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Which 1980s economic development was intended by Reaganomics?

Government allocations to antipoverty programs were reduced.

Which of the following was a factor in President Harry Truman's decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan?

Racism toward the Japanese

Which economic development in the 1980s was intended by Reaganomics?

Wealthy Americans benefited more from tax breaks than those with lower incomes.

Choose the statement that describes the work of muckrakers in the late 19th century.

"We are investigative reporters and photographers who shine a light on social ills among the working poor."

U.S. forces finally captured the former leader of this country, who was found guilty of crimes against his own people and executed in 2006. Choose the map that accurately indicates in red the country where this occurred.


Youth in urban areas during the Roaring '20s adopted a new morality. What was one of the features of this new morality?

A challenge to traditional gender roles

Consider this political cartoon from 1891 that depicts Uncle Sam in front of a crowd of immigrants. A judge tells Uncle Sam, "If Immigration was properly Restricted you would no longer be troubled with Anarchy, Socialism, the Mafia and such kindred evils!" Some of the labels on the immigrants include: "German socialist," "Polish vagabond," and "English convict." Choose the statement that best reflects how new immigrants to America were viewed by citizens as illustrated in the cartoon.

"All these new immigrants are troublemakers that will harm our country."

Determine which statement was more likely spoken by Herbert Hoover than by Franklin D. Roosevelt.

"America has endured financial panics before, and I am certain the economy will recover."

The election of 1968 revealed cracks in the Democratic Party in that its candidates were appealing to different segments of the population. Which statement best reflects the views of Presidential candidate Eugene McCarthy?

"An army of student volunteers helped me to challenge the Democratic Party leadership."

Which statement is most likely to have been spoken by W.E.B. Du Bois, reflecting his approach to black equality in the Progressive era?

"Educated African Americans are called upon to provide political leadership for our cause."

Which statement best represents Henry Cabot Lodge's position on American involvement in the proposed League of Nations?

"I offer 14 reservations I have about the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations."

Choose the statement that best reflects an argument used by Chief Joseph to oppose federal assimilation.

"If the white man wants to live in peace with us, we only ask that all men are treated equal and are subject to the same laws."

Identity politics emerged in the 1960s as movements began to focus on issues specific to the subgroups to which their participants belonged. Choose the true statement about feminism and the women's liberation movement.

"In 1968, a group of us crowned a sheep as Miss America and threw symbols of our oppression into a freedom trash can."

Which of the following statements reflect a reason identity politics emerged in the United States in the 1960s?

"Integration wasn't working, so we determined that we would create our own economic resources and institutions."

Choose the statement that best reflects the opinion of the Congressional majority in the 1890s.

"Our interests lie in protecting business and patronage, and we are unprepared to offer aid to Americans in need."

Choose the statement that describes a way that conformity was encouraged among Americans during the Second Red Scare.

"Our neighbors seem to have an unusual family structure and nontraditional gender roles, and we think they might be Communists."

Choose the statement that describes an economic consequence of the United States as an "arsenal of democracy" during World War II.

"Scrap metal and other materials are really hard to come by these days."

Which statement reflects Charles Coughlin's opinion about Roosevelt's New Deal?

"The New Deal doesn't do enough to defend labor or establish monetary reform."

Which of the following statements reflects an effect of political organizing by evangelical Christians?

"The Republican Party is much more receptive to our feelings on socioeconomic changes in the United States."

Which statement is most likely to have been spoken by Booker T. Washington, reflecting his approach to black equality in the Progressive era?

"The burden of change is on black communities, not on white men to fix it for us."

Choose the statement that best reflects a reaction against Brown v. Board of Education by Southerners during the 1950s.

"The enforcement of the Brown decision is unconstitutional."

By the late 1800s, some settlers' dreams of the West were not matched by the realities. Choose the statement that describes one of these "realities."

"The establishment of bonanza farms offers opportunities to work the land for a wage."

By the late 1800s, some settlers' dreams of the West were not matched by the realities. Choose the statement that describes one of these "realities."

"The establishment of bonanza farms offers opportunities to work the land for a wage."

Determine which statement was more likely spoken by Franklin D. Roosevelt than by Herbert Hoover.

"The federal government must act to provide direct aid to Americans who need it."

Which statement reflects President Herbert Hoover's response to the Great Depression?

"The role of government is to encourage businesses to voluntarily help to sustain the economy."

Choose the statement that is closely associated with views held by the "nervous generation" of the 1920s.

"The teaching of evolution in schools is an attack on our religious beliefs."

Which description best matches the Federal Emergency Relief Administration from Roosevelt's New Deal?

"This program sent federal money to the states to help put Americans back to work."

The Omaha Platform was the political agenda for the Populist Party. Which statement from this document best reflects historian Lawrence Goodwyn's interpretation of populism?

"We demand a national currency, safe, sound and flexible, issued by the general government only, a full legal tender for all debts, public and private."

Choose the true statement about the effects of the 1990s economy in America.

"We in the government were pleased that the federal deficit continued to shrink."

Choose the statement that explains one way the federal government supported private business during World War II.

"We will assume the majority of costs associated with converting your factory to produce wartime materials."

Which statement reflects the position of the Irreconcilables concerning the signing of the Treaty of Versailles and America's involvement in the proposed League of Nations?

"We will not consider any aspect of this international treaty."

Which statement reflects the position of the Reservationists on America's involvement with the proposed League of Nations?

"We will support this treaty if amendments are made to the role of the U.S. in the League of Nations."

Several ideologies—social Darwinism, the self-made man and the Gospel of Wealth—emerged in the Gilded Age, each with its advocates. Choose the statement most likely spoken by Horatio Alger.

"A person born into a disadvantaged situation can succeed through ingenuity and hard work."

Which answer accurately reflects President Wilson's progression of thought on American neutrality in World War I?

D.) 1. In a speech, President Wilson said, "The United States must be neutral in fact as well as in name." 2. President Wilson outlined a new agenda, calling for "peace without victory." 3. Wilson addressed Congress, saying "the world must be made safe for democracy."

Which answer accurately reflects President Wilson's progression of thought on American neutrality in World War I?

D.) 1. President Wilson gave a speech in which he maintained that the U.S. must be neutral. 2. President Wilson outlined an agenda calling for "peace without victory." 3. Wilson argued that the U.S. should protect democracy around the world and declared war on Germany.

Choose the statement that best reflects the relationship between Progressive reform and the United States' entry into World War I.

D.) Anti-German sentiment contributed to the greater citizen and federal support for Prohibition.

The political cartoon reflects the economic trends of the late 19th century that contributed to the expansion of American imperialism. Choose the statement below that best reflects the trends shown in the cartoon.

D.) Foreign nations were eager to access the products of American industry.

Which of the following is a reason why President Theodore Roosevelt pushed for progressive reform within the federal government?

D.) He believed that it was government's responsibility to create a climate in which all Americans could rise together.

"White Southern Democrats support me for my opposition to the civil rights movement."Of the candidates who ran for President in 1968, match this statement with its likely speaker.

George Wallace

President Wilson's stance on American neutrality in World War I changed between 1914 and 1917. Which event occurred most proximate to Wilson's request to Congress to declare war?

Germany broke its promise to restrict its use of submarine warfare and sank the Laconia.

Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal had three main tenets: consumer protection conservation, and regulation of corporations. Which of the following is an example of consumer protection?

Roosevelt pushed for passage of a law that prohibited the addition of dangerous ingredients to food or drug products.

Many of the new fads and opportunities arising in the 1920s were unavailable to what group of Americans?

Rural Americans

Select the term that best describes the late 19th century social reform movement associated with the statement below: "We must listen to Jane Addams and assist working-class laborers, especially women."

Settlement house movement

Consider the photograph titled, "One of the pioneer women of the Oklahoma Panhandle dust bowl," taken by Arthur Rothstein in April 1936. Why does the photographer call the woman in the image a "pioneer?"

She reinforces the traditional American values of persistence and hard work in the face of adversity.

The United Nations issued a Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. Which of the following statements reflects an idea contained in the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

Slavery is wrong no matter where or why it occurs.

Choose the true statement about the War of 1898.

Some Americans saw the conflict in Cuba as an opportunity for the U.S. to exert its military strength.

Which action is reflective of an individual who identified with the counterculture movement?

Someone who chose alternative lifestyles such as living in communes

Which action is reflective of an individual who identified with the New Left?

Someone who organized an activist group to address economic inequality, especially among poor blacks

What Progressive reform took place during or immediately after the United States' entrance into World War I?

The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote.

The cartoon above was printed in 1907 in the Washington Evening Star. Uncle Sam offers a baseball bat called "National Big Stick" to a player in a Nationals uniform, a reference to President Theodore Roosevelt's big stick diplomacy. Roosevelt had recently offered the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, an example of his big stick approach, in 1904. He was also continuing work in the Panama Canal in 1906. Teddy bear, a reference to Roosevelt, assures the player that "it's a victory getter, all right!" How does this cartoon depict the state of American foreign policy in the early 1900s?

The American government was taking an aggressive foreign policy stance backed by military power, which is represented by the "National Big Stick."

The Johnson administration's Office of Economic Opportunity funded programs that enabled citizens to create agencies to improve their lives at the local level. What was the name of this policy?

The Community Action Program

A consequence of containment policy on American politics was the creation of a conservative coalition in 1938 that investigated suspected Communist sympathizers in government, business and the media. What was the name of this group?

The House Committee on Un-American Activities

In 1916, pressure from activists and the National Child Labor Committee contributed to legislation that prohibited interstate trade of any goods produced by child labor. What was the name of this legislation?

The Keating-Owen Act

Which statement about 1968 reflects the lens of race?

The Kerner Commission reported that white society and institutions were responsible for the continued suffering in black communities.

Which statement best views 1968 through the lens of class?

