Unit 2: The French Revolution

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From 1789-1799, what type of government and how many governments plays a role for France?

From 1789-1799, there were 3 revolutionary governments. (National Assembly, Legislative Assembly, National Convention)

The Fall of the Bastille became a ___________ to the Revolution.


Which European nation did Napoleon want to defeat but could not?

Great Britain

How did Napoleon become a hero to the Revolution?

He believed in French Republic and fought against Royalists

When Napoleon stepped down on April 11, 1814, who replaced him as the leader of France?

King Louis XVII (17)

In nationalism, there is a shift of loyalty to a ____ and ruler to loyalty to the _________ and the __________.

King, people and the nation

The terms used today to describe where people stand politically derive from factions developed in __________________

Legislative Assembly of 1791

Which group of people come into power in the Directory?

Moderates (prior Legislative Assembly) - BOURGEOISIE

In 1790, what did the National Assembly do to help pay for the debt?

The National Assembly votes to sell Church lands to help pay for the debt.

What did the National Assembly swear in the Tennis Court a Oath?

"Never to separate and to meet whenever the circumstances might require until we have established a sound and just constitution."

Why did Napoleon ask for a divorce?

He divorced Josephine because she couldn't bear any more children (boy).

What early military successes did Napoleon achieve with new strategy

He owned parts of Italy

When Napoleon returned to power, what did he promise the other European leaders? What was their response? What did Napoleon do in response to their actions?

He promised other leaders to make allies w/ Austria and Prussia, Great Britain (Belgium, British, Prussia)

What did Napoleon do on March 1, 1815

He took 7 small ships and set for France with his 1000 man army to take back what was his.

How did Napoleon indicate he was more powerful than the Church?

He took the crown from the pope and placed it on this own head. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Napoleon instituted a new style of warfare and revolutionized it. What was his strategy?

He would lead the attack from front while bullets and muskets shot from behind. He would also divide and conquer, working on one piece of an army at a time.

What were the several problems with the Directory?

1. France made peace with Prussia and Spain but are still fighting with Great Britain and Austria 2. CORRUPT leaders 3. Voting RESTRICTED to PROPERTIED MEN 4. FOOD SHORTAGES 5. Emigrés wants monarchy to return along with their old priveledges (want to eliminate sans-culottes from having any say)

List the phases of the Revolution.

1. Moderate Phase 2. Radical Phase 3. Reactionary Phase

After seeing France at War, _________ and ____________ were fearful that revolutions would break out in their countries. Therefore, what was developed, when?

Austria, Prussia, August 1791- The Declaration of Pilinitz was issued

Which three nations joined forces to fight against Fremch

Austria, Prussia, Great Britain

What was the flag of France during the revolution?

BLUE, WHITE, and RED, tri- color

What is "Bastille Day"

Bastille Day is the day in honor of when the fall of the Bastille occurred. ( July 14, 1789). It is also known as the French independence day. (Nationalism)

Napoleon's defeat at which battle prevented him from being able to defeat Great Britain?

Battle of Trafalgar

Where is Napoleon finally defeated

Battle of Waterloo

What problems did Napoleon have with his marriage

His wife, Josephine had several affairs during the marriage.

What prevented Napoleon from capturing British army in Belgium

It had rained very heavily (flooding)- this became an advantage for British army - occurred in Battle of Waterloo

The National Convention was dominated by the __________.

Jacobins (radical faction)

On ________________, what happens to the king after he is placed in trial and found guilty?

January 21, 1793, King Louis is beheaded on the guillotine

Who became Napoleon's wife?

Josephine de Babouien

When does the Reign of Terror take place? How long?

July 1793-July 1794 (1 year)

When did the Great Fear take place?

July 20- August 5, 1789

The National Assembly was first established on __________

June 17, 1789

When did the Tennis Court Oath occur?

June 20, 1789

The Constitution of 1791 created a new government ( legislative body) known as the __________________. Describe the government.

Legislative Assembly, a unicameral legislature - POWER TO CREATE LAWS, COLLECT TAXES, AND DECIDE ON ISSUES OF PEACE AND WAR - Male property owners over 25 were eligible to vote

Describe the National Assembly

Legislative body that passes laws established by the Third Estate: - The Third Estate breaks away and declares themselves a government ( to pass laws and reforms in the name of the French people)

What is the National slogan of the Revolution?

