Philip II

son of Louis VII whose reign as king of France saw wars with the English that regained control of Normandy and Anjou and most of Poitou (1165-1223)

James I

son of Mary Queen of Scots that became king of England. Undersood little about the laws, institutions and customs of the English. Believed in divine right of kings that alienated the parliament. Puritans were opposing of the policy of the king.

Cesare Borgia

son of Pope Alexander VI that used ruthless measures to achieve his goal of carving a new state in Italy. He abandoned morality for political activity.

warsaw pact

soviet union responded to NATO -linked soviet union with eastern european countries

Donato di Donatello

spent his time in Rome copying Greek and Roman statues. His statue David shows the triumph and strength of Florence over Milan. It had simplicity and strength that reflected the dignity of man.

Treaty of Tordesillas

split the land claims between the Spanish and the Portuguese. Spain got most of Latin American and the Portuguese got the Cape of Good Hope


spread Enlightenment ideas frequently hosted by influential woman in their home gatherings of intellectuals and exchange ideas

Revolution of 1905

started by peasants that went to the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg to present a petition of grievances to the tsar.

Welfare State

state assumes primary responsibility for the welfare of its citizens in matters of health care, education, employment, and social security

Factory Act of 1833

strengthened earlier labor legislation. All textile factories were included, and children between 9-13 could work only 8 hours and 13-18 could work only 12.


stress study of classics and translate Greek texts first gave the name "humanitas" to the learning that celebrated humans and virtuous action

Fabian Socialists

stressed the need for the workers to use their right to vote to capture the House of Commons and pass legislation that would benefit the working clsas. They wanted evolutionary socialism.

1848: Austria--Vienna

students demand more liberal government start riots in streets Metternich resigns

*Nicolaus Copernicus*

studied math and astronomy. He became aware of ancient views that contradicted the Ptolematic System. He completed a manuscript called On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres. He relied on data from his predecessors. He believed that the Earth centered world was too complicated. Argued that Aristotle's Heavenly Spheres and circular orbits were correct.

Christian Humanism

study classical sources but combine classical ideals with Christian virtues of piety, humility, and love create best code of virtuous conduct committed to moral and institutional reform (church)

Heliocentric View of the Universe

sun-centered theory of universe

How did the United States react to French Revolution?

supported and didn't support it, it became too bloody for the USA's taste

Cosimo de Medici

supported education and the arts, made many business connections in Europe


supported legitimate monarchies, landed aristocracies, and established churches; gradual change in social order

How did Irish react to French Revoluation?

supporters joined such societies as the Society of United Irishmen, and timed a rebellion to coincide with an attempted French invasion

How did the English react to French Revolution?

supporters joined the London Corresponding Society and other such societies, british government quickly supressed these socities

Declaration of Indulgence, 1687

suspended all laws barring Catholics and Dissenters from office

Encomienda System

system in Spanish America that gave settlers the right to demand their labor in exchange for protecting them and teaching them skills. brutal system and enslave natives for labor

Scientific Method: Characteristics

systematic approach to acquire knowledge observations, experimentation, and reasoning inductive and deductive reasoning

John Locke: Essay Concerning Human Understanding

tabula rasa: born with blank slate people not naturally bad; knowledge from what learn & experiences = capable of learning and improving

French Revolution of 1830

the 'July Revolution' in which barricades went up in Paris as a provisional government led by a group of moderate liberals was hastily formed and appealed to Louis Phillipe, the cousin of Charles X to become the new Constitutional Monarch of France. Charles X fled to Britain.

after a new constitution was made, it had a bicameral legislature and an executive of 5... ____. _____ directs war until 1799 when Napolean takes over.

the Directory

Frederick William

the Elector of Brandenburg who rebuilt his domain after its destruction during the Thirty Years' War (1620-1688), placed very strong emphasis on the army

power base in Paris, more radical then the Girondins, main support from the sans-cullotes

the Mountain

Decemberist Revolt

the Northern Union was a society that was against Alexander I and saw the lack of academic freedom and freedom of the press. They wanted a Constitutional monarchy and abolition of serfdom. When Alexander I died they had an opportunity. Constantine was legal heir to the throne but he abdicated in favor of Nicolas I. This had not been made public which resulted in confusion. The military leaders of the N.U rebbelled against Nicholas. They were crushed by leaders loyal to Nicholas and leaders were executed.

Louis XI

the Spider King that retained the taille as a permanent tax imposed by royal authority. Louis secured a sound source of income. He could not repress the French nobility though.

The European-dominated worldwide economic network contributed to:

the agricultural, industrial, and consumer revolutions in Europe

"White Man's Burden"

the belief that the superiority of their civilization obligated Europeans to impose their practices, such as industrialization and medicine, to nonwhite people.

The new imperialism:Africa; british expeditionary force in Egypt

the british took an active interest in egypt after the suez canal. They believed that the canal was their lifeline to India and wanted to control the canal area. Although the british were asserted thier occupation was only temporary, they established a protectorate over Egypt.


the capital city that was formerly St. Petersburg where women protested on March 8th shouting 'peace and bread' and 'down with the autocracy'


the center of the Renaissance. It was a cultural breeding ground and patroned many people of the arts. It was also a flourishing city in trade.

world war II on women

the commitment to total war caused millions of women to enter the workforce

Jean-Baptiste Colbert

the controller of finances for the Sun King. He increased the wealth and power of France through mercantilism. He expanded the quantity and increased quality of manfactured goods. He made new luxury industries and oversaw training of workers. He franted special privileges, including tax exemptions to those with new industries.

Alexander I

the czar of Russia whose plans to liberalize the government of Russia were unrealized because of the wars with Napoleon (1777-1825)

Overseas products and influences contributed to:

the development of a consumer culture in Europe

Peace of Augsburg

the division between Christianity was formally established. Lutheranism granted equal legal standing with Catholicism. Each German ruler could choose the religion for their subjects.

Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon

the dynastic union of two rulers not a political union. Both kingdoms maintained their own parliaments, courts, laws, coins, speech, customs and political organs.The two rulers worked to strengthen the government. They reorganized the military forces of Spain. They secured from the pope the right to select the most important church officials in Spain. They made people convert to Catholicism or they were forced to leave.


the father of humanism. He was the first to say that the Middle Ages were a period of darkness. It set him searching for Latin books that put an emphasis on classical Latin such as that of Cicero.

Henry IV

the first Lancastrian king of England from 1399 to 1413

Henry VII

the first Tudor king that worked to reduce internal dissension and establish a strong monarchy. He ended private wars of the nobility by abolishing the practice that aristocrats mantained privatearmies of followers dedicated to the service of their lord.

Jan van Eyeck

the first to use oil paint that allowed a range of colors and fine details. He did not have a true grasp of perspective though. He used empirical observation of reality.

Francisco Sforza

the founder of the Sforza dynasty in Milan, he was able to hold his country. He was a moderate patron of the arts.

Chinas response to imperalism

the humiliation of china by the westerners had caused natives of china to become very violent but this violence had given the westerners an excuse to extorte further concessions from the chinese.


the idea that the Black Hand had hopes of to create a nationalistic Slavic kingdom with Serbia and Austria.

Qing Dynasty

the last imperial dynasty of China (from 1644 to 1912) which was overthrown by revolutionaries; during the Qing dynasty China was ruled by the Manchu


the middle class


the older commercial and banking center replaced by Amsterdam


the rebirth in interest in Plato that was advocated by the translator Ficino


the relaxation of tensions between the US and the Soviet Union; introduced by Henry Kissinger and President Richard Nixon; ex. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT), expanded trade with the Soviet Union, and President Nixon's trips to China and Russia

Papal States

the religious states that helped patron the arts. It was centered around the Pope's power

2nd Republic

the result of another revolution in France with which the emergence of universal male suffrage came about, also much conflict between middle and lower classes

Alexander II

the son of Nicholas I who, as czar of Russia, introduced reforms that included limited emancipation of the serfs (1818-1881)

Political theories, such as John Locke's, conceived of society as composed of individuals driven by self-interest and argued that:

the state originated in the consent of the governed rather than in divine right or tradition


the war that was intended to be local but grew larger and larger due to nationalistic tendencies and alliances.

Calvin and Geneva

theocracy combine religious beliefs and role of government bible is highest law & sinning a civil offense punished for missing church, playing cards, or dancing


they are radical activists for women's sufferage who pelted governemnt officials with eggs, chained themselves to lampposts, smashed the windows of department stores, burned railroad cars and went on hunger strikes in jail. Their one fundamental aim was the right of women to full citizenship.


they brought classical ideals with spiritual feelings with dramatic effects that would be used to arouse emotions. It reflected search for power.


this disease was rampant in overcrowded cities and causes severe vomiting and diarrhea that lead to dehydration and death

the Poor Law of 1834

this law forced poor people to enter work houses where they worked long hard hours

the Cottage System

this system died out with the Industrial Revolution and inventions of new machines like power looms


those who were in the Anglican church who wanted to remove any trace of Catholicism from their church


time and space do not exist separately; combined continuum whose measurement depends as much on the observer as on the entities being measured; associated with Albert Einstein

Pope Pius IX

took a rigid stand against modern ideas. He outright rejected modern ideals and forces.

Long Parliament

took a series of steps to limit authority of the royal governemnt. There were to be no arbitrary courts, the abolition of taxes that the king had collected without their consent and the Triennial act that said they were to meet at least every 3 years.

Bartholomeu Dias

took advantage of westerly winds in South Atlantic to tried to round the Cape of Good Hope but feared mutiny and went back.

U.S. Commodore Perry

took four ships to the Tokyo Harbor- the massive black wooden ships powered by steam astounded the Japanese, the ships' cannons also shocked them. The Tokugawa shogun realized he had no choice but to receive HIM and the letter HE had brought from U.S. president Fillmore

Maximilian of Balvaria

took the rest of the teritory that the Spanish took.

Vincent van Gogh

tortured artist that believed art was spiritual. He was interested in color and believed that it could be used as a language to show what artists feel.

Jews within the European Nation State (imp. figures and what they did)

towards the end of the 19th century, a revival of racism combined with extreme nationalism, had brought extreme hatred towards jews. Jews had been portrayed as the murderers of Jesus, and subjected to mob violence. Their rights had been restricted and they had been physically separated from Christians.

Cardinal Manzarian

trained successor to Richelieu that dominated the government under Anne of Austria. He was an Italian that came to France to carry out policies of his teacher.

Leonard da Vinci

transitional figure to the High Renaissance that carried on experimenting and even disecting human bodies. He advanced the idealization of nature from natural to ideal form. It uses space and perspective to show people as three dimensional.

Peace of Lodi

treaty between Milan and Venice that ended the war of succession to Milan in favor of Sforza that balanced the power between Venice, Milan, Naples, Florence and the Papal States


tried to balance the use of reason by stressing the importance of intuition, feeling, emotion and imagination as sources of knowing. They believed in inner drives and rebelling against middle-class conventions. They were passionate about the past especial the medieval ages. Worshipped nature.

