US Hist Sub 19 pt. 2

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How did the gross national product and per capita income change in the 1950s?

Both Gross National Product and per capita income increased dramatically.

What was the outcome of the Korean War?

Both remained separately ran, a refuse - fire, both sides agreed to stop fighting, but one shot was considered war

The Service Man's Readjustment Act of 1944 is more commonly referred to as the

GI Bill of Rights

In the 1950s scientists succeeded in using atomic energy to

Generate electrical power

In the 1950s, scientists succeeded in using atomic energy to

Generate electrical power.

Who was president when the Cold War ended?

George H. W. Bush

Which of the following best describes the beatniks of the 1950s?

They rebelled against conformity and traditional social patterns.

The United States joined World War II because:

They wanted to fight back after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.

What happened to Japanese Americans during World War II?

They were placed in internment camps

After World War II, what organization was formed on the basis of the Atlantic Charter?

United Nations

Post World War II tensions increased between these two nations?

United States and the Soviet Union

stay home with their children.

Unlike Betty Friedan, pediatrician Benjamin Spock believed that women should

had a strong mandate.

Unlike Kennedy, President Lyndon B. Johnson

the races should be separated.

Unlike the early civil rights leaders, Malcolm X believed strongly that

What were men's roles like in the 1950's like?

Very traditional and did not include making metals

What was the principle provision of the Geneva Accords?

Vietnam dividing into 2 nations

what was the long lasting effect of the major highway building projects

less reliance of the public transportation system

One long-lasting effect of the major highway-building projects of the 1950s was

less reliance on the public transportation system and complete reliance upon the car.

One long-lasting effect of the major highway-building projects of the 1950s was

less reliance on the public transportation system.

national defence education act

Passed in reaction to America's perceived inferiority in the space race; encouraged education in science and modern languages through student loans, university research grants, and aid to public schools.

What was the main result of the revolutionary concepts of perestroika and glasnost during the 1980's?

Peretroika: restructuring economic policies: monopolies falling, Glasnost: people criticizing government

Policy of collaboration, or close cooperation, with Germany

Policy of collaboration, or close cooperation, with Germany

For nearly 50 years, the Cold War was characterized by

Political conflicts and military tension-proxy wars and communist versus US and other democratic capitalistic countries

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was based on the principle of

Political unity coming together in case of USSR attack

Dwight Eisenhower

President and former commander-in-chief of the armed forces

One effect of business expansion after World War II was

Production of consumer goods, conglomerates, and franchise, and shift from blue collar to white collar jobs

Which of the following is a reason the United States became involved in affairs in the Middle East following World War II?

Protect U.S. involvement with oil industry and make sure Soviet Union did not get the oil.

What was the main goal of the Federal Highway Act?

Provide a national web of new roads and theoretically allowed for the evacuation of major cities in the event of nuclear attacks, provide 25 billion dollars to build an interstate highway system more than 40,000 miles long

Because of the highway system of the 1950's, there was less dependence on what?

Public transportation

What could be stated about race relations in the North during the war years?

Race relations in North is that whites still took priority.

What color was associated with communism


E. Howard Florey.

B. Paul Muller.

E. Yugoslavia

B. Poland.

What was the goal of the America First Committee?

Block aid to Britain

d. Spanish-speaking people who come from the same country.


d. Stokely Carmichael's "Black Power" speech


d. Wholesale Meat Act of 1967.


d. Yo Soy Joaquin.


d. adventure.


d. beatniks and the end of segregation.


d. discrimination in the hiring of federal employees.


d. dropped from 31 to 24 percent.


d. end the urban riots.


d. fire caused by sparks.


d. high school students.


d. it made nuclear power possible


d. joined the army.


d. labor unions.


d. lack of educational opportunities for Japanese Americans.


d. large, organized conspiracy.


d. leaders in social causes


d. new roles for men and women


d. nuclear power.


d. organized the Freedom Rides.


d. prayer in public schools was constitutional.


d. release Martin Luther King, Jr., on bail.


d. remained about the same


d. repeated economic recessions.


d. required government support.


d. schools should be fully integrated.


d. smoke spewed into the air.


d. the Nation of Islam should be banned.


d. the appearance of Vice President Johnson


d. the civil rights movement slowly ended.


d. the rise in per capita income.


d. to promote the space program


d. use more peaceful tactics than the SCLC.


d. was more concerned with foreign policy than domestic policy.


The fundamental reason Wilson gave as to why the United States should declare war on Germany in 1917 was the:

cause of moral right against wrong

The 1957 launching of Sputnik

caused Congress to increase spending on teaching science and mathematics.

A 1950s technological innovation furthered by research during World War II was the


Opposition to preparations for war came from all of the following EXCEPT:

conservative banking interest groups funding the National Security League

As shown by the events connected to the "Bisbee deportation" of 1917, the United States' entry into World War I provided an opportunity for:

conservatives and business leaders to weaken labor unions

Jack Kerouac

considered the leader of the Beat Generation

In the 1950s, men's roles included all of the following except

cooking meals

in the 1950s, men's role included all of the following except

cooking meals

In the 1950s, men's roles included all of the following except

cooking meals.

The Red Scare of 1919:

created an atmosphere that suppressed labor, women, and change generally

In response to the formation of NATO, the Soviet Union

created the Warsaw Pact

What was the impact of the Civil Rights legislation signed in 1965?

culminated literacy test, gave federal officials ability to supervise voter registration

d. It won passage of several New Frontier goals and added to them.


d. La Raza Unida.


d. Martin Luther King, Jr.


d. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech.


d. civil rights movement.


d. full-time homemakers


d. had a strong mandate.


d. helping them find jobs and housing


d. helping them find jobs and housing.


d. jobs, education, and legal matters.


d. lone assassin.


d. offending southern Democratic senators.


d. peaceful confrontation


d. rose from 24 to 31 percent.


d. smaller and faster


d. spiritual leader of the beatniks.


d. stay home with their children.


d. the "separate but equal" doctrine.


d. the activism of Ralph Nader.


Which event added most to Americans' shock and fear to attack by the Soviet Union?

first test of a Soviet atomic bomb

Who was the nationalist leader of the Vietnamese during the First Indochina War?

(Cho Minh of the Cong)

What was the main goal of the Strategic Defense Initiative?

Block all Soviet missiles and nuclear attacks "star wars"

What did Malcom X ask African Americans to do?

(stand up and fight for freedom if necessary)

What policy did other European nations adopt when dealing with Germany before WWII?


offending southern Democratic senators

At first, President Kennedy moved slowly on civil rights issues to avoid

President George W. Bush implemented the "War on Terror" due to what event?

9/11 Twin Towers


A 1950s technological innovation furthered by research during World War II was the

league of united latin american citizens

A Southwestern group that challenged restrictive housing, employment discrimination, and the segregation of Latino students.


A ____ gives a group or individual the right to a market a company's goods or services

missile gap

A belief that the Soviets had achieved technological and military superiority over the United States.


A business that contracts to offer certain goods and services from a larger parent company


A corporation made up of three or more unrelated businesses


A giant cooperation becomes an _____________ by investing in a wide range of businesses that produce different kinds of goods and services

juvenile delinquency

A mid-1950s panic about 'juvenile delinquency' occurred as a result of works such as J.D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye.

What did Rock-and-Roll give the younger people of the 1950's?

