[UPDATE] APUSH Unit Test (3/22/18)

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The American economy of the late 19th century can be characterized by all EXCEPT (Think about what corporations hate)

Acceptance of unions and collective bargaining.

Buying "on margin" contributed to the stock market crash of 1929 because it (Think about the in-class example)

Allowed traders to pay for stock with projected future profits.

Which labor group pursued limited objectives, excluded intellectuals, avoided politics, and avoided broad social aims? (Think Samuel Gompers)

American Federation of Labor.

The Puritans who settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony wanted their settlement to be primarily (Think American exceptionalism)

An example to the rest of the world.

One of the major effects of the Industrial Revolution on America during the late 19th Century was (Think manufacturing)

An increased emphasis on speed of manufacturing rather than quality of work.

Framers added the Bill of Rights to the Constitution primarily to protect (Think Constitution = federal)

An individuals from the power of the federal government only.

Which of the following best describes the situation in Kansas during the 1850s? (Think "Bleeding Kansas")

As a result of the policy of popular sovereignty, Kansas became the site of much violence and bloodshed.

The intent of the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 was to (Think "assimilation")

Assimilate Native Americans into the mainstream of American culture.

The purpose of the Pendleton Act of 1883 was to

Fill certain government positions on the basis of merit through competitive exams.

In his Farewell Address, George Washington warned against (Think

Foreign entanglements and the formation of political parties.

The tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy were distinctive in that they

Formed the most important native political organization to confront the colonists.

Which of the following is most closely associated with the Populist movement (Think "The People's Party")

Free coinage of silver.

The Louisiana Purchase was an important factor in the development of U.S. trade because it (Think location)

Gave the country complete control of the Mississippi River.

Which of the following best summarizes the contents of the Zimmerman telegram, which was intercepted in 1917? (Think what would make the US mad)

Germany offered Mexico a chance to regain the land it had lost in the Mexican Cession of Mexico attacked the United States and helped prevent the United States from assisting the Allies.

The Cherokee of Georgia were forced off their land because (Think why US wants "land")

Gold was discovered in their territory and Georgians demanded that the Indian Removal Act be enforced.

Which aspect of the New Deal programs was most clearly a continuation of Progressive Era policies?

Government regulation of business activities.

Which of the following was NOT a provision of the Land Ordinance of 1785 or the Northwest Ordinance of 1787? (Think land=speculators)

Land sales in admitted territories would be protected from speculators.

Which of the following did NOT occur during FDR's "Hundred Days"? (Think chronologically)

Passage of the Social Security Act.

As part of the New Deal, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) were created to

Protect individual investors from stock fraud and bank failure.

Following the Civil War, most freed slaves (Think "unskilled")

Stayed in the South and worked as sharecroppers.

As a result of the Mexican-American War, all of the following become part of the United States EXCEPT (Think Treaty of Hidalgo but be careful)

Texas. (Annexed earlier than Mexican-American War)

Which of the following acts was the most beneficial to labor? (Think second time's the charm)

The Clayton Antitrust Act, since it legalized strikes and picketing.

All of the following sparked support for the abolitionist movement EXCEPT

The Conscription Act. (Draft not slavery)

As a result of the Hartford Convention following the War of 1812 (Think "failure")

The Federalist party lost credibility and eventually died out.

All of the following are associated with "loose constructionism" during the early years of the United States of America (Think Hamilton or Jackson)

The Federalists, Hamilton's Bank, the "Elastic Clause", federal government assumption of state debts.

Which of the following was designed to have a "deflationary" effect on the American economy? (Think silver = inflation)

The Gold Standard Act of 1900.

Which of the following documents encouraged church membership in the Massachusetts Bay Colony? (Think about going all the way to church, not just going __)

The Halfway Covenant.

Which of the following was a result of the Albany Congress (Think "fail")

The Iroquois remained neutral and the colonists rejected Franklin's plan for unity.

Which of the following statements related to the Lowell System is NOT true? (Think about gender roles)

The Lowell System provided an easy way for women to become financially independent.

In the Schecter Poultry Corp. v U.S. case of 1935, which of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal measures came under attack? (Think which one ruled as unconstitutional)

The National Industrial Recovery Act.

Which of the following regulatory laws was passed as a result of Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle"? (Think bad sausage)

The Pure Food and Drug Act.

Which of the following events represented the most significant action on the part of the colonists against British Authority? (Think taxes)

The Stamp Act Congress.