Flora Tristan

tried to synthesize feminism and socialim by travelling through France and preaching the freedom for women. The Worker's Union advocated the application of Fourier's ideas to reorganize family and work.

Albrechet Durer

understood laws of perspective and proportion. Adoration of the Magi brough details to the art as well as ideal form.


understood the need to accept some of the changes brough to France during the revolutionary and Napoleonic eras. He accepted the Civil Code with recognition of equality under the law and property rights of those who had purchased confiscated lands were secured. A bicameral legislature was established with a chamber of peers elected by the king and Chamber of Deputies chosen by 100,000 wealthy people.


uniformed police officers that appeared on the streets of London that were known after Robert Peel. Their primary goal was to prevent crime. The polic also imposed order on urban inhabitants. They demanded better pay and treatment that led to improved working conditions and created a sense of professionalism.

Rousseau: and early Romanticism

unlike other philosophes he was ambivalent toward reason and science emphasized human emotion and feelings over cold logic

William II

unstable and aggressive emporer that was inclined to tactless remarks as when he told soldiers they had to be prepared to shoot their mothers and fathers if they had to.

Council of Trent

upheld traditional Catholic teachings in opposition to Protestant beliefs.

John Hus

urged the elemination of the worldliness and corruption of the clergy and attacked the excessive power of the papacy within the Catholic church. Hus was condemned as a heretic that led to revolutionary upheaval.

Anatomical/Medical Discoveries: Paracelsus

use observation and experiments to develop theory of disease = chemical imbalances in specific organs that could be treated with chemical remedies in careful dosages


used geometric designs as a visual stimuli to re-create reality in the viewer's mind.


used to link rivers and major cities together, it was a cheap easy way to transport products on boats

When did the rise of Napoleon begin?

victories in Italian campaigns

Henry VIII

wanted to divorce his wife Catherine of Aragone. he cut off all appeals from English church courts to Rome. He abolished pope authority in England.

Isabella d'Este

was one of the leading women in the Renaissance as a political and cultural figure that was a patron of the arts; regent of Mantua and prolific writer. She patroned the arts.

The Princes main purpose

was to unite Italy under one ruler

Medici Family (Cosimo and Lorenzo)

wealth = powerful banking family dominate political, economic and artistic life finance libraries, built churches, sponsored Platonic Academy of Philosophy, and commission hundreds of artworks Cosimo- wealthiest European of his time Lorenzo the Magnificent


went to simple living. Believed that The Lord's Supper was interpreted as a remembrance, a meal of fellowship celebrated in the evening in private houses. They believed in adult baptism and complete seperation of church and state.

the Workhouse

were the poor were forced to live due to the Poor Law

gain the right to vote or to hold political office

what privileges did women not gain during the french revolution?

Bosnian Crisis

when Austria annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina that caused the Serbs to become outraged. Many dashed there in hopes of creating a Serbian kingdom. A large Sebia was believed to be a threat and Russians supported the Serbs. The Serbs prepared for war with Austria but William IIintervened and demanded Russians accept the annexation.

New Imperialism

when European states embarked on an intense scramble for overseas territory in a revival of imperialism for Africa and Asia.

First Balkan War

when Europeans attention returned to the Balkans in 1912 where Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro and Greece organized the Balkan league and defeated the Ottomans.

Bolshevik Revolution

when Kerensky released Bolsheviks from prison ad turned to the Petrograd soviet for help. Numbers of soviets raised to 240,000

Triple Alliance

when Russia was alienated by the Congress of Berlin, this alliance was made between Germany, Austria and Italy to support existing political order while providing a defensive alliance against France.

Russo-Japanese War

when a Baltic fleet was sent to Japan, only to be defeated it brought shock to Europe. The Russians admitted defeat and sued foer peace. Transportation broke down and food shortages were on the rise in major Russian cities.

mid- to late 20s

when did most couples postpone marriage until, in the eighteenth century?


when large mass armies grew after 1900. This caused conscription. Machines used for the military doubled in size. The influence of military leaders grew that drew up complex plans for mobilizing men and supplies in case of war.

Easter Rebellion

when members of the Irish Republican Brotherhood and Citizens Army occupied government building in Dublin that forced Brtain to crush it and condemn them to death.

St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

when reconciliation was believed between Valois king and Bourbon ruler, the French family were persuaded that Huguenots were a threat and sent a wave of violence that gripped the city.

Russian Civil War

when the Bolshevik army was fighing many fronts that came from Siberia, Ukraine and others. They gained Ukraine back as well as Georgia, Russian Armenia and Azerbaijan. The tsar was murdered as well as his family.

Battle of the Marne

when the Germans reached the verge of success by going to Paris, but were halted by France. German troops fell back but France could not pursue its advantage. Trenches were dug for shelter as it grew to a stalemate. Two lines of trencges extended for Switzerland to the English Channel, where they would be for four years.

Battle of Lepanto

when the Mediterranean was threatened, the Turks were defeated by the Spanish that brought them to norm control of that area.

Second Balkan War

when the allies were unable to agree on how to divide the conquered Ottoman provinces of Macedonia and Albania. Greece, Serbia, Romania and the Ottomans attacked and defeated Bulgaria. Bulgaria obtained only a small part of Macedonia and the rest was divided between Serbia and Greece.

Bloody Sunday

when troops opened fire to a peaceful demonstration that killed hundreds. It incited workers to call strikes and form unions. Zemstvos demanded parliamentary government, ethnic groups revolted and peasants burned land of landowners.

Labour Party

where British unions and Fabian socialists combined to form a party. They gained 29 members to the House of Commons by 1906.

Entente Cordiale

where the British turned to their enemy France and settled their colonial disputes.


where the German government declared the area around the British Isles a war zone and threatened to torpedo those that were in it. One hundred Americans lost their lives on this passanger liner that suspended the act against the area.

Treaty of Versailles

where the Germans were concerned about how severe it was, but their one with Russia was more severe. It declared Austria and Germany were responsible for the war. They had to pay reperations for all the damage to which Allied governments were subjected to. Had to reduce to an army of 100,000 men, cut back its navy and eliminate its air force. German territorial losses included Alsace and Lorraine to France and Prussia to new Polish state. Rhine was a demilitarized zone.

The Great Famine

while half of the population depended on the potato for survival, the potato crop in 1845 had struck blight due to a fungus. This caused for over one million to die of starvation and two million to move to the United States and Britain.

white was the color of the bourbons, these "royalists" harassed former officials and local Jacobin leaders

white terror

marxists on women

who argued that both capitalism and middle-class husbands exploited women?

Catherine de Medici

wife of Henry II, influenced her sons after the end of there father's rein. She placed an alliance with the ultra-Catholics (the militant Catholics), which was led by the second most powerful family in France, The Guise Family. She permitted the Guise Family their own independent army,which they would use to take out the other religions residing within the French Borders. This led to the civil wars in France and also the St. Bartholome's Day Massacre.

William of Orange

wished to unify all seventeen provinces of Netherlands after a revolt but later was split to the North and south. He led the South Protestant Union as the Dutch Republic.

the movement for woman's rights (name activists and what they did)

woman sought improvement by focusing on specific goals.

soviet women were encouraged to.... ?

women encouraged to become professionals -comprised 3/4 of the doctors in the Soviet Union

march to versailles

women led to demand cheap bread and to force the royal family to move to paris

during the postwar period women...

women married earlier and gave birth to fewer children


women that used unusual publicity stunts to call attention to their demands such as pelting government officials with eggs, chaining themselves to lampposts, smashed windows of department stores, burned rainroad cars and went on hunger strikes. Had aim to full citizenship in the nation-state.


working people of Paris; long working pants and support for radical politics

Rivalry between Britain and France resulted in:

world wars fought both in Europe and the colonies, with Britain supplanting France as the greatest European power

henrik ibsen

wrote A Doll's House -criticized convential marriage roles

mary wollstonecraft

wrote A Vindication of the RIghts of Women -argued that women are not naturally inferior to men; that they only appear to be inferior because of a lack of education

Baldassare Castilglione

wrote Book of The Courtier; a standard for the Renaissance man that aimed to make a man achieve a well-rounded life through the arts. It also gave some advice on women, asking them to be chaste.

Thomas Malthus

wrote Essay on the Principles of Population that argued that population left unchecked, increases at a geometric rate while food increases at a much slower rate. Sever overpopulation and utimately starvation for the human race if this growth is not in check. Misery and poverty were inevitable result of the law of nature and no one should interfere with its operation.


wrote Genius of Christianity hat was scene as 'the Bible of Romanticism' that defended Catholicism on Romantic sentiment of emotions. Cathedrals brought the presence of God. It showed the revival of interest in the Catolic church at the time.

Waltar Scott

wrote Ivanhoe about the clash of Saxon and Norman knights in medieval England.

Thomas Hobbes

wrote Leviathan that claimed that the state of natre was terrible. They were guided by animalistic instincts and self-preservation. They said that a commonwealth with absolute authority should be the most powerful. It should strike fear in the citizens.

John Stuart Mill

wrote On Liberty that was published in 1859 that argued for absolute freedom of opinion and sentiment on all subjects that needed to be protected from both government censorship and the tyranny of the majority. He also wrote On the Subjection of Women with his wife that argued that the women could be as strong as a man if they were taught more, becoming an important work towards women's rights.

Jacques Bossuet

wrote Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy Scripture that argued government was divinely ordained so that humans could live in an organized society. God established kings andthrough them reigned over all the peoples of the world. Their authority was absolute.

Edmund Burke

wrote Reflections on the Revolutions in France in reaction to the French Revolution, especially its radical republican and democratic ideas. Burke maintained that society was a contract, the state was a partnership for trade. No one generation had the right to destroy the partnership, each generation has the duty to preserve and transmit it to the next. He advised against the violent overthrow of the government, but he did not reject the posibility of change.

Francis Bacon

wrote The Great Instauration that created inductive science. He went from particular to general for practical reasons. He was not a scientist but he wanted science to be logical.

Louis Blanc

wrote The Organization of Work in which he maintained that social problems could be solved by government assistance. He called for the establishment of workshops that would manufacture goods for public sale. The state would finance them but the workers would own and opperate them.

Niccolo Maciavelli

wrote The Prince that described that the acquisition and expansion of political power as the means to restore and mantain order. It was secular and said the ends justified the means.

David Ricardo

wrote The Principles of Political Economy that developed iron law of wages. It argued that an increase of population means more workers, more workers make wages fall below substinence level. The result is misery and starvation that decreases the population. This causes the wages to rise again and the cycle is repeated.


wrote The Sorrows of the Young Werther that later rejected Romanticism. He sought freedom in order to fulfill himself. Misunderstood and rejected, he believed in the worth of his inner feelings but his deep lvove for a girl led to suicide. This led to plots revolving around women diagnosed wih a disease that led to the sorrow of their male loves.

john stuart mill

wrote The Subjection of Women -argued that the social and legal inequalities imposed on women were a relic from the past

John Locke

wrote Two Treatises of Government that said humans lived in equality in the state of nature. They made government to protect their rights while people would act reasonably. If the government broke this, people could form a new government.

