US History MC 1st Semester

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Use the table and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question. Alliances of World War I Year Allied Powers Central Powers 1914 Japan, Belgium, Serbia, France, British Empire Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire 1915 Italy Bulgaria 1916 Poland 1917 Cuba, Brazil, United States, Greece, Panama, China 1918 Haiti, Costa Rica According to the table, which year saw the greatest number of nations joining the Allied powers?


Use the quotes from Calvin Coolidge below to answer this question. A. The man who builds a factory builds a temple; the man who works there, worships there... B. O gold! I still prefer thee unto paper which makes bank credit like a bank of vapor. C. Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration has been minding my own business. D. The nation which forgets its defenders will be itself forgotten. Which quote shows President's Coolidge's support of big business by comparing it to fundamentalist symbols?


In 1928, Herbert Hoover campaigned on a slogan of:

A chicken in every pot, a car in every garage.

Who served as president of The United States during most of The Civil War?

Abraham Lincoln

Triangular Trade, also known as a form of mercantilism, included trade between England, American colonies, and


Famous for tent revivals, _____ would seek audiences from a wide variety of sources including boxing matches.

Aimee Semple McPherson

The term "Seward's Folly" refers to the acquisition of


The economic genius who proposed the basis of the American economic system after 1781 was

Alexander Hamilton

FDR beat Republican presidential candidate Hoover in 1932 and _____ in 1936.

Alfred Landon

Which of the following business giants and his business is not correctly matched?

Andrew Carnegie and shipping

The first president to be impeached but not convicted was

Andrew Johnson

The last major offensive (attack) during World War I in which the U.S. took part was at:

Argonne Forrest.

Which document provided for the establishment of a weak central government?

Articles of the Confederation

Which of the following nations was not an ally of the United States during World War I?


Use the quotes from Calvin Coolidge below to answer this question. A. The man who builds a factory builds a temple; the man who works there, worships there... B. O gold! I still prefer thee unto paper which makes bank credit like a bank of vapor. C. Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration has been minding my own business. D. The nation which forgets its defenders will be itself forgotten. Which quote aligns President Coolidge with the conservative philosophy of hard money policies?


The 1920s was a great era of American cultural expression. All of the following are artists of the period except:

Babe Ruth

Baseball player turned evangelical preacher, _____ reached 100 million people with his views on religion and the Prohibition platform.

Billy Sunday

Use the headlines and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question. "Spirit of St Louis, Flying Fool, Hero Back to Ticker-Tape Parade." The achievement of which of these individuals is best captured by the headlines above?

Charles Lingburgh

The two greatest lawyers of the 1920s faced off in the Scopes Trial which dealt with Darwin's Theory of Evolution in 1925. They were:

Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan.

Use the map and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question. National Parts Attributed to President Theodore Roosevelt The map above best supports which statement about President Theodore Roosevelt?

Conservationism was a major concern for President Roosevelt.

The two famous Sioux leaders credited with defeat of General Custer were:

Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull

After World War I, politicians re-drew national boundaries creating new nations like:


Use the quotes from Calvin Coolidge below to answer this question. A. The man who builds a factory builds a temple; the man who works there, worships there... B. O gold! I still prefer thee unto paper which makes bank credit like a bank of vapor. C. Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration has been minding my own business. D. The nation which forgets its defenders will be itself forgotten. Which quote shows President Coolidge's respect for military service?


Which of the following pairs is incorrect?

Dorothea Lange - painter

Although in jail for protesting World War I, _____ ran as a socialist for President.

Eugene V. Debs

Use the excerpt and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question. Now, since we could see no hope of better times through the old parties and have got together and formed a new party...We want...better prices for our produce; we want more money in circulation to pay for our labor or our produce...We are living in another man's house, working another man's land... - Let Us Quit the Old Party, 1892 It can best be concluded that the new political party discussed in the excerpt above would represent the hope of:


The nickname given to FDR's actions early in 1933 is the:

First Hundred Days.

The following is an excerpt from the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed." The provisions made in this excerpt were intended to address which of the following grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence?

For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offenses..."

