Unit 3 A442

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What is mobile marketing?

Advertising on various mobile platforms - More targeted, interactive and useful than ever before

What is meant by a secondary association?

Linking the brand to some other entity may: • Create a new set of associations from the brand to the entity • Affect the existing brand associations

What are the overall advantages of online marketing communications?

Low cost, greater level of detail and higher degree of customization, can accomplish many marketing communication objectives, especially valuable in terms of solid relationship building with consumers

What caused the push to create more detailed and comprehensive brand equity measurement systems?

Need for increased accountability has led to develop brand value measurement approaches.

What are the steps of a brand exploratory?

Preliminary, Qualitative, Quantitative

What are the three categories of online marketing communications we discussed?

Web Sites, Online Ads and Videos, Social media

What is qualitative research? How does it differ from quantitative research?

qualatative reseaarch

Know what types of entities brands can build secondary associations with? Examples.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Companies (through branding strategies) • Samsung - Galaxy; Panera - Susan Komen Countries or other geographic areas (through product origin) • Colombian coffee; Irish Spring soap Channels of distribution (through channel strategy) • Nordstrom = quality Other brands - same or different company (through co-branding) • Betty Crocker, Dairy Queen, Yoplait Yogurt, Shell Gold Mastercard, Star Alliance, McDonalds, Kraft Lunchables, Intel, Teflon, etc. Characters (through licensing) • Disney; movie titles and logos Spokespersons (through endorsements) Events (through sponsorship) • Pepsi Causes (through sponsorship or branding strategies) • Toms; Pouring Cafe Other third-party sources (through awards or reviews) • Good Housekeeping; Grey Goose

What are advantages and concerns that surround mobile marketing?

Advantages • Easy access to social networks • Can reach consumers as they travel through their day • Geotargeting: Marketers send messages to consumers about opportunities based on their location and the activities they are engaging in • Can be in consumers hands at the point of sale or consumption • E.g., short code key words placed into calls in print and electronic media for consumers to text; mobile coupon redemption • M-commerce • Using mobile platforms as shopping devices and payment methods Concerns- Privacy and Regulatory Concerns • Permissive/Opt-in Advertising • Consumer Promotions

What is advertising? Identify the 5 categories we discussed as classifying as advertising in a more traditional sense.

Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor - tv, radio, print, direct response, place

What are the various methods that are classified as a direct approach to measuring brand equity?

Brand Awareness: Recognition and recall Brand Image: Associations and beliefs Brand Responses: Purchase intentions and likelihood to recommend Brand Relationships: resonance- loyalty, attachment, sense of community, engagement

What are the two components of a brand audit?

Brand Inventory- What products and services are currently being offered to consumers, and how are they being marketed and branded? Brand Exploratory- What deeply held perceptions and beliefs create the true meaning of brands and products?

Be aware of the guidelines related to choosing, designing and measuring the event or experience.

Choosing sponsorship opportunities • Must meet marketing & comm objectives • Must have sufficient awareness, possess the desired image, be capable of creating the desired effects with the target market • Should closely match the ideal target market in terms of the audience attending the event • Should be unique but not encumbered with many sponsors • Designing sponsorship programs • Strategically identify yourself at an event through banners, signs, and programs • Measuring sponsorship activities • Supply-side method - Focuses on potential exposure to the brand by assessing the extent of media coverage • Demand-side method - Focuses on reported exposure from consumers

What are the two categories of promotions?

Consumer Promotions- buy brand for the first time, buy more of the brand, buy earlier and more often Trade Promotions- to carry the brand and support it

What criteria are used to evaluate which mix of marketing communication options to select for your integrated marketing communication program?

Coverage, contribution, commonality, complementarity, conformability, cost

How can it influence current consumer brand knowledge networks?

Create a new set of associations from the brand to the entity • Affect the existing brand associations

What criteria can be used to classify qualitative research?

