US History Final, AMH 2010 combined set 1

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Primary factors dictating how quickly English colonists adopted African slavery included

the need for plantation laborers and availability of slaves at a good price.

The Liberty Party was replaced by the ___ in 1848

Free Soil Party.

Written in 1829, "An Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World," by David Walker called for

Free and slave blacks using violence if necessary to abolish slavery.

The Hakluyt cousins argued that developing North American colonies would enable England to...

Free itself of economic dependency on other nations

Arminianism is the belief that one obtains salvation by_______.

Free will

Almost all states adamantly asked for amendments guaranteeing what basic rights?

Freedom of religion and freedom of the press.

Roger Williams's activism of American Indian rights

From the time he arrived in America, Williams's respect for the rights of others led him to befriend the Indians. He always treated them fairly, purchasing land from them, without cheating or deceiving them as some did. He learned the language of his Indian neighbors in Rhode Island and, in 1643, published a book called Key into the Language of America. This book not only analyzed the language of the Indians, but also served as a textbook on how to evangelize them. Over the years, Roger Williams was often able to pacify the Indians and prevent bloodshed between Indians and settlers.

During the 40 years under Dutch control, the most profitable product of the New Netherlands was -


During 40 years under Dutch control, the most profitable product of the New Netherlands was


What political activity of officers of the Second National Bank offended President Jackson?

C. purchase of votes for John Quincy Adams in the election of 1824 D. tying up his Indian removal legislation in a Senate committee


Calvinist who opposed the king during the English Civil War. Consisted largely of Puritans and Presbyterians. Comprised a majority of businessmen. Included some nobles in the south and the east. Had the support of the navy and the merchant marine.

In its colonial system...

Canada was on questionable value to France

The economy of colonial America was shaped by shortages of land and


The economy of colonial America was shaped by shortages of land and


Who founded New Hampshire and how?

Captain John Mason founded New Hampshire in the 1620s when he and Sir Fernando Gorges attempted to found settlements in northern New England under the auspices of the Council of New England. New Hampshire met with little success, however, and for several years was merely a trading post in the wilderness. Then pioneers from Massachusetts Bay began to move into New Hampshire for fertile land, and Massachusetts assumed control of the region. New Hampshire remained a part of Massachusetts until 1679, when a charter was granted making it a separate colony.

Bartolomeo de las Casas

Catholic missionary and Bishop in Mexico. Wrote "A Brief Relation of the Destruction of the Indies".

How did Charles I threaten freedom in England?

Charles I was the successor to the throne of England who went a step further than James I (who had claimed absolute authority in England by the theory of divine right). In 1629, Charles I vowed to rule without Parliament, threatening English liberties as never before. It soon became evident that renewed religious persecution would follow this breach of political freedom.

This was the Indian tribe most associated with Indian removal in the Trail of Tears.

Cherokee tribe


Chief of the Powhatan people and father of Pocahontas. King James crowned him as subject king.

Who was Massasoit?

Chief of the Wampanoag Indians who allied with the Pilgrims in New England.

The Native Americans who lived in the new Netherlands used-

Clam shells as a medium of exchange (wampum)

The Jacksonian charge of a "corrupt bargain" to gain John Quincy Adams the presidency arose because

Clay was named Secretary of State after throwing his support to Adams

Which of the following appears to have been the most important reason for the extinction of the woolly mammoth?

Climactic shifts

Which of the following appears to have been the most important reason for the extinction of the woolly mammoth?

Climactic shifts.

The term ... suggests the consequences of blending plants, animals, and humans with their diseases from Europe and the New World

Colombian Exchange

The term _______ suggests the consequences of blending plants, animals, and humans along with their diseases from Europe and the new wold

Colombian Exchange

Which of the following statements about taxes in the colonies prior to 1763 is accurate?

Colonists preferred to pay their taxes in paper money.

Each monarch assumed

Columbus miscalculated the Earth's circumference

What were the Federalist Papers?

Commentaries on the Constitution written during the struggle for ratification.

What was the most significant American failure in negotiating the Peace of Paris, 1783, which ended the Revolutionary War?

Commercial concessions allowing Americans to continue to sell products in England.

Thomas Paine authored a pamphlet titled _____ early in 1776 to argue that the American colonies should declare independence from England

Common Sense

Thomas Paine authored a pamphlet titled _________early in 1776 to argue that the American colonies should declare independence from England

Common Sense

What did the first English arrivals seek to secure on their arrival in Plymouth?

Community of religious purity

Royal Africa Company

Company created by eight proprietors who obtained charters for Carolina to establish settlements south of Virginia. It was chartered in 1663 with a monopoly on all English trade with Africa. Made England a major participant in the African slave trade.

Which of the following statements about Tenochtitlan is not correct?

Compared to Paris or Venice, Tenochtitlan was a small, rural village.

Which statement is false about Tenochtitlan?

Compared to Paris or Vienna, it was a small village

Moderates in the Continental Congress

Conceded that war preparations were indeed necessary.

What events in July 1863 made that the pivotal month in the outcome of the Civil War?

Confederate losses at Gettysburg and Vicksburg

By the Proclamation of 1763, the British government hoped to

Confine colonists to an area east of the Allegheny Mountains.

In an effort to muffle the heated opposition to President Adams's anti-French foreign policy,

Congress passed the Sedition Act of 1798.

What happened when Connecticut became a colony?

Connecticut was founded without the official sanction of the King of England. In 1662, Charles II granted Connecticut a charter, making it an official, self-governing colony. In 1664-1665, New Haven (originally settled as a separate Puritan colony) merged with Connecticut, expanding the colony's territory.

Fundamental Orders

Connecticut's constitution signed in 1639 establishing a democracy, giving the citizens more political power than in other colonies

The dramatic change in Indian culture produced by the arrival of of Spain was the

Conversion of plains Native Americans to a horse culture

Regarding the quartering of British troops for the winter in homes of colonists in Philadelphia, Ben Franklin

Convinced them to occupy a new hospital building instead.

______ was cultivated by nearly every Native American tribe.


Who was the American student of science who proved the disease-preventing effects of inoculation ?

Cotton Mather

French traders and Huron and Algonquian hunters...

Created a network that made each group dependent on the other

President Washington faced many problems in his first term in office, but the most basic problem was

Creating a government strong enough to gain the loyalty of its citizens but not so strong as to alienate them.

Anne Hutchinson was forced out of Massachusetts for...

Criticism of its clergy and the Puritan doctrine of "preparation"

The Five Nations or Great League of Peace

Curtailed the mourning wars among Iroquois in upper New York.

The expansion of French claims from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico after 1682

Cut off westward expansion of English colonies

"Oregon fever" in 1842 was Question 44 options: an outbreak of yellow fever that swept the Oregon territory. a battle between British settlers and local Indians in Oregon. the massive influx of British into Oregon. the massive influx of Americans into Oregon.


How did the United States eventually win the Second Seminole War? Question 33 options: It outspent Seminoles $30 million to $5 million. The military enlisted the help of slaves. The Seminoles were largely destroyed by a smallpox epidemic. It offered the Seminole leader peace but captured him instead.


In his approach to Indian/white relations, Cherokee leader John Ross Question 34 options: advocated peaceful but separate coexistence. called for mutual respect of cultural traditions. promoted Indian diet and lifestyle as valuable to whites. promoted "Americanization" of the Indians.


News of Nat Turner's rebellion in 1831 was especially frightening to slaveholders because Turner Question 18 options: managed to unite free blacks and slaves. managed to inspire slaves to kill their owners. seemed like an obedient, submissive slave prior to this event. recruited poor whites to help in his rebellion.


The relationship between yeomen farmers and neighboring plantation owners was that they were Question 24 options: generally friendly but economically independent of each other. hostile neighbors and economic competitors. often relatives who tried not to mix business with family. often related to one another with the farmers relying on the plantation owners.


What labor system often left some slaves time to cultivate gardens, fish for supper, make quilts, or repair furniture in the evenings? Question 12 options: Gang system Row system Rake system Task system


What were the two largest southern cities in 1850, with populations over 100,000? Question 7 options: Charleston and Atlanta New Orleans and Charleston Atlanta and Baltimore Baltimore and New Orleans


Which party won the 1848 election, placing a slaveholder in the White House? Question 50 options: Whigs Free-Soil party Democrats Federalists


Why did the Cherokee march from their land in the Southeast to Indian Territory become known as the Trail of Tears? Question 37 options: They were so sad at having to move. They were beaten and tortured by the U.S. army along the way. Their leader, Chief Big Tears, died along the way. It took longer than expected and many people died.


Why were harsher methods of discipline introduced after 1840 on plantations in South Carolina and Mississippi? Question 3 options: Slaves in those areas frequently organized riots and other more minor rebellions. Slaveholders in those areas were inexperienced and overcompensating. Slaves proved impervious to more mild punishments. Slaveholders feared blacks because they outnumbered whites.


Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) clash at Lexington and Concord, (B) meeting of the First Continental Congress, (C) Quebec Act, (D) Boston Tea Party.

D, C, B, A (Boston Tea Party, Quebec Act, Meeting of the First Continental Congress, Clash at Lexington and Concord)

Who led an effort to close courts in Massachusetts so property could not be seized for inability to pay taxes?

Daniel Shays

__________ led an effort to close courts in Massachusetts so property could not be seized for inability to pay taxes

Daniel Shays

Despite the economic boom for Virginia and Maryland produced by tobacco exports...

Death rates remained high for infants and adults

Despite the economic boom for Virginia and Maryland produced by tobacco exports,

Death rates remained high for infants and adults.

What was one of the effects of the Great Awakening in America ?

Declining respect for established authority

John Locke

Defended the Glorious Revolution. Wrote the Second Treatise of Civil Government. Came up with Social Contract theory.He denied the Divine Right of kings. Insisted that government's only purpose was to protect life, liberty , and property. Said ultimate authority rested in the will of the men who owned property. His ideas later validated the American Revolution.

In promoting his policy of Indian removal, President Andrew Jackson

Defied rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court that favored the Cherokees

The Transcontinental Treaty of 1819

Defined the US as a nation that spanned the continent

The first state to ratify the Constitution was



Denied Parliament's authority and rejected private ownership of land.

Acts of Navigation and Trade

Designed to control all trade in the British empire. Organized for British citizens to benefit from this system. All trade between British ports must be done in British ships.

By late spring of 1776, most members of Congress

Desired a declaration of independence or thought it inevitable.

legacy of America's Puritan heritage

Despite their faults, the Puritans endowed America with a rich heritage, promoting biblical morality, individual responsibility, industry, frugality, and education. One important part of this heritage is the Puritan work ethic, the belief that work is a gift of God and a way to glorify Him. Later descendants of the early New England Puritans were often called "Yankees," a term that referred to their hard work, industry, and keen business sense.

what were some of the outposts that the french built starting in the 1700s?

Detroit on the Great Lakes and Saint Louis and New Orleans along the Mississippi River.

While the Spanish were occupied expelling Muslims, Portugal was

Developing ship technology that enable her sailors to explore the coast of Africa

Some southeastern Indian tribes like the Cherokees were notable for their

Development of effective agricultural, educational, and political institutions

A sharp decline in the Indian population following the arrival of European because

Diseases were introduced inadvertently by Europeans

A sharp decline in the Indian population followed the arrival of Europeans because

Diseases were introduced inadvertently by the Spanish.

Which of the following best describes the U.S. government's early policy toward Indians in the Northwest Territory?

Displace the Indians and clear the way for permanent American settlements in Ohio.

What was a notable trend among master craftsmen in America by the 1830s?

Distribution of production to outworkers.

How did planters keep their slaves busy all year?

Diversifying crops

The Treaty of Tordesillas

Divided new and old world between Spain and Portugal


Dominant center of an important Mississippi valley mound-building culture, located near present-day St. Louis, Missouri; flourished from about 900 to 1250 CE

What created the uproar in the North in reaction to Judge Roger B. Taney's decision in the Dred Scott case?

Dred Scott was not a citizen because he was black.

Ferdinand and Isabella

During the late 15th century, they became King and Queen of a united Spain after centuries of Islamic domination. Together, they made Spain a strong Christian nation and also provided funding to overseas exploration, notably Christopher Columbus.

The concept of virtual representation held that

Each member of Parliament acted on behalf of the whole empire.

Why did the European monarchs refuse to finance Columbus's venture?

Each monarch assumed Columbus had miscalculated the earth's circumference

Why did the European monarchs refuse to finance Columbus's venture?

Each monarch assumed Columbus had miscalculated the earth's circumference.

Christopher Columbus's theories of exploration were based on

Each statement is accurate

Columbus's attitude toward the Taino or Arawak people and other native people in general was

Each statement is accurate

Which statement about the imperial wars is accurate?

Each statement is accurate

The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798

Each statement is accurate.

Which of the following were the result(s) of the Panic of 1819?

Each statement is accurate.

Why were European diseases such as smallpox, typhus, and influenza so devastating to Native populations?

Each statement is correct

In the election of 1824,

Each statement is correct.

How was Delaware founded?

Early in his colonizing venture, William Penn saw that Pennsylvania needed access to the Atlantic coast. In 1682, he convinced the duke of York to grant him the southern portion of New York. This grant remained a part of Pennsylvania until 1704, when Penn organized it into the separate proprietary colony of Delaware.

William Brewster (1567-1644)

Elder William Brewster served for many years as the Pilgrims' pastor and played a huge role as a leader for the Pilgrims.

South Carolina attempted to block the "Tariff of Abomination" by

"Nullifying" the federal law through a state convention

What nickname reflected the character and reputation of Andrew Jackson?

"Old Hickory"

What nickname reflected the character and reputation of Andrew Jackson?

"Old Hickory" Correct

In 1823, President James Monroe issued what became known as the Monroe Doctrine, a statement that the Americas

"are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European power."

@The Gaspée incident of 1772 caused many towns in Massachusetts and in other colonies to set up a communications network of standing committees known as

"committees of correspondence."

Although Andrew Jackson received the most electoral votes in the general election, in the end John Quincy Adams was named president with the support of Henry Clay. How did Jackson's supporters characterize this outcome?

"corrupt bargain"

Explain the three economic hardships (inflation, a shortage of land, and unemployment) that plagued the English people during the 17th century.

(1.) As Spanish gold and silver flowed into England through trade or piracy, it increased the amount of capital in circulation, causing inflation. Although the common people saw little of this gold and silver, they felt its effects in the form of rising prices. (2.) For centuries, the English economy had centered on farming. Many English farmers rented small parcels of land from landholders for the production of food crops. But as the demand for wool increased, landholders began to evict tenant farmers and enclose their fields or hedges in order to raise sheep. This Enclosure Movement left thousands of peasant farmers without land or a place to live. (3.) The Enclosure Movement contributed to the growing number of unemployed people in England. Unemployment forced many honest but unfortunate Englishmen into debtor's prison, where they were held until they could pay their debts. because they could not raise money to pay their debts while in prison, however, many remained imprisoned indefinitely.

Describe the three separate groups of people (sovereigns, businessmen, and settlers) who took part in the English effort to colonize America.

(1.) Compared to the sovereigns of France and Spain, the sovereigns of England showed little interest in colonizing America, but when they did, it was usually to bring wealth, honor, and prestige to their homeland. For the most part, it was private initiative, not government, that prompted the founding of English colonies in America. (2.) Many of the English colonies were founded or at least sponsored by businessmen who hoped to make a profit and better themselves, as well as others. Many of these investors saw the colonies as a chance to benefit their entire nation - by helping settlers get established, creating jobs, encouraging trade, and bringing new wealth into the country. (3.) The settlers who actually came to live in America did so for a variety of reasons. The lure of adventure and financial gain certainly drew many. But the strongest motivation was a desire for freedom - religious, political, and economic freedom.

For what three reasons did the Great Model never work out as planned?

(1.) For several years, Carolina did not have enough settlers to put the scheme into operation. (2.) Feudalism is based upon scarcity of land, and land in America was abundant. (3.) Social class in America was judged not by birth, as in Europe, but by accomplishment.

In what two ways was the founding of Georgia unusual?

(1.) It was the

three of the influential members of the Plymouth colony, who were non-Separatists

(1.) Miles Standish (1584?-1656), who served as commander-in-chief of the Pilgrims' military defense force, (2.) John Alden (1599?-1687), who held various political offices in the colony, and (3.) Alden's wife, Priscilla Alden (1602?-1685?)

For what three reasons did the English resent the presence of the Dutch in North America?

(1.) New Netherland separated New England from the rest of the English colonies. (2.) The Dutch had a prosperous fur trade with the American Indians. (3.) The Dutch controlled the harbor at New Amsterdam, one of the finest on the Atlantic coast.

three problems with the early Jamestown settlement

(1.) The low-lying land was infested with malaria, (2.) the river water was contaminated, and (3.) most of the colonists were either too lazy or too proud to work. Thus, by the end of the first winter, half of the settlers had died.

three reasons why the Separatists resolved not to stay in Holland permanently

(1.) They did not want their children exposed to the worldliness of Dutch society, (2.) they were concerned that their children could not get a proper education, and (3.) they were proud of their English heritage and wanted their children to grow up as Englishmen, not as Dutchmen.

Massachusetts School of Law

(1642 & 1647) - towns with more than 50 families required to provide elementary education to enable children to read the Bible, making New England the most literate section of the country

half-way covenant

(1662) - sought to attract move members of the Puritan church by giving partial membership to the unconverted who had been baptized as kids - contributed to the decline of Puritanism

Glorious (Bloodless) Revolution

(1688-1689) oppressed English citizens overthrow hated Catholic James II, enthroning Protestant Dutch ruler William III and his English wife, Mary (daughter of James)

Salem Witch Trials

(1692) - symbolized decline of the Puritan clergy - young girls accusing older women of being witches and cursing them

New Netherland

(est. 1623-1624) modern-day New York established by the Dutch West India Company for fur trade - most famous move to purchase Manhattan from the Indians for pennies per acre

New Sweden

(est. 1638-1655) Swedish colony on the Delaware River planted during Golden Age of Sweden

New England Confederation

(est. 1643) a banding-together of 4 Puritan New England colonies (MBC, Plymouth, New Haven, scattered Connecticut valley settlements) in order to be able to provide for themselves (b/c England was in Civil War), defense against foes or potential foes (Indians, French, Dutch)


(ex. Congregational Church) - non-church members as well as believers were required to pay taxes to the government-supported church

What was the theme of Thomas Jefferson's inaugural address?


By the time of Columbus's voyage to the Americas,

- American man and women had successfully adapted to environmental changes - Hunters and gatherers had learned to exploit the region they lived in - Native Americans had lived on the continent for generations

Puritans wanted to

Eliminate aspects of Roman Catholicism from the Church of England.


Empire created by indigenous Muslims in western Sudan of West Africa from the thirteenth to fifteenth century. It was famous for its role in the trans-Saharan gold trade.

American landholders living in Texas were known as


When nonviolent means did not work, American abolitionists

Encountered violent opposition to their activities.

Treaty of Utrecht

Ended Queen Anne's War; allowed French prince to gain Spanish Throne; England gets Gibraltar; England gets the "Asiento", which gave British ships the right to trade in all Spanish colonial ports.

What flaw in the Fugitive Slave Law of 1793 kept it from being effective?

Enforcement was left to states, which rarely did so.

Sir Frances Drake

England 1580; circumnavigated the world; encouraged by Queen Elizabeth to take over the Spanish ships; acknowledged as the best English sailor

According to the Treaty of Ghent, signed on December 24, 1814,

England agreed to remove its troops from the Northwest.

@The terms of the Treaty of Paris included

England receiving lands east of the Mississippi River, and Spain receiving lands west of the Mississippi River.

Describe England's first attempts to settle the New World, involving Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Walter Raleigh.

England's first attempts to settle the New World were doomed to failure. In 1578, Sir Humphrey Gilbert and his half-brother, Sir Walter Raleigh, left England with a fleet of ships bound for the New world, but bad weather forced them back. Five years later, Gilbert tried again. This time, he reached Newfoundland and claimed it for Queen Elizabeth, but the weather again forced his expedition to return to England. On the way back, Gilbert's ship was caught in a storm and all aboard were drowned.

@After Gates's defeat and Arnold's treason,

England's southern campaign faced small bands of American guerrillas fighting a series of fierce battles in the southern backcountry.

On June 1, 1812, after continuing interference with American shipping, President Madison asked Congress to declare war on

England, because the British navy continued to stop American vessels and impress American sailors into the British service.

the spanish armada went to war against england in July 1588. Who won?


Charles II

English King who regained power during the Restoration period - granted charter to Connecticut (merging aristocratic New Haven with democratic Hartford), separated NH from MBC, revoked MBC's charter in 1684 in response to resisting royal orders


English Protestants who wanted to fully reform (or "purify") the Catholic Church and thought the Protestant Reformation was moving too slowly and wasn't fully "de-Catholicizing" the church

Proprietary Colony

English colony in which the king gave land to proprietors in exchange for a yearly payment. Usually modeled after the Maryland charter.

Chesapeake planters modeled themselves after

English country gentlemen.

Sir Edmund Andros

English leader of Dominion of New England, who was very hostile to colonies (expressing affiliation w/hated English Church, curbed important town meetings, heavy restrictions on courts, presses, schools; revoked land rights; taxed citizens without representatives' permission, sought to enforce Navigation Laws and suppress smuggling)

Oliver Cromwell

English military, political, and religious figure who led the Parliamentarian victory in the English Civil War (1642-1649). He also called for the execution of Charles I. As lord protector of England (1653-1658) he ruled as a virtual dictator.

The Covenant Chain

Enhanced the alliance between the British and the Iroquois in New York.

The rate of population growth of Africans in colonial society was

Even more dramatic than that of Europeans.

What impact did revolutionary ideals have on African slavery in the former English colonies?

Every state north of Delaware banned slavery

What impact did the revolutionary ideals have on African slavery in the former English colonies?

Every state north of Delaware banned slavery

What impact did revolutionary ideals have on African slavery in the former English colonies?

Every state north of Delaware banned slavery.

The War of Jenkins's Ear primarily represented a British effort to

Expand into Spanish territory and markets in America.

When American settlers moved westward, they usually

Expected government to secure land for them and protect them from Indians

When American settlers moved westward, they usually

Expected government to secure land for them and protect them from Indians.

Herman Cortes

Explored for Spain, sailed north from Cuba in 1519. Conquered the Aztec empire. He settled Vera Cruz.

Hernan de Soto led the expedition that

Explored the Southern part of the US including parts of the Mississippi

Hernando de Soto led the expedition that

Explored the southeastern part of the United States, including the Mississippi River.

Jonathan Edwards

Faculty member of Yale; only one to not convert to the Church of England and sail to be ordained by the bishop of London.

All colonies settled prior to 1642, (except Massachusetts) were established as corporate colony.


At the time of European arrival to the New World, technologically Native Americans remained at the level of the Stone Age.


Both the Enlightenment and the First Great Awakening promoted a more hierarchical outlook.


Elizabeth I was the first English Monarchy to see a permanent colony established in the New World.


Europeans see no delineation between secular and sacred worlds and as a result man resides in the secular.


Feudalism is a completely hierarchical relationship.


Horticulture societies allowed for a more nomadic lifestyle, which in turn led to greater social, political and religious development.


Indentured servants (for the most part) did not have right of redress against masters.


Mississippi culture drew from both Adena-Hopewellians and Aztecs and dominated the Northeast of North America.


Native Americans have a paternalistic view of property ownership.


Planners for the Massachusetts colony looked to Virginia as a model to establish their own Utopian society.


The Renaissance ushered in many technological changes for European travel, including devices that assisted with measuring longitude.


The commitment to increasing England's naval capacity began under Elizabeth, who used revenue from lands taken away from the Catholic Church.


The use of the term "Salutary Neglect" refers to significant enforcement of the Navigation Acts in the colonies between 1714-1750.


Virginia moved immediately to the use of slaves, instead of indentured servants because of cheaper costs and life expectancy in the colony.


@Pro-Constitution forces called themselves


Why did John Quincy Adams abandon the Federalist Party in favor of the Democratic Republican Party?

Federalists had opposed the Louisiana Purchase, which he favored.

The Dutch West India Company decided that the main purpose of its New Netherland colony was

Feeding colonies in Brazil and the Caribbean.

French crews traded for beaver pelts used in France to make what?

Felt hats

What impact did slavery have on the general economic development of the South?

Fewer stores and businesses existed because the labor force had no access to them.

The Liberty Party

Fielded its first candidate in 1840.

Oliver Cromwell

Fiercely Puritan. Leader of the Roundheads. Led his New Model Army to victory in 1649. He led England from 1649- 1660. His reign was a dictatorship.

How did Charles G. Finney's teachings differ from traditional Calvinist beliefs?

Finney believed humans could accept or reject Divine grace.

The first real test of Union and Confederate arms came in July 1861 at the Battle of

First Bull Run.

The Third Anglo-Powhatan War resulted in the

First Indian reservation in America

The Virginia Company was the...

First successful colony in North America

John Rolfe

First successful tobacco farmer in the Jamestown colony. Married Pocahontas.

What first attracted French interest in North America?

Fishing in waters near Newfoundland

Name one of the states from which Indians were removed in the 1830's.

Florida Georgia Alabama Mississippi

In the Adams-Onís Treaty, the United States obtained from Spain the territory of


After the death of Joseph Smith in 1844, most Latter-Day Saints

Followed Brigham Young to Utah.

Ferdinand and Isabella

Forced defeated people in Spain to convert to Christianity or leave the country.

For the natives, the encomienda resulted in

Forced labor.

The Enlightenment and the Great Awakening...

-None of the statements were accurate (Appealed to the same sorts of people) (Reflected the common belief that all humans were politically and spiritually equal) (Had little influence on the developments in Europe)

Queen Isabel was motivated to support Columbus's first voyage west because...

-She hoped Columbus could get a foothold to trade with the East -She had money to invest in a venture that would strengthen Spain's position in the world -She was desperate to prevent her newly unified country from falling into economic dependence

Christopher Columbus's theories of exploration were based on...

-The knowledge of other explorers -The possibility that Europeans' knowledge of the outside world was not always accurate -The hope that there was a southern continent similar to Africa that could be exploited

Why were European diseases such as smallpox, typhus, and influenza so devastating to Native populations?

-The native population had been isolated from Europeans for so many centuries that they had no immunity to the diseases -Europeans, Africans, and Asians shared the same environments and over time built up immunities to the diseases -Epidemic diseases could be spread to Native communities by germs, meaning that infection did not need physical contant between individuals

Joseph Smith, son of farmers in western New York,

Founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Although the United States was still rural in 1820,

. non-farm labor was becoming more common. Correct

Bolded Info: 7. Americans denied the right of Parliament to tax Americans, since no Americans were seated in Parliament. Americans rejected "virtual representation," and in truth didn't really want representation because that wouldn't have done them good, and if they had really had representation, there wouldn't be a principle for which to rebel.


Bolded Info: American Advantages= Americans had great leaders like George Washington (giant general), and Ben Franklin (smooth diplomat).They also had French aid (indirect), as the French provided the Americans with guns, supplies, gunpowder, etc. Marquis de Lafayette, at age 19, was made a major general in the colonial army.The colonials were fighting in a defensive way, and they were self-sustaining. They were better marksmen.


Bolded Info: American Disadvantages Americans were terribly lacking in unity.Jealousy was prevalent, as colonies resented the Continental Congress' attempt at exercising power. Sectional jealousy boiled up over the appointment of military leaders; some New Englanders almost preferred British officers to Americans from other colonies. Inflation also hit families of soldiers hard, and made many people poor.


Bolded Info: Americans had unusual opportunities for self-government. Americans also had the mightiest army in the world, and didn't have to pay for it. After independence, the U.S. had to pay for a tiny army and navy. Basically, the Americans had it made: even repressive laws weren't enforced much, and the average American benefited much more than the average Englishman.


Bolded Info: British Strength = 7.5 million people to America's 2 million, superior naval power, great wealth. Some 30,000 Hessians (German mercenaries) were also hired by George III, in addition to a professional army of about 50,000 men, plus about 50,000 American loyalists and many Native Americans. However, Britain still had Ireland (used up troops) and France was just waiting to stab Britain in the back; a.Many Brits had no desire to kill their American cousins.


