Unit 5 History 102

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What word was a way of describing a loosely defined political movement?

-"Progressive" describes movement of groups who realized that workers must be accorded a voice in economic decision making. -labor activists bent on empowering industrial workers Major contributors were members of femal reform organizations and social scientists


-A new generation of journalists writing for mass circulation, national magazines exposed the ills of industrial and urban life -use of journalistic skills to expose the underside of American life

What explains the appeal of the Lost Cause mythology for Southern whites?

-A school history book that emphasized happy slaves and the evils of Recontruction, and the role of black soldiers in winning the war in as all hit forgotten -When a group of blacks celebrated the 50th anniversary, a white mob tore off the military insignias off their jackets

What were the major arguments of the Anti-Imperialist League?

-American energies should be directed at home, and business men were fearful of maintaining oversea outposts. Racists did not wish to bring Non-whites to the US -empire was incompatible w/o democracy -a republic of "free man" should assist the people of Puerto Rico and the PH in their own struggles for liberty

What did the Socialist party advocate for?

-Brought together surviving late nineteenth o century radicals such as populists and followed of Edward Bellamy. -Called for immediate reforms such as college education, legislation to improve the conditions of laborers, and democratic control over the economy through public ownership of railroads and factories -the task was to "gather together the strands of liberty"

What cause was not widely championed by progressives?

-Civil rights for African Americans -lack of industrial freedom was believed to lie at the root of the much discussed labor problem

Credit Mobilér

-Corp. formed by an inner ring of Union Pacific Railroad stockholders to oversee the lines govt assisted construction -Enabled participants to sign contracts w themselves at an exorbitant profit, to build the new line -Arrangement protected by the distribution of stock to influential politicians. -Ex: James G Blaine

What was the impact of the Second Industrial Revolution on the trans-Mississippi West?

-Country enjoyed abundant natural resources; a growing supply of labor, and expanding market for manufactured goods. -Enacted High tariffs, granted to railroad companies to encourage construction, and used army to remove Indians from western lands desired by farmers and miners. -rapid expansion of factory production, mining, and railroad construction signaled mature industrial society

Knights of Labor

-First group to try to organize unskilled workers, as well as skilled, women alongside men; and backs as well as whites (excluded Asians of the west) -Reached a peak membership of 800,0008! 1886 & involved millions of workers in strikes, boycotts, political action, and education and social activities L's -Ordinary Americans had lost control of their economic livelihoods & the govt

How did the New Nationalism and New Freedom differ?

-the new freedom envisioned the federal govt strengthening anti trust laws, protecting the rights of workers to unionize, and actively encouraged small business w/o increasing govt regulation. -New nationalists believed only the controlling and directing power of the govt could restore the liberty of the oppressed. Called for heavy taxes on personal and corporate fortunes and federal regulation of industries, including railroads, mining, and oil.

Social Gospel

-Freedom and spiritual self development required an equalization or wel wth and power

Whiskey Ring

-Grant administration that united Republican officials, tax collectors, and whiskey manufacturers in a massive scheme that defrauded the federal govt. of millions of tact dollars -Along w Credit Mobilérs, many lawmakers supported bulls aiding companies in which they had invested money or fork which they received stock/ salaries

Isa Tarbell

-Hired to expose the arrogance and economic machinations of John D Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company

What highlighted social inequalities in the progressive era?

-Immigrant families in NY's downtown tenements often had no electricity or indoor toilets. -More than 1/3 of the country's mining and manufacturing workers lived in actual poverty -The fire and it's aftermath highlighted new traditional gender roles were changing as women took on new responsibilities in the workplace and in the making of the public policy

Civil Service Act

-Inspired by part of Garfields assassination by a disappointed office seeker, the act created a merit system for federal employees, w appointment via competitive examinations rather than political influence -at first only applied to 10% of more than 100,000 govt workers, marked first step in establishing a professional civil service and removing officeholding from the hands of political machines. -Increasing dependence on donations from business interests

Battle of Wounded Knee

-Marked the end of four centuries of armed conflict between the continents native population and European settlers. -Populatoon has fallen to 250,000 by 1900. -Dec. 29, 1890, soldiers opened fire in South Dakota, killing 150-200 Indians, mostly women and children

What did Charlotte Gilman claim the road to woman's freedom lay through?