Criteria by which we can classify and judge qualitative research • Direction • Varies in terms of the nature of the stimulus information (related to person or brand?) • Depth • Varies in terms of the extent to which responses are superficial and concrete as oppose to deeper and more abstract (which requires more interpretation) • Diversity • Varies in terms of the way the information relates to information gathered by other projective techniques (confirmation vs unique contribution; specific vs open-ended) • Ask specific questions, so as to narrow the range of information given by the respondents • Ask open-ended questions for freer and less constrained responses • Important to follow up with probes and other questions

How does events marketing differ from experiential marketing? Examples.

Events Marketing- Public sponsorship of events or activities related to sports, art, entertainment, or social causes • Range from extravagant sponsorship events to a simple local in-store product demonstration • Rationale • Guidelines Experiences- Experiential marketing: Any form of consumer-focused activity that creates a sensory-emotional connection to consumers • Saleable experiences come in four varieties • Entertainment, education, aesthetic and • And five different types of marketing experiences • Sense, feel, think, act, and relate

Know the six qualitative research techniques I discussed and examples of each.

Free Associations • Powerful way to profile brand associations • Without any specific probe, consumers narrate: • What comes to their mind when they think about the brand or the associated product category • Help form a rough mental map for the brand • Indicate the relative strength, favorability, and uniqueness of brand associations Projective Techniques • Diagnostic tools to uncover the true opinions and feelings of consumers when: • They are unwilling or unable to express themselves • Present consumers with ambiguous stimulus and ask them to make sense of it Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET) • Uncovers hidden thoughts and feelings which can be expressed using metaphors • Metaphor - Defining one thing in terms of another • Elicits interconnected constructs that influence thought and behavior • Construct - An abstraction created by the researcher to capture common ideas or themes expressed by customers • Represents thoughts that are tacit, implicit, and unspoken Neural Research Methods • Neuromarketing - Study of how the brain responds to marketing stimuli, including brands • Research indicates that consumer buying decision is a unconscious habitual process Brand Personality and Values • Brand personality - Human characteristics or traits that consumers can attribute to a brand • The big five - Brand personality scale used to measure: • Sincerity • Excitement • Competence • Sophistication • Ruggedness Ethnographic and Experiential Methods • Use "thick description" based on participant observation • Extract and interpret the deep cultural meaning of events and activities

What approaches are used to inform long-term strategic decisions about the brand?

Indirect approach and direct approach

What information is provided by each component? In other words, what is profiled or collected in the case of each? And, why?

Inventory- Profiling requires marketers to catalogue: • The brand elements • The inherent product attributes or characteristics of the brand • Pricing, product, distribution, and communications policies • Competitive brands in as much detail as possible to determine POP and POD Exploratory- understanding what consumers think and feel about the brand and how they act toward it in order to better understand sources of brand equity as well as any barriers

Why is it important to interview internal personnel of their beliefs about consumer perceptions for the brand and competitive brands?

It is useful to interview internal personnel (e.g., past and current marketing managers) to gain an understanding of their beliefs about consumer perceptions for the brand and competitive brands • Insights not captured in reports • Diversity of opinion • Inconsistencies or misconceptions that may exist internally

What are guidelines for developing and managing company-owned websites and social media sites?

Match objective Monitor constantly Speed of response Proper tone

Explain how these three categories of online marketing communications can serve as tools that work together to influence consumers' visit on each medium and consumers' overall interaction with a brand.

Online ads and videos can drive consumers to a brand's Web sites, where they can learn and experience more about the brand. • Company-managed social media may then create more engagement for those that what to express opinion or form a deeper relationship with the brand

How can these three forms of media be skillfully blended to produce the most effective digital campaign?

Paid media jump starts owned; owned sustains earned; and earned drives costs down and effectiveness up

What qualifies as paid, owned and earned media?

Paid- Traditional advertising media • e.g., TV, Print, Radio, Online ads Owned- Media channels the brand controls to some extent • e.g., web sites, social media, emails Earned- Consumers themselves communicating about the brand • e.g., social media, word of mouth

What are the pros, cons and guidelines to follow when implementing promotions?

