US History chp.17

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Operation Torch

-north africa allies: cut off supplies to italy axis: prevent supplies from being cut off led by eisenhower african leader- Erwin Rommel african korps surrendered Operation Torch: an invasion of Axis-controlled North Africa= success

Battle of Stalingrad

-russia -nazi germany and its allies fought for control of stalingrad, wanted soviet oil fields -stalin and hitler Bitter cold weakened Germans-Stalin surrounded them in Stalingrad & cut off supplies Germans were forced to stay and fight but eventually surrendered= turning point in war, soviets victory allowed army to move westward towards germany

General George Patton


A. Philip Randolph

African american labor leader organized a march on Washington to protest discrimination in military and industry -march successful

#1: Evaluate the importance of the Battle of the Atlantic, Midway and the invasion of Normandy. Which do you think contributed most to allied victory and why?

Battle of atlantic: allies: britain axis: germany britain had ships full of food and supplies, German U boats tried to sink them allies won because they produced more ships than german submarines midway: turning point of pacific war, first great naval defeat for Japan allies: US axis: japan stategically important for japan cuz close to hawaii, wanted to get control inorder to set up an airbase, destroy US navy US won due to Operation MAGIC, sank 4 japan carriers and destroyed 1 air group invasion of normandy/ operation overload/ D-day: beaches of normandy france allies: liberate europe axis: control europe began the liberation of europe, not france

Manhattan Project

Manhattan Project-US program to develop an atomic bomb 600,000 people are involved in it and didn't know they are involved in it • Goal was to get japan to surrender J Openhimer is the man behind it that develops it • Little Boy (aug 6) kills 70,000, destroyes 67% city structure • Fat Man- Nagasaki 39,000 killed, 40% city destroyed September 2, 1945, Japan surrenders to the united states on aboard the USS Missouri ship.

Office of Price Administration (OPA)

Roosevelt fought inflation by freezing prices on most goods congress raised income tax rates and extended the tax to mil of people who never paid it before gov encouraged americans to use extra cash to buy war bonds result-inflation remained below 30%

GI Bill

Servicemen readjustment act, law provided financial aid and educational benefits for WWII veterans -guaranteed loans -education

Liberation of the Death Camps

Soviets found a thousand starving prisoners barely alive and were horrified


V-E Day: Victory in Europe Day, generally known as V-E Day or VE Day, was the public holiday celebrated on 8 May 1945 (7 May in Commonwealth realms) to mark the formal acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender of its armed forces.[1] It thus marked the end of World War II in Europe. Victory in Europe Day. The war was finally over

Yalta Conference

Yalta conference- feb 1945, before VE Day to discuss the fate of Germany and the postwar world • 3 main leaders: -stalin-wanted harshest punishment for Germany because hitler back-stabbed them, broke the pact, wanted to keep germany divided into occupation zones -FDR -churchill outcome: • Germany will be split into 4 occupation zones • agreed to allow Poland to have democratic elections • Stalin makes a communist gov for east Germany, while west was more democratic • Stalin agrees to join a international body, United Nations o League of nations was a failure didn't include all countries and the law could not be enforced, United Nations established • Stalin agrees to join war in Japan

gains of minorities during the war

african americans moved midwest, worked in skilled jobs from 16% to 30%

Italian Invasion

allies captured sicily italian gov forced Mussolini to resign, king Emmanuel took his place

Battle of Coral Sea/significance?

allies: americans and australians stoped japanese from invading australia -air invasion -japanese defeated

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

aug 6 1945 little boy dropped on Hiroshima (important military center) -japan still did not surrender aug 9 Fat man dropped on Nagasaki

Battle of the Atlantic

axis Germany-prevent food and war materials from reaching GB and soviet union allies responded by organizing convoys -with sonar and radar allies were able to find an destroy german U boats

James Farmer, Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

civil rights leader, founded CORE to confront urban segregation in the north


confinement general delos Emmons forced 1,444 Japanese americans off hawaiian island