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity (Liberté, Egalite, Fraternite)


Rulers of Europe whom Napoleon driven out of power should be restored to thrones

Which nations joined in the fight against France


In _______________ the National Assembly completed the new constitution. What type of government did they create? How did this affect the kings power?

September 1791, The National Assembly created a LIMITED CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY. The kings power was being limited by this constitution

When is the National Convention established? (Legislative Assembly overthrew)

September 21, 1792

Concert of Europe

Series of European alliances that assured countries would help each other if revolution occurred

What was the Congress of Vienna?

Series of meetings to set up policies and establish security and stability in Europe after Napoleon's defeat

Who was Olympe de Gouges and what did she do? Was it successful?

She published a Declaration of the Rights of Women which was rejected.

What did the National Convention try to do?

The National Convention tried to erase all traces of the Old Order (absolute monarchy). They had seized land from NOBLES. All adult male citizens were given the right to vote; however, women were still not given suffrage (right to vote).

Describe the September Massacre.

The September Massacre took place in September 1792. Rumors were spreading that supporters of the king that were held in Paris prisons were planning to break out. In early September, prisons are raided and over 1200 prisoners are killed. (Along with that, NOBLES, priests, and royalist sympathizes are killed)

Describe the Tennis Court Oath

The Third Estate delegates arrive to find themselves locked out of their meeting room, so they broke down a door to an indoor tennis court, PLEDGING TO STAY UNTIL THEY HAD DRAWN UP A RIGHT.

What did the Third Estate suggest the Estate General should vote instead?

The Third Estate suggested and insisted that they all meet together and each delegate has a vote, but the other estates disagreed and refused.

From 1799-1815 what type of government under whose rule and how many governments were there?

France was under the rule of Napoleon with an absolute monarch containing 2 different governments.

What caused the Radical Phase to begin?

France went to war with other countries.

What title did Napoleon take?

"First Consul of Europe" ( makes all decisions)

What did Napoleon consider to be his greatest accomplishment

French Empire

What internal and external dangers did the National Convention face by early 1793?

1. France at war with a lot of Europe 2. Royalist revolts (priests and peasants from countryside as well) 3. Sans- culottes- want relief from foot shortages and inflation 4. Convention divided between Jacobins and Girondins (RIVAL GROUP)

List all the accomplishments of the National Convention.

1. France is a republic 2. Right to vote for all male citizens 3. Metric System 4. Republican Calendar 5. Levée en masse - defend the nation w/ war - citizens responsible for country's well- being ( displays patrioticism/ nationalism) 6. THE REIGN OF TERROR (1 year of havoc run by Maximilian Robespierre)

What was Napoleon given on Elba?

1,000 men to keep under command

After the levée en masse is issued, how many people are in the French army now?

1,500,000 people

Due to bad weather and a crop failure in 1789, the price of bread __________ in 1789.


Who was the commander of the British military

Duke of Wellington

Where was Napoleon exiled now? (1815)

St. Helena

What is the National anthem of France?

La Marseillaise

What was Napoleon like as a child and while at school?

- Charismatic, generous, driven, focused, often in fights, intellectually superior

The _____________ of _____________ taxes fell on the Third Estate.

Burden, paying

Each Estate met _________ and only had ______ VOTE.


In July 1794, why is Robespierre put for arrest and conviction

The National Convention had feared for their own safety

Third Estate

- 97% of the population - Most people FARMED ( Peasants) - Made up of peasants, laborers, tradespeople, servants, apprentices, and the bourgeoisie - PAID ALL TAXES (1/2 income)

List all the accomplishments of the National Assembly (Summary)

- All men are equal (August Decree- nobles VOTE to end their privileges AND the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen) - Civil Constitution of the Clergy ( sell Church lands to help pay off debts and stop Church interference in govt.) - End of Absolute Monarchy (Creation of the National Assembly in 1789 and Constitution of 1791 (CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY and Legislative Assembly)

Describe theEstates General

- Assembly of representatives from all three estates - 300 representatives from 1st estate, 300 representatives from second estate, 600 representatives from 3rd estate

How did the National Assembly make the Second and Third Estates equal?

