US history 2 final

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Which of these programs introduced by LBJ still exists today

All of these

What was the name of the 1950s counterculture that rejected the values of conformity and domesticity?


Which supreme Court decision overturned Plessy v. Ferguson

Brown v. Board of Education

Which of the following best describes the marketing techniques of early television executives?

Finding programming that would appeal to the widest possible audience

On December 19,1998 the house voted to impeach president Clinton for

Lying to the grand jury and obstructing justice

Who lead theMIA's president


Nation of Islam minister who had encouraged African Americans to persue freedom, equality, and justice by any means necessary

Malcolm X

What was the name of the university of Chicago economist who helped to develop the intellectual position of libertarian economics?

Milton Friedman

This case expanded the rights of the accused by mandating that they must be informed of their rights

Miranda v. Arizona

What initially sparked the 1973 energy crisis

OPEC's embargo of oil exports

In their first year in office, the George W. Bush Admin

Passed the largest tax cut

After Clinton had sexual relations with an intern his public approval rating

Rose to record levels

Texas billionaire to become a third-party contender

Ross Perot

Reagan announced plans for a space-based system that could shoot down incoming missles called:


Who first challenged segregation on buses?

Sarah Keys

Most well-known figure of the Chicano movement

Cesar Chavez

How did Ronald Reagan win over the Religious Right

Denouncing abortion and prayer in school

Nixon and Kissinger had concluded that the most effective way to tip the military balance in South Vietnam's favor was to

Destroy military bases

Massive series of raids on various towns, cities, and bases throughout south Vietnam

The Tet offensive

Which of the following best describes the "Reagan Doctrine"

The US committed to supplying aid to anti-communist forces everywhere

In April 1970, the antiwar movement was recharged by

The US invasion of Cambodia

In 1979, Iranians who took American hostages demanded, in return for their release

The United States' return of the Shah of Iran

Congressional republicans offered a policy agenda called

The contraction with America

In 1983, the Reagan adminstration responded to a terrorist bombing of American military barracks in Beirut by

Withdrawing the remaining marines

What did Lyndon Johnson call his domestic program

Great society

When communists with ties to Cuba overthrew the government of the Caribbean nation of- in October 1983, Reagan dispatched the US marines to the island


The intent of president of president Richard Nixon's vietnamization policy was to

Have South Vietnamese fighting

In 1979 the Carter admin responded to the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan by

Imposing economic sanctions

Which of the following instigated the first gulf war also known as operations Desert shield and Desert Storm

Iraq's invasion of Kuwait

In October 1962, this student became the first African American student to enroll at the University of Mississippi

James Meredith

Who was the first African American man to run for president when he campaigned for the democratic party's nomination in 1984 and 1988

Jesse Jackson

In 1958, this Harvard economists and public intellectual published the affluent society

John Kenneth Galbraith

This Texas-based political party had a strong foundation for promoting Chicano nationalism

La Raza Unida

All of the following distinguish millenials from earlier generations except

Less likely to have traveled

What was the name of the prototypical suburban community built in 1946vin Long Island, new York?


In the mid 1960s the student nonviolent coordinating committee experienced a transformation. This transformation included all of the following except

Merging with the Black Panther party

Which leader of the Soviet Union advocated the projects of glasnost and perestoika

Mikhail Gorbachev

Who was the leader of the movement to stop the equal rights amendment

Phylis Schlafly

Who was a conservative detractor that felt the equal rights amendment threatened traditional gender roles and values?

Phyllis Schlafly

Types of jobs such as nursing, teaching, and secretarial work

Pink collar jobs

Which democratic challenger did Reagan face in the election of 1984

Walter Mondale

The environment protection Agency was create in- when- signed the National Environmental Protection Act into law

1970; Richard Nixon

What percentage of white New Yorkers sympathized with Goetz


In 2001 convinced that it harbored Al Qaeda terrorists, NATO, led by the US attacked


The explosive growth of mass incarceration exacted a heavy toll on which community

African Americans

In the 1980's record national budget deficits resulted from

All of these answers are correct

This comprehensive act barred segregation in public accommodations and outlawed discrimination

Civil Rights Act of 1965

The Supreme court in the case US v. Richard Nixon ruled that Nixon must

Turn over audio tape recordings from the oval office to the special prosecuter

What happened at My Lai

US troops massacred millions of civilians

NAFTA eliminated most trade barriers among

US, Canada, and Mexico

On August 2, This United States ship reported incoming fire from North Vietnamese ships in the Gulf of Tonkin

USS Maddox

George H W Bush defeated Micheal Dukakis doing all of the following except

Updating New Deal Programs

The presidential election of 1984 convinced the Democratic party that its future lied with what group

Upwardly mobile professionals

An act that abolished voting discrimination in Federal, state, and local elections