All of the following are critics of FDR except:

Francis Perkins

The First Great Awakening was a religious movement whose greatest preachers were Jonathan Edwards and

George Whitefield

The colony founded as an experiment by James Oglethorpe as a place for debtors to come was


The most famous Apache Chief who continually resisted capture and reservation life was:


The two most famous generals of the Civil War (one from each side) were

Grant and Lee

John Steinbeck wrote a novel, The Grapes of Wrath, depicting the victims of the:

Great Depression.

The only Democratic presidential candidate who was elected during the Gilded Age in 1884 and 1892 was:

Grover Cleveland

The Teapot Dome and Elk Hills scandals concerned oil leases given out under President:


The black woman most associated with the Underground Railroad was

Harriet Tubman

Sanford Dole worked toward annexation of _____ in the Pacific by the U.S. using either peaceful or violent means.


The correct chronological order for a timeline of Presidents in the Gilded Age is as follows:

Hayes, Garfield/Arthur, Cleveland, Harrison, Cleveland, and McKinley.

The American political party called "The Whigs" was opposed to Democrats and included famous politicians like Daniel Webster and the man known as the Great Compromiser

Henry Clay

Who as head of the Food Administration and future President urged Americans to conserve food?

Herbert Hoover

Which of the following statements is a conclusion that could be drawn about third parties using the 1912 election as an example?

If a popular former President as the candidate can't win, no third party can win.

Nativists were those Americans who opposed _____ for economic and social reasons.


The Emergency Quota Act was the first act restricting _____ in American history.


Use the diagram and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question. Nativism, Political Machines, Sweatshops, Tenements Which of these terms best completes the diagram?


The set of Supreme Court decisions concerning the question of whether the Constitution follows the flag were called:

Insular Cases.

The person most credited with writing the U.S. Constitution was

James Madison

The first sustained English colony was


The Settlement House Movement was lead by:

Jane Adams

Commodore Matthew C. Perry opened U.S. trade with the secretive and closed nation of:


A unique American style of music that developed a big following in the 1920s was called:


Which of the following was not an active participant in the reform movements?

John C. Calhoun

____ was the richest man in America at the end of the Gilded Age and the founder of Standard Oil Trust.

John D. Rockefeller

During the Gilded Age a shift in education from that of a classical education to that of a more practical education was proposed by educational philosopher and leader:

John Dewey.

One of the most educational, influential philosophers of this era was:

John Dewey.

The leader of the American Expeditionary Force was:

John J Pershing

All of the following are one of the Big Four except:

John J. Pershing.

The leading labor figure in the development of the Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO) was:

John L. Lewis.

Marbury v Madison is an early cornerstone Supreme Court decision establishing

Judicial Review

Terence Powderly was the leader most associated with the growth of the:

Knights of Labor

The phrase "Shot Heard Around the World" refers to events happening at:

Lexington and Concord

The leader of a Hawaiian rebellion against the Americans was Queen:


The quote below supports the American concept of ___________. "...turn your face to the Great West, and there build up a home and fortune...Go West, young man!"

Manifest Destiny

All of the following are great African-American cultural artists of the 1920s except:

Marcus Garvey

The disgraced Jamaican immigrant who became an African-American leader who helped many black businesses and headed The Black Star Line Steamship Company that purported to take American blacks back to Africa was:

Marcus Garvey.

All of the following are writers of the 1920s except:

Mark Twain

Which of the following acts addressed water issues and land development in the west during the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt?

Newlands Reclamation Act

The famous 1920-21 criminal case showing American anti-immigrant feelings was against two anarchists named:

Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti.

Mexico ceded part or all of the following states to the U.S. in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo except


With farmers moving into areas like Texas, the _____ came to an end.

Open Range

George M. Cohen, who was popular for writing musicals, wrote one of the most memorable songs for World War I that clearly stated the American call to duty in Europe. The song was called:

Over There

In the late 19th century, immigration most affected American cities by contributing to which of the following?

Overcrowded housing

President Theodore Roosevelt involved the U.S. in affairs in the Caribbean and South American nations using the threat of military invasion called "gunboat diplomacy." The best example of "gunboat diplomacy" under Roosevelt is:


All of the following are part of President Wilson's progressive reforms except:

Payne-Aldrich Tariff.

Use the following graphic organizer and your knowledge of history to answer the next question. Cuba becomes a protectorate.Puerto Rico becomes a territory. ??? What is missing from the graphic organizer above?