-Reinforced the claim that the raid to womans freedom lay through the workplace -In the home, women experienced not fulfillment, but oppression & the housewife was an unproductive pradite

Ghost Dance

-Religious revitalization campaign of pan-Indian movements led by Neolin and Tenskwatawa -Leaders foretold a day when whites would disappear, the buffalo would return, and Indians can practice ancestral customs again

What factors led to economic growth during the Gilded Age?

-Wide array of programs from eight hour far to public employment in hard times, currency reform, anarchism, socialism, and the creation of cooperative common wealth -Dissatisfaction w social conditions arose fear that country was in danger

From which social group did the Progressice Movement draw its strength?

-Socialism resched it's greatest influence during the Progressive Movement. -Brought together surviving late nineteenth century radicals such as populists and followed of Edward Bellamy. -Called for immediate reforms such as college education, legislation to improve the conditions of laborers, and democratic control over the economy through public ownership of railroads and factories

Dawes Act

-The crucial step for attacking "tribalism" -Named after Henry L. Dawes -Beoke up land of nearly all tribes into small parcels to be distributed to Indian families, the true remainder auctioned to white purchasers. -Indians who "adopted the habits of civilized life would become full fledged Americans citizens. Policy proved to be a disaster, leading to the loss of much tribal land and erosion of Indian customs

What did farmers believe was the cause of their problems?

-The glut of cotton on the world market led to declining prices, throwing millions of small farmers into debt and threatened w loss of land. -The high freight rates charged by railroad companies, excessive interest rates for loans

Social Darwinism

-The idea of natural superiority of some groups to others, the Cuvil War coined beforehand to justify slavery, re-emerges to explain success and failure of individuals and social classes. -Evolution was a natural process in human society as in society, and govt. just not interfere -The giant industrial Corp has emerged bc it was better adapted to its environment than earlier forms of enterprise. -Workers should practice personal economy, keep out of dept, and educate children. -"Laws of contract are the foundation of civilization"

What characterized the Second Industrial Revolution?

-US produced 1/3 of the worlds industrial output -small scale craft production still flourished -half of all indus. workers labored in plants w more than 250 people -engages in non farming jobs -11 million Americans moved from farm to city and 25 million immigrants arrived

William Tweed

-Urban politics fell under sway of corrupt political machines like NY's Tweed Ring. -Tweed's org. reached into every neighborhood -Forged close ties w/ railroad men & labor unions and won support from the city's immigrant poor by fashioning a kind of welfare system that provided food, fuel, and jobs in hard times. Political reformers were tried of paying tribute so they ousted out Tweed -Aka Urban Robin Hood

What did Booker T. Washington emphasize in his Atlanta Speech of 1895?

-Washington repudiated the abolition tradition that stressed ceaseless agitation got full equality -Urged blacks to try to not combat segregation, seek assistance of white

Upton Sinclair

-Wrote the most influential novel, The Jungle. It depicts a description of unsanitary slaughterhouses and the sale of rotten meat stirred public outrage -led directly to passage of Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act of 1906

How were federal troops used in the Pullman Strike of 1894?

150,000 members announced a refusal to handle a train to Pullman cars. Federal troops caused violent clashes between troops and workers left 34 persons dead


A party made up of farmers and laborers that wanted direct election of senators and an 8hr working day

What was included in the Populist platform?

Adopted at Omaha Convention, it spoke of a nation Brought to the verge of the moral, political mix and material ruin by political corruption and economic inequality. Restore democracy and economic opportunity

How did Pres. McKinley justify the annexation of the Philippines?

Americans had a divine revelation that Americans had a duty to "uplift and civilize" the filipino people & to train them for self government.

What cause united both middle and working class women?

Among the strikers demand was the better safety in clothing companies, the impoverished immigrants forged an alliance w/ middle and upper class female supporters, including members of the Women's Trade Union League

Which group suffered the most from the poor conditions in the south?

As the most disadvantaged rural southerners, black farmers suffered the most from the regions conditions. In the rice kingdom of coastal S.Cz and Georgia, planters found themselves unable to acquire the capital necessary to reside irrigation systems and machinery destroyed

Platt Amendment

Authorization of the US to intervene militarily whenever it saw fit. They also acquired a permanent lead on the naval stations in Cuba. Passed Cuban Congress by one vote

What institution became the pillar of stability for immigrants?

Churches; even anti-clerical Italian immigrants who resented the church participated in the festival of the Madonna of Mt. Carmel

Why were the Indian boarding schools established?

Congress eliminated the treaty system by which the federal govt negotiated agreements w Indians as if they were independent nations. BIA established boarding schools where Indians were removed from "negative influences of tribes"

What was the symbol of freedom on the open range?