A music style they could call their own

geneva accords 1954

A peace conference in Geneva divided Vietnam temporarily into northern and southern districts, with elections scheduled for 1956 to unify the country.

urban renewal

A program for cities to demolish poor neighborhoods in city centers that occupied potential valuable real estate.

What effect did conglomerates in the franchise system have on the American economy in the 1950's

Boom in American economy, consumerism, start of credit cards, debt rises, mass media expands

Rock-and-roll gave the young people of the 1950s

A style that they could call their own

the beats

A term coined by Jack Kerouac for a small group of poets and writers who railed against mainstream culture.


A tiny circuit that amplifies, controls, and generates electrical signals


A tiny circuit that improved the transmission of electronic signals is called a ____

E. China.

A. France.

E. Mercury.

A. Polaris.

E. Vice-President Richard Nixon was dropped from the ticket.

A. President Dwight Eisenhower faced his 1952 Democratic opponent.

E. Lyndon B. Johnson.

A. Richard Nixon.

E. None of the answers are correct.

A. Russia's successful test of an atomic weapon.

E. Congress of Racial Equality.

A. Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

E. United States Senate.

A. State Department.

E. Stalin argued against the Allies opening a second front in western Europe.

A. Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt agreed the Axis powers must surrender unconditionally.

E. the nuclear incident at Three Mile Island.

A. a proposed dam on the Green River in Echo Park, Utah.

E. Germany and Japan to be added to the Security Council after twenty-five years.

A. each nation on the Security Council to have veto power over the others.

E. None of the answers are correct.

A. ending diplomatic relations.

E. renounced the Yalta accords signed by Roosevelt.

A. had almost no familiarity with foreign affairs.

E. None of the answers are correct.

A. lost ten percent of its population in 1956.

E. was supported by President Truman.

A. permitted the "union shop."

E. typhoid.

A. polio.

E. rail and textiles.

A. rail and steel.

E. fell precipitously from its World War II highs.

A. reversed a long pattern of decline.

E. Israel.

A. the Soviet Union.

E. None of the answers are correct.

A. the basis for its foreign policy for more than thirty years.

E. grew more controversial after a Soviet coup in Czechoslovakia in 1948.

A. was offered to the Soviet Union.

E. confronted a wave of unexpected bank failures.

A. was plagued by serious inflation.

E. was remarkably democratic.

A. was pro-Western.

Television helped spur economic growth through its


What was the goal of the March from Salem to Montgomery?

African American voting rights

many African Americans were elected to office at all levels.

After Congress passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965,


After the years of depression and war, most Americans were searching for

What was one goal of the Marshall Plan?

Aid to help rebuild Europe, support democracies, and open new market

What role did television play in the struggle for Civil Rights?

Allowed white Americans to see police force on African Americans

Who were the "silent majority?

Americans who opposed counter cultures

Baby boom

An enormous jump in the birth rate

E. None of the answers are correct.

B. MacArthur publicly criticized President Truman's policy in Korea.

E. Harry Truman.

B. Winston Churchill.

E. None of the answers are correct.

B. accused of passing American secrets to its enemies.

E. creating a blockade of East Berlin.

B. airlifting supplies to West Berlin.

E. telling South Korea to stand down.

B. calling on the United Nations to intervene.

E. convict him of perjury.

B. censure him for "conduct unbecoming a senator."

E. None of the answers are correct.

B. generally sought to convey an idealized image of America.

E. Truman's plans for national health care.

B. housing discrimination.

E. develop a reusable spaceship.

B. land men on the moon.

E. maintained the wage and price controls of the Truman administration.

B. lowered federal support for farm prices.

E. children should not be breast-fed or allowed to sleep with their parents.

B. mothers should stay at home with their children.

E. put the question to a national referendum.

B. quickly ratified the agreement by a large majority.

E. folk.

B. rhythm and blues.

E. that Chinese aggression against Taiwan would result in war.

B. the United States must resist communism anywhere it developed in the world.

E. None of the answers are correct.

B. the end to a long period of Democratic dominance.

E. many rural Americans lived on the margins of the affluent society.

B. the percentage of the population living in poverty rose during the decade.

E. the Supreme Court to issue another decision, Brown II.

B. the presence of federal troops to enforce court orders.

The turning point in the Pacific occurred when U.S. planes sunk all four Japanese carriers at what battle?

Battle of the Coral Sea

What group promoted spontaneity over conformity?


What group rebelled against conformity and traditional social patterns of times?


why did branch ricky the general manger of the Brooklyn dodgers choose jackie robinson to break the color line in baseball

Because he had a good background and was well mannered

Why did many people believe Harry Truman had little chance of winning the election?

Because he had lost support in his own party

Why did computers come into widespread use in the 1950's?

Because they became smaller and faster

Why did credit cards become popular?

Because they were convenient and easy to use

Fascism was popularized by which World War II leader?

Benito Mussolini

Who believed that women should stay home with their children?

Benjamin Spock

The author of the Feminine Mystique was

Betty Friedan (1963)

What did Eisenhower fully support?

Big business

The new interest in religion was reflected in the popularity of

Billy Graham

The new interest in religion was reflected in the popularity of

Billy Graham.

The new interest in religion was reflected in the popularity of

Bully Graham

How did the U.S. convince Japan to surrender?

By dropping two atomic bombs on them

How did a 1950's technological innovation further by research during World War II?

By the computer

E. Neil Armstong.

C. Alan Shepard.

E. Haiti.

C. Guatemala.

E. Saul Bellow.

C. Jack Kerouac.

E. a large tax cut.

C. a federal highway system.

E. the movement of factories and mills to new locations.

C. a growth of unskilled industrial jobs in these areas.

E. Roosevelt preferred a reconstructed and reunited Germany.

C. all of Berlin was to be placed under Soviet control.

E. supporting passage of the McCarran Internal Security Act.

C. beginning an investigation into the loyalty of federal employees.

E. put Ngo Dinh Diem in charge of North Vietnam.

C. called for democratic elections.

E. None of the answers are correct.

C. declared that an attack on one member nation was an attack on all.

E. discovering penicillin could be used to treat streptococcal blood infections..

C. finding methods for its mass production and commercial distribution.

E. Democratic member of the House.

C. first-term Republican senator.

E. gave the average American ten percent more purchasing power than he or she had during the 1920s.

C. grew nearly ten times faster than the population between 1945 and 1975.

E. he drew particularly strong support from the "eastern establishment."

C. he never produced conclusive evidence that any federal employee was a communist.

E. willingly ceded authority to Mao Zedong.

C. little popular support.

E. saw its president, David Beck, charged with the misappropriation of union funds.

C. merged with the Congress of Industrial Organizations.

E. military invasion of North Korea by China.

C. military invasion by North Korea into South Korea.

E. ordering the desegregation of public transportation.

C. ordering an end to discrimination in the hiring of government employees.

E. McCarthyism.

C. poverty.

E. calling his opponents "soft on Communism."

C. proposing a major civil rights bill.

E. saw Republicans argue that Truman aimed to roll back the New Deal.

C. saw Republicans win control of both houses of Congress.

E. the country was divided along the 38th parallel.

C. the United States left Korea in 1946.

E. it quickly became the most powerful medium of mass communication in history.

C. the federal government regulated the content of both commercials and programs.

E. rely primarily on large conventional forces in local conflicts to defeat communism.

C. use nuclear weapons against communist aggression.

E. transistor, integrated circuit, vacuum tube.

C. vacuum tube, transistor, integrated circuit.

After the United States entered World War I:

Carrie Chapman Catt began supporting the war to promote woman suffrage

The goal of the Manhattan Project was to

Create a nuclear bomb in secret

The United States had difficulty remaining truly neutral for all of the following reasons EXCEPT the:

Central Powers had the more effective propaganda campaign

This country fell to communism in 1949, making 25 percent of the world communist:


Name three of the main Rock and Roll stars of the 1950's

Chuck Berry, Billie Holliday, Little Richard, Fats Domino, Billy Halley, The Comets, Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley

What was the major problem during the Carter Administration?