The Force Act of 1832 was passed in response to (Think South Carolina)

The Tariff/Nullification crisis

All of the following can be seen as clashes between traditional and modern culture during the post World War I era EXCEPT (Think which one isn't a change)

The Teapot Dome Scandal. (Old-fashioned political corruption)

During the time of Woodrow Wilson's presidency, the "irreconcilables" and the "Reservationists" had strong feelings concerning (Think Wilson's failure)

The Treaty of Versailles.

The most notable achievement of the United States under the Articles of Confederation was

The provision for land sales in the Northwest that would benefit the entire nation.

The Progressives attacked a number of social, political, and economic evils in the American system EXCEPT (Think about how Civil Rights comes later)

The rights of African-Americans.

"You shall not crucify mankind on a cross of gold" was what candidate's rallying cry in the election of 1896

William Jennings Bryan.

Why was the Great Plains the last area to be settled? (Think about Dust Bowl)

With about half the rainfall of the East, it was perceived as uninhabitable.

The main goal of the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 was finally achieved with (Think suffrage)

19th Amendment.

The economic theory of mercantilism would be consistent with which of the following? (Think export > import)

A government should direct the economy to maximize exports.

The Haymarket incident involved (Think incident = riot)

A riot between striking workers and the police.

The U.S. government's outlawing of the Indian Sun (Ghost) Dance in 1890 led directly to the

Battle of Wounded Knee.

Roosevelt's Big Stick policy in Latin America was best characterized by his (Think constable/police officer)

Belief that the United States had an obligation to protect security and stability by assuming a protective role throughout the Western hemisphere

The Exodusters were (Think Dust in the Wind by Kansas)

Blacks who migrated to Kansas.

All of the following Supreme Court decisions during John Marshall's tenure as Supreme Court Justice strengthened the federal government EXCEPT (Think free states v. slave states)

Dred Scott v. Sandford

Following the Spanish-American War and the acquisition of territory overseas, in a series of cases known as the Insular Cases, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that (Think Philippines)

Colonial subjects within the American Empire were not entitled to the rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

All of the following increased government power during WWI EXCEPT

Dawes plan. (International not domestic)

The election of 1800 is historically and politically significant because it (Think Revolution of 1800)

Demonstrated that political parties could, in fact, bring about a peaceful revolution in a republican form of government.

Historians often cite Shay's Rebellion (1786-1787) as a significant event in U.S. history because it (Think state determined taxes)

Demonstrated the weakness of the federal government under the Articles of Confederation (Federal government wasn't allowed to collect taxes)

The Battle of Saratoga proved to be a significant turning point in the Revolutionary War because it

Demonstrated to France that the Americans might win the war and subsequently led to the Franco-American Alliance of 1778.

Which of the following reformers fought for the rights of the mentally ill? (Think "D" for depression)

Dorothea Dix.

Although the Supreme Court was the weakest of the three branches of government in the early days of the new republic, John Marshall strengthened the court by (Think Supreme Court = judicial branch)

Establishing the principle of judicial review in the case of Marbury v. Madison.

All of the following were immediate social or economic consequences of the American Revolution EXCEPT (Think "misogyny" )

Expanded rights for women to hold property.

President Grant's administration is considered a failure mainly because he (Think Whiskey Ring)

Failed to control corruption within his own administration.

Andrew Johnson was impeached because (Think "you're fired")

He violated the Tenure of Office Act by firing Secretary of War Stanton.

In general, most Europeans in the 16th and 17th centuries discovered native tribes of Native Americans to be (Think white superiority)

Heathens who were inferior human beings.

During the late 1800s, farmers supported free and unlimited coinage of silver mainly because they believed that it would lead to? (Think silver = inflation)

Higher prices for agricultural products.

Muckraking journalists were most successful at (Think about what Harrington calls people)

Identifying symptoms of social disorder.

The Know-Nothing Party focused its efforts almost exclusively on the issue of (Think nativist)


Constitutional amendments during the Progressive Era concerned each of the following EXCEPT (Think 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th)

Imposition of a poll tax.

When Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation (Think about stopping British support of the Confederates)

It added a moral dimension to the Civil War, which became a war to end slavery rather than a war to preserve the Union.

Which of the following statements regarding the American Federation of Labor is true? (Think how unions express dissent)

It considered the strike its strongest weapon.

All of the following are true concerning the women's suffrage movement EXCEPT

It first met success in the New England states.

The Mayflower Compact foreshadows the U.S. Constitution in which of the following ways? (Think "...government by the people")

It posits the source of government power in the people rather than in God.

