unit 17 r. game/test

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war cost

$170 billion and 58,000 american lives

4 us presidents in vietnam

1.) eisenhower- involved in '50s 2.) kennedy- inherited 3.) johnson- inherited 4.) nixon- wins '68 election and inherits end as johnson didn't run

vietnam war lasted from


The Free Speech Movement and the "People's Park" issue of the so-called New Left were centered in

Berkeley, around the University of California.

The killing of South Vietnamese civilians by American soldiers in the village of My Lai

None of these answers is correct.

Which of the following is true of the "New Left" that sprang up in the 1960s and 1970s?

Relatively few members of the New Left were communists.

In January 1966, highly publicized hearings airing criticisms of the war were staged by

Senator William Fulbright.

minh wanted free elections across all of vietnam

US opposed idea, knew everyone would vote for him. US accused of hypocrisy (day agrees) because of the issue of preserving democracy.

Rock 'n' roll's twin elements of hope and danger were symbolized by two concerts that occurred only four months apart. They were

Woodstock and Altamont.

The 1969 Woodstock music festival was

a powerful symbol of the ideals of the counterculture philosophy.


against war

The National Liberation Front was

also known in the United States as the Viet Cong.

kissinger's linkage

an attempt to persuade the Soviet Union and China to stop aiding North Vietnam by linking political and military foreign affairs

nixon promises to expand war but

before he does he expands it

In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson responded to an attack on Pleiku by

bombing North Vietnam.

eisenhower+ kennedy involvement

both sent money + some support (only non-combat troop) to vietnam to support french, ngo, and anticommunist groups during '50s and '60s. not official war while they were presidents.

eugene mccarthy

challenged johnson for dem. nomination, got 2nd in NH which shouldn't have been that close (showed johnson's weakness in regards to election)

agent orange

chemical herbicide we used to clear jungle. kills weeds but very bad for everyone. dumped on our soldiers and had negative medical effects.


dark year, johnson doesn't run. robert kennedy assassinated, mlk too. more vietnam deaths than any other year.

By the end of their first year in office, Nixon and Kissinger had concluded that the most effective way to tip the military balance in America's favor was to

destroy military bases in Cambodia.

hippie culture

drugs, open sexuality, communes, rejection of traditional marriage + gender roles. everyone married to everyone else.

pentagon papers

ellsberg leaks; expose johnson's lies and enrages many americans.

In order to avoid losing public support, President Nixon informed the American people of his decision to begin bombing Cambodia before he did so.


The founders of Students for a Democratic Society could accurately be described as hippies.


The outpouring of patriotism that accompanied the invasion of Cambodia by U.S. troops in 1970 temporarily quieted the anti-Vietnam War protest movement.


The political New Left emerged out of opposition to the military draft in the 1960s.


Throughout the Vietnam War, deferments from the military draft were increasingly easy to obtain for those in college.



festival born from counterculture


free speech movement, along w/other groups

controlled vietnam in '50s after war


vietnam war started when

french were pushed out

port huron statement

from sds (students for a democratic society) which started in michigan and spread counterculture across all college campuses.


gets many votes in south by running on racist platform (like thurman and byrd). opened door for nixon who turned republican party more conservative to get southern racist votes. nixon preaches slowing down integration; why so many conservatives + southerners are republican today.

credibility gap

govnt. began telling lies + half truths to make it seem like war going better than it was. media exposed them, forced them not to lie as much.


group whose goal was to liberate vietnam from all outside influences especially japanese at the time

bobby kennedy

had shot of winning (made johnson drop because he felt he wouldn't win) but assassinated in '68 by palestinian immigrant sirhan sirhan who felt he supported israel too much

hippie culture center

haight ashbury in san francisco

In 1969, President Richard Nixon believed an American withdrawal from Vietnam would

harm America's honor and "credibility."

ngo dinh diem

heavily opposed by minh and his people, south dictator. US supported him but he wasn't elected; oppressiveness made minh more popular. catholic while most were buddhist, didn't tolerate + oppressed.

In 1967, President Lyndon Johnson responded to mounting inflation at home by

increasing taxes while agreeing to large funding reductions in Great Society programs.

mai lai massacre

innocent women and children killed by US.

nixon turns people against him by

invading cambodia

controlled vietnam in early '40s (WW2)



jelly gasoline that stuck to trees and burned them.

primary president during vietnam

johnson (sent most troops + escalated)

gulf of tonkin resolution

johnson took gulf incident to congress who then gave him the resolution (free pass) to do whatever he wanted in vietnam (basically the war powers act)

hubert humphrey

johnson vp +mini-me, dem. nominee. from minnesota.


lectures and dicussions about war on college campuses, expressed anti-war and anti-draft sentiment.

spider holes

little holes the vietcong hid in then came out w/ machine guns for sneak attacks

As a result of the Vietnam War,

more than 1.2 million Vietnamese soldiers died.