Cold war and Hostage crisis during a time of economic turmoil and rising energy costs

In the 1950's, Americans placed the most value in what two things?

Comfort and security

Television helped spur economic growth through its


They became larger and more powerful.

Computers came into widespread use in the 1950s mainly because of what?

smaller and faster.

Computers came into widespread use in the 1950s mainly because they became

What two thing contributed to the expansion of businesses in the 1950's?

Conglomerates and franchises

Which was an immediate result of the Truman Doctrine?

Congress approved $400 million to help Turkey and Greece resist Soviet influence.

The Truman Doctrine's main goal was to:

Contain communism

Credit cards became popular because they

Convenience and ease, "disposable" items

What impact did Joseph McCarthy have on American society?

Convinced people there was a black list (list of alleged communists)

In the 1950s men's roles did NOT include

Cooking meals

Define satellite nations

Countries controlled by other nations: (i.e) East Berlin run by the Soviets

convenient and easy to use

Credit cards became Popular because they were _____________________

Allied soldiers invaded northern France on the beaches of Normandy. This is known as:


E. the growing communist threat.

D. "the military-industrial complex."

E. None of the answers are correct.

D. All the answers are correct.

E. government reduced the amount of money it was pumping into the economy.

D. American public believed there was something wrong with the United States.

E. U.S. refuse to join in a UN resolution denouncing British and French actions during the Suez crisis.

D. CIA engineer a coup that brought the Shah of Iran to power.

E. Hiss served several years in prison.

D. Hiss was convicted of espionage.

E. after it became clear Stalin was supporting communist forces in China.

D. after his first few days in office.

E. significant tax cuts.

D. aid to public housing.

E. arose from a case involving segregation in Mississippi.

D. declared that separate educational facilities were unlawful.

E. to catch up with German knowledge of rocketry.

D. for the long-range delivery of weapons.

E. explicitly discriminated against African Americans.

D. gave housing and education subsidies to veterans.

E. automobiles.

D. houses.

E. Joseph Stalin refused to agree to Roosevelt and Churchill's plans for the United Nations.

D. it was agreed the Soviet Union should regain land lost in the 1904 Russo-Japanese War.

E. led to the creation of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE).

D. marked the emergence of an effective form of racial protest.

E. was ultimately thwarted due to the surprise intervention of the Chinese navy.

D. prompted President Truman to try and push communists out of North Korea.

E. it was first used on a large scale in Italy in 1943-44 during a typhus outbreak.

D. scientists during WWII knew the pesticide had a long-term toxic effect on humans and animals.

E. sent military aid to the French at Dien Bien Phu.

D. supported Ngo Dinh Diem as the leader of the government in South Vietnam.

E. Alaska and Hawaii.

D. the West.

E. an end to the Fair Employment Practices Act and other wartime measures.

D. the creation of national health insurance.

Adlai Stevenson

Democratic candidate for President in 1952 and 1956

The policy of making the military power of the United States and its allies so strong that no enemy would dare attack it for fear of retaliation is known as


Disagreement over which issue worsened postwar relations between the United States and the Soviet Union?

Disagreement over Eastern Europe and form of government and who should run it

How were the 1950s a period of consensus in both domestic policies and foreign affairs?

Domestic policies

How did governmental policies, business practices, and individual choices contribute to racially segregated suburbs?

During postwar suburban boom, federal agencies continued to insure mortgages that barred resale of houses to non-whites, thereby financing housing segregation. Banks and private developers barred non-whites from the suburbs and the government refused to subsidize their mortgages except in segregated enclaves. The process of racial exclusion became self-reinforcing. Non-whites remained concentrated in manual and unskilled jobs, the result of employment discrimination and their virtual exclusion from educational opportunities at universities.

Explain the ideological rifts among conservatives in the 1950s. Why did many view President Eisenhower as "not one of them"?

During the 1950s, it became evident that the conservatives due to "ideological rifts" would split. The

more than doubled

During the post war years, the GNP value ________________________.

housing segregation

During the postwar suburban boom, federal agencies continued to insure mortgages that barred resale of houses to non-whites, thereby financing housing segregation.

E. All the answers are correct.

E. All the answers are correct.

E. Franklin Roosevelt promised an Anglo-American second front within six months.

E. Franklin Roosevelt promised an Anglo-American second front within six months.

E. Los Angeles.

E. Los Angeles.

E. None of the answers are correct.

E. None of the answers are correct.

E. a worker's most valuable trait in the corporate work setting was to get along.

E. a worker's most valuable trait in the corporate work setting was to get along.

E. became increasingly concerned that Stalin was not going to fulfill conference agreements.

E. became increasingly concerned that Stalin was not going to fulfill conference agreements.

E. criticism of President Truman.

E. criticism of President Truman.

E. did not significantly increase during the decade.

E. did not significantly increase during the decade.

E. in the long run, do more good than harm.

E. in the long run, do more good than harm.

E. led Soviet Premier Khrushchev to cancel a planned visit by Eisenhower to Moscow.

E. led Soviet Premier Khrushchev to cancel a planned visit by Eisenhower to Moscow.

E. low unemployment.

E. low unemployment.

E. required communist organizations to register with the government.

E. required communist organizations to register with the government.

E. southern whites.

E. southern whites.

E. television play a significant role in the campaign.

E. television play a significant role in the campaign.

E. the 1952 election tabulations.

E. the 1952 election tabulations.

E. the Soviet Union and China.

E. the Soviet Union and China.

E. the Truman administration encourage the rapid economic growth of Japan.

E. the Truman administration encourage the rapid economic growth of Japan.

E. the army.

E. the army.

E. the creation of a unified West Germany.

E. the creation of a unified West Germany.

E. the movie industry.

E. the movie industry.

E. tried to draft Dwight Eisenhower for president.

E. tried to draft Dwight Eisenhower for president.

E. tuberculosis.

E. tuberculosis.

E. wanted to keep working.

E. wanted to keep working.

To which direction did Hitler look when he decided Germany needed more lebenstratum ("living space")?


Credit cards became popular because they were

Easy and convenient to use

Ronald Reagan's solution to "stagflation" was referred to as

Economic policy of cutting taxes and reducing government spending

What were the main concerns of President Clinton's first term?

Economic reform and the battle over health care (rights of gay people)

During the 1930's, the United States focused largely on what domestic problems?

Economy and military

getting soldiers home

Eisenhower's formula for victory in the 1952 election focused on _____________________

Richard Nixon

Eisenhower's vice presidential running mate

Members of the "silent generation" chose to pursue

Entertainment and fun

What did the members of the silent generation choose to pursue?