- August Decrees (nobles vote to end their privileges) - Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

Palace of Versailles

- Build by King Louis XIV in honor of himself (egoistic) - 1682- Louis XIV move French government and court from Paris to Versailles - Louis XIV- moves to country because of dirty city area

Age of Enlightenment Ideas

- Challenged absolute right to rule - People should have a say in their government - Liberal freedoms for all men - overthrow government that doesn't protect people's rights - Appealed to bourgeoisie grievances - Everyone is born equal - separation of powers -----> balance

First Estate

- Consisted of the higher and lower Roman Catholic clergy - 1 percent of the population - Own 10 percent of land - Exempt from paying taxes - Enjoys grand lifestyle paid for by TITHE money

Describe the Directory.

- Executive body of 5 men - Bicameral legislature elected by male property owners - BOURGEOISIE IS THE DOMINANT FORCE

Financial difficulties

- Governments- large debt with interest - cost of wars between King Louis XIV AND Louis - cost of sending troops to American Revolution against a Britain ( Frances enemy) - 1780s- bad harvest led to food prices rising - Hunger spread - Extravagant spending of the royal family and court - Upkeep of the Palace of Versailles

France was an absolute monarchy with a weak monarch

- King Louis XVI - preferred personal interests to court interests - heavily influenced by his wife (Marie Antoinette) - wasn't capable of strong decisions

Frances sends troops and supplies to American revolutionaries

- Led financial hardship to France - Introduction to revolutionary ideas - Republic SUPERIOR to monarchy - No taxation without representation - Army against tyranny - Liberal freedoms for all men

Second Estate

- Made up of nobility - 2% of the population - 25% of the land - high posts in government and military tax - MAIN INCOME WAS FEUDAL DUES - Exempt from paying taxes

Which groups of people weren't satisfied with the changes made during the National Assembly and specifically, the Constitution of 1791? Why?

- Non- propertied men ( didn't own property ---> couldn't vote) - Women (completely disregarded, none of the changes apply to them, all were equal to 3rd Estate) - Radicals ( not all of changes were met, still a king present) - Peasants ( did not own much land, could not vote, church lost power) -Nobles (powers were taken away) - Clergy (wealth is limited, some cannot vote)

Describe the Women's March to Versailles.

- October 5, 1789 - Thousands of a Parisian women riot over RISING PRICES OF BREAD - Women carried knifes, axes, and other weapons to march to Versailles - Kill many guards and demanded that Louis return to Paris - Louis and Marie Antoinette were brought back into Paris and move into Tuileries Palace ( original palace where kings stayed before) - When Louis moved back into Paris, it signified the SHIFT OF POWER to the RADICALS!

Marie Antoinette

- The French people did not trust her ----> royal family of Austria - Spent extravagently on gowns, jewels, gifts, and gambling - "Madame Deficit"

Describe the Committee of Public Safety.

-12 member committee - Had ALMOST ABSOLUTE POWER

What was encompassed within the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

-Enlightenment ideas of Voltaire, Montesquieu, Locke, Beccaria, Rousseau - Protected against arbitrary arrest and punishment - guaranteed freedom of speech, press, and religion - ALL PEOPLE ARE EQUAL BEFORE THE LAW?? - influential because it's in the French Constitution today


-Middle class -bankers, merchants, artisans, doctors, lawyers, professionals

Describe the National Convention

-RADICAL government - Abolish MONARCHY - France was a republic

What were the issues discussed in the Estates General?

1. Tax 1st and 2nd estates 2. Top jobs open to all 3. 3rd estate has a say in government

List the 5 causes of the French Revolution

1. Unequal social structure: population divided into three estates 2. Age of Enlightenment Ideas 3. France sends troops and supplies to American revolutionaries 4. Numerous financial difficulties 5. France was an absolute monarchy with an weak monarch

Tithe money

10% of income MUST be paid to the church (paid by 3rd estate)

How old was Napoleon when he became officer?

16 years old

When did the Moderate Phase take place?


In ________, the Moderates draft a new plan of government known as the ______________. This is the _______ constitution since 1789.

1795, Constitution of 1795, Third

When is the Age of Napoleon?


Which,when and how many governments ruled during the Moderate Phase?