Voting rights act of 1965

The crisis of American hostages being held in Iran

lasted over one year

In 2012 nearly- of all Americans were immigrants or sons or daughters of immigrants

one fourth

What was the Nixon doctrine

A military policy of Detente

The supply side economic theory embraced by president Ronald Reagan called for

A reduction of personal and corporate taxes

All of the following led to the economic development of the sun belt except

A resurgence in Southern agriculture

In late 1995 and early 1996 the public largely blamed a budget impasse that shut down the federal government on

Congressional republicans

Which group first promoted the idea that drug use could remedy feelings of alienation


This case ruled that states must provide attorneys at state expense for accused persons unable to procure their own legal defense

Gideon v. Wainwright

Who was a vocal supporter of the proposed equal rights amendment

Gloria Steinem

In 1974 former president Nixon was pardoned by

The President

The Albany movement centered on Albany, Georgia drew on Christian commitments to social justice and united all of the following civil rights groups except

The Southern Baptists Convention

The military spread this chemical agent onto dense jungle

Agent Orange

On the day of the 2000 election

Al Gore won the popular vote

Dwight Eisenhower accomplished which of the following

All are correct

How did federal housing programs discriminate against Americans of color?

All are correct

What was the result of Brown v. Board of Education?

All are correct

What caused the Cuban Missile Crisis?

All of the above

In 1972 the equal rights amendment

All of the answers are correct

In 1972, two Washington post reporters uncovered evidence linking the watergate break in to

All of the answers are correct

In 1999 nearing the end of his presidency Clinton

All of the answers are correct

Which of the following enabled the rising purchase of consumer goods?

All of the answers are correct

Why did president Clinton fail to secure universal health care

All of the answers are correct

Why was Emmett Till murdered?

Allegedly whistling at a white women

All of the following occured during the Clinton administration except

Allowing openly gay men and women to serve in the military

This group staged dramatic demonstrations

American Indian Movement

Who published the Feminine Mystique

Betty Friedman

Obamacare mimicked policy proposals by all of the following politicians except

Bill Clinton

The Kerner commission explained urban riots as the result of which of the following

Black frustration

President Johnson proposed the voting rights act of 1965 partially in response to what event in Salem, Alabama

Bloody Sunday

Which show did not introduce advertising for new products manufactured during the 1950s?

Charlies Angels

The 1968 Democratic national convention included massive protests violent reprisals by police. Where did this convention meet?


The party's 10-point plan also included employment, housing, and education

Chicago Movement

This case ruled that it was illegal for the states to require official school prayers

Engel v. Vitale

What was the subject of Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring

Environmental dangers of pesticides

What was the relationship between the federal government and economic growth in the aftermath of WW2?

Federal spending created more economic growth

Betty Friedmans Feminine Mystique focused on what primary issue

Feelings of dissatisfaction as a housewife

On January 8, 1959 the rebel and his revolutionary army initiated a new era of Cuban history

Fidel Castro

Which of the following industries experienced the most economic growth under Reagan

Financial services

What was the primary political issue that Carter used in his presidential campaign

Focused less on issues than on his background

Founded in 1968, the American Indian Movement

Focused on militant actions

Bill Clinton was the first Democrat to win two terms as president since

Franklin Roosevelt

Ho Chi Minh spent years of enduring whose control and abuse


The voting rights act of 1965:

Gave total control of all elections to the federal government, that blacks were given freedom to fully exercise their voting rights

The Nixon administration ordered the heavy bombing of communist forces located in Cambodia

Ho Chi Minh Trail

What was the primary guiding principle of Carters foreign policy during his early years in office

Human rights

Which storm developed into a category 5 hurricane in 2005

Hurricane Katrina

After the Gulf War, President George Bush's high popularity quickly faded because of his

Inability to contain worsening recession

All of the following aspects of the tax reform act of 1986 are true except

Increased federal revenues

Who killed Lee Harvey Oswald?

Jack Ruby

In 1979 this Baptist minister founded the Moral Majority

Jerry Falwell

What campus needed Ohio National Guardsmen to restore order

Kent State

This drug began its life as a drug used primarily in psychological research before trickling down into college campuses


President Obama's main policy intiative to shore up the faltering economy was

Massive stimulus package

The civil rights leader was assassinated at his home in Jackson Mississippi

Medgar Evers

This group was founded in 1966 by prominent American feminists including Betty Friedman, Shirley Chisolm, and others

National Organization for Women

The Watergate scandal began in 1972 with a break in at the

Offices of the Democratic National Committee

A van blew up in front of a federal building in

Oklahoma city

How did the US respond to the independence movement in Vietnam

Opposed Vietnamese independence and supported French attempts to retain its colonial control

The 24th amendment

Outlawed poll taxes

Who wrote Silent Spring?

