US History Final

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Which year saw a shocking political announcement, a pair of traumatic assassinations, and finally a violent political convention in Chicago


The bus boycott in Montgomery lasted for

381 days (over a year)

The Vietnam war resulted in the deaths of approximately ___ Young Americans and the injury of more than 300,000


In Gideon v Wainwright the supreme court ruled that, regardless of the ability to pay, a defendant in a state court had the right to

A lawyer

Less than a month after the attacks of September 11, 2001 the United States invaded ____, the country that had sheltered Osama bin laden and other al-Qaeda members


The "X" in Malcolm X's name stood as a symbol for the family name of his _______________ ancestors who had been enslaved.


Reapportionment as required by the warren court shifted more political power to

African Americans and largely populated urban areas

Dr. King selected Selma, Alabama, for a protest march because

African Americans were the majority, but only a fraction were registered to vote (3%)

In the 1970s the federal government began deregulating the ____ Industry, leading to the rise of competing phone companies


To improve relations between the United States and Latin America, president Kennedy proposed a series of cooperative aid projects with Latin American governments called

Alliance for Progress

The purpose of the Warren Commission was to investigate

Assassination of John F. Kennedy

On April 17, 1961, armed Cuban exiles landed on the south coast of Cuba at

Bay of Pigs

Céasar Chávez organized a national boycott of table grapes to demand increased wages for farm workers, better benefits, and

Better working conditions

What group called for an end to racial oppression and for control of major institutions in the African American community?

Black Panthers

Outraged by Rosa Parks's arrest, Jo Ann Robinson, Head of the local organization called the women's political council, called on African Americans to

Boycott Montgomery's buses on the day Rosa parks appear in court

The telecommissions act passed in 1996 change the telecommissions industry by

Brought cable under federal rules that long governed telephone radio and TV industries. Allowed them to offer services and gather their permits

The invasion of ___ under President Nixon sparked protests because many Americans viewed it as a widening of the war


In May 1989 students and workers held demonstrations calling for democracy in


President Johnson feared that directly attacking North Vietnam would bring ___ into the war


The Supreme Court's decision in Reynolds v. Sims shifted political power throughout the country to


Which act the president chanson signed into law on July 2, 1964

Civil rights act of 1964

Which of the following established emissions standards for factories and automobiles

Clean Air Act of 1970

After the United States and its direct involvement in Vietnam the, North Vietnamese captured Saigon and United Vietnam under

Communist rule

Which event contributed to Nikita Khrushchev's fall from power in 1964?

Cuban Missile Crisis

The environmental Defense fund was established by a group of scientists to finance a series of legal actions in the late 1960s and early 1970s to halt

DDT spraying

The Southern manifesto encouraged white southerners to

Defy the Supreme Court

The Chicago movement was an attempt to call attention to the

Deplorable housing conditions many African American families faced.

In Little Rock, Arkansas, The governor tried to prevent African-American students from entering a white high school by

Deploying the National Guard

Reagan's first act as president was to sign an executive order eliminating price controls on oil and gasoline, a step towards


On May 7, 1954, French forces fell to the Vietminh at _________.

Dien Bien Phu

In South Vietnam a mock set himself on fire to protest

Discrimination against Buddhists

The ____ was the belief that if Vietnam fell to Communism so, too, would the other nations of south east Asia

Domino Theory

Many observers point to April 1970 and the celebration of ___ as the beginning of the environmental movement

Earth Day

The elementary and secondary ___ of 1965 granted millions of dollars to public and private schools


When first established, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference set out to end segregation and

Encourage African Americans to register to vote

Some Americans oppose the massive growth of ___ programs under the great society and criticized it for intruding too much into their lives

Federal funded

In June 1973, John Dean testified that the Watergate break-in had been ordered by

Former Attorney General John Mitchell

The ______________ traveled into South by bus to test compliance with laws outlawing segregation in interstate bus service.

Freedom Riders

Presidential Commission on the Status of Women called for federal action against ___discrimination


The ___ government called for free elections to unite north Vietnam and south Vietnam under a single government

Geneva Accords

Nixon's Vietnamization plan called for

Gradual withdrawal of US troops well south Vietnamese assumed more of the fighting

What was President Johnson's vision of the more perfect and equitable society the United States could and should become called

Great Society

Robert Kennedy tried to help African-Americans register to vote by

Having the Justice Department file lawsuits throughout the South.