What measures expanded democracy during the progressive era?

Democracy was enhanced by the seventeenth amendment, which proved that US senators be chosen by popular vote rather than state legislatures

What strategies were used by southern whites to maintain domination over African Americans?

Democrats raises the threat of negro domination in which Louisiana reduced the number of blacks to vote

What characterized the members of the Populist "People's" Party?

Embraced the railroad and unions

Chinese Exclusion Act

Excluded all Asians

What pattern did court rulings follow during the Second Industrial Revolution?

Generally sided w/ business enterprises

What does "the silver issue" refer to?

Gold was the only honest currency & abondoning the gold standard would destroy business confidence and prevent recovery from the depression making creditors unwilling to extend loans

How did Henry Lloyd criticize Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company?

Made a mockery of economic competition and political democracy by manipulating the market and bribery

Haymarket Affair

May 3, 1886, four strikers were killed by police when they attempted to prevent strike breakers from entering the factory. A real was held in Haymarket Square to protest the killings. Someone threw a bomb into the crowd killing a police man @ the end of the speech. Police panicked and opened fire shooting bystanders as well as their own force.

Why did William Jennings Bryan lose the 1896 election?

McKinley swept more populous industrious states of the NE and MW attracting 7.1 people

How did the Second Industrial Revolution change life for workers?

More immigrants came and opened up more job opportunities for workers

Which institution was hardest hit by the Redeemers once they assumed power in the South?

New Public School systems

What were the goals of urban progressives?

Pingree continued to battle against railroads and corporate interests & battled business interests that had dominated city govt and forcing gas and phone companies to lower rates

Why did the amount of railroad tracks triple in the US?

Private investment and massive grants of land and money by federal, state, and local govt caused railroads tracks to triple.

What industry made the Second Industrial Revolution possible?


Which political party favored northern industrialists?

Republicans had restored prosperity by protecting manufacturers and industrial workers from the comp of imported goods

What was the economic development of the American West based on?

Republicans supported a tariff to protect the American Industry, and they pursued a fiscal policy based on reducing federal spending, repaying much of the national debt, and withdrawing greenbacks

What was the purpose of the Dawes Act?

See "Dawes Act"

What was the focus of "How the other half lives?"

Shows the shocking conditions of the urban poor

Who was allowed to join the American Federation of Labor?

Skilled workers only & excluded unskilled, nearly all blacks, women, and new european immigrants

Lincoln Steffens

The "Shame of the Cities" showed how party bosses and business leaders profited from political corruption

What strike showed the evidence of worker solidarity and the close ties between industry and the Republican Party?

The Great Railroad Protest; After 20 people were killed, workers responded by burning the city's railroads,

Sherman Anti-Trust Act

The ICC ensured rates railroads charged farmers and merchants to transport their goods were reasonable. The ICC intended to regulate economic activity, but lacked power to establish their own rates, it could only sue. 3 years later Congress passed the Sherman Anti Trust Act which banned combinations and practices that restrained free trade. Language was so vague it proved almost impossible to enforce.

What were the treaty results of the Spanish American War?

The US acquired the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and the Pacific Island of Guam. The PH, Hawaii and Guam Kate's astride shipping routes to Japan and China

Plessy v. Ferguson

The court gave its approval to state laws requiring separate facilities for blacks and whites. Legislature required railroad companies to maintain a separate car/ section for blacks. Homer Plessy refused a conductors order to move and was arrested to create a case

Teller Amendment

The declaration of war asainst Spain was to aid Cuban patriots in their struggle for liberty and freedom. The US had no one toon in annexing/ dominating the island

What social group lived in close knit communities?

The new immigrants lived in close knit ethnic communities w/ their own shops, theaters. And community organizations.

How were time zones created in the US?

The railroads reorganized time itself

Which progressive president was the greatest supporter of the conservation movement?

Theodore Roosevelt

Why did public opinion change in favor of expansion in the 1890's

There was persistent talk of acquiring Cuba and annexing the Dominican Republic. Most Americans who looked overseas, were interested in expanded trade, not territorial possessions

What business combos did manufacturers use to control the marketplace?

US Steel, Standard Oil, and Internarional Harvester dominates major parts of the economy

Who here was NOT a candidate in the 1912 presidential election?

William Jennings Bryan was the only one not on the list

What did Ira Steward argue was the most pressing problem facing the nation?

Working conditions and working hours

Yellow Journalists

Yellow press blames Spain of the loss of 220 lives after the USS Maine sunk.

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