Unit 8 Homework Quiz Things Answers USH (Kampf)

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After McCarthy made his allegations against the U.S. Army, there was a nationally televised ____ investigation. In this investigation, McCarthy bullied the witnesses. He was criticized by many for this behavior


All of the following were considered satellite nations of the Soviet Union EXCEPT:

Harry S. Truman

American president who worked to spread democracy in Europe and viewed Stalin's actions as intolerable

Green Berets

As part of his flexible response strategy, Kennedy created an elite branch of the army known as the _______.


China wanted North Korea to be communist so it could have a buffer country.

John Foster Dulles

Eisenhower's secretary of state who felt the Cold War was a moral crusade against Communism

He felt that government should be liberal socially and conservative economically in how it spends money.

How did Dwight D. Eisenhower's governing style differ from that of the Democrats?

They were stunned and blamed Truman for not doing more to stop the spread of Communism

How did the American public react to Mao winning the Chinese Civil War?

A cease-fire divided the nation at the 38th parallel with a demilitarized zone between

How did the Korean War end?

Divorce rates were higher than before the war.

How was America different following World War II?

some actors were blacklisted

How was Hollywood affected by the Red Scare?

They both were part democratic and part communist

How were Germany and Korea similar to each other after World War ll?

to see if they were a fit for the corporate culture

In the 1950s, why did companies often give personality tests to people applying for jobs?

Nationalists; Communists

In the Chinese Civil War, the United States favored the ____ because they were not ____


In the Korean War, the United Nations had 10 soldiers for every 1 Chinese soldier

integrated baseball by joining the Brooklyn Dodgers

Jackie Robinson became a symbol of the American civil rights struggle in 1947 when he:

Supreme Court

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted of espionage and sentenced to death. Even though they tried to get the ____ to overturn their conviction, they became the first U.S. civilians to be executed for espionage.

no opposing parties

One of the key characteristics of Soviet Communism was:

Francis Gary Powers

Pilot of an American U-2 plane that was shot down by the USSR

Fair Deal

President Truman's economic and social program

Joseph McCarthy

Republican senator who claimed communists were taking over the federal government


Southern Democrat who left the party

Nikita Khrushchev

Soviet leader who felt Communism would peacefully take over the world


The Red Scare affected many industries in the United States including the movie industry. Actors who were accused of being _____ were blacklisted and their careers were sometimes ruined because of it.

enlist; army

Truman dealt with the union strikes in a creative way by threatening to _ the striking workers into the _ .


Truman thought it was a good idea to attack China directly in the Korean War.

Truman Doctrine

U.S. policy of sending aid to any nation trying to prevent a communist takeover

Castro seized American oil refineries

What caused relations between Cuba and the United States to worsen after Fidel Castro took power?

The Soviet Union blocked any issue it didn't agree with

What caused tension within the United Nations when it was initially formed?

to redefine the nation's nuclear strategy

What did Kennedy believe was his most urgent task?

The U.S. did nothing to help Hungary break free of Soviet control

What did the U.S. do after Soviet tanks invaded Hungary and killed about 30,000 Hungarians?

President Truman approved the development of the hydrogen bomb which was 67 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima

What did the U.S. do after the Soviet Union exploded its first atomic bomb in 1949?

The CIA helped over throw the prime minster and returned the Shah to power

What did the U.S. do after the prime minister of Iran put Iran's oil fields under government control?

the construction of the Berlin Wall

What ended the Berlin Blockade?

the Berlin blockade

What event most directly caused the formation of NATO?

There was a nationally televised investigation

What happened after McCarthy made accusations against the U.S. army?

The Chinese entered the war

What happened in November 1950 that turned the Korean War in different directions?

a defensive military alliance of western nations

What is NATO?

to gather information from other countries

What is one of the roles of the CIA?


What is the overall tone (feeling) about the growth of suburbs in Malvina Reynolds' song "Little Boxes?"

Mao Zedong treated the people better

What led many Chinese people to prefer Mao Zedong's government over Chiang Kai-Shek's government?

He was honorable, confident and took responsibility for tough decisions.

What reputation did Truman have as president among most Americans?

North Korea invaded South Korea

What started the Korean War?

He accused high level army officials of Communist support and then bullied them on national television

What ultimately led to McCarthy's downfall?

the CIA

What was formed as a result of the National Security Act?

People had a desire for large families.

What was one factor that caused the baby boom between the late 1940s and the early 1960s?

There was an abundance of inexpensive fuel.

What was one reason that the automobile culture developed following World War II?

