US history- Cold War and Postwar Boom 12/11

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What were the effects of the Berlin airlift?

-West Berlin survived -American prestige boosted world-wide

Marshall Plan

A plan that the US came up with to revive war-torn economies of Europe. This plan offered $13 billion in aid to western and Southern Europe.


A policy of threatening to go to war in response to any enemy aggression.

Warsaw Pact

Alliance against democracy, supporting communism

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

An international organization that has joined together for military purposes

Arms Race

Cold war competition between the U.S. and Soviet Union to build up their respective armed forces and weapons

What ended the Berlin Crisis?

Construction of Berlin Wall

What phrase, from Winston Churchill, came to represent the division of Europe following World War II?

Iron Curtain

What term was given to the concern that some munitions companies grew so large that many Americans began to fear they would begin to dominate the economy?

Military-Industrial Complex

What started the Korean War?

North Korea invaded South Korea

Truman Doctrine

President Truman's policy of providing economic and military aid to any country threatened by communism or totalitarian ideology

What caused the tension within the United Nations when it was initially formed?

Soviets blocked the US off

Why did the Bay of Pigs invasion turn out to be an embarrassment for President Kennedy?

They were defeated and kennedy took the blame even though he was not totally at fault for it. The mission failed because they did not have any air team helping when the main unit fought on land.

Which country was the first to put a man into space (April 12, 1961)?


The Cold War was a state of hostility, without direct military conflict, that developed between what two countries after World War II?

US and the Soviet Union

What are some examples of Senator Joseph McCarthy's controversial tactics?

accuse one person after another of being a communist, claimed to know the names of communist supporters in the state department, democrats were guilty of 20 yrs of treason

What were the effects of McCarthyism?

americans forced to take loyalty oaths and investigations, activism by labor unions went into decline,people afraid to speak out on public issues, anti communism continued to drive US foreign policy

How were Germany and Korea similar to each other after World War II?

both countries were divided

What were the problems Americans faced after World War II?

changing in both genders cause divorce rates to go up

In November 1950, the Korean War suddenly moved in a different direction when what country entered the war?


In February 1946, George F. Kennan, an American diplomat in Moscow, proposed a policy called ________________________, in which measures would be taken to prevent any extension of Communist rule to other countries.


How did Dr. Jonas Salk affect life in the 1950s and beyond?

developed a vaccine for polio

What was the basis for American foreign policy in Vietnam, first proposed by President Eisenhower and continued by President Kennedy, that focused on preventing the spread of Communist influence to other countries?

domino theory

What was the main danger for a country in financial ruin?

economic devastation

Which groups were considered to be living in poverty at that time?

elderly, single women and their children, minorities

What effect did the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act of 1956 have on the country?

encouraged the development of suburbs farther from the city

Why did many adults have issues with rock 'n' roll in the early 1950s?

feared it would lead to delinquency and immorality

What was Nixon's top priority when he entered office?

gaining an honorable peace in vietnam

What were the reasons that the automobile culture developed following World War II?

gas more available so it was more affordable to drive everywhere, people needed a car to commute

What were the roles of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)?

got intelligence from the military and the state department , performed cover operations in foreign countries

What was one of Nixon's first applications of de'tante?

he visited communist china

What were the proposals contained within Truman's "Fair Deal" that were passed by Congress?

higher minimum wage, flood control projects, low income housing

What reputation did Harry Truman have as president?

honorable, self confident, down to earth, able to make difficult decisions, accept full responsibility for consequences

Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)

if either US or the USSR was hit with a nuclear weapons they would respond with the same

William Levitt and Henry Kaiser were developers that used efficient, assembly-line methods to mass-produce houses to meet the demand of returning veterans after World War II.Most of these homes looked exactly alike.Where would most of these houses be built?

in suburbs beginning in new york's long island named levittown

What fast-food restaurant was one of the first and most successful franchises?


What was "white flight" and how did it affect the nation's urban areas?

millions of middle class white americans move to the suburbs, cities can no longer afford to maintain or improve schools =, public transportation, police and fire department

What agreement, signed by more than 60 countries in 1968, resulted in the United States and the Soviet Union agreeing not to sell or give nuclear weapons to any other country?

nuclear non-proliferation treaty

How did the Korean War end?

peace negotiations began but an armistice would not be signed until july 1953

What was the main effect of planned obsolescence?

people purchased more products to replace the nes that wore out quickly

Massive Retaliation

policy of threatening to use massive force in response to aggression

What initial steps did Gorbachev take to start making changes in the Soviet Union?

promoted glasnost and allow open criticism of soviet gov. and granted limited freedom of press


realistic politics based on the needs of the state

What did Kennedy believe was his most urgent task?

redefine the nations nuclear strategy

What factors contributed to the size of the baby-boom generation?

reuniting of husbands and wives , and desire to have a big family

Beatniks lived a nonconforming lifestyle in which they believed in having as little structure as possible, _________________________________________, and sought a higher level of consciousness. People generally drawn to this culture included artists, poets, and writers.

shunned regular work

What was the result of the "U-2 incident"?

tensions rose between both nations and had a huge effect on foreign policy

What policy, enacted by the federal government in 1953, eliminated federal economic support, discontinued the reservation system, and distributed tribal lands among individual Native Americans?

termination policy


the easing of hostility or strained relations, especially between countries.

What factors led to the Red Scare in the United States?

the soviet domination of eastern europe, communist takeover of china, about 80,000 americans claimed membership in the communist party

What was the most significant result of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

the world could have been destroyed but we signed treaties to stop the threat of nuclear war

What goal did presidents Kennedy and Johnson have in sending U.S. troops to Vietnam?

to contain any further spreading of communism

What did Berliners do in 1989 to show that they no longer wanted to be Communist?

tore down the berlin wall

What was the result of the launching of Sputnik?

triumph of soviet technology, americans were shocked at being beaten and pored money into their space program.

This Act, a proposal to solve the housing problem in inner cities, is considered an attempt at what?

urban removal

How did Dwight D. Eisenhower's governing style differ from that of the Democracts?

was conservative about money and liberal on social issues

In what way did television of the 1950s provide an inaccurate representation of the actual American landscape?

women and minorities were stereotyped, westerns were popular and raised concerns about effects of violence on children

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