Bolded Info: British Weaknesses = English Whigs at first supported America, as opposed to Lord North's Tory Whigs, and they felt that if George III won, then his rule of England might become tyrannical. Britain's generals were second-rate, and its men were brutally treated, Provisions were often scarce, plus Britain was fighting a war some 3000 miles away from home, America was also expansive, and there was no single capital to capture and therefore cripple the country.


Bolded Info: Colonists in America, without influence from superiors, felt that they were fundamentally different from England, and more independent. Many began to think of themselves as Americans.


Bolded Info: In Philadelphia, from September 5th to October 26th, 1774, the First Continental Congress met to discuss problems. While not wanting independence then, it did come up with a list of grievances, which were ignored in Parliament. Only Georgia didn't have a representative there. Also, they came up with a Declaration of Rights. They called for a complete boycott of British goods. They agreed to meet again in 1775 (the next year) if nothing happened.


Bolded Info: John Hancock amassed a fortune through smuggling.


Bolded Info: Townshend Acts in 1767.They put light taxes on white lead, paper, paint, and tea.


Bolded Info:1. However, after Britain started to enforce mercantilism in 1763, the fuse for the American Revolution was lit. Disadvantages = Americans couldn't buy, sell, ship, or manufacture under the most favorable conditions for them. The South, which produced crops that weren't grown in England, was preferred over the North. Virginia, which grew just tobacco, was at the mercy of the British buyers, who often paid very low and were responsible for putting many planters into debt. Many colonists felt that Britain was just milking her colonies for all their worth.


Bolded Info:The Navigation Laws were the most famous of the laws to enforce mercantilism. The first of these was enacted in 1650, and was aimed at rival Dutch shippers who were elbowing their way into the American carrying trade. The Navigation Laws restricted commerce from the colonies to England (and back) to only English ships, and none other.


Choose the correct order in which European nations embraced global colonization.

1. Portugal 2. Spain 3. France 4. England

Stuart Dynasty (6) and significant events

1.) James I (1603-1625) - Virginia, Plymouth founded, Separatists persecuted 2.) Charles I (1625-1649) - Civil wars (1642-1649), Massachusetts, Maryland founded 3.) Interregnum (gap) (1649-1660) - Commonwealth; Protectorate (Oliver Cromwell) 4.) Charles II (1660-1685) - the Restoration; Carolinas, Pennsylvania, New York founded, Connecticut chartered 5.) James II (1685-1688) - Catholic trend; Glorious Revolution (1688) 6.) William & Mary (1689-1702 - Mary died 1684) - King William's War (1689-1697)

By the end of the colonial period, what portion of the English merchant fleet had been built in America?


Great Puritan Migration

1629-1642) waves of Puritans (~70,000 total) leaving England for New England & West Indies (Caribbean Islands) due to turmoil in England

Long Parliament

1640-1648. Charles I called this parliament when he was desperate for money after Scotland invaded Northern England. Charles agreed to certain demands of this Parliament including: Parliament had to meet at least once every three years, Parliament couldn't be dissolved without its consent abolishing ship money and abolishing the star chamber.

Short Parliament

1640. Parliament called by Charles I to raise taxes to fund fighting the war against Scotland. This Parliament refused to grant Charles his new taxes if he didn't acknowledge Parliamentary rights outlined in the Petition of Right and grant church reforms. Charles disbanded parliament after only a month.

English Civil War

1642- 1649. War between the forces of Parliament and the forces of the king. Ultimately, this war was over supremacy in government and whether or not the king could make the Anglican Church more Catholic. Parliament won and the king was executed.

Pride's Purge

1648. An incident in which elements of the New Model Army (without Cromwell's knowledge) removed all non-Puritans and Presbyterians from Parliament.


1649-1660. Reign of Oliver Cromwell. Rule without a king. Included the time period of the Commonwealth (1649- 1653) and the Protectorate (1653- 1660). England lived under strict moral codes.


1653-1659. A phase in Oliver Cromwell's reign. Proclaimed Cromwell as Lord Protector (dictatorship). Dissolved the Rump Parliament. Divided England into 12 districts that were under the control of a military general. Denied religious freedom to Anglicans and Catholics. Allowed Jews to return to England.

Clarendon Code

1661. Laws instituted by monarchists and Anglicans during the Restoration period. Sought to drive all Puritans out of both political and religious life. This was a rsult of backlash from Puritan rule of England.

Test Act

1673. Required government officials to swear allegiance to the Church of England and disavowed Catholic doctrine. Excluded those unwilling to receive the sacrament of the Church of England from voting, holding office, teaching, attending universities, or assembling for meeting. This was meant to drive Puritans out of gov't during the Restoration as a result of backlash from Puritan rule.

Habeas Corpus Act

1679. Enabled judges to demand that prisoners be in court during their trials, required just cause for continued imprisonment, provided for speedy trials, forbade double jeopardy.

Glorious Revolution

1688-1689. Overthrew James II. There was no bloodshed. Orchestrated by Parliament. This established that there would be no absolutism in England.

Toleration Act

1689. Granted right to worship for Protestant non-conformist (e.g. Puritans, Quakers) although they could not hold office. Didn't extend religious liberties to Catholics, Jews or Unitarians.

Bill of Rights

1689. Made England a constitutional monarchy. Signed by rulers William and Mary. They agreed not to raise a standing army or levy taxes without Parliament's consent, Parliament had to meet at least once every three years, guaranteed free elections to Parliamentary seats, and the rulers agreed to to abide by Parliament's decisions and not suspend any duly passed laws.


16th century theology (named after its founder Jacobus Arminius) that opposes the absolute predestinarianism of John Calvin and holds that human free will is compatible with God's sovereignity

Act of Union

1707. United England and Scotland into Great Britain. Scotland agreed to this in order to gain access to England's world trade and to avoid being ruled by Stuart kings once James II was driven from England.

In what year was Mexican independence won?


Approximately what percentage of American colonists remained loyal to England during the Revolution?


By 1815 how many free blacks lived in the United States?


When Europeans arrived they found a diverse people, representing?

2000 cultures, who spoke hundreds of different languages.

What percentage of Southern white families owned slaves in 1860?


Charles I

2nd Stuart king of England, Ruled from 1625- 1649. Like his fatehr, he believed in divine right and absolutism. His disagreements with Parliament over the king's power to tax and his attempts to make the Anglican Church more Catholic led to teh English Civil War. He was beheaded in 1649 after being convicted of treason againts the state.

Cambridge Platform

4 Puritan colonies - MBC, Plymouth, Connecticut & New Haven organized a congregational form of church government - beginning of congregationalism

How did laboring in the field together benefit slaves? Question 11 options: They were part of a community, forming strong bonds through work and music with other African Americans. They often received the greatest portions of food because their work was so arduous and required so much energy. There really weren't any benefits; labor in the fields was the most arduous and exploitative of all, far worse that work in the house or in a skilled trade. Field work was often done under the supervision of other blacks, so they didn't have to interact with white people for days or weeks at a time.


How did slaves bring West African culture into Christian worship services? Question 16 options: Through the use of drums, conch shells, and dancing By invoking the names of their African gods rather than the Christian God By worshiping in the evening, through sundown, as was practiced in Africa By refusing to say Christian prayers but rather praying softly in their native tongues


In 1834, which country became the first to abolish slavery and did so without bloodshed? Question 27 options: Great Britain France Brazil United States


In the mid-nineteenth century, unlike wealthier plantation mistresses, the wives and daughters of yeomen farmers Question 23 options: did arduous household labor. worked alongside their family's slaves. were treated more equally in the household. were more likely to be religious.


On what basis did the Free-Soil party argue that slavery should not be permitted in the new territories? Question 49 options: Slavery empowered aristocratic men over the rights of the people. Slavery was a moral injustice. The nation would always be paralyzed by this debate if they didn't take a difficult stand now. Northern interests would always be second to those of southern slaveholders.


Lord Baltimore

Founded the colony of Maryland and offered religious freedom to all Christian colonists. He did so because he knew that members of his own religion (Catholicism) would be a minority in the colony.

What caused a dramatic increase in the value of cotton in the 1840s and 1850s? Question 8 options: The booming textile industry in New England A decrease in available fertile land An increase in the value of slave labor A crop shortage in Europe


What led many poor southern whites to support the institution of slavery? Question 28 options: Economic dependence on slaveholders Competition with free blacks Religious teachings and practices Negative experiences with slaves


What philosophy defined the Democratic party platform during the 1844 election? Question 42 options: Expansion Interdependency Capitalism Exploitation


What recourse did most plantation mistresses have on discovering their husbands were having sexual relations with slave women? Question 4 options: None really; most pretended they did not know it was happening. Most of these women filed for divorce on grounds of adultery. Mistresses were able to have the alleged lover sold or traded out of the household. Mistresses often filed rape charges against their husbands on behalf of the slave women.


What was the outcome of the battle at the Alamo between the Mexican government and a band of white U.S. settlers? Question 38 options: The Mexicans handily defeated the settlers. The battle came to a draw when both sides retreated. The settlers surprisingly defeated the larger Mexican military. The U.S. government intervened and forced the settlers to stand down.


Why did slave women generally fail at their runaway attempts? Question 19 options: They often returned to visit family. They weren't as strong or fast as men. They weren't highly motivated because they weren't treated badly. Women were more likely to get lost in the woods.


Why were most plantations in the South relatively small prior to the 1840s? Question 1 options: The availability of fertile land was limited. The availability of slave laborers was limited. No one had the resources to finance a vast, expansive plantation. No one product was in such great demand so as to necessitate a large plantation.


What was the reconquista?

A 700-year contest between Spain and Islamic peoples for control of the Iberian Peninsula

The Chesapeake-Leopard Affair involved

A British warship firing across the bow of an American navy ship to force inspection of her crew.

Jackson's veto of the Bank of the U.S. recharter bill represented

A bold assertion of presidential power on behalf of western farmers and other debtors

The message of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions was

A combination of Christianity and American political and social values.

What caused the Whiskey Rebellion?

A dispute between westerners and the federal government over collection of the excise tax.

Under the surface of the South's strong opposition to the "Tariff of Abomination" was

A fear of growing federal power that might interfere with slavery

Ending participation in the international slave trade by the United States had what effect?

A flourishing domestic slave trade arose.


A general term for a class of prosperous families, sometimes including but often ranked below the rural aristocrats. They usually became prosperous through commercial ventures.

the Adventurers

A group of English businessmen, who came to be known as the Adventurers, agreed to finance the Pilgrims' expedition in exchange for a share in the Pilgrims' profits during the first seven years. To help ensure the success of the project, the Adventurers secured additional settlers in England, most of whom were not Separatists.

Dutch East India Company

A joint stock company of the Dutch Republic that dominated trade in Asia.

Stamp Act

A law passed by the British Parliament in 1765 requiring colonists to pay a tax on newspapers, pamphlets, legal documents, and even playing cards.

Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton recommended the creation of what to manage the government's fiscal functions?

A national bank.

Which of the following best describes the settlement of New Amsterdam?

A new world made of bits and pieces from global cultures.

The New England Artisan was

A newspaper published by Seth Luther

What did delegates to South Carolina's secession convention cite as their reason for leaving the Union?

A president who denied the right of property in slaves had been elected.

Sir Francis Drake is best known as

A privateer who helped defeat the Spanish Armada

Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia was triggered by...

A routine episode of violence in the middle ground inhabited by Europeans and Indians

Chief Justice John Marshall, writing for the Supreme Court in the case of McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), ruled that

A state could not tax an institution created by the federal government because the power to tax it could lead to the power to destroy it.

According to John C. Calhoun, how could South Carolinians be exempted from paying the tariff?

A state legislature could nullify a federal law it considered unconstitutional.

According to John C. Calhoun, how could South Carolinians be exempted from paying the tariff?

A state legislature could nullify a federal law it considered unconstitutional. Correct

In general, the Whig party tended to favor

A strong federal role in both economic and moral issues

Christopher Columbus

A talented navigator from Genoa who discoverd the "New World". He had planned to reach China by sailing only 3,000 miles, but instead he landed on the shores of San Salvador and was convinced that he had reached the Indies

What consequences did George Washington's defeat of the British soldiers and mercenaries at Trenton, New Jersey have on his army?

A thousand more recruits volunteered for service under Washington's command.

Which of the following contributed to an environment that allowed slavery to take root in the English colonies?

A weak colonial government.

What strategy did Nathanael Greene pursue in his campaign against the British in the South?

A wild chase interrupted by small Continental victories.

Malinche was

A woman who used her linguistic and cultural knowledge to help Cortes

Malinche was...

A woman who used her linguistic and cultural knowledge to help Cortes

Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) Sugar Act, (B) Declaratory Act, (C) Stamp Act, (D) repeal of the Stamp Act.

A, C, D, B (Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Repeal of Stamp Act, Declaratory Act)

What did the Supreme Court rule in the case of Worcester v. Georgia?

A. Georgia had erred because the federal government had jurisdiction in Native American affairs. B. The governor of Georgia must apologize to Chief Sequoyah.

The admission of Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state

A. maintained the balance between free and slave senators. Correct

What innovation in the American political process originated with the Antimason Party?

A. term limits D. the nominating convention

James Madison changed his mind about what when he became president?

A. the indebtedness of states C. the usefulness of a national bank D. England's violations of America's neutral rights

The first English colony at Roanoke was

Abandoned by the British because it served no useful economic or military purpose.

political freedom in early Maryland

According to Maryland's original charter, laws adopted in the colony could be passed only with the approval of the freemen of the colony. As the colony grew, the freemen elected representatives. Lord Baltimore claimed that he alone had the authority to propose laws for the colony, and that their representatives had the right to propose laws themselves. In time, the colonists' point of view prevailed.

Which of the following statements is not an accurate portrayal of the witchcraft scare?

Accusations of witchcraft were indirectly aimed at men who were advocating political change.

Quartering Act

Act that required colonists to provide food, lodging, and supplies for the British troops. Mainly affected prominent families that had larger homes that could house a larger group of troops.

Hat Act

Act that restricted colonists from selling hats outside of the colony they were made in. Colonists ignored this act and smuggled the hats between colonies.

Which of the following was NOT among the factors that made John Quincy Adam's presidency a political failure?

Adam's involvement with correct machine deals and politicians

If Andrew Jackson had any doubts that John Quincy Adams became president in 1824 as a result of a "corrupt bargain" with Henry Clay, he became confident that he was right when

Adams made Clay his secretary of state.

The Cherokees and other southeastern Indian tribes attempted to stop the pressure of white encroachment on their lands by

Adopting practices like settled agriculture, education, and democratic constitutional gov't

New England towns were usually governed by

Adult male property owners at a town meeting.

The Reverend Cotton Mather was among the first to

Advocate inoculation against smallpox.

Madison favored what kind of amendments to the Constitution?

Affirmation of human rights already within the structure of the Constitution.

When the population of Indians was depleted, Spain turned to what to provide labor needed to extract wealth from the New World?

African slaves

the beginnings of tobacco in America

After John Rolfe taught the Virginia colonists how to grow tobacco, Virginia was soon exporting large quantities of tobacco to Europe, despite opposition from King James I. Tobacco would become a profitable export crop for Virginia and other southern colonies.

Identify THIRTEENTH AMENDMENT. To earn full credit, answer the questions who?, what?, when?, where?, and why it is important to American History for the item.

After President Lincoln's emancipation, there was still a need to resolve any possibility of the resurgence of slavery. The proposed 13th Amendment to the Constitution outlawed slavery forever; Congress passed the amendment in January 1865. By the fall, most slaves had been emancipated as states were readmitted into the Union. The Thirteenth Amendment further sealed the process, liberating the slaves in Kentucky and promising to keep slavery out of our nation forever.

Council for New England

After an unsuccessful attempt to found a colony in present-day Maine, the Plymouth Colony reorganized in 1620 under a new name, the Council for New England. Under this name, the group attempted to start several more colonies in Maine and New Hampshire but met with little success.

What did the Fugitive Slave Law of 1793 prohibit?

Aid to an escaping slave.

Washington chose which of the following men to be his secretary of the treasury?

Alexander Hamilton

Why did Federalists choose John Adams for their presidential candidate in 1796?

Alexander Hamilton was too controversial.

Ratification of the new constitution was

All of the above

In some Native American cultures, women"

All of these

Indentured servitude: ________.It organized labor, financed immigration, served as criminal punishment, and caring for and taking care of orphans.

All of these

Martin Luther challenged:

All of these

Old lights:

All of these

Roger Williams argued in favor of:

All of these

What factor(s) prompted the shift from indentured servants to slaves as a labor force in the second half of the 17th century?

All of these

The Huron and Algonquian were...

Allies with one another and the French

Compared to the Pennsylvania model of prisoner rehabilitation, Sing Sing prison in New York

Allowed prisoners to work communally.

How was Carolina divided into the North and South Carolinas?

Almost from the start, Carolina naturally divided into two sections. In the north, a settlement of poorer people from the Virginia frontier, joined by a few Quakers, developed around Albemarle Sound. These settlers worked small farms, and remained relatively poor. In the south, colonists of various backgrounds and religious faiths developed the settlement of Charles Town (Charleston). some settlers came from England, but many came from New England, Northern Ireland, Germany, and the British West Indies. A number of French Huguenots came to Charles Town for religious freedom. The differences between the northern and southern Carolina settlements were too great, and in 1712, the land grant was officially divided into the separate colonies of North Carolina and South Carolina. By 1729, the Carolinas had become royal colonies.

Why did England want to colonize the New World?

Although England rivaled against Spain and France in the race for empire in the New World, more than national competition spurred England's colonization effort. The desire of many Englishmen for freedom - religious, political, and economic freedom - motivated them to emigrate to the American colonies.

religious freedom in early Maryland

Although Maryland was founded as a haven for Catholics, not enough Catholics came to the colony to make it prosperous. Baltimore had to recruit others, and soon Protestants outnumbered Catholics in the colony. Because the Catholics feared they might lose religious freedom in their own colony, Maryland passed a Toleration Act to ensure their freedom.

How was New Netherland (before it was New York) founded?

Although New York did not become an English colony until the 1660s, the settlement of the region actually began in the early 1600s with the Dutch. In 1609, the Dutch East India Company was already exploring the region. By 1621, the Dutch West India Company had obtained rights to colonize the area and develop trade. The Dutch settlements that grew up along the Hudson and Delaware rivers made up the colony of New Netherland, a thriving center of trade occupied by a variety of people.

Which of the following best summarizes the Continental Army's expedition to Québec in Canada?

Although it was an unmitigated disaster, the failed attempt at capturing Québec only increased American resolve.

Using everything you have learned in this module, answer the following question: Describe how America's westward movement in the period 1820-1860 contributed to the tensions that led to the Civil War.

America's westward movement in the period 1820-1860 was not the cause of the Civil War, but it exaggerated existing problems (with slavery) and forced the nation to acknowledge the issue by presenting more states. The expansion was accompanied by the need to decide whether the new states would be slave states or free state, causing a resurgence of the debate over slavery. Both the North and the South wanted to obtain more states (and legislative power). This struggle to gain states as the west expanded boosted the intensity of the slavery/aboliton divide, contributing to the causes of the Civil War.

These two groups fought together against Mexican forces in the struggle to secure independence for Texas

Americans and Tejanos

In 1845, New York journalist and armchair expansionist John L. O'Sullivan coined the term manifest destiny, by which he meant that

Americans had the God-given right to expand their superior civilization across the continent.

Where did many Huguenots empire to in search of religious freedom?


William Penn

An English Quaker who founded Pennsylvania in 1682, after receiving a charter from King Charles II the year before. He launched the colony as a "holy experiment" based on religious tolerance.

What was a notable characteristic of Jamestown during its first decade?

An appallingly high mortality rate.

Because the Constitution did not mention such an entity as a national bank, the Treasury secretary's recommendation is an example of what?

An implied power

Who did many Americans blame for causing the Panic of 1837:

Andrew Jackson

Who was the only candidate for presidency in 1824 who did not embrace the expansive National Republican vision?

Andrew Jackson

American's greatest military victory, ironically achieved after the War of 1812 had officially ended, was

Andrew Jackson's defeat of a British invasion of New Orleans.

The Americans' greatest military victory, ironically achieved after the War of 1812 had officially ended, was

Andrew Jackson's defeat of a British invasion of New Orleans.


Anne Hutchinson moved to Massachusetts with her family, following the Puritan John Cotton. She proclaimed that she had direct revelations with God and was accused of heresy and witchcraft. She was put on trial and convicted of slander, and forced to leave the colony.

Anne Hutchinson

Anne Hutchinson, "a woman of ready wit and bold spirit," was banished from Massachusetts shortly after Roger Williams's banishment and for the same reason: She disagreed with the Puritan authorities on matters of religion. Exiled in 1637, she and a group of followers established a settlement at Portsmouth, near Providence.

Under the theory of mercantilism, one nation's gain was

Another nation's loss.

What military action mostly ended Indian resistance to settlers in the Old Northwest?

Anthony Wayne's victory at Fallen Timbers.

In what battle did General George McClellan's army stop General Robert E. Lee's first invasion of Maryland in 1862?


Texas' appeal for annexation by the United States in 1837 was blocked because

Antislavery forces feared that admitting Texas as a victory was for the "slavocracy"

Where did General Robert E. Lee surrender the Army of Northern Virginia to General U. S. Grant effectively ending the Civil War?

Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia

Colonists in South Carolina wanted a colony founded south of its location

As a buffer between themselves and Spanish Florida.

How did most white Americans regard slavery by 1790?

As an immoral institution, even if they were not prepared to embrace a racially mixed society.

John Winthrop

As governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, Winthrop was instrumental in forming the colony's government and shaping its legislative policy. He envisioned the colony as a "city upon a hill" from which Puritans would spread religious righteousness throughout the world.

Which of the following about English immigrants to Virginia in the seventeenth century is true?

As many as 90 percent of the migrants to the Chesapeake during that time period came as servants.

How did President Jefferson describe his administration?

As splendid misery.

What enabled George Washington's victory over Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown?

Assistance from French soldiers and the French fleet

What enabled George Washington's victory over Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown?

Assistance from French soldiers and the French fleet.

The survival of the Plymouth colony was made possible by

Assistance from friendly Indians.

The victory of New England Puritans over Metacom and the Wampanoag people was a result of

Assistance from the governor of New York and his Mohawk allies.

Roger Williams's activism of separation of church and state

At Providence, Roger Williams promoted the separation of church and state. He understood that true Christianity comes not by force but from a willing acceptance of God's Word. Williams insisted that civil government should not interfere with religious affairs and that churches should never use civil force to promote religion. However, he also believed that government should promote morality and order. Realizing that without civil order there can be no true liberty, Williams supported the right and responsibility of civil government to punish those who break the law or conduct themselves in a way that is harmful to the community.

The Albany Plan of Union, although unsuccessful, was an

Attempt at collective defense against France and its Indian allies

The Albany Plan of Union, although unsuccessful, was an

Attempt at collective defense against France and its Indian allies.

The French colony of Louisiana...

Attracted so few colonists that officials used it as a place to relocate criminals

To increase the number of workers in Virginia, company officials

Awarded 50 acres of land to those who came or brought another person to Virginia.

To increase the number of workers in Virginia,company officials

Awarded 50 acres of land to those who came or brought another person to Virginia.(HEAD RIGHT)

After 1840, planters went to great measures to discipline and punish slaves because Question 17 options: slaves rarely worked as hard as they could for even eight hours a day. slaveholders became paranoid of a group over whom they exerted an incredible amount of authority. slave rebellions were so frequent and violent during the period. whites were so racist that slavery gave them an excuse to beat blacks.


At what age were slave children put to work full-time? Question 15 options: As soon as they could walk, talk, and follow instructions Eleven or twelve Eight or nine Depended on the philosophy of the slaveholder


How did slavery stunt the development of other important industries and institutions in the South? Question 6 options: Slavery was so controversial that northerners did not want to do business with the South. Wealthy people invested all of their money in slavery and nothing else. The plantation economy required rural settlements and deterred the development of great cities. Southerners agreed to rely on the North for manufacturing and education in exchange for their reliance on southern goods.


How did the acquisition of new territory following war with Mexico shape political life in America in the mid-nineteenth century? Question 46 options: A temporary period of peace and prosperity resulted. Sectional conflicts over slavery and values increased. Northerners found themselves with newfound power and authority. It raised questions about the treatment of Indians.


In 1844, Mexico, Britain, and the Comanches united in contesting newly elected President James K. Polk's position favoring Question 41 options: Texas's sovereignty from Mexico and subsequent U.S. statehood. U.S. expansion into Oregon and Mexico. national sovereignty for Indian nations in Indian Territory. U.S. expansion into Wisconsin and parts of Canada.


In the early nineteenth century, which group of southerners allied most closely with slave owners? Question 26 options: Yeomen farmers Middle-class people Religious leaders Poor whites


Regarding the Treaty of New Echota, the majority of Cherokee people were Question 36 options: happy with the terms because they voted for it. unhappy with the terms and did not authorize it. happy with the terms even though they did not authorize it. unhappy with the terms even though they authorized it.


The Comanche tribe was a serious threat to Mexico after 1821 because Question 45 options: the tribe doubled in size and threat. Mexico achieved independence and lacked resources. Mexico was in the midst of a bloody war with Spain. the Comanche won their war with white settlers and were free to focus on Mexico.


What caused the Panic of 1837? Question 39 options: Cotton harvests in the South failed. The South had a strong dependency on British investments. Northern abolitionists cut ties with southern cotton producers. The Bank of America called in its loans to southern planters.


What contributed to record-breaking profits by planters from the early 1840s onward? Question 2 options: A dramatic increase in value of slave labor Vast profits from cotton, rice, and sugar A decrease in the value of European currency Greater reliance on the labor of slave women and children


What did southern planters rely on to expand and sustain the system of slavery? Question 30 options: States' rights Federal power Economic dependency Presidential support


What did the execution of Nat Turner and his followers in 1831 signal to African Americans? Question 20 options: That only free blacks should organize against slavery How far whites would go to protect slavery That whites were right and Nat Turner was wrong That the American justice system was fair


What moved planters to promote the ideology of white supremacy in the 1830s? Question 29 options: Slaves were getting too tricky and rebellious. Other nations began to abolish slavery. Poor whites turned against the planters and they needed to win the poor whites back. Free blacks failed to show they could be as successful as whites.


Who fit the description of a "yeoman farmer"? Question 22 options: Small-scale farmers who owned fewer than six slaves Independent landowners who did not own slaves Landowners of any scale who owned fewer than ten slaves Farmers who worked leased land without slave labor


Why did President Polk refuse to run for reelection in 1848? Question 48 options: He was against slavery and could not represent a nation that still allowed it. He was tired from the war effort and fights among Democrats. He knew he would lose because of his weak negotiation with Mexico when signing the peace treaty. His wife was inadvertently killed during the conflict with Mexico.


Arrange these events in chronological order: (A) Boston Massacre,(B) Townshend Acts, (C) Tea Act, (D) Intolerable Acts

B, A, C, D (Townshend Acts, Boston Massacre, Tea Act, Intolerable Acts)

What was proclaimed in the Monroe Doctrine?

B. The Western hemisphere was in the sphere of influence of the United States.

What was Andrew Jackson's primary reason for appointments to federal offices?

B. personal loyalty to him D. amount of money contributed in the last election

What was the American System?

B. regional cooperation to achieve local goals in Congress D. a proposal calling for universal suffrage

South Carolinians call the Tariff of 1828 the "tariff of abominations" because

B. the law exempted products produced in New England from taxation. D. it drove the price of European goods beyond their ability to pay.

The Massachusetts Bay Company, founded in 1629, was

Based on the model of the Virginia Company.

The Massachusetts Bay Company, founded in 1629, was ...

Based on the model of the Virginia company

William Pitt

Became Prime Minister of England during the Seven Years War. He borrowed large amounts of money to hire soldiers. He also promoted officers on merit.

The English experiences in Ireland

Became a model of how the English would treat many Native Americans.

The children of Pedro de Alvarado and Tlecuiluatzin (doña Luisa)

Became members of the higher ranks of Spanish society in the New World.

The children on Pedro de Alvarado and Tlecuiluatzin...

