Unit 9: allocate-spontaneous

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(adj.) prone to act in a hasty manner; impudent Synonyms: rash impetuous brazen impertinent Antonyms: prudent wary cautious circumspect


(adj.) very enthusiastic, impassioned Synonyms: intense zealous fervent avid Antonyms: indifferent stolid phlegmatic apathetic


(adj.) subject to whims or passing fancies Synonyms: impulsive fickle unpredictable mercurial A // constant steady steadfast unwavering


(adj.,part.) unnaturally thin Synonyms: gaunt withered shriveled A // plump fat obese corpulent


(n.) a hint; a vague notion(idea) Synonyms: clue intimation suggestion


(n.) a payment for damage or loss Synonyms: compensation restitution reparation


(n.) bitter resentment or ill-will Synonyms: animosity enmity bitterness A // goodwill harmony rapport amity


(v.) to inflict physical punishment as a means of correction; to scold severely Synonyms: discipline censure A // comment reward


(v.) to rejoice greatly Synonyms: revel glory A // mope, sulk; regret, rue, lament


(v.) to set apart or designate for a special purpose; to distribute Synonyms: assign allot apportion


(v.) to turn aside; to stray from a norm; (n.) one who departs from a norm; (adj.) differing from a norm Synonyms: diverge beer swerve A // conform to abide by orthodox


(adj.) abundant; plentiful; wordy, verbose Synonyms: ample profuse bountiful A // inadequate meager scanty concise


(adj.) agreeable to the taste or one's sensibilities; suitable for consumption. Synonyms: edible appetizing attractive A // inedible distasteful disagreeable


(adj.) almighty, having unlimited power or authority Synonyms: all powerful A // powerless impotent feeble weak


(adj.) arising naturally; not planned or engineered in advance Synonyms: unpremeditated unplanned impromptu A // premeditated planned contrived rehearsed


(adj.) clear, transparent; readily understood Synonyms: lucid intelligible A // clouded murky opaque


(adj.) deeply affecting, touching; keen or sharp in taste or smell Synonyms: heartrending bittersweet melancholy A // I affecting bland vapid insipid funny


(adj.) immature and overconfident; conceited Synonyms: pretentious superficial fatuous A // mature judicious sage knowledgeable


(adj.) knotted, twisted, lumpy Synonyms: knotty misshapen contorted A // smooth unblemished straight


(adj.) persistent, attentive, diligent Synonyms: industrious unremitting sedulous Antonyms: lazy lackadaisical shiftless

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