Entertainment and fun

What activities did members of the "silent generation" choose to pursue?

Entertainment and fun-rock and roll-Elvis Presley, American bandstand Beatniks- nonconventional spontaneous free artists

Environmental Protection Agency

Environmental activists spurred the government to create the

nearly doubled

From 1945-1960 the average income per person, or per ca pita income, _________________.

rose from 24 to 31 percent

From 1950 to 1960, the number of women working outside the home

What roles were most American women expected to fulfill in the 1950's?

Full-time house wives

The Soviet Union wanted to rebuild after the war in ways that would

Expand their empire

Truman's Fair Deal aimed to

Extend Roosevelt's New Deal Goals-higher minimum wage, national health insurance, housing assistance

Nazism was an extreme form of


What was one result of the baby boom?

Families moved from cities to suburbs

What was one result of the baby boom?

Families moved from the cities to the suburbs

What was one result of the baby boom?

Families moved from the cities to the suburbs.

How did President Eisenhower's domestic policy reflect that of his Republican predecessors Coolidge and Hoover?

Favored big businesses


First artificial satellite to orbit the earth; launched October 4, 1957, by the Soviet Union.

Which event added most to America's shock and fear of attack by the Soviet Union?

First test of Soviet atomic bomb

How did the United States and Soviet Union shift the focus of the Cold War to the Third World?

For hundreds of years, the global south (what is known the third world) was dominated and ruled by white European nations. This IMPERIALISM created colonies in the third world which gave huge profits and prestige to their colonial masters through things such as manpower, natural resources, etc. By the early 1900s the USA had also become an imperialist power, and with the end of WWII saw itself in direct ideological confrontation with the Soviet Union, which was guided by Marxist-Leninist communist ideology rather than capitalistic free-markets. The Korean War was perhaps the first major confrontation between the two countries and their proxy forces (politically-aligned forces to which the US and USSR threw monetary and military aid). From 1945-50 the Cold War's focus was the European theatre, where the US tried to contain the spread of Soviet-style communism throughout eastern Europe in the immediate post-war period. Now, the Korean War's carnage shifted the focus of the Cold War to the third world, and the USSR saw as it's mission the NATIONAL LIBERATION of oppressed nations from the throes of imperialism. A wave of decolonization throughout the 50s and 60s ensued, in which colonial nations rose up against their European/American dominators in places such as VIETNAM, CUBA, MANY NATIONS IN AFRICA (Angola, Congo, Ghana, etc). The Cold War thus placed a huge amount of pressure on third world nations to align/ALLY politically and militarily with either one of the two camps. Thus it was natural that the Soviet Union with it's "anti-imperialist" ideology garnered the support of most seeking decolonization, while the US funded those opposed to such radical measures.

Many unique stores, with ties to the local community, were replaced as a result of

Franchise systems

Why were many unique and individual stores replaced?


Which man was elected President 4 times, and served during the Great Depression and WWII?

Franklin Roosevelt

Which country was split in two by the Iron Curtain?


In September 1940, Japan allied itself with what countries?

Germany and Italy

Shortly after Congress passed a war declaration on Japan, which other two countries declared war on the United States?

Germany and Italy

What two things in the 1950's changed drastically?

Gross national product and per capita income

One of the big stars in college football in the 1920's was:

Harold E. "Red" Grange

The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) charged numerous Hollywood figures with

Having ties to communist ties

What impact did Joseph McCarthy have on American society?

He encouraged a widespread fear of communism.

How did President Eisenhower's domestic policy reflect that of his Republican predecessors Coolidge and Hoover?

He favored big business.

How did Truman react to the USSR's deployment of an atomic bomb?

He gave approval for the U.S. development of the even more powerful hydrogen bomb.

Which of the following factors made it seem that Harry Truman had little chance of winning reelection in 1948?

He had lost some support in his own party.

In the 1950s more women than ever before

Held paying jobs

What did women do in the 1950's more than any other time before?

Held paying jobs

What was one result of the federal government's hunt for Communists?

Hollywood ten- search between cinema members and their connection to communism

He favored big business.

How did president Eisenhower's domestic policy reflect Coolidge and hoover?

What were the goals of SALT I and SALT II?

Limit the nuclear power with US and Soviet Union. Reduce strategic offense weapons. SVS terms. Nuclear arms. Limits on types and numbers of weapons per country,

What was the Domino Theory?

If one country fell to communism, neighboring countries would likewise fail

GI Bill

In 1944 congress passed the ____ to give WW2 veterans benefits like college and low interest mortgage loans

massive retaliation

In 1954, John Foster Dulles announced an updated version of the doctrine of containment. Massive retaliation, as it was called, declared that any Soviet attack on an American ally would be countered by a nuclear assault on the Soviet Union itself.

southern manifesto

In 1956, 82 of 106 southern congressmen--and every southern senator except Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas and Albert Gore and Estes Kefauver of Tennessee--signed a Southern Manifesto, denouncing the Brown decesion as a 'clear abuse of judicial power,' and calling for resistance to 'forced integration' by 'any lawful means.

in god we trust

In 1957, 'In God We Trust' was included on paper money, again marking America's religiosity as opposed to 'godless' communisim.

attempted to balance jobs and the environment.

In Alaska during the 1970s, the federal government


Low-cost, mass-produced developments of suburban tract housing built by William Levitt after World War II on Long Island and elsewhere.

African Americans were angry and tired of promises.

In his writings, James Baldwin warned Americans that

cooking meals

In the 1950s men's roles include all of the following except _________________.

generate electrical power

In the 1950s scientists succeeded in using atomic energy to do what?

held paying jobs.

In the 1950s, more women than ever before

jobs, education, and legal matters

In the 1960s, Mexican Americans fought discrimination in

What important idea came out of the Nuremberg Trials?

Individuals held responsible for their own actions

Lt. Col. Oliver North was originally convicted of charges associated with

Iran/Contra scandal. Taking money from illegal sales of weapons to Iran and giving the money to contra rebels in Nicaragua

Which was American policy during the early years of World War II?


What major effect did the transistor have on technology?

It reduced the size of electric appliances.

What major effect did the transistor have on technology?

It reduced the size of electronic appliances.

The big movie stars of the early 1920's included all of the following EXCEPT:

Mae West

In the 1950's, men's roles included

Making important economic and financial decisions for their family, supporting their family financially, and going to school

Who was the spiritual leader of the beatniks?

Jack Kerouac

spiritual leader of the beatniks.

Jack Kerouac, author of On the Road, was the

tried to enroll at Ole Miss.

James Meredith advanced the cause of civil rights when he

What was the main result of the Manchurian Incident?

Japan's leaders took a stronger lead in governing the nation, especially in foreign policy. And they began to use Manchuria as a base for expansion.

Who was the leader of the the Soviet Union during WWII?

Joseph Stalin

The complicated Allied invasion to take Europe back from the Axis Powers began on

June 14, 1944

Congress passed Neutrality Acts that were designed to

Keep U.S. out of war

What was one of President Truman's greatest challenges in transforming the economy?

Keeping inflation in check

Eisenhower's formula for victory in the 1952 election focused on

Korea (Korean War, communism, and corruption)

What was the outcome of the Korean War?

Korea remained divided at almost exactly the same place as before the war.

What was Eisenhower's focus for victory in 1952?