The Kerner Commission's report warned of the creation of two societies.

Most historians would agree with which of these statements?

The New Deal greatly increased the size and scope of the federal government in everyday life.

Many historians have argued that the New Deal changed American politics and governance. Which statement supports this argument?

The New Deal represented one of the few times in history in which the federal government successfully implemented substantial social changes.

President Richard Nixon's process of "Vietnamization" shifted the responsibility for defending South Vietnam to the Vietnamese. Choose the true statement about the consequences of Vietnamization.

The Nixon administration moved swiftly to prevent future government leaks following the release of the Pentagon Papers.

Which of the following is a reason African Americans continued to move northward in the 1920s?

The North allocated more funds for public education for both whites and blacks.

Which statement best reflects the significance of the election of 1896?

The Populist Party ceased to exist as an independent political entity following the election.

Choose the action that reflects U.S. involvement in Vietnam during the Lyndon Johnson administration.

The President was unwilling to de-escalate or withdraw from Vietnam because he feared being painted as "soft" on Communism.

Read the excerpt from a presidential committee report published in 1947, at the beginning of the Cold War. "The international reason for acting to secure our civil rights now is not to win the approval of our totalitarian critics. We would not expect it if our record were spotless; to them our civil rights record is only a convenient weapon with which to attack us. Certainly we would like to deprive them of that weapon. But we are more concerned with the good opinion of the peoples of the world." The excerpt twice refers to "them." Who is "them?"

The Soviet Union

Select the statement that best describes the effects of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

The Soviet Union and the United States took some steps to try to prevent a threat of nuclear war in the future.

Choose the true statement about the nature of the American economy in the 1970s.

The Sunbelt gained political influence as a center for economic and technological progress.

Which of these actions occurred as a part of Franklin D. Roosevelt's First New Deal?

The Supreme Court overturned some federal actions as unconstitutional.

Which of the following is true about the Yalta Conference?

The U.S. and the Soviet Union promised to fight Japan together.

Choose the statement that reflects what the cartoon reveals about American foreign policy during the Progressive Era. "School Begins," published in Puck on January 25, 1899.

The United States believed it had a duty to "civilize" foreign, non-white peoples.

Which statement is most reflective of Eisenhower's New Look foreign policy?

The United States dramatically increased its nuclear arsenal

Choose the true statement regarding the adoption of containment policy by the United States during the Cold War.

The United States hoped to trigger the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Read the excerpt from an address to Congress made by president George W. Bush on September 20, 2001: "The terrorists are traitors to their own faith, trying, in effect, to hijack Islam itself. The enemy of America is not our many Muslim friends. It is not our many Arab friends. Our enemy is a radical network of terrorists and every government that supports them." Which statement best describes the Bush Doctrine?

The United States will engage in preemptive strikes against terrorism and against governments that shelter terrorists.

Choose a true statement about consequences of the War of 1898.

The acquisition of Pacific islands after the war resulted in more naval bases and a larger U.S. Navy.

Which action did President Dwight D. Eisenhower's administration support in Vietnam?

The administration supported Diem's decision not to hold a reunification election.

Select the statement that reflects President Eisenhower's New Look policy.

The administration threatened a nuclear response to Soviet aggression.

What reform in city governance divided responsibilities for specific city operations and greatly decreased corruption?

The commission system

Choose the true statement about African American culture in the 1920s.

The concept of "Pan-Africanism" included an embrace of Africa as the homeland of ethnic Africans.

Which of the following statements was a cause of the Red Scare?

The cost of living in the United States nearly doubled between 1916 and 1919.

Select the statement that accurately describes an aspect of U.S. containment policy following World War II.

The creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) indicated that the United States planned to take a stronger role to contain Communism.

Which of the following actions or groups advanced gay rights during the 1970s?

The election of Harvey Milk

Choose an event that reinforced a rise in nativism for members of the "nervous generation."

The emergence of the second Ku Klux Klan

Read the following accounts of an incident in Chicago in 1919 that resulted in the deaths of a young African American boy and 37 others. From the Chicago Defender: "The presence of a black face in their vicinity was a signal for a carnival of death, and before any aid could reach the poor, unfortunate one his body reposed in some kindly gutter, his brains spilled over a dirty pavement." From the Chicago Daily Tribune: "Fists flew and rocks were hurled. Bathers from the colored Twenty-fifth street beach were attracted to the scene of the battling and aided their comrades in driving the whites into the water." What could explain the different perspectives of each newspaper account?

The newspapers wrote for different audiences.

Read the excerpt from an address to Congress made by President George W. Bush in which he declared war on terrorism: "The terrorists practice a fringe form of Islamic extremism that has been rejected by Muslim scholars and the vast majority of Muslim clerics—a fringe movement that perverts the peaceful teachings of Islam. The terrorists' directive commands them to kill Christians and Jews, to kill all Americans and make no distinction among military and civilians, including women and children." What is the significance of this excerpt from President Bush's September 20, 2001 address?

The president distinguishes between extremists and the vast majority of Muslims, and only the former is identified as the enemy.

Matt, a historian, makes a checklist as he begins his research into the Industrial Revolution in the United States. Which factor should be allowed to influence his interpretation?

The selection of primary source evidence

What is industrialization?

The shift to and growth of factory production in the U.S.

What was one effect of the Red Scare?

The targeting of radical groups and labor unions in the Palmer Raids to disrupt potential threats.

Which description accurately reflects both the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences?

There was diplomatic tension between the leaders of the Soviet Union and the U.S.

Because of the economic downturn in the 1890s, many Americans organized to seek relief from corporations and elected officials. Choose the statement that best reflects how farmers responded to the crises of the 1890s.

They continued to face debt and marginalization in the modern economy and sought an alliance with industrial workers.

White Democrats, or "redeemers," were central to the development of the Jim Crow system in the South during the late 19th century. Which statement most represents their efforts?

They supported groups that threatened, intimidated and even killed blacks who challenged the social and economic order.

How did the "nervous generation" react to changes in America during the 1920s?

They upheld traditional values and customs.

Read the excerpt from the Chicago Defender that describes what happened during a race riot in Chicago during the Red Summer. "In all parts of the city, white mobs dragged from surface cars, black passengers wholly ignorant of any trouble, and set upon them. An unidentified man, young woman and a three-month-old baby were found dead on the street at the intersection of 47th street and Wentworth avenue." What is the most likely purpose of this description?

To inspire outrage at whites' treatment of blacks

Which of the following were goals of the Populist Party in the late 19th century?

To promote government ownership of the railways

President Franklin Roosevelt oversaw both a First New Deal and a Second New Deal to curb the Great Depression. Choose the action that was part of his First New Deal.

To put Americans back to work quickly, the Public Works Administration contracted with private companies to build highways, bridges and military bases.

Read the excerpt from a speech president Ronald Reagan made in 1987: "There is one sign the Soviets can make that would be unmistakable, that would advance dramatically the cause of freedom and peace. General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" What is the most likely purpose of Reagan's speech?

To reassert to the Soviet Union his commitment to ending communism

What was the purpose of the U.S. strategy of "island-hopping" in the Pacific?

To seize outlying islands in order to get close enough to bomb the Japanese mainland.

In 1961, civil rights organizations organized "Freedom Rides." What was their purpose?

To test the enforcement of desegregation in interstate transportation

In the summer of 1893, a young historian, Frederick Jackson Turner, presented a paper that explained his views on the significance of the frontier in American history. Choose the statement that best reflects Turner's views on the significance of the Western frontier.

Turner stated that Western expansion repeated American history by demonstrating and reinforcing the exceptionalism and progress of the American people.

Choose the true statement about Operation Enduring Freedom.

U.S. forces aligned themselves with Afghans who had been resisting the Taliban.

Choose the statement that describes a success of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

U.S. forces occupied Baghdad within one month.

Which group or person is correctly paired with their contribution to racial equality during the Progressive Era?

W.E.B. DuBois - advocated for immediate and uncompromising agitation for black civil rights

In 1893, a young historian, Frederick Jackson Turner, presented a paper that explained his views on the significance of the frontier in American history.Since then, Turner's argument that Western expansion was integral to the development of American democracy and features of the American character has been challenged by other historians.Which of the following best expresses criticism of Turner's work?

What Turner celebrated about Western settlement ignored the simultaneous subjugation of Native Americans.

Consider the excerpt from a speech given by the former slave and abolitionist Frederick Douglass: "I have had but one idea for the last three years to present to the American people, and the phraseology in which I clothe it is the old abolition phraseology. I am for the 'immediate, unconditional, and universal' enfranchisement of the black man, in every State in the Union. [Loud applause.] Without this, his liberty is a mockery; without this, you might as well almost retain the old name of slavery for his condition; for in fact, if he is not the slave of the individual master, he is the slave of society, and holds his liberty as a privilege, not as a right. He is at the mercy of the mob, and has no means of protecting himself." Which question would be most relevant for analyzing this historical speech?

What was the purpose of the speech?

Consider the excerpt from a speech given by the former slave and abolitionist Frederick Douglass to the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society: "I have had but one idea for the last three years to present to the American people, and the phraseology in which I clothe it is the old abolition phraseology. I am for the 'immediate, unconditional, and universal' enfranchisement of the black man, in every State in the Union. [Loud applause.] Without this, his liberty is a mockery; without this, you might as well almost retain the old name of slavery for his condition; for in fact, if he is not the slave of the individual master, he is the slave of society, and holds his liberty as a privilege, not as a right. He is at the mercy of the mob, and has no means of protecting himself." Which question would be most relevant for analyzing this historical speech?

Where was the speech presented?

Choose the statement that best analyzes events in the year 1968 through the lens of race.

White society and institutions were complicit in the impoverished conditions experienced by urban blacks.