Pros- Permit manufacturers to charge different prices to groups of consumers who vary in their price sensitivity • Convey a sense of urgency to consumers • Can build brand equity through actual product experience • Encourage the trade to maintain full stocks and support the manufacturer's merchandising efforts Cons- Decreased brand loyalty and increased brand switching • Decreased quality perceptions, and increased price sensitivity • Increase the importance of price as a factor in consumer decisions • May subsidize buyers who would have bought the brand anyway Guidelines- Customer franchise building • Samples/free trials, demonstrations, and educational materials • Provide value, offer engagement, elicit a sense of urgency

What is the qualitative research of a brand exploratory primarily trying to determine?

Relatively unstructured measurement approaches that permit a range of both questions and answers to explore consumer brand/product perceptions that are difficult to uncover

When are brand associations most likely to affect evaluations of a new product? Why?

Secondary brand associations are most likely to affect evaluations of a new product when: • Consumers lack either the motivation or the ability to judge product-related concerns

Know the pros, cons, and guidelines for each that help inform media managers when they may want to utilize this medium in their IMC program.

TV pros- Vivid (sight, sound and motion) • Dramatic portrayals • Compelling means for portraying user and user imagery, brand personality, emotions and other brand intangibles • Reaches a broad spectrum of consumers TV Cons- Fleeting nature of message • Clutter • High cost of production and placement TV Guidelines- Distinguish message strategy(what)from creative strategy(how) • Creative strategies tend to be either informational or transformational • Add to brand equity in some way (think pyramid) • Copy testing Radio Pros- Flexible - stations are highly targeted • Relatively inexpensive to produce and place • Morning and complement TV ads • Achieve a balance between broad and localized market coverage Radio Cons- Lack of visual image • Relatively passive nature of consumer processing Radio Guidlines- Identify your brand early in the commercial • Identify it often •Promise the listener a benefit early • Repeat it often Print Pros- Self-paced, provides detailed product info • Magazines are more effective at building user and usage imagery; topic and regional targeting • Newspapers are more timely and pervasive Print Cons- Poor reproductive quality (newspapers) • Short shelf life (newspapers) • Fairly passive medium • 2/3 might not even notice it Guidelines- Visual elements are key •Clarity and consistency in illustrations and headlines Direct Response Pros- Easy to establish relationships • Allows marketers to explain/info on an ongoing basis • Allows consumers to provide feedback Direct Response Cons- Intrusiveness • Clutter Direct Response Guidelines- Keep up-to-date and informative list of current & potential future customers • Permissive marketing (works because messages are expected and relevant) • Put forth right offer in the right manner • Track effectiveness • Precision marketing (works because data driven) Place (out of home) pros- Precise and captive audience • Cost effective • Engaging • Awareness or reinforcing existing brand associations Place Cons- Requires fast processing • "15 sec sell" • Hard to measure • Intrusive • Lead time Place Guidelines- • Message must be simple and direct • Has to focus on creative means of placing the brand in front of consumers

Know the reasons why you may want to plan an event or experience - essentially know what you can accomplish with these activities.

To identify with a particular target market or lifestyle. • To increase awareness of the company or product name. • To create or reinforce consumer perceptions of key brand image associations. • To enhance corporate image dimensions. • To create experiences and evoke feelings. • To express commitment to the community or on social issues. • To entertain key clients or reward key employees. • To permit merchandising or promotional opportunities.

What are the guidelines to follow when trying to leverage a secondary brand association?

To leverage secondary brand associations marketers must: • Take into account consumers' awareness of that entity, as well as how the associations, judgments, or feelings for it might become linked to the brand or affect existing brand associations • Choose entities for which consumers have some or even a great deal of similar associations • Design a commonality leveraging strategy when consumers have associations to another entity that are congruent with desired brand associations • Practice complementarity branding strategies that can help deliver the desired brand position

Be sure you know the unique benefits/advantages discussed about each and any disadvantages if mentioned.