Korea, Communism, and corruption

Eisenhower's formula for victory in the 1952 election focused on

Korea, communism, and corruption.

La Raza Unida

Latino political interests were represented by organizations such as

Spanish-speaking people who come from Latin America.

Latinos are

The black power movement taught African Americans to

Lead their own communities to unite, recognize their heritage, define their own goals

American society of the 1950s expected women to

Manage the household

What was the code name for the development of the Atomic Bomb?

Manhattan Project

What was the biggest reason for the U.S. not declaring war on Germany, after they invaded Poland?

Many Americans supported Isolationism

the franchise system.

Many unique stores, with ties to the local community, were replaced as a result of

Who overthrew China during the Cold War and created a Communist government there?

Mao Zedong

William J. Levitt contributed to the grown of suburbs by

Mass-producing houses

William J. Levitt contributed to the growth of suburbs by

Mass-producing houses, Levittown

political and social reform

Members of the "silent generation" chose to pursue what?

What happened to the Gross National Product of the United States during the 1950's?

More than doubled

What were the results of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident and Resolution?

NV and US-USS Maddox in Gulf gave Johnson authorization to declare war without conventional measures in session

Both Mussolini and Hitler saw expansion of their territory as a way to increase

National Pride

What was one result of the baby boom?

Overcrowding became a problem.

Under the Roosevelt Corollary, the United States intervened in all of the following countries EXCEPT:


Détente was the principle foreign policy of which US presidents?

Nixon and Kissenger

Identify the prescribed roles and aspirations for women during the social conformity of the 1950s

Nixon during debate with Khrushchev - Nixon said that you "didn't need a wife" while pointing to the automatic floor sweeper. After 1945, women lost most of the industrial jobs they had performed during the war. As during most of history, women who worked outside of home remained in low-salary jobs rather than better-paying manufacturing positions. After sharp postwar drop in female employment, the number of women at work soon began to rise. The modern woman worked part-time to help support the family's middle-class lifestyle. Media portrayed marriage as the most important goal of American women, and married younger, more children, "baby boom". The ability of women to remain at home, declared a government official, "separates us from the Communist world," where a high % of women worked

What was the main war strategy that Roosevelt and Churchill first agreed on at the Atlantic Conference?

No territorial changes

Which of the following best describes the beatniks of the 1950's?

Nonconventional, spontaneous, free, artists, pre-hippees

To achieve victory in the struggle for civil rights, MLK and the SCLC encouraged

Nonviolent acts/protests

What does NATO stand for?

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

western European nations in response to the Soviet threat?

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

What finally brought an end to World War II?

Nuclear bombs in Japan, Japan surrendering

Because of its reliance on aircraft to carry nuclear weapons, the US lagged behind the Soviet Union in

Nuclear warfare-missile development

What action did the Nazis take to strip Jews of their German citizenship?

Nuremburg laws passed

What was President Barak Obama's greatest political victory during his first term?

Obama Care

a shift in the work force from blue-collar to white-collar jobs.

One effect of business expansion after World War II was

Keeping inflammation in check.

One of president Truman's greatest challenges in recounting to a peacetime economy was what?

During the Cold War, a major goal of the United States policy in Latin America was to

Resist Soviet

What did the Taft Hartley Act in 1947 do?

Restricted labor strikes that threatened national interest

What gave young people of the 1950's a style they could call their own?

Rock 'n Roll

a style that they could call their own.

Rock-and-roll gave the young people of the 1950s

Executive Order 8066 resulted in

Roosevelt authorizing internment (confinement) of American Japanese and residential Japanese

What were the major thrusts of the civil rights movement in this period?

Rosa Parks and bus boycott

From 1950 to 1960, what happened to the percentage of women working outside the home?

Rose from 24% to 31%

The "Big Four" at the Versailles peace conference included all of the following EXCEPT:


In the 1920's, the dominant corporations in radio included all of the following EXCEPT:


young activists.

SNCC entrusted decisions about priorities and tactics to

make their own decisions about priorities and tactics.

SNCC was formed to enable students to

During the 1950's, Americans placed the most value in

Safety and security

After the years of depression and war, most Americans were searching for


What were many Americans searching for after the depression?


What were the most significant results of the Civil Rights movement?

Segregation is illegal, African Americans can vote, African Americans elected as officials,

What was an example of U.S. deficit spending during the war?

Selling war bonds. The government spent 321 billion dollars on the war effort borrowed from the public.

Earth Day

Senator Galord Nelson of Wisconsin helped to organize the first national

Why was the Berlin Wall constructed?

Separate communists and non-communists Berlin

protecting the constitutional rights of citizens accused of crimes.

Several of the important decisions of the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren focused on

What was the impact of the 1957 launching of Sputnik

Shock, fear, because of technology gap in nuclear strength

Computers came into widespread use in the 1950s mainly because they became

Smaller and faster

computers came into widespread use in the 1950s mainly because they became

Smaller and faster

Which of the following is an example of the Marshall Plan at work?

The United States helped France rebuild its economy.

gave the federal government too much power

Some critics complained that the Great Society programs

What was one result of the federal government's hunt for Communists?

Some people's civil rights were violated.

At the end of World War II, Korea was divided into

Southern pro-American government and a Northern pro-Communist governmen

The Berlin airlift was President Truman's response to the

Soviet blockade of West Berlin.

As World War II ended, a major disagreement between the

Soviet domination of Poland.

Under President Eisenhower, the United States acted to oppose

Soviet influence in Middle East, Eisenhower doctrine

Under President Eisenhower, the United States acted to oppose

Soviet influence in the Middle East.

montgomery bus boycott

Sparked by Rosa Parks's arrest on December 1, 1955, for refusing to surrender her seat to a white passenger, a successful year-long boycott protesting segregation on city buses; led by the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.

Where were the Germans finally halted in their advance into the Soviet Union?

Stalingrad, major railroad industrial center on the Volga river (Russia)

Because of the war, large numbers of women began to work as

Steel workers, factory workers, and filled any jobs men left for war

In the 1950's most homes were built in the



TV helped spur economic growth through _______________.

The goal of the island-hopping strategy, the Allies put themselves in a position to

Take on Japan itself


Television helped spur economic growth through its

What helped spur the economy thru advertisements?


The Berlin airlift allowed:

The United States to get supplies across Soviet lines

Explain the meaning of the "American standard of living" during the 1950s

The "American standard of living" completely transformed during the mind-twentieth century,

what were the main characteristics of the affluent society of the 1950s

The 1950's consisted of conformity, prosperity, and peace. These characteristics led to a booming economy and booming population, nearing a 20% increase from the previous decade.

the resurgence of religion and the rise of rock-and-roll.

The 1950s saw such disparate trends as

Caused congress to increase spending on teaching math and science.

The 1957 launching of sputnik did what?

lead their own communities

The Black Panthers wanted African Americans to

peaceful confrontation.

The Congress of Racial Equality pursued its goals through

lone assassin.

The Warren Commission declared that Kennedy's assassination was the work of a

Japanese American property losses during their wartime internment.

The Japanese American Citizens League spoke out against


The Montgomery bus boycott introduced a new generation of African American

helping them find jobs and housing.

The National Urban League helped newcomers to the cities by

the environment.

The New Frontier proposals addressed all of the following except

Martin Luther King, Jr.

