Unit Test : Nervous System (part I)

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Identify step 2, 4 & 6

2 : Ca2+ channels open on presynaptic terminal 4 : neurotransmitters bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron 6 : impulse continues

Which lobe of the brain controls logical thought and decisions?

2 _ Frontal Lobe

Which lobe of the brain controls most of the sensory information?

3 _ Parietal Lobe

identify and state a function :

A : Mibrain (relays information to cerebrum) B : Pons (Links the cerebral cortex and the cerebellum) C : Medulla Oblongata (Transmits impulses between the spinal cord and the brain)

List the 5 steps involved in a reflex arc.

A reflec arc involves : 1. A receptor 2. Sensory neurons 3. Integration 4. Motor neurons 5. An effector

What parts of your body are controlled by the somatic nervous system? The automatic nervous system?

Somatic - voluntary muscle Automatic - involuntary / smooth muscle

contrast the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

Sympathetic - fight & flight Parasympathetic - rest & digest (work in opposition)

What are the 3 types of neurons (categorized by # of processes)?

Unipolar Bipolar Multipolar

Explain how an impulse crosses a synapse.

When an impulse reaches axon terminals calcium channels open causing a release of neurotransmitters. When these are recognized on the next neuron, sodium channels open continuing the impulse.

What are the meaning of the terms: 1. gli- 2. mening- Provide an example word using each: 1. 2.

1. Gli- : Glue ; neuroglia 2. Mening- : Membrane ; meninges

What are the meaning of the terms: 1. oligo- 2. polar- Provide an example word using each: 1. 2.

1. Oligo- : Few ; oligodendrocytes 2. Polar- : Ends ; bipolar neurons

Which part of the graph represents the following: Repolarization, Depolarization, Resting potential.

1. Resting Potential 2. Depolarization 3. Repolarization

Identify the following labeled structures:

1- cerebral cortex 2- cerebral medulla 3- basal nuclei

Identify the folowing labeled structures:

1-Dendrites, 2-cellbody, 3-axon

What are the meaning of the terms: 1. astro- 2. ellum- Provide an example word using each: 1. 2.

1. Astro- : Star ; astrocyte 2. Ellum- : Smaller ; cerebellum

What are the meaning of the terms: 1. cereb- / enceph 2. denr- Provide and example word using each: 1. 2.

1. Cereb- / Enceph-: Brain ; encephalitis 2. Denr- : tree like ; dendritic

Thinking about the 4 lobes of the cerebrum: What symptoms could you expect for each lobe if brain damage occured?

1. Frontal - cognitive impairment, motor control issues 2. Parietal - touch, visual special processing 3. Occipital - visual processing 4. Temporal - smell & sound, word comprehension & pronunciation, memory

identify :

A: skin B: periosteum C: bone D:dura mater E:arachnoid layer F:pia mater

Sensory nerves are also called ____________ nerves and motor nerves are also called ______________ nerves.

Afferent nerves (sensory) Efferent nerves (motor)

List each type of neuroglial cell and its function.

Astrocytes - support & anchor neurons to capillaries Microglia - immune response for CNS Ependymal Cells - circulate cerebral spinal fluid Oligodendrocytes - myelin insulation to neurons in CNS Satellite Cells : support and anchor neurons in peripheral nervous system Schwann Cells: provide myelin insulation to neurons in the PNS

Summerize the functions of the cerebellum and brain stem?

Cerebellum - coordinates movements, muscle memmory; Brain Stem - automatic functions

Identify :

Lateral ventricle(s) Forman of Monro 3rd ventricle 4th ventricle

A _____ _____ is an electrical signal that travels along the ______. It arises from the movement of _____ causing a change in _____ _____. At rest, a neuron's _____ space is _____ charged and the _____ space is _____ charged. This is called the ______ _____.

Nerve impulse / neurons / ions / electrical charges / intracellular / negatively / extracellular / positively / resting potential

How much of the nervous system is made of neurons? Neuroglia?

Neurons - 10% Neuroglia - 90%

As the impulse passes, ________ diffuses out of the neuron (________). The ________ - _________ ________ then restores the ion concentrations to normal and the ________ ________ returns.

Potassium / (repolarization) / sodium-potassium / pump / resting potential

Describe the formation of the myelin sheath.

Schawnn cells wrap around the axon of a neuron, leaving gaps in between the individual schwann cells (Nodes of Ranvier).

Name the meninges in order from superficial to deep.

dura mater, arachnoid layer, pia mater

When the neuron is _______, either by the enviroment or another neuron _______ rushes into the neuron and quickly _______ the charges (called depolarization). This depolarization is known as _______ ______. This process quickly ______ down the length of the _______.

stimulated / soduim / reverses (depolarization) / action potential / moves / neuron

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