2 governments, The National Assembly (1789-1791), Legislative Assembly (1791-1792)

The Legislative Assembly is divided into how many groups? How were they seated in the Assembly?

3 groups, they were seated in the Assembly based on their political beliefs

How many people were arrested and killed during the Reign of Terror? Which people were killed the most?

40,000 killed, 300,000 arrested , 85% of people killed were PEASANTS of lower class

How many troops invaded Russia and what happened to them?

600,000 men invaded, 500,000 men died

What did the Committee of Public Safety issue on August 23, 1793? What were the jobs of each person?

A levée en mass was issued that required ALL citizens to contribute to the war effort ( 18-25 male and female drafted, others made weapons and provided transportation, women made clothing, tents, or hospital, Children and elderly cheer on revolution

What occurred at August 4,1789?

A meeting of the National Assembly had taken place where the nobles had voted to end their privileges. Several of the, feared the violence in the countryside. Commoners=nobles and clergy. This is otherwise known as the AUGUST DECREES. THE OLD ORDER WAS ENDED!**

The National Assembly proclaimed the end of _____________ and the beginning of __________ government.

Absolute monarchy, representatives

What occurs in August 1792?

An angry mob breaks into the Tuileries Palace and kill several guards. The royal family flees to the Legislative Assembly for assistance; however, they are placed under arrest.(Reverse jail break of royal family)

When was Robespierre arrested and guillotined

Arrested- July 27, 1794 Killed- July 28, 1794

After King Louis is killed, which countries are France at war with (continued)?

Austria and Prussia, (Great Britain, Holland, and Spain join against France).

What was the Continental System?

Blockade designed by Napoleon Bonaparte of all the ships/ports of France (prevent trade and shipping to Britain)

________ influenced the Enlightenment. How were they influenced?

Bourgeoisie, most influenced by salons ( gatherings where Enlightenment Ideas were spread)

__________ was the staple diet of the common people in France. Most people consumed ___________ 4- pound ________________ a day.

Bread, 3-4, loaves of bread

Each Estate prepares __________, or grievance notebooks, listing grievances.



Called "those without knee breeches" Parisian workers and shopkeepers who don't own property/ land. They are called sans culottes because they wear full trousers. They were the group of people who most likely "stormed the Bastille". PATRIOTIC AND WEAR TRICOLOR.They want A LOT of changes along with getting rid of the king. (HOT/SPICY)

How should one display nationalism to another person?

Calling one another citizen implies rights and equality of its country

When the National Assembly sells Church land to help pay for the land, what is this specifically known as and when does this take place?

Civil Constitution of the Clergy: placed French Church under government control and ended Church interference in government - July 12, 1790 - Many extremely religious peasants were opposed to this idea. (WANTED NOBLES TO LOSE POWER)

What were the two main reasons that Napoleon's invasion of Russia wasn't successful

Cold weather of Russia and disease

In return for the success at defending National Convention, what did he receive?

Command of French army in Italy

During the Reign of Terror, who took charge of trails and executions?

Committee of the Public Safety

The Constitution of 1791 seemed to __________ the Revolution by __________________. What did they do?

Complete, moderating reformers: 1. Equality before the law for male citizens 2. Ended Church interference with government 3. Put power in the hands of men, primarily from middle class THE REVOLUTION IS OVER FOR MOST PEOPLE

What had led to the Congress of Vienna

Concert of Europe

The group that sat on the right of the Legislative Assembly were ______. What did they want changed and how much?

Conservatives, very few changes made to the government, limited monarchy (keep king with limited powers) (FOE THESE PEOPLE REVOLUTION IS DONE)

Where and when was Napoleon born

Corsica (Mediterranean island) in 1769

The National Convention had created a new calendar based on ______________. What was supposedly "Year 1 of the Republic" in France? Does this calendar last?

Creation of the republic in France, 1792, NO

What evidence does the Jacobins put King Louis XVI on trial and call for the death of the king?

December 1792-King is arrested and put on trial for escaping France to Austria (traitor to the REVOLUTION)

When did Napoleon become emperor?

December 2, 1804

Robespierre was ruled as a _________. To protect the revolution, what did he use? What was the period of this rule known as?