Why was Diem's South Vietnamese government so unpopular

He favorite Catholics over Buddhists although Buddhism was the leading religion. His land policies they were wealthy landowners at the expense of peasants

Lyndon Johnson's project ___ funded a preschool program for the disadvantaged

Head Start

North Vietnam sent arms and supplies south by way of a network of jungle paths known as the

Ho Chi Minh Trail

The new cabinet agency created during the Johnson Administration was the department of __

Housing and Urban Development

Nearly half of American women were in the workforce in the 1960s but most worked

In Lower paying jobs

The supreme court'ss ruling in brown the Board of Education ended racial segregation

In public schools

By 2007 over one billion people worldwide were regularly communicating via the ___________


What lead investigators to conclude that the burglars who broke into Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate building in 1972 were connected to President Richard Nixon's administration

James McCord of the CIA was a committee member of the presidential reelection

Who is the first American to orbit earth

John Glenn

Can you be canceled air support for the Bay of Pigs invasion in order to

Keep America's involvement a secret

When the supreme court ordered school districts to end school segregation " with all deliberate speed," The wording was big enough that many districts were able to

Keep their schools segregated for many more years

African-American leaders formed the Montgomery improvement Association to ride the bus boycott and elect a pastor named Dr. Martin Luther ___ Jr, to lead the new organization


In August 1969, Henry____ entered into secret negotiations with north Vietnam's negotiator Le Duc Tho


Which nation allowed the United States to attack Iraq from its territory in 2003


After his pilgrimage to Makkah, ____ concluded that an integrated society was possible

Malcolm X

Who had become a symbol of the black power movement that was sweeping the nation by early 1960s

Malcom X

In 1956 a group of 101 southern members of Congress signed the southern ___, denouncing the supreme court's ruling in Brown v. Board of Education as a clear abuse of judicial power


Kennedy was unable to pass many of his domestic programs because

Many Democrats in Congress did not feel that he helped them win their seats also new frontier was expensive

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I have a dream" speech during the

March on Washington

The United States invaded Iraq because it was believed that Suddam Hussein possessed weapons of

Mass destruction

Which Great Society program was a comprehensive health insurance program for all senior citizens?


The wave of emmigration from Mexico to the United States that began in 1910 was caused by which of the following

Mexican Revolution

Who wrote the influential book the other America

Michael Harrington

During the Kennedy administration, Congress agreed with the president and approved a law that raised the

Minimum wage

Although the civil rights movement did not lead to large protests until the 1950s, the __________________________ had supported court cases intended to overturn segregation since its founding in 1909.


Which group offered work-study programs to help underprivileged young men and women earn a high school diploma or college degree

Neighborhood Youth Corps

President Kennedy push for a build up of conventional troops and weapons that will allow the United States to fight a limited style of warfare with

No nuclear weapons

Rachel Carson's silent spring, one of the most controversial and influential books of the 1960s, assailed the increasing use of

Pesticides particularly DDT

Johnson's goals for a better America was supported by

Prosperity and strong economy

Despite the passage of several civil right laws in the 1950s and 1960s ___ -prejudice or discrimination toward people because of their race-was still common in American society


President Reagan encourage the federal reserve to raise interest rates and asked Congress to pass a massive tax cuts in which critics called


Who appeared to be on his way to winning the democratic nomination until he was gunned down by an Arab a nationalist

Robert Kennedy

In 1973 a big change in abortion laws and the rights of privacy came with

Roe v. Wade

The leader of Iraq who was tried and executed for ordering mass executions was

Saddam Hussein

In registering African Americans to vote, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 authorized the attorney general to

Send federal examiners to register qualified voters

In 1967 Thurgood Marshall became the first African-American to

Serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.

In late December 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev announced the end of

Soviet Union

A day camp for children with developmental disabilities, known as Camp Shriver, was the beginning of an effort that later grew into the

Special Olympics

Who said his army to invade oil rich Kuwait In August 1990

Suddam Hussein

The Islamic fundamentalist group called the ___ controlled Afghanistan at the time of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon


More than 350,000 Cuban settled in the United States after

The 1959 Cuban revolution

The Vietcong's power continued to increase in part because of

The Vietnamese opposition to Diem's government

What two events convinced Truman to help France in Vietnam?

The fall of China to communism and the outbreak of the Korean War

What would be an advantage of reducing carbon dioxide omissions from factories in powerplants

The increase in average world temperature would be stopped

During his presidency Reagan launched the largest peacetime build up of

The military

Which of the following outlawed job discrimination by private employers not only on the basis of race color religion national origin but also on the basis of gender

Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act

On August 2, 1964, President Johnson announced that North Vietnamese torpedo boats had fired on two American destroyers in the Gulf of ____________________.


The passage of which law marked a turning point in the civil rights movement?