Became members of the highers ranks of Spanish society in the New World

John Carver (1576-1621)

Before coming ashore, the Pilgrims had elected John Carver to be their first governor. However, he was unable to serve the Pilgrims for long, as he died in the spring of 1621.

The Swiss Protestant Reformer John Calvin

Believed God ordained who would be saved even before they were born.


Believed in an "inner light", a divine spark that existed in each person. Rejected church authority, pacifist, and allowed women to play a role in preaching. Pacifists.

Enlightenment thinkers

Believed in rational thinking and scoffed at superstition.

Portugal, Spain, France, and England...

Believed that they conquered for God and country

Unlike Virginia, the colony of Maryland...

Belonged to the king alone

Unlike Virginia, the colony of Maryland

Belonged to the king alone.

Who led Congress's diplomatic effort to secure recognition and assistance from France during the American Revolution?

Benjamin Franklin

Who led Congress's diplomatic effort to secure recognition and assistance from France during the American Revolution?

Benjamin Franklin.

As a consequence of the Peace of Paris, 1763,

France lost its American empire except for its sugar islands.

As a consequence of the Treat of Paris (Paris Peace) in 1763,

France lost its American empire except for its sugar islands.

What are the competing narratives for the presence of Native Americans in the New World?

Beringia, "Island Hopping," Native American Origin Stories

Dominion of New England

Between 1686 and 1689, James II united the New England colonies, as well as New York and New Jersey, under the Dominion of New England, in order to bring the colonies under subjection with Sir Edmund Andros as governor. The Dominion dissolved after England's "Glorious Revolution" took place in 1688; James II fled England, and Parliament gave the crown to the Prince and Princess of Orange, William and Mary. When the New England colonies received word of the revolution in 1689, they quickly deposed Gov. Andros, and the Dominion of New England collapsed.

The most drastic measure of the Intolerable Acts was the

Boston Port Act.

What did the French and American Revolutions have in common?

Both began with similar goals of individual freedom.

The American Revolution grew out of

Britain's ineffective effort to govern the enlarged empire it gained after victory over France in 1763.

In the decisive battle of Quebec,

British commander James Wolfe and French commander Montcalm were killed.

The British Parliament enacted currency legislation that was intended primarily to benefit

British merchants.

As a result of American opposition to the Townshend Acts,

British officials sent regiments of troops to Boston to restore law and order.

@In one of the early battles of the war, the battle of Long Island,

British troops led by General Howe forced the Americans to retreat to Manhattan Island.

The Erie Canal allowed for the transportation of goods from

Buffalo to New York City.

Among other, the Mississippi people were known for

Building mounds

Among other things, the Mississippian people were known for

Building mounds, some for ceremonial purposes and some as burial sites.

Eastern Woodlands Indians of the Mississippi culture were known for _______.

Building mounds, some for ceremonial purposes and some as burial sites.

Archaeological evidence suggests that the earliest Americans arrived on the continent...

By 12,000 BCE

Archaeological evidence suggests that the earliest Americans arrived on the continent

By 12,000 BCE.

What type of government was the Plymouth colony?

By 1627, the Pilgrims had paid their debt to the English businessmen who financed the founding of the colony. Under the authority of the king of England, the Pilgrims could now govern themselves. Plymouth remained a virtually self-governing colony until 1691, when it was absorbed by the larger Massachusetts Bay Colony.

the "Great Migration"

By the fall of 1630, the Puritans had established Boston and several other towns. Despite many hardships, the Massachusetts Bay Colony grew rapidly. The persecution that they had anticipated came in 1633, sparking a "Great Migration" of Puritans to the New World for religious freedom. By 1642, some 25,000 Puritans had emigrated to New England.

How did New Netherland become New York?

By the mid-1600s, the Dutch found themselves squeezed between growing English colonies to the north and south. When, in 1664, England and Holland teetered on the brink of war, King Charles II granted New Netherland to his brother, the Duke of York. In honor of its new proprietor, the king renamed it New York. Soon a fleet of English warships sailed into the harbor of New Amsterdam to take control of the colony. The Dutch governor Peter Stuyvesant insisted on putting up a fight, but the townspeople saw the cause was hopeless and refused to support him. Thus, New Netherland passed peaceably into British hands.

10. What foods were the staples of a slave's diet? Question 10 options: Fruits and vegetables they grew themselves Lots of protein and some fat Primarily high-calorie fats and carbohydrates Mainly meat with occasional vegetables


Household work benefited slaves because Question 14 options: the work was less arduous than field work. they got to develop close relationships with the slaveholders. they often received leftovers and hand-me-downs. they were less likely to be abused.


James Henry Hammonds viewed himself as a progressive master, and he Question 5 options: believed that slaves deserved to be treated with respect and rarely used violence. adopted nonviolent means of punishment such as solitary confinement. whipped his slaves excessively regardless of his self-image. restricted his use of whipping to males over the age of twelve.


The Treaty of New Echota, which authorized the exchange of 100 million acres of Cherokee land for $68 million and 32 million acres in Indian Territory, was authorized by Question 35 options: the Cherokee leader John Ross. the majority of Cherokee men who voted to accept it. a few Cherokee men who were tricked by the U.S. government. the U.S. government without any input from the Cherokee.


The Wilmot Proviso, which passed in the House in 1846, proposed that Question 47 options: the territory acquired from Mexico be partly divided among Indian tribes. the territory acquired from Mexico be divided between Indians, free blacks, and white settlers. slavery be abolished in the territory acquired from Mexico. slavery be protected in the territory acquired from Mexico.


What Virginian(s) spoke passionately in defense of slavery, ensuring its continuation in the wake of Nat Turner's rebellion? Question 21 options: Thomas Jefferson, former president of the United States Mr. Travis, slaveholder and target of insurrection Thomas Dew, president of the College of William and Mary The Ladies of Augusta, representing the western counties


What caused the Second Seminole War in the 1830s? Question 32 options: White settlers opened fire on Seminole Indians, against terms of the Indian Removal Act. The Seminole and the Cherokee fought over lucrative land along the Mississippi River. The U.S. military forcibly removed Seminoles from their land. The Seminole Indians attacked white settlers who came to take their land.


What development led slaveholders to treat slaves better and increasingly view them as "valuable property"? Question 9 options: Exposure of planters' violent practices Realization that planters' behavior was inhumane The end of the international slave trade The increase in demand for cotton


What had Congress hoped to achieve with the Indian Removal Act of 1830? Question 31 options: The final removal of Indians from the United States The removal of Indians from the Louisiana Territory The settlement of Indians to land west of the Mississippi River A peaceful treaty whereby Indians would move but retain ownership of their land


What is meant by manifest destiny as touted by politicians during the 1840s? Question 43 options: The right of opposing legislative parties to debate is vital to democracy and preordained by the Enlightenment. Political parties must agree to a "manifest" before each campaign cycle. The United States has a God-given right to expand its borders. The United States has proven its destiny as the most powerful country in the world.


Where did many middle class southerners receive their education in the early nineteenth century? Question 25 options: Local public schools Local private schools Northern private schools Home schools


Which slaves were most likely to successfully run away in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries? Question 13 options: Young men and women from the fields Skilled male slaves with greater mobility Single men without ties Female domestics with the trust of their mistress


Why was incumbent Martin Van Buren vulnerable in his 1840 reelection campaign? Question 40 options: Andrew Jackson had recovered and was running against him. Van Buren endorsed the wildly unpopular "gag rule" in 1836. Van Buren failed to intervene in the Panic of 1837. Van Buren lost all of his campaign money in the banking crisis.


What event heightened concerns in 1800 that the nation might not survive, but fracture?

Gabriel Slave conspiracy

Why was Gabriel motivated to lead a slave uprising in Virginia in 1800?

Gabriel's wages went to his owner while free laborers kept their earnings.

Slaves in coastal areas of the Carolinas spoke a dialect called


Those known as Separatists

Gave up on reforming the Church of England.

In colonial America, work was organized by


During the American Revolution, American women

Generally supported and participated in protests and boycotts

In the eighteenth century, people on both sides of the Atlantic developed an interest in a lifestyle known as


Why did the arrival in America of Edmond Charles Genêt turn out to be stressful for relations between France and the United States?

Genêt's efforts to raise support for France in its war with England embarrassed Washington, who was trying to remain neutral.

A new relationship between Britain and its American colonies was initiated in 1763 when assumed charge of colonial policy.

George Grenville

The "face" of the Great Awakening was

George Whitefield

One of the more prominent itinerant preachers of the eighteenth century was

George Whitefield.

was founded as a philanthropic venture and a military- commercial outpost


What did the Supreme Court rule in the case of Worcester v. Georgia?

Georgia had erred because the federal government had jurisdiction in Indian affairs and the Indians must be allowed to remain on their land.

Martin Luther

German monk who believed that the bible alone was the source of god's word, not priests and popes; started the Protestant reformation in the 16th century

Which case decided by the Marshall Court established the federal government's authority over interstate commerce?

Gibbons v Ogden

The most successful method of keeping Indian groups pacified was

Gifts of trade goods

The most successful method of keeping Indian groups pacified was

Gifts of trade goods.

Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper

Given the land between Virginia and Florida, known as the Carolinas. Brought in people from Barbados as slaves.

To Jonathan Edwards,

God should be placed at the center of human existence.

Enlightenment thinkers assumed all of the following EXCEPT that

God was an active and judgmental intruder into the affairs of people

The Columbian Exchange refers to the process by which

Goods, germs, and ideas travel from the Old World to the New World and the New World to the Old World.

The Colombian Exchange refers to the process by which --

Goods, germs, and ideas traveled from the Old World to the New World and the New World to the Old World


Governor of a province in the Netherlands. Elected by people of province. Usually from the family of Orange.

All of the following statements about Gowrie Plantation are accurate except

Gowrie's plantation owner went bankrupt.

The conflict between large states and small states was resolved by the

Great Compromise

The conflict between large states was resolved by the

Great Compromise

The conflict between large states and small states was resolved by the

Great Compromise.

What was a significant change in governments in America produced by the Revolution?

Greater participation was exercised by more ordinary men.

Social activity in colonial cities was

Greatly stratified, yet brought people of all classes together


Group of Pilgrims who wanted to break all connections with the Church of England because they denied that it was a true church. Began to set up independent congregations of their own. Some would found the colony of Plymouth.

During the 1790s, a rift developed between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson partly because

Hamilton supported the commercial elite and admired the British.

Identify HARPERS FERRY To earn full credit, answer the questions who?, what?, when?, where?, and why it is important to American History for the item.

Harpers Ferry was the town in western Virginia where John Brown planned and attempted to execute a rebellion on October 16,1859. Brown had planned to invade a federal arsenal and distribute ammunition to local slaves. Brown and his followers successfully seized the armory, then spread over the countryside to free slaves and hold slaveowners as prisoners. Contrary to his plans, however, the slaves did not take up the ammunition and rise to fight for their freedom. The federal military was sent to put a stop to the Harpers Ferry rebellion; they surrounded then captured Brown at the arsenal. Brown's capture marked the end of his rebellion, and the nation's initial reaction was condemnation and embarrassment. However, soon the northern view changed from dismay to admiration - after his dignified behavior during his trial continued until he was hung at the gallows, many people were moved to sympathy . The change caused the South to become enraged and sparked the response that they could not live under a government that regarded Brown as a Christian martyr rather than a murderer.

the Mayflower Compact

Having landed so far north, the Pilgrims found themselves outside the limit of their charter and outside the jurisdiction of the London Company. They had no legal right to settle and no basis for civil government. Therefore, the Pilgrims took a step which was to be a milestone in human history. Before they went ashore, 41 men gathered in the cabin of the Mayflower to draw up and sign what has become known as the Mayflower Compact. The compact reinforced their loyalty to England and established a "civil body politic" in America. Although it did not actually set up a government, it expressed that the people were willing to show due submission to "such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought more meet and convenient for the general good of the colony."

Leonard Calvert

He actually came to the Calverts' colony of Maryland and became its first governor. Under the leadership of Leonard, Maryland prospered and grew steadily.

President John Quincy Adams aroused southern and western hostility partly because

He attempted to deal fairly with the Indians and opposed their removal from Georgia and elsewhere

What was the theme of Thomas Jefferson's inaugural address?

He attempted to put partisan bitterness of the previous decade to rest.

What was President Abraham Lincoln's response to the Confederate capture of Fort Sumter?

He called for 75,000 volunteers to put down a "combination of individuals" in South Carolina.

How did William Penn make his colony successful?

He composed a series of glowing, although perfectly honest, descriptions of his colony and had them circulated in England and on the continent of Europe. He sold land to settlers at a reasonable cost and even rented to those who could not afford to buy. He maintained peace with the Indians by treating them fairly and paying them for the lad. He maintained a policy of religious freedom for all who professed a belief in "one almighty and eternal God." Finally, he maintained a relatively democratic system of government in his colony. Within four years of its founding, Pennsylvania had almost 9,000 settlers.

How did Spanish King Phillip the 2nd react to explorations by France and England?

He established a ring of forts

How did Judge John Marshall use the case of Marbury v. Madison to expand the authority of the Supreme Court?

He established the Court's judicial review to rule on the constitutionality of executive and legislative actions.

What was Andrew Jackson's attitude on the protective tariff in the 1820s?

He favored some level of protectionism. Correct

Andrew Jackson's appeal to the common people arose partly because

He had risen from the masses and reflected many of their prejudices in his personal attitudes and outlook

What was President Washington's first reaction to the war between England and France that began in 1793?

He issued a Neutrality Proclamation.

How did Virginia's Governor Lord Dunmore intensify the crisis in the colonies in 1775?

He promised slave runaways from rebels freedom for military service.

What was President Andrew Jackson's reaction to the Supreme Court ruling in Worcester v Georgia?

He refused to enforce it.

How was President Polk able to add Oregon to U.S. holdings?

He renewed an old offer to divide Oregon along the forty-ninth parallel, and the British accepted.

What was President Jackson's response to nullification?

He requested Congress to pass the Force Bill supporting his effort to enforce federal law in South Carolina.

What was President Jackson's response to nullification?

He requested Congress to pass the Force Bill supporting his effort to enforce federal law.

What about don Luis's behavior shocked and scandalized the Spanish Jesuits in 1570?

He took several wives

Cecilius Calvert

He was George's son and the second Lord Baltimore, who carried out the project of colonization in Maryland. A Roman Catholic, Calvert intended Maryland to be a haven for English Catholics, who were not allowed to practice their religion freely in Protestant England. Cecilius never came to Maryland himself; he sent the first two shiploads of settlers, some 200 people, to Maryland in 1634, and sent his younger brother, Leonard, to be governor.

Sir Edwin Sandys

He was an English Puritan nobleman whose aid the Pilgrims enlisted to make arrangements for their voyage to the New World. Sandys helped the Pilgrims secure a patent from the London Company in 1620 to settle within its Virginia territory

John Cabot

He was an Italian navigator sailing for England who explored the eastern coast of North America from Labrador to Virginia in 1497. Cabot became the first explorer in the Modern Age to set foot on the mainland of North America. His exploration of "New-found-land" (Newfoundland) gave England her first and only solid claim in the New World.

George Calvert

He was the first Lord Baltimore, to whom King Charles granted a large territory north of the Potomac River in 1632, called Maryland in honor of Charles's queen, Henrietta Maria. George Calvert died before the charter was issued.

Who was Charles G. Finney?

He was the most influential advocate of dynamic Protestantism.

Who was Charles Grandison Finney?

He was the most influential advocate of dynamic Protestantism.

What "qualm" did Thomas Jefferson have over purchasing the Louisiana Territory?

He wasn't sure he had constitutional authority to make the purchase.

How did Miami chieftain Memeskia react when English traders from Pennsylvania reached the Ohio River valley?

He welcomed them because their trade goods were better and cheaper than French goods.

Who did President John Quincy Adams appoint as secretary of state?

Henry Clay

Whom did President John Quincy Adams appoint as secretary of state?

Henry Clay

Prominent leaders of the Whig party included

Henry Clay and Daniel Webster

Henry VIII

Henry VIII was an English king who broke England's ties with the Roman church in the 1530s because of personal problems, unintentionally helping the English people who were ready for a split with Rome. However, he did not really change official church doctrine; he simply made himself the head of England's official church.

In addition to British soldiers, English commanders also use mercenaries known as ____ against American rebels?


the patroon system

Hoping to encourage settlement, the Dutch established a patroon system in their colony. Under this system, the Dutch West India Company granted large tracts of land along a navigable river to individuals called patroons. In return, each patroon would transport 50 people to the New World to settle on his land. The patroon had extensive powers over his land and the people who settled on it. The patroon system actually discouraged settlement, however, because it offered little political freedom.

The most fundamental and unifying political perspective underlying the organization of the Whit Party was

Hostility to Jackson and his followers

What was the boldest and most radical assertion of Two Treatises of Government?

Identification of a right of revolution against a government that violated the civil rights of its citizens.

Act of Settlement, 1701

If king William, or his sister-in-law, Anne, died without children the Crown to pass the granddaughter of James I or to her Protestant heirs. Took the Stuarts out of the line of succession.

Disagreements between the United States and Spain over ownership of land located west of the Appalachian Mountains

Ignored Indians' claims to the territory.

Which of the following is not one of the complaints American immigrants entering northern Mexico lodged against the Mexican government?

Immigrants must purchase a minimum of 200 acres to remain there legally.

What did Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton suggest the government do to secure needed revenue?

Impose tariffs on imported goods and an excise tax.

Sir Martin Frobisher

In 1576, Queen Elizabeth I sent explorer Sir Martin Frobisher in search of the "Northwest Passage."

Sir Francis Drake

In 1577, Sir Francis Drake embarked on a three-year voyage that was to make him the first Englishman to sail around the world. In his ship, the Golden Hind, he crossed the Atlantic and passed through the Strait of Magellan. He then sailed up the Pacific Coast as far as California, which he claimed for England, calling it Nova Albion ("New England"). As he journeyed, Drake looted Spanish ships and settlements along the coast of North America. He then sailed across the Pacific and Indian oceans, around Africa, and back to England. When Drake finally arrived in England in 1580, Queen Elizabeth I met him at the dock and knighted him on the deck of his own ship.

the first two explorations of the New World that Sir Walter Raleigh sponsored

In 1584, Raleigh sponsored an expedition which explored Albemarle Sound and the land of Roanoke off the coast of present-day North Carolina. He named the territory Virginia for Queen Elizabeth, the "Virgin Queen." In 1585, Raleigh sponsored another expedition which made a short visit to Roanoke.

the mystery of the Roanoke colony

In 1587, Sir Walter Raleigh sent John White with a party of over 100 settlers to establish a settlement on Chesapeake Bay. Instead, they settled at Roanoke. When, after a month in the colony, White sailed back to England for supplies, he found the nation preoccupied with the Spanish Armada. After a delay of several years, White returned to Roanoke in 1590 to find that the entire colony had vanished, leaving only a few relics and the world "Croatoan" carved on a tree. The fate of the Roanoke colony remains a mystery to this day.

the Virginia Charter

In 1606, King James I granted the Virginia Charter to permit two joint-stock companies to undertake colonization in Virginia. The company centered in London (the London Company) was to settle southern Virginia, and the company centered in Plymouth (the Plymouth Company) was to settle northern Virginia. The charter outlined how the colonies should be governed and guaranteed that they would enjoy the same rights and liberties as Englishmen abiding in the home country.

Captain John Smith and private enterprise

In 1608, Captain John Smith took charge of the Jamestown colony and saved it from destruction. He established a system of private enterprise based on the biblical principle that any who would not work should not eat (2 Thess. 3:10). Under this capitalistic system, individuals were free to make a living and prosper on their own enterprise. This system provided the incentive necessary for the production of sufficient crops for the colony.

What was the beginning of the slave trade in British North America?

In 1619, a Dutch ship arrived from Africa with about 30 black servants to be sold to the settlers. Apparently these first Africans were purchased as indentured servants rather than slaves. However this began the huge American slave trade. In the years ahead, millions of black Africans were captured on the west coast of Africa and transported to the New World to be sold as slaves.

House of Burgesses

In 1619, the people of the various districts of Virginia sent delegates, called burgesses, to a representative assembly in Jamestown. Collectively known as the House of Burgesses, this assembly acted as an advisory body to the governor of the colony. Although its recommendations could be vetoed, the House of Burgesses set an important precedent for representative government in early America.

the first Thanksgiving

In 1621, the Council for New England granted the Pilgrims a patent, recognizing their right of settlement. When they reaped a corn that fall, Governor Bradford called for a three-day feast which we remember as the first Thanksgiving. There, Indians joined the pilgrims as they celebrated, feasted, heard the Bible read publicly, and gave thanks to God for His many blessings.

Massachusetts Bay Company

In 1629, Charles I issued a charter for the formation of the Massachusetts Bay Company, a joint-stock company composed primarily of Puritan businessmen. This charter granted the company a tract of land in territory controlled by the Council for New England. The charter failed to stipulate that the company's headquarters must remain in England. A group of prominent and influential Puritans saw in the company a unique opportunity for Puritans to find religious freedom in America. The company's Puritan stockholders who intended to migrate to the New World bought the shares of those who wished to remain in England, enabling the Puritans to take the charter with them to New England and establish a virtually self-governing colony. This would keep non-Puritans from buying into the organization and would guarantee the Puritans perpetual control of their company. Eventually, 12 wealthy Puritan businessmen took control and brought the company on a fleet of 11 ships carrying 700 passengers to set sail for Massachusetts in March 1630.

the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

In 1639, the people of Connecticut were ready to establish their own independent government. They met at Hartford and adopted the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, considered to be the first written constitution in America. In this charter, the people established a representative government and designated the kinds of powers that government should possess, setting an important precedent for government by the people and for the people.

Bacon's Rebellion

In 1675, American Indians attacked a few frontier settlements in western Virginia. In 1676, the frontiersmen appealed to Governor Berkeley for protection, expecting him to send a military force, but he failed to respond. Some accused him of caring more for his prosperous fur trade with the Indians than for the welfare of frontier settlements. Nathaniel Bacon, a wealthy young plantation owner, offered to lead a volunteer militia against the Native Americans, insisting that frontiersmen were entitled to the same protection as established colonists in Jamestown, but Berkeley rejected his offer. Already disgruntled by what they considered to be unfair taxes, the frontiersmen followed Bacon and pursued the Indians against the governor's wishes. When Berkeley accused Bacon and his men of rebellion, the frontiersmen marched on to Jamestown and burned it to the ground, forcing Berkeley to flee to the coast. Bacon soon fell ill and died, however, and Bacon regained power. Although Bacon's methods and motives were questionable, Bacon's Rebellion indicated that Americans expected their government to protect all citizens.

the Society of Friends (the Quakers)

In 17th-century England, there arose a religious group who called themselves the Society of Friends; others called them Quakers. These religious dissenters separated themselves from the Church of England because they disagreed with its doctrine and practice. The Quakers believed that each man should follow his "inner light," worshiping God from the heart. They followed no prescribed system of worship, had no ministers, and met in simple "meeting houses" instead of formal churches. They were also pacifists, refusing to defend themselves or to participate in military service. As a result of their dissenting, they faced persecution in England and even in most of the colonies.


In 1831, William Lloyd Garrison founded his own abolitionist newspaper "The Liberty" in Boston. He used this paper to publicly adamantly refuse to accept any form of compromise in terms of slavery. An "immediatist," Garrison bonded together with others and led them to found the New England Anti-Slavery Society. In 1835 he was a victim of an antiabolitionist mob that dragged him through the streets of Boston.

the Pilgrims' separation of church and state

In England, the Separatists had come to realize that as long as civil government tries to control the people's religion, there can be no true political liberty. Thus, in its early years, Plymouth had no established churches. this religious liberty contributed to political liberty, for Plymouth had no religious qualifications for voters or office holders. The Strangers and Separatists were able to live and work together because they respected each other's rights.


In England, the leaders of Parliament who develop policy to rule the nation. This system developed under the Hanoverian kingship of George I and George II.

the New England Confederation

In May 1643, delegates from Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, Connecticut, and New Haven assembled in Boston and formed the New England Confederation, or League of Friendship, the first voluntary American union. (Rhode Island was not asked to join because the Puritans considered most of its inhabitants to be heretics.) The colonies maintained their independence but cooperated through an elected board of commissioners mainly for the purpose of defense against hostile Indian tribes, the Dutch, and the French. After King Philip's War, the confederation seemed less necessary, and bickering among the member colonies created problems. The New England Confederation finally dissolved in 1684, but it set an important precedent for voluntary union of the colonies.

In New England, virtually all vocational instruction took place

In a home

The Spanish soldiers who fought in the Reconquista were influenced _______.

In part by their Christian faith and promises of wealth and glory

German immigrants tended to settle...

In the back country from Pennsylvania to the Carolinas

German immigrants tended to settle

In the backcountry from Pennsylvania to the Carolinas.

In New England, virtually all vocational instruction took place...

In the home

Native populations declined because of all of the following reasons except

Increased life spans

English men and women from the lowest ranks of society who agreed to work in exchange for passage money to the colonies were known as

Indentured servants

indentured servants

Indentured servants met the need for a larger labor force due to the abundant tobacco crop. An indentured servant was one whose passage to America was paid by an established colonist. In return, the servant worked for his benefactor without pay for an agreed-upon period of time, usually four to seven years. Having fulfilled his contract, the servant became a free man. Many poor people came to the American colonies as indentured servants and, after fulfilling their obligations, became prosperous colonists.

According to the Treaty of Greenville, signed August 3, 1795,

Indians ceded most of modern Ohio and part of Indiana in return for a federal annuity.

What was the attitude of Secretary of War Henry Knox toward Indian claims to land west of the Appalachian Mountains?

Indians had rights to the soil not affected by a treaty between England and the United States.

Between 1675 and 1763, when war was more common than peace,

Indians took more than 1,600 New England settlers as captives.

The group that suffered the greatest losses in the War of 1812 was the


Indentured servants

Individuals who agreed to work for a period of time in exchange for free passage from Europe. Had contracts with masters that could last up to 7 years. Legally not slaves but sometimes not treated better than slaves.

Columbus was born into a world...

Influenced by European investors seeking low-risk investments

Columbus was born into a world

Influenced by European investors seeking low-risk investments.

ship money

Instituted by Charles I during the "Thorough" in order to raise funds. Required all counties to pay to outfit ships, where before only coastal communities had paid.

Carolina was the first colony that...

Introduced slavery at the outset

Carolina was the first colony that

Introduced slavery at the outset.

To address the colony's labor problem, Virginia governor John Rolfe

Introduced the first public works projects in American history

After the United States declared war with England for a second time in a generation, American forces

Invaded Canada but were repulsed.

The British model for controlling its North American colonies grew out of its experience in-


The British model for controlling its North American colonies grew out of its experiences in...


What was the native country of the greatest number of immigrants to the United States in the early decades of the 19th century?


What was the native country of the greatest number of immigrants to the United States in the early decades of the nineteenth century?


What was the native country of the the highest amount of immigrants


Who were the primary targets of the American nativism

Irish Catholics

Who were the primary targets of the American nativist movement?

Irish Catholics

Why did England conquer Ireland between 1565 and 1576?

Irish noblemen refused to submit to the English monarchy.

When did British Parliament develop?

It developed in the 1200s (it paved the way for more representative government).

How did the departure of 80,000 loyalists as a consequence of the Revolution affect America?

It enhanced democracy and reduced the conservative element in society

How did the departure of 80,000 loyalists as a consequence of the Revolution affect American?

It enhanced democracy and reduced the conservative element in society.

Why did some Americans, southerners in particular, oppose Jay's Treaty?

It favored merchant classes but increased expenses for everyone.

Encomienda system

It gave settlers the right to tax local Native Americans or to make them work. In exchange, these settlers were supposed to protect the Native American people and convert them to Christianity

In addition to his military experience, George Washington's appointment to lead the Continental army had what benefit?

It helped solidify the alliance between New England and the South

What was the impact of the embargo?

It hurt American shipping and American farmers and producers by taking away markets.


It is the theory of church government which says that every body of believers should be independent and self-governing. The persecuted Separatists believed strongly in this theory and opposed any civil authority that interfered with the right of the individual to exercise religious freedom.

What was the chief political importance of Andrew Jackson's victory at New Orleans?