The person who wrote the famous "Letter from Birmingham Jail" was

What reflected the new interest in religion?

The popularity of Bill Graham

Which of the following boosted the defense industry after World War 2?

The Nuclear Arms Race

How did the Soviet Union react to the Marshall Plan?

The Soviet Union refused to participate in the plan.

the "separate but equal" doctrine

The Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education ended

evidence seized illegally could not be used in a trial.

The Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren ruled that

iranian coup

The U.S.- sponsored coup that overthrew Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953 created resentments that helped lead to Iran's Islamic Revolution twenty-five years later.

Describe how the automobile transformed American communities and culture in the 1950s.

The US emerged out of WWII as the largest and most expansive economy in the world by far. Most of Europe lay shattered while the US, having not had any combat on it's own soil, naturally had most of it's major factories and industry intact. As a result, it allowed a large automobile industry to develop through the states. The auto industry in the 1950s, especially in it's major centres of production such as the famous plants of Detroit, saw new, innovative designs, more efficient means of mass production, and higher profits. The Baby boom also occurred, and with the explosion in population more people moved from the big cities to new, expanding suburbs - hence the automobile changed the very nature of American communities. Cars became a necessity in these areas of large urban sprawl for transport. The American nuclear family was allowed to develop in such areas - the father needed the car for work, the mother for running errands and taking the kids to school. Culturally in the 1950s, teenagers now had a new form of early independence through driving. McDonald's and other fast food restaurants were allowed to develop due to the presence of the "drive-through". Large interstate highways were also built to accommodate this boom. The automobile's influence on changing the demographics, neighbourhoods, and cultures of America cannot be overstated.

What effect did conglomerates and the franchise system have on the American economy in the 1950s?

They contributed to major business expansion.


The ______________ worked to revive


The beatniks were a group of writers, artists, and young people who prompted spontaneity

chemicals such as DDT

The book Silent Spring exposed the harmful use of

propose a strong civil rights bill

The brutality against African Americans in Birmingham prompted Kennedy to

military-industrial complex

The conjunction of 'an immense military establishment' with a 'permanent arms industry' with and influence felt in 'every office' in the land.

What was the "final solution to the Jewish question," announced by the Nazis at the Wannsee Conference?

The construction of where genocide of Jews special camps in Poland

the activism of Ralph Nader

The consumer movement of the 1960s developed largely as a result of

What happened to Germany after the war?

The country was divided up into 4 zones

What was the final resolution of the Korean War?

The dividing line stayed about the same.

Many unique stores, with ties to the local community, were replaced as a result of

The franchise system

radioactivity released into the air.

The greatest threat posed by nuclear power plants was

Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech.

The highlight of the March on Washington was

interstate highway system

The largest public-works enterprise in American history, was the building of the 41,000-mile interstate highway system.

What was the new "social contract" between labor and management, and how did it benefit both sides as well as the nation as a whole?

The new "social contract" wasn't really a new contract so to speak. America got this idea from the European perspective and came up with a few rules or obligations as the government.

Billy Graham

The new interest in religion reflected in the popularity of __________________.

Billy Graham

The new interest in religion was reflected in the popularity of

What two things were examples of disparate trends seen in the 1950's?

The resurgence of religion and the rise of rock 'n roll

Jack Kerouac, author of On the Road, was

The spiritual leader of the beatniks

Native Americans.

The successes of the civil rights movement of the 1950s largely bypassed


The term "rock-and-roll" was foined in cleveland; it was a new type of misic with a faster beat


The theory that men and women are politically, socially, and economically equal is called

civil rights movement.

The women's movement borrowed legal tools and inspiration from the

By the beginning of World War I, how could one describe Japan?

Their military was getting stronger and their economy was modernizing

In 1946, Winston Churchill used the term "Iron Curtain" when describing conditions in Europe. What did he mean by this term?

There was a division between communist Eastern Europe and Western Europe.

Why is the Cold War called a "cold" war?

There was never direct fighting between the two superpowers

Why did the Soviet Union try to force the Allies to abandon West Berlin?

To close an escape route to the West, complete block off from all resources

What did Truman's Fair Deal aim to do?

To extend the New Deal Goals

Why did two Chinese leaders, Jiang Jieshi and Mao Zedong, unite during World War II?

To fight off the invading forces of Japan

What was Japan's real motive behind the Greater East Asis Co-Prosperity Sphere?

To gain natural resources to carry out war with Asia

Why did President Franklin Roosevelt create the Office of War Mobilization?

To serve as a super agency to the centralization of resources

What did President Truman promise in the Truman Doctrine?

To support and assist all democratic countries menaced or harassed by USSR

Why was the United Nations founded?

To try and preserve peace throughout the World

In the Perisan Gulf War, what was the goal of the US and the international coalition?

To unite international forces

brown v board of education

U.S. Supreme Court decision that struck down racial segregation in public education and declared separate but equal as unconstitutional.

The United Farm Workers was

Union to organize Mexican field hands in the West

SNCC was formed to enable students to

Voice for younger generation and more immediate change (younger people)

Freedom Summer called attention to African Americans

Voting rights

What historical event contributed to the rise of fascism in both Italy and Germany, and to the rise of totalitarianism in the Soviet Union?


The countries in red on this map were members of which alliance during the Cold War?

Warsaw Pact

Which part of Germany was controlled by Britain, France and the U.S. and became democratic and capitalist following WWII?

West Germany

A style that they could call their own.

What did rock and roll music give young people?

they contributed to major business expansion.

What effect did conglomerates and the franchise system have on the American economy in the 1950s?

the franchise system

What is responsible for the decline in local community stores?

It reduced the size of electronic appliances.

What major effect did the transistor have on technology?

it reduced size of electronic appliances.

What major effect did the transistor have on technology?

Full time homemakers

What roles were most American women expected to fulfill in the 1950s?

full-time homemakers

What roles were most American women expected to fulfill in the 1950s?

On the Road,

What was the title of jack Kerouac's book and why was it popular?


What were the major and long lasting effects of the interstate highway systems?

draft soldiers to army

When a railroad strike disrupted the economy in 1946 Truman tried to _______________________.

rose faster than wages.

When the government lifted price controls after the war, prices

sluggish, with low GNP growth

Which best describes the state of the American economy in 1960?

He rarely succeeded in pushing legislation through Congress.

Which of the following best describes Kennedy's domestic policy success?

It won passage of several New Frontier goals and added to them.

Which of the following best describes the Great Society?

He had lost support in his own party.

Which of the following factors made it seem that Harry Truman had a little chance of winning reelection?

He had lost some support in his own party

Which of the following factors made it seem that Harry Truman had little chance of winning reelection in 1948?

to empower big business

Which of the following was not a goal of the New Frontier program?

Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech

Which was a highlight of the March on Washington?

After World War II there was a shift from blue collar jobs to what kind of jobs?

White collar jobs

What were the main concerns of President Clinton's second term?

White water affair, illegal campaign donations

Rachel Carson

Who published a book in 1962 that started the environmental movement?

Betty Friedan

Who was the author of the "Feminine Mystique"?

William Levitt

Who was the developer who mass produced new communities in suburbs?

Jonas Salk

Who was the doctor who developed a vaccine against polio?

Benjamin Spock

Who was the pediatrician who wrote a highly influential book on child care?

To restrict labor strike that threatened the national interest.

Why did congress pass the Taft Hartley act in 1947?