Thomas More

wrote Utopia that gave an account of idealistic life and institutions. A new social system in which cooperation and reason replaced power and fame as the proper motivating agents for human society. All people work together. They are carefully controlled for the moral welfare of society and its members.

Leo Tolstoy

wrote War and Peace that played out against Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812. Its realistic description of military life and character portrayal should be noted. Each person is analyzed pyschologically. He imposed a fatalistic view of history that ultimately proved irrelevant in the face of life's enduring values of love and trust.

olympia de gouges

wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen


year that divorce and property rights taken away by the napoleonic code were fully restored

Domestic Servants

young peasant women often left home to work for the bourgeois by taking care of their house doing cooking and cleaning as well as laundry

Enlightened Despotism

absolute ruler uses his or her power for the good of the people; supported religious tolerance, increased economic productivity, administrative reform, and scientific academies; Joseph II, Frederick the Great, Catherine the Great

Wassily Kandinsky

abstract painter that worked in German that was one of the founders of the movement. In Painting with White Border, he sought to avoid representation altogether. Art should avoid any reference to visual reality and concentrate on color.

Edict of Nantes

acknowledged Catholicism as the official religion of France but guaranteed Huguenots could worship in select areas and recieve fortified towns as well as political privileges.


action, profusion and dramatic effects mark his style. He made Ecstasy of Saint Theresa that would show mysticism.

Total War

affected the lives of all citizens no matter where they were. It transformed and centralized powers and regimentation.

Columbian Exchange: New World to Old

agricultural products: potatoes, maize, tomatoes, tobacco

League of Nations

aimed to prevent future wars that Wilson agreed to make compromises on territory in exchange for establishment of the league.

Enlightenment: Empiricism

all human knowledge comes through what senses can experience inductive reasoning draw conclusions from specific observations

Levee en Masse

all males into the army; new type of military force based on mass participation and a fully mobilized economy

Christopher Columbus

an Italian explorer that worked with the queen of Spain. He believed Asia was larger than previously thought and thought he could reach it by sailing west. He send 3 ships and landed on the Bahamas, believing he had reached Asia. He converted natives to Christianity.


an accomplished painter, sculptor and architect that was influenced by Neoplatonism. His muscular figures shows an ideal being that shows divine nature.

Robert Clive

an aggressive British empire-builder who eventually became the chief representative of the Easy India Company. He consolidated British control in Bengal. Would later lead to colonies being made there.

Thomas Newcomen

an atmospheric engine developed in 1712 to pump water. Although it was better than horses lifting water from the mine, it was still largely inefficient.

Spanish Armada

an attempt to get rid of a Protestant monarch in England in place of a Catholic one. Miserably failed by being caught in a storm and brought Europe to Naval power.


an economic system (Europe in 18th C) to: --increase a nation's wealth = favorable balance of trade (keep gold and silver-don't spend) --colonies, resources = profitable trading --government regulation of all of the nation's commercial interests

The importation and transplantation of agricultural products from the Americas contributed to:

an increase in the food supply in Europe


an intellectual movement based on the study of the classical literary works of Greee and Rome. They studied the liberal arts and antiquity. They were largely secular.

Civic Humanism

an intellectual movement of the Italian Renaissance admiration for Greek and Roman political institutions held that humanists should be involved in government and owe service to the community use their rhetorical training in the service of the state produce secular models for individual and political behavior

Edwin Chadwick

an urban reformer with a background in law that was obsessed with eliminating the poverty of urban areas. He was appointed to a number of government investigations. He was a secretary of the Poor Law comission that initiated a search for conditions of the working classes. This led to his Report on the Condition of the Laboring Population of Great Britain. He believed that the disease was caused by sanitation problems. He wanted a modern sanitary system and efficient sewers and piped water. This caused the National Board of Health to be created.

Social Darwinism

application of Darwin's principle of organic evolution to social order.

Thomas Cranmer

archbishop of Canterbury

Franz- Ferdinand

archduke of Austria Hungary who was assassinated at Sarajevo by a Serbian terrorist group called the Black Hand; his death was a main cause for World War I


arose in France and spread to other European countries. It kept emphasis on light and color but also paid attention to structure and form. They used color and line to express inner feelings and present a personal statement of reality. It was the start of modern art.

Hernan Cortez

arrived to the capital of the Aztecs and was greeted by Moctezuma. He believedthat he was a God and gave him gold. But eventually he tookhimgostage and pillaged the city. The disease they brought killed many of the Aztecs and led for the Spanish to take over.

James Watt

asked to repair a Newcomen steam pump engine. Instead, he added a separate condenser and steam pump and transformed it into a steam engine. Power was derived from steam. It could pump water three times more quickly.

IOU paper money issued by government on December 19, 1789


Christian Humanism

associated with northern Europe; studied classical texts; gave humanism a Christian context; committed to religious piety and institutional reform; Desiderius Erasmus

Trades Unions

association and groups of skilled workers in the same profession who formed together to gain benefits from employers

March Revolution

at the start of March, a series of strikes broke out in Russia due to the government increasing food rations after the price of bread skyrocketed.

Maximilian I

attempted the centralize the administration by creating new instutions common to the entire empire. Opposition grom German princes doomed this. However, he arranged his son to Mary of Isabella and Redinand. Charles created heir to all three lines.

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)

austrian psychologist who formulated groundbreaking theories of human personality -id; unconscious sexual + agressive drives -superego; moral values -ego; balance, pragmatic reason -human behavior is irrational

Class Consciousness

awareness of one's place in a system of social classes, especially (in Marxist terms) as it relates to the class struggle.

Anatomical/Medical Discoveries: Traditional View

based on Ancient Greek: Galen --Humoral Theory: body composed of 4 humors = blood, yellow bile, phlegm, black bile --each humor had different combinations of qualities = warm, cold, wet, and dry --disease caused by imbalance of the humors --two different systems of blood through arteries/veins that controlled different systems of body


based on the principle of the greatest happiness for the greatest number; should be applied to each nation's government, economy, and judicial system; Jeremy Bentham

Poor Law of 1834

based on the theory that giving to the poor only encouraged laziness and increased paupers. Tried to remedy this by making heir lives so hard they would choose to work. Those unable to support themselves were crowded in workhouses where working and living conditions were intentionally miserable so that people could find employment.

King Alfonso from the Congo

became concerned about the impact of slave trade in his society

The new imperialism:Africa; the french conquest of Algeria 1879

before 1880, the only other european settelement in africa had been made by the french and protugese.

Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)

began his career as an assistant to the danish astronomer tycho brahe -3 laws of planetary motion -proved planitary orbits are elliptical, not circular

Divine Right

belief absolute monarchs power derived directly from God


belief in the abolition of all government


belief that the total volume of trade was unchangeable. It's economic activity was war carried on by peaceful means. The properity of a nation depended on a plentiful supply of gold and silver. It was desirable to have more exports and imports. It focused on the role of the state with tarrifs on foreign goods.

Robert Owen

believed in the creation of voluntary associations that would demonstrate the benefits of cooperative than competitive living. It was not directed to unionists, but it appealed to them. Plans emerged for the Great Consolidated Trades Union in 1834. The lack of real working-class support caused its collapse but individual trade unions for specific crafts were made such as that of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers that formed in 1850. Its probision of generous unemployment benefits in a return of small weekly payment was practical.


believed people in their natural state were basically good but that they were corrupted by the evils of society, especially the uneven distribution of property

Martin Luther

believed that christian women should strive to be models of obedience and christian charity

Hans Holbein the Younger

blend N. Renaissance precise realism, symbols and Italian Ren. balanced proportion and perspective The Ambassadors also realistic portraits of Henry VIII and Thomas More


bonfire of Vanities and Ruled Florence STRICTLY, later exectued by the Pope

The Courtier by Baldassare Castiglione

book where it was written that the perfect court lady should be well educated and charming but not expected to seek fame as men did

Walter Scott

born in Edinburgh; personified romantic movement's fascination with history-raised on grandfather's farm, fell under spell of old ballads and tales of Scottish border-influenced by German romanticism-esp. Johann Wolfgang con Goethe-translated Gotz von Berlichingen: play about a 16th century knight who revolted against centralized authority and championed individual freedom-storyteller, composed long narrative poems and series of historical novels-recreated spirit of bygone ages and great historical events


bringing industry and government under the control of federations of labor unions; endorsed strikes and sabotage

Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

british biologist -wrote The Origin of Species -challenged god's special creation -evolution + survaval of the fittest (natural selection)

emmeline pankhurst

british women waged an aggressive campaign for women's suffrage, led by her

Berthe Morisot

broke the practice of women being only amateur artists and became a professional painter. Her dedication won her the disfavor of academics. She used light colors and flowing brushwork.


brought anxiety, uncertainty and suffering to painting. It broke down principles of balance, harmony and moderation. They distorted rules of proportion with enlongated figures

Suleiman the Magnificent

brought the Turks back to Europe's attention. He extended their power into the western Mediterranean andthreatened to turn it into a Turkish Lake.

War of the Spanish Succession

brought to arms about who was to get the throne of Spain. Charles II left his throne to the grandson of Louis VIV, but when he, Philip V became ruler, Europe brought up arms in an attempt to mainain a balance of power.

Tycho Brahe

built a castle with a library, observatories and instruments that he designed for astronomatic study. He compiled a record of his observations that disproved the Ptolematic System but he refused to accept the Earth moved.

Frederick the Great: Enlightened Reforms

called himself "the first servant of the state" --invited Voltaire to live in palace --supported scientific agriculture; cultivate potatoes to improve soldiers diet and high cost of bread for poor --prepare unified national code of law --abolish use of torture (except for treason and murder) --encourage religious toleration = accept Hugenots from France and Jews from Poland

Frederick William the Great Elector

came into power during the 30 Years' War. He built an efficient army and sustained it. He levied taxes for the army and oversee its training. He governed the state. He made a deal with the nobles in exchange for a free hand in government, nobles had unlimited power over peasants and were exempt from taxation.

rising cost of child rearing

caused a decline in the size of middle-class families in the nineteenth century

After the Austrian defeat of the Turks in 1683 at the Battle of Vienna, the Ottomans ________________________________

ceased their westward expansion

Guillaume Dufay

changed the music of the Mass. Used secular tunes to replace Gregorian chants as the fixed melody. He composed a number of secular songs.


chief editor of Encyclopedie bring together enlightened thinking about science, technology, mathematics, art, and government human reason as foundation of all knowledge attempts at being censored but widely influential in Europe and America

Philip IV

chief minister Guzman dominated his moves to revive the interest of the monarch. They curtailled the power of the church and aristocracy as well as a political reform program whose purpose was to further centralize the government of all of Spain and its possessions. This did not do much though.

