US History Chapter 15

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When the Union was restored by 1870, the southern states were mostly controlled by...

Republican majorities.

The civil rights era of the 1950's and 1960's is sometimes called the...

Second Reconstruction.

The Reconstruction amendments toppled the ideals of the...

Supreme Court decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford.

How did the Reconstruction amendments change the role of government?

The Supreme Court's role would be diminished.

How did emancipation affect the structure of the black family?

The black family became more like the typical white family, with men as the breadwinners and women as the homemakers.

How did Reconstruction leave an enduring legacy?

The nation's first African-American colleges were established.

What did the freedmen request in their "Petition of Committee on Behalf of the Freedmen to Andrew Johnson" in 1865?

The right to purchase a homestead.

The Fourteenth Amendment marked the most important change to the...

U.S. Constitution since the Bill of Rights.

The Whiskey Ring scandal took place during the administration of...

Ulysses S. Grant.

Northern investors were more likely to invest in the...

West than in the South.

How can Andrew Johnson be compared to Abraham Lincoln?

When making decisions, Johnson was more stubborn and less willing to compromise than Lincoln.

By examining Reconstruction from 1863 to 1877, what conslusion can be drawn?

With three different governmental plans, it was one of the most complex time period in American history.

The idea that change comes slowly can be evidenced by what event during Reconstruction?

Women were excluded from the suffrage amendment.

Howard University is well known as...

a black university in Washington, D.C.

James Pike's The Prostrate State was an influential account of a visit to South Carolina. It depicted...

a state engulfed by political corruption, drained by governmental extravagance, and under the control of "a mass of black barbarism." His solution was to restore leading whites to political power.

The Prostrate State depicts South Carolina under...

allegedly corrupt Negro rule during Reconstruction.

After the Civil War, Wyoming became the first state to...

allow women to vote.

With the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment, all people born in the United States were...

automatically citizens.

The Fifteenth Amendment sought to guarantee that one could not...

be denied suffrage rights based on race.

Frederick Douglass saw the post-Civil War South and wanted to ensure that the ideals of the Declaration of Independence...

became a reality for black men, too.

Black spokesmen insisted that anything less than full citizen ship would...

betray the Civil War's meaning.

The 1873 depression weakened the North's resolve to ensure the success of Reconstruction. It dealt the south a severe...

blow and further weakened the prospect that Republicans could revitalize the nation's economy.

White southern Democrats considered scalawags traitors to...

both their party and their race.

If a man from Maine came to live in the South as a teacher, they would most likely be labeled as a ...


Thaddeus Steven's most cherished aim was to...

confiscate the land of disloyal planters and divide it among former slaves and northern migrants to the South.

The crop-lien system kept many sharecroppers in a...

constant state of debt and poverty.

The 1868 presidential election saw Ulysses S. Grant...

defeating Horatio Seymour.

During Reconstruction, those like Elizabeth Cady Staton and Lucy Stone who supported a woman's right to vote, found themselves...

divided over whether or not to support the Fifteenth Amendment.

The Civil War affected planter families in that for the first time, some of them had to...

do physical labor.

The Liberal Republican movement in 1872 initially had little to do with Reconstruction but...

encouraged opposition to Grant's policies in the South.

According to the petition from the freedmen to Andrew Johnson, the planter class...

endangered freedom by trying to limit economic opportunity.

Black officeholders during Reconstruction helped ensure a degree of...

fairness in treatment of African-American citizens.

After the Civil War, some ex-slaves walked hundreds of miles in search of...

family membrs.

Radical Republicans fully embraced the expanded powers of the...

federal government born during the Civil War.

The Southern Black Codes allowed the arrest on vagrancy charges of...

former slaves who failed to sign yearly labor contracts.

The election of 1876 was tainted by claims of...

fraud in Florida, South Carolina, and Louisiana.

Andrew Johnson focused on Presidential pardons with...

his Reconstruction plan.

The ex-slaves saw receiving free land as...

key to improving their condition.

The bloodiest act of violence during Reconstruction took place in Colfax, Louisiana in 1873, where armed whites...

killed hundreds of former slaves, including fifty militia members who had surrendered.

For most former slaves, freedom first and foremost meant...

land ownership.

The most ambitious, but least successful, of the Radical Republicans' aims was...

land reform.

White farmers in the late nineteenth-century South included...

many sharecroppers involved in the crop-lien system.

During Reconstruction, southern cities enjoyed newfound prosperity as...

merchants traded more frequently with the North.

In March 1867, Congress began Radical Reconstruction by adopting the Reconstruction Act, which created...

new state governments and provided for black male suffrage in the South.

Most of those termed "scalawags" during Reconstruction had been:

non-slaveholding white farmers from southern upcountry prior to the Civil War.

In Mississippi in 1875, white rifle clubs drilled in public and...

openly assaulted and murdered Republicans.

The Northern vision for the Reconstruction-era southern economy was that emancipated African-Americans would have the same...

opportunities for advancement as northern whites.

The Civil Rights Act of 1866 became the first major law in American history to be passed...

over a presidential veto.

The Ku Klux Klan was a terrorist organization led by...

planters, merchants, Democratic politicians, and men who liked to style themselves as the South's "respectable citizens."

Black suffrage made a large difference in the South, as many black organized...

politically, voted , and ran for public office during Reconstruction.