The Versailles Treaty:

blamed the war on German aggression

The person who became the movie industry's czar and defended it while setting guidelines for it was:

Will Hays

Who contributed to the growth of suburbs by mass producing houses?

William Levitt

mass producing houses

William j levit contributed to the growth of suburbs by _________________________.

The United States sent troops into Russia in 1918 because:

Wilson wanted to protect the railroads and pacify Britain and France

Developments that pushed the United States to declare war in April 1917 included all of the following EXCEPT:

Wilson's preparations for war in 1916

The Prime Minister of Great Britain during World War II was:

Winston Churchill

Who inspired the British people to resist the German invasion?

Winston Churchill

Who fulfilled the role of full time homemakers in the 1950's?


baby boom

Women had more children (3.2 per family) than ever before, making the end of the war until the mid-1960s a "baby boom" era.

What was the significance of the presidential election of 1960?

Young (JFK) vs. old (Nixon)

d. Consumer Day.


d. He had opposed the Taft-Hartley Act.


d. He launched a remarkable reform program that altered American society.


d. It ended the popularity of radio.


d. Nuclear Energy Day.


d. Ralph Nader


d. a stable and secure cultural role.


d. booming, with high GNP growth


d. congressional committees.


d. continuing segregation policies in American public schools.


d. credit cards.


d. embarrassing Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev.


d. favored rural over urban citizens.


d. financial programs.


d. high school students.


d. its white members.


d. larger and more powerful.


d. nuclear power.


d. organized the Freedom Rides.


d. poverty.


d. radio.


d. release Martin Luther King, Jr., on bail.


d. the integration of Japanese into Anglo culture.


d. the weakening of labor unions.


d. to promote the space program


Movies during this time seemed to promote all of the following EXCEPT:

a cultivation of reality

The underlying issue in the Scopes trial of 1925 was whether:

a science course would teach scientific theories

one effect of business expnsion after world war 2 was

a shift in the work force from blue collar to white collar jobs

One effect of business expansion after World War II was

a shift in the work force from blue-collar to white-collar jobs

One effect of business expansion after World War II was

a shift in the work force from blue-collar to white-collar jobs.

Rock-and-roll gave the young people of the 1950s

a style that they could call their own.

d. the computer industry.


Television helped spur economic growth through its


Television helped spur economic growth through its


televison helped spur economic growth through it's


How did the gross national product and per capita income change in the 1950s?

both gross national product and per captia income increased dramitically

The Eighteenth Amendment passed in part because

brewery companies generally had German names

As a result of the Berlin Airlift, the United States was able to -

bypass a Soviet blockade without provoking a military conflict

d. Benjamin Spock.


d. He launched a remarkable reform program that altered American society.


d. James Meredith.


d. Nuclear Regulatory Agency.


d. Olga Owens Huckins


d. President Kennedy's "New Frontier" speech


Senator Joseph McCarthy's power faded shortly after he

appeared on television in the Army-McCarthy hearings.

Betty Friedan

author of The Feminine Mystique

d. African Americans should not be allowed to vote.


d. Betty Friedan.


d. It lacked any support in Congress.


d. a major decline in working conditions for most Americans.


d. all of the above


d. allowed unrestricted oil drilling.


d. beatniks and the end of segregation.


d. drive-in movie.


d. equal rights.


d. establish a more interracial organization.


d. he had received illegal gifts


d. hippies.


d. its white members.


d. many African Americans were elected to office at all levels.


d. medical care for the poor and the elderly.


d. pediatrician who urged mothers to stay at home with their young children.


d. people who share the same culture but speak different Latin-based languages


d. practice nonviolent protest.


d. prayer in public schools was constitutional.


d. reduced the amount of conservation land.


d. remain mainly in teaching and nursing.


d. shrinking dramatically


d. the feminine mystique.


d. the space program.


d. the values they needed to live through depression and war.


d. voted.


why did congress pass the taft-harley act

because the democratic party split and had lost some support of his own party

Members of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) charged numerous Hollywood figures with

being sympathetic to Communist ideas.

eisenhower and his administration wholly supported

big business

During World War I, all of the following occurred EXCEPT:

big business became more alienated from government than ever

In the Great Migration:

black women often were the ones who moved north first

The Palmer raids:

deported hundreds of people without trials

The policy of making the military power of the United States and its allies so strong that no enemy would dare attack it for fear of retaliation is known as



developer who mass-produced new communities in suburbs

At the Yalta conference, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin decided to

divide the defeated Germany into four sectors—American, British, French, and Soviet.

Jonas Salk

doctor who developed a vaccine against polio

when a railroad strike disrupted the economy in 1946, truman tried to

draft striking workers into the army

When a railroad strike disrupted the economy in 1946, Truman tried to

draft striking workers into the army.

credit cards became popular because they were

easy and convenient to use

Credit cards became popular because they were

easy and convenient to use.

After the North Korean invasion of South Korea, the United Nations passed a resolution that supported

efforts to defend South Korea and restore peace.

Advertising campaigns during the 1920's did all of the following EXCEPT:

emphasize mainly the qualities of the product

Members of the "silent generation" chose to pursue

entertainment and fun.

The automobile was important because it did all of the following EXCEPT:

erase class lines by making the same transportation available to all

The Republican "new era" of the 1920's:

established more government-business cooperation

Both President Truman's Federal Employee Loyalty Program and Senator Joseph McCarthy's hearings aimed to

expose Communists in the United States.

Truman's Fair Deal aimed to

extend the New Deal's goals.

The Taft administration policies in China:

favored a revived, stronger China

what roles were most american women expected to fulfill in the 1950s

full time homemakers

What roles were most American women expected to fulfill in the 1950s?

full-time homemakers

what roles were most american women expected to fulfill in the 1950s

full-time homemakers

In the 1950s, scientists succeeded in using atomic energy to

generate electrical power.

in the 1950s, scientists succeeded in using atomic energy to

generate electrivity

The second industrial revolution, which took place in the 1920's, involved all of the following EXCEPT:

greater demand for skilled workers as the economy grew

By 1929, economic growth in the United States:

had produced merger so that 200 firms owned half of the corporate wealth

When Fidel Castro seized American property in Cuba, Eisenhower

halted exports to Cuba.

how did president eisenhower domestic policy reflect that his republican predeccors coolidge and hoover

he favored big business

in the 1950s, more women than ever before

held paying jobs

Contrary to image presented in the 1950s, more women than ever before

held paying jobs.

One of President Truman's greatest challenges in reconverting to a peacetime economy was

keeping inflation in check.

The Espionage Act of 1917:

led to an increase in government spying on U.S. citizens

Dollar diplomacy:

led to military intervention to protect American investments

The Ku Klux Klan of the 1920's was primarily motivated by the:

idea of making America strictly a white man's country

The Root-Takahira Agreement did all of the following EXCEPT:

implement the gentleman's agreement

The National War Labor Board

improved working conditions in order to prevent strikes

Fair Deal goals included all of the following except

increased power for Congress.

When Panama rebelled from Colombia, the United States:

indirectly supported the revolutionaries

In response to interference with U.S. trade during World War I, the United States did all of the following EXCEPT:

insist that it be able to trade equally with both sides

After the Mexican Revolution began, Woodrow Wilson:

interfered with Mexican sovereignty using a moral justification

what major effect did the transistor have on have on technology

it reduced the size of electronic appliances

what major effect did the transistor have on technology

it reduced the size of electtronic appliances

As a result of the Korean War, the United States succeeded in

keeping South Korea free of communism.