Anatomical/Medical Discoveries: Harvey

circulatory system = body as integrated system --heart as starting point for circulation of single blood system & makes circuit through arteries/veins

Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations

classical economic thought most influential advocate of laissez-faire economics Role of Government = not interfere in market Free Markets = Laws of Supply and Demand = will regulate economic system Self-Interest and "Invisible Hand" (competition)

Raphael, School of Athens

classics & secularism= ancient philosophers symmetry, geometric perspective rising status of Renaissance artists

Karlsbad Decrees of 1819

closed the student societies, provided censorship of the press, and placed the universities under close supervision and control.


coined the term renaissance, , (1304-1374) Father of the Renaissance. He believed the first two centuries of the Roman Empire to represent the peak in the development of human civilization.


colonies gained their independence from the imperial European powers after World War II


combines an authoritarian government with a corporate economy; glorify their leaders, appeal to nationalism, control the media, and repress individual liberties

French Classicism

commited to values of the Renaissance. It created clarity, balance and simplicity that was a version of the High Renaissance style. Its triumph reflected chaos to order.


composer who was born in Russia but lived in the United States after 1939 (1882-1971)

Igor Stravinsky

composer, wrote Rite of Spring, expressionist ballet, shocked crowds because of music and scenes

Congress of Vienna vs Paris Peace Conference

congress of vienna: allowed france to participate -est. framework for future international relations -restored conservative order in monarchy + aristocracy -created balance of power for 50 years paris peace conference: didnt allow germany or communist russia to participate -est. framwork for international relations w/ league of nations -created biterness that led to a second war


conservatives and popular with pro-Bank people and plantation owners. They mainly came from the National Republican Party, which was once largely Federalists. They took their name from the British political party that had opposed King George during the American Revolution. Their policies included support of industry, protective tariffs, and Clay's American System. They were generally upper class in origin. Included Clay and Webster

How did women contribute in war effort in WWII

contributed directly to the war effort by serving as nurses and medics -night witch

Table of Ranks

created opportunities for nonobles to serve the state and join the nobility due to system of ranks.

New Monarchs

created professional armies and a more centralized administrative bureaucracy; negotiated a new relationship with the Catholic Church; Charles VII, Louis XI, Henry VII, and Ferdinand and Isabella


criticized mercantilist regulations and called for free trade; led by Francois Quesnay


criticized the king's willingness to compromise and retain so many features of the Napoleonic era. They wanted to return to a monarch dominated by an aristocracy of privilege and bring the Catholic Church to as much status as it was before.

Peter the Great

czar of Russia who introduced ideas from western Europe to reform the government

support for superstition and witchcraft

declined as educated europeans turned to rational explanations for natural events

Scientific Method: Descartes

deductive reasoning = general to specific doubt everything ("I think, therefore, I am") start with general principles and apply using strict logic to understand all particular cases

Suleiman the Magnificient

defeated and killed King Louis of Hungary, Charles V's brother in law. They overran most of Hungary and into Austria.


demonstrate power of Renaissance scholarship used study of linguistic and historical analysis to demonstrate Donation of Constantine was forgery

Henry Cort

developed a system called puddling in which coke was used to burn away impurities in pig iron to produce iron of high quality.

James II

devout Catholic that attempted to further Catholicism in England and named them in high positions. He made it able for Catholics to become powerful in office.

Louis XIV: "I am the state"

did not share power increase power of intendants reduce political power of nobility

Commercial rivalries influenced ____________________________ among European states in the early modern era

diplomacy and warfare

Bernard de Fontenelle

direct link between Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment. He was the secretary of the French Royal academy. He communicated scientific knowledge in a clear way that appealed to theupper classes. Wrote Plurality of Words based on a womantalking to her friend about new cosmology

The French invasion and occupation of Egypt in 1798 happened because..?

directory wanted to strike a blow at the british by cutting off their trade to india

edward jenner

discovered smallpox vaccine in 1796 -reduced death rates

Marie Curie

discovered that the element radium gave off rays of radiation that apparently came from within the atom itself. Atoms were not simply hard, material bodies but small worlds containing electrons and protons that were randon and inexplicable.

Columbian Exchange: Consequences Americas

diseases decimate indigenous population horse transform culture for some natives subjugation of native population expand slave trade & establish plantation economy (sugar)

John Wyclif

disgust with clerical corruption led him to far-ranging attack on papal authority and medieval Christian beliefs and practices. Alleged that there was no basis in Scripture for papal claims and advocated popes to be stripped of their power. He attracted followers called Lollards

Frankfurt Assembly

dominated by well-educated, middle-class delegates that were ahead of their times in nationalism. The assembly aroused controversy by saying they were a government for all of Germany. They made little Germany without Austria and making the Prussian king emperor of the new German state.

employment rates for married women

dramatically increased for married women post world war ii

Lord Byron

dramaticized himself as a melancholy Romantic hero described in Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. He participated in the Greek independence movement and died fighting the Ottomans.

Spanish Economic Decline

during 17th century -economic decline from expulsion of merchant and skilled worker Jews + Muslims, -imported silver casued inflation -exports declined -costly wars w/ Dutch -industry, commerce, agriculture, and pop. declined

Spanish political decline

during 17th century -weak rulers w/ extravagent lifestyles -armies defeated

Military Revolution

during 30 years war, --there was an increase in firearms & canons; greater mobility in tactics; better trained armies --financed by heavier taxation and larger bureaucracy --tip balance of power to states with sufficient resources for new military environment


economic reformers, question mercantilist principles economic activities should be free from artificial restrictions This was the group of economists who believed that the wealth of a nation was derived solely from the value of its land

Laura Cereta

educated in Latin by her father. She defended women to be scholars. She wrote a series of letters defending this.

Lorenzo Valla

educated in bothLatin and Greek that made him write The Elegances of the Latin Language to purify medieval Latin and restore Latin to its proper position over the vernacular. He accepted only the Latin Language of the last century of the Roman Republic and first of their empire

Charles Lyell

effectively discredited the long-standing view that the earth's surface had been formed by short-lived cataclysms, such as biblical floods and earthquakes-his principle: uniformitarianism: same geological processes that are at work today slowly formed the earth's surface over an immensely long time

Schmalkaldic League

eight Lutheran princes and eleven imperial cities firned a defensive alliance against Charles V's threat of turning them back to the Catholic church. They vowed to help oneanother.


eighteenth century writers; stressed reason and advocated freedom of expression, religious toleration, and a reformed legal system; Voltaire

Louis Napoleon

elected into the Second Republic as president as the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte. He would soon become emperor Napoleon.


elected local rural governments allow some democracy without weakening the central government

Ferdinand II

elected the Holy Roman Emperor refused to accept that he sohould be disposed by rebels. Defeated Frederick and Bohemian nobles and came back into power.

July Ordinances

election of liberals in 1830 caused Charles X to issue the July Ordinances that imposed rigid censorship of the press, reduce the electorate in preparation for new elections and dissolve the legislative assembly.

Coal Mines Act of 1843

eliminated the employment of men under ten in the mines and women as well

Anataomical/Medical Discoveries: Vesalius

emphasized anatomical research = dissection of human body

Claude Monet

enchanted with water and painted many pictures that he saught to capture light, water and atmosphere as seen in Impression, Sunrise.

Peter the Great

encountered the West and had determination to westernize Russia. He wanted to transplant technology to Russia by reorganizing the army as well as the central government. Split Russia into provinces.

The Peace of Utrecht (1713)

ended louis xiv's efforts to dominate europe -allowed Phillip V to remain king of Spain, but France + Spain could never be under same monarch -Austrian Habsburgs granted Spanish Netherlands (now Austrian Netherlands) and Italian states -granted England North American colonies of Newfoundland + Novia Scotia -granted England the asiento (lucratice slave trade to Spanish America -1713

Peace of Westphalia

ended the Thirty Years' War. Made it clear that religion and politics were seperate. It also made Calvinists, Protestants or Catholic Kings decide the religion of their people.

The Peace of Augsburg (1555)

ended the religious civil war between Roman Catholics and Lutherans in the German states -allowed each german prince right to determine religion of state -didnt recognize calvinists or others -1555

The Peace of Westphalia (1648)

ended the thirty years' war -recognized calvinism -recognized independece of 300+ German states -continuing its political fragmentation -granted Sweden more land (major power) -recognized independence of the Netherlands

Peace of Utrecht, 1713

ended the war of the Spanish Succession and confirmed Philip V as Spanish ruler. Led a Spanish Bourbon dynasty but said that Spain and France's thrones were to seperated. The Spanish Netherlands, Milan and Naples were givven to Austria. Prussia got some land and Britain got Gibraltar for their naby as well as French possessions of Newfndland, Hudson Bay and Novia Scotia.

Thirty Year's war causes

ended w/ Peace of Westphalia -marked end of papal political influence -ended the wars of religions -devestated German economy + population -left Germany politically fragmented, ending Holy Roman Empire + german unification -France weakened Habsburgs + HRE -est. diplomatic relations and balance of power w/ peace of westphalia

Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

english conservative leader -wrote Reflections on the Revolution in France -denouced radicalism + violence in it -favored gradual and orderly change

John Locke (1632-1704)

english philosopher -wrote The Second Treatise of Government -"tabula rosa" human mind born as blank slate -humans naturally rational -humans learn from experience -theory of natural rights "life, liberty, and property" -govs. are a contract, formed to protect them -people have right to rebel when theyre violated -undermined christian belief humankind was inherenyly sinful -emphasis on education for shaping social progress

Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)

english political philosopher who wrote Leviathan -humans naturally self centered + violent -feared anarchy more than tyranny -argued monarchs have absolute and unlimited political authority -people give up personal liberty for security and order

Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

english politician and writer -empiricism -inductive method for scientic experimentation, w/ direct observation + controlled experimentation

Isaac Newton (1642-1727)

english scientist and mathematician -wrote the Principia -mechanistic viewof universe governed by laws of gravity and inertia -influenced deism

John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

english utilitarian and essayist -wrote On Liberty and The Subjection of Women -advocated womens rights -universal suffrage

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)

enlightened thinker best known -wrote The Social Contract and Emile -beleived in general will -advocated education -stessed emotions

William III of Orange

established a monarchy in Dutch Republic but then went back to a republic as it once was.

Maria Sibylla Merian

established a reputation as an important entomologistby the start of the 18th century. Training came from her father. She learned the art of illustration and drew the Metamorphosis of the Insects of Surinam which used illustration to show the reproductive and developmental cycles of the insects life.

Charles VII

established a royal army composed of cavalry and archers. He recieved from the Estates General the right to levy the taille without any further approval of them. It meant less power for the Estates General.