Read the sentence from a Chicago newspaper account of a race riot during the Red Summer. White bathers at the Twenty-ninth street improvised beach saw a colored boy on a raft paddling into what they termed 'white' territory. A snarl of protest went up from the whites and soon a volley of rocks and stones were sent in his direction. Select the statement that accurately explains what is happening in this account.

Whites were willing to use violence to maintain an informal form of racial segregation in Chicago.

Consider the excerpt from a speech given by the former slave and abolitionist Frederick Douglass to the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society: "I have had but one idea for the last three years to present to the American people, and the phraseology in which I clothe it is the old abolition phraseology. I am for the 'immediate, unconditional, and universal' enfranchisement of the black man, in every State in the Union. [Loud applause.] Without this, his liberty is a mockery; without this, you might as well almost retain the old name of slavery for his condition; for in fact, if he is not the slave of the individual master, he is the slave of society, and holds his liberty as a privilege, not as a right. He is at the mercy of the mob, and has no means of protecting himself." Which question would be most relevant for analyzing this historical speech? When

Who was the audience?

**PHOTO** Study the political cartoon published in Puck in 1899: All of the following are aspects of U.S. foreign policy during the Progressive Era represented in this political cartoon EXCEPT __________.

dollar diplomacy

Study the political cartoon published in Puck in 1899: All of the following are aspects of U.S. foreign policy during the Progressive Era represented in this political cartoon EXCEPT __________.

dollar diplomacy

Which of the following was a cause leading up to the Great Depression?

There were no federal regulations on the stock market or its practices.

Which of the following statements reflect the effects of the Second Red Scare on the American people?

"Many Hollywood films are reinforcing the importance of traditional families and responsibilities."

Choose the true statement about the relationship between private business and the federal government during World War II.

"My business struggled through the Depression, but profits have soared with this government contract."

Which statement about populism most closely aligns with historian Michael Kazin's interpretation of the term?

It is a political style that uses a certain type of language and rhetoric to advance the agenda of a political coalition.

Which statement is true of the Progressives?

They sought to improve industrial working conditions for men, women and children.

Which statement is most likely to have been spoken by Booker T. Washington, reflecting his approach to black equality in the Progressive Era?

"I urge you graduates to focus on your own self-improvement within your African American communities."

Although many young Americans in urban areas were associated with the "new generation" during the 1920s, the decade also witnessed the rise of the Lost Generation. Which of the following describes an aspect of the "Lost Generation?"

Authors created characters who had to display resilience amid constant struggle and failure.

Which of the following is a reason why President Theodore Roosevelt pushed for progressive reform within the federal government?

B.) He believed that federal oversight of large corporations and monopolies was needed to protect consumers.

Which of the following is a reason why President Theodore Roosevelt pushed for progressive reform within the federal government?

C.) He emphasized reliance on science and technology, as well as professional expertise, in governmental matters.

Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal had three main tenets: consumer protection conservation, and regulation of corporations. Which of the following is an example of consumer protection?

C.) Roosevelt pushed for passage of a law that prohibited the addition of dangerous ingredients to food or drug products.

Which statement is most likely to have been spoken by W.E.B. Du Bois, reflecting his approach to black equality in the Progressive era?

D.) "Educated African Americans are called upon to provide political leadership for our cause."

"The telegraph profoundly changed businesses and governments by making rapid, long-distance communication possible. "A historian would most likely make this statement if they were analyzing this image through what historical lens?


Which of the following is the best example of Theodore Roosevelt's use of "The New Diplomacy?"

The U.S. Navy intervened in the Panamanian revolution to secure American access to a canal site in Central America.

Tina, a professional historian, is considering the factors that can influence a historian's interpretation of a past event. She is researching the rise of women activists in the 18th and 19th centuries in the United States. Which factor should be allowed to influence her interpretation?

possible bias in primary or secondary sources

Which statement reflects Republican leaders' opinions about Roosevelt's New Deal?

"The New Deal is moving us away from America's traditional values of individualism and small government."

Which of the following statements describes circumstances that led to the rise of identity politics in 1960s America?

"The Selective Service has it set up so that white Americans can avoid active duty in the Vietnam War."

What statement reflects the position of the Democrats on America's involvement with the proposed League of Nations?

"We must ratify the treaty as it is written to ensure a peaceful world and future."

Which of the following is a way the federal government responded to the Great Recession?

A bailout was passed to save large banks that had made bad investments.

Which of these is an example of a secondary source for historical research on President Theodore Roosevelt?

A biography of Theodore Roosevelt

Which of these actions occurred as a part of Franklin D. Roosevelt's Second New Deal?

Congress passed legislation, such as the Social Security Act, to reform society and create a welfare state.

Which of the statements describes the relationship between U.S. participation in World War I and Progressive reform?

Continuous protests during the war convinced legislators to support the women's suffrage movement.

Which of the following best characterizes the Cuban Missile Crisis?

An incident between the U.S. and the USSR over missile sites in Cuba

Choose the statement that reflects a feature of Progressivism.

D.) Theodore Roosevelt's rise to the presidency brought Progressivism to the federal government.

The New Deal transformed the Democratic Party. Choose one example of this transformation.

Party dominance by white Southerners was challenged by new members, including northern liberals and African Americans.

Choose the statement that reflects a feature of Progressivism.

Progressives pursued a social justice agenda that sought greater equality for women, workers and black Americans.

Read the excerpt from the Chicago Daily Tribune that describes an event that turned into a race riot in Chicago during the Red Summer. "Racial feeling, which had been on a par with the weather during the day took fire shortly after 5 o'clock when white bathers at the Twenty-ninth street improvised beach saw a colored boy on a raft paddling into what they termed 'white' territory." What do the details tell the reader about the writer's perspective on the event?

The writer accepts the presence of informal racial segregation in Chicago.

What was one reason numerous social reform movements emerged in the late 1800s?

Urban areas had too many people without the infrastructure to protect or support them.

Choose the true statement about the court's role in uncovering the Watergate scandal.

Using Federal Bureau of Intelligence evidence, a district judge convicted five of the Watergate burglars.

Several ideologies—social Darwinism, the self-made man and the Gospel of Wealth—emerged in the Gilded Age, each with its advocates. Choose the statement most likely spoken by Henry George.

"People should own what they create, but land and natural resources should belong to everyone equally."

Which of the following statements can be attributed to W. E. B. Du Bois?

"We demand an immediate end to Jim Crow segregation and prisoner abuse in the South."

President Harry Truman and secretary of state George Marshall proposed the Marshall Plan to Congress in 1947. Choose the statement that best summarizes the purpose of this plan.

"We will provide financial support to rebuild European countries and stem the spread of Communism."

Match Title IX during the 1970s to the statement that reflects its effect on American politics or society.

"When I began high school, there were finally sports programs for girls."

In May of 2011, U.S. Navy SEALs raided a group of buildings (a "compound") and killed Osama bin Laden. Choose the map that indicates (in red) the country where this occurred.


What was a cause of the Great Depression?

Growing panic and pessimism among consumers led to decreased production in the automotive, construction and other key sectors of American industry.

Which action was supported by Kennedy's Flexible Response foreign policy?

It created the Green Berets, a new special forces units trained in counterinsurgency.

Choose the true statement about the nature of the American economy in the 1970s.

There was increased competition from Japan and West Germany, who had recovered from World War II.

What did the Harlem Renaissance, the "New Negro" movement and Pan-Africanism all have in common?

They celebrated African American unity and culture and rejected racist stereotypes.

Economic expansion and suburbanization in the 1950s led to cultural pressures to behave in certain ways according to your __________.


Choose the statement that reflects a foreign policy success for President Gerald Ford.

Along with the Soviet premier and 31 other countries, he agreed to the Helsinki Accords.

Choose the statement the best explains how most farmers such as those depicted in the image experienced the Great Depression.

Over-farming and drought led to economic hardships for farmers and their families.

Progressives pushed for democratic reforms in party politics, which included allowing party members, rather than delegates, to nominate candidates for office. What is the term for this reform?

The direct primary system

Which statement best describes Woodrow Wilson's evolving idea of "peace without victory" rather than remaining neutral?

The end of the war should expand ideals of democracy, free enterprise and self-determination to create a lasting peace

Which event from the 1920s is associated with the resurgence of American nativism during that decade?

The execution of Sacco and Vanzetti

Choose the true statement about the effects of the 1990s economy in America.

The federal government had to borrow less money as the federal deficit shrank.

Choose the true statement about Progressives or the Progressive era.

Progressives supported regulation of the market economy and efforts on behalf of social justice.

Choose the true statement about the consequences of Vietnamization.

By 1971, 200,000 American soldiers had returned home.

Choose the true statement about the nature of the rural economy in the late 19th century.

Lenders and farmers used the crop-lien system to subsidize the cost of running a farm.

As cities began to adopt Progressive reforms for governance, these reforms included electing people to run specific city operations. What is the term for this reform?

The commission system

Why did President Ronald Reagan abandon Détente as a form of foreign policy during his administration?

He thought the United States looked weak and unwilling to assert its influence around the world.

What was President John Kennedy's response to the civil rights movement shortly before he was assassinated?

He tried to get a civil rights bill through Congress.

A meat packing plant buys a smaller meat packing plant and lowers prices to effectively run another out of business. It then strikes a deal with the railroad to transport the meat at a lower price and gains control of the meat market. What aspect of industrialization does this represent?

Horizontal integration

Which action did President John F. Kennedy's administration support in Vietnam?

It sought a military coup against the Diem regime in South Vietnam.

Why did the Ronald Reagan administration's Strategic Defense Initiative draw public criticism?

It was believed to violate international treaties and it was extremely expensive.

"I drew my support from the 'silent majority,' who have had their needs ignored by Washington for too long."Of the candidates who ran for President in 1968, match the statement with its likely speaker.