It launched Jackson on a political career that led to the presidency.

How did the Land Act of 1820 change regulations regarding western settlement?

It lowered the price per acre but ended credit purchases.

What effect did the Land Act of 1820 have on local banks?

It made buyers more dependent on state and local banks.

The Glorious Revolution, in addition to making Parliament the most powerful branch of British government, had what result

It ushered in a period of political stability that enabled Britain to become the world's most powerful nation

Why did President George Washington decline to assist rebels in Saint Domingue?

It was a slave rebellion, and he did not wish to encourage slave rebellion in the United States.

@Which of the following statements best characterizes the Boston Massacre of March 5, 1770?

It was over in minutes, and the British regiments were then moved to an island in the harbor for their protection.

Northwest Passage

It was the supposed water route through North America from the Atlantic to the Pacific. By finding this passage, Queen Elizabeth I hoped to break the Spanish monopoly on overseas trade, frustrating Spain's attempt to dominate the Age of Exploration.

One of the primary benefits to England of the New England colonies was

Its aversion to slavery

Although settled two decades later, New England was able to keep pace with the Chesapeake colonies because

Its people lived in a healthier region

These men, received the highest votes during the Election of 1824.

Jackson and Adams

What was President Jackson's response to the bill that extended the charter of the Second National Bank?

Jackson vetoed the bill.

What was President Jackson's response to the bill that extended the charter of the Second National Bank?

Jackson vetoed the bill. Correct

French claims to the area of their first colony were based on the explorations of whom?

Jacques Cartier

Sir Edmund Andros

James II appointed Sir Edmund Andros as the Royal Governor of the Dominion of New England. The colonists disliked Andros because he curtailed liberties, imposed heavy taxes, and refused to listen to their point of view. He was forced back to England after the Dominion of New England collapsed.

This presidential candidate ran on a platform of annexation (of Texas), and manifest destiny in 1844.

James K. Polk

When President Jefferson did not seek the nomination of the Democratic Republican Party for president in 1808, who was his logical successor to that nomination and the presidency?

James Madison

Jamestown's common-store system

Jamestown's biggest problem was the common-store system established by its charter. Under this communal system, each man was required to place the fruit of his labor in a common storehouse, and each was entitled to receive food and supplies from the storehouse according to his needs. In reality, the industrious workers were required to provide for the idle. With everyone benefiting from the common storehouse but few contributing to it, the food supply was quickly depleted. America's first experiment with a form of Communism failed miserably.

What was the first permanent English settlement in the New World, and who settled it and when?

Jamestown, Virginia, settled by the London Company in 1607

Who was selected to serve as president of the Confederate States of America?

Jefferson F. Davis of Mississippi, a moderate

In the election of 1800

John Adams lost the election, Jefferson and Burr were tired for office, Jefferson eventually became president

The failure of Congress to ratify the treaty to annex Texas in 1844 can be associated with the actions of this man who linked the cause to slavery.

John C. Calhoun

name 4 explorers that searched for the Northwest passage. What countries did they represent?

John Cabot, Giovanni da Verrazano, Jacques Cartier, Henry Hudson. England, France, France, Dutch.

The idea that states could nullify a federal law was put forth by this man.

John Calhoun

Agricultural productivity in the Midwest increased in the late 1830s partly because of

John Deere's steel plow.

Who wrote Two Treatises of Government?

John Locke

He served as Secretary of State under James Monroe

John Quincy Adams

This man was sent to Mexico by the president in 1846 with an offer to purchase New Mexico and Texas for $30 million.

John Slidell

Which American president sent notice to Texas that it had been annexed?

John Tyler

Which American president was dubbed "His Accidency" by his opponents?

John Tyler

covenant theology

John Winthrop believed that Puritans had a covenant with God to lead a new religious experiment in the New World

John Winthrop (1588-1649)

John Winthrop was chosen to be governor of the Massachusetts Bay Company's colony. He enlisted recruits to Massachusetts and made preparations for the voyage.

The Quaker ____ launched the first antislavery movement in 1754 when he condemned the institution on huamitarian and religious terms

John Woolman

The Quaker _________ launched the first antislavery movement in 1754 when he condemned the institution on humanitarian and religious terms.

John Woolman

The Quaker __________ launched the first antislavery movement in 1754 when he condemned the institution on humanitarian and religious terms

John Woolman

John Wycliffe (1320?-1384)

John Wycliffe was nicknamed the "Morning Star of the Reformation" because he exposed false doctrines of the Roman church and had the entire Bible translated into English for the first time in the 14th century, 200 years before the Protestant Reformation.

The _______________ was a business form in England that exchanged and encouraged the English to invest in the colonies.

Joint Stock Company

The ... was a business form in England that encouraged the English to invest in founding colonies.

Joint-stock company

The _________ was a business form in England that encouraged the English to invest in founding colonies.

Joint-stock company.

The French and Indian War began when

King George II died without a male heir.

who founded the church of England or the anglican church? When? How did King Henry VIII anger the Catholic church?

King Henry VIII. 1534. he challenged the authority of the pope.

King Philip's War

King Philip's War was a fierce Indian uprising in 1675-1676 led by a Wampanoag chief called King Philip. The New England Confederation's greatest triumph came in putting down this uprising.

How did the absolute monarchs try to justify their absolute authority?

Knowing their practices went against the English constitution, the rulers claimed the "divine right of kings." According to this theory, absolute monarchy is the only form of government sanctioned by God; thus monarchs have absolute authority in all matters - political, civil, and religious. They can do no wrong and cannot be criticized by anyone for their policies.

Seven Years War

Known also as the French and Indian war. It was the war between the French and their Indian allies and the English. This proved the English to be the more dominant force of what was to be the United States both commercially and in terms of controlled regions.

What was the attitude of the leaders of Dutch colonialism with regard to Indian territory?

Land must be purchased from Indians before it could be settled.

Two-thirds of the Constitutional Convention's delegates were


Prime Minister

Leader of the British government. He is a member of the majority party in Parliament.

The huge European demand for beaver pelts

Led Indians to kill more beaver than could be replaced by natural reproduction.

The huge European demand for beaver pelts-

Led Native Americans to kill more beaver then could be replenished or replaced by natural reproduction

What laws or customs regarding marriage prevailed for slaves?

Legal recognition of slave marriage was denied, but slaves sanctioned their own unions through a combination of African customs and European rituals.

Economically, it made more sense to contract for indentured servants than to purchase slaves because...

Life expectancy rate for both were low

Why did corn cultivation move so far northward from Mesoamerica?

Like other goods and practices, corn cultivation traveled north on the Mississippi River.

who were two french explorers who traveled down the Mississippi River in 1673? how far down the river did they travel?

Louis Jolliet and Jacques Marquette. as far as Arkansas.

The French observer Alexis de Tocqueville observed that Americans

Loved to organize.

A principle reason for the general increase in colonial population was the...

Lower age of marriage for women and more women marrying

An increase in the shipbuilding industry in colonial America also stimulated what other industry?

Lumber production

Bible commonwealth

MBC's political system where laws were based on the bible. Religious leaders had great power & influence and conducted public interrogations of people who claimed to have been converted in order to admit them to the Puritan church

The two men who were instrumental in calling for the Philadelphia meeting in May 1787 to discuss revising the Articles of Confederation were

Madison and Hamilton

Magna Carta

Magna Carta means "Great Charter"; King John signed it in 1215 to help prepared England for limited representative government.

What types of crops were cultivated by both Meso-Americans and Eastern North Americans Woodland inhabitants?


The Great Awakening

Major religious revival in the colonies. Began in the 1730's with its leader being Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield.

Robert Walpole

Man who is seen as the first prime minister of England, although the title had not yet been invented. He led England from 1721- 1742.

.... was a Roanoke Indian who appeared to convert to Christianity but eventually returned to the Indian culture and opposed British colonists


Why was it called the "the Little Baptist State of Rhode Island"?

Many Baptists came to Rhode Island to flee persecution. Baptists played a very large role in the establishment of Rhode Island and its system of government.

Why did Massachusetts frequently support imperial war efforts?

Many in that colony looked to conquer French Quebec

The first generation of women immigrants to the Chesapeake region...

Married relatively late, usually not until their mid-twenties

This man succeeded Jackson as president. He was elected in 1836.

Martin Van Buren

Toleration Act of 1649

Maryland's act that granted freedom of worship to anyone "professing to believe in Jesus Christ." This toleration did not extend to Jews, Muslims, atheists, or other non-Christians.

No colony did more to support imperial war efforts in North America than


results of Glorious Revolution

Massachusetts (also New York and Maryland) revolting, the dissolution of Dominion of New England, Sir Andros sent back to England

From Maya and Aztec writings and other cultural indications, we can conclude that

Maya and Aztec people lived in a complex political world complete with alliances with different groups.

Yale College was founded in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1701 as a

Means to guarantee a proper Calvinist education for ministers.

Weakness of the central government in the Articles

Meant that it could not address economic problems hurting most Americans.

In 1804 President Jefferson sent an expedition led by ________ and ________ to investigate the northern portion of land purchased from France.

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark

In 1804 President Jefferson sent an expedition led by _____________ to investigate the northern portion of land purchased from France.

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark.

In Spain's New World culture, the offspring of conquistadors and Indians were known as


Spain's new world culture, the offspring of conquistadores and Native Americans were known as


When the annexation of Texas by the United States was made public, this nation severed relations with the United States.


Francisco Vasquez de Coronado and his entourage traveled from

Mexico City to Zuni Pueblo to Kansas

President Polk's battle strategy misfired because

Mexico refused to trade land for peace.

Time that Africans spent aboard ship en route to enslavement in America was called

Middle passage.

In the 1790s, residents of western portions of the states generally

Mistrusted the new federal government to protect their interests and often disregarded federal policy.

Both the Native American and the French believed that-

Mixed marriages provided a foundation for trading and military alliances.

Generally speaking, after the American Revolution

Moderates advocated nationalism and radicals favored local control.

The American Revolution succeeded because

Moderates and radicals reversed previous attitudes toward class and political conflict and maintained an effective alliance

The American Revolution succeeded because

Moderates and radicals reversed previous attitudes toward class and political conflict and maintained an effective alliance.

How did New Englanders react to the fighting at Lexington and Concord?

More than 20,000 militia gathered in Boston to evict General Thomas Gage and his troops

Southern states mostly opposed Secretary Hamilton's plan to settle previous debts because

Most had paid their debts and did not want to pay debts of northern states as well.

In the 1763 Treaty of Paris that ended the French and Indian War, Britain acquired all the following EXCEPT

NOT French Canada

John Locke believed in

NOT both social equality and equality before the law NOT social equality

A group of leaders who accepted the concept that a strong national government was a protection against localism and fragmentation were known as

National Republicans. Correct

What was the most successful association of workers in the 1830s?

National Trades' Union

In view of economic woes under the Articles of Confederation, what group of commerce-minded political leaders advocated a strong central government?


Most of the increase in the slave population in America came from

Natural increase.

Parliament asserted its authority to regulate trade with and within its empire by several acts known collectively as

Navigation Acts.

Because of colonial opposition, the Stamp Tax was

Never enforced

Because of colonial opposition, the Stamp Tax was

Never enforced.

In the battle over the "tariff of Abomination"

New England backed higher tariffs while the South demanded lower duties

The success of the Plymouth colony demonstrated that...

New England could be inhabited by Europeans and that effective diplomatic relations with Indians were crucial

what did france call its north american territory?

New France

What was the only colony/state that permitted women to vote, if they met property qualifications, until 1807?

New Jersey

Why did colonists object to the Sugar Act even though the new law lowered an existing tax?

New procedures made sure it was collected.

What areas did the English, French, and Dutch explore?

North America.

The ___________ banned slavery from expanded in territory north of the Ohio River

Northwest Ordinance

The _________ banned slavery from expanding in territory north of the Ohio River.

Northwest Ordinance.

What did the Europeans want to find? Why? were they successful?

Northwest passage that would allow ships to sail from the Atlantic to the Pacific. No.

The border dispute between Mexico and Texas centered on whether the boundary was the

Nueces Rio Grande


Obscure sect of Scottish religious extremists urging the assassination of both King Charles II and James, Duke of York. They stood for a decentralized militia rather than a standing army and toleration of Protestant dissenters but not of Catholics.

On the whole, Great Plains Indians...

Obtained guns from the French and horses from the Spanish

On the whole, Great Plains Indians

Obtained guns from the French and horses from the Spanish.

Wampanoag chieftain Metacom, or King Philip,

Occupied land claimed by Massachusetts, Plymouth, and Rhode Island.

The vast majority of the southeastern Indian tribes were removed from their ancestral homelands to


What nickname reflected the character and reputation of Andrew Jackson?

Old Hickory

New Model Army

Oliver Cromwell's soldiers during the English Civil War. Defeated the Cavaliers at the Battle of Naseby.

the Mayflower arriving at the New World

On November 9, 1620, after 66 days at sea, the Mayflower finally reached the shores of North America. Having been blown off course by a storm, she landed far to the north of Virginia, outside the territory of the London Company, where the Pilgrims had permission to settle. With winter fast approaching, the Pilgrims decided to remain where they had landed. On November 11, they maneuvered the ship into Cape Cod harbor. After the Mayflower Compact was signed, they finally stepped ashore at a place they called New Plymouth (after Plymouth, England, from which they had sailed) on December 21, 1620.

What effect did the demand for slave labor in the westward expansion movement have on slave family life?

One in three children was separated from parents.

George Whitefield

One of the preachers of the great awakening; known for his talented voice inflection, known to bring many a person to their knees. Distrusted by many Anglican ministers.

By the end of the colonial period, what portion of the English merchant fleet had been built in America?


By the end of the colonial period, what portion of the English merchant fleet had been built in America?


Iroquois consisted of the following tribes:

Oneidas, Seneca, Cayuga, Onondagas, Mohawks

the backgrounds of the passengers on the Mayflower

Only 35 of the passengers aboard the Mayflower belonged to the Leyden congregation. The others were almost all non-Separatists, or "Strangers", as the Separatists called them. Most of the Strangers were Anglicans seeking better economic opportunities in the New World. However, the Separatists and Strangers were able to live and work together because both hared a great respect for the Bible and strongly believed in political and religious freedom.

Andrew Jackson's election in 1828 marked a turning point in American politics because he

Openly appealed to the common people by attacking the elite interests of the eastern cities

The death of the Shawnee leader Tecumseh marked the end of what?

Organized Indian resistance to white advances east of the Mississippi River.

Because Spain became a wealthy nation as a result of her New World colonies,

Other nations wanted colonies so they could become wealthy.

Because Spain became a wealthy nation due to her New World colonies

Other nations wanted colonies so they too could become wealthy

Most colonies established by European nations in the first half of the seventeenth century were

Outposts in the global economy.

King George's War (1744-1748) began

Over succession to the Austrian throne.

the evolution of the colony of New Jersey

Over the years, the colony of New Jersey changed hands several times. For a time, it was divided into East Jersey and West Jersey. Under the ownership of Quakers, it became a haven for these people to practice their religion undisturbed. In 1702, the proprietors gave up their rights to New Jersey, and it became a dependency under the authority of the governor of New York. New Jersey finally became a separate royal colony with its own governor in 1738.

The Panic of 1837 and subsequent depression were caused by

Over-speculation and Jackson's financial policies

How did Indians react to the American Revolution?

Overall, more Indians sided with England than with the rebels.

How did Native Americans react to the American Revolution?

Overall, more Native Americans sided with England than with the rebels

Anthony Johnson, an African who arrived in Virginia in 1621

Owned slaves

Anthony Johnson, an African who arrived in Virginia in 1621...

Owned slaves

Under slave codes prevailing in colonial America

Ownership was hereditary and passed from mother to child.

What significant change in British military policy occurred in 1763?

Parliament decided to maintain a large army even in peacetime.

Petition of Right, 1628

Parliament forced Charles I to sign this document that would grant basic legal rights in return for granting tax increases. The provisions included: only Parliament could levy taxes, gifts, loans, or contributions, no one could be imprisoned without due process, all had a right to habeas corpus, soldiers couldn't live in the homes of private citizens, and martial law couldn't be declared during peace time. Charles I disbanded Parliament after signing this.

How did Parliament respond to the Boston Tea Party in December 1773?

Parliament passed the Coercive Acts, which included closing the port of Boston and taking over the colony's governance.

Colonists objected to the Stamp Act because

Parliament passed the tax, not the colonists.

When Henry Hudson's voyage gave the Dutch a claim to the Hudson River valley area in 1609, what was he actually seeking?

Passage to the Pacific Ocean (fabled Northwest Passage)

The term "industrious revolution" refers to

People producing more so they would have more income to spend.

What is meant by the term "Benevolent Empire"?

People, as God's agents, should care for other people.

The result of the Puritans' attack on the Pequot village of Mystic on May 26, 1637, was...

Pequot men, women, and children were murdered by Puritans

The result of the Puritans' attack on the Pequot village of Mystic on May 26, 1637, was

Pequot men, women, and children were murdered by Puritans.

African slavery, because it was based on race, was...


Archbishop Laud

Persecuted Puritans. Charles I allowed his execution so Parliament would allow him to raise taxes to fund the war against Scotland.

What did Seth Luther mean by the term "middle class"?

Persons whose jobs required mental rather than physical labor.


Philadelphia, "the city of brotherly love," was what William Penn named the city he arrived in, along with a large number of other colonists in 1681. It became an important trading center and the largest city in the colonies.

Those who founded the Plymouth colony in 1620 were the only colonists who should be called


The bloodless, or Glorious, revolution in 1688

Placed Mary and William, both Protestants, on the throne.

Why were they called "our Pilgrim Fathers"?

Plymouth became a shining light for the principles of political and religious freedom that would eventually take root in America. The Pilgrims founded a successful society because they followed the biblical principles laid down for Christian citizens. They maintained the proper relationship to God, to civil authorities, and to their fellow people.

The Constitution did not include or anticipate

Political parties

Which of the following was NOT among political innovations that first appeared in the presidential campaign of 1836?

Political parties

Under President Jackson and his successors, the fundamental requirement for holding federal office was

Political support of the president and his party

What was the effect of colonial resistance to the Townshend taxes?

Politicization of ordinary men and women grew more intense with each incident.

When England discontinued providing gifts to Indians after the French and Indian War, the result was

Pontiac's Rebellion.

All major cities in colonial America were

Ports or centers for the fur trade.

An export shipment from New England in the middle of the eighteenth century would have most likely consisted of

Power is always dangerous and those who wield it must be watched carefully.

Sir Francis Drake is best known as a

Privateer who helped defeat the Spanish Armada.

In 1513 the Spanish Crown issued the Requerimiento, which...

Promised Indians who accepted Christianity and the authority of Spain that they would be left in peace

In 1513 the Spanish Crown issued the Requerimiento, which

Promised Indians who accepted Christianity and the authority of Spain that they would be left in peace.

The Articles of Confederation, as envisioned by John Dickinson,

Proposed a weak central government that could not lay taxes or regulate commerce between its constituent states.

Why was the first popular sovereignty vote in Kansas so one-sided in favor of slavery?

Proslavery advocates from Missouri cast fraudulent votes in the election.

What group dominated the government and economy of the Netherlands after 1648?

Prosperous merchants.

The First Amendment to the Constitution

Protected citizens against congressional interference with freedom of religion, speech, the press, or assembly.

William and Mary

Protestant Son- in- law and daughter of James II. Overthrew James II in the Glorious Revolution. Agreed to the Bill of Rights. Ruled England as joint sovereigns in a constitutional monarchy.


Protestant sect in England hoping to "purify" the Anglican church of Roman Catholic traces in practice and organization. Sailed to New England in hopes of religious freedom. They believed that God had already chosen who would be saved

The Dutch West Indies Company thought the primary value of the New Netherlands was to

Provide food for its more profitable colonies in Brazil and the Caribbean.

England's involvement in Ireland:

Provided England with an experienced generation of soldiers.

Mainstream Puritan theology differed from the Pilgrims in what ways.

Puritans were Calvinists and non-separatists, while Pilgrims were Calvinists and separatists.


Puritans who favored autonomous congregations free from other church government.


Puritans who withdrew from the Church of England and formed their own churches

What does the case of Mary Dyer in 1660 illustrate?

Quakers were willing to defy authority even at their own personal risk and expense

Queen Elizabeth I

Queen Elizabeth I reigned 1558-1603, during a time that the English people had access to the Bible in their own language as never before. Under her rule, England enjoyed stability and relative prosperity. Elizabeth's encouragement of foreign trade and exploration enriched England's economy and strengthened her claim in the New World.


Radical religious revolutionaries; sought social and political reformers- a more egalitarian society. Demanded that Parliament meet every year, members be paid so all common people could participate, and that all male heads of households be allowed to vote.

Who was considered the intellect leader of Transcendentalism?

Ralph Waldo Emerson

By the Petition of Right, passed in 1628, Parliament

Reaffirmed traditional rights about taxation, arrest, and quartering soldiers in private homes.

Which of the following was NOT among the severe problems that crippled Martin Van Buren's presidency?

Reformers' strong attacks against the spoils system of appointment to federal office

Hernán Cortés was aided greatly in his conquest of the Aztecs by the

Refusal of the Aztecs to fight.

Why were religious dissenters so frequently persecuted in late-sixteenth-century and early-seventeenth-century European nations like England?

Religion was a state matter

Most colonial men whose wives died

Remarried quickly to have someone to care for the household and children

who explored the Mississippi nine years later? he did he claim the Mississippi valley for? waht did he name the region?

Rene- Robert - dela. King Louis XIU of France. Louisiana.

Congress's Non-Intercourse Act, signed by President James Madison,

Reopened trade with all of Europe except England and France unless they stopped interfering with American shipping.

The Sedition Act targeted mainly

Republican newspaper editors who freely published criticism of the Adams administration.

According to republican thought,

Republics failed because citizens lost their virtue.

Rump Parliament

Result of the Pride's Purge. Had only 1/5 of the members of Parliament. Abolished the monarchy and the House of Lords.

Samuel de Champlain-

Retraced Cartier's route up the St. Lawrence river

The Great Awakening in the 1740s was a

Revival movement with an emotional appeal

The Great Awakening in the 1740s was a

Revival movement with an emotional appeal.

The "sewer of New England" refers to

Rhode Island, because so many religious dissenters gathered there

What rule of law was upheld in the case of Dartmouth v. Woodward (1819), a case concerning the charter of Dartmouth College?

Rights of contract.

Which factors played a role in English exploration and colonization in the New World.

Rivalry with Spain, conflicts with the Catholic Church, Enclosure Acts, desire by Stuarts to be an absolute monarchy.

where did a group land the following land? what hardships did they face?

Roanoke island off of the coast of North Carolina. They fought with the native americans and had trouble finding and growing food.

George Rapp's community of Harmony was taken over by

Robert Owen for a socialist experiment.

George Rapp's community of Harmony was taken over by:

Robert Owen for a socialist experiment.

How and why did Roger Williams found Rhode Island?

Roger Williams (1603?-1683) came to Massachusetts in 1631, not as a true Puritan but as a separate congregationalist. Williams disagree with the leaders of the Bay Colony on several matters. (1.) While the Puritans remained a part of the Church of England, Williams contended that they should complete separate themselves from it. (2.) He insisted that church officers should not interfere in civil matters and that civil officers should not attempt to enforce church policies. (3.) He criticized the Puritans for taking land that rightly belonged to the Indians. Roger Williams's reputation of integrity as a minister could not be questioned. Even his staunchest opponent, John Winthrop, called him a "godly minister." But because his preaching threatened the "city upon a hill," the General Court banished Williams from the colony in 1635. Williams spent the winter in the wilderness with friendly Indians; then, in the spring of 1636, he journeyed to the shores of Narragansett Bay, in what is now Rhode Island. There he founded a settlement he called Providence, from the "sense of God's merciful providence unto me in my distress." In 1644, Parliament issued a charter combining the four settlements in Rhode Island under one government, but Roger Williams wanted a charter that would specifically provide for separation of church and state. The Puritans who controlled Parliament refused to grant such a charter. Finally, in 1663, after the English Restoration, Charles II granted Williams a charter that provided for separation of church and state and guaranteed religious liberty to all.

"liberty of conscience"

Roger Williams' famous belief that the civil government didn't have the authority to regulate religious behavior and the church alone had responsibility for religious discipline, and no man should have to go to church

John Rolfe

Rolfe was one of the most famous Virginia settlers, who married the Native American princess Pocahontas, daughter of the powerful chieftain Powhatan. Rolfe taught the Virginia colonists how to grow tobacco, a crop used by the Native Americans.

Catharine Sedgwick's novel The Poor Rich Man and the Rich Poor Man

Romanticized urban poverty and suggested that "true wealth" lay within the reach of everyone.

Which of the following was not something Andrew Jackson had done as a young man?

Run for local office.

What was the most prevalent trend in internal migration in America in the 1830s and 1840s?

Rural people moving to cities.

The 1804 mission to investigate the northern portion of land purchased from France was completed successfully, partially because

Sacagawea, a Shoshone woman, served as guide and interpreter.

The Texas rebels won their independence with their victory in the Battle of

San Jacinto

Where were Santa Anna's forces defeated - ending the war:

San Jacinto

He dissolved the Mexican Congress and made himself dictator of Mexico in 1834.

Santa Anna

This man was the general who led Mexican forces against Texans during the Texas struggle for independence.

Santa Anna

What is the significance of April 21, 1836?

Santa Anna was defeated by Sam Houston's rebel army and forced to declare Texas a free nation.

The largest number of immigrants to the American colonies in the eighteenth century were


The largest number of immigrants to the American colonies in the eighteenth century were


James I

Scottish king who became the first Stuart king of England after the death of Elizabeth I. As a believer in divine right and advocate of absolutism, he alienated Parliament. He also tried to make the Anglican Church more Catholic in ritual, which angered the Puritan majority. Ruled England from 1603- 1625.

@About a month after the skirmishes at Lexington and Concord, delegates from all of the colonies met to discuss their course of action at the

Second Continental Congress

The Monroe Doctrine mostly reflects the thinking and influence of

Secretary of State John Quincy Adams.

The Monroe Doctrine mostly reflects the thinking and influence of

Secretary of State John Quincy Adams. Correct

New Englanders mostly profited from...

Selling timber, wood products, and fish

New Englanders mostly profited from

Selling timber, wood products, and fish.

Which Indian group opposed its removal to Indian Territory longest?


Where did women gather in 1848 to pass their Declaration of Sentiments, a kind of declaration of independence from male domination?

Seneca Falls, New York

Where did women gather in 1848 to pass their Declaration of Sentiments, a kind of declaration of independence from male domination?

Seneca Falls, New York.

Roger Williams advocated

Separation of church and state.

Roger Williams

Separatist who refused to worship with anyone who did not explicitly deny the Church of England. Founded Rhode Island with other towns that accepted religious liberty and the seperation of church and state that Williams' advocated.

Ponce de Leon was the first European that

Set foot on on the mainland of what was to be the United States (in Florida)

Ponce de León was the first European who

Set foot on the mainland that would become the United States.

How did Malinche contribute to Hernando Cortés's conquest of the Aztec empire?

She interpreted Spanish and Nahuatl languages so he could speak with native people.

Anne Hutchinson

She preached the idea that God communicated directly to individuals instead of through the church elders. She was forced to leave Massachusetts in 1637. Her followers founded the colony of New Hampshire in 1639.

Secretary Knox argued that Indian tribes

Should be regarded as foreign entities.

The slave code in Carolina was influenced most by

Similar regulations in Barbados.

Who founded Maine and how?

Sir Fernando Gorges founded Maine in the 1620s when he and Captain John Mason attempted to found settlements in northern New England under the auspices of the Council of New England. Maine met with little success, however, and for several years was merely a trading post in the wilderness. Then pioneers from Massachusetts Bay began to move into Maine for fertile land, and Massachusetts assumed control of the region. Maine would remain a part of Massachusetts until 1820, when it was made a separate state.

England decided to set up a permanent settlement in North America. Who recieved a charter to do this? Where did his first expedition land? What was the area named?

Sir Walter Raleigh, Virginia and North Carolina. Virginia.