North Atlantic Pact (1949)

established the north atlantic treaty organization (NATO) to coordinate the defense of its members -implemented Harry Truman's policy of containing the Soviet Union -forced to move headquarters from Paris to Brussels when Charles de Gaulle withdrew french -1949


everyday language of a region or country; Miguel de Cervantes, Geoffrey Chaucer, Dante, & Martin Luther all used it; Desiderius Erasmus continued to write in Latin

East India Company

expanded their authority for an economic decision that made regular revenue to pay for military operations in India.

ideal middle-class woman

expected to be an "angel in the house" in the nineteenth century -in the nineteenth century, her most important roles were to be a devoted mother and the family's moral guardian

WIlliam Wordsworth

experienced mystical feelings from nature. Nature contained a mysterious force, in his opinion, that a poet could percieve and learn from. Nature could teach a person about themselves. It was alive and sacred. Romantic poet

Ignatius of Loyola

experiences spiritual torment similar to Luther but turned to Catholic church. He wrote The Spiritual Exercieses as a training manual for spiritual development by exercises that helped follow the will of God

Herbert Spencer

exponent of Social Darwinism that argued that societies were organisms that evolved through time from a struggle with their environment. Progress came from the 'struggle' as the 'fit' societies gained. He explained the book Social Statics many of these principles.


extending one country's rule over other lands by conquest or economic domination

Pablo Picasso

extremely flexible artist that painted in many styles. His development of Cubism was also important. Les Demoisselles d'Avignon was the first Cubist painting.

Boer War

extremists from both sides the initiated conflict. The Boers were overwhelmed by the British. The end caused Transvaal and the Orange Free State to have representative governments as well as the Union of South Africa the was a self-governing dominion.


famous French Romantic artist that was self-taught. He had a passion for color and expressed exoticism. Combined theatricality and movement with use of color.

verge of bankruptcy, debt debt debt

financial problems of Louis XVI


first important political movement of working men organized during the 19th century that was aimed to achieve political democracy. A people's charter was drawn up in 1838 that demanded universal male suffrage, payment for members of Parliament, and annual sessions of Parliament. They had millions of signatures but did not get recognized by Parliament. It aroused and organized millions of working class men and women.

George Stephenson's Rocket

first locomotive used on public railway lines it went 16 miles per hour

Louis and co. try to escape to Austria on June 20, 1791 get within 40 miles of the border but are captured

flight to Varennes

Northern Humanism

focused on sources of early Christianity, the Holy Scriptures and the writings of church fathers. They discovered a simple relgion. They believed that the teaching of this could bring inner piety that would reform the church and society. This brought support of education.

Frederick William III

followed the advice of his two ministers in the Napoleonic era and instituted political and institutional reforms in response to Prussia's defeat to Napoleon. He abolished serfdom, municipal self-government hrough town councils, the expansion of primary and secondary schools and universal military conscription to form a national army. It did not included a representative government. After 1815, he grew reactionary. It was an absolutist state with little interest in German unity.

Desiderius Erasmus

formulated and popularized the reform program of Christian humanism. Wrote The Handbook of the Christian Knight that reflected his preoccupation with religion. He called his conception of religion the philosophy of Christ. Believed Christianity should be a guiding hilosophy for the direction of daily life. He emphasized inner piety and deemphasized the external forms of religion.

*Prince Henry the Navigator*

founded a school for navigation in Portugal. This caused Portuguese fleets to probe around the coast of west Africa for Gold. It brought back slaves from the Senegal river and gold on the southern coast of the hump of West Africa.

Cecil Rhodes

founded both diamond and gold companies that monopolized production of these precious commodities and enabled him to gain control of a territory north of Transvaal. Conspired to overthrow the Boer government without British approval.


founded fascism and ruled Italy for almost 21 years, most of that time as dictator. He dreamed of building Italy into a great empire, but he led his nation to defeat in World War II (1939-1945) and was executed by his own people.


founded the Communist Party in Russia and set up the world's first Communist Party dictatorship. He led the October Revolution of 1917, in which the Communists seized power in Russia. He then ruled the country until his death in 1924.

Albert Camus (1913-1960) and Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980)

french existentialist philosophers and writers -questioned reason + science to understand the human situation -believed god, reason, + progress are myths -humans live in hostile world alone + isolated

Voltaire (1694-1778)

french philosophe and voluminous author of essays and letters -enlightened principles of reason, progress, and liberty -opposed superstition + ignorance -so criticized organized religion -popularized newtons discoveries -criticezed french rigid gov.

Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592)

french renaissance writer who developed the essay as a literary genre -skeptic -looked at all sides of an issue

Great Reform Bill of 1832

gave explicit recognition to the changes to Britain due to the industrial revolution that disfranchised fifty-six rotten boroughs and franchised forty-two new twns and cities and reapportioned others. This gave urban communities some voice in government. It benefited the upper-middle class and the lower classes did not get to vote. The change did not significantly alter the House of Commons.

Lorenzo Medici

gave power to the lower classes of Italy, but he let his family business decline.

Econimienda System

gave the Spanish settlers the right to obtain labor or tribute (payment) from the Native Americans -practically slavery -enabled deaths of millions of natives -opposed by Batholomew de Las Casas

The outcome of the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution protected the rights of _________________________________ from absolutism through assertions of the rights of Parliament

gentry and aristocracy

Friedrich Nietzche (1844-1900)

german philosopher whose writings influenced existentialism -against middle class morality (flase + shallow existence) -rejected reason -embraced irrational -believed the "will to power" of some "supermen" would reorder the world

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

german physicist whose theory of special relativity undermined Newtonian physics -humans live in universe w/ uncertanties -added to postwar unvertainty feeling

Keynesian Economics

governments can spend their economies out of a depression by using deficit-spending to encourage employment and stimulate economic growth; John Maynard Keynes

Louis XV

grandson of Louis XIV and king of France from 1715 to 1774 who led France into the War of the Austrian Succession and the Seven Years' War (1710-1774)

Charles X

granted indemnity to aristocrats whose land had been confiscated during the revolution. He pursued a religious policy that encouraged the Catholic church to reestablish control over the French educational system. Outrage occured and forced the king to compromise in 1827 and accept the principle that ministers of the king were responsible to the legislature. A protest by the deputies led the king to dissolve the legislature and call for new elections.

Monroe Doctrine

guarenteed the rights of independence of the new Latin American nations and warning against any further European intervention.

"Humane" way of killing people


Sandro Boticelli

had an interest in Greek and Roman mythology as seen with Primavera. It has well-defined figures with an otherworldly quality that is not quite realism.

Alexander I

had been raised by ideas of the Enlightenment and at first seemed willing to make reforms through relaxed censorship, freeing political prisoners and refoming education. He refused to grant a constitution or free the sefs. However, he became a reactionary after Napoleon and reverted to strict and arbitrary censorship. Opposition arose.

Francisco Pizzaro

had steel weapons, gunpowder and horses that were unfamiliar to the Incan empire. They already were ravaged by smallpox. The emporer died because of it and his two sons claimed the throne which caused a civil war. He captured the capital and took it for the Spanish.

Martin Luther

he believed that salvation through faith alone in promises of God. This became from the primary Protestant Reformatio. Luther arived from this as the sole authority of the Bible.

Paul IV

he increased Inquisition so even liberals were silent. Hecreated the Index of Forbidden Books that was ungodly for Catholics to read.


he was acclaimed for madonnas that achieved an ideal beauty beyond human standards. He painted frescos in the Vatican and displayed balance, harmony and order.

Jacob Fugger

head of one of the wealthiest banking firms inin Amsterdam that eventually went bankrupt

Francis Fernidad

heir to the Austrian throne that was assasinated in Sarajevo that precipitated the confrontation between Austria and Serbia.

Printing Press

help spread ideas of Renaissance and Reformation printing and books produced increases drastically works of humanists quickly spread across Europe challenge the power of authorities difficult for authorities to suppress dissenting views

Claude Debussy

his musical compositions were inspired by the visual arts such as Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun that inspired a Symbolist poet. He did not tell a story in music, the piece recreated in sound the feeling of the poem.

Mary I

Catholic who intended to restore Englan back. She burned more than 300 heretics that actually made England more Protestant.

English Civil War: cavaliers vs Roundheads

Cavaliers vs. Roundheads -cavaliers were aristocrats, nobles, church officials loyal to the king, favored strong monarchy + Angelican churhc -roundheads were puritans, townspeople, businessmen who favored parliamentary monarchy + presbyterian church

Otto von Bismarck

Chancellor of Prussia from 1862 until 1871, when he became chancellor of Germany. A conservative nationalist, he led Prussia to victory against Austria (1866) and France (1870) and was responsible for the creation of the German Empire through realpolitik

Temple of Reason

Changed the Notre-Dame Cathedral to this. It was a public ceremony dedicated to the worship of reason was held in here. Patriotic women paraded before the temple where the high altar once stood. Female personifying Liberty rose from it. It created many more enemies than friends.

War of the Austrian Succession

Charles VI could not produce a male heir so he wrote in the Pragmatic Sanction that his daught Maria Theresa should be put on the throne when he died. However, when he died people took away that Sanction and fought in war that made Prussia take away Silesia, France occupy the Spanish Netherlands and France taking Madras in India; British the French fortress of Louisbourg.

New Monarchies: France

Charles VII --conclude 100 Yrs War - expel England --increase finances through taxes = taille (on land) & gabelle (on salt) --first permanent royal army Louis XI --enlarge royal army --promote industries (silk weaving) Francis I --Concordat Bologna = authorize king nominate high officials in Church = control over church

Key New Monarchs

Charles VII, Louis XI, Henry VII, and Ferdinand and Isabelle

Girondist who murdered the Mountainist Marat in his bathtub

Charlotte Corday

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

Charter of basic liberties that reflected the ideas of the major philosophes of the Enlightenment. It went to affirm the destruction of aristocratic privileges by proclaimed an end to exemptions from taxation, freedom and equal rights for all men and access to public office by talent. Monarchy was restricted. Freedom of speech and press as well as the outlawing of arbitrary arrests were also made.


Child prodigy who wrote Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni and The Magic flute. It has grace, precision and emotion.

Women's roles

Childbearing and child-rearing were the main roles for women, and motherhood was considered a woman's highest achievement

"Open-Door" Policy

China was forced to agree to this policy in which one country would not restrict the commerce of the others in its spheres of influence.


Christian reconquest of Spain from the Muslims; ended 1492 with the conquest of Granada

Spanish: Key Explorers/Conquistadors

Christopher Columbus: reaches Caribbean Islands Cortez: conquered Aztec Empire in Mexico Pizarro: conquered Inca Empire in Peru

This was passed in July 1790 by the National Assembly, set pay scales for the clergy and provided that the voters elect their own parish priests and bishops just as they elected other officials

Civil Constitution of the Clergy


Cold War. Prague Spring, ussr grows into other counrties, beginning of 5th republic in spain. With paris revolts beginning it. Space race begins

Portuguese: Empire

Commercial network: not conquer, build trade posts--control trade routes African Coast South and East Asia South America (Brazil)

This was established by the National Convention and had twelve members and was to look out for the people

Committee of Public Safety


Composed Mass in B Minor, St. Matthew's passion and cantatas and monets. Believed music was worship to God.

Society for the Revolutionary Republican Women

Composed of largely working-class women that were a family of sisters that were ready to defend France. However, many men believed they should not be in politics and instead at the home.

Denis Diderot

Condemned Christianity as fanatical. He said that it was the worst religion. Wrote the Encyclopedia that attacked superstition and tolerationas well as improvements. Spread to the masses when it was lowered in price.