Richard Nixon

Which of these actions occurred as a part of Franklin D. Roosevelt's First New Deal?

Several government initiatives quickly provided work for the unemployed.

Which of these statements is reflective of Hoover's responses to the Great Depression?

"Citizens must tighten their belts to overcome temporary economic challenges."

Choose the statement that best reflects an argument in favor of Indian assimilation during the late 19th century.

"Indians must conform to American society in order to grow and advance as a people."

Which of the following statements describes circumstances that led to the rise of identity politics in 1960s America?

"Legislation does little to solve problems like residential segregation and economic equality for blacks."

Choose the true statement about the effects of economic expansion in 1950s America.

"Like our peers, my husband and I married young and had more children than our parents did."

Choose the statement that best describes a way in which the Second Red Scare influenced Americans' lives.

"My favorite television programs show traditional images of family life."

Which description best matches the National Industrial Recovery Act from Roosevelt's New Deal?

"To stabilize the manufacturing sector, businesses worked together to establish fair codes of competition."

Choose the statement that reflects a feature of Progressivism.

A.) Progressives pursued a social justice agenda that sought greater equality for women, workers and black Americans.

Which of the following statements was an effect of the Red Scare?

A.) The headquarters of radical organizations were raided and thousands were arrested.

What was one effect of the Red Scare?

A.) The targeting of radical groups and labor unions in the Palmer Raids to disrupt potential threats.

Choose a true statement about consequences of the War of 1898.

B.) The acquisition of Pacific islands after the war resulted in more naval bases and a larger U.S. Navy.

Which of the following statements was a cause of the Red Scare?

B.) The cost of living in the United States nearly doubled between 1916 and 1919.

What was a cause of the Great Depression?

France and Great Britain were unable to repay loans American banks had extended them during the war and were unable to collect reparations from Germany.

During the 1920s, W. E. B. Du Bois and Marcus Garvey were early proponents of an ideology known as Pan-Africanism. What was a key way in which Garvey's beliefs differed from that of Du Bois?

Garvey believed that black and white Americans were incapable of working together to overcome racism.

Why did President Theodore Roosevelt use the power of his office to advance Progressive reform?

He believed the country needed governmental solutions to the ills of industrialization and corruption.

President Franklin Roosevelt became convinced that the United States should support the Allies in World War II for which of the following reasons?

He believed the rise of fascism was a threat to all nations.

Choose the statement that best explains why Eugene McCarthy had the support of many students during the 1968 presidential election.

He decided to compete in the Democratic primary by running on an antiwar campaign.

As World War I broke out in Europe, President Woodrow Wilson sought to maintain U.S. neutrality for which of the following reasons?

He did not want to risk his re-election by engaging in an unpopular war.

After President Woodrow Wilson's "peace without victory" speech, several events occurred that led to the United States entering World War I. Which of these events most contributed to the United States entering the war?

The Zimmerman Telegram was sent to the German ambassador in Mexico.

Choose the statement that reflects a feature of Progressivism.

Theodore Roosevelt's rise to the presidency brought Progressivism to the federal government.

RATIONALE This article describes a race riot that occurred in Chicago in the summer of 1919 when a white mob stoned a young black boy to death because he swam too close to the "white beach" on Lake Michigan. The Chicago Daily Tribune was one of the city's major newspapers, with a white readership. The matter-of-fact language reporting that a black boy had wandered into what "white bathers" termed "'white territory" suggests that the writer accepts segregation in Chicago's recreational spaces and did not think the "white bathers" were doing anything wrong. What was the purpose of Theodore Roosevelt's "Square Deal?"

Use the government to create a level playing field for all hardworking Americans.

Consider the case of the Scottsboro Boys, who were arrested in 1931. What does this incident suggest about the state of racial relations during the Great Depression?

Racial bias remained ingrained within society and the justice system.

Choose the statement that best reflects an argument used by Chief Joseph to oppose federal assimilation.

"Forcing Indians to stay in one place does not allow them to live fully and prosper."

Which statement reflects an effect that World War II had on American workers?

"I'm grateful that the government is helping me to take care of my children while I support the war effort."

Which of the following statements describes circumstances that led to the rise of identity politics in 1960s America?

"I'm proud of my community and I think the government should be more supportive of our success."

Which of the following statements reveals a cause of political organizing by evangelical Christians during the 20th century?

"We fear that consumerism will corrupt our children and destabilize American families."

Which description best matches the Civilian Conservation Corps from Roosevelt's New Deal?

"This was put in place to help provide jobs mainly to young men who didn't have work. They helped with some labor-intensive tasks such as constructing roads, planting trees and a variety of other land management projects."

What was one purpose of the Agricultural Adjustment Act as a part of Franklin Roosevelt's First New Deal?

To address the problem of overproduction and low prices for agricultural crops

Which list of activities best represents the basic practices of historians?

Asking questions of the past, using historical lenses, compiling facts about historical events and interpreting evidence from the past

In 1912, the National Child Labor Committee pushed President William Howard Taft to establish the U.S. Children's Bureau and worked to help pass a policy that barred the trade of any goods that used child labor for production. What was the name of that policy?

C.) Keating-Owen Act

What did President Kennedy do in response to the Cuban Missile Crisis?

He demanded the Soviet Premier remove the missiles from Cuba.

Why were American officials reluctant to launch an invasion of Japan in 1945?

Japanese soldiers rarely surrendered, so officials feared great brutality and loss of life.

Choose the true statement about American foreign policy during the Progressive Era that is illustrated in the cartoon.

Roosevelt believed that shows of military strength were sufficient to establish American dominance in the western hemisphere.

Determine which action was supported by both Eisenhower's New Look foreign policy and Kennedy's Flexible Response foreign policy.

The U.S. committed to fighting communism through containment policy.

Which of the following was a cause of the attack on Pearl Harbor?

The U.S. was impeding Japan's desire for new raw materials and oil

Which act authorized law enforcement to examine American citizens' telephone conversations and emails without a warrant?


Which analysis of events from 1968 reflects the lens of politics?

The election of Richard Nixon represented a resurgence in American conservatism.

What was one purpose of the Glass-Steagall Act, which was part of Franklin Roosevelt's First New Deal?

To prohibit commercial banks from engaging in investment banking

Which of the following statements best describes the Reservationists' stance toward the Treaty of Versailles?

"We support this treaty with amendments."

Which answer accurately reflects President Wilson's progression of thought on American neutrality in World War I?

1. In a speech, President Wilson said, "The United States must be neutral in fact as well as in name." 2. President Wilson outlined a new agenda, calling for "peace without victory." 3. Wilson addressed Congress, saying "the world must be made safe for democracy."

Identify the most important reason that the election of 1896 was significant in American politics.

Almost 80% of eligible voters went to the polls, the largest voter turnout in history to that date.

Select a factor that shifted American foreign policy toward imperialism in the 1890s.

American industrialists gained access to international markets and U.S. exports rose steeply.

Which statement is most likely to have been spoken by Booker T. Washington, reflecting his approach to black equality in the Progressive era?

B.) "The burden of change is on black communities, not on white men to fix it for us.

What reform in city governance divided responsibilities for specific city operations and greatly decreased corruption?

B.) The commission system

Read the newspaper excerpt from The Indianapolis Journal quoting Jay Gould about the 1886 railroad strike. "There is no room for a compromise, for the strikers have confessed, in effect, that they have no grievances against our company. I am bound to fight this question to the bitter end for this very reason. The position is a simple one; if we had interfered with the management of the Texas Pacific we should have been in contempt of the United States Court which has charge of that road. The men on our own lines have made no complaint against us, but by striking try to enforce the demands of workmen on another road not under our control. There can be no compromise of such a strike. I have asked the opinion of Judge Dillon as to our legal rights under such circumstances, and his decision is that it is our duty, not alone our right, to prevent the interruption of the business of the road by all legal means. "Jay Gould's comments most likely represent what group's perspective?

Business leaders

What Progressive reform enabled the public to propose new laws?

D.) The initiative

Which of the following organizations is paired correctly with its activity?

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) - Coordinates everything from protecting U.S. borders to emergency relief

Which of the following contributed to the Democratic Party beginning to become associated with civil rights after the New Deal?

Eleanor Roosevelt lobbied for the passage of a federal law that prohibited lynching.

"I will run for president on an antiwar campaign."This quotation would best reflect the views of which candidate in the presidential campaign of 1968?

Eugene McCarthy

Men stand outside a soup kitchen in Chicago opened by Al Capone in February 1931.Which factor contributed to the descent into poverty of many Americans?

Families that had savings exhausted them quickly, trying to stay afloat.

Choose the true statement about African American culture and politics in the 1920s.

Harlem, a neighborhood in New York City became associated with the "New Negro" movement.

Why did President Theodore Roosevelt use the power of his office to advance Progressive reform?

He believed it was the government's responsibility to create an atmosphere in which all could flourish.

How did president Ronald Reagan escalate the Cold War?

He engaged in anti-communist interventions in Grenada and Nicaragua.

Choose the true statement about Progressives or the Progressive Era.

Investigative journalists worked to expose the ills of society.

The reality of western life was often very different from the dreams of homesteaders. Which of the statements below best expresses one of the common myths of prospective homesteaders?

It took rugged, independent Americans to tame the wild West.

After the conviction of the alleged Haymarket bombers in 1886, Albert Parsons wrote the following in a letter: "Our verdict this morning cheers the hearts of tyrants throughout the world, and the result will be celebrated by King Capital in its drunken feast of flowing wine from Chicago to St. Petersburg." Who are the "tyrants" to whom he refers?


One accomplishment of President Johnson's administration was that it addressed the problem of elderly citizens who did not have health insurance by creating which program in 1965?


Select a factor that shifted American foreign policy toward imperialism in the 1890s.

Missionaries believed their work abroad would benefit people and help expand democratic principles.