Philippines fall under American control

The English colony founded by a group fleeing religious intolerance that didn't tolerate religious difference themselves was:

Plymouth Rock

The Washington Conference dealt with issues of:

Post-war naval size of several nations.

Use the information in the box and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question. Meat Inspection Act Secret ballot 17th National Park Service Initiative, recall, and referendum The above items would most likely be referred to in an essay written about:

Progressive Era reform.

The Volstead Act is most associated with:


Which of the following was not included in Wilson's Fourteen Points?

Protection for secret diplomacy

"Iron Horse" is the nickname for

Railroad Engines

During the mid-1800s Chinese immigrants to the United States were an important source of labor for which of the following industries?

Railroad construction

Which of the following is not an underlying cause of World War I?

Religious conflict

During the Spanish-American War, Theodore Roosevelt formed a Calvary unit that charged up San Juan Hill. That unit was called the:

Rough Riders.

Which of the following proposals or agencies is part of the relief provided by The New Deal?

Rural Electrification Act

The three leading Allied powers in 1914 were Great Britain, France, and:


How did Russia's participation in World War I change after 1917?

Russia pulled out of the war.

The Bolsheviks conducted a successful revolution in _____ which changed that country's involvement in

Russia; World War I.

The first major U.S. offensive (attack) took place at:

San Mihiel

Which of the following regulated the stock market?

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

In the early 1900s President Theodore Roosevelt used the Big Stick policy to involve the United States in the building of the Panama Canal. Which of the following benefits was accomplished with this construction?

Shipping time for world trade was decreased.

Which of the following New Deal programs continues to affect the lives of American workers?

Social Security Administration

The following quote is from John Winthrop in 1630: "For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us...we are walk in His ways and to keep His commandments and his ordinance and his laws." Before arriving in North America, Winthrop penned his goals for the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Which statement about the colonial period can best be supported from the excerpt?

Some colonies were founded on religious principles

To stall American entry into the war, Germany promised not to sink any vessel without warning. This was known as the:

Sussex Pledge.

The leader of the Knights of Labor who promoted political reform was:

Terence V. Powderly

All of the following are part of the Missouri Compromise except

Texas would be a slave state

The final Allied offensive and the biggest victory in which the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) took part was called:

The Battle of The Argonne Forest.

The growth of communities of homeless people living in makeshift shelters called Hoovervilles was a direct result of:

The Great Depression.

Jane Addams is most associated with a social welfare service known as:

The Hull House

Important Gilded Age strikes include the Great Railroad Strike, the Homestead Steel Strike, and:

The Pullman Palace Car Strike.

In 1215 the Magna Carta required the king to govern by an established rule of law. In the same tradition, the president of the United States is limited by the supreme law of the land, known as

The U.S. Constitution

Which of the following most influenced President Woodrow Wilson's decision to ask for a declaration of war against Germany?

The Zimmermann telegram

Which of the Progressive Presidents was most active in establishing the National Parks?

Theodore Roosevelt

The inventor most associated with the development of electricity was:

Thomas A. Edison.

Who is credited with writing most of The Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

The most famous cartoonist of the age who depicted many of the scandals was:

Thomas Nast.

Use the photograph and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question Fumigating for mosquitos Why was it necessary to perform the activity shown above during the construction of the Panama Canal?

To prevent the spread of yellow fever.

When J. Pierpont Morgan began to control several major railroads in the Northern Securities Company, he was using a business practice that is called:


The Pure Food and Drug and Meat Inspection Acts were congressional acts passed as a direct result of:

Upton Sinclair's book The Jungle.

The longest battle of World War I resulting in over 1 million casualties (deaths and injuries) occurred before the entry of the U.S. into the war in:


Woodrow Wilson's policy toward Mexico was called:

Watchful Waiting

A stalemate in fighting called trench warfare was fought on the:

Western Front

The owner of a sensational story printing newspaper in New York City was:

William Randolph Hearst.

The man most associated with bossism in New York City's Tammany Hall is:

William Tweed.

Use the information in the box and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question. Facts about the 1920s: Average yearly earnings of an individual: $1236.00 Life expectancy: Male 43, Female 54 The Wrigley Building (skyscraper in Chicago) was built in 1920 Which of the following statements is supported by the above facts?

Women lived longer than men.