Voting Rights Act of 1965

American cynicism grew with the Vietnam war and the ___ scandal, making Americans more wary of their leaders


Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were creating Apple, 19-year-old Harvard drop out bill gates cofounded Microsoft to design PC

Windows operating system in 1985 (fix)

Who overthrew the Diem government in 1963

a group of Vietnamese generals

Vice President Spiro Agnew was forced to resign in disgrace when investigators discovered that he had

accepted bribes

The segregated sections of many Southwestern cities in which most Mexican Americans lived were called


A main reason President Johnson refused to order a full-scale invasion of North Vietnam was his fear that it would

bring China into the war

The house judiciary committee voted to impeach President Nixon or

charge him with misconduct

In decisions such as Engel v. Vitale, the Supreme Court handed down decisions that reaffirmed the separation of ____________________ and state.


American officials did not think France should control Vietnam, but they did not want Vietnam to be


In 1977 Stephen Wozniak and Steven Jobs introduced the Apple II, the first practical and affordable _______ for personal use.


Nightly news coverage of the Vietnam war on television helped

create a credibility gap

The tax cut President Reagan won from Congress would increase the budget deficit, so Reagan proposed ________ to keep the deficit under control

cutting social programs

Kennedy convinced Congress to invest more funds in

defense and space exploration

In an effort to increase growth and create more jobs, Kennedy advocated

deficit spending

Although the ____ party enjoyed large majorities in both houses of congress, Kennedy was unable to push through many of his domestic programs


The purpose of agent orange was to

destroy the Vietcong's ability to hide in jungles

The 14th amendment ensures

due process of law (equal protection of the laws)

In 2005, the Iraqi people were able to participate in the country's first free _____.


President Nixon argued that recordings of White House conversations should remain confidential to protect national security a principle known as

executive privilege

Iraqi insurgents have used several tactics to fight coalition forces, including

freezing financial assets inside Iraq and sniper attacks and bombs ??

The civil rights act of 1964 helped protect civil rights but it did not

guarantee the right to vote

The Vietcong used ____________________—troops who blended in with the civilian population and use tactics such as ambushes and booby traps


With the golf of Tonkin resolution, Congress, in effect,

handed its war powers to the president

What had its roots in a computer networking system established by an agency of the US defense department


One advantage President Johnson had that Kennedy did not in getting the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed was his

intimate knowledge of how congress worked

During the space race, Kennedy's goal for America was to be the first to

land a man on the moon

Henry Kissinger tried to improve relations with the Soviet Union and a China so he could persuade them to cut back on their aid to north Vietnam and in a policy called


Kennedy felt that he needed to stand up to communism in Vietnam because of

many republicans blamed the Truman administration for losing China to communism.

After Malcolm X broke with the _____________ of Islam, he continued to criticize the organization and was eventually killed by some of its members.


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., believed the way to end segregation was through

nonviolent passive resistance

In 1966 Betty Friedan co-founded this women's group to push for equality for women in the United States.

now (national organization for women)

Several nations agreed to phase out the production of CFCs after seeing evidence of a hole in the ___ layer above Antarctica


Founded in 1969, La Raza Unida was a Mexican American

political party

In the 1950s and 1960s ___ trapped many African Americans in inner cities


President Johnson felt that a wealthy government should try to improve the lives of its citizens and declared a war on


During the 1960 election campaign, television aired its first

presidential debate

Long after troops were home, the war lingered on for the American families whose relatives and friends were classified as missing in action or

prisoners of war

When the French left Vietnam, the United States stepped in to

protect the pro-Western government in South

The civil rights act of 1957, the first since reconstruction, was intended to

protect the right of African Americans to vote

After the Brown v. Board of Education decision, many states adopted an elaborate set of requirements other than race that schools could use to prevent African Americans from attending white schools, called

pupil assignment laws

The Kerner commission blamed the problems of inner cities on


In the Reynolds v. Sims decision that helped promote the principle of "one man, one vote," the Warren Court required state legislatures to ____________________ electoral districts so that all citizens' votes would have equal weight.


For her book The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan interviewed Smith College graduates and found that most of the women

reported having everything they could want, but still felt unfulfilled.

The incident at Three Mile Island left many people in great doubt about the

safety of nuclear energy

The ruling in Plessy v Ferguson in 1896 established

separate but equal doctrine

CORE successfully integrated many restaurants by using


Members of CORE used _________, a form of protest first used by unions workers in the 1930s, to desegregate restaurants.


Many college faculty and students against the Vietnam war abandoned their classes and gathered informally to discuss the issues in a new form of protest called a


The Pentagon papers revealed that

the government had not been honest with the public about Vietnam

The goal of the Kyoto Protocol was to

to reduce greenhouse emissions worldwide

Republicans as well as Southern Democrats viewed the New Frontier as

too expensive and too costly and big

A UN resolution set a deadline for Iraq to take several actions including declaring its weapons of mass destruction and readmitting ____

weapons inspectors

The Vietminh formed initially in Vietnam to

win independence from Japan

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