The average compensation for the highest-paid CEOs in America went up 400% between 1980 and 1988. Which group was least likely to view growing class divisions in America in the 1980s as a problem?


Choose the factor that was most likely an effect of rapid industrialization in the United States during the late 19th century.

New consumer methods such as mail-order catalogs

Which of the following made same-sex marriage legal in the United States?

Obergefell v. Hodges

Which of these Progressive reforms gained momentum after the U.S.'s entry into World War I?


Select the statement that best describes either a cause or effect of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Rather than invade Cuba, the CIA developed a strategy to send Cuban exiles to the Bay of Pigs.

Which of the following was a consequence of Richard Nixon's policy of disengaging from the Vietnam War?

Protests over the Cambodia bombings led to the killing of two protesters at Jackson State College.

Choose the statement that best characterizes the "New South" rather than the "Old South."

Segregation and Jim Crow laws were supported by Supreme Court decisions.

One form of protest for civil rights was the sit-in movement that attempted to focus public attention on discriminatory practices by private businesses. The idea spread quickly and led to the formation of what group to organize and manage activists' efforts?

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

What was a cause of the Great Depression?

The general public, along with investors, began to withdraw their money from banks, fearing the banks would collapse and they would be left with nothing.

Many historians have argued that the New Deal permanently changed the U.S. Which of the following is a long-term effect of the New Deal identified by historians?

The government assumed greater responsibility for the security of the people.

What was one purpose of the Civil Works Administration, which was a part of Franklin Roosevelt's First New Deal?

To provide jobs for the unemployed, workers were hired to construct public projects.

Choose the true statement about the relationship between private business and the federal government during World War II.

"Wartime mobilization was so important that the government eased antitrust regulations while we were in production."

Because of the economic downturn in the 1890s, many Americans organized in order to seek relief from corporations and elected officials. Choose the statement that reflects an action undertaken in the 1890s to improve conditions for workers.

"We marched on Washington, D.C. to advocate for public works jobs for the unemployed."

Which statement reflects President Franklin Roosevelt's response to the Great Depression?

"We must restore public faith in our institutions and seek stronger federal regulation of the economy."

Which statement is most likely to have been spoken by Booker T. Washington, reflecting his approach to black equality in the Progressive Era?

"We must work hard to gain the trust and support of our white neighbors."

What is the correct sequence of changes in American immigration policy during the 20th century?

1. Millions of Mexicans migrated to the United States under federally sponsored labor contracts. 2. The United States granted preference to immigrants with family ties here. 3. Approximately 1.7 million immigrants took advantage of an offer of amnesty.

What was one trend in the 1920s that was associated with a resurgence of Protestant Evangelicalism?

A desire to hold onto traditional values

When the Ohio Supreme Court ordered Standard Oil to relinquish its control over the industry, John D. Rockefeller created a new entity which enabled him to continue controlling multiple companies by owning the majority of stock in each of them. What is the term for this kind of entity?

A holding company

Which of these is an example of a primary source for historical research on America's westward expansion?

A recorded interview with an American Indian

To avoid the influence of special interest groups in politics, Progressives supported reforms like the initiative, which was a proposed law that the public placed on the ballot. Another reform introduced a process whereby an existing law was put on the ballot for voters to affirm or reject. What was this process called?

A referendum

The United States and NATO allies assisted which country's rebels to overthrow its leader, Muammar al-Gaddafi? Select the red country on the map that matches this description.


The consolidation of manufacturing in large cities along with an ever-increasing railroad system changed the nature of consumerism in rural America. Choose the most accurate statement about the changes in rural consumption practices in the late 19th century.

Carl ordered new farm equipment at a much lower cost than buying at the local dealer

Read the sentence from a Chicago newspaper account of a race riot during the Red Summer. Some of the victims were chased, caught and dragged into alleys and lots, where they were left for dead. In all parts of the city, white mobs dragged from surface cars, black passengers wholly ignorant of any trouble, and set upon them. The writer of this account was most likely sympathetic to which group?

Chicago's black population

*PHOTO* Consider "The Chinese Question" by Thomas Nast, published in Harper's Weekly, February 18, 1871. Choose the statement that best analyzes the experience of immigrants portrayed in the image.

Chinese immigrants were targeted with hate speech and anti-immigrant sentiment.

Which statement remained true for both the "Old South" and the "New South?"

Cotton was the South's most valuable export and commodity.

Which statement is a "cause" of government efforts to address violent crime and drug use in the 1980s and '90s.

Crack cocaine swept across America's inner cities.

Which list of activities best represents the basic practices of historians?

Creating narratives about the past, interpreting evidence from the past, remaining objective and selecting relevant primary and secondary sources

The New Generation of the 1920s is most closely associated with what kind of changes in urban America?


Specific actions by real estate developers, local politicians and individuals worked together to deprive many African Americans from becoming homeowners. This was an example of what form of segregation

De facto segregation

President Wilson's Fourteen Points revealed his plan for world peace during World War I. His "peace without victory" idea failed to acknowledge what reality?

France and Britain wanted Germany to pay for the war.

In the late 19th century, the consolidation of manufacturing in large cities and an ever-growing railroad system changed the nature of consumption in rural America. Choose the statement that best describes one of these changes in the nature of rural consumption.

Ed's newspaper began to include full-page advertisements for new consumer products.

Although many young Americans in urban areas were associated with the "new generation" during the 1920s, many inhabitants of rural America were part of a "nervous generation." Which of the following describes an aspect of the "nervous generation?"

Fearing change, some were willing to use the power of government to suppress dissent.

Under Franklin Roosevelt's leadership, the Democratic Party gradually transformed into a new political coalition. Workers and labor unions shifted their loyalties to the Democratic Party in the 1930s due to the attention paid by the Roosevelt administration to issues of unemployment and labor's bargaining rights. During the 1920s, W. E. B. Du Bois and Marcus Garvey were early proponents of an ideology known as Pan-Africanism. What was a key way in which Garvey's beliefs differed from that of Du Bois?

Garvey believed that black and white Americans were incapable of working together to overcome racism.

*PHOTO* If a historian were to question why most of the immigrants coming into the United States were pictured as male, when large numbers of females also immigrated to the United States, they would probably be viewing this picture through which lens?


Choose the region where the United States acquired territory after the Spanish-American War of 1898.

Pacific Ocean

Read the excerpt from a speech Ronald Reagan gave to the National Association of Evangelicals in 1983: "I would agree to a [nuclear] freeze if only we could freeze the Soviets' global desires. A freeze at current levels of weapons would remove any incentive for the Soviets to negotiate . . . and virtually end our chances to achieve the major arms reductions which we have proposed." According to this excerpt, why does Reagan oppose a nuclear freeze?

He is determined to counter Soviet aggression.

What was president John Kennedy's response when Freedom Riders were met with open resistance by Southern whites?

He sent in federal marshals to protect the riders.

How did President Theodore Roosevelt use the power of his office to advance Progressive reform?

He signed legislation that protected consumers.

Which of the following led to the beginning of the Great Recession?

Home prices began to fall because home construction had reached a saturation point.

Herbert Hoover's response to the Great Depression differed from Franklin D. Roosevelt. Part of the difference was a belief that every person should be responsible for themselves and pull themselves out of poverty through their own hard work. This idea reflects what ethos?


Choose the true statement about the American economy in the early 2000s.

Investments in high-tech companies grew, but the companies often failed to make a profit.

Which of the following was a cause of the Great Depression?

Investors and the general public withdrew their money from banks. The more they withdrew, the closer the banks came to collapse.

"Article X diminishes American independence by taking away Congress's power to declare war." Choose the person or group that held this belief regarding the proposed League of Nations, particularly Article X.


Consider this image from 1991 that depicts immigrant workers in a New York City garment shop. Choose one way the image differs from an image of textile work in the previous century.

Most immigrants are Asian.

Which of the statements are examples of the New World Order following the Cold War?

NATO intervened in the former Yugoslavia on humanitarian grounds.

Read the following account of an incident in Chicago from The Chicago Daily Tribune:"Then they turned on Policeman Callahan and drove him down Twenty-ninth street. He ran into a drug store at Twenty-ninth street and Cottage Grove avenue and phoned the Cottage Grove avenue police station . . . Two wagon loads of cops rolled to the scene, and in a scuffle that ensued here Policeman John O'Brien and three blacks were shot. "Based on the context, the newspaper article most likely provides an account of which event from 1919?

Red Summer

Federal housing agencies classified neighborhoods and, along with banks, discouraged investment in them if they were predominantly black. What was the name of this practice?


"Segregation of white and colored children in public schools has a detrimental effect upon the colored children. The impact is greater when it has the sanction of the law, for the policy of separating the races is usually interpreted as denoting the inferiority of the negro group." Which of the following statements best explains Chief Justice Earl Warren's argument against public school segregation contained in this excerpt?

Separating children on the basis of race has a negative effect on African American students even if the separate facilities are equal in every way.

As a result of what policy during the 2000s did the federal government funnel $800 billion into the economy to stimulate growth and create jobs?

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

**PHOTO** The cartoon above was printed in 1907 in the Washington Evening Star. Uncle Sam offers a baseball bat called "National Big Stick" to a player in a Nationals uniform, a reference to President Theodore Roosevelt's big stick diplomacy. Roosevelt had recently offered the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, an example of his big stick approach, in 1904. He was also continuing work in the Panama Canal in 1906. Teddy bear, a reference to Roosevelt, assures the player that "it's a victory getter, all right!" How does this cartoon depict the state of American foreign policy in the early 1900s?

The American government was taking an aggressive foreign policy stance backed by military power, which is represented by the "National Big Stick."

President Johnson understood that a lack of education was one cause of poverty, so he urged Congress to pass an act that increased federal funding for public schools. What was the name of that act?

