Unit 5 MCQ Topic Questions

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Mexico has promoted increased competition in the oil industry, while in China, special economic zones (SEZs) along the coast have promoted private ownership locally. Which of the following explains the most likely reason for these policies?

A desire to use global market forces as a means to improve domestic economic output

Which of the following best describes Iran?

A rentier state

Which of the following policies does NOT promote globalization?

Adopting import-substitution industrialization policies

Which of the following development statistics is most likely indicative of an advanced economy today?

An agricultural sector accounting for 2% of GDP

Which of the following has decreased as a consequence of globalization?

Barriers to trade and to the flow of capital and labor between countries

Which of the following is true of cleavages in modern Nigeria and China?

Both countries are experiencing deepening rural-urban divides.

Which of the following accurately explains a common challenge for health services in both the United Kingdom and China?

Both countries have an aging population, so more governmental resources will be needed to deal with health issues.

Which of the following is the best explanation of how two AP Comparative Government and Politics course countries have responded to global market forces?

China has created special economic zones (SEZs) to increase foreign direct investment, while Mexico has privatized some of its oil industry to increase competition.

Which of the following is the most common explanation for China's economic growth after the 1980s?

China successfully attracted foreign direct investment.

In the developed and developing worlds, respectively, the greatest demographic pressures on policy come from which of the following?

Developed - Aging Developing - Overpopulation

From 1988 to 1993, with the active support of the IMFIMF, Mexico strengthened the process of macroeconomic stabilization and structural transformation that began in the wake of the 1982 debt crisis. Its strategy was . . . based on tight financial policies . . . ; comprehensive structural reforms, including privatization and trade and exchange liberalization; and a major restructuring of external debt. The result was remarkable success on many fronts. A reduction in the fiscal deficit was achieved that should be an inspiration for many countries. Inflation was reduced from 160 percent in 1987 to 8 percent in 1993. Economic growth recovered from an average not much higher than zero in 1985-88 to 3 percent in 1989-93. . . . Mexico therefore entered 1994 with a strengthened economy, and an economy more deeply integrated into global markets, with its membership in NAFTANAFTA and impending accession to membership of the OECDOECD. . . . So what went wrong? . . . Mexico's weak external position was exacerbated in 1994 both by a series of unfavorable developments at home and abroad and by shortcomings in Mexico's policy response. . . .The uprising in Chiapas at the start of the year was the first in a series of dramatic adverse domestic developments that are well known; and also from early 1994 Mexico was confronted with a substantial rise in world interest rates. Source: https;//www.imf.org Which of the following best explains why the Mexican economy faltered despite help from the International Monetary Fund (IMF)(IMF), as argued in the passage? Which of the following best explains the impact of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)(IMF) on Mexico as argued in the passage? Which of the following explains the connections between IMF policy and Mexico's relationship with supranational organizations?

Domestic uprisings, an increase in corruption, and a rise in world interest rates led to instability in Mexico. The IMF stabilized the Mexican economy, leading to access to global markets. The economic liberalization policies introduced by the IMF facilitated Mexico's integration into NAFTA

Nigeria has significantly increased its importance as a regional power through its leadership in which of the following organizations?

Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

Which of the following occurred soon after the death of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini?

Economic development became the central concern of the Iranian state.

Differences in the platforms of two parties important in the first decade of postcommunist Russia—the Communist Party and Yabloko— have reflected disagreements on primarily what policy?

Economic reform

Which of the following is true about the current legal system in China?

Economic reform has led to judicial reform.

Which of the following is a key component of economic liberalization in former command economies?

Eliminating price controls

Which of the following is true of foreign direct investment in China since the 1980s?

Foreign direct investment in China has led to severe environmental degradation.

Which of the following is the most accurate description of the general pattern of internal migration within Mexico?

From south to north

In a rentier system, public policy is less responsive to citizens because of which of the following factors?

Government revenues are derived from foreign purchases of a particular resource.

