Unit 7 and 8 The Sacrametns of Healing

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What is the presbyterium?

A body of priests, around the bishop of our diocese, who helps and advises him in the governance of the local church.

What is celibacy?

A discipline of the church for bishops, priest, and other religious women and men, which requires that their total dedication to be to Christ and the Church rather than to one person in a married state.

What is the college of bishops?

A group of leaders of the Church who, under the authority of the pope, share the responsibility of caring for the entire church

Sacrament of Matrimony

A lifelong covenant, modeled on that between Christ and the Church, which a baptized man and a baptized woman make an exclusive and permanent commitment to faithfully love each other and to cooperate in the procreation and education of children.

Who is an ordained minister?

A person who is called to be a servant leader: Depending on the degree of ordination, one is called to serve and to lead the Church by teaching the Word of God, by offering divine worship in the liturgy, and by governing the Church as a representative of Christ, who is the head of the church.

How does the priesthood of the men called to ordained ministry differ from the common priesthood of all the baptized?

All the baptized are called to participate in the one priesthood of Christ. The uniqueness of the ministerial priesthood lies in its call and commitment to serve the entire Church and to help all Christians live a life of grace in union with Jesus Christ. This different priesthood gives men who are called to ordained ministry a unique responsibility that no layperson can fill.

Why do the rites of ordination for bishops, priests, and deacons include references to the priesthood of the Old Covenant?

Although the priesthood of the Old Covenant could not bring salvation, the Church considers it a prefiguring of the ordained ministry established by Christ himself. This is why the rites of ordination include references to the priesthood of the Old Covenant. (The students may explain any one of the following Old Testament references discussed in Article 42, pp. 223-225: the seventy wise men chosen by Moses to help govern God's people; Aaron, the first high priest of the Israelites; the sons of Levi, the tribe chosen by God to be priests.) (Article 42, pp. 223-225)

What is Sin?

An utterance, a deed, or a desire contrary to the eternal law.

What three Sacraments prepare us for our journey into eternal life, and what is the work of each in out transition into eternal life?

Anointing of the Sick, Penance and Reconciliation, and Eucharist (viaticum). Penance and Reconciliation-recieve absolution of sins, Anointing of the Sick-laying on of hands and anointing of oil-for healing and strength to be open to God's will, Eucharist (viaticum)- receiving the last eucharist, last of Jesus' body.

What is a constraint to marriage?

Any obstacle that prevents free and full consent to marriage. Can be unknown mental illness, an unplanned pregnancy, a secret addiction, or anything that truly takes away full and free consent. The primary grounds for an annulment--which means that no sacramental Marriage was possible.

How does a bishop or priest act in the person of Christ?

Any priest (including a bishop) acts in the person of Christ because he is consecrated to preach the Gospel, to guide the People of God, and to celebrate the liturgy of the Church as a priest of the New Covenant. This is especially true in the Eucharist, in which priests act in the person of Christ to make present again his one sacrifice, when he offered himself for all.

How can illness be a turning point in human life?

At times of serious illness, our lives are disrupted and we are thrown into turmoil. We are vulnerable to feat, anguish, self-preoccupation, and sometimes even despair and revolt against God, but we can also have a wake-up call, alerting us to the essentials of life.

What is disparity of cult?

Because of this, special permission is required from the Catholic Church for a baptized Catholic to marry a non baptized person.

What are the three orders of ministry of which men can be ordained?

Bishops, priests, or deacons

How is the priest ordained in Holy Orders authorized to act in the person of Christ?

By the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the character of Holy Orders, the priest is authorized to act in the person of Christ. He is consecrated to preach the Gospel, to guide the People of God, and to celebrate the liturgy of the Church as a priest of the New Covenant. Even though he is assigned to a particular ministry in a diocese, mission, or parish, he in fact shares in the universal mission of Christ, to preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth. It is especially at the Eucharist, in the assembly of the faithful, that priests fulfill their priestly office, for at the Eucharist, acting in the person of Christ, they make present again the one sacrifice of Christ's offering himself for all.

Where and with whom amy the sacrament of anointing of the sick may be celebrated?

Can be celebrated in the home, hospital, church. The receipts may be seriously ill, elderly, or dying.

In what ways has the Church, from the earliest days of Christianity provided for the care of those who are ill?

Earliest days, the Church always cared for those who were sick, and healed those who were ill...

What is God's plan for marriage?

God intended marriage as a loving way to bring happiness to us and to assure us that we need not be alone on our life's journey. Marriage, in God's plan, therefore has two goods: the good of the man and woman, and the procreation and education of children.

What is free consent and why is it so important to the bond of Marriage?

If free consent is lacking on either side, there is no Marriage bond. To be free when expressing consent means (1) not being under any constraint (coercion or pressure, even if subtle), and (2) not being barred from Marriage by any natural or Church law. Where there is constraint, or obstacles to free and full consent, there is no valid Marriage bond. This is one reason why the Church requires a period of preparation before the Sacrament of Marriage, often with some kind of assessment to determine a couple's readiness. Free consent is very important to a faithful and fruitful marriage.

How do Saint Paul's words in Ephesians 5:25-30 relate to the union of husband and wife in the Sacrament of Matrimony?

In Ephesians 5:25-30, Saint Paul explains that married couples are signs of Christ's love for the Church, the greatest union of all.

Who are the ministers of the Sacrament of Matrimony? What is the role of the priest or deacon in the Sacrament in the Latin Rite? in the Eastern Churches?

In the Latin Rite, the ministers of the Sacrament of Matrimony are the bride and groom themselves, with the priest or deacon acting as a witness. In the Eastern Churches, in contrast, the priest is the minister of the Sacrament, because both his blessing and his witness are required for the Sacrament to be valid in the Eastern Churches.

Why is it important that consent in the Sacrament of Matrimony be free? What are some circumstances that may create constraint or pressure to marry, leading to a marriage contracted without free consent?

In the Sacrament of Matrimony, consent must be freely given because the man and woman must willingly give themselves to each other in order to live a lifelong covenant of faithful love and openness to sharing that love with children. Without free consent, there is no Marriage bond. A variety of circumstances may pose obstacles to free consent, including pregnancy (and the pressure to marry), mental illness, a secret addiction, the existence of prior religious or marriage vows, or factors prohibited by natural law (such as marriage between family members).


Incapable of being undone or broken. The Marriage bond is a commitment to lifelong fidelity and can never be dissolved.

Why is the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick a "true and proper sacrament"?

Instituted by Christ, who healed the sick and showed us how suffering paves the way to eternity with him, passed down, mentioned in scripture

Of what is the Oil of the sick a sign and what are its scriptural roots?

It is a sign of healing, strengthening, and the presence of the Holy Spirit. The origin of the Holy Spirit is in the scriptures, the good samaritan, the apostles healing.. etc.

Who is the High Priest of New Covenant, and the Head of the Church?

Jesus Christ, who entered the sanctuary of Heaven itself through my own sacrifice on the cross; there is not priesthood except through this.

How did the priesthood of the Old Testament find fulfillment in Jesus Christ?

Jesus fulfilled the priesthood of the Old Testament through the sacrifice of the New Covenant—the sacrifice not of a lamb but of himself. By this sacrifice he conquered sin and brought salvation. Christ is therefore our new High Priest, one who has entered Heaven itself.

Among all of Jesus' miracles of healing, why are his healings of lepers so significant in our understanding of the Sacraments of healing?

Jesus healed cast aways and not in contact with other people, Jesus touching the untouchables, was powerful, helps us understand the sacraments of healing, lepracy was a symbol of being away from God, Jesus touching them is bringing them back to God

How can physical suffering be a way for us to take up our cross with Jesus and, in our own small way, participate in his redemptive suffering?

Jesus suffered and died for our sins. Our physical sufferings are our burdens. When we recognize our suffering as a way to walk with Christ, it makes us closer with Christ. Jesus suffered for us and like us, and our own suffering is part of that journey.

Who is Melchizedek?

My Old Testament offering of bread and wine prefigured the offerings of bread and wine in the Eucharist.

Who is a permanent deacon?

Name means "service". Ordained to preach the Word of God, to assist during the celebration of the Eucharist, to assist with pastoral governance, and to dedicate one's self to the service of charity and good works. Can be married, but promises not to remarry if wife should die.


One who has received the fullness of the sacrament of holy orders and is a successor to the apostles


One who has received the ministerial priesthood through the Sacrament of Holy Orders. The priest serves the community of faith by representing and assisting the bishop in teaching, governing, and presiding over the community's worship.


One who is ordained for service and ministry, but not for ministerial priesthood, through the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Deacons are ordained to assist priests and bishops in a variety of liturgical and charitable ministries.

What are some ways those who are single can contribute to family life? How can married couples provide those who are single, especially those who may be isolated because of old age or illness, an opportunity to share in family life?

Single people can contribute significantly to family life as aunts and uncles, godparents, or family friends. Married couples can invite those who are single to share in family life by including them in celebrations, especially around important seasons in the liturgical calendar. Families should especially find ways to include those who are ill or elderly, as well as those who are living in poverty, perhaps with no home. (You may wish to invite students to add concrete suggestions of their own, as appropriate.)

What is the domestic church?

The Christian family, the core community in the Church and the place where children first hear the faith proclaimed.

When might the Church issue a declaration of nullity, called an annulment, and what does this declaration mean?

The Church might issue an annulment when a marriage has been entered into under constraint or in some other circumstance that prevented either or both spouses from giving free consent. An annulment is the Church's declaration that a true Marriage bond, as a Sacrament, never existed in the eyes of the Church.

How is the call of the ministerial priesthood related to the one priesthood of Christ and the common priesthood of all the faithful?

The People of God is a priestly people who participate in the one priesthood of Christ. We all share, through Baptism, in "the common priesthood of the faithful." Yet springing from this baptismal call is another participation in Christ's priesthood, the ministerial priesthood of priests and bishops. This priesthood helps all of us to fulfill our baptismal call. This ministry serves the People of God in the name of Christ and represents Christ within the community of the Body of Christ.

Sacrament of Holy Orders

The Sacrament by which baptized men are ordained for permanent ministry in the Church as bishops, priests, and deacons.

Describe the special grace the Sacrament of Holy Orders gives to bishops, priests, and deacons.

The Sacrament of Holy Orders confers special grace on each of the three orders. On bishops, the Sacrament confers the special grace of strength: to govern and guide, to love all, and to proclaim the Gospel to all. This strength allows him to give his life for his sheep. The Sacrament fills priests with the Holy Spirit and confers the grace to approach the altar without shame, to proclaim the Gospel, to carry out the ministry of the Word, to offer spiritual sacrifice and gifts, and to renew God's People in Baptism. The sacramental grace for deacons is a whole-hearted commitment to the People of God, in cooperation with the bishop and priests. In this commitment deacons serve in the liturgy, proclaim the Word of God, and carry out works of love to all in need.

What is the definition of the Sacrament of Matrimony? Choose two elements from this definition and explain why each is important in Christian Marriage.

The Sacrament of Marriage is a lifelong covenant, modeled on that between Christ and the Church, in which a baptized man and a baptized woman make an exclusive and permanent commitment to faithfully love each other and to cooperate in the procreation and education of children.


The begetting or bringing forth of offspring. The procreation and education of offspring is one of the ends (or purposes) or Marriage.

What is a permanent character?

The changed state of being, the spiritual mark, that never leaves a person who is baptized, confirmed, or ordained. Because of me, these Sacraments can never be repeated.

Who are the people of God?

The collective group of God's priestly people who participate in the one priesthood of Christ, which we all share through Baptism.

How did the idea of the unity and indissolubility of marriage gradually develop in the Law of Moses, the teachings of the prophets, and finally, in the New Covenant established by Christ?

The concept of the unity and indissolubility of marriage first developed in the Law of Moses. It did not explicitly reject the polygamy practiced by kings and patriarchs at the time, but the Law of Moses did protect a wife from being at her husband's mercy—although it still allowed a husband to divorce his wife. The prophets went further by teaching that exclusive married love is a metaphor for God's covenantal love for his people (God is the Bridegroom and Israel is the Bride). These teachings led to the New Covenant, in which Jesus is the Bridegroom to all of humanity.

What are the essential elements of the Sacrament of Holy Orders?

The essential elements of the Sacrament of Holy Orders are the laying on of hands and the speaking of the prayer of consecration, in which the presiding bishop asks God to grant to the man being ordained the graces of the Holy Spirit necessary for his ministry.

Why is the family called the domestic church, and how does it fulfill this call?

The family is called the domestic church because it is a community of grace and prayer. It fosters growth in human virtues and, especially, practice in Christian love. The Christian family is where children first learn the love of God through the love of their parents. The domestic church lives out its call by teaching children the faith through a family routine of prayer and reading from Scripture. Parents should set an example by regularly participating in the Sacraments, praying, helping those in need, serving others, and forgiving one another in the family. Children should learn the dignity and satisfaction of work as they are gradually included in the daily chores of household living.

What is a mixed marriage?

The marriage between a baptized Catholic and a baptized Christian of a different denomination.

What are the essential elements of Anointing of the Sick?

The prayer of faith, the laying on of hands, and the anointing with the oil of the sick

What is the role of the bishop? the priest? the deacon?

The role of the bishop is to represent Christ himself as teacher, shepherd, and priest and to act as Christ's representative on earth. He is a member of the college of bishops and is usually the visible head of the particular Church (or diocese) to which he has been assigned. Each ordained bishop is in the line of Apostolic Succession. The role of the priest is to be a coworker of the bishop, united with the bishop in priestly dignity and guided by the bishop in his pastoral assignment and duties. Priests share with their bishop the authority of Christ himself in building up, making holy, and ruling his Body, the Church. This includes acting in the person of Christ to preach the Gospel, to guide the People of God, and to celebrate the liturgy of the Church. The role of the deacon is the ministry of service in the Church. Deacons carry out important functions in the ministry of the Word, divine worship, pastoral governance, and the service of charity and good works.

What is a crosier?

The shepherd's staff of a bishop


The state of a permanent seperation form God, reserved for hthose who freely and concisouly reject God till the end of their lives. The existence of this is consistent with divine justice as God respects human freedom, and those who are lost actually condemn themselves by their resistance to the Grace of God.


The state of begin made one. Marriage unites the husband and wife in an unbreakable and exclusive union, and is one of the ends (or purposes) of Marriage. Thus adultery and polygamy are sins against the unity of Marriage.


The state of permanent peace and happiness where there is no suffering. This existence is consistent with divine justice when those who have chosen to join God are joined with him.

What are the three areas of responsibility for those in ordained ministry? Give one example of each

The three areas of responsibility for those in ordained ministry are as follows: teaching the faithful; leading divine worship (the liturgy), especially the Eucharist; and governing the Church. (The students may provide any suitable example of each area of responsibility.)

What is the tribe of Levi?

The tribe of Aaron , Moses' brother, chosen by God among the twelve tribes of Israel to be priest to carry out liturgical sacrifice and worship.

What is a miter?

The uniquely pointed hat that is worn by a bishop for liturgical celebrations.

What three requirements are essential to Marriage?

Three elements are essential to Marriage: unity, indissolubility, and openness to children.

To what vocation does God call each of us?

Through Baptism God calls each of us to ministry, to holiness, to Christian witness.

What is the purpose of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, and who may receive it?

To bestow special grace on the Christian experiencing the difficulties of serious illness or old age. Any baptized Catholic can receive this.

What is sacred Chrism?

Used in baptism, Confirmation, and in the ordination of bishops and priests; anoint the head of a bishop and the hands of priests.

Who is a transitional deacon?

someone in the process of becoming a priest and have been ordained to preach the Word of God, but cannot yet consecrate the bread and wine.


the action or an instance of legally dissolving a marriage


the declaration by the Church that a marriage is null and void, that is, it never existed as a sacramental union. Catholics who divorce must have the marriage annulled by the church to be free to marry once again in the church.

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