Seven Years' War (1756-1763)

Conflict fought in Europe and overseas colonies --Austria/France vs. Prussia/England --War on Continent = anti-Prussian forces achieve series of victories and close to crush Prussia = Russia saves Prussia = new Tsar Peter III admires Frederick the Great (Peter will be overthrown by wife Catherine the Great) --War in Colonies (French and Indian War) = British defeat French and gain land in N. America & trading posts

Revolutions of 1848: Long Term Results

Conservative leaders see need use Nationalism to help prevent future revolts influence future changes -- greater voting rights, freedom of press, more self-rule for ethnic groups

The English Royal Society

Created a committe to investigate technological improvements for industry

The French Royal Academy of the Sciences

Created a committee to collect tools and machines

Henry VIII

Creator of the Church of England, he married 6 wives and divorced or had them killed since none could produce a male heir.

a cult to supplant Christianity, a goddess of Liberty was included, part of dechristianization

Cult of Reason

was to replace all religions, put into effect by David and Robespierre, anyone could belong as long as you except that there is some higher power out there

Cult of the Supreme Being

Northern Renaissance

Cultural and intellectual movement of northern Europe; traveled to Italy & acquainted with "new learning" and new style of painting began later than Italian Renaissance c. 1450; centered in France, Low Countries , England, and Germany; featured greater emphasis on religion than Italian Renaissance = Christian Humanism

Alexander II

Czar who emancipated the serfs and introduced some measure of representative local government.

For Europe, what was one lasting consequence of France's military campaigns of 1790s? A. A new rivalry between Britain and Austria as each tried to seize French colonial holdings B. The adoption of French language and culture by fervent reformers in Poland C. A financial crisis caused by the collapse of the assignat paper currency D. Massive casualties in wars inspired by the spread of revolutionary ideas


How did most European elites react to the French Revolution? A. They saw the abolition of monarchy and the institution of a republic as the realization of Enlightenment principles and a model to be followed throughout Europe B. Although many were originally in favor of the Revolution's aims, especially the establishment of a republic, the events of the terror made them wary of the revolutionary model C. They admired the Enlightenment ideals of the Revolution but distrusted the populist emphasis on universal suffrage and equality D. They were alarmed and even enraged by the abolition of monarchy and mobility and the encouragement of popular participation in politics.


In 1787 people's expectations for the Estates General were especially high because A. the king had promised to enact whatever reform proposals the Estates General passed B. pamphlets and newspapers said that nobles were as eager for reform as ordinary people C. France's victory in the Seven Years' War gave people a generally positive view of the future D. Third Estate deputies were conduits for lists of grievances voted on by villagers and townspeople


In the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, the National Assembly A. attempted to control rising female radicalism by declaring that women did not have equal rights with men B. solidified distinctions between the aristocracy and the Third Estate, although it extended citizenship to all C. sought to provide special privileges to those individuals who were actively involved in reforming the state D. promised to recognize the essential political and civil rights of the people regardless of social distinctions


In the spring of 1793, the French government, facing a daunting coalition of European armies that had joined the Austrians in the war against France A. signed a treaty with the United States of America to gain its military support B. Began cutting back on aristrocratic executions to appease foreign governments C. Reinstated the rights of the Catholic church, although it did not return the church's property D. instituted the first universal draft of men in history


The deputies of the Third Estate, one of the three estates that made up the Estates General, represented which segment of France's population? A. The clergy B. The nobility C. The military D. Peasants and the urban middle and lower classes


What was one of the Directory's biggest problems? a. A new constitution had to be written. b. The Catholic Church supported the previous Napoleonic government. c. The five directors wanted the return of a Bourbon to the throne. d. It was attacked by both the monarchists and republicans. e. Robespierre had too much control which caused more chaos.


What was the role of women in the French Revolution? a. Because women could read, they were allowed to join the various radical parties. b. Women were not involved in the Revolution, but were given a role in church, where they read from the gospel and collected money. c. Women were allowed to vote as long as they voted in specially designated areas. d. Women could not join men's political clubs, but they did form their own. e. Women gathered to combine their flour to make loaves of bread that they could share.


When the Estates General met in 1789, what did their first decision concern? A. The creation of a national bank of France B. The role of the king in government C. The crisis of the rising food shortage D. The contentious issue of voting procedure


Which of the following was an important catalyst for the Dutch Patriot revolt in 1787? A. Emperor Joseph II's attempt to institute anticlerical reforms as well as measures for administrative and judicial centralization B. The decision of the Dutch stadholder to raise taxes on a wide range of commercial transactions C. The example set in France when Louis XVI accepted the first French constitution D. A rise in anti-British sentiment during the American War of Independence and opposition to the overbearing, pro-British stadholder


Renaissance: Women

Debate Wealthy: -increased access to education -lost some status from Middle Ages = ornaments for husbands -important noblewomen = Christine de Pisan, Isabella d'Este Regular: -status not change much -marriage based on economics -increased infanticide, abandonment (poor) -prostitution more prominent & rape not serious crime -sexual double standards

Giovanni Bocaccio

Decameron, Federigo's Falcon, timelessness and university, 1300s, Humanism

Preamble to the French constitution that established that granted freedom of religion, freedom of the press, equality of taxation, and equality before the law, declaring that sovereignty rested in the nation, not the monarchy.

Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen

Enlightenment and Women: De Gouge

Declaration of the Rights of Woman --women's equality, emphasize the right of women Revolution didn't include women's rights

Bismarck's "blood and iron" philosophy

Declaring that the government would rule without parliamentary consent, Bismarck lashed out at middle-class opposition: "The great questions of the day will not be decided by speeches and resolutions but by blood and iron."

1848: France--Cause

Demands for more liberal government "banquet campaigns" Louis Philippe blocked expanding voting rights Bread shortages built barricades and protested conservative king

Revolutions of 1848

Democratic and nationalist revolutions that swept across Europe during a time after the Congress of Vienna when conservative monarchs were trying to maintain their power.

the deputies abolished all the old administrative divisions of the provinces and replaced them with a national system of eighty-three of these that had identical administrative and legal strucutres


Nobles of the Robe

Derived their status from officeholding, often enabled commoners to become noble rank. Dominated royal law courts and administration.

Nobles of the Sword

Descendents of original medieval nobility. They wanted to resist the monarchy and control positions in government, military and church.

Illustrative Examples of Baroque Artists and Musicians who Promoted Religion or Glorified Monarchy

Diego Velasquez Gian Bernini George Frideric Handel J.S. Bach

Jethro Tull

Discovered that using a hoe to keep the soil loose allowed air and moisture to reach plants and enabled them to grow better. He also used a drill to plant seeds in rows instead of scattering them.


Dome of Florence Cathedral Classical theme = dome Florentine architect who was the first great architect of the Italian Renaissance (1377-1446)

Indias response to imperialism

Due to population growth in 19th century, extreme poverty was a way of life for most indians, almost 2/3 of the populatio nwas malnurished in 1901. British industrialization brought little improvement to the masses. British manufacutred goods destroyed local industries and indian wealth was used to pay british officials and a large army. The system of education served only the elite upper class indians and 90% of the population remained illterate.

Seven Years' War

Due to the Diplomatic Revolution, European powers were in conflict. The British and Prussians were against Russia, Austria and he French. Frederick the Great defeated him but then faced defear. They they were saved by Peter III who withdrew Russia from the conflict and encourge a stalemate. British under Robert Clive beat France and gained their territory.

Charles the Bold

Duke of Burgundy that attempted to create a middle kingdom between France and Germany. Louis opposed his action and Charles was killed in battle. Louis took his lands and started to develop a strong French Monarchy.

Illustrative Examples Louis XIV's Nearly Continuous Wars

Dutch War Nine Years' War War of the Spanish Succession


Dutch farmers that began to settle in areas outside the city of Cape Town.

Desiderius Erasmus

Dutch humanist and theologian who was the leading Renaissance scholar of northern Europe, Dutch humanist and theologian who was the leading Renaissance scholar of northern Europe although his criticisms of the Church led to the Reformation, he opposed violence and condemned Martin Luther. he wrote The Praise of Folly, worked for Frobein and translated the New Testament from Greek to Latin(1466-1536)


Dutch painter that painted opulent portraits and grand, colorful scenes. He lost public interest by doing his own style and died bankrupt.

Dutch East India Company

Dutch trade of spices near the East India

After the French Revolution began, what countries became its most vocal enemies? a. Spain and Austria b. Prussia and Italy c. The Netherlands and Italy d. Italy and Spain e. Austria and Prussia


Maria Winkelmann

Educated by her father and unle and recieved training in astronomy. She married Kirch of Germany and assisted him in Berlin Academy of Science. She was denied the post as assistant astronomer in the Berlin academy though.

Johannes Kepler

Elaborated that the universe was constructed based on geometric figures. He believed that harmony of the human soul was mirrored in numerical relationships existing between the planets (music of the spheres). Gained possession of Brahe's research and made three laws of planetary motion. Orbits were elliptical; the speed of the planet is faster when it is closer to the sun and planets with larger orbits revolve at a slower average velocity.


Elegant draing rooms in the urban houses where invited philosophes and huests gathered and engaged in conversations.

Liberal Party-England

Eliminated House of Lords, increased taxes on the rich and passed a national health program.

Austro-Hungarian Empire

Empire in which a dual monarchy was set up in order to bring compromise to a series of different ethnicities.

Maragret Cavadish

Encouraged by he husband to pursue scientific works. She wrote plays an autobiography and a biography of her husband. She was excluded from the Royal Society. Wrote Observations upon Experimental Philosophy and Grounds of Natural Philosophy that attacked that humans could be masters of nature.


End of Spanish Civil war, peace of utrecht, pragmatic sanction


End of WWI with treaty of versailles.

David Ricardo

English economist who formulated the "iron law of wages," according to which wages would always remain at the subsistence level for the workers because of population growth. Iron law of wages theory: idea that real wages always tend, in the long run, toward the minimum wage necessary to sustain life of worker; held that as wages rose, people had more kids; that eventually led to lower wages because of increased number of workers

Thomas Malthus

English economist; increase in food helped well-being but improvement temporary because population grew with it (Malthusian trap) - eventually, lower class had to deal with famine/disease (Malthusian catastrophe); opposed idea that society was progressing

Emmeline Pankhurst

English feminist. Leads movement to win women's vote (suffrage) through militant (radical, sometimes violent) means.

Thomas More

English humanist advisor Henry VIII Utopia ("nowhere") -describing imaginary society = religious toleration, communal ownership, humanist education

Jethro Tull

English inventor advocated the use of horses instead of oxen. Developed the seed drill and selective breeding.

Mines Act of 1842

English law prohibiting underground work for all women and girls as well as for boys under ten.