Nigeria has one of the world's biggest populations, overflowing oil reserves, and a hungry young workforce bursting with innovative ideas. So why is the West African giant still so poor that almost 100 million people live on less than $1 per day? Much of it is down to inequality, according to a new global index, which ranks Nigeria at the very bottom of 152 countries in terms of their commitment to fighting inequality.... Nigeria is a country of economic extremes. The vast majority of the country's wealth is concentrated in the hands of a fraction of the population, mostly male billionaires who largely work in extractives. Additionally, much of the government budget in Nigeria has historically been lost to corruption. Nigeria is ranked 136 out of 176 countries in Transparency International's annual corruption index.... The lack of social spending is reflected in outcomes. UNICEF said in 2015 that more than 10 million children in Nigeria were out of school, one of the highest figures in the world. The director of a government agency tasked with improving primary healthcare said recently that 3,000 women and children die each day due to preventable diseases and lack of access to healthcare. In terms of taxation, while Nigeria has a potentially lucrative tax base in its oil industry, the burden of maintaining the state falls largely on the middle and lower classes....Meanwhile, big businesses and wealthy industrialists benefit from tax waivers and concessions: a 2014 report by the former finance minister found that these amounted to around 800 billion naira ($2.54 billion) from 2011 to 2013. Which of the following is an outcome of the author's argument in the passage? What conclusions about Nigeria can be drawn based on the author's argument? Which of the following is an implication for Nigeria of the author's argument?

Governmental corruption has persisted in Nigeria. The ongoing problems in Nigeria reflect challenges due to their status as a rentier state. Rentier states often suffer from the resource curse, which includes a lack of incentive by the government to modernize the economy. Oil provides rulers with a source of unaccountable power and large sums of wealth, which are often counterproductive to economic diversification. Nigeria could raise living standards by distributing oil wealth more equitably.

Which of the following economic changes did Vladimir Putin implement during his first two terms as president (2000-2008) ?

He gradually returned key privatized industries back to state control.

Which of the following policies would a government be likely to undertake to address gender equity in a political system?

Implementing gender quotas for legislative elections increases female representation in lawmaking bodies and creates opportunities for legislators to make policies that impact women, including improving their access to education.

Which of the following accurately compares the economic policies of two countries studied in the AP Comparative Government and Politics course?

In China, special economic zones (SEZs) have been established to promote private industry, while in Mexico, there has been increased privatization of the oil industry.

Which of the following explains why Iran and Mexico changed voting rules for women?

In response to domestic political pressure, Iran implemented gender equity policies for voting and Mexico introduced gender quotas. The policies in both countries were undertaken to address domestic political pressure for greater gender equity for women and to get more women representatives into the legislature.

In the United Kingdom, the government has maintained a free market system. In China, there has been a transition from a socialist model to a mixed system with elements of a free market model over the past few decades. Which of the following is the outcome of these policies?

Increased competition has led to economic development in both countries, and the growth rates in China have been very high in recent decades.

China has taken a multi-pronged approach in its economic relations with Africa, according to Deborah Brautigam [of] Johns Hopkins School of Advanced and International Studies. China is a significant source of foreign direct investment in Africa; offers development loans to resource-rich nations . . . invests in agriculture; and develops special trade and economic cooperation zones in several states . . . "Chinese banks and companies are offering finance that allows them to secure a greater share of the business deals in Africa as part of their move to 'go global.' This brings with it risks for African borrowers—but also opportunities," writes Brautigam. Chinese financing comes often in the form of loans and credits provided by the People's Bank of China, the China Development Bank, the Export-Import Bank of China, and the China-Africa Development Fund. Between 2000 and 2014, Chinese banks, contractors, and the government loaned more than $86 billion to Africa . . . However, these large loans are beginning to raise questions about debt loads in African countries, showing indications of a potential debt crisis. Council on Foreign Relations, 2019 According to the passage, which of the following is the most likely implication of China's current economic policies toward African nations?

Indebted African nations may lose sovereignty to the Chinese government and large banks. Indebted African nations may lose sovereignty to the Chinese government and large banks. Foreign direct investment development loans and the creation of special economic zones are aspects of globalization that can challenge regime sovereignty.

Which of the following is true of the current Mexican Constitution?

It declares that all subsoil rights are the property of the nation and limits foreigners' rights to exploit natural resources.

Which statement below best explains why, despite tremendous oil reserves, the Nigerian government still has difficulty providing social services throughout the country?

Massive corruption limits the amount of resources redistributed by the government to the people.

Which of the following pairs of countries instituted gender inclusivity policies in elections as a result of domestic pressure and to increase political legitimacy?

Mexico and Iran

Which of the following statements accurately describes how Mexico and Russia have responded to market forces regarding ownership of their oil and natural gas industry?

Mexico has privatized some of its oil and natural gas industry, while Russia has renationalized its oil and natural gas industry.

What is meant by the term "democratic deficit" in the European Union?

Most decision making in the European Union is done by nonelected officials.

In which two countries were the following economic policies pursued to increase the power of the ruling party ?