Rachel Carson

Environmental and consumer advocate that entered the race for president as the green party candidate

Ralph Nadar

Advertisers in the 1960s innovated by beginning to emphasize which of the following traits as a means of selling products

Rebellion and individuality

What was the intention of the war powers resolution

Reduce presidents ability to wage war

This president created the environmental protection agency

Richard Nixon

In 1972, Henry Kissinger announced that peace is at hand

Right before the American presidential election

Roe v. Wade the court case that legalized abortion hinged on what legal idea

Right of privacy

Perhaps one hundred thousand youth descended on San Francisco for the Utopic promise of 1967

Summer of Love

President Truman saw an expansion of social security benefits, a higher minimum wage, and urban development aimed at eliminating slums

The Fair Deal

President Lyndon B. Johnson's vision for America extended past the initiatives left behind by Kennedy. He introduced the idea of:

The Great Society

The wave of politicians called new democrats advocated all of the following except

The end of mass incarceration

Which of the following statements regarding the Iran Contra Affair are true

The goal was to raise money

Why was the federal government slow to respond to the AIDS crisis

The issue disproportionately affected gay Americans a . marginalized group

How did the Reagan's first budget immediately impact the national debt

The national debt increased dramatically

In 1974, Richard Nixon lef the presidency

Through resignation

In 1952, this NAACP lawyer argued on behalf of Linda Brown

Thurgood Marshall

Which of the following best describes the so-called Bush Doctrine

US should act unilaterally and preemptively

The Phenomenon when whites in metropolitan areas fled city centers for the suburbs- often it resulted in resegregated residential patterns

White flight

The so-called Pentagon Papers

revealed the government had misled the public regarding the progress of the war.

After the house impeached Clinton they sent the charges to the senate where

Senate republicans fell short

Who shot Reagan and three others

John Hinckley

Who was the first women to serve on the supreme court

Sandra Day O'Connor

demacration line, created in Vietnam that existed from 1954 until 1975

17th parallel

In what year were MLK Jr. and Robert Kennedy both assassinated


The Dow Jones industrial average which stood at 950 in 1981 reached- by the end of Reagan's second term


1968, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis where he assisted in organizing

A strike involving black sanitation workers

How did the first freedom ride end?

Angry mobs composed of KKK members attacked the riders in Birmingham, Alabama and burned one of the buses and beat the activists who escaped

Introduced in 1977, this computer was the first successful massed produced microcomputer

Apple 2

Who is the conservative economist that predicted lower tax rates would generate so much economic activity that federal tax revenues would actually increase

Arthur Laffer

The key evidence in the determination of president Richard Nixon's guilt or innocence in the watergate scandal was

Audio tape recordings

The 2000 presidential election was decided when

Automatic recount had to cease

The Stonewall incident that catalyzed the gay rights movement occured when:

Bar patrons in New York City protested a police raid

Which of the following phrases best describes "Reagan Democrats"

Blue-collar voters who lost faith in the liberal creed

What did the civil rights act of 1957 accomplish?

Created a civil rights commission in the department of justice to investigate claims of racial discrimination

How did racism influence the growth of the modern republican party

Democrats took the lead in passing civil rights legislation

Outrages southern democrats led a break-away faction headed by South Carolina Governor J. Strom Thurmond known as the:


In his own words, this president described himself as "Conservative when it comes to money and liberal when it comes to human beings"

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Which agency investigates sexual discrimination in the workplace


The churches most common in suburban America tended most frequently celebrated which of the following cultural values?

Economic individualism

This event in Arkansas exemplified the worst kind of response to integration attempts in the south

Little Rock Nine

Why was the landmark election of 1960 the first of its kind?

Never before had the media played such a prominent role in politics

Who was the corrupt leader of the republican of vietnam propped up by the American government with little domestic support

Ngo Dinh Diem

Which of the following best describes the ruling of citizens United v. FEC

No limits could be placed on political spending

Who was the secretary of defense under Lyndon Johnson

Robert McNamara

Court case that decided a women and her doctor possessed the right to decide the fate of a pregnancy

Roe v. Wade

Group that organized voting efforts in Mississippi, notable for its relatively large black community and scant number of black voters


What was the primary rationale used to justify the Iraq war

Saddan Husseins alleged possessions of weapons of mass destruction

The Contras, a right-wing insurgency group was fighting this leftist government in Nicaragua


In 2015 the supreme court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges

That prohibition \s against same sex marriage were unconstitutional

Activists in this particular event sat at segregated lunch counters in an act of defense

The 1960s Greensboro sit-ins

All of the following are true about the Gulf of Tonkin incidents and the ensuing resolution except:

The Johnson administration disorted the incident to provide a pretext for escalating American involvement in Vietnam

In the early 1980's the country president Ronald Reagan describes as an evil empire was:

The Soviet Union

In 1964 a dispute broke out at the University of California at Berkely over:

The rights of free speech

This concert in New York became shorthand for the new youth culture and its mixture of politics


As president, Ronald Reagan

succeeded in making his personality a central feature of his presidency

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