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act

Which of the following actions was a part of Franklin Roosevelt's First New Deal?

The Emergency Banking Act was passed by Congress.

Which of the following was associated with the New Left during the 1960s?

The Free Speech Movement

Choose the true statement about the American economy in the early 2000s.

The George W. Bush administration cut tax rates for the wealthy, further widening the gap between rich and poor.

What was a cause of the Great Depression?

The Great Depression exposed significant, underlying weaknesses in the U.S. economy and the national banking system.

Choose the group or entity that was a predecessor of the Populist Party.

The Greenback-Labor Party

What piece of legislation is associated with consumer protections, which was a key component of Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal?

The Meat Inspection Act

The growing influence of the New Right was evident by the end of the 1970s when Jerry Falwell formed a "pro-life, pro-family, pro-America" political organization. What was the name of that organization?

The Moral Majority

Which statement reflects a way in which historians have argued that the New Deal changed the nature of American politics?

The inability of states to deal with the Great Depression led to growth in the federal government.

What Progressive reform enabled the public to propose new laws?

The initiative

"A woman's right to choose motherhood must remain legal." This statement regarding legalized abortion in the United States reflects the view of which of the following groups in the 1980s?

The liberal establishment

Choose the most accurate statement about the nature of politics in the Gilded Age.

The major political parties were polarized over monetary policy.

Which action did President John F. Kennedy's administration support in Vietnam?

The number of U.S. soldiers in Vietnam was increased to 16,000.

What was the focus of many of the trends and styles embraced by the "New Generation" during the Roaring '20s?

The role of women

Choose the statement that is true of both the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor.

They experienced racial, ethnic and gender divisions in the workforce.

When the United States entered World War I, suffragists saw the opportunity to enact a women's suffrage amendment. What was one of their main reasons for optimism?

They found it hypocritical to fight a war to defend freedom and democracy abroad and deny the vote to women at home.

When the United States entered World War I, anti-alcohol groups saw the opportunity to enact a national Prohibition amendment for which of the following reasons?

They thought grain should not be used to make beer and liquor when soldiers overseas needed food.

Which of these is an example of a primary source for historical research on World War II?

U.S. Army map drawn before the planned invasion of Europe during World War II

Consider the excerpt from a speech given by the former slave and abolitionist Frederick Douglass to the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society: "I have had but one idea for the last three years to present to the American people, and the phraseology in which I clothe it is the old abolition phraseology. I am for the 'immediate, unconditional, and universal' enfranchisement of the black man, in every State in the Union. [Loud applause.] Without this, his liberty is a mockery; without this, you might as well almost retain the old name of slavery for his condition; for in fact, if he is not the slave of the individual master, he is the slave of society, and holds his liberty as a privilege, not as a right. He is at the mercy of the mob, and has no means of protecting himself." Which question would be most relevant for analyzing this historical speech?

Why did Douglass give this speech?

Which statement reflects Huey P. Long's opinion about Roosevelt's New Deal?

"The government is not doing enough to redistribute wealth from the rich to those less fortunate."

Which statement reflects the position of the Reservationists on America's involvement with the proposed League of Nations?

A.) "We will support this treaty if amendments are made to the role of the U.S. in the League of Nations."

Choose a true statement about circumstances leading up to the War of 1898.

A.) The press played a key role in inflaming nationalist sentiment in many Americans.

What policy did the administration of President John Kennedy support in Vietnam?

American troops trained special forces in Vietnam and flew air missions that spread a chemical defoliant, Agent Orange, across the country.

What is the best definition of a historical lens?

An approach to analyzing historical events

Select the statement that best reflects President Kennedy's Flexible Response strategy.

It adopted a number of strategies, tactics and diplomatic policies to fight the Cold War.

Choose the statement that describes the civil rights March on Washington in 1963.

It built national support for the Civil Rights Act.

Which answer accurately reflects President Wilson's progression of thought on American neutrality in World War I?

1. President Wilson gave a speech in which he maintained that the U.S. must be neutral. 2. President Wilson outlined an agenda calling for "peace without victory." 3. Wilson argued that the U.S. should protect democracy around the world and declared war on Germany.

Choose the true statement about the nature of the rural economy in the late 19th century.

Although cotton remained a significant crop in the South, it was not profitable for many farmers.

Choose the true statement about American foreign policy during the Progressive Era that is illustrated in the cartoon.

America feels confident in its ability to act unilaterally to protect its interests.

Which statement reflects how the New Deal changed Americans' relationship with the government?

Americans expected the federal government to regulate the economy.

Which of the following traditions reflected the relationship between conformity and the American family in the 1950s?

Bachelorhood was considered a temporary state for men.

Which of the following was a cause of the attack on Pearl Harbor?

Diplomacy failed between the United States and Japan.

Theodore Roosevelt's "Square Deal" had three main components, one of which was consumer protections. What else was included in his plan?

Federal oversight of public lands

One trend of the 1920s that associated the decade with a "new generation" was young urban women who wore short skirts, had short hair and smoked and drank in public. What term was used for this group?


What was the effect of the National Industrial Recovery Act?

It required businesses to establish codes of fair competition.

During the Gilded Age, the practice of a local politician meeting the needs of constituents who promised their votes in exchange for services was evidence of what form of political corruption?

Machine politics

Choose the analysis of 1968 that best reflects the historical lenses of both economics and race.

Martin Luther King, Jr.'s efforts to organize a Poor People's March on Washington, D.C. in 1968 reflected the increasing focus within the civil rights movement on African Americans' access to decent jobs.

Why does the photographer call the woman in the image a "pioneer?"

She reinforces the traditional American values of persistence and hard work in the face of adversity.

Match the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 with the statement that reflects its impact.

The automobile industry was required to adopt fuel economy standards for new cars.

Rosemary is curious about the history of the Amish in America and begins her research at the library. As a historian, she is aware of possible influences on her interpretation of events. Which factor should be allowed to influence her interpretation?

The historical question she wants to ask

The Agricultural Adjustment Act sought to aid farmers around the country who were struggling during the Great Depression. It established production quotas on certain farm goods to reduce supply and increase prices and offered relief payments to farmers in exchange. Choose the statement that describes a cause of the War of 1898.

Yellow journalism inflamed American nationalism with sensational reporting on events in Cuba.

Choose the statement that reflects an effect of Brown v. Board of Education on the civil rights movement.

"I joined Rosa Parks in boycotting buses in Montgomery, Alabama."

During the late 1800s, dreams of the West held by prospective settlers were not matched by the realities. Choose the statement that describes a myth of the West.

"It is the destiny of white Americans to claim the West as their own."

Of these events that began to change President Wilson's stance on American neutrality in World War I, which occurred last?

Americans became aware that Germany invited Mexico to fight on its side in a war against the United States.

Choose the motivation that most influenced President Harry Truman's decision to use the atomic bomb on Japan.

Americans held racial animosity toward the Japanese.

Choose the statement that best reflects the relationship between Progressive reform and the United States' entry into World War I.

Anti-German sentiment contributed to the greater citizen and federal support for Prohibition.

What was the end result of civil rights activist sit-ins at segregated businesses?

It galvanized support for civil rights among college students.

Which of the following statements was an effect of the Red Scare?

The headquarters of radical organizations were raided and thousands were arrested.

In the summer of 1893, a young historian, Frederick Jackson Turner, presented a paper that explained his views on the significance of the frontier in American history. Choose the statement that best reflects Turner's views on the significance of the Western frontier.

Turner believed that frontier expansion paralleled the economic and social organizations that already existed in the Eastern United States.

In the same way that conditions of the Cold War encouraged political conformity, economic expansion in the 1950s encouraged __________ conformity.


Discrimination in the housing sector after World War II allowed whites to live in houses they owned in the suburbs, but when blacks tried to buy homes in predominately white neighborhoods, they were often unable to do so because of legal agreements or contracts that prevented white property owners from selling their houses to black buyers. These agreements or contracts were called __________.


President Roosevelt introduced a First New Deal and a Second New Deal to overcome the Great Depression. Choose the action that was associated with the Second New Deal.

It focused on long-term reform in addition to relief and recovery.

Hannah runs a hospitality business with Ray and Susan, backed by a group of investors who provide the funding but rely on Hannah and company to operate the business. What term best describes this type of business arrangement?

A trust

Choose the true statement about Progressives or the Progressive Era.

Progressives pushed for the nomination of candidates through a direct vote by party members.

Which of the following men was associated with the growth of the Populist Party in the late 19th century?

Ignatius Donnelly

What Progressive reform took place during or immediately after the United States' entrance into World War I?

B.) The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote.

During the 1890s, American businesses increased their investments in foreign markets, which made foreign affairs more important to their success. The creation of new and stronger international ties led to new markets for exports and better prices on raw materials. In addition, what other two factors changed American foreign policy in the 1890s?

A.) 1) America extended its empire by establishing naval bases in the Pacific Ocean and expanding the navy. 2) Missionaries worked to increase the influence of Christianity and American democracy around the world.

Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal had three main tenets: consumer protection, conservation and regulation of corporations. Which of the following is an example of regulation of corporations?

A.) By signing the Hepburn Act of 1906, Roosevelt expanded federal oversight of railroads and interstate transportation.

Choose a true statement about the War of 1898.

C.) The war was against Spain, but it took place in Cuba and in the Philippines.

Choose the true statement about changes in African American culture in the 1920s.

African American leaders rejected stereotypes and supported an independent black culture.

Which group is paired correctly with their experience during World War II?

African Americans - gained greater equality through Roosevelt's Executive Order 8802

Choose a consequence of government efforts to address violent crime and drug use in the 1980s and 1990s.

African Americans were seven times more likely to be imprisoned than white Americans.

What was the result of Queen Liliuokalani's resistance to U.S. imperialist foreign policies?

After an American-led revolt in 1893, the U.S. annexed Hawaii in 1898.