In the 1960s, the aspect of popular culture most strongly embraced by the counterculture was


president at end of vietnam


who won the '68 election



nixon's policy in which american forces would gradually withdraw while south vietnamese forces took on more of the fighting

In 1967-1968, the issue that most unified the various people loosely known as the New Left was

opposition to the war in Vietnam.

After the 1972 election, President Richard Nixon, to prompt a peace settlement with North Vietnam,

ordered an increase in the aerial bombing of North Vietnam.

domino theory

part of containment. idea that if one country falls to communism, its neighbors will as well. wanted to stop spread of communism. applied by usa.


people killed at concert riot (trampled)

war sentiment early on

positive as young people saw it as an opportunity to be a hero like their WW2 and Korea veteran fathers.

war powers act

president must tell congress w/in 48 hrs of sending troops; if not approved by congress w/in 60-90 days troops must be withdrawn.

Students for a Democratic Society was formed

primarily by college students from prestigious universities.

monk set himself on fire

protesting ngo's oppressive nature, similar to mlk but more extreme

pentagon march

protestor pictured giving flower to soldier. got heated as chanted "national liberation front + minh will win". soldiers took personally, changed chant to that they weren't against soldiers but against war.

Which of the following was NOT generally associated with the so-called counterculture?

rejection of the existence of a supreme being

The so-called Pentagon Papers

revealed the government had misled the public regarding the progress of the war.

In 1972, diplomat Henry Kissinger announced that "peace is at hand"

right before the American presidential election.

In 1972, the United States' "Christmas bombing" of North Vietnam

saw the United States suffer, by far, its greatest loss of bombers in the war.

first televised war

sentiment quickly turns negative, videos no longer controlled+edited by govnt. people saw horrors of war.

geneva accords

separated vietnam into north+ south and US protects south (ngo). passed in mid '50s. (similar to korea)

vietnam is located...

south of china (southeast asia)


summer of love '67 promotes artists like bob dylan, jimi hendrix


supported war

President Lyndon Johnson's first major foreign policy test came in 1961 during a crisis in

the Dominican Republic.

In April 1970, the antiwar movement was recharged by

the U.S. invasion of Cambodia.

In 1956, scheduled national elections for Vietnam were cancelled because

the pro-Western government in South Vietnam refused to hold them.

In 1964, a dispute broke out at the University of California at Berkeley over

the rights of students to engage in free speech.

In the 1960s, the youth counterculture

was openly scornful of the values and conventions of American middle-class society.

In Vietnam, the American "pacification" strategy

was replaced by the more heavy-handed "relocation" strategy.

In 1968, antiwar protesters at the Democratic convention in Chicago

were attacked by police in a bloody riot.

In the 1960s, the radical group known as "Weathermen"

were involved in college bombings that claimed several lives.

unrecognizable enemy

women + children asking for candy then pulling out grenades and killing everyone (suicide missions)


youth rise up and protest war, civil rights, womens rights etc.

An important and controversial aspect of the counterculture was its more permissive view of sex and drugs.


Shortly after the last Americans had left South Vietnam, Cambodia came under the control of a brutal and repressive government.


The Department of Defense documents released in the so-called Pentagon Papers revealed that the U.S. government had been less than fully honest in reporting to the American people about the military progress of the Vietnam War.


The Free Speech Movement was born on a college campus.


The New Left movement drew strength from the civil rights and anti-Vietnam War mood of many Americans.


The so-called Pentagon Papers revealed the government had misled the public in explaining its motives for American involvement in Vietnam.


The tragedies of Kent State and Jackson State occurred during protests over the American expansion of the Vietnam War into Cambodia by the Nixon administration.


Weeks after Henry Kissinger announced that "peace is at hand" in the Vietnam War, President Nixon ordered the heaviest air raids on North Vietnam of the entire war.


to secure a peace agreement in Vietnam in 1972, President Nixon dropped his demand that North Vietnam withdraw its troops from South Vietnam before American troops would be removed.


gulf of tonkin

turning point in conflict. incident between us and north vietnam. argued vietnam ship fired on US first, they argued we did.

tet offensive

turning point, despite being US military victory it was a political disaster for johnson and made war sentiment very negative. sneak attack by north on tet (vietnamese new year). although we put it down quickly, johnson's lies that the enemy was doing very bad were exposed.

johnson treatment

used intimidation tactics to get what he wanted

cu chi tunnels

vietcong lived underground, blended in etc. our military superior, but vietcong willing to go far. first aid stations powered by bikes in these tunnels, etc. like US in american revolution.

dien bien phu

vietminh defeat french in '54 at aggressive battle

ho chi minh

vietminh member who wanted to free vietnam from french colonialism. studied in USSR + china, adopted communist beliefs. president of north '45-'56.


vietminh often used troops that blend into the civillian population and use ambush tactics.

us supported

vietminh, fighting to take back vietnam from japan

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)

was determined to build a new politics to counteract the complacency of American society.

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