English mathematician and physicist

Oliver Cromwell

English military, political, and religious figure who led the Parliamentarian victory in the English Civil War (1642-1649) and called for the execution of Charles I. As lord protector of England (1653-1658) he ruled as a virtual dictator


English natural scientist who formulated a theory of evolution by natural selection (1809-1882)


English philosopher and political theorist best known for his book Leviathan (1651), in which he argues that the only way to secure civil society is through universal submission to the absolute authority of a sovereign.


English scientist and Franciscan monk who stressed the importance of experimentation

Thomas More

English statesman who opposed Henry VIII's divorce from Catherine of Aragon and was imprisoned and beheaded, He was a English humanist that contributed to the world today by revealing the complexities of man. He wrote Utopia, a book that represented a revolutionary view of society. (p.437)

Mary Wollstonecraft

English writer and early feminist who denied male supremacy and advocated equal education for women

Republic of China

Establish in 1912 after nationalists overthrew the Manchu Dynasty.

Constitution of 1795

Established a national legislative assembly consisting of two chambers: the Council of 500 who were to initiate legislation and an upper house of 250 members known as the Council of Elders of people over 40 that were married or widowed. The people that could vote had to own property more than 100 days of unskilled labor. The electors were chosed by all male taxpayers over 21. 2/3rd of new members were to be chosen by their ranks,

Open Door Policy

European & American policy of requiring China to open itself up to trade.

Karlsbad Decrees

Extremely repressive laws adopted in 1819 in Prussia and the German Confederation after liberal protests by university students.

Edmund Burke

Father of modern British conservatism; in some ways, a progressive: social contract, believed in a limited monarchy, sympathetic to American Revolution; did not believe most people were capable of governing themselves Reflections of the Revolution in France (1719): argued that traditional authority was part of a natural order that enabled humans to flourish; human society needed the structure imposed by strong but responsible gov't; freedom for the masses would lead only to save civil strife


Father of the Renaissance/Humanism promote revival classical literature Sonnets: Laura He believed the first two centuries of the Roman Empire to represent the peak in the development of human civilization.


Fench Parliamentary body that was conveened in order to gain consent to raise taxes to pay for the deby by the government.

Young Turks

Fervent patriots who seized power in a 1908 coup in the Ottoman Empire, forcing the conservative sultan to implement reforms.

King Victor Emmanuel II

First King of Italy, who was originally king of Sardinia.

Catherine the Great

First eager to do reform that questioned serfdom, torture and capital punishments. Divided Russia into 50 provinces. Local nobility became increasingly important. She favored the nobility.

Jan van Eyck

Flemish painter pioneered modern techniques of oil painting The Arnolfini Wedding--mirror and image dog represents fidelity, discarded shoes sign that religious ceremony (bare feet touching ground ensured fertility)

Jan Van Eyck

Flemish painter who was a founder of the Flemish school of painting and who pioneered modern techniques of oil painting (1390-1441)

Civic Humanism

Florence's humanist movement that was tied to civic spirit and pride in that country.

Foreign lands provided ______________________________ for he commercial and industrial enterprises in Europe

Foreign lands provided raw materials, finished goods, laborers, and markets

ignatius Loyola

Founded the Society of Jesus, resisted the spread of Protestantism, wrote Spiritual Exercises.

Mary Wollstonecraft

Founder of modern feminism. Wrote Vindication of the Rights of Woman that pointed at the contradictions of the point of view of women. The subjection of women were wrong. Women had same rights as men.

where did women gain the franchise in 1945?

France and Italy

organized armed citizen militias of men used during the Dutch Patriot Revolt

Free Corps


French Calvinists that made up to 50 percent of the nobility icluding the house of Bourbon which was a threat to monarchial power.

Paul Cezanne

French Post-Impressionist who tried to relate geometric shapes within his "Woman with Coffee Pot."

Third French Republic

French Republic started after the end of the Franco-Prussian War, which led to the demise of Napoleon III, and survived until the invasion of the German third Reich. It was the longest regime from after the French Revolution.


French Revolution

the debt from helping the American Revolution, incompetence of Louis XV and Louis XVI, shortage of bread caused this

French Revolution

Victor Hugo

French Romantic writer. Author of Hunchback of Notre Dame. Renounced his early conservatism and later became a writer of Realism works such as Les Miserable.

Alfred Dreyfus

French army officer of Jewish descent whose false imprisonment for treason in 1894 raised issues of anti-semitism that dominated French politics until his release in 1906.

Louis Pasteur

French chemist and biologist whose discovery that fermentation is caused by microorganisms resulted in the process of pasteurization (1822-1895)

St. Domingue, the most important French colony, stirred up revolt after hearing of the French Revolution

French colonial reaction/abolition


French controlled colony from 1830 until the early 1960's

france annexed the Austrian netherlands and Savoy, Nice, and Papal Territories

French expansion

Charles de Gaulle

French general and statesman who became very popular during World War II as the leader of the Free French forces in exile (1890-1970)

Credit Mobilier

French joint-stock company that helped take savings of small investors and brought shares for new industries. These investments were essential to industrialization.

Georges Clemenceau

French leader that was determined to punish Germany for humilitation of the French empire. He renonced desire for a seperate Rhineland and instead a defensive alliance with Britain and the United States.


French movement that wanted to recapture the dignity and simplicity of the classical style of ancient Greece and Rome.


French naturalist who proposed that evolution resulted from the inheritance of acquired characteristics (1744-1829)


French noble that wrote The Persian Letters and attacked traditional religion. The Spirit of the Laws compared governments that applied the scientific method to the social and political arena to ascertain the natural laws. There were 3 governments: republic (small states), monarchy (middle-sized) and despotism (large empires). He believed in the power of checks and balances to play a part in government

Victor Hugo

French poet and novelist and dramatist


French regional courts dominated by heredity nobles; claimed right to register royal decrees before they could become law

Eugene Delacroix

French romantic painter, master of dramatic colorful scenes that stirred the emotions.


French royal officials; supervised provincial governments in the name of the king; key role in French absolutism

Blaise Pascal

French scientistwho made calculation machine and devised probability. He assured in Pensees that Christianity was the only one to see man as vulnerable and great. God was a reasonable bet.

Louis Blanc

French socialist who maintained that social problems could be solved by government assistance. Denounced competition as the main cause of the economic problems, called for the establishment of workshops and factories owned and operated by the government.


French statesman who played a key role in negotiating the Treaty of Versailles (1841-1929)


French term; literary people, professors, journalists, statesmen, economists, political scientists and social reformers from nobility and middle class. Paris was heir capital and affected the Western World. Rational criticism should be applied to everything. Subject to state censoring.


French writer and existentialist philosopher (1905-1980)

Henri Saint-Simon

French writer and philosopher; introduced the idea of utopian socialism in the early 19th c.; believed that scientists and engineers, working together with businessmen, could transform society for the better; deeply religious and believed that his new society would be based on the Christian ideals of brotherhood and charity


French writer regarded as the originator of the modern essay (1533-1592)


French writer remembered for his swashbuckling historical tales (1802-1870) Three Musketeers

Emile Zola

French writer that wrote about urban slums and coalfields of northern France. She showed how alcholism and enviornments affected people's lives in the beliefs he read in the theory of the evolution. Rougon-Macquart was a 20 volume series of novels and the natural and social history of family. He maintained that the artist must dissect life.


French, perhaps greatest Enlightenment thinker. Deist. Mixed glorification and reason with an appeal for better individuals and institutions. Wrote Candide. Believed enlightened despot best form of government.

2nd Industrial Revolution

From about 1870 to 1914; called the Age of Steel; featured more complex technologies (internal combustion engine - vehicles powered by gasoline and diesel); extended the reach of industrialization to Russia and Eastern Europe; steel became a major industry; electricity; chemical engineering; a ride in the manufacture of machine tools

Charter of the Nobility

Gave nobles right of trial by peers and exemptionfrom taxation and corporal punishment.

Rousseau: The Social Contract

General Will people born in natural state of free and happy state exists to promote liberty and equality = laws should be supported by "general will" of the people citizens should make laws directly

Northern Realism

Genre or everday scenes exhibit mathematical and geometric values of seventeenth centruy science. Middle class Dutch patrons commissioned secular works, portaits, still lives, landscapes, and genre paintings. Values: Quiet opulence, +comfortable domesticity, and relaism.

Renaissance Art: Characteristics

Geometric Perspective Chiaroscuro Naturalism Classical styles, themes, beauty Secularism Pyramid Configuration--symmetrical and balanced

a competitor as a theorist of the Revolution with Robespierre, was executed, but believed that "after bread, the first need of the people is education"

Georges-Jacques Dalton


German Nazi dictator during World War II (1889-1945)

Civil War in Germany

German Princes (Protestant) v. Charles V (Catholic): Political & Religious Rebellion --League of Schmalkaldic --Princes want church properties --Princes want to weaken Holy Roman Emperor --support and protect Luther

Robert Koch

German bacteriologist who isolated the anthrax bacillus and the tubercle bacillus and the cholera bacillus (1843-1910)


German composer of operas and inventor of the music drama in which drama and spectacle and music are fused (1813-1883)


German customs unit formed to remove tariffs and trade barriers from inside the German confederation.

Thomas a' Kempis

German ecclesiastic (1380-1471), author of "the imitation of christ"; early northern christian writer who challenged individuals to live a godly life rather than focus just on knowledge, summarized philosophy of Brothers of the Common Life in 'Imitation of Life', died in 1471, associated with Brethren of the Common Life, He was the leader of the mystic group known as Modern Devotion

Karl Marx

German journalist and philosopher. He is known for two books: The Communist Manifesto (1848) and Das Kapital.

Karl Marx

German philosopher, economist, and revolutionary. With the help and support of Friedrich Engels he wrote The Communist Manifesto (1848) and Das Kapital (1867-1894). These works explain historical development in terms of the interaction of contradictory economic forces, form the basis of all communist theory, and have had a profound influence on the social sciences.

Albert Einstein

German-born officer that pushed theories of thermodynamics into a new terrain. The Electro-dynamics of Moving Bodies contained a special theory of relativity. Space and time were not believed to be absolute but instead relative to the observer in a 4-D time continuum. Neither space nor time had an existence independent of human experience. Matter and energy reflected the relativity of time and space. Einstein concluded that matter was nothing but energy in E = mc^2. It opened the atomic age.

The new imperialism:Africa; Germany

Germany also entered the ranks of imperalist powers. initially, Bismarck had downplayed the significance of colonies but he had become a political convert to colonism. The germans established colonies in south west africa as well as colonies in east africa.

Schlieffen Plan

Germany could not solely raise its army against Russia, so they declared war on France after issuing an ultimatum to Belgium declaring the right for themto pass through.


Glorious REvolution in England


God created the universe but allowed it to operate through the laws of nature; natural laws can be discovered by the use of human reason

Medieval Mindset

God created world to prepare humans for salvation or eternal damnation Human beings and lives on earth = insignificant individual of no importance education = focus on theology & church, and scholasticism artists work for glory of God, not personal glory; design/decorate cathedrals


God had predestined some people to be saved (the elect) and some to be damned (the reprobate). One had to openly profess faith, participate in baptism and communion and live a godly life. One couldn't be absolutely certain about this though.