Read the excerpt from a petition to the United Nations, the introduction of which was written by W. E. B. Du Bois: "We appeal to the world to witness that this attitude of America is far more dangerous to mankind than the Atom bomb, and far, far more clamorous for attention than disarmament or treaty. To disarm the hidebound minds of men is the only path to peace; and as long as Great Britain and the United States profess democracy with one hand and deny it to millions with the other, they convince none of their sincerity, least of all themselves." How does this excerpt relate the Cold War to the civil rights movement?

America reveals its hypocrisy by fighting global Communism and denying rights to African Americans.

Select the statement that best describes the causes of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Ballistic missile sites were constructed in Cuba, within range of the U.S.

What was one reason the United Nations drafted a "Universal Declaration of Human Rights?"

Because of crimes against humanity committed during World War II

Why did President Kennedy begin to publicly support civil rights?

Because of the violence white southerners inflicted on civil rights activists

Which of the following World War II events happened first?

Benito Mussolini granted himself dictatorial powers in Italy.

What statement reflects the position of the Democrats on America's involvement with the proposed League of Nations?

C.) "We must ratify the treaty as it is written to ensure a peaceful world and future."

Which statement reflects the position of the Irreconcilables concerning the signing of the Treaty of Versailles and America's involvement in the proposed League of Nations?

C.) "We will not consider any aspect of this international treaty."

Which of these Progressive reforms gained momentum after the U.S.'s entry into World War I?

C.) Prohibition

Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal had three main tenets: consumer protection, conservation and regulation of corporations. Which of the following is an example of conservation?

C.) Roosevelt used executive power to preserve federal lands based on their beauty or cultural significance, or as wildlife habitats.

Read the following accounts of an incident in Chicago in 1919 that resulted in the deaths of a young African American boy and 37 others. From the Chicago Defender: "The presence of a black face in their vicinity was a signal for a carnival of death, and before any aid could reach the poor, unfortunate one his body reposed in some kindly gutter, his brains spilled over a dirty pavement." From the Chicago Daily Tribune: "Fists flew and rocks were hurled. Bathers from the colored Twenty-fifth street beach were attracted to the scene of the battling and aided their comrades in driving the whites into the water." What could explain the different perspectives of each newspaper account?

C.) The newspapers wrote for different audiences.

Read the excerpt from the Chicago Defender that describes what happened during a race riot in Chicago during the Red Summer. "In all parts of the city, white mobs dragged from surface cars, black passengers wholly ignorant of any trouble, and set upon them. An unidentified man, young woman and a three-month-old baby were found dead on the street at the intersection of 47th street and Wentworth avenue." What is the most likely purpose of this description?

C.) To inspire outrage at whites' treatment of blacks

What economic trend expanded during the Roaring 20s due to new inventions like the radio?


A neighborhood in New York City, Harlem, became a center for a black political and cultural movement in the 1920s. Which of the following statements best describes the "New Negro" movement?

It promoted a black literary culture that celebrated its racial heritage.

"As part of the Lyndon Johnson administration's War on Poverty, my teenage son participated in a program which provided training and work experience so he could have the same advantages as others." What was the name of that program?

Job Corps

In 1912, the National Child Labor Committee pushed President William Howard Taft to establish the U.S. Children's Bureau and worked to help pass a policy that barred the trade of any goods that used child labor for production. What was the name of that policy?

Keating-Owen Act

Read the testimony of a Mexican American migrant laborer to Congress in 1969: "So when crops are over in the State of Florida, there is no way that he can continue to survive, so he migrates. And because of that, the migrant farmworkers have had great difficulties in their employment relationships, much of this arising out of exploitation and abuse by irresponsible farmers and crew leaders who sometimes underpay them, short count them, and overcharge them for transportation." How did migrant workers attempt to combat the exploitation mentioned above?

Labor organizing

The Red Scare was a period following World War I in which Americans began to limit radical dissent. Which event is a consequence of the Red Scare?

Labor union members of Russian descent were deported to the Soviet Union.

The New Deal transformed the Democratic Party. Choose one example of this transformation.

Labor unions and organizers were firmly in the Democrat camp after the National Labor Relations Act was enacted.

The Red Scare was a period following World War I in which Americans suppressed radical dissent. Which event is considered a cause of the Red Scare?

Laborers who had originally agreed not to strike in support of the war effort participated in nearly 3,000 strikes in 1919.

One significant aspect of the election of 1896, exemplified by William Jennings Bryan's campaign, was:

Large crowds hearing his speeches

One of the most famous civil rights demonstrations, which took place in August of 1963, attempted to build support for Civil Rights Act. What was the name of this demonstration?

March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

In February 1917, two months before the U.S. entered the war, Germany broke its promise to limit submarine warfare, sinking five American merchant ships. This, along with the discover of the Zimmermann Telegram, prompted Wilson to request a declaration of war from Congress. Select a factor that shifted American foreign policy toward imperialism in the 1890s.

Navy officials supported the acquisition of Pacific islands to establish bases and coaling stations.

Select a factor that shifted American foreign policy toward imperialism in the 1890s.

Navy officials supported the acquisition of Pacific islands to establish bases and coaling stations.

"We support increased military spending, bringing about the collapse of the Soviet Union, and a stronger American presence in the Middle East." The speaker is most likely a member of what group?


The political cartoon reflects the economic trends of the late 19th century that contributed to the expansion of American imperialism. Choose the statement below that best reflects the trends shown in the cartoon.

American commercial interests played an important role in leading the U.S. towards imperialism.

Choose the true statement about American foreign policy during the Progressive era that is reflected in this cartoon.

American leaders believed in white Anglo-Saxon superiority.

Which of the statements reflects an effect of the New Deal on the American government?

Americans increasingly believed that the federal government would look out for their welfare.

The Red Scare was a period following World War I in which Americans began to reject radical dissent. Which of the following describes a consequence of the Red Scare?

Americans supported restricting civil liberties.

Choose the true statement about Congress's role in uncovering the Watergate scandal.

Americans watched televised public hearings led by a congressional committee to investigate the scandal.

Choose the true statement about the press's role in uncovering the Watergate scandal.

An anonymous source in the FBI provided information that implicated President Richard Nixon's administration in the Watergate break-in.

Several ideologies—social Darwinism, the self-made man and the Gospel of Wealth—emerged in the Gilded Age. Choose the person from the Gilded Age whose ideas are reflected in this statement: "There is a difference between the deserving and the undeserving poor."

Andrew Carnegie

Which of the statements describes the relationship between U.S. participation in World War I and Progressive reform?

Antagonism toward the Germans, who ran most breweries in the U.S., helped to pass Prohibition.

Which of the following was a reason some Americans opposed U.S. involvement in World War II?

Anti-Semitism in the United States made citizens wary of committing to helping with a refugee crisis.

Which list of activities best represents the basic practices of historians?

Asking questions about the nature of history, interpreting evidence from the past, remaining objective and selecting relevant primary and secondary sources

Choose the true statement about the Knights of Labor.

At its height, its membership was more than 700,000 workers.

Which group or person is correctly paired with their contribution to racial equality during the Progressive Era?

B.) W.E.B. DuBois - advocated for immediate and uncompromising agitation for black civil rights

Which statement best describes Woodrow Wilson's evolving idea of "peace without victory" rather than remaining neutral?

A.) The end of the war should expand ideals of democracy, free enterprise and self-determination to create a lasting peace.

Correctly order the court cases concerning segregation prior to Brown v. Board of Education.

1. Plessy v. Ferguson affirmed the doctrine of "separate but equal" in public accommodations. 2. Sipuel v. Board of Regents affirmed a student could not be denied entry to law school based on race. 3. Sweatt v. Painter affirmed that state laws could not prohibit integrated education.

What is something the counterculture and the New Left had in common?

A dislike of conformity

Dust storms, such as the one depicted above, had a number of consequences. Which of the following is NOT an effect of the "Dust Bowl?

A major population shift to the East

How did wartime production affect the U.S. economy during World War II?

A prosperous consumer economy was established and family incomes increased

Read the excerpt from the Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education: "Today, education is perhaps the most important function of state and local governments. Compulsory school attendance laws and the great expenditures for education both demonstrate our recognition of the importance of education to our democratic society. It is required in the performance of our most basic public responsibilities . . . In these days, it is doubtful that any child may reasonably be expected to succeed in life if he is denied the opportunity of an education. Such an opportunity, where the state has undertaken to provide it, is a right which must be made available to all on equal terms." According to the excerpt, why did segregation in education violate the 14th Amendment?

A state cannot deny any person the equal protection of the law.

Consider this political cartoon, captioned "The World's Constable," published in Judge in 1905. Choose the true statement about American foreign policy during the Progressive Era that is illustrated in the cartoon.

A.) America feels confident in its ability to act unilaterally to protect its interests.

Consider the political cartoon captioned "School begins," published in Puck in 1899. Choose the true statement about American foreign policy during the Progressive era that is reflected in this cartoon.

A.) American leaders believed in white Anglo-Saxon superiority.

Read the following excerpt on rioting in Chicago from the Chicago Defender: "Rioters operating in the vicinity of the stock yards, which lies in the heart of white residences west of Halsted street, attacked scores of workers—women and men alike returning from work. Stories of these outrages began to fluster into the black vicinities and hysterical men harangued their fellow to avenge the killings—and soon they, infected with the insanity of the mob, rushed through the streets, drove high powered motor cars or waited for street cars which they attacked with gunfire and stones. Shortly after noon all traffic south of 22nd street and north of 55th street, west of Cottage Grove avenue and east of Wentworth avenue, was stopped with the exception of trolley cars. Whites who entered this zone were set upon with unmeasurable fury. Policemen employed in the disturbed sections were wholly unable to handle the situation. When one did attempt to carry out his duty he was beaten and his gun taken from him. The fury of the mob could not be abated. Mounted police were employed, but to no avail." What does this excerpt reveal about the United States in 1919?