Because of land redistribution, the vast majority of rural freedpeople remained...

poor and without property during Reconstruction.

The Bargain of 1877 led to the appointment of a southerner as...

postmaster general.

Andrew Johnson's Reconstruction plan failed, specifically, because...

prominent ex-Confederates and pre-Civil War elites came into power.

The Civil Rights Bill of 1866 defined the rights of American citizens without...

regard to race.

With the beginning of Radical Reconstruction, southern African-Americans in the late 1860's and early 1870's took direct action to remedy long-standing grievances. These actions included...

sit-ins that helped to integrate horse-drawn streetcars in southern cities.

Andrew Johnson lacked Lincoln's political...

skills and keen sense of public opinion.

Black ministers during Reconstruction played a major role in politics, holding

some 250 public offices.

As part of the Bargain of 1877, President Hayes agreed to appoint a...

southerner to his cabinet as postmaster general.

Southern Republicans during Reconstruction established the South's first...

state supported schools.

Despite the Fourteenth Amendment, Asians were...

still being denied United States citizenship.

The Enforcement Acts, passed by Congress in 1870 and 1871, were designed to...

stop activities of terrorist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan.

When Congress sent Andrew Johnson the Civil Rights Bill of 1866, he argued...

that it discriminated against whites.

Unlike Susan B. Anthony, Lucy Stone favored...

the Fifteenth Amendment.

General William T. Sherman's Special Field Order 15 set aside...

the Sea Islands and forty-acre tracts of land in South Carolina and Georgia for black families.

Through analyzing the "Sharecropping Contract," it can be determined that...

the contract was a type of economic slavery.

In the 1870s, Redeemers claimed to have saved the white South from...

the corruption of northern and black officials.

While Republicans were in power in the South, they established...

the region's first state-supported public schools.

Right after the Civil War, ex-slaves cared greatly about...

the right to education.

The Wyoming territorial government granted suffrage to women because...

they thought it would attract more female settlers.

Sharecropping was preferred by African-Americans to gang labor because...

they were less subject to supervision.

Hiram Revels and Blanche Bruce were the first...

two black U.S. Senators.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the SLaughterhouse Cases that most rights of citizens were...

under the control of state governments rather than the federal government.

Economic growth in the South was stronger in...

urban centers like Atlanta than in rural areas.

Compared to rebels in the rest of world history's civil wars, the rebels of the defeated Confederacy were treated...

very leniently.

Opponents of Radical Reconstruction could not accept the idea of former slaves...

voting, holding office, and enjoying equality before the law.

The U.S. Supreme Court's decision in the 1873 case in which Myra Bradwell challenged an Illinois statute excluding women from practicing law demonstrated that...

while racial definitions of freedom were changing, gendered ones still existed.

For the 1868 Democratic presidential ticket, Horatio Seymour and Francis Blair Jr. had a campaign motto of...

"This is a white man's country. Let white men rule."

Carl Schulz referred to the amendment of Reconstruction as a...

"great Constitutional revolution."

By the mid-1870's, white farmers were cultivating as much as...

40 percent of the region's cotton crop.

What was ironic about the election of Andrew Johnson?

A man from a state that had seceded was now president.

The Freedman's Bureau made notable achievement in improving...

African-American education and health care.

During Reconstruction, the role of the church in the black community was central, as...

African-Americans formed their own churches.

The Senate, following the House's imeachment vote, failed to remove...

Andrew Johnson from office.

Which of the following best describes the black response to the ending of the Civil War and the coming of freedom?

Blacks adopted different ways of testing their freedom, including moving about, seeking kin, and rejecting older forms of deferential behavior.

When assessing the impeachment of Andrew Johnson, what can be determined about the issue?

Both Congress and the president accused the other of unconstitutional acts.

Why did Mark Twain call Anson Burlingame "a citizen of the world?"

Burlingame looked beyond a narrow view of citizenship.

"Waving to the bloody shirt" referred to a Republican attempt to associate...

Democrats with secession and treason.

The Freedman's Bureau resembled some government social policies that would be used during the...

Great Depression.

What early 1868 action by Andrew Johnson sparked his impeachment by the U.S. House of Representatives?

He allegedly violated the Tenure of Office Act.

What did Andrew Johnson do with the land of plantation owners seized during the Civil War?

He returned it to the original owners.

When analyzing the election of 1876, what conclusions can be drawn?

If Tilden had won the electoral votes from Louisiana, Florida, or South Carolina, he would have been elected president.

With the end of slavery in the British Caribbean, more than 100,000 laborers came from...

India to fill the labor shortage.

In what way was Reconstruction policy a success?

It established an amendment promising equal protection for all.

How did The Agitator, a women's rights journal, go beyond suffrage?

It openly discussed the employment discrimination.

What made the Burlingame Treaty unique?

It was actually a declaration of war against China.

Why was Andrew Johnson acquitted on charges of impeachment?

Johnson's lawyers assured moderate Republicans that he would behave for the rest of his term, so several voted to acquit him.

What benefit did Abraham Lincoln see in having Andrew Johnson on his ticket?

Lincoln's party hoped to build a Republican base in the South.

After the Civil War, many ex-slaves traveled throughout the South. What was the reality for these ex-slaves?

Many slaves were moving around in search of family members.

Which denominations had the largest following among blacks after the Civil War?

Methodists and Baptists.

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