Nationalization of oil and gas in Russia and state ownership of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) in Nigeria

Which of the following best describes the reactions of inhabitants of the Niger delta region to the environmental and economic impact of oil?

Nigerians in the delta have created civil society organizations and have fought, sometimes violently, against the environmental and economic impact of oil.

Which of the following statements is true regarding education in Nigeria and Mexico?

Partly due to their federalist systems, the quality of education varies by region in both countries.

China's rapid industrialization over the past 30 years has done which of the following?

Produced greater environmental degradation and pollution

During the 1980s, the governments of Great Britain and China did which of the following?

Promoted free markets and private profit incentives

Which of the following pairs of countries have nationalized oil resources but have recently allowed private companies to invest in oil extraction to increase production?

Russia and Iran

Which of the following explains the difference between the policies that Nigeria and Russia have adopted in response to global economic forces?

Russia has re-nationalized the oil and gas industries, while Nigeria has opened up to foreign domestic investment to extract its abundant oil resources.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the status of women in China today?

Sex-selected abortions continue even though they are illegal.

Civil society organizations and broad movements of protest can facilitate collective action by popular groups of the poor and disenfranchised endowing them with a greater capacity to shape institutions and policy agendas. . . . With the growth of inequality in many countries . . . conditions for the empowerment of and civic action by popular groups are much less [positive]. . . . [T]he material insecurity provoked by deindustrialization and labor market deregulation have contributed to the loss of the material and organizational resources essential for collective action. . . ." Some argue, "that growing inequalities not only "inevitably install large resource disparities in the political arena," they also "inhibit coalition formation. . . ." [T]hese conditions have had a particularly profound impact in the democracies that have emerged since the 1970s, most of which inherited highly inegalitarian social and political structures caused by prolonged periods of authoritarianism. In many new democratizing settings . . . globalization and austerity policies reinforced inherited patterns of inequality. . . . Thus, socioeconomic inequality itself makes it harder for the poor to organize and contest the growth of inequality. This trap affects many new democracies and, at its root, is caused by the fact that they have, on average, weaker civil societies compared to older, established democracies. Source: "Civil Society and Democracy in an Era of Inequality," Comparative Politics (April 2017), pp. 391-409 According to the author, which of the following economic policies is most likely to successfully address the problems discussed in the passage?

Social welfare

Which of the following is an accurate description of environmental sustainability policies in China?

The Chinese government has stopped certain damaging projects in response to environmental activists.

Which of the following best explains why China and Russia are among the nations with the highest literacy rates in the world?

The governments of both countries implemented literacy policies to maintain political legitimacy.

Which of the following statements is most accurate about the middle class in Iran?

The middle class in Iran is culturally westernized and often hostile to the clergy.

Which of the following policies was a governmental priority for Russian reformers in the early 1990's?

The rapid transition toward a market economy

Which of the following explains why, despite Mexico and Nigeria both being democracies, the number of women serving as representatives in the legislature differs in the two countries?

There are gender quotas in Mexico to increase female representation in the legislature, but there are no quotas in Nigeria. Gender quotas in Mexico have substantially increased female representation in the Chamber of Deputies over time. There are no quotas in Nigeria's House of Representatives, though, and the number of female representatives remains low.

Which of the following is true of women in Nigeria?

They enjoy more freedom in the southern region than they do in the north.

Which of the following best describes women's participation in politics in the developing world?

Traditional cultural values often preclude women from participating in politics.

Which of the following best describes the impact of United Nations (UN) sanctions on Iran between 1987 and 2015 ?

UN sanctions in Iran have taken a substantial economic toll, which has created domestic political turmoil.

The resource curse is the theory that

economies that have valuable natural resources will develop more slowly

An important change in China in the post-Mao era has been the

encouragement of greater foreign investment in the national economy

The most common strategy adopted by developing countries to deal with the problem of population growth is

establishing policies that seek to reduce fertility rates

Health care, pensions, unemployment insurance, and direct economic assistance to those in need are

examples of provision of public policies

One of the key socioeconomic changes as countries develop economically is

increasing rural-to-urban migrations

Austerity measures are usually adopted by countries that are seeking to

lower budget deficits and publicly held debt

The European Union (EU) and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) are examples of

supranational organizations

The welfare service commitments of advanced industrial democracies are most seriously threatened by

the aging of their populations

The widespread degradation of the urban environment in developing countries can best be explained by

the higher priority placed on industrialization relative to environmental protection

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