God is a watchmaker The religion of the Enlightenment (1700s). Followers believed that God existed and had created the world, but that afterwards He left it to run by its own natural laws.


God, reason, and progress are all myths; humans must accept responsibility for their actions; sense of dread and anguish; reflects the sense of isolation and alienation in the 20th century


Grace and gentle action that had fondness for curves and natural objects such as seashells and flowers. Made designes interlaced in gold.

Quadruple Alliance

Great Britain, Austria, Prussia and Russia that agreed to stay united, not only to defeat France but also to ensure peace after the war. They reestablished the Bourbon monarchy to France through Louis XVIII and agreed to meet at a congress in Vienna.


Great Depression

Name given to French rural panic of 1789. Led to peasant attacks on aristocrats or on seigneurial records of peasants' dues

Great Fear

Differences between classes

Growth of mass production and mass consumption reduced differences in regional dialects, dress, and other customs Economic class differences remained strong, cultural differences declined IR created enormous social class differences Social mobility was extremely difficult

Rene Descartes

He believed that he would only accept things that his reason said was true. He seperated mind and matter that created Cartesian dualism. Mathematics would help humans understand the world arund them. Believed in deductive methods.

Jerome Bosch

He was a Flemish painter whose works display the confusion and anguish of the end of the Middle Ages. Jerome Bosch frequently used religious themes, colorful imagery, and grotesque fantasies in his works of art. (p.439)

Camillo Benso di Cavour

He was a leading figure in the movement toward Italian unification. He was the founder of the original Liberal Party and Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia, a position he maintained throughout the Second Italian War of Independence and Garibaldi's campaigns to unite Italy. After the declaration of a united Kingdom of Italy, Cavour took office as Italy's first Prime Minister.

New Monarchies: England

Henry VII --Star Chamber (special court) = political weapon to try prominent nobles; no right of appeal, no juries, and no witnesses Henry VIII --declare King Supreme Head of Church, cut ties with Catholic Church & form Anglican Church --dissolve monasteries & confiscate land and wealth

Louis Pasteur, germ theory

His theory was the idea that disease was caused by the spread of living organisms that could be controlled.

New Monarchies

Historians' term for the monarchies in France, England, and Spain from 1450 to 1600. The centralization of royal power was increasing within more or less fixed territorial limits. (p. 414)


Hitler elected, and new deal, enabling act in germany

Charles V

Holy Roman Emperor that ruled over an empire consisting of Spain and its overseas possessions, Austrian-Habsburg lands, Bohemia, Hungary, the Low Countries and the kingdom of Naples. He could not control his empire.

Family structure

Home served as a shelter from the larger society - a place where women and children could find shelter from the co-called masculine world of work; family and work occupied separate spheres Working-class women and children often had to work to help support the family Few middle-class women worked outside the home; children attended school Family units became smaller; the norm became the nuclear family (parents and their children living in one house)

New Monarchies: Spain

Iberian Peninsula: --Kingdoms of Castile and Aragon --cultural diversity, include Jewish and Muslim communities Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile --marriage create union of two most powerful royal houses --complete reconquista by conquering Granada --reduce number of nobles on Royal Council --establish Inquisition to enforce religious conformity --expel Jews and Muslims (or forced conversion)

After phillip's defeat

-entered political + economic decline -dutch began golden age -as spain's influence declined, England's power increased -free to colonize North America


Composed 104 symphonies as well as string quartets, concerti, songs, ortorios and Masses. Wrote Creation and Seasons for the common people.

"White man's burden"

Concept which included the belief that the superiority of European civilization obligated them to impose their practices on supposedly primitive nonwhites.

Northern Renaissance Art: Characteristics

Drastic color from oil paints, lots of detail, focus on surroundings and detailed surroundings, disguised symbols

Florence Nightingale

During the Crimean War, this British woman organized nursing care for the wounded and set standard sanitary conditions.


Dutch settlers in South Africa

Benjamin Disraeli

Leading conservative political figure in Britain in the second half of the 19th century. Took initiative of granting vote to working-class males in 1867.

Charles Fourier

Leading utopian socialist who envisaged small communal societies in which men and women cooperated in agriculture and industry, abolishing private property and monogamous marriage as well.

Toussaint L'Ouveture

Led 100,000 black slaves to rise in revolt and sieze control of present day Haiti and later was captured. He started and created the Haitian republic, spreading French Revolution ideals abroad.


Led by Vladimir Lenin it was the Russian communist party that took over the Russian goverment during WWI

Act of Supremacy, 1534

The King was the only supreme head of the Church of England. They could control doctrine, appointments, and discipline.

the violent backlash against the rule of Robespierre tha tdismantled the Terror and punished Jacobins and their supporters

Thermidorian Reaction


These allowed people and goods to travel long distances, their need for coal and iron led to the growth of these industries

James Hargreaves' Spinning Jenny

allowed spinners to use multiple threads to produce yarn in larger quantities.

Emmeline Pankhurst

along with her daughters, founded the Women's Social and Political Unions in 1903 that enrolled middle and upper class women. They realized the value of the media.


an Italian city-state leading cultural center during the Renaissance--rebirth classical learning, literature, and art Wealth = merchants & bankers


an annual direct tax on land or property

August Comte

coined phrase "sociology"; believed in the scientific improvement of society and human condition

Factory Acts

passed between 1802 and 1819 these acts limited labor for kids 9-16 to twelve hours a day and forbid any work for children under nine

Michelangelo, David

sculpture classics = pose, nude individualism, secularism

William II

the second son of William the Conqueror who succeeded him as King of England (1056-1100)


the social class between the lower and upper classes

Louis XIV

the supreme power of France thatwas an absolute power. He was willing pay the price of being a strong ruler and created an absolute monarchy.

Politics from the nineteenth century going into the 20th century

the uncertainties in european intellectual and cultural life were parralled by growing anxeities in European political life. The progress in the growth of liberal principles and political democracy was slowed or halted altogether after 1894. the appearance of a new right wing politics based on racisim added an ugly note to the already exiting anxities. With new found voting rights, workers elected socialists who demanded new reforms when they took their places in the legislative bodies as well as woman. Woman insisted on the right to vote and using new tactics to gain it. Governments on the other hand, refused to meet the demands of reformers.


discovered radium

madame geoffrin

most influential of the salon hostesses


most influential philosophe, "Candide" fiercely advocated tolerance and freedom of religious belief critical of church and aristocracy, fanaticism and superstition "crush the infamous thing" = Catholic Church admires English society = greater tolerance religion and thought Francois Marie Arouet

Frankfurt Assembly

1807-82; personified the romantic revolutionary nationalism. Attempted to unify Germany.

clergy made up this estate

1st estate


28th President of the United States


42. The National Assembly that ruled France from 1789-1791 passed laws that A) eliminated women's right to hold property. B) made divorce more difficult. C) banned Catholic priests from marrying couples. D) broadened womens rights to seek divorce and inherit property. E) made men and women equal.


46. Abbé Sieyès's answer to the question "What is the Third Estate?" was that it was A) a bunch of rabble-rousers. B) the true strength of the French nation. C) those who adhered to liberalism. D) the business and professional elite. E) a parasitic class that robbed the peasantry and artisans of the just fruits of their labor.


48. During the early years of the French Revolution A) peasant women were among the most radical revolutionaries. B) common Parisian women played key roles in a number of Revolution events. C) some French women were elected to posts in the Estates General, the National Assembly, and the Legislative Assembly. D) women all over France were politically passive. E) Marie Antoinette, wife of King Louis XVI, came out in support of the revolutionaries.


56. The men elected to represent the Third Estate at the Estates General were primarily A) provincial nobles. D) sansculottes. B) businessmen. E) wealthy peasants. C) lawyers and government officials.


64. The life-and-death political struggle between the Girondins and the Mountain resulted mainly from A) profound differences on questions of policy. B) the Girondins' rejection of war. C) the Girondins' radical economic and social policies. D) personal hatred and jealousy. E) religious differences.


71. According to Olympe de Gouges, A) women should enjoy special rights and privileges. B) men and women should be equal in the eyes of the law. C) monarchy was the most oppressive form of government. D) it was natural to exclude women from the political process. E) the government ought to sponsor free public day care.

Louis Blanc

A Paris journalist, editor of Revue de Progres and author of Organization of Work. Proposed social workshops/state supported manufacturing centers as a way to deal with the problems of industrialization(recognized the developing hostility toward the owning class/bourgeoisie).

Francois Quesnay

A Physiocrat that said natural economic laws governed society. Wealth could increase by agriculture alone because all other activities were unproductive. The state revenue should come from a single tax as well as natural supply and demand.

Spanish: Empire

Colonies: dominant state in Europe in 1500s the Americas Caribbean Pacific


Adam Smith "Welath of Nations" American Revolution

Pragmatic Sanction

Allowed lands of HABSBURG EMPIRE to pass to Empress MARIA THERESA, who was not a MALE HEIR


Beginning of WWI


Bismarck's attack on the Catholic Church within Germany from 1870 to 1878

Revolutions of 1848

Challenged the conservative order led to the breakdown of the Concert of Europe Democratic and nationalistic revolutions, most of them unsuccessful, that swept through Europe

Test Act, 1673

Charles II's Parliament said that only Anglicans could hold military and civil offices

Marx: Scientific Socialism

Economic Interpretation (influenced by technology) Class Struggle Internationalism Inevitable proletariat--gain class-consciousness--overthrow bourgeoisie--replace privately owned businesses with ones owned collectively. Socialism a step toward Communism--all property used to produce goods would be owned collectively


Edict of Nantes


Expanded liberal ideology-universal male suffrage and willing to endorse violent upheaval. Advocates of government action to create jobs, redistribute income, level social differences. Believed people are the ultimate source of government.

Henry Bessemer (1856)

Invented the Bessemer process, a method for mass-producing steel

Eli Whitney (1794)

Invented the cotton gin

Society of Jesus

Jesuits became the chief instrument for the Catholic reformation that submitted to will of the church. They emphasized that human will can be strengthened by the church. The believed in strong heirarchy as well as education of the masses.

George Stephenson (1816)


Camile Pissarro

One of the founders of Impressionism. He and other Impressionists sought to put into paintings their impression of the changing lights.


Portuguese navigator in the service of Spain

Chartist Movement

Radical reformers in Britain who pressed for universal male suffrage.

Charles Dickens

Realist author of "A Christmas Carol"


Russian national legislature

Dual Monarchy

The joining of Austria and Hungary under two different crowns

Glorious Revolution

William of Orange and Mary were invited to invade England. With almost no bloodshed, there were acts of new king and queen to prevent Catholic power.

Henry IV

a Protestant that changed to Catholicism for France to assend the throne


forced labor used in eastern Europe; abolished in 1848

Anti- Semitism

hostility to or prejudice against Jews.

slogan of the french revolution

liberty, equality, fraternity

Social Darwinism

natural evolutionary process by which the fittest will survive

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