Which of the following agencies created work jobs by giving federal money to local governments to hire people to do public works like build schools, roads, etc?

Works Progress Administration (WPA)

Which of the following took place from 1914 to 1918?

World War 1

The last "battle" of the Indian Wars occurred in South Dakota at:

Wounded Knee

At the turn of the 20th century, printing sensational stories in newspapers that may or may not be true was called:

Yellow Journalism

FDR's aim in his proposal known as "court packing" was to get:

a Supreme Court that supported New Deal programs.

Reconstruction finally came to an official end as part of a compromise involving

a disputed election in 1876

The term "Ohio Gang" referred to:

a group of Harding's friends.

The Dred Scott Decision angered northerners and abolitionists because it said that

a slave was still a slave if moved to a free territory/state

The 1920s term "flappers" refers to young women who:

abandoned older views of femininity and women's roles.

The widespread use of _____ by businesses tapped into people's minds in order to raise sales.


Some of the New Deal programs paid unemployed professional writers to write local histories, anthropologists to work on unearthing sites, and photographers to take pictures. These are unprecedented governmental actions that show a commitment to the:

appreciation of art and to promote positive images of American society.

Presidents Garfield and McKinley did not finish their terms of office because they were:


The immediate spark of World War I was the:

assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

The Dawes Act which gave Native Americans some of the same opportunities as the Homestead Act was meant to help them:

assimilate to be more like other Americans

The Prohibition movement was most concerned with the issue of:

banning alcohol.

America's number one pastime in the 1920s was:


Charles Lindbergh is most famous for:

being the first to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.

Using words and phrases like "robber barons" or "captains of industry" to describe Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Morgan is a literary device meant to create _____ in the mind of the reader.


Because of the Depression, many Americans became hostile toward _____ leaders who had been heroes of the 1920s.


The economic colonial philosophy of mercantilism has completely shifted to


The integration of the _____ into widespread use during the 1920s most transformed the American economy and culture.


Progressives are different from conservatives in that conservatives support the status quo (the way things are) and the progressives support:

change through government action.

The post Civil War building boom ushered in the construction of the first skyscrapers. They were aided by:

changes in architectural design and the safety elevator.

The Homestead Act passed in 1862 provided for :

cheap land if people would settle on it for 5 years.

Because so many banks were closing, as soon as FDR became president he immediately _____ every bank in the nation.


When first passed, the Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman Anti-trust Act were considered largely symbolic because they both:

contained little or no provisions for enforcement.

When Theodore Roosevelt could not capture the Republican nomination for President in 1912, he:

created a third party called The Bull Moose Party.

The economic shift from conservative to liberal back to conservative is called a:


During the 1920s, many people, businesses, and banks had taken on heavy _____ in order to try to cash in on the business boom.


One of the developments of mass marketing is the combining of specialty stores under one roof. This new type of store was called the:

department store

During the Depression, many Mexicans working in America were _____ in order to recapture as many jobs as possible.


A natural disaster called The Dust Bowl worsened the agricultural crisis. It was a:


American colonists protested against the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Act, and the Tea Act because they believed these acts directly violated their

economic rights

One of this era's greatest and most famous inventors was Thomas Alva Edison. Although he invented or improved many things, he is most associated with inventions dealing with:


In the 1920s, enrollment in public education:

escalated to record highs.

Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer was responding to _____ when he ordered the "Palmer Raids" on May Day 1920.

fear of communism/Red Scare

In order to calm the public, FDR gave many radio addresses. They were called:

fireside chats.

President Roosevelt intervened in the Coal Strike of 1902 by:

forcing arbitration (talks between opposite sides).

The Tennessee Valley Authority was an enormous energy-producing government project designed to:

gave legislative authority to the executive branch.

When the Depression began, President Hoover failed to act quickly because he believed that things would:

get better on their own

Public education was considered one of the best ways to help immigrants assimilate into American life. After the Civil War, public education:

grew rapidly.

The provision of the Wagner Act that helped labor was one that:

guaranteed the right of workers to bargain collectively with employers through unions.

All of the following are causes of the Great Depression except:

high numbers of immigrants.

Use the photograph and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question. Children in Factory This photograph shows child workers in a textile mill. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, many U.S. employers:

hired children as a source of cheap labor.

Although William Howard Taft initiated twice as many