D.) Northern cities like Chicago were diverse, but geographically segregated by race.

Choose the statement that reflects a feature of Progressivism.

D.) Progressivism was a diverse movement of men and women who shared a desire to reform American society to improve democracy and equality.

Study the political cartoon titled "Big Stick in the Caribbean Sea," published in 1904. Choose the true statement about American foreign policy during the Progressive Era that is illustrated in the cartoon.

D.) Roosevelt believed that shows of military strength were sufficient to establish American dominance in the western hemisphere.

Which of the following can be considered a success of President Richard Nixon's foreign policy?

Diplomatic ties were re-established with China.

What was one way that the Second Red Scare encouraged conformity in the American people after World War II?

Discovery and dismissal of homosexuals employed by the government

In response to the 1973 oil crisis, a new policy was passed to establish fuel economy standards for automobiles. What was the name of that policy?

Energy Policy and Conservation Act

In the summer of 1963, President John Kennedy stated his support for a civil rights bill. The bill he envisioned would give the federal government greater power to do which of the following actions?

Enforce school desegregation

Prior to Brown v. Board of Education, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) achieved several significant civil rights victories in the Supreme Court. These victories concerned which of the following issues?

Equal access to graduate and law schools

Which action is an example of a U.S. foreign initiative that reflected the New World Order during the 1990s?

Ethnic cleansing in southeastern Europe gave member nations of NATO a new focus on protecting international human rights.

Which of the following pairs of events is in the correct chronological order?

Europe's leaders met at the Munich conference and then Germany occupied all of Czechoslovakia.

Choose the statement that most accurately describes the rural economy of the late 19th century.

Farmers were caught in a cycle of debt from which they couldn't break out.

The Red Scare was in response to labor unrest and radical activism following World War I. Which event is considered a consequence of the Red Scare?

Federal agents arrested (often without warrants) thousands of individuals affiliated with radical organizations and labor unions.

The political cartoon reflects the economic trends of the late 19th century that contributed to the expansion of American imperialism. Choose the statement below that best reflects the trends shown in the cartoon.

Foreign nations were eager to access the products of American industry

Many historians have argued that the New Deal changed American politics and governance. Which statement supports this argument?

Franklin Roosevelt's "fireside chats" inspired the public's faith in the presidency, which lasted beyond his administration.

Which of the following is paired correctly with its definition?

G.I. Bill - provided college tuition and other benefits for soldiers returning from World War II

"....It seems to me that God, with infinite wisdom and skill, is training the Anglo-Saxon race for an hour sure to come in the world's future. Heretofore there has always been in the history of the world a comparatively unoccupied land westward, into which the crowded countries of the East have poured their surplus populations. But the widening waves of migration, which millenniums ago rolled east and west from the valley of the Euphrates, meet to-day on our Pacific coast. There are no more new worlds... The time is coming when the pressure of population on the means of subsistence will be felt here as it is now felt in Europe and Asia. Then will the world enter upon a new stage of its history—the final competition of races, for which the Anglo-Saxon is being schooled. Long before the thousand millions are here, the might centrifugal tendency, inherent in this stock and strengthened in the United States, will assert itself. Then this race of unequaled energy, with all the majesty of numbers and the might of wealth behind it—the representative, let us hope, of the largest liberty, the purest Christianity, the highest civilization—having developed peculiarly aggressive traits calculated to impress its institutions upon mankind, will spread itself over the earth." In writing his book titled Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis in 1885, and particularly the passage above, Reverend Josiah Strong made what argument about America's foreign policy goals?

He believed that expansion of missionary work would not only benefit people around the world, but would also invigorate American democracy.

Which of the following is a reason why President Theodore Roosevelt pushed for progressive reform within the federal government?

He believed that federal oversight of large corporations and monopolies was needed to protect consumers.

What is one reason George Kennan advised the United States to adopt containment as foreign policy in the mid-20th century?

He believed the Soviet Union was aggressively expansionist and didn't intend to stop.

Select the statement that best reflects a reason for President Kennedy's delay in supporting the civil rights movement.

He feared a loss of congressional support for his foreign policy goals.

Which of the following best summarizes President Kennedy's response to the civil rights movement?

He supported civil rights but was hesitant to risk upsetting southern Democrats with bold action on the matter.

"President Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty benefited my youngest children because they could gain a good foundation for their educations." What is the name of the program described above?

Head Start

Several ideologies—social Darwinism, the self-made man, and the Gospel of Wealth—emerged in the Gilded Age. Match the statement below describing an ideology of the Gilded Age to the person who popularized it: "Human societies evolve much like natural organisms evolve."

Herbert Spencer

Which statement characterizes American immigration policy during the early 20th century?

Immigrants from Europe were subject to quota requirements based on nationality.

Read the excerpt from Mary Antin's autobiography, The Promised Land, published in 1912. "Happening when it did, the emigration [from Russia] became of the most vital importance to me personally. All of the processes of uprooting, transportation, replanting, acclimatization, and development took place in my own soul. I felt the pang, the fear, the wonder, and the joy of it. I can never forget, for I bear the scars. But I want to forget—sometimes I long to forget. I think I have thoroughly assimilated my past—I have done its bidding—want now to be of to-day. It is painful to be consciously of two worlds..." What aspect of the immigrant experience is most reflected in Antin's excerpt?

Immigrants had a sense of dislocation in a new country.

Why do those who support "English-only laws" in the United States claim they are necessary?

Immigrants refuse to assimilate to American society.

Choose the factor that was most likely an effect of rapid industrialization in the United States during the late 19th century.

Improvements in communication such as the telephone

Read the excerpt from an address to Congress made by President George W. Bush articulating the Bush Doctrine: "Our response involves far more than instant retaliation and isolated strikes. Americans should not expect one battle, but a lengthy campaign unlike any other we have ever seen. . . We will starve terrorists of funding, turn them one against another, drive them from place to place until there is no refuge or no rest. And we will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism. Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make: Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists. From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime." Under what circumstances was the Bush Doctrine articulated?

In response to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001

What was the effect of the Supreme Court decision in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson?

It confirmed the policy of "separate but equal" in the public sphere.

Some baby boomers began to reject the status quo in the 1960s, though they did so in very different ways. Which of these actions is more reflective of the counterculture movement?

It embraced alternative lifestyles.

Read the following excerpt on rioting in Chicago from the Chicago Defender: "Rioters operating in the vicinity of the stock yards, which lies in the heart of white residences west of Halsted street, attacked scores of workers—women and men alike returning from work. Stories of these outrages began to fluster into the black vicinities and hysterical men harangued their fellow to avenge the killings—and soon they, infected with the insanity of the mob, rushed through the streets, drove high powered motor cars or waited for street cars which they attacked with gunfire and stones. Shortly after noon all traffic south of 22nd street and north of 55th street, west of Cottage Grove avenue and east of Wentworth avenue, was stopped with the exception of trolley cars. Whites who entered this zone were set upon with unmeasurable fury. Policemen employed in the disturbed sections were wholly unable to handle the situation. When one did attempt to carry out his duty he was beaten and his gun taken from him. The fury of the mob could not be abated. Mounted police were employed, but to no avail." What does this excerpt reveal about the United States in 1919?

Northern cities like Chicago were diverse, but geographically segregated by race.

"Our country is nearly ruined. Corruption tarnishes our elections. People are poor and struggling, while a few get rich off their labor." The statement above best reflects the concerns of which political movement from the 1890s?


Choose the statement that best reflects historian Lawrence Goodwyn's interpretation of populism.

Populism was a movement against the politics of the Gilded Age that supported big business rather than farmers and laborers.

Read the excerpt from a memoir written by Allan Pinkerton about the Great Railway Strike of 1877. "For this reason the strike of '77 was a complete failure. Although in many instances riotous excesses were not committed, the attempt of which they were all guilty—to prevent the movement of trains—made their strike as truly a riotous proceeding as the pillage, arson, and murder of Pittsburgh could have made it. By this act the strikers placed themselves in an attitude of defiance to all law and to society, and as surely arrayed law, order, and society against them. Had they won, it would have been a triumph of anarchy; and anarchy is a something impossible to exist. No community can exist save under law and order; and no riotous strike is possible of success short of revolution; while revolution itself is a failure, unless it brings to a people a still purer law and a more secure order." What group of people would most likely agree with Allan Pinkerton's opinion?

President Hayes

Choose the statement that reflects a feature of Progressivism.

Progressivism was a diverse movement of men and women who shared a desire to reform American society to improve democracy and equality.

**PHOTO** Consider the case of the Scottsboro Boys, who were arrested in 1931. What does this incident suggest about the state of racial relations during the Great Depression?

Racial bias remained ingrained within society and the justice system.

The United Nations issued a Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. Which of the following statements reflects an idea contained in the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

Reason and conscience can guide human beings to treat one another as equals.

Select a factor that shifted American foreign policy toward imperialism in the 1890s.

Reformers working overseas believed that white Americans had a responsibility to help lesser peoples.

Theodore Roosevelt's "Square Deal" had three main components, one of which was consumer protections. What else was included in his plan?

Regulation of corporations

During the 1890s, American businesses invested in mining and railroad construction in Latin American nations. Increased investment in foreign markets strengthened American interest in foreign affairs. In addition, what other factor changed American foreign policy in the 1890s?

Religious leaders believed that missionary work would spread democracy and benefit non-Christians.

Study the image of a farmer in 1936 Oklahoma. Farmer from Cimarron County, Oklahoma, rebuilding his fence to keep it from being buried by sand. Photograph by Arthur Rothstein, April 1936. What is one way that farmers tried to endure the Great Depression that is revealed by this photograph?

Remain on the land and continue working it

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