J. Robert Oppenheimer

created the atomic bomb

Selective service system, draft

expanded the draft and provided another 10 million soldiers to meet armed forces needs -8 weeks training


fixed amount of goods due to shortage during war, given coupon books, carpool

Iwo Jima

island the US needed to conquer in order to get the Philippines • Iwo Jima -Want to launch an attack on Japan -6000 marines will die in this battle, 200 troops survive Iwo Jima: an island critical to the U.S. as a base from which heavily loaded bombers might reach Japan; the most heavily defended spot on Earth

population shifts

mass migrations, seeking work African americans moved from south to north people moved from east to west

"zoot suit" riots

mexican americans -wore zoot suits: style of dress teenagers wore as a symbol of rebellion against tradition -long jacket and pleated pantsm broad brimmed hats

Battle of the Bulge

month long battle in which the allies succeeded in turning back the last major german offensive of the war -belgium allies: stay unified axis: tried to split up allies lines allies won, nothing changed turning point-nazis could do little but retreat, germans run out of weapons -hitlers last attempt on offense


operation overload allies against germany beaches of Normandy France

Japanese American Citizen League (JACL)

organization that pushed the US gov to compensate japanese americans for property they had lost when they interned during WWII

Contributions of minorities, African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans

put in racially segregated neighborhoods, reservations and denied basic citizenship rights 300,000 mexian americans joined 1 mil african americans, mostly non-combat roles 13,000 chinese americans 33,000 japanese americans 25,000 native americans/ 800 women

War Production Board (WPB)

responsible for military -made sure they had everything they needed to win -set up rationing

Battle of Midway/significance?

stratiegic for japan; close to hawaii if conquered could establish an air base there and destroy US navy operation MAGIC allowed allies to stop them turning point-led to allies island hoping

Atomic Bomb

used on japan to end the war

#2: How did mobilizing for the war transform American society? what were some short-term and long-term effects of this mobilization?

war affected every aspect of life -selective service -industrial response ( industries that once sold consumer goods were re-tooled to produce war good) ex: automobiles-tanks, planes, boats and command cars factories-war production mechanical pencils-bomb parts bed spreads-mosquito nets -by 1944 nearly 18 million workers laboring in war industries ( 6 mil were women) in defense plants and factories -women and minorities faced strong prejudice at first -african americans given combat roles Roosevelt created OSRD to bring scientist into war effort -mobilization of scientist (improve radar, penicillin, sonar) -developed atomic bomb -rationing -less consumer goods, demand high= higher prices

Womens Auxiliary Arms Corps (WAC)'s

women volunteers would serve in non- combat positions non-combat roles for women: radio operators, nurses, electricians, ambulance drivers, pilots gave them: salary and official status

Doolittles Raid

• Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle pulled off a Pearl Harbor-style air raid over Japan, Tokyo (16 bombers) Lifted America's spirits; sunk Jap's spirits

Occupation of Japan/ goals, MacArthur, Tojo

• MacArthur o Makes free market economy o Makes a democracy o Established MacArthur's constitution ( woman's suffrage, basic rights)

Nuremberg War Trials

• The discovery of Hitler's death camps led the allies to put 24 Nazi leaders on trial • Individuals need to be accountable for their actions • Set the stage that there are morals in war • Japanese on trial for their treatment towards POWs Outcome: • 12 out of 24 sentenced to death

Battle of Okinawa

• United states won this battle • It is clear that the Japanese will never give up and that there will be a lot of casualities if we invade japan • Churchill estimates that the US will lose 5 million people and we invade Japan

General Douglas MacArthur

Promises that he will return to the Philippines when he has to leave, felt guilty In command of Allied forces on the islands Hunger, disease, and bombardments forced MacArthur to retreat; left his troops there

General Dwight D (IKE) Eisenhower

American general -commanded operation torch

George Marshall

Army chief of staff pushed for the formation of the women's army auxiliary corps (WAAC) because military work force needs were so great


Japan suicide attempts, crashed planes into allied ships sunk 16 ships and damaged another 80 -420 pilots Americans reacted with "a strange mixture of respect and pity" • Result: disaster for Japan; imperial navy= complete failure

Harry S. Truman

President of US, gave command to drop atomic bomb

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