What was the greatest impediment to the annexation of Texas to the United States


What was the primary platform of the Free Soil Party in the election of 1848?

Slavery should be barred from all territories.

Until about 1660, what was Carolina's most valuable commodity?


@At the Philadelphia convention, which of the following was the compromise reached on the issue of who counted as population for the purpose of deciding representation?

Slaves were counted under the three-fifths clause

Which of the following statement about John Smith is accurate?

Smith began his worldwide adventures as a mercenary fighting the Spanish in the Netherlands

Why did the incident known as the Boston Massacre occur on March 5, 1770?

Soldiers panicked when a mob formed and a scuffle broke out.

Working people in colonial cities

Sometimes resorted to mob action to assert their political views.

Migrants who settled on the Texas land granted to Stephen F. Austin by Mexico in the 1820s were

Southerners who brought cotton and slaves with them.

Under the Transcontinental Treaty,

Spain ceded Florida to the United States.

Under the Transcontinental Treaty

Spain ceded florida to the US

Why did Carolina's governor complain that slaves were "running dayly" to Florida?

Spaniards paid them wages and introduced them to Catholicism.

Which of the following was not one of the reasons for the Pueblo Revolt of 1680?

Spanish colonists were trying to sell Pueblo Indians into slavery.

What offered the greatest opportunity for profit and prosperity once the Revolutionary War ended?

Speculation in land and currency.

The Quakers, Baptists, and Methodists

Spoke out against slavery.


Squanto had visited England and learned to speak English there. Although many friendly Indians helped the Pilgrims after their first winter, Squanto played an especially large role in getting them back on their feet. Squanto served the pilgrims as a guide and interpreter, teaching them how to hunt, fish, and plant crops in the New England wilderness.

Where did the slave Charles Deslondes lead a massive slave uprising in 1811?

St. John Parish, Louisiana, with the intent of marching on New Orleans

@The Virginia Resolves, authored by Patrick Henry of Virginia, were a response to the

Stamp Act

Unlike the __________Act, the ______Act and the ________Act were both indirect taxes on trade goods arriving in American ports.

Stamp, Sugar, Townshend

the Scrooby congregation

Starting in 1606, Pastor John Robinson led an independent church of Separatists in Scrooby, England. When persecution became severe in England, the congregation decided to flee to Holland, where they could worship freely. In 1609, Pastor Robinson led a group of about 300 to the Dutch city of Leyden, where they enjoyed religious freedom and economic success. In 11 years, the Scrooby congregation increased to over 1,000. The Dutch people came to respect the Separatists for their honesty and diligence, but the Separatists resolved not to stay in Holland permanently.

With what event is the Donner Party associated?

Starving families in the Sierra Nevada mountains

England's first activity in the new world was-

Stealing wealth from Spain (sir Francis Drake, John Hockens, and Robert Dudley)

Which Anglo society first in Texas

Stephen f austin

Because the French and English found no gold or silver in areas they claimed in the New World, they...

Stole from the Spanish, who did find gold and silver

Because the French and English found no gold or silver in areas they claimed in the New World, they

Stole from the Spanish, who did find gold and silver.

What Democratic-Republican principle was violated by the Louisiana Purchase?

Strict Construction of the Constitution

What Democratic-Republican principle was violated by the Louisiana Purchase?

Strict construction of the Constitution.

@In 1764, in an effort to generate income for England, George Grenville initiated the

Sugar Act.

What connected Europeans of the seventeenth century to the island of Barbados?

Sugar grown on the island.

When the French Revolution began in 1789, most Americans

Supported the revolution, partly because France had helped the United States in its revolution against England.


Supporters of the king during the English Civil War. They were supporters of the Anglican Church and they were the majority of the old gentry (nobility); north and west.

The Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower were

Supposed to go to the Chesapeake area to help develop Virginia.

British troops sent to Boston in 1768 were

Supposed to maintain order and enforce customs regulations.

John Calvin

Swiss religious leader that elaborated Martin Luther's ideas and established Calvinism

Any newcomer to a colonial town was most likely learn the most about the place and its people by...

Talking to people at the taverns

Any newcomer to a colonial town was most likely learn the most about the place and its people by

Talking to people at the taverns.

Squanto, a Patuxet Indian...

Taught Pilgrims how to grow corn

According to republican ideals of the late eighteenth century, women and mothers were most important in

Teaching virtuous sons

What is the name given those people who were residing in Texas before Americans began to migrate there?


The Great Awakening

Tended to split church membership

Following the battle of San Jacinto

Texans made sam Houston their president and called for Texas to be annexed to the US

In the immediate aftermath of the successful Texas Revolution,

Texas petitioned to join the US but was refused admission

Why did Congress refuse to annex Texas into the Union?

Texas would come into the Union as a slave state.

Most English settlers believed

That Indians were incapable of conversion to the English way of life.

Charles II

The "Merry Monrach", he was placed back on the throne of England during the Restoration in 1660 and would rule until 1685. Although he agreed to terms of Parliament to gain the throne, he worked to disenfranchise Puritans and ease restrictions on Catholicism.

In 1673 French explorers traveled as far down the Mississippi River as

The Arkansas River.

Despite their motivation to get rid of the Spanish, Native Americans lost the battles to the Spanish because...

The Aztecs and other could not compete against advanced European technology

Despite their motivation to get rid of the Spanish, Native Americans lost the battles to the Spanish because

The Aztecs and others could not compete against advanced European technology.

Why did the Democratic-Republicans hesitate to challenge the Alien and Sedition Acts before the Supreme Court?

The Court was dominated by Federalist justices.

the Duke of York's government of New York

The Duke of York allowed the Dutch to continue living in New York undisturbed, but the colony experienced much political unrest because the duke would not allow representative government. When the Duke of York inherited the British throne and became King James II, New York became a royal colony (because its proprietor was king). After James II was deposed in the Glorious Revolution of 1688, William and Mary granted New York a representative assembly. New York remained a royal colony, however, until America's War for Independence.

What were proprietary colonies, and what was the problem with them?

The English founded several proprietary colonies, beginning with Maryland in 1632. These colonies were based on land grants made by the king to individual proprietors or owners. In a sense, these grants were an attempt to transfer the feudal system of Old England to the New World. Within certain limits, the proprietor could govern his colony as he pleased. However, in most proprietary colonies, there was a long struggle for power between the proprietary and the colonists. by the early 18th century, the proprietary colonies were about as democratic as the other colonies. Feudalism failed to take hold in America.

the General Court

The General Court was the Pilgrims' direct democratic legislative body which met periodically to pass laws, carry out provisions of the law, and judge cases and controversies arising under the law. For several years, the General Court consisted of all freemen. The first freemen were the 41 signers of the Mayflower Compact. Each year, the freemen admitted other qualified people to their ranks. To be a freeman, you had to be male, at least 21 years old, of good reputation, and a permanent settler. When, in 1639, the population growth made it impractical for all freemen to assemble in the General Court, Plymouth switched from a direct democracy to a representative democracy. Instead of attending the General Court personally, the freemen of each town elected "deputies" to represent them in the General Court.

The Beaver Wars erupted when

The Hurons cut off trade between the Iroquois and the French.

Samuel Slater and Eli Whitney pioneered what?

The Industrial Revolution.

Which event directly preceded the Boston Massacre?

The Liberty riot.

With which event is the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo associated?

The Mexican War

The Pequot War was the result of all of the following except...

The Narragansetts who first promised aid to the Pequots but were paid by the Puritans to remain neutral in the war

The Pequot War was the result of all of the following except

The Narragansetts who first promised aid to the Pequots but were paid by the Puritans to remain neutral in the war.

Totem poles were central to Native American communities in what region?

The Pacific Northwest.

the Pilgrims' first winter

The Pilgrims' first winter in the cold North was difficult. Food and shelter were inadequate and the settlers were plagued by illness. At one point, only seven of them were strong enough to care for the sick and bury the dead. By early spring, half of the settlers had died. Yet the Pilgrims remained determined, with God's help, to make a home in America. When the crew of the Mayflower set sail for England in April 1621, none of Plymouth's survivors were on board.

The Force Bill of 1833 provided that

The President could use the army and navy to collect federal tariff duties

three important political principles of the Puritans

The Puritans believed (1.) that government should be limited by the consent of the governed, (2.) that citizens should participate in government by choosing their leaders, and (3.) that government should protect private property.

How did Puritan civilization become known as "a city upon a hill"?

The Puritans who sailed to Massachusetts in 1630 had not yet experienced persecution for their religious beliefs; they only anticipate coming persecution. They left England for a more noble purpose than mere escape. They intended to build a society that would fully embody what they understood to be God's truth. They hoped to offer the world a complete example of Christian civilization. As the Puritans sailed to the New World, Governor Winthrop challenged his people with these now famous words: "...for we must consider that we should be as a City upon a hill, the eyes of all people [shall be] upon us."

By the end of the fifteenth century, Europeans had little accurate information about Africa because

The Sahara Desert was an obstacle to Europeans traveling south.

What provides evidence that sugar plantations required the greatest restocking of slaves?

The South's largest slave market was in New Orleans.

the voyage of the Speedwell and the Mayflower

The Speedwell was the ship that the Pilgrims hired to carry a small portion of the Leyden congregation from Holland to the New World. The others, including Pastor John Robinson, would remain in Holland until they could raise enough money to join their brethren. The Speedwell sailed to England first, where recruits secured by the Adventurers were waiting aboard the Mayflower. Twice the ships set sail for America, and both times the Speedwell sprang leaks, forcing the Pilgrims to return to port. Finally, they had to abandon the Speedwell. As many of its passengers as possible crowded aboard the Mayflower, and the rest stayed behind for a future passage. Finally, on September 6, 1620, the Mayflower set sail from Plymouth, England, for the New World, with, in addition to officers and crew, "about a hundred souls."

How did Congress attempt to eliminate this kind of confusion in future elections?

The Twelfth Amendment did away with the system of casting all votes for president and having the recipient of the second greatest number winning the vice presidency in favor of party tickets.

How did the election of 1800 change the U.S. Constitution?

The Twelfth Amendment established party tickets for the election of president and vice president.

What was proclaimed in the Monroe Doctrine?

The Western hemisphere was in the sphere of influence of the United States.

The Whig victory in the election of 1840 demonstrated that

The Whig party could duplicate the noisy campaign style and popular appeal of the Democrats

What was the result when President John Adams sent Elbridge Gerry, John Marshall, and Charles Pinckney to France in an attempt to resolve differences between the United States and France?

The XYZ Affair.

Why did the combination of corn and beans prove so crucial to the diet of early Americans?

The beans added amino acid to the corn, making the combination as nutritious as meat.

Thomas Hooker (1586?-1647) and how he founded Connecticut

The best known of the Connecticut pioneers, Thomas Hooker was a graduate of Cambridge University who came to Massachusetts during the "Great Migration" an assumed the pastorate of the Puritan church in Newtown (present-day Cambridge). A man of vision, Hooker wanted to lead his congregation to new territory along the Connecticut River, where they could enjoy more political freedom and take advantage of the rich, fertile soil. In 1635, the Massachusetts General Court grudgingly gave Hooker and other Massachusetts settlers permission to move to the frontier. Hooker joined other settlers in 1636 and founded Connecticut, where the towns of Hartford, Wethersfield, and Windsfor were soon established.

Which of the following clauses did the Continental Congress delete from the Declaration of Independence?

The claim that King George had forced African slaves on the colonists.

The Navigation Acts passed between 1651 and 1673 required all of the following EXCEPT that

The colonies export a greater value of goods to England than they imported

@What effect did the Seven Years War have on England national debt?

The debt had doubled since William Pitt took office.

How did the absolute monarchy issue result in emigration to America?

The drive for absolute authority led to a running conflict between the Crown and Parliament, prompting many freedom-loving Englishmen to emigrate to America. Later, when a Puritan Parliament had the upper hand under Oliver Cromwell, the tables were turned, and many supporters of the monarchy also fled to America.

What were joint-stock companies, and why were they formed?

The experiences of Sir Walter Raleigh and others had proven that a great deal of money would be needed to found a successful colony in the North American wilderness. Thus, groups of English businessmen began to organize joint-stock companies. In the joint-stock company, a forerunner of the modern corporation, several businessmen invested stock in a single company to support a colonizing venture.

What prompted 20,000 Massachusetts militia to assemble in Boston in the spring of 1775?

The expulsion of Governor Gage and eviction of redcoats.

The first clear evidence of enslavement of Africans in mainland English colonies is

The fact that Maryland's Assembly guaranteed rights to all Christians except slaves

The first clear evidence of enslavement of Africans in mainland English colonies is

The fact that Maryland's Assembly guaranteed rights to all Christians except slaves.

What did Treasury Secretary Hamilton want to do to handle debts owed by the Continental Congress and the Articles of Confederation?

The federal government should guarantee state and national debts.

House of Burgesses

The first elected legislative assembly in the New World established in the Colony of Virginia in 1619. It was a representative colony set up by England to make laws and levy taxes, but England could veto its legistlative acts.

Sugar Act

The first law ever passed by Parliament for raising tax revenues in the colonies for the crown

What was the political structure of early Connecticut?

The founders of Connecticut wanted more political freedom than they had enjoyed in Massachusetts. Although one did not have to be a member of the established church in order to vote, there still was no separation of church and state. Only freemen were allowed to vote, and the General Court only admitted orthodox Puritans as freemen. There was a broader base of political participation in Connecticut than in Massachusetts, but still only Puritans could live at peace within the colony.

What problem did the Half-Way Covenant try to address?

The growing number of Anglo-Indian marriages.

One political development that illustrated the new popular voice in politics was

The growth of the spoils system as a basis for large political "machines"

How can the American understanding of Manifest Destiny best be described?

The idea that this land was intended by Providence as the physical home of a unique national greatness for Americans.

One important result of President Jackson's destruction of the Bank of the U.S. was

The lack of a stable banking system to finance the era of rapid industrialization

How was New Jersey founded?

The land between the Hudson and Delaware rivers was originally part of New Netherland. When the Duke of York took possession of this Dutch colony in 1664, he gave this land to two noblemen, Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkeley, who called it "New Jersey," after the island of Jersey in the English Channel. To attract settlers, they offered land on easy terms and religious freedom. Many settlers came to New Jersey to enjoy this freedom, including many Baptists and Scottish Covenanters.

Iroquois Confederation

The league of five Indian tribes in the Northeast. Fought with the English in the French-Indian War and supported the Loyalists in the America Revolution.

What was the principal difference between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan for a new national government?

The method of selecting representatives to Congress.

Great Britain

The name of the new nation created by the Act of Union. Ultimately, it would include England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

Primary factors dictating how quickly English colonists adopted African slavery included

The need for plantation laborers and availability of slaves at a good price.

England's use of mercenary troops was

The norm rather than the exception.

Which of the following statements does not characterize American slavery and cotton agriculture between 1790 and 1830?

The number of slaves in Maryland almost doubled.

All of the following challenged the future of the United States except

The passage of the Judiciary Act of 1800.

Who were the Pilgrims?

The people of the Scrooby congregation who left all to build a new life in the North American wilderness and to evangelize the native inhabitants became known as Pilgrims.

When President George Washington appointed his first group of advisors, his selections reflected his circle of friends and what other influence?

The political clout of large states.

the Grand Model

The political system of Carolina, called the Grand Model, was the most ambitious attempt to establish a system of feudalism in the New World. It would have divided land and political power among settlers on the basis of an elaborate social order.

Why did Henry VIII make Protestantism the official religion of England?

The pope would not dissolve his son-less marriage with Catherine of Aragon

By 1830, American workers had seen

The results of wage dependency.

The religious revival meetings held at Cane Ridge, Kentucky, in 1801, are characterized by all of the following except

The revivals, although intense, did not have long-term effects on American religious thinking.

What accounted for the relative autonomy of slaves in the South Carolina low country?

The slaves' escape to the Sea Islands.

What innovation made the most dramatic difference to transportation in antebellum travel?

The steam engine.

How did the Glorious Revolution shape England's foreign affairs?

The successful completion of the revolution prompted England's leaders to ban any further westward expansion in the colonies.

How did the Constitution recognize and protect slavery in states in which it was established?

The three-fifths compromise provided for counting slaves for representation in Congress and in the Electoral College.

When control of New Netherlands transitioned from Holland to England

The transition was relatively quiet (peaceful) [in return the British gave Holland a spice island near Indonesia]

The Mississippi culture emerged after several of the below innovations.

The use of flint hoes

What was proclaimed in the Monroe Doctrine

The western hemisphere was in the sphere of influence of the US

"starving time"

The winter of 1609-1610 was called the "starving time." It occurred after an injury forced Captain John Smith to return to England and resulted in Jamestown again teetering on the brink of failure. Hungry settlers were forced to eat dogs, horses, and even rats and mice. Although several hundred colonists had joined the colony since 1607, only 60 remained alive by the spring of 1610. With the coming spring, the survivors prepared to abandon the colony and return to England. But just as they were leaving, several ships arrived from England with supplies and more settlers, so the colonists decided to stay.

How were loyalists treated after the American Revolution ended?

There was little retribution after the war.

How did the French learn to survive in New France?

They adapted to Indian customs and assisted Indian friends against their enemies.

Which of the following statements characterized the Federalists in 1800?

They advocated a strong centralized government.

Which of the following best describes the thoughts of British officers on colonial soldiers?

They almost unanimously condemned them for their lack of discipline and courage.

How did the major political parties handle the issue of slavery between the Missouri Compromise (1820) and the Mexican-American War (1846-1848)?

They avoided the issue if at all possible.

How did the Haitian Revolution of 1791-1804 affect white Americans?

They became fearful that the rebellion might spread to American shores.

What was the attitude of the leaders of Dutch colonialism with regard to Indian Territory?

They believed land must be purchased from the Native Americans before it could be settled.

How did France and England strengthen attempt to their grip on the Ohio territory?

They built as many forts as possible

How did France and England attempt to strengthen their grip on the Ohio territory?

They built as many forts as possible.

Despite their motive to get rid of the Spanish, Native Americans lost battles to the Spanish because

They could not compete with the European technology (especially steel weapons)

How did the attitude of the generation of revolutionary Americans toward the centralized power of the English government affect their new state constitutions?

They decided that state governments should allow the Congress to set policy on such matters such as land sales, taxes, and trade.

How did the Mexican government move to expand the northern region of its territory as a buffer against Indians?

They encouraged Americans to move there.

The Spaniards in the American southwest finally abandoned the region because

They found nothing of value to keep them there

How did ties between northern and southern economies interact in the first half of the nineteenth century?

They grew stronger.

Why did the Whigs run four candidates in the presidential election of 1836?

They hoped four regional candidates would keep Van Buren from winning the presidency.

How did the introduction of European goods contribute to the destruction of Indian cultures?

They made them dependent and caused them to abandon their own crafts.

What was Parliament's attitude following the repeal of the Stamp Tax?

They passed the Declaratory Act, which asserted Parliament's power and authority over the colonies.

In the mercantile system, colonies were useful to European countries because-

They provided raw materials and markets for manufactured goods

What circumstances led to an attack by the Cayuse Indians against the Oregon mission of Marcus and Narcissa Whitman?

They saw them at fault for all the white people moving in on their land and bringing disease.

How did farmers under the leadership of Daniel Shays hope to end the collection of debts?

They shut down the courts

How did farmers under the leadership of Daniel Shays hope to end the collection of debts?

They shut down the courts.

The American Anti-Slavery Society increased membership because

They traveled across the northern states speaking out about abolishing slavery.

What would Andrew Jackson admire about Harriet Noble, her husband, and Americans like them?

They were Americans who were willing to risk everything for new opportunities and freedom.

What was similar about King William's War and Queen Anne's War?

They were essentially struggles for power in Europe, both of which resulted in a stalemate.

In the Europeans eyes, North America was seen as an obstacle, why?

They were looking for a water route to Asia

How did some Americans react to changed in their country in the first two decades of the 19th century?

They withdrew into covenanted communities to prepare for the end of days.

Among the new political developments that appeared in the election of 1832 were

Third-party campaigning, national conventions, and party platforms

What contributed to this period of reform and conflict? Consider the roles of slave rebellions, women's rights, abolition of slavery, and labor in the reform context. What does this period of reflection say about Americans during the 1820s and 1830s?

This period is marked by political, industrial, economic, and social reform; the reforms generally being sparked by conflict, but sometimes it was the other way around. Slavery and slave rebellions were one of the main conflicts during this time period. The industrial and economic structure of the South (the mass production of cash crops, especially cotton) relied on slavery. As slave rebellions led to the abolition of slavery, America was ultimately forced to reform (or at least acknowledge) its political, economic and social problems (racism and sexism).


This was the return of the Stuart kings to the throne of England after the death of Cromwell in 1659. Charles II had to agree to terms with Parliament in order to be placed on the throne.

In 1651 __________ wrote Leviathan in an attempt to apply the scientific method to politics and create a "political science."

Thomas Hobbes

Opposition to Secretary Hamilton's fiscal proposals was led by

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.

By an Act of Toleration, settlement in Maryland was open to

Those who believed in Jesus Christ.

Why did France become involved in the American Revolution?

To break up the British Empire and reestablish France as the most powerful nation in the world.

What was the primary purpose of the American Bible Society?

To distribute Bibles in cities and frontier settlements.

What was Parliament's specific purpose in passing the Stamp Act?

To expand its authority over the postal department.

What was Washington's basic tactic during the Revolutionary War?

To lead the British on chases because he lacked sufficient soldiers to confront them

According to the author of Two Treatises of Government, what was the purpose of government?

To protect the lives, liberties, and fortunes of people who created it.

According to the philosophy Thomas Jefferson expressed in the Declaration of Independence, what was the primary responsibility of government?

To protect the natural rights of people.

Why did King James I grant charters to investors in Plymouth and London in 1606 to establish colonies in North America?

To provide income for merchants since peace with Spain had curtailed raids against that nation's ships.

On what mission did President Jefferson send Robert Livingston and James Monroe to France?

To purchase New Orleans and West Florida.

What was Parliament's purpose in legislation permitting the British East India Company to send tea directly to America?

To save the company from bankruptcy.

Under the theory of mercantilism, what was a nation's economic objective?

To secure as much of the world's wealth as possible

Why did General Thomas Gage order British troops to march to Concord in April 1775?

To seize military supplies stored there by colonial militia.

What was the primary purpose of Spain's colony of New Mexico?

To serve as an outpost of Spain's empire and protection for its northern border from France.

The chief cash crop among southern colonies was


What group believed in the power of the mind to achieve spiritual wholeness?


Spain ceded all of Florida to the United States when the US government agreed to assume claims of private American citizens against Spain in this treaty.

Transcontinental Treaty of 1819

When a member of an Iroquois clan was lost in battle, what would happen?

Tribesmen seized and killed a warrior of the offending clan

Indentured servitude provided a contractual (civil) solution to public problems (homelessness and need for labor in the New Word).


One central cause leading to Bacon's Rebellion was the emerging planter-class elites use of their political power to ensure their economic power, by limiting the amount of fertile land available for cultivation.


Thomas Hobbes was a British philosopher who wrote Leviathan.


What motivated Nat Turner to lead a slave uprising in Virginia in 1831?

Turner believed he was ordained by God to free the slaves.

The United States attempted to counter Britain's superior sea power by

Turning to private schooners and sloops that captured more than 1,300 British vessels.

King George's War

Two decades after Queen Anne's War, disputes over British trading rights in the Spanish colonies produced a conflict between England and Spain. This conflict soon grew into a greater, much larger European war. The English colonists in America were soon brought into this, and Boston sent a fleet to Haiti where they captured Ft. Louisbourg, but it was returned to France in the peace treaty.

Rhode Island's early government

Under Williams's leadership, Rhode Island became a haven of political and religious freedom. The colonists set up a representative system of government in which voters elected deputies (legislators), a governor, and his council assistants. There were no religious qualifications to vote or hold public office. To ensure that all voters would have a concern for the common good, it was required that they own property, but this requirement was no hindrance to political participation because virtually everyone could own land.

The Enlightenment was a belief that

Understanding and improving the universe could be achieved through the human mind.

problems in Massachusetts involving the connection of church and state

Unlike the early Pilgrims, the Massachusetts Puritans persistently held on to the idea of a close connection between church and state, which they thought was needed to maintain the purity of their religion. The Puritans feared that without church control of political affairs, the "city upon a hill" could not maintain its light in the world. The original charter of the Massachusetts Bay Company placed all power in the hands of an assembly known as the General Court, which consisted of the freemen of the colony. Only members of approved Puritan churches could be admitted as freemen. In 1636, it was declared that new churches could be established only be consent of the Puritan authorities. The Puritan churches in Massachusetts were Congregational, but each local body had to conform to specific standards and beliefs in order to remain in good standing. The Puritan ministers wielded great influence in the colony, for only those approved by the ministers could become church members, only church members could become freemen, and only freemen could vote and hold public office. The failure of the Puritans to clearly separate church and state eventually led to serious political and religious problems in Massachusetts. Within the churches, it often led to hypocrisy rather than purity; outside the churches, it led to discrimination and even persecution.

Textile mills operated by Francis Cabot Lowell drew on what group for its primary labor resource?

Unmarried women.

Queen Elizabeth I was

Unwilling to risk her treasure on North American adventures.

In the colonial period, Indian wars

Usually pitted one group of Europeans and their Indian allies against another group of Europeans and their allies.

What was Van Buren's response to Texas' application for statehood?

Van Buren did not submit the application to Congress.

Tenochtitlán, the Aztec capital, resembled what European city?


President Andrew Jackson revealed his deep hostility to eastern elites and moneyed interests by

Vetoing the bill to re-charter the Bank of the United States

James I granted a charter to two companies to explore and colonize the New World. What were their names and locations?

Virginia Company of London in Virginia and Plymouth Company of London in Maine.

@At the Constitutional Convention, the proposal to create a two-chamber legislature, with representation in both houses based on each state's population, was known as the

Virginia Plan.

How did Virginia become a royal colony?

Virginia never prospered as a business venture. Although the London Company reorganized under a new charter in 1609 and again in 1612, the stockholders were not able to regain their investment. By the time tobacco began to turn good profits in Virginia, the settlers had served their seven years and were no longer obligated to share profits with the colony. In 1624, the king revoked the charter of the London company, and Virginia became a royal colony, owned and controlled directly by the king and administered by his royal governors.

What impact did the economic opportunities in Pennsylvania and New York have on Virginia?

Virginians found themselves resorting increasingly to slavery.

The French and Indian War began when

Virginians led by George Washington attacked a French scouting party near the Forks of the Ohio.

What state was James Monroe from?



Wampanoag chieftain who signed a treaty with Pilgrims and celebrated first Thanksgiving

Nathaniel Bacon advocated

War against all Indians.

Why was the selection of George Washington presiding officer of the convention crucial to its success?

Washington was the most widely respected person in the nation, and his leadership gave the convention credibility.

Why was the selection of George Washington as presiding officer of the convention crucial to its success?

Washington was the mostly widely respected person in the nation, and his leadership gave the convention credibility.

William Penn's colony of Pennsylvania, founded in 1681,

Welcomed members of the Society of Friends, or Quakers.

Colonies that welcomed the widest variety of immigrants

Were the most prosperous

the Mason-Dixon line

When Charles II made the land grant for William Penn to found Sylvania in 1681, he was not careful to observe the boundaries of land already given away in the New World. This led to a longstanding land dispute between the Penn family and the family of Lord Baltimore. The dispute was resolved around 1756 when the Mason-Dixon line was surveyed.


When Missouri applied for statehood in 1819, the country was deep in dispute over the morality of slavery. Because the Constitution's three-fifths compromise, the tension between the antislavery (northern) states and the southern (proslavery) states had become heated given the moral argument but also the political power involved. The addition of Missouri could tip the balance and would give slave states domination in Congress and ultimately the presidency. In the House of Representatives, James Tallmadge proposed that Missouri be accepted on two conditions: no more slaves were to be brought into the state and slavery was to be gradually abolished. This was voted for and carried on to the Senate, where it was voted against and died. In 1820 when Maine applied for statehood (as a free state), the problem seemed be resolved as far as the imbalance in politics. However, once Missouri was accepted into the Union, they submitted a state constitution barring free blacks from the state. This was important because it foreshadowed later political (congressional) debates over slavery for years to come.