Dictator, he had used "prompt, severe, inflexible justice", known as the Reign of Terror

In 1799, Napoleon overthrew the weak _________.


Describe the Declaration of Pilinitz.

Document that urged France to restore Louis as absolute monarch and stop revolution otherwise Austria and Prussia threatened to intervene if revolutionaries did not obey

Where did Napoleon fight the British in July 1798

Egypt, this was where he discovered Rosetta Stone (stone slab w/ hieroglyphics, Latin, and Greek), could translate hieroglyphics

Where was Napoleon exiled

Elba (Remote corner of Mediterranean Sea)

List the factions outside the Assembly.

Emigrés, Reactionary Royalists, Sans- Culottes

From 1804-1815, Napoleon becomes the _________.


What were two effects of the Congress of Vienna

Encouraged feelings of nationalism, revolution and eventual independence

In June 1791, Louis XVI tries to ___________. Why does he try to? How do they do this? Were they successful?

Escape, Louis XVI tries to escape to Austria to use their army to take back France. Marie Antoinette's brother was the Emperor of Austria. They dressed as commoners; however they are recognized at the border by French guards. By escaping France, this will be used as evidence for being a traitor of the Revolution. Louis and Marie Antoinette are captured and arrested, then taken back to Paris.

The Second Estate forced the king to call a meeting of the ___________________ to approve any changes in taxation.

Estates General

What was the period of Napoleon's rule from his escape from Elba until he abdicated on June 22, 1815?



Extreme pride in ones country or loyalty to the people in ones country and nation

Who was labeled "enemies of the Revolution"?

Fellow Radicals/ anybody who challenged Robespierre's rule (ALMOST absolute power)

From 1799-1804, Napoleon is the _______________.

First Consul of Europe

After the Tennis Court Oath, members of the ___________ and ___________ that favored _______ joined the Third Estate delegates.

First, Second, reform

What is a coup d'etat?

Illegal seizure of military power

Describe the storming/ fall of the Bastille.

Louis XVI sent troops to protect Palace of Versailles. People were afraid of rumors that Louis was going to order troops to dismiss National Assembly and attack. In Paris, people began to gather weapons. On a JULY 14, 1789, French revolutionaries look for gunpowder and arms in the Bastille ( a prison and previously a Medieval castle). The mob had killed several guards, while dragging the commander of Bastille in the streets by attacking him, cutting his head off, and parading it in the streets.

December 1792

Louis was tried before National Convention for "conspiring against the liberty of the country " (treason) (FOUND GUILTY)

On October 1793, who is guillotined?

Marie Antoinette

Who became Napoleon's second wife?

Marie Louise (Duchess) of Austria

In _______ 1793, who becomes the leader of the Commitee of Public Safety?

Maximillien Robespierre

On __________, the Estates General met, they had met after ___________ years.

May 5, 1789; 175 years

When did Napoleon die?

May 5, 1821

Describe the scorch earth policy

Military strategy of destroying building, crops that might be of use to invading enemy

The group that sat in the middle hall of the Legislative Assembly were _______. What did they want changed and how much?

Moderates, wanted some changes but not as many as radicals


NOBLES who had FLED France and wanted to undo revolution and bring back OLD REGIME, conservative point of view (MILD)

When did Napoleon have a son and what title did he give him?

Napoleon- "King of Rome"

What government had reigned during the Radical phase of the Revolution?

National Convention (1792-1794)

The _______________ creates the _______________ .

National, Legislative

What other reforms in addition to the calendar were made by the National Convention?

New Months of the Year, New Days of the Week(10 days a week and 100 seconds a minute)

In the Committee of Public Safety, there were _____________ given to the people which also created ________________.

New political rights, new obligations

How did the French people react upon his arrival

Nostalgic (excited), Jubilant, Miraculous

When did Napoleon stage a coup d'etat?

November 1799

What was the stated goal of the Reign of Terror?

PROTECT Revolution from its enemies

What did Napoleon study and why?

Philosophy, politics, military warfare

Louis XIV

Power and authoritative figure - Strong king (absolute monarchy)

Louis XIV was the most ___________ king France has ever had.


The people who sat on the left of the Legislative Assembly were ___________. What did they want?