Websites- Interactive/collaborative nature • Any type of consumer can choose the brand info relevant to his or her needs or desires • E.g.,P&G-pampers and cheerios • Company/product info, press releases, advertising and promotional info, links to partners/vendors, can collect info too • Mass customization (e..g, Blue Nile, NikeiD, Land's End, banks • Can communicate preferences directly to manufacturer, who, by using advanced production methods, can assemble the product for a price comparable to that of a non customized item Guidelines • Consumer-generated and -forum websites must be monitored and companies should participate when/where appropriate • Update frequently and offer as much customized info as possible • User experience testing Online Ads & Videos- Advantages • Accountable - tracking • Target only the most promising prospects • Extends the creative and legal restrictions • Communicate positioning & elicit response Disadvantages • Many are ignored/screened out • Low click through rate • Lots of clutter and message competition Social Media- Message boards and forums ,chatrooms ,blogs ,Facebook ,Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. - Allows text, audio, and video sharing online with each other and companies Advantages • Public voice & presence on Web • Complements & reinforces other communication activities • Promotes innovation & relevance for the brand • Sense of community and fosters engagement • (e.g., learn from & expressing attitudes to others) • Yields market insights to fine tune messages Match objective Monitor constantly Speed of response Proper tone

What is the best marketing communications strategy?

advertising and sales promotion

What activities fall under the category of marketing communications (promotions)?

advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, direct marketing, sponsorship of events, PR

What are the overall benefits of event and experiential marketing communications activities?

brand building in the virtual world must be complemented in the real world • Not only communicating product attributes and benefits but also connecting it with unique, interesting, and memorable consumer experiences. • Focuses on engaging the consumers senses and imagination as a part of brand building

Who serve as participants - that is, whose responses are tracked?

consumers, intermediaries are tracked

What are the four varieties of experiences you can sell to consumers?

entertainment, education, aesthetic, and escapist

Know the following terms and examples we discussed that are related to mobile marketing - geotargeting and m-commerce

geotargeting = targeting consumers with ads based on their location (part of mobile marketing) and m-commerce is any type of commerce done through a phone (apple pay for example)

Which requires understanding from the perspective of the firm and which from the perspective of the consumer?

inventory- perspective of the firm exploratory- perspective of the consumer

Know the following terms and examples we discussed that are related to online marketing communications - mass customization, user experience testing,

mass customization =combines the flexibility and personalization of custom-made products with the low unit costs associated with mass production (sell a product, with optional amenities like NIKE ID) ---------------------- -=------user experience testing = is the process of testing different aspects of user experience to determine the best way for a website and its elements to interact with its audience.

What do each of these approaches examine relative to brand equity?

ndirect approach • Assesses potential sources of brand equity • Captures customer mind-set • By identifying and tracking consumers' brand knowledge - all the thoughts feelings, images, perceptions and beliefs linked to the brand • Brand audit Direct approach • Assesses outcomes of brand equity • Captures market performance • By measuring actual impact of brand knowledge on consumer response to different aspects of the marketing program • Comparative and holistic methods

Know the following terms and examples we discussed related to direct response marketing - permissive marketing and precision marketing

permissive marketing = getting permission from people to market them (asking people for emails so that they can send promotional material) -------------------------------- precision marketing = keeping current consumers, and trying to get them to buy more of the product. (retain and upsell material to existing consumers)

What are the 5 types of experiences they can encounter in these situations?

sense, feel, think, act and relate

Know what is primarily measured using quantitative research methods and examples of each.

• A more definitive assessment of the depth and breadth of brand awareness and the strength, favorability, and uniqueness of brand associations

What are the factors that predict the extent to which a brand can benefit from a secondary association?

• Awareness and knowledge of the entity • Meaningfulness of the knowledge of the entity • Transferability of the knowledge of the entity

What approach is used to inform short-term tactical decisions about the brand?

• Brand tracking studies • Provides consistent baseline information to facilitate day-to-day decision making

What does this approach track? Know examples of the types of questions that might be placed on the various types of tracking surveys.

• Collecting less detailed ongoing brand-related information from consumers on a routine basis overtime, usually through quantitative measures of brand performance on a number of key dimensions

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