How was New Sweden founded? How did it become a part of New Netherland?

While the Dutch were busy colonizing New Netherland, the Swedes were settling in the Delaware area. In 1638, a small band of Swedish colonies sailed up the Delaware bay and built a fort near the mouth of the Delaware River and called it Fort Christina, in honor of the queen of Sweden. They called the settlement New Sweden and it was the first successful settlement in Delaware. New Sweden never grew large, however, ad in 1655, the Dutch seized the colony and made it part of New Netherland.

William Bradford

William Bradford was chosen to take John Carver's place as governor of the Pilgrims. A man known for wisdom, patience, and kindness, Bradford was highly respected by the residents of Plymouth and held the office of governor for over 30 years. Bradford wrote History of Plymouth Plantation, the first American history book. Plymouth grew and prospered under Governor Bradford's leadership, particularly because of an important decision he made in the spring of 1623. The Pilgrims' original charter had established a common-store system, similar to the early system that had failed at Jamestown. Even in Plymouth, where most of the people had a deep Christian commitment, the communal system promoted a lack of diligence and efficiency and threatened to destroy the colony in its infancy. To solve the problem, Governor Bradford divided the land among the colonists and made each family responsible for itself, establishing a free enterprise time. By the time of the fall harvest, the wisdom of this decision was evident. After Bradford instituted free enterprise in the colony, Plymouth began to prosper.

The 'Tippecanoe' in the Whigs 1840 campaign slogan was

William Harrison

He is the first president to die in office.

William Henry Harrison

The first president to die while still serving office

William Henry Harrison

How did William Penn found Pennsylvania?

William Penn (1644-1718) was a Quaker and the son of a wealthy and prestigious Englishman. Charles II owed Penn's father a large sum of money; when Penn's father died, Penn inherited the claim. He convinced the king to repay the debt with land grant in the New World. In 1681, Charles II granted him the land of Sylvania (forest land) which lay north of Maryland and west of the Delaware River. The king insisted that the land be called Pennsylvania, in honor of Penn's father.

the "Holy Experiment"

William Penn called his undertaking of Pennsylvania the "Holy Experiment." His main purpose for founding the colony was to create a haven for Quakers where they could practice their religion free of harassment. Penn resolved to make his experiment succeed.

William Tyndale (1492-1536)

William Tyndale translated the word of God into the English language and gave England the first printed English Bible in the 16th century. He was martyred for his religious activism.

How did most eastern middle-class Americans regard the western migration of many Americans?

With alarm, fearing the departure of ambitious citizens

Among the Iroquoi, political stuff was influenced by


What group provided the "backbone" of the Benevolent Empire?

Women volunteers.

Which of the following were England's North American colonies chronically short on?


This man served as a general during the Mexican War and later ran for the presidency.

Zachary Taylor

To meet the interest payments on the national debt under his consolidation ("assumption") plan, Alexander Hamilton convinced Congress to pass

a 25 percent excise tax on whiskey.

Dutch East India Company

a Dutch colony in the East Indies that maintained an enormous, profitable empire (practically a state - huge army)

who was Martin Luther? What were his criticisims of the Catholic Church?

a German priest, a publicy criticized Roman Catholic church. That it was too wealthy and that it abused its power.

John Adams

a Massachusetts politician who opposed the moderates' solution to the imperial crisis at the First Continental Congress

Crispus Attucks

a casualty of the Boston Massacre

Mercantilists believed that

a country's economic wealth could be measured by the amount of gold and silver in its treasury.

The Great Awakening resulted in all the following EXCEPT

a decline of religious diversity.

In general, what strategy characterized the Confederate military effort during the Civil War?

a defensive strategy, hoping to wear down the North

@The Seven Years War resulted from

a dispute between Indians, Virginians, Pennsylvanians, and the French over territory in the Ohio Valley.

The founding od the church of England during the reign of Henry VIII was related to

a dispute between the king and pope over a divorce

royal charter

a document signed by a monarch that gives an individual or group of individuals rights or power to an institution

By the end of the War for Independence,

a few thousand American regular troops were finally whipped into shape.


a group of Separatists (extreme Puritans) who migrated from England to Holland to America (Plymouth)

William Bradford

a highly-educated Pilgrim leader who feared that non-Puritans would settle in New England

what was the spanish armada? How many ships and sailors were in the armada?

a huge fleet of warships meant to end English plans. 130 ships and 27,000 sailors and soldiers.

The Virginia Company was the

a joint-stock company sponsoring the first successful English colony in North America.

@The Coercive Acts, passed by Parliament to punish Massachusetts, included

a law closing Boston harbor until the destroyed tea was paid for.

Andrew Jackson's veto of the recharter bill for the Bank of the United States was

a major expansion of presidential power

Samuel Adams

a pamphleteer who first organized committees to exchange ideas and information on resisting British policy

Hobbes contributions to the rise of the Enlightenment are:

a pessimistic view of man and a need for an all powerful government

Roger Williams

a popular Salem extreme Separatist minister who (contrary to the non-Separatist Puritans) wanted to break from the English church, challenged the legality of Bay Colony's charter, denied authority of MBC's government to regulate religion - eventually banished to England and later formed Rhode Island as a religiously-free colony

Mayflower Compact

a precedent for later constitutions signed by Pilgrim leaders that agreed to form a government and that majority rules in voting situations - step towards self-government

In a broad sense, America was:

a revolutionary force from the day of its discovery by Europeans.

King Phillip's War

a series of attacks by Wampanoag Indians on colonists that ended when Metacom was defeated and killed by English in 1676 after many successful raids

The founding of the Church of England during the reign of Henry VIII was related to

a sispute between the kind and the pope over a divorce

what did champlain discover in 1608? how did his explorations help France?

a small colony on the saint lawrence river. opened up small trading post.


a small group of devoted Puritans who vowed to break away from the English Church because they felt that only visible saints (people who could prove their worth to other Puritans) should be admitted to the church, rather than all of the king's subjects who were instead admitted - later known as Pilgrims

Who was John White? when did he and 150 colonists resettle Roanoke? Who was Virgina Dare?

a talented artist. in the spring of 1387. granddaughter.

What consequences did George Washington's defeat of British soldiers and mercenaries at Trenton, New Jersey, have on his army?

a thousand more recruits volunteered for service under Washington's command

In the early nineteenth century, the Anglo-American view of women was embodied in the legal concept of feme covert, which held that

a wife's civic or legal existence was completely subsumed by that of her husband.

malinche was the name of cortes ship a women who used her linguistic and cultural knowledge to help columbus moctezumas confident and advisor a women who used her linguistic and cultural knowledge to help cortes

a woman who used her linguistic and cultural knowledge to help cortes

Colonial protest against the Stamp Act took the form of

a. convening a colonial congress to request repeal of the act. b. a colonial boycott against British goods. c. violence in several colonial towns. d. wearing homemade woolen clothes. e. all of the above. E is correct, but you should know them all!

Actions taken by the colonists that helped them unite include

a. the Stamp Act Congress. b. nonimportation agreements. c. spinning bees. d. the making and wearing of homemade woolen goods. e. all of the above. E is correct, but you should know them all!

the first english colony at roanoke was abondoned by its founders following disagreement over religous issues abandoned by the british because it served no useful economic or military purpose crushed by a powerful indian alliance deserted when colonists mitinied against their govenor

abandoned by the british because it served no useful economic or military purpose

After the 1830s, the American reform movement focused on what issue?


In the 1820's and 1830's the public's attitude regarding political parties

accepted the sometimes wild pretentiousness of political life

one of the primary benefits to england of the new england colonies was access to timber for ship construction agricultural production, especially cotton and indigo having aplace to send puritan

access to timber for ship construction

the "elect"

according to Calvinist beliefs, the group of people who were chosen by God to have eternal salvation

At the time of Christopher Columbus's first voyage, most Europeans

acknowledged that the world was round but did not understand its dimensions.

Peter Minuit

acting agent of the Dutch West India Company who purchased Manhattan Island from the American Indians for trading goods worth about $24.00

One of the American Slavery Society's greatest internal problems involved

admission of women

One of the American Anti-Slavery Society's greatest internal problems involved

admission of women.

The First Continental Congress

adopted a moderate proposal for establishing a kind of home rule for the colonies under British direction.

New England towns were usually governed by

adult male property owners at a town meeting

new england towns were usually governed by adult male property owners at a town meeting officials appointed by the english government representatives elected by the people

adult male property owners at a town meeting

New England towns were usually governed by

adult male property owners at a town meeting.


adult males who were in Puritan congregations, later known as Congregational Church

The Quebec Act was especially unpopular in the American colonies because it did all of the following except

affect many colonies, not just Massachusetts.

@The Olive Branch Petition of July 1775

affirmed loyalty to the monarch, blamed Parliament for all the troubles, and asked that American colonial assemblies be recognized as individual parliaments.

Americans moved into Texas

after an agreement was concluded between the Mexican authorities and Stephen Austin

What did the Fugitive Slave Law of 1793 prohibit?

aid to an escaping slave

In the election of 1824,

all - no candidate claimed a majority in the Electoral College, Andrew Jackson had the highest popular vote and the highest electoral college vote, no candidate claimed a majority of the popular vote

Andrew Jackson

all - was an orphan raised in poverty, acquired political power, military hero

By the early 1800s, the Cherokees could be characterized as people

all of the above Correct

Compared to the army's removal plans, those of the Cherokees were

all of the above. Correct

Ratification of the new constitution was

all of the above.....supported by small states, dependent on the approval of all 9 states, and opposed by the larger and more powerful states of Massachusetts, New York, and Virginia

aside from location, the biggest difference between chesapeake bay and the new england colonys was disease were common only in the new england colonies colonies in both regions established themselves very quickly english colonists went to new england and french colonies went the chesapeake bay all of the english colonies in america except in new england were established to make money for the mother country

all of the english colonies in america except in new england were established to make money for the mother country

The gov't of Mexico and the Americans who settled in Mexican controlled Texas clashed over all of the following issues except

allegiance to Spain


also known as Pokanokets;

As the presidential election of 1800 played out in the House of Representatives, Federalist Alexander Hamilton supported Thomas Jefferson over Aaron Burr because

although Hamilton was no fan of Jefferson, he believed that the corrupt Burr would prove far more dangerous to the republic should he be elected president.

What campaign pledge helped John Hancock win election as governor of Massachusetts?

amnesty for those who protested foreclosures and debtor relief

mercantilism defined a nations wealth by the amount of gold and silver it possessed number of new world colonies it developed potential earnings it possessed volume of its exports

amount of gold and silver it possessed

Henry Hudson

an English explorer hired by the Dutch East India Company who claimed the Hudson River for the Netherlands

Henry Hudson

an English sea captain who explored the Hudson and Delaware river valleys for the Dutch East India Company in 1609


an English-speaking Wampanoag who aided Wampanoag-English cultural accommodation

William Penn

an Englishman who was attracted to Quakerism, created Pennsylvania in 1681 as a huge grant of cultivatable land from Charles II as a sanctuary for American Quakers searching for refuge

The French victory in the battle for Fort William Henry in 1757 resulted in

an Indian massacre of British captives, including women and children.

Portugal, the first European country that sent explorers to the Atlantic coast of Africa, was seeking ______

an all-water route to Asia.

What was a notable characteristic of Jamestown during its first decade

an appallingly high mortality rate

What was a notable characteristic of Jamestown during its first decade?

an appallingly high mortality rate

What was the most notable characteristic of Jamestown during its first decade?

an appallingly high mortality rate

What was the notable characteristic of Jamestown during its first decade?

an appallingly high mortality rate

what was a notable characteristic of jamestown during its first decade an appallingly high mortality rate good rapport with native americans industry demonstrated by settlers eager to make the colony successful instant prosperity

an appallingly high mortality rate

Columbus and other early explorers typically described the New World as

an earthly paradise.

John Winthrop

an educated settler who became the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony due to his belief that he had a "calling" from God to do so - citizens believed had a covenant with God

@Under the Articles of Confederation, the confederation government lacked

an executive and judicial branch as well as the power to levy taxes.

@The first shot at Lexington was fired by

an unknown person.

What was the driving force of colonial population growth during the first half of the eighteenth century?

an unquenchable thirst for labor

The Stamp Act became a liability for the government because it

angered printers, editors, and lawyers—groups with the ability to broadcast their displeasure.

What was proclaimed in the Monroe Doctrine?

any attempt on the part of any (European) nation to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere would be considered by the US as "dangerous to our peace and safety."

Migration to Oregon

appealed to men more than women.

infant mortality in the chesapeake region during the first century of english colonization was approximately one half of all children born noticeably higher among protestants than catholics one reason why women married so late in life remarkably rare, given the high death rate among adults

approximately one half of all children born

In their treatment of Native Americans, white Americans did all of the following except

argue that the Indians could not be assimilated into white society

Colonists in South Carolina wanted a colony founded south of its location

as a buffer between themselves and Spanish Florida

How had a majority of Americans come to regarding voting by the 1820s?

as an emblem of liberty, but only for whites Correct

The textile industry relied on southerners as producers of a necessary raw material and

as customers for finished products.

@The authors of The Federalist essays originally wrote them

as newspaper articles detailing the failures of the Articles of Confederation.

Why did President James Monroe authorize Andrew Jackson to lead U.S. troops into Spanish Florida?

as retaliation for Seminole raids that Spain did nothing to prohibit

How did Isabel decree that native Americans be regarded by her government

as vassals subject to the Crown of Spain.

Declaratory Act

asserted Parliament's absolute power over the colonies

@The Declaratory Act showed Britain's refusal to compromise on Parliament's power to tax because it

asserted Parliament's right to legislate for the colonies "in all cases whatsoever."

What enable George Washington's victory over Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown?

assistance from French soldiers and the French fleet

What enabled George Washington's victory over Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown?

assistance from French soldiers and the French fleet

The survival of the Plymouth colony was made possible by

assistance from friendly Indians

The survival of the Plymouth colony was made possible by

assistance from friendly Indians.

the surival of they plymouth colony was made possible by assistance from friendly native americans careful planning by company officials the leadership of miles standish and jonathon winthrop

assistance from friendly native americans

@In the final phases of the Revolutionary War, the British

attempted to recapture the southern colonies and place loyalists in power.

To increase the number of workers in Virginia, company officials

awarded 50 acres of land to those who came or brought another person to Virginia.

to increase the number of workers in Virginia, company officials awarded 50 acres of land to those who came or brought another person to virginia did not enforce strict immigration laws lowered income tax rates and increased the amount of deductible expenses provided new colonists free food for one year

awarded 50 acres of land to those who came or brought another person to virginia

To increase the number of workers in Virginia, company officials

awarded the 50 acres of land to those who came or brought another person to Virginia

The Wilmot Proviso would have

banned slavery from all territory acquired from Mexico.

As a result of the War of 1812, the Federalist Party

basically died as a political force, having opposed a war that most Americans chose to view as a nationalistic and patriotic victory over England.

The new two party political system that emerged in the 1830s and 1840s

became an important part of the nation's checks and balances

@General Gage planned a surprise attack on an ammunition storage site in Concord

because he was ordered to quell the dissenters before they became more organized.

Under mercantilist doctrine, the American colonies were expected to do all of the following except

become economically self-sufficient as soon as possible.

Slaves had many different assignments in America, but what made all of them "slaves"?

being defined, treated, and defended as property

The Swiss Protestant reformer John Calvin

believed God ordained who would be saved even before they were born

the swiss protestant reformer john calvin advocated a benevolent theology that offered salvation to everyone believed god ordained who would be saved even before they were born encourage henry VII to abandon the church of england nailed a copy of his disagreements with the pope on the door of the cathedral in geneva

believed god ordained who would be saved even before they were born

Enlightenment thinkers

believed in rational thinking and scoffed at superstition.

The New England colonies benefited from

better relations with Indians than Chesapeake colonists

the new england colonies benefited from absence of religious dissent better relations with native americans than chesapeake colonists more aid from the english governemtn prohibiting the introduction of slavery

better relations with native american than chesapeake colonists

When did the English kings try to establish an absolute monarchy (ruling by their own dictates, disregarding English law)?

between 1603 and 1649

Child mortality among slaves was

between 25 and 50 percent

where was New Netherland located? what company did the Dutch form?

between Delaware and Hudson rivers. 30 families to settle in New Netherlands.

Most Scots-Irish settled

between English settlers on the seaboard and Indian communities .

Most Scots-Irish settled

between English settlers on the seabored and Native American communities

A Model of Christian Charity

book written by John Winthrop (governor of MBC) explaining covenant theology - included famous quote "we shall build a city upon a hill"

@According to the British, the major purpose of the Tea Act of 1773 was to

boost sales for Britain's East India Company.

what did Peter Minuit do? what city did he found?

bought Manhattan islands from local native americans for about $24. New Amsterdam, today called New York City.

The Embargo Act of 1807 affected the United States by

bringing U.S. exporting to a standstill, increasing unemployment, and seriously reducing government revenues.

The increasing number of white settlers traveling west in wagon trains during the mid-1800s brought devastation to the Plains Indians because whites

brought with them alcohol and diseases like smallpox, measles, cholera, and scarlet fever.

@American opposition to the Stamp Act took the form of

burning an effigy of a stamp collector, breaking windows, and ransacking an official's home.

Women in early nineteenth-century Washington, D.C., played an important role in political circles

by influencing patronage, writing letters of recommendation, and shaping personal connections.

How did advocates of the Benevolent Empire attempt to perfect society?

by personal contact, testimony, and exhortation

How were children of the wealthy usually educated prior to the Civil War?

by private tutors

@Before the Constitution could go into effect, it had to be ratified

by ratifying conventions in nine of the thirteen states.

Since no candidate for president received a majority in the electoral college in 1828, how did the Constitution provide for the selection of the new president?

by the House of Representatives

@The New Jersey Plan proposed at the Constitutional Convention

called for a one-chamber legislature in which each state would have one vote.

The economy of colonial America was shaped by shortages of land and


What was the status of most slaves when Europeans traded for them in Africa?

captives of was

Members of the Oneida community

challenged sexual mores through the practice of complex marriage.

A series of sermons by the Reverend Lyman Beecher in 1825?

changed the debate on temperance from a health issue to a spiritual issue

@The Articles of Confederation were finally approved in 1781 when all the states agreed to surrender their

claims to western lands.

President Jefferson's policy of embargo did what?

closed American ports and ordered American vessels to remain in port

congregational church

collective term for Puritan churches

What were the Federalist Papers?

commentaries on the Constitution written during the struggle for ratification

What was the most significant American failure in negotiating the Peace of Paris, 1783, which ended the Revolutionary War?

commercial concessions allowing Americans to continue to sell products in England

What was the most significant American failure in negotiating the 1783 Treaty of Paris, which ended the Revolutionary War?

commercial concessions allowing Americans to continue to sell products in England.

which of the following statements about tenochtitlan is not correct the city boasted clean streets, markets, and a zoo compared to paris or venice, tenochtitlan was a small village tenochtitlans neighborhoods were organized according to the inhabitants wealth and status all sorts of goods and services could be found at the city market called tlatlolco

compared to paris or venice, tenochtitlan was a small village

One change in colonial policy by the British government that helped precipitate the American Revolution involved:

compelling the American colonists to shoulder some of the financial costs of the empire.

The Gold Rush created a social environment that was

competitive, violent, and unhealthy, but growing rapidly.

By the Proclamation of 1763, the British government hoped to

confine colonists to an area east of the Allegheny Mountains.

The Pequot War was the result of all of

conflicts between Europeans about who would govern the Connecticut River valley, conflicts among native Americans about who would trade with the Europeans, and the unregulated and aggressive expansion on to Pequot land by Puritan settlers

what happened between catholics and protestants in Europe?

conflicts took place throughout Europe, often leading to civil war.

The First Continental Congress was called in order to

consider ways of redressing colonial grievances.

A concept of British government known as __________ was composed of two elements—the rule of law and the principle of consent.


Tecumseh's most impressive achievement was probably his

construction of a pan-Indian confederacy.

Passage of the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act

convinced many colonists that the British were trying to take away their historic liberty.

what crop was cultivated by nearly every native american farming culture beans corn pepper tobacco


In the election of 1796, a procedural flaw resulted in the election of political rivals as president and vice president; this flaw was

corrected by passage of the Twelfth Amendment in 1804

What had become the most profitable product of the South by 1850?


Separatist communities withdrew from daily contact with the outside world to

create a more perfect society here on earth

By 1619, cultivation of tobacco

created an economic boom in Virginia

Anne Hutchinson was forced out of Massachusetts for

criticism of its clergy and the Puritan doctrine of "Preparation"

Anne Hutchinson was forced out of Massachusetts for

criticism of its clergy and the Puritan doctrine of "preparation"

anne hutchinson was forced out of massachussets for abandoning her husband and 12 children criticism of its clergy and the puritan doctrine of "preparation" advocacy of permitting non-testifiers to vote

criticism of its clergy and the puritan doctrine of preparation

@The Continental army enjoyed its first victory over the British on Christmas night in 1776, when the Americans

crossed the Delaware River to surprise the Hessians at Trenton.

Despite the economic boom for Virginia and Maryland produced by tobacco exports,

death rates remained high because of poor water supply and disease

To win the Civil War, the North had to

defeat the armies and occupy the territory of the Confederacy.

Adam Smith believed in all the following EXCEPT


@The First Continental Congress

denied Parliament's right to tax and legislate for the colonies but acknowledged its authority to regulate their trade.

The Quebec Act

denied Quebec a representative assembly.

Republican belief held that the stability of society and the authority of the government

depended upon the virtue of its citizenry.

In order to reduce the power of the Second National Bank before its charter expired, President Jackson

deposited all fed revenue into pet banks

In order to reduce the power of the Second National Bank before its charter expired, President Jackson

deposited all federal revenue in state or "pet banks."

In order to reduce the power of the Second National Bank before its charter expired, President Jackson

deposited all federal revenue in state or "pet banks." Correct

By late spring of 1776, most members of Congress

desired a declaration of independence or thought it inevitable

@During the Revolution, the Continental Congress and various states issued paper money, which resulted in

devaluation of the money and escalating prices.

In order to perpetuate Cherokee culture, Sequoyah

developed the Cherokee syllabary, or symbols of written language.

while the spanish were occupied expelling muslims, portugal was locked in a bloody civil war developing ship technology that enabled her sailors to explore the coast of africa developing the printing press protecting her overland trade routes to china

developing ship technology that enabled her sailors to epxplore the coast of africa

Moderate members of the Congress in the spring of 1776

did not favor independence but did agree to prepare for war

The free-labor ideal of the 1840s and 1850s

did not mesh with the economic inequalities of the times and led to a restless and mobile society.

@The Revenue Act of 1767

directed that some of the revenue generated from its application be used to pay the salaries of royal governors.

what were significant events that took place in Europe in the 1500's?

disagreements about religion threw Europe into turmoil. They eventually led to wars.

What was the consequence of the Continental army's offensive against British forces in southern Canada in the summer of 1775?

disaster--the army lost half its forces

What was the most significant cause of decline in the population of Native Americans after the arrival of white Europeans in their area?

diseases to which the natives had no immunity

A sharp decline in the Indian population followed the arrival of Europeans because

diseases were introduced in advertently by the Spanish

The most important factor in the sharp decline in the Indian population following the arrival of Europeans was

diseases were introduced inadvertently by the Spanish.

a sharp decline in the indian population followed the arrival of europeans because diseases were introduced inadvertently by the spanish food production could not support both native americans and europeans many moved away to avoid contact with europeans spanish soldiers killed so many trying to convert them to spanish culture

diseases were introduced inadvertently by the spanish

@Property qualifications for voters and candidates in the new states disfranchised 25 to 50 percent of all adult white males

disfranchised 25 to 50 percent of all adult white males

What was a noticeable trend among master craftsmen in America by the 1830s?

distribution of production to outworkers

How did planters keep their slaves busy all year?

diversifying crops

the treaty of todesillas divided the discovered world between spain and portugal created what we now call the international date line, which divides the globe gave pope alexander VI the authority to approve native baptisims gave portugal to spain

divided the discovered world between spain and portugal

Hydropathy, a popular fad of the antebellum period, involved:

drinking and bathing in mineral water.

Peter Stuyvesant

dubbed "Father Wooden Leg" by Indians - adept Dutch member of directors-general who led a small military expedition to Swedish colony on Delaware, resulting in Swedish colony being absorbed by New Netherland (Dutch resented Swedish intrusion)

The first signs of distinct rival U.S. political groups appeared

during Washington's second term.

Anne Hutchinson's most radical claim was:

each individual had the ability to interpret God's intention because of the inner light present in all of us.

The concept of virtual representation held that

each member of Parliament acted on behalf of the whole empire.

European culture:

each of these

@Under the Articles of Confederation,

each state had a single vote in Congress.

in chesapeake society women found themselves free from govt and fam contril women worked alongside men in the fields children contributed to the familys economic success each statement is correct

each statement is correct

the native people who lived in the more northern regions of the continent and along the coastline are hunters and gatherers fishermen famers in very isolated area each statement is correct

each statement is correct

town hall meetings

early staple of democracy - allowed all male property holders to vote and publicly discuss issues - majority rule voting

The free-labor ideal affected attitudes toward education in mid-nineteenth century America because

education offered another opportunity for Americans to achieve their potential through hard work and self-discipline.

the house of burgesses was the first act of religous toleration in english history elected representative government in the new world place where businessmen could buy and sell stocks in america puritan equivalent of the house of david

elected representative governemtn in the new world

The House of Burgesses was the first

elected representative government in the New World

The first Navigation Laws were designed to

eliminate Dutch shippers from the American carrying trade.

Puritans wanted to

eliminate aspects of Roman Catholicism from the Church of England

Puritans wanted to

eliminate aspects of Roman Catholicism from the church of England

puritans wanted to eliminated aspects of roman catholicism from the church of england increase the sale of wholesome foods and fabrics preserve the chastity marriage prevent the sale of selected item on sundaya

eliminate aspects of roman atholicism from the church of england

Under the Mexican government who ruled Texas?


In the 1796 presidential election, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

ended up being president and vice president.

what are sea dogs? Who was the most successful and daring?

english sailors who raided spanish treasure ship. Sir Francis Drake.

In contrast to Southern colonist, most New Englanders

enjoyed a comfortable, if modest, standard of living

In contrast to the Germans, Irish immigrants in the 1840s and 1850s often

entered at the bottom rung of the free-labor ladder as wage laborers or domestic servants

@When George Washington took control of the Continental army, he found

enthusiastic but undisciplined troops.

In addition to some miners, the gold rush in California benefited

entrepreneurs who supplied the miners.

John Rolfe's marriage to Powhatan's daughter Pocahontas

established an alliance that ended the First Anglo-Powhatan War

John Rolfe's marriage to Powhatan's daughter Pocahontas

established an alliance that ended the First Anglo-Powhatan War.


established in 1636 by a group of Boston Puritans led by Reverend Thomas Hooker who moved into the Connecticut River Valley area and founded Hartford - Hooker believed MBC gov't was too arbitrary and oppressive

Rhode Island

established in 1644 by Roger Williams as a religious haven - complete freedom of religion, manhood suffrage

The exploration of the Spanish and Indian territory west of the Mississippi River by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark was successful in

establishing good relations with many Indian tribes and collecting valuable information on the peoples, plants, animals, and geography of the region.

The rate of population growth of Africans in colonial society was

even more dramatic than that of European

The rate of population growth of Africans to colonial society was

even more dramatic than that of Europeans

"Virtual" representation meant that

every member of Parliament represented all British subjects.

Generally, rates of taxation on the colonies were low

except when wars had t be financed


expand into Spanish territory and markets in America

When American settlers moved westward, they usually

expected government to secure land for them and protect them from Indians

Because slaveholders shipped ever increasing cash crops to the North, they

expected northerners to accept slavery because of the wealth produced through the system.

Hernando de Soto led the expedition that

explored the southeastern part of the United States from Florida to Texas.