Radicals (Hot/Spicy), wanted a lot of change in government , strongly opposed the idea of a monarchy (wanted king gone)

The ____________ Phase is a reaction to the __________ Phase.

Reactionary, Radical

Under the reign of the National Convention, everything was based on ___________ /_____________. There was also the removal of any _________ influences.

Reason, rational, church (SPREAD OF ENLIGHTENMENT IDEAS)

Describe the Great Fair.

Rebellions had spread from Paris to the countryside. The poor harvests and crop failures led to one of the worst famines in France. More importantly, rumors spread that the nobles were hiring people to terrorize peasants and seize crops. ( Peasants enraged by famine and fear) Peasants arm themselves with pitchforks/ other farm tools and attack nobles+their homes. In addition, they also burn old manor records and store grain from store houses.

What is the typical royal color?


Why did Napoleon have his desk moved to his bedroom

So he could work on an idea if thought of at night

What is an estate?

Social classes, or orders of society, in France

To deal with Frances financial crisis, Louis decided to _______ the First and Second Estates. However, what happened?

Tax, The First and Second Estates did not want to give up their tax priveledges

How did France react to Declaration of Pilinitz? What did they do in response?

The Declaration of Pilinitz was taken more seriously than expected (threat-wise). The revolutionaries took threat seriously. In response, the Legislative Assembly had taken action by declaring war against Austria and Prussia.(FRANCE WAS FIGHTING MANY WARS)

When did the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen take place?

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen had taken place on August 27,1789.

Which government is formed during the Reactionary Phase?

The Directory (1795-1799)

What unfair idea occurred during the Estates General pertaining to the estates voting process?

The First and Second Estate would always outvote the Third Estate.

Why didn't the French people support Louis XVII

The French people had grown accustomed to the reforms that Napoleon had promised to France.

Why did the storming of the Bastille occur?

The French revolutionaries wanted to relinquish the prison( medieval fortress) - Bastille ( used for political and other prisoners) that represented years of abuse of the monarchy. Remember, the people were afraid that Louis was going to dismiss National Assembly and attack them.

Describe the Jacobins (beliefs, who they are, what they were involved in)

The Jacobins were part of the Jacobin club (radical political organization). They were involved in the September Massacre and the National Convention. THEY CALLED FOR THE DEATH OF THOSE WHO SUPPORTED THE KING. They soon killed the king as well.

What does the National Convention do to deal with threats to France?

The National Convention established the Committee of Public Safety.

What was the goal of the National Assembly ( What did they pledge to do/ accomplish?)

The goal of the National Assembly is to write a new constitution ( a new written set of laws)

Describe the guillotine.

The guillotine was made by Dr. Joseph Ignace Guillotin in 1792. He prophesied this to be a more humane, fast, and easy way method of execution. The death by guillotine was too fast to be "enjoyed by spectators".

Why would countries not want to honor the Continental System?

There were blockade runnings and smuggling.

What does the National Convention order to reinforce the French army after many wars?

They order conscription (the draft). Around 300,000 French citizens between 18 and 40 are drafted. 1794-----> army becomes 800,000 and includes WOMEN (fought, but didn't draft)

Why did Napoleon invade Russia? When did he invade Russia?

They took a page from a war manual, 1812

Under the Old Regime there were ______ different estates.

Three (3)

What was its main purpose of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen?

To ensure the equality of "all the people" ( men)

What was the MAIN purpose of establishing the Committee of Public Safety?

To protect the Revolution from foreign and domestic enemies

What was the main goal of the Congress of Vienna

To restore stability ( long- lasting peace) in Europe

What is a symbol of nationalism that reflects the French revolution?

Tri-color French Flag (blue, white, red)

Which three countries do NOT use the metric system?

USA, Liberia, Myanmar (Burma)

The ________ to establish the National Assembly was the first act of _________.

VOTE, revolution

In addition, the National Convention also developed a new system of _________ and ______. Describe this system and what they used.

Weights and measures, everything was universal and in the powers of TEN. They had used the METRIC system ( 1 cm=10 mm, 100 cm= 1 m)

What is a blockade?

When ships were stolen, seal off ports to prevent from leaving

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen did not declare rights for _______.


Reactionary Royalists

wanted the king back in power along with the Old Regime back (same as Emigrés)- (MILD)

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