The Bolshevik Revolution of November 1917:

led to sending Allied troops into Russia

Labor unions in the 1920's:

lost members and power

truman seemed unlikely to win the 1948 election because he

lost the support of much of his party

Truman seemed unlikely to win the 1948 election because

lost the support of much of his party.

All of the following were true of Bisbee, Arizona, in 1917, EXCEPT the:

majority of the miners in Bisbee were members of the IWW

american society in the 1950s expected women to

manage the household

American society in the 1950s expected women to

manage the household.

in the 1950s, William J. Levitt contributed to the growth of suburbs by

mass producing houses

william j. levitt contributed to the growth of the suburbs by

mass producing houses

William J. Levitt contributed to the growth of suburbs by

mass-producing houses.

Government regulations during World War I:

meant less laissez faire and more government-business cooperation

during the postwar years, the gross national product of the United states

more than doubled

During the postwar years, the Gross National Product of the United States

more than doubled.

Which of the following best describes satellite nations?

nations dominated by the Soviet Union

After the years of depression and war, most Americans were searching for

security and normalcy.

After the years of depression and war, most Americans were searching for


During World War I, the U.S. military:

segregated black soldiers while the French treated them generally as equals

Henry Ford revolutionized the auto industry by:

using the assembly line to increase production and lower costs


wanted to reform international diplomacy according to moral principles

What was this poster promoting? (WE CAN DO IT! - shows a lady)

war production

The prosperity of the 1920's:

was enjoyed mostly by the corporations

General MacArthur favored breaking the stalemate in the Korean war by

opening a second front by attacking the Chinese mainland.

Benjamin Spock

pediatrician who wrote a highly influential book on child care

The stories created by Hollywood suggested that normal life included all of the following EXCEPT:

personal freedom restrained by family and community

Welfare capitalism included all of the following EXCEPT:

policies to end low wages and long hours

Prohibition under the Eighteenth Amendment

promoted disrespect for the law in society

Newspaper chains such as the Hearst papers:

represented how businesses consolidated and merged during the 1920's

The Johnson-Reed Immigration Act of 1924:

restricted southern and eastern European and Japanese immigration

The Stanford-Binet test, given to all recruits

revealed illiteracy rates as high as 25 percent

When the government lifted price controls after the war, prices

rose faster than wages

when the government lifted price controls after the war,prices

rose faster than wages

When the government lifted price controls after the war, prices

rose faster than wages.

from the 1950 to 1960, the number of women working outside the home

rose from 24 to 31 percent

The IWW members went on strike in Bisbee, Arizona, in 1917, because they:

saw the war as an opportunity to make demands

after the years of depression and war, most americans were searching for


After World War II, the Soviet Union quickly took control of

several Eastern European countries.

what role did rosa parks play in the struggle for equal rights

she did not give up her seat to a white person on bus

The Committee on Public Information did all of the following EXCEPT:

show what a threat German communism was

Computers came into widespread use in the 1950s mainly

smaller and faster.

Computers came into widespread use in the 1950s mainly because they became

smaller and faster.

jack kerouac, author of on the road, was the

spiritual leader of the beatniks

Jack Kerouac, author of On the Road, was the

spiritual leader of the beatniks.

The beatniks of the 1950s promoted

spontaneity over conformity.

unlike betty friedan, pediatrician benjamin spock believed that women should

stay home with their children

Unlike Betty Friedan, pediatrician Benjamin Spock believed that women should

stay home with their children.

Black baseball players:

such as Satchel Paige were some of the best in all of baseball

Under the Truman Doctrine, the US pledged to

support those who were resisting subjugation by Communists

The right for women to vote:

was established in 1920 because the war made denial seem impractical and wrong

Tabloids in the 1920's included all of the following EXCEPT:

the Chicago Tribune

The Senate defeated the Versailles Treaty for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

the Democrats all voted against the treaty with the reservations

Americans thought the invasion by North Korea was initiated by

the Soviet Union.

The Berlin airlift began when

the Soviets blocked Allied access to West Berlin.

The scandals of the Harding administration involved all of the following EXCEPT:

the Tweed Ring

The government decided to suppress dissent in the United States during World War I as a result of all of the following EXCEPT:

the actions of vigilante groups, as in Bisbee, Arizona

For nearly 50 years, the Cold War was characterized by

the attempt of both countries to spread their own ideology and stop the spread of the other.

Labor unions weakened during the 1920's for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

the corporations met worker needs with company unions

The labor strikes of 1919:

were efforts to retain and advance gains made during the war

All of the following were true of the "new immigrants" EXCEPT they:

were genetically disposed to crime

Many unique stores, with ties to the local community, were replaced as a result of

the franchise system

Many unique stores, with ties to the local community, were replaced as a result of

the franchise system.

Communism is a system in which ...

the government owns the factories and natural resources; people are not free

"Progressive diplomacy" included all of the following objectives EXCEPT:

the preservation of American isolationism

The United States adopted a policy of excluding prospective immigrants on racial grounds in all of the following ways EXCEPT in:

the quota laws of 1924, which attempted to out Mexicans

the 1950s saw such disparate trends as

the resurgence of religion and the rise of rock and roll

The 1950s saw such disparate (opposite) trends as

the resurgence of religion and the rise of rock-and-roll.

The principal elements in Wilson's Fourteen Points included all of the following EXCEPT:

the right of each state to maintain its sovereignty and avoid commitments to go to war

The wartime developments that continued in the postwar years included all of the following EXCEPT:

the treatment of labor as a partner of the government

Henry Cabot Lodge opposed the Versailles Treaty primarily because:

the treaty would commit the United States to collective security

describe the beatniks of the 1950s

they challenged traditional patterns of respectability and shocked other americans with more open sexuality and their use of illegal drugs

which of the following best describes the beatniks of the 1950s

they rebelled against conformity and traditional social patterns

All of the following were true for farmers in the 1920's EXCEPT:

they received subsidies from the federal government

The Cold War divided the world into two camps -

those who supported a free society and those who supported communism

Stalin was determined that Germany would never

threaten his nation again therefore wanted to completely weaken it.

What was one goal of the Marshall Plan?

to create economically stable democracies which could resist communism

Which of the following is a reason the United States became involved in affairs in the Middle East following World War II?

to prevent oil-rich Arab nations from falling under Soviet influence

Why did a number of nations join to form NATO in 1949?

to protect themselves from possible Soviet aggression

Why did Congress pass the Taft-Hartley Act in 1947?

to restrict labor strikes that threatened the national interest

why did congress pass the taft - hartley act in 1947

to restrict labor strikes that threatened the national interest

What did President Truman promise in the Truman Doctrine?

to support nations trying to resist Soviet control.

The all-black 369th United States Infantry regiment was:

under French command and became one of the most highly decorated units

Big wheat farmers on the Great Plains in the 1920's:

used mechanized farming on huge farms to profit

All of the following were true of the 1920's, contributing to its reputation for adopting a new morality, EXCEPT:

women began to engage in sex more freely than men

What threat convinced the United States to sign several treaties with foreign countries to protect each other if an enemy attacked

world communism and the threat of the Soviet Union

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