What helped tie the sections of the United States into a single national market?

extensive development in transportation and communication

On what did Georgians blame rising tension in their state between whites and Cherokees?

failure of the federal government to remove Native Americans from the state

On what did Georgians blame rising tension in their state between whites and Cherokees?

failure of the federal government to remove Native Americans from the state Correct

Which of the following were among the reasons why immigrants left their homelands for the United States in the 1840s and 1850s?

famine and deteriorating economic conditions in their mother countries, along with the opportunities in America for skilled artisans

@As chancellor of the exchequer in 1767, Charles Townshend

favored imposing taxes that would help pay off England's war debt and make the colonists pay the cost of maintaining British troops in America.

President James Monroe

favored nationalism although he was a Democratic Republican. Correct

"Varying Viewpoints" notes that the most influential view of the American Revolution currently holds that

fear of losing their liberty drove the colonists to war.

@The core of Antifederalists opposition to the Constitution centered on

fear that distant power might infringe on people's liberties.

Many Whigs in Britain hoped for an American victory in the War for Independence because they

feared that if George III triumphed, his rule at home might become tyrannical.

A contemporary newspaper dubbed the first term of President James Monroe the "Era of Good Feelings," a designation indicating that

feelings were that a one-party government would, of course, be harmonious.

How did the majority of slaves protest their condition without resorting to violence?

feigning illness or ignorance, carelessness, and a slow pace


feudal properties surrounding the Hudson river given to promoters of New Netherland who agreed to have 50 people settle on them - attracted diverse population

As a result of Parliament's rejection of the petitions of the Continental Congress,

fighting and bloodshed took place, and war began.

The Third Anglo-Powhatan War resulted in the

first Indian reservation in America


first Thanksgiving Autumn, 1621 - Pilgrims adopted Amerindians' traditional custom of giving thanks at the time of harvest, believing their survival was God's will (bountiful harvest after harsh winter)

@During the Revolutionary War, Indian tribes

first hoped to stay neutral, but many ended up fighting on the British side.

The Virginia Company was the

first successful colony in North America

In response to promises that had been made in order to obtain ratification of the Constitution, James Madison drew up the

first ten amendments to the Constitution, commonly called the Bill of Rights.

After the death of Joseph smith in 1844 most latter day saints

followed Bingham young to Utah

After the death of Joseph Smith in 1844, most Latter-Day Saints:

followed Brigham Young to Utah

Some northern states sought to protect former slaves within their territory by

following personal liberty laws.

ferdinand and isabel married in1485 forced defeated people in spain to convert to christianity or leave the country were timid rulers who tried to please everyone each statement is accurate

forced defeated people in spain to convert to christianity or leave the country

The growth of railroads in the 1850s

fostered iron production, coal production, and the telegraph industry.

African Americans during the Revolutionary War

fought for both the Americans and the British.

how did Minuit help the Swedish settlers?

found New Swedan.

Reverend Thomas Hooker

founded Connecticut in 1636 with a group of Boston Puritans

Massachusetts Bay Colony

founded in 1629 by English Puritans seeking refuge from Charles I & Archbishop Laud's persecution

Harvard College

founded in 1636 to train the Puritan clergy - first college in the colonies

@As manpower needs in the Continental army increased,

free blacks were welcomed into service in the northern states.

the hakluyt cousins argued that developing north american colonies would enable england to dominate the world gold market free itself of economic dependency on other nations move ahead of portugal in the slave trade resolve its problem with ireland

free itself of economic dependency on other nations

What did the Working Men's Association of New York seek as a way to break the grip of what it called the "aristocracy"?

free public education for all

who were Huguenots?

french protestants.

@In a new distinction between democracy and republicanism, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention

gave a direct voice to the people only in the House.

The Mexican-American War ended with the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which Mexico

gave up all claims to Texas above the Rio Grande and ceded the provinces of New Mexico and California to the United States.

Those known as Separatists

gave up on reforming the Church of England

those known as separatists agreed that the king should be granted a divorce from catherine of aragon so he could remarry beleived in arminian creed gave up on reforming the church of england

gave up on refroming the church of england

In colonial America, work was organized by


During the American Revolution, American women

generally supported and participated in protests and boycotts

During the American Revolution, American women

generally supported and participated in protests and boycotts.

@Dissenting colonists believed that the real goal of the Tea Act of 1773 was to

generate increased revenue to pay the salaries of royal governors and judges—a reminder of Parliament's taxation and legislative powers

Stamp Act

generated the most protest in the colonies.

In the eighteenth century, people on both sides of the Atlantic developed an interest in a lifestyle known as


why did White return to England? what prevented him from returning to the colony for three years? what did he find when he returned? where the colonies ever found?

get more supplies. war with spain. colony deserted. no.

The most successful method of keeping Native American groups pacified was

gifts of trade goods

In the late 1840s and early 1850s massive numbers of immigrants poured into California seeking


the columbian exchange refers to the process by which goods, germs, and ideas travel from the old world to the new world the environments in both the old and new world changed and that in turn changed the plants and animals good, germs and ideas travel from the new to the old world goods, germs, and ideas travel from the old world to the new world and the new world to the old world

goods, germs, and ideas travel from the old world to the new world and the new world to the old world

barolome de las casas and juan gines de sepulveda were lawyers representing columbus and king carlos V in a dispute over the exact value of columbus contract combatants debating the rights of native americans government officials debating the place of native american in spains newly developed tax code spanish diplomats who were charged with drafting a moral set of lows regulating native labor

government officials debating the place of native americans in spains newly developed tax code

The growing British Empire and its wars brought threats of

greater control over the colonies

What was the significant change in governments in America produced by the Revolution?

greater participation was exercised by more ordinary men

Social activity in colonial cities was

greatly stratified yet brought people of all classes together

Religious Society of Friends

group of religious dissenters later known as Quakers who arose in England in the 1600's

Most American Indian cultures

had developed elaborate trading relationships before the arrival of Europeans.

The basic intent of the two Alien Acts passed by Congress was to

harass French immigrants already in the United States and discourage others from coming.

In the new culture of self-improvement that characterized the 1830s, what did reformers believe was the key to individual success?

hard work, industriousness, and frugality

1629 (England)

harles I dismissed Parliament, ordered anti-Puritan persecutions (Archbishop William Laud), causing a group of non-Separatist Puritans who feared Charles I to form Massachusetts Bay Colony

puritan families valued diversities those who could testify to a filling experience few children so each child whould have more support harmany and order int the home

harmany and order in the home

How did Polk provoke a military incident between Mexico and the United States?

he advanced troops across the nueces river and this was part of the disputed land.

John Quincy Adams was a one-term president primarily because

he had not developed the political horse sense necessary to survive in America's rough-and-tumble world of electoral politics.

Washington was elected president unanimously and gained the admiration of many Americans primarily because

he seemed to personify the eighteenth-century ideal of the disinterested republican political leader.

What was Van Buren's public position on slavery?

he was not intending on changing the laws that were currently in place.

James Madison

helped write the US Constitution, worked on the Bill of Rights, and attended Princeton

What made Robert Shurtleff of Massachusetts an atypical member of the Continental Army?

his actual sex (He was a women disguised as a man)

What was the major factor in formulating Andrew Jackson's attitude toward Indians?

his participation in fights with Indians in the 1790s

Why did Andrew Jackson appeal to the growing majority of democratic Americans in the election in 1828?

his stance as an outsider and victim of Eastern elites

Why did Andrew Jackson appeal to the growing majority of democratic Americans in the election in 1828?

his stance as an outsider and victim of eastern elites

Why did Andrew Jackson appeal to the growing majority of democratic Americans in the election in 1828?

his stance as an outsider and victim of eastern elites Correct

Even though President John Quincy Adams was a wise man, his presidency is characterized by all of the following except

his wife's poor health which kept him from focusing on the nation's problems. Correct

What influenced European countries other than Portugal and Spain to become active in the New World

hope for wealth, glory, and power.

@Relationships between Americans and Indians during the Revolutionary War were increasingly characterized by

hostility and violent anti-Indian campaigns.

@The fundamental issue raised at the Constitutional Convention was

how to balance the conflicting interests of large and small states.

@Factors leading to the postwar depression that began in the mid-1780s included

huge state and federal war debts, private debt, and rapid expenditure.

When Christopher Columbus reached the New World in 1492, he found

hundreds of cultures with nearly 400 different languages

what was the boldest and most radical assertion of two treaties of government an issue of home rule and also who should rule at home identification of a right of revolution against a government that violated the civil rights of its citizens not taxation without representation seperataion of church and state

identification of a right of revolution against a government that violated the civil rights of its citizens

How did middle-class households usually earn their income?

in fees or commissions rather than wages

where did france build its first north american settlemet? when? what happened to the settlement.

in florida. 1564. spanish destroyed it.

German immigrants tended to settle

in the backcountry from Pennsylvania to the Carolinas

German immigrants tended to settle

in the backcountry from Pennsylvania to the Carolinas.

@Virginia's constitution was the first to

include a bill of rights.

@Writers of the new state constitutions believed that voting requirements should

include property ownership because property owners had independence of mind.

native populations declined because of all all of the following reasons except malnutrition disruption of normal native traditions declining birthrate increased life span

increased lifespan

@Shays's Rebellion of 1786 was the result of

increased taxes on farmers in Massachusetts.

english men and women from the lowest rank of society who agreed to work in exchange for passage money to the colonies were known as contract labor indentured servants undocumented workers wage slaves w

indenture servants

English men and women from the lowest ranks of society who agreed to work in exchange for passage money to the colonies were know as

indentured servants

English men and women from the lowest ranks of society who agreed to work in exchange for passage money to the colonies were known as

indentured servants

Perhaps 90 percent of those who migrated to the Chesapeake region in the 17th century came as

indentured servants

English men and women from the lowest ranks of society who agreed to work in exchange for passage money to the colonies were known as

indentured servants.

Iroquoian political decisions were dictatorial and controlled by the hunters in the group influenced by women because their work in agriculture was highly valued determined by theleague of five nations which was also called

influenced by women because their work in agriculture was highly valued

Anne Hutchinson

intelligent woman who challenged Puritan orthodoxy by arguing that a holy life was no sign of salvation and the truly saved don't need to obey laws (they have already been saved) - assertion known as antinomianism - high heresy

To exert authority over land occupied by the Cherokee nation, Georgia's legislature

invalidated the Cherokee constitution and proclaimed the Native Americans subject to the authority of the state.

what is inflation? why did countries such as England, France, and the Netherlands challenge Spanish power overseas?

is a rise in the price of goods. because of the defeat of Armada.

What agreement was made in the Webster Ash-burn treaty

it confirmed the boundary between the us and britian (rocky mountains)

South Carolinians call the Tariff of 1828 the "tariff of abominations" because

it drove the price of European goods beyond their ability to pay.

In 1830, Mexico outlawed the introduction of additional slaves in Texas because

it hoped to discourage any more American settlers from coming to the area.

what is true of the first africans who reached virginia in 1619 they were brought by spanish traders from cuba they were indentured servatns, not slaves it is not clear whether they were indentured severvant or slaves they sought some sanctuary from religous persecution

it is not clear whether they were indentured servant or slaves

What is true of the first Africans who reached Virginia in 1619

it is not clear whether they were indentured servants or slaves

The tax on tea was retained when the Townshend Acts were repealed beca

it kept alive the principle of parliamentary taxation.

What was the major consequence of the American victory over General John Burgoyne's army at Saratoga, New York?

it led to the alliance with France

What happened to currency printed by Congress and state governments in the 1770s and 1780s?

it lost its value due to lack of confidence that it would be redeemed in specie

When Thomas Jefferson referred to his successful bid for the presidency in 1800 as the "revolution of 1800," he meant that

it represented a thorough yet peaceful repudiation of the monarchical power of the Federalists.

Indentured servitude in the New World differed from indentured servitude in England because _________.

it was based on a credit system

The colonists took the Townshend Acts less seriously than the Stamp Act because

it was light and indirect.

Even as suffrage was extended to all white males,

it was withdrawn from free African Americans, even where permitted previously.

Even as suffrage was extended to all white males,

it was withdrawn from free African Americans, even where permitted previously. Correct

What was the South's GREATEST military advantage?

its defense of its own territory

Although settled two decades later, New England was able to keep pace with the Chesapeake colonies becaue

its people lived in a healthier region

Although settled two decades later, New England was able to keep pace with the Chesapeake colonies because

its people lived in a healthier region

To what did the term Whig refer when applied in Jacksons opponents

jackson ruled like a king

What was President Jackson's response to the bill that extended the charter of theSecond National Bank?

jackson vetoed the bill

@Treasonable acts, as defined by state laws in 1775 and 1776, included

joining the British army or supplying it with food or ammunition.

the ________ was a business form in england that encouraged the english to invest in founding colonies brokerage joint stock company partnership venture capital firm

joint stock company

The local committees of correspondence organized by Samuel Adams

kept opposition to the British alive, through exchange of propaganda.

According to Horace Mann, secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education, what barred the poor from prosperity?

lack of education

To encourage development of the New Netherlands, the Dutch offered patroons, which was/were

large plots of land along the Hudson River.

Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the first draft of the declaration of Independence,

late claimed that the document contained nothing new or innovative

Captain John Smith blamed starvation among early settlers in Virginia on

laziness and a preference for hunting riches to planting crops.

Reverend John Robinson

leader of the Pilgrims during their voyage from Holland to America

In his last weeks as president in 1801, John Adams appointed his famous "midnight judges" as a way to

leave as many Federalists as possible in government positions as political counterweights to the incoming Republican administration.

What policy regarding slavery did President Abraham Lincoln state in his first inaugural address?

leaving slavery alone in the South

The European demand for tobacco

led to the removal of INdians from their land and attracted both indentured servants and slaves to Virginia

The European demand for tobacco

led to the removal of Indians from their land and attracted both indentured servants and slaves to Virginia.

The Crusades contributed to European Exploration in all of the following ways, except:

led to the rise of oligarchic states

On what did most reform movements come to rely as the best method to achieve their goal by the 1840s?


Dutch West India Company

less profitable sister company of Dutch East Company located in the Caribbean who raided more than traded

When colonists shouted "No taxation without representation," they were rejecting Parliament's power to

levy revenue-raising taxes on the colonies.

. Abolitionists in the 1840s and 1850s made their issue more attractive to white Northerners by promoting

limitations on the geographic expansion of slavery.

Which of the following goods offered to the Indians under the Treaty of Greenville was the most detrimental to the tribes?


By the early 1800s the Cherokees could be characterizes as

lived in the s.e for centuries, well organized, ancestors life important to way of life

@The most visible and dedicated loyalists (also called Tories by their enemies) were

local judges, customs officers, wealthy merchants, and urban lawyers.

The French observer Alexis de Tocqueville observed that Americans:

loved to organize

A principal reason for the general increase in colonial population was the

lower age of marriage for women and more women marrying

Traders sought new trading opportunities primarily to have access to _____

luxuries such as sugar and spices demanded by the elite.

@After the Seven Years War, the Earl of Bute decided to keep several thousand British troops in America,

maintain the peace between the colonists and the Indians.

The admission of Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state

maintained balance beteween free and slve states

The admission of Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state

maintained the balance between free and slave senators.

What was the greatest challenge facing the Second Continental Congress when it met in Philadelphia?

maintaining consensus of purpose among the delegates

What was the greatest challenge facing the Second Continental when it met in Philadelphia?

maintaining consensus of purpose among the delegates

James Tallmadge Jr.'s amendments to the Missouri statehood bill of 1819 were controversial because their ultimate effect would have been to

make Missouri a free state.

What term suggest the belief of white Americans that by right own all of America

manifest destiny

U.S. involvement in the War of 1812 encouraged economic growth in the

manufacturing sector, because the embargo and trade stoppages meant that American factories received a temporary respite from competition with the British.

As the War for Independence began, the colonies had the advantage of

many outstanding civil and military leaders.

American cotton production underwent a real boom in the late 1790s because of

market conditions and the invention of the cotton gin.

The first generation of women immigrants to the Chesapeake region

married relatively late, usually not until their mid-twenties.

By 1860 women's rights advocates succeeded in achieving

married women's rights to their own wages and property.

Powhatan, leader of the Powhatan Algonquians in Virginia, expanded his power over other groups of Indians by

marrying women in different tribes

Increased prosperity in the colonies enabled

mass consumption of luxury items such as sugar and tea

Yale College was founded in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1701 as a

means to guarantee a proper Calvinist education for ministries

Weakness of the central government in the Articles

meant that it could not address economic problems hurting most Americans

Weakness of the central government under the Articles of Confederation

meant that it could not address economic problems hurting most Americans.

John Cotton

member of the Puritan clergy who emigrated to MBC to avoid persecution b/c of criticism of English church - devoted his learning to defending government's duty to enforce religious statutes

@Continental dollars were

merely paper backed by no precious metals.

Time that Africans sent aboard ship en route to enslavement in America was called

middle passage

Time that Africans spent aboard ship en route to enslavement in America was called

middle passage.

One way New Englanders differed from Chesapeake colonists is that they

migrated as families rather than as individuals

one new way englanders differed from chesapeake colonist is that they built more pernament shelters had a greater faith that god would help them migrated as families rather than as individuals mostly came from northern england rather than southern england

migrated as families rather than as individuals

One way New Englanders differed from Chesapeake colonists is that they

migrated as families rather than as individuals.

Roanoke, England's first colony in North America, was intended primarily as a

military base from which to raid Spanish ships.

The American Revolution succeeded because

moderated and radicals reversed previous attitudes toward class and political conflict and maintained an effective alliance

New Amsterdam

modern-day New York City run by aristocratic Dutch company only for stockholders - freedoms of religion, speech, or democracy were not in place - harsh leaders - anyone who opposed Dutch Reformed Church suspect, and Quakers abused

Acquiring horses made Plains indians

more effective buffalo hunters and more warlike.

How did he New Englanders react to the fighting at Lexington and Concord?

more than 20,000 militia gathered in Boston to evict General Thomas Gage and his troops

despite the economic boom for virginia and maryland produced by tobacco exports birthrates soared because families could support more children death rates remained high for infants and adults most colonist reject slavery on moral grounds morality was strictly enforced

most colonist rejected slavery on moral grounds

@In the quarter century after 1775, legislatures provided for the immediate or gradual abolition of slavery in

most northern states.


movement of pacifists who believed in an inner light and not in theology who flouted the authority of the Puritan clergy and were persecuted

Dominion of New England

much alike New England Confederation, but ruled from London, and including all of New England, including New York and West Jersey - purpose to embarrass Massachusetts, promote colonial defense in event of war w/Indians, French, Dutch, promote efficiency in administration of English Navigation Laws

The first English colony at Roanoke

mysteriously disappeared and the British government made no real effort to determine the fate of the missing colonists.

@The Constitution most clearly shifted the balance of power in favor of

national over state governments.

In view of economic woes under the Articles of Confederation, what group of commerce-minded political leaders advocated a strong central government?


In view of economic woes under the Articles of Confederation, what group of commerce-minded political leaders advocated a strong central government?


a major result of the beavers war was that france increased its influence in north america fur prices rose even higher holland lost control of the new netherlands to england native american were never able to replace population loss warfare

native american were never able to replace population loss to warfare

Most of the increase in the slave population in America came from

natural increase

In negotiating the Treaty of Fort Wayne in 1809, William Henry Harrison angered the Shawnee chief Tecumseh by

negotiating with several Native American chiefs who had no legitimate claims to the land they ceded to the U.S. government

What changes occurred in urban development by the 1830s?

neighborhoods stratified by class

the success of they plymouth colony demonstrated that new england could be be inhabitated by europeans and that effective diplomatic relations with native americans were crucial puritanisim worked better than anglicanism in north america the city on an hill concept helped attract colonists

new england could be be inhabitated by europeans and that effective diplomatic relations with native americans were crucial

What prediction did Governor DeWitt Clinton make regarding the Erie Canal

new york city would become the emporium of the world

Mercantilism represented:

newly emerging commercial economy

Although the United States was still rural in 1820,

non-farm labor was becoming more common.

The Boston Tea Party of 1773 was

not the only such protest to occur.

To what does the practice of "squatting" refer?

occupying public land without purchasing it

To what does the practice of "squatting" refer?

occupying public land without purchasing it Correct

@The British lost the Revolutionary War partly because

of America's alliance with France, which provided artillery and ammunition, fresh troops, and naval support.

Women were particularly drawn to Shakerism because

of a belief in the spiritual equality of women and men.

Women were particularly drawn to Shakerism because:

of a belief in the spiritual equality of women and men.

Mexico's northern borderlands were vulnerable to American expansionists partly because

of sparse populations and hostile Native Americans.

@In order to raise the necessary troops for the Continental army, the congress

offered a bonus for enlistment and land grants to those who committed for the war's duration.

@Well into the Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress was forced to procure supplies and labor and to pay soldiers by

offering land grant certificates and issuing certificates of debt.

The experience of the average indentured servant in the Chesapeake area was

often brutal, with too much work and too little food

@As a part of the Great Compromise, delegates at the Philadelphia convention agreed

on a lower house whose seats would be apportioned on the basis of population, and an upper house—the Senate—that would have two senators per state.

As noted in "Varying Viewpoints," historians since the 1960s have interpreted the Revolutionary struggle as

one in which economic concerns played a crucial role.

Cotton Mather

one of the most prominent clergymen in Massachusetts who supported the witch trials, continuing to weaken the prestige of the clergy

By the end of the colonial period, what portion of the English merchant fleet had been built in America?

one third

Regarding American independence,

only a select minority supported independence with selfless devotion.

Texans gained their independence from Mexico in 1836

only after fierce fighting and much bloodshed.

The American Party was founded early in the 1850s to

oppose continued admission of Catholic immigrants

Most colonies established by European nations in the first half of the seventeenth century were

outposts in the global economy.

As the War for Independence began, Britain had the advantage of

overwhelming national wealth and naval power.

Under slave codes prevailing in colonial America

ownership was hereditary and passed from mother to child

Henry Clay's American System was a

package of protective tariffs to promote manufacturing and federal expenditures for internal improvements.


part of the Christian bible taken from the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah that was used by preachers to scold parishioners into being more committed to their faith

@The Daughters of Liberty urged women to participate in public affairs and protest the Townshend duties by

participating in nonconsumption agreements.

What was the major factor in formulating Andrew Jackson's attitude toward Native Americans?

participation in fights with Native Americans in the 1790s

In the election of 1800,

party lines were drawn between Republicans and Federalists.

What effect did moral reform have on American political parties?

party organization became fragmented and weakened

when henry hudsons voyage gave the dutch a claim to the hudson river area in 1609, what was he actually seeking? beaver pelts fresh fruits for crewmen suffering with scurvy haven from a fierce hurricane passage to the pacific ocean

passage to the pacific ocean

The war with Great Britain declared by Congress in 1812 was

passed by a vote that was divided along sectional lines.

@Robert Morris proposed to increase the revenue of the confederation government by

passing a 5 percent import tax (called an impost).

White Southern society was ruled by

patriarchs who regarded slave property and land as their responsibility.

What motivated most northern men to serve in the Union army?

patriotism and preservation of the Union

The term "industrious revolution" refers to

people producing more so they would have more income to spend

visible saints

people who could prove their worth to other Puritans in order to be admitted to the Puritan church

@Women served in the Continental army by

performing domestic tasks and nursing the wounded.

salutary neglect

period of time where the Navigation Laws were weakly enforced by England

African slavery, because it was based on race, was


by an act of toleration, settlement in maryland was open to atheists and agnostics who denied the existence of a diety jews and muslims persons of any faith those who believed in jesus christ

person of any faith

What was Andrew Jackson's primary reason for appointments to federal offices?

personal loyalty to him

What did Seth Luther mean by the term "middle class"?

persons whose jobs required mental rather than physical labor

The delegates to the Second Continental Congress chose George Washington as commander in chief because

picking a southerner would show England that there was widespread commitment to war beyond New England.

The bloodless, or Glorious, revolution in 1688

placed Mary and William, both Protestants on the throne

@In 1767, Charles Townshend enacted the Revenue Act, which

placed new duties on imported items such as tea, glass, lead, paper, and painters' colors.

Under Spanish authority, an encomienda was a

plan to provide labor for land seized from Native Americans.

John Rolfe failed at producing a marketable crop of tobacco in VIrginia until he

planted seeds from the West Indies

What about Joseph Smith's teaching most offend others

plural marriage


policy used by Puritans - sought to create a perfect society based on God's laws - argued from moral standpoint (abolition of slavery, women's rights, education, prohibition, prison reform etc.)

John Quincy Adams could be best described as

possessing almost none of the arts of the politician

Mercantilism defined a nation's wealth by the

potential earnings it possessed through trade with colonies or nations

Republicanism represented a growing body of thought on the role of government that believed that

power is always dangerous and those who wield it must be watched carefully.

Protestant ethic

practiced by spiritually-intense New England Puritans; serious commitment to work and engagement in worldly pursuits

@In essay number 10 of The Federalist, James Madison maintained that the constitutional government would

prevent any one faction from subverting the freedom of other groups.

@The Proclamation of 1763 was meant to

prevent colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains.

Under the mercantilist system, the British government reserved the right to do all of the following regarding the American colonies except

prevent the colonies from developing militias.

what helped spread the ideas of the Reformation?

printed copies using movable type helped it.

When asked by the British government to supply money to support imperial wars, colonial assemblies usually

printed paper money as their contribution

who invented the movable type printing press?

printing press.

sir francis drake is best known as a founder of the first english colony of roanoke leader of the church of england during its separation from rome privateer who helped defeat the spanish armada religious leader who opposed the introduction of slave in the new world on moral ground

privateer who helped defeat the spanish armada

@Many women demonstrated their patriotism during the anti-British boycott by

producing homespun cloth.

@The Northwest Ordinance of 1787

prohibited slavery in the Northwest Territory.

In 1513 the Spanish Crown issued the Requerimiento, which

promised Indians who accepted Christianity and the authority of Spain that they would be left in peace.

@Following the battles of Lexington and Concord, Lord Dunmore, the royal governor of Virginia, issued a proclamation

promising freedom to defecting, able-bodied slaves who would fight for the British.

At the founding of the nation, suffrage was restricted by gender, race, and

property ownership

At the founding of the nation, suffrage was restricted by gender, race, and ___

property ownership

At the founding of the nation, suffrage was restricted by gender, race, and

property ownership. Correct

@When British troops under General Howe captured Philadelphia in September 1777, the British government

proposed a negotiated settlement that did not include American independence

The Articles of Confederation, as envisioned by John Dickinson,

proposed a weak central government that could not lay taxes or regulate commerce between its constituent states

The Articles of Confederation, as envisioned by John Dickinson

proposed a weak central government that could not lay taxes or regulate commerce between its constituent states.

Maryland was the first ____________ colony among the English settlements in North America


maryland was the first _____colony among the english settlements in north america charter ecclesiastical proprietary royal


The main purpose of the moderate tariff that Hamilton proposed in his Report on Manufactures was to

protect and foster domestic manufacturing.

What motivated most Confederate soldiers to serve in the army?

protecting their homes from Yankee invaders

The Stamp Act Congress, held in New York in 1765,

protested the "state of slavery" imposed by the Stamp Act and, by extension, the enslavement of blacks in the South.

what movement did his criticisms start? Where did the movement begin?

protestent Reformation. German towns.

in the mercantile system, colonies were useful to european countries because they absorbed products of other countries could be counted on for manpower in case of war had significant amounts of gold available in case of need provided raw materials and markets for manufactured goods

provided raw materials and markets for manufacture goods

In the mercantile system, colonies were useful to European countries because they

provided raw materials and markets for manufactured goods

In 1855, African American leaders saw their most notable success to date when

public schools were integrated in Massachusetts.

James II

r. 1685-1688. Inherited the throne from his brother Charles II. Sought to return England to Catholicism. Forced to abdicate his throne by William of Orange and Mary, his daughter.

@The initial goal of the Second Continental Congress was to

raise and supply an army and negotiate a reconciliation with England.

The British Parliament passed the Stamp Act to

raise money to support new military forces needed for colonial defense.

When Mexico refused the Polk administration's offer to buy Mexico's northern territories, the reaction of the United States was to

realize that it would take military force to achieve manifest destiny.

@The British strategy in the war in America was to

recapture the thirteen colonies in a divide-and-conquer approach, with loyalist help.

European indentured servants were known as _________.


@In devising their new constitutions, most states

reduced the powers of the governor.

