Unit 88: Containers and contents
Description: A container designed to hold or protect something. | Example: "He put his glasses in a ____." | Translation: футляр
Description: A container used for drinking, typically made of glass. | Example: "She poured juice into a ____." | Translation: стакан
Description: A container used to hold or carry things, typically made from interwoven strips of cane or wire. | Example: "She carried the apples in a ____." | Translation: корзина
Description: A container with a flat base and sides, typically square or rectangular and having a lid. | Example: "He put his shoes in a ____." | Translation: коробка
Description: A container with a narrow neck, typically made of glass or plastic, used for storing drinks or other liquids. | Example: "He drank a ____ of water." | Translation: бутылка
Description: A cylindrical container bulging out in the middle, traditionally made of wooden staves with metal hoops. | Example: "They stored the wine in a ____." | Translation: бочка
Description: A cylindrical metal container. | Example: "He opened a ____ of soda." | Translation: жестяная банка
Description: A cylindrical open container with a handle, typically used to hold and carry liquids. | Example: "She filled the ____ with water." | Translation: ведро
Description: A flexible container with an opening at the top. | Example: "She packed her groceries into a ____." | Translation: сумка
Description: A large bag made of a strong material such as hessian, thick paper, or plastic, used for storing and carrying goods. | Example: "They filled the ____ with potatoes." | Translation: мешок
Description: A large container with a handle and a spout, used for holding and pouring liquids. | Example: "She filled the ____ with water." | Translation: кувшин
Description: A large cup, typically cylindrical with a handle and used without a saucer. | Example: "He drank coffee from a ____." | Translation: кружка
Description: A long, hollow cylinder for holding or transporting something. | Example: "She bought a ____ of toothpaste." | Translation: тюбик
Description: A metal container used for cooking food in. | Example: "She fried the eggs in a ____." | Translation: сковорода
Description: A metal container used for preserving food. | Example: "She opened a ____ of beans." | Translation: консервная банка
Description: A paper or cardboard container, typically one in which goods are packed to be sold. | Example: "She opened a ____ of biscuits." | Translation: пакет
Description: A round, deep dish or basin used for food or liquid. | Example: "She mixed the ingredients in a ____." | Translation: миска
Description: A rounded container, typically of metal, used for cooking. | Example: "He made soup in a ____." | Translation: кастрюля
Description: A slatted wooden case used for transporting goods. | Example: "They packed the bottles in a ____." | Translation: ящик
Description: A small cardboard or paper container and the items contained within it. | Example: "He bought a ____ of cards." | Translation: пачка
Description: A small container typically used for food, with a lid. | Example: "He ate a ____ of ice cream." | Translation: контейнер
Description: A small, light box or container in which drinks or foodstuffs are packaged. | Example: "She drank a ____ of milk." | Translation: картонная коробка
Description: A wide-mouthed cylindrical container made of glass or pottery. | Example: "He opened a ____ of jam." | Translation: банка