George Washington established the principle of executive privilege in a dispute with Congress over the

Jay Treaty. (Congress wanted to see Washington's papers but Washington refused hence establishing executive orders)

The dismal plight of the "Dust Bowl" refugees was captured in (Think "Okies")

John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath

Which of the following architects is considered by many to be the father of the modern skyscraper, thus changing the face of cities like Chicago in late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. (Think "S" for skyscraper and Sullivan)

Louis H. Sullivan.

In the late nineteenth century, political machines such as Tammany Hall were successful primarily because (Think bowl of soup)

Machine politicians provided need jobs and services to naturalized citizens for their votes.

Which of the following is most closely associated with the presidency of James K. Polk? (Think expansionist)

Manifest Destiny.

As a result of the emancipation proclamation (Think Union = "antislavery")

Nearly 200,000 free blacks and escaped slaves joined the Union army.

Japan was outraged by the American annexation of Hawaii in 1898 primarily because (Think Hawaii's ethnicity)

Nearly half of Hawaii's residents were of Japanese descent.

The Albany Plan of Union failed because (Think "segmented snake")

None of the colonies was willing to share tax-collecting powers with a national entity.

The "Ghost Dance" movement among Western Native Americans stressed all of the following EXCEPT (Think Native American domination)


Progressives achieved their goal of direct election of US Senators in 1913 with the

Ratification of the 17th Amendment.

Franklin Roosevelt invoked the Good Neighbor Policy in taking which of the following actions? (Think Latin America)

Recalling U.S. troops from Nicaragua and Haiti.

In the 1930s, shantytowns, often called "Hoovervilles," sprang up across the United States because of President Herbert Hoover's

Refusal to provide direct federal aid to the homeless.

Wilson's Fourteen Points plan for peace after World War I included all of the following EXCEPT (Think what Europeans thought were missing from the Fourteen Points)

Repayment of all Allied war expenses by Germany.

During the last decade of the 19th century, the Sherman Anti-Trust Act was used primarily to (Think about how it failed)

Restrict the activities of labor unions.

The Nye Commission report of 1936 reinforced American isolationism by (Think "merchants of death")

Revealing unethical profiteering by American munitions companies during World War I.

When Lincoln was elected president in 1860, the immediate effect was the (Think Lincoln Douglas debates)

Secession of South Carolina

Jane Addams was a turn-of-the-century activist most well-known for her work in (Think Addams and Starr)

Settlement houses.

The dominant northern Plains Indian tribe was the (Think about our class's bad pronunciation)


By 1730 blacks were a majority of what mainland English colony's population? (Think "S" for slaves)

South Carolina.

The "new immigrants" who arrived in the United States after the Civil War were different from the "old immigrants" in that they (Think diversity)

Spoke different languages and had different customs than most Americans and thus were not easily assimilated.

The Age of Salutary Neglect drew to a close with (Think why Britain would begin taxing the colonies)

The end of the French and Indian War.

The Free-Soil party advocated which of the following? (Think "freedom on new soil")

The exclusion of slavery from any of the new territories.

The Niagara Movement resulted in (Think "N" for NAACP)

The formation of the NAACP.

Frederick Jackson Turner's "Frontier Thesis" included all of the following EXCEPT

The frontier contributed to higher levels of civilization.

Which of the following did The First Great Awakening result in? (Think "spirit")

The growth of a democratic spirit.

Which of the following is NOT a requirement set by the Reconstruction Act of 1876 for Southern states' readmission to the Union? (Think ratification of 14th amendment, new state constitution, and black participation in state elections)

The state had to pay reparations and provide land grants to all former slaves.

Which best describes the role of the Loyalists during the Revolutionary War? (Think 1/3 Loyalist, 1/3 Patriot, and 1/3 Neutral)

They made up approximately 20-30 percent of the population.

Which of the following statements about Supreme Court decisions during the later part of the 19th century is most accurate? (Think Gilded Age)

They reduce federal power over the states by narrowly defining the applicability of the constitution to state law.

Which of the following statements concerning the Federalist Papers is true? (Think New York ratification)

They were written as propaganda to support the ratification of the Constitution.

The black leader at the turn of the century who refused to accept second-class citizenship for blacks and founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) for the purpose of fighting racial discrimination through the courts was

W.E.B. DuBois.

Brook Farm in Massachusetts, the Oneida Community in upstate New York, and New Harmony in Indiana were similar in that they (Think "farm = anti-commercialization")

Were utopian communities designed to ameliorate the effects of a growing commercial society.

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