Anglicization is seen as a cause of the American Revolution because:

refers to the increasing identification with England and an expectation that the colonists were to be treated like Englishmen.

@The British goal in fighting the war in America was to

regain colonial allegiance, not to destroy the colonies.

Tecumseh responded to the many challenges facing Native Americans in the early republic by

rejecting assimilation and proudly embracing Native American traditions.

What was the primary impetus behind the Massachusetts settlements


What was the primary impetus behind the Massachusetts settlements?


what was the primary impetus behind the massachusetts settlements blocking the french commerce getting rid of excess populatoin in england religion



religion established by John Calvin that was the primary staple of New England Puritans - Calvinists believe in predestination and that God is all-knowing

Archbishop Laud

religious Englishman who opposed any separation from the Anglican church - led Charles I's anti-Puritan persecution

When it came to the Revolution, it could be said that the American colonists were:

reluctant revolutionaries.

Most colonial men whose wives died

remarried quickly to have someone to care for the household and children

The Trail of Tears refers to

removal of the Cherokees from Georgia to Indian Territory.

The Trail of Tears refers to

removal of the cherokees from georgia to indian territory

Congress's Non-Intercourse Act, signed by President James Madison,

reopened trade with all of Europe except England and France unless they stopped interfering with American shipping.

@In response to the colonial reaction to the Stamp Act, the British government

repealed the act but reaffirmed parliamentary power by passing the Declaratory Act

@The Constitutional Convention deadlocked over the issue of


Europeans, Africans, and Native Americans

represented different races but had economic organizations sufficiently similar to make trade possible.

Who were the "cooperationists" during the secession crisis?

residents of the Upper South who agreed to remain in the Union if the US cooperated with remaining slave states

The British Crown's "royal veto" of colonial legislation

restrained colonies from printing paper currency.

When he proposed to divide Nebraska Territory into two territories, Stephen Douglas expected popular sovereignty to

result in one slave state and one free state.

The Great Awakening in the 1740s was a

revival movement with an emotional appeal

To what does the term "contraband" refer?

runaway slaves in Union custody

When Cherokee leaders appealed to President Jackson for help, he

said it was his duty to support the state in the exercise of its rights.

While Robert Morris's tax proposal didn't take effect and the Bank of North America did not resuscitate the economy in the 1780s, the confederation still had the potential to obtain wealth through

sale of the huge territory ceded by Virginia, which in 1784 became the national domain

@After the American victory at Saratoga, France allied with the Americans because it

saw an opportunity to defeat England, France's archrival.

The availability of new farmland west of the Appalachian Mountains reversed what prerevolutionary trend?

seeking employment in cities.

New Englanders mostly profited from

selling timber, wood products, and fish

Where did the women meet for their rights

seneca falls new york

The New England Immigrant Aid Company

sent settlers to Kansas to vote against slavery in the territory.

In the fall of 1797, in order to avert a war with France, President Adams

sent three men to negotiate peace with France.

Roger Williams advocated

separation of church and state

Williams advocated

separation of church and state

roger williams advocated equality of those who had been filled with the holy spirit and those who continued to wait for it sending coloniests who refused to work back to england separation of church and state

separation of church and state

ponce de leon was the first european who convinced aztecs to accept spanish authority so they could perserve their religion discovered gold in the new world sailed around the world in a coninuous voyage set foot on the mainland that would become the united states

set foot on the mainland that would become the united states

Ponce de León was the first European who

set foot on the mainland that would become the United States.

Plymouth Bay

settlement site of the Pilgrims

The average family in colonial America had

seven to eight children

The Missouri Compromise of 1820 was successful in the House of Representatives only because

seventeen northern congressmen voted with their southern colleagues in the interest of sectional political harmony.

Members of the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second spreading were better known as


Although they had separate governments, Virginia and Maryland

shared an agricultural economy based on the production of tobacco

how did spain feel about the defeat?

shocked them.

@John Adams, cousin of Samuel Adams, represented British captain Thomas Preston and his soldiers who were involved in the Boston Massacre to

show that the Boston leaders were defenders of British liberty and law.

@The American goal of capturing Montreal and Quebec early in the war

showed that the Americans were not just reacting to the British invasion of Massachusetts.

Protestant Reformation

signaled by Martin Luther in 1517 - a division of the Catholic church into Catholics and Protestants

A woman in the early republic who owned and conveyed property, made contracts, and initiated lawsuits was probably


In 1819, Missouri petitioned Congress to be admitted as a ____ state


In 1819, Missouri petitioned Congress to be admitted as a _____ state. Select on


In 1843, Henry Highland Garnet advocated

slaves rising in insurrection against their masters.

Between 1619, possibly when the first African slaves reached Virginia, and the elimination of the international slave trade in the United States in 1808, approximately how many Africans arrived?

slightly over 500,000

results of King Phillip's War

slowed English migrations to N. England, but drastically reduced Indian numbers and prevented them from being real threats thereafter

All of the following were weaknesses of the British military during the War for Independence except

soldiers who were incapable of fighting effectively.

Why does expansion become a national political controversy?

some thought that it was an attempt to expand slavery which had been an issue for years.

According to a British military officer present at the battle, what initiated the fighting at Lexington Bridge?

someone fired a shot from behind a tree

Working people in colonial cities

sometimes resorted to mob action to assert their political views

Metacom (known as King Phillip to English)

son of Massasoit who forged an inter-Indian alliance among all New England tribes in 1675 who launched a series of attacks on English villages

who were the early leaders in overseas exploration? What areas were their main focus?

spanish and the Portuguese. Central America, the Caribbean, and South America.

What offered the greatest opportunity for profit and prosperity once the Revolutionary War ended?

speculation in land and currency

what offered the greatest opportunity for profit and prosperity once the Revolutionary War ended?

speculation in land and currency

How did President Jefferson describe his administration?

splendid misery

Slaves were aware of the colonies' evolving political struggle with England; some slaves tried to promote their bid for freedom by

stashing away ammunition for a planned uprising.

The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions put forth the novel idea that

states have the right to judge the constitutionality of federal laws and can nullify laws that infringe on liberties as defined in the Bill of Rights.

John C. Calhoun's 'South Carolina Exposition' was an argument for

states' rights

What was the most consistent source of tension in Confederate government?

states' rights

Navigation Laws

statutes passed by England regulating American trade with only countries ruled by England - increased amounts of smuggling common in rebellious colonies

England's first activity in the New World was to

steal wealth from Spain.

During the 1840s and 1850s, U.S. factories were able to become more productive because

steam engines began to be used as an energy source.

1691 (America)

still small settlement of Plymouth merged with the much larger Massachusetts Bay Colony

Because the French and English could not find gold or silver in the areas they claimed in the new world, they-

stole from the Spanish, who did find gold and silver (they were known as privateers, aka pirates)

Because the French and English found no gold or silver in areas they claimed in the New World, they

stole from the Spanish, who did find gold and silver.

Critics opposed the federal government assuming the states' old Revolutionary War debt because

such action could subordinate the states to federal power

After silver and gold, _________ was the most important product of the New World.


the most profitable commodity produced on north american spanish plantations in 1500s was rice cotton sugar tobacco


Ratification of the new constitution was

supported by small states, dependent on the approval of nine states, was opposed by the larger and more powerful states of Massachusetts, New York, and Virginia

The Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower were

supposed to go to the CHesapeake area to help develop Virginia

The Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower were

supposed to go to the Chesapeake area to help develop Virgina

When Parliament passed the Tea Act, colonists

suspected that it was a trick to get them to violate their principle of "No taxation without representation."

Andrew Jackson's political philosophy was based on his

suspicion of the federal gov't

In 1800, Republicans could be described as

sympathetic to French republican ideals.

The Panic of 1837 was caused by all of the following except

taking the country off the gold standard

Slave rice cultivators commonly worked by the ________, which involved a specific assignment for a day's work.

task system

What was the largest and longest tenured reform proposal aimed at improving individual in society

temperance movement

What did the new government in America hope to gain besides independence?

territory between the Appalachians and the Mississippi River and, if possible, at least portion of Canada as well

What did the new government in American hope to gain besides independence?

territory between the Appalachians in the Mississippi River and, if possible, at lease a portion of Canada as well

Most English settlers believed

that Indians were incapable of conversion to the English way of life

As president, Andrew Jackson believed

that he spoke for the nation on all matters.

As president, Andrew Jackson believed

that he spoke for the nation on all matters. Correct

George Rapp, who also thought the Second Coming of Christ was imminent, believed

that members should amass material wealth to place at Christ's disposal.

To restore faith in the credit of the federal government, Hamilton proposed

that the federal government assume the unpaid war debts of the states

@The major objection to the Virginia Plan by the smaller states at the Constitutional Convention was

that the representation of the states in both houses of the congress would be based on population.

The idea of manifest destiny gained considerable support because of

the American people's strong desire for more land.


the Calvinist belief that God was all-knowing and knew beforehand who was going to heaven or hell

the two largest groups of dissenters

the Catholics and the Puritans

Anglican Church

the Church of England

@The most decisive factor in ending the Revolutionary War at Yorktown was

the French forces taking control of the Chesapeake, thus commanding the bay and the coasts of Virginia and North Carolina.

@After Cornwallis achieved the upper hand in Virginia, the picture changed dramatically because

the French gave military support to Washington.

According to Cherokee legend, the Appalachian Mountains, home to the Cherokee, were created when ________________________________.

the Great Buzzard flapped his wings and struck the earth

The Beaver Wars erupted when

the Hurons cut off trade between the Iroquois and the French.

Which of the following is the southernmost trail west followed by American migrants?

the Santa Fe trail

The most lasting effect of Marbury v. Madison (1803) was

the Supreme Court's claim to the right of judicial review.

In 1794, General Anthony Wayne's defeat of the Indians at Fallen Timbers resulted in

the Treaty of Greenville.

While Andrew Jackson's defeat of the British at New Orleans cemented his status as a military hero, what he did not know at the time was that

the War of 1812 had been over for two weeks.

By the mid-1830's a new "anti-Jackson" party had formed. What was the new party called?

the Whigs

The dominant issue in the 1844 presidential election campaigns was

the annexation of Texas.

The "radical whigs" feared

the arbitrary power of the monarchy.

despite their motivation to get rid of the spanish, native americans lost the battles to the spanish because the aztecs and others had horses but no guns the aztecs and others could compete against advanced european technology they were occupied most of the time trying to take spanish soldiers as prisoners of war the spanish outnumbered the native warriors

the aztecs and others could not compete against advanded european technology

What did the term "immediatism" mean to abolitionists such as William Lloyd Garrison?

the beginning of the process that would lead to the end of slavery

Who served as unofficial campaign managers for the five candidates running for the presidency in 1824?

the candidates' wives

Most free Americans believed that the success of the republic depended on

the character of its citizens.

@A shared feature of all the state constitutions drawn up during the American Revolution was

the conviction that government rests on the consent of the governed.

What about Joseph Smith's teachings most offended others?

the doctrine of plural marriage

The first clear evidence of enslavement of Africans in mainland English colonies is

the fact that Maryland's Assembly guaranteed rights to all Christians except slaves

Virginia Dare

the first English child born in the present-day United States, to whom John White's daughter gave birth at Roanoke

St. Mary's

the first settlement in Maryland, along the shores of Chesapeake Bay

The Virginia colony was

the first successful English colony in North America

who was Peter Stuyvesant? what did he do?

the governor of New Netherland. conquered New Swedan in 1655.

the beavers wars erupted when algonquians violated sacred ground claimed by powhatans demand for fur in europe increased fur pelt yield dwindled because of over trapping the hurons cut off trade between the iroquois and the french

the huron cut off trade between the iroquois and the french

@Revisions to the Declaration of Independence included those made by GA and SC, which removed

the issue of slavery

Revisions to the Declaration of Independence included those made by Georgia and South Carolina, which removed

the issue of slavery.

@By the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1783,

the king acknowledged that the United States were "free Sovereign and independent States."

@One of the main obstacles the British army faced in the Revolutionary War was

the logistics of supplying an army with food and supplies across three thousand miles of water.

The philosophy of self-culture brought what social movement to prominence?

the lyceum movement, which featured lectures on various subjects

@George Grenville claimed that Americans had "virtual representation" because

the members of the House of Commons represented all British subjects, wherever they were.

At the Constitutional Convention, what was the principal difference between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan for a new national government?

the method of selecting representatives to Congress

What was the principal difference between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan for a new national government

the method of selecting representatives to Congress

What was the principal difference between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan for a new national government?

the method of selecting representatives to Congress

One of the factors that fueled economic growth in the United States during the mid-1800s was

the movement of Americans from farms to cities, where they found jobs working in factories.

Each of the following statements characterizes the culture of self-improvement except:

the movement was particularly popular among members of the upper class.

Pennsylvania Dutch

the name for Pennsylvania's German settlers, because the English were not careful in their pronunciation of "Deutsch"

Primary factors dictating how quickly English colonists adopted African slavery included

the need for plantation laborers and availability of slaves at a good price

primary factors dictating how quickly english colonists adopted african slavery included geography, as only southern colonists owned slaves, and how long the colony had been in existence government policy and the attitude of the clergy the need for plantation laborers and availabilty of slaves at a good price the size of families and distance from slave markets

the need for plantation laborers and availabilty of slaves ata good price

the adoption of slave labor in the english colonies was determined by the number of convicts available in the region the need for plantation laborers and the availabilty of african slaves at a good price the results of wars fought by the british in africa no statement is accurate

the need for plantation laborers and the availabity of african slaves at a good price


the political policy practiced by England that the colonies existed for the benefit of the mother country: wealth, prosperity, self-sufficiency

@The major legacy of Shays's Rebellion was

the realization that the Articles of Confederation were inadequate and thus a reworking of national government was needed.

The population increased greatly in Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois between 1830 and 1860 because

the relatively treeless setting and rich soil made conditions favorable to farming.

What type of individual typified the "New Middle Class"?

the self-made man


the ship that the Pilgrims took from Holland to America


the teaching that Christians are under no obligation to obey the laws of ethics or morality - belief in which is high heresy in Colonial court

What was the largest and longest-tenured reform proposal aimed at improving individuals in society?

the temperance movement

@Most of the new states spelled out their citizens rights and liberties in written contracts because

the unwritten nature of British political traditions led to Americans being denied liberties they had assumed they possessed.

The colonists faced all of the following weaknesses in the War for Independence except

the use of numerous European officers.

The American colonial exponents of republicanism argued that a just society depends on

the willingness of all citizens to subordinate their private interests to the common good.

What most distinguished Irish immigrants from general society

their catholic religion

@Antifederalists were united mainly by

their desire to block the Constitution.

Spanish Authorities allowed Moses Austin to settle in Texas because

they believed that Austin and his settlers might be able to civilize the territory

Despite the benefits of the mercantile system, the American colonists disliked it because

they found it debasing.

why did he french settlers ally with the Native Americans?

they had a small population.

what was the result?

they learned the language and there ways.

In some ways, the Navigation Laws were a burden to certain colonists because

they stifled economic initiative.

@Some states were reluctant to include "equality language" in their bills of rights and constitutions because

they were afraid the words could be construed to apply to slaves.

By the Act if Toleration, settlement in Maryland was open to

those who believed in Jesus Christ

By an Act of Toleration, settlement in Maryland was open to

those who believed in Jesus Christ.


those who opposed the Church of England

When hostilities began between Union and Confederate forces in April 1861, most Americans

thought the war would last only a few months.

X, Y, and Z were the code names for

three unnamed French agents sent by Talleyrand to meet with American commissioners.

The presidential election of 1824 was notable because it was the last

to be decided in the House of Representatives.

Why did France become involved in the American Revolution?

to break up the British Empire and reestablish France as the most powerful nation in the world

Why did France become involved in the American Revolution?

to break up the British Empire and reestablish France as the most powerful nation in the world.

What was the primary purpose of the American Bible Society?

to distribute Bibles in cities and frontier settlements

what was the ninety five theses? where did Luther post them?

to door of a church in Writtenberg, Germany.

When Christopher Columbus sailed westward seeking Asia, his goal was

to find new lands for Spain to conquer and exploit.

What was Washington's basic tactic during the Revolutionary War?

to lead the British could never defeat all of it at the same time

What was Washington's basic tactic during the Revolutionary War?

to lead the British on chases because he lacked sufficient soldiers to confront them

President Polk directed the war with Mexico personally; his strategy to win the war was

to occupy Mexico's northern provinces and win a couple of major battles, after which Mexico would sue for peace.

Why did Congress submit the Olive Branch Petition to King George?

to preserve unity with the moderates

according to the author of two treaties of government, what was the purpose of government to ensure domestic tranquility to maintain a favorable balance of trade with other nations to protect the lives, liberties, and fortunes of people who created it to provide security from foreign foes

to protect the lives, liberties, and fortunes of people who created it

According to the philosophy Thomas Jefferson expressed in the Declaration of Independence, what was the primary responsibility of government?

to protect the natural rights of people

Why did King James I grant charters to investors in Plymouth and London in 1606 to establish colonies in North America?

to provide income for merchants since peace with Spain had curtailed raids against that nation's ships

What was England's strategy in the fist part of the American Revolution.

to punish and isolate Boston because England believed resistance to English policy was centered in New England

What was England's strategy in the first part of the American Revolution?

to punish and isolate Boston because England believed resistance to English policy was centered in New England.

On what mission did President Jefferson send Robert Livingston and James Monroe to France?

to purchase New Orleans and West Florida

Under the theory of mercantilism, what was a nation's economic objective?

to secure as much of the world's wealth as possible

under the theory of mercantilism, what was a nations economic objective? to keep employment rates high to keep government influence in business affairs at a minimum to maintain a balance between interest rates and investments to secure as much of the worlds wealth as possible

to secure as much of the worlds wealth as possible

Why did General Thomas Gage order British troops to march to Concord in April 1775?

to seize military supplies store there by colonial militia

Why did General Thomas Gage order British troops to march to Concord in April 1775?

to seize military supplies stored there by colonial militia

For what purpose did the Rev. Ezra Stiles Ely establish the Society for Supporting the Gospel?

to work with indigents in urban shelters

The chief cash crop among southern colonies was


between 1455 and 1485, england was content to stay out of the argument between protestants and catholics torn by dynastic struggle known as the war of the roses under seige by the spanish undergoing the enclosure movement

torn by a dynastic struggle known as the war of the roses

Fort Orange

trading settlement in New Netherland at the location of present-day Albany


trading settlement in New Netherland at the location of present-day New York City

In the mourning wars among Iroquois, when a member of a clan was lost in battle, his

tribesmen killed or seized a warrior of the offending clan.

The Female Moral Reform Society

tried to reclaim women from prostitution

"First American Revolution"

triggered by Glorious Revolution - rebellion from NE to Carolinas - Dominion of New England collapsed, Andros fled, salutary neglect

@The American strategy in the war with Britain was to

turn back the British and defeat their invading armies.

What were some of the factors leading to Bacon's Rebellion?

unanswered demand for land, indentured expected to gain land once their servitude ended, low wages for former indentured servants.

The Enlightenment was a belief that

understanding and improving the universe could be achieved through the human mind

The Enlightenment was a belief that

understanding and improving the universe could be achieved through the human mind.

The founding of the American colonies by the British was

undertaken in a haphazard manner.

What MOST spurred economic growth in the North in the 1850s?

urbanization and industrialization

in the late 1500's what did king Philip II of Spain do? What did he want to do with the Protestants in England? Who was standing in his way?

used spain's great wealth to lead a Catholic Reformation against the protestants movement. drive them out of England. Queen Elizabeth and her sea dogs.

When Indians sold land to New England settlers, they

usually thought they were only giving permission to share the land

Behind the scenes, Harriet Tubman and other free blacks helped fugitive slaves escape from the South

via the underground railroad.

Most colonists in Virginia who did not survive were

victims of malnutrition and disease

According to Thomas Jefferson, the source of true freedom in America was the

virtuous, independent farmer who owned and worked his land both for himself and for the market.

Why did Joseph Smith found the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

visited by angel moroni who told him gods intentions for the latter days of creation

Nathaniel Bacon advocated

war against all Indians

nathaniel bacon advocated an end to the mercantile system campaighns against the susquehannocks but not the powhattan native americans equality of opportunity for europeans, africans and native americans in america war against all native americans

war against all native americans

Rash young congressmen such as Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun, who urged Madison to assume a more belligerent policy, were called what?

war hawks

@The battle of Bunker Hill

was a costly victory for the British.

In terms of his views on federal authority versus states' rights, Jackson

was a nationalist on some issues and a states'-rights advocate on others. Correct

The Whiskey Rebellion

was a protest by grain farmers against the excise tax on whiskey.

@An important difference between the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act was that the latter

was an internal tax that few colonists could escape.

Advanced education at the college level in the antebellum period

was available only for males

Advanced education at the college in the antebellum society

was available only for men

While in existence, the second Bank of the United States

was the depository of the funds of the national gov't

John Winthrop ________.

was the first Governor of Massachusetts.

In the first half of the 17th century, Chesapeake society was shaped by

weak government, market for tobacco, availability of land, and shortage of labor

In the first half of the seventeenth century, Chesapeake society was shaped by

weak government, market for tobacco, availability of land, and shortage of labor.

William Penn's colony of Pennsylvania , founded in 1681

welcomed members of the Society of Friends, or Quakers

william penns colony of pennsylvania, founded in 1681, grew rapidly because of its good atlantic ports and beaches had more slaves than any other english colony welcomed members of the society of friends or quakers

welcomed members of the society of friends or quakers

War Hawks were young congressmen who

were enthusiastic for expansion, ready to subdue Native Americans standing in the way of white settlement, and eager to declare war on England.

Before 1763, the Navigation Laws

were only loosely enforced in the American colonies.

who were protestants?

were reformers who protested some of the catholic church's practices.

Colonies that welcomed the widest variety of immigrants

were the most prosperous

To Andrew Jackson's way of thinking, who was the quintessential "common man" in American politics?

western settlers struggling to bring new land under cultivation

To Andrews Jackson's way of thinking who was the quintessential "common Man' in American politics?

western settlers struggling to bring new land under cultivation

What turned out to be an issue in the presidential campaign in 1828?

whether Rachel Robards had been legally divorced when she and Jackson married

@The turning point of the Seven Years War was most likely William Pitt's

willingness to commit massive resources to the war.

James Oglethorpe hoped his new colony would produce

wine, olives, and silk

How were free blacks treated in the United States during the first decades of the nineteenth century?

with formidable discrimination in all parts of the country

How was the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 received by African American communities in the North?

with terror, as they believed every African American was subject to slavery

The vast majority of those accused of witchcraft in New England in the 17th century were


Under the principle of coverture

women could not hold property in their own names

Under the principle of coverture

women could not hold property in their own names.

What group provided the "backbone" of the Benevolent Empire?

women volunteers

The convention at Seneca Falls in 1848 advocated

women's rights and suffrage.

The organization or new political groups such as the Working Men's Party provides evidence that:

workers lacked confidence in existing parties

Unlike European manufacturers in the first half of the nineteenth century, American manufacturers were spurred to invent labor-saving methods and devices because

workers were in limited supply and thus more expensive.

@In 1775, most of the delegates to the Second Continental Congress remained reluctant to break with Britain because they

worried about the loss of Britain's military support, the effect on their economies, and political stability.

Puritans wanted to

eliminate aspects of Roman Catholicism from the Church of England.

What invention enabled an economic boom in the South and created a demand for new land in the West?

Eli Whitney's cotton gin

Identify CAHOKIA.

Cahokia was the central city of the Mississippian mound builders (700 BCE), located near present-day St. Louis, MI. The Native Americans who inhabited the city built burial mounds as well as mounds for temples and other public structures. The Cahokians thrived as craftsmen and agriculturalists, and were quite a complex society. Their political and social systems were hierarchal and with a population between 10,000 and 30,000.

What important lesson did the British learn from their experience in the battle on Breed's Hill?

Do not make frontal assaults against fortified positions.


In 1780 the weak war-worn central government struggled to decide about what to do considering its debt. In western Massachusetts, a group of farmers led by Revolutionary War captain Daniel Shays forcefully shut down the courts in order to prevent them from collecting debts.

Why did New Sweden, a colony located on the Delaware River, fail?

It failed to return a profit for investors quickly.


In the spring of 1774 Parliament passed five bills later known as the "Intolerable/Coercive Acts" in reaction to the Boston Tea Party. The British government was outraged over the riot, and the passage of the following bills directly followed the tea party. Together known as the Coercive or Intolerable Acts (The Boston Port Bill, the Massachusetts Government Act, the Administration of Justice Act, a new Quartering Act and the Quebec Act), this legislation was not welcomed by the colonists. They felt that the acts were violating their constitutional rights, and ultimately the acts led to the outrage and resistance that was the beginnings of a Revolution.

In addition to his military experience, George Washington's appointment to lead the Continental army had what benefit?

It helped solidify the alliance between New England and the South.

What was the major consequence of the American victory over General John Burgoyne's army at Saratoga, New York?

It led to the alliance with France.

What was Thomas Jefferson's most significant achievement in the Declaration of Independence?

It reformulated familiar principles in a simple, clear, and applicable way to the situation.

How did Malinche contribute to Hernando Cortés's conquest of the Aztec empire?

She interpreted Spanish and Nathuatl languages so he could speak with native people.


Sir Walter Raleigh was appointed to lead England's first chartered venture to establish a colony in North America. He was received a charter from Queen Elizabeth in 1584 to establish what would become Roanoke as a colony and a privateering base north of the Spanish settlement of St. Augustine. Although he was knighted, he was not allowed to lead the expedition himself.

Why did slaveholders believe slave codes were necessary?

Slaves were human property, so a distinction between them and nonhuman property such as livestock was necessary.

Why did the incident known as the Boston Massacre occur on March 5, 1770?

Soldiers guarding the customhouse panicked when a mob formed and a scuffle broke out.

Using everything you have learned in this module, write a brief but thorough essay answering the following question: compare and contrast the attitude toward and treatment of Native Americans by the French, Dutch, and English explorers and colonists.

The explorers and colonists of North America all shared one thing: interactions with Native Americans. Although their existence and survival sometimes depended on the local Indians, the relations among the colonists and the natives was rarely peaceful. Along with the Spanish, the French and the English viewed the Native Americans as "savage" and thus treated them as such. The first French explorers established themselves as accepting of Indian customs and maintained alliances with the Huron and Algonquian Indians. Many of the English's interactions with the natives were violent, beginning with the colony at Roanoke. The native Roanoke Indians were familiar with Europeans and ready to trade peacefully, but the English quickly poisoned that well quickly by using force to get the supplies they needed to survive. The Roanokes left the island and the English starved. The Dutch relations with Native Americans were more civil, focusing mainly on trade and commerce than conflict.

Explain why Europeans began exploring the world in the 15th century.

The first Europeans to set out were fueled by a desire for luxury goods and more efficient trade routes. Marco Polo's accounts of riches in India and China inspired Christopher Columbus and the Spaniards to explore in hopes of gold and other luxuries. The Spanish also saw the opportunity to launch a religious crusade, spreading the reign of Christianity and Spanish culture. The later explorers sought to conquer the native peoples and eventually establish settlements but the first explorers were primarily driven by trade.

How did the Constitution recognize and protect slavery in states in which it was established?

The three-fifths compromise provided for counting slaves for representation in Congress and in the electoral college.

How did the first Native Americans (the Paleo-Indians) survive?

They hunted and gathered foods available in nature.

Why was the selection of George Washington as presiding officer of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia crucial to its success?

Washington was the mostly widely respected person in the nation, and his leadership gave the convention credibility.

Spain and Portugal were among the first European nations that _______.

accepted the authority of a single hereditary monarch for the entire country.

The House of Burgesses was the first

elected representative government in the New World.

What influenced European countries other than Portugal and Spain to become active in the New World?

hope for wealth, glory, and power

Prime Minister Charles Townshend decided to test the colonists' protests against "internal taxes" such as the Stamp Tax by taxing

imports such as glass, lead, paper, paint, and tea.

Puritans came to New England

in search of the freedom to worship as they wished, but not freedom of religion for all.

What was Washington's basic tactic during most of the Revolutionary War?

to lead the British on chases because he lacked sufficient soldiers to confront them

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