Universities expanded their science programs

What was one result of the space race?

They were the first U.S. civilians to be executed for espionage

What was significant about the Ethel and Julius Rosenberg case?

having a greater chance for political instability

What was the American government of the Cold War Era most concerned about when foreign countries had a financial crisis?

It started the space race

What was the result of launching Sputnik?

Home ownership, automobile registrations, incomes and savings all increased after WWII

Which of the following is TRUE of the American economy after WWII?

heightened fear of communism's spread in both Asia and at home

Which of the following is a long-lasting effect of the Korean War on the U.S.?

Kennedy was forced to resign in the face of international outrage

Which of the following was NOT a result of the Bay of Pigs invasion?

by offering to keep them employed in the armed forces until they were able to find another job

Which of the following was NOT a way that the GI Bill of Rights aided returning veterans and their families?

Americans invaded Cuba and overthrew Castro

Which of the following was NOT an effect of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

The United States expanded its air force so it could follow through with a massive retaliation using nuclear bombs

Which of the following was an effect of brinkmanship?

-He signed an executive order to desegregate the armed forces. -He asked Congress for a permanent civil right commission.

Which of these shows that Truman supported civil rights in the post WWII era? Choose all that apply.

All of the above are correct.

Which of these statements about women in the 1950's is CORRECT?

Richard Nixon

Who gained fame and prestige as a politician by pursuing charges against Alger Hiss?

He said it unconstitutionally punished people for their opinions

Why did Truman veto the McCaran Internal Security Act?

satellite nation

a country whose government and economy are dominated by the Soviet Union

Marshall Plan

a program under which the United States gave economic aid to rebuild postwar Western Europe

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

agency created to gather intelligence from the military and state department and to perform secret operations in foreign countries

Arms Race

an international contest between countries seeking military advantage over each other

Berlin Wall

barrier built to keep East Germans from fleeing to West Berlin

House of Un-American activates Committee (HUAC)

committee of the U.S. House of Representatives that investigated people thought to be communists

Fidel Castro

communist revolutionary ruler of Cuba

hot line

direct phone line between the White House and the Kremlin

Alger Hiss

former state Department official who was accused of spying for the Soviets in 1948


island off the coast of China that became a separate nation

GI Bill of Rights

law passed by Congress that provided financial and educational benefits for World War II veterans

Mao Zedong

leader of the communist forces in China

Chiang Kai-Shek

leader of the nationalist forces in China

Warsaw Pact

military alliance of the Soviet Union and its satellite nations

Hollywood Ten

people in the entertainment industry who were called before Congress and did not cooperate because they believed the hearings were unconstitutional

flexible response

policy of increasing defense spending for both nuclear and nonnuclear weapons to fight a war

Eisenhower Doctrine

policy of the United States that it would defend the Middle East against attack by any Communist country

mutually assured destruction

policy that meant that any attack with nuclear force would result in the total destruction of both countries

John F. Kennedy

president who thought Eisenhower had not done enough about the Soviet threat

massive retaliation

strategy that deterred the Soviet Union from launching a nuclear attack by ensuring a devastating counter strike to any attack


taking measures to prevent the spread of communist rule to other countries


term that refers to using the unfair tactic of accusing people of disloyalty without evidence

U-2 incident

the downing of a U.S. spy plane and the capture of its pilot by the Soviet Union in 1960

Berlin Airlift

the effort of U.S. and British planes to keep Western Berlin supplied during the Soviet blockade of 1948

38th parallel

the geographic line that divides North and South Korea

iron curtain

the name for the division of Europe between free and communist countries

domino theory

theory that one country falling to communist influence would quickly lead to other countries in the same area falling too

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

treaty in which nuclear powers agreed not to sell or give nuclear weapons to any other country

Limited Test Ban Treaty

treaty that barred nuclear testing in the atmosphere


what happened to about 500 actors, writers, producers and directors who could no longer find jobs in Hollywood because they were accused of having a communist background


willingness to go to the edge of all-out war

Lyndon B. Johnson

Kennedy's successor, he to was determined to contain communism in Vietnam

middle class suburbs

New homes constructed in the 1950s were mostly built in:


Residential town or community near a city

enact a policy of containment

What did the United States decide to do after Stalin refused free elections in Poland and set up satelite nations?

Harry S. Truman

president at the end of World War II

Dwight D. Eisenhower

the president after Truman whose foreign policy strategy was focused on keeping the lead in the arms race

Cold War

the state of hostility between the Soviet Union and the United States that had little direct military action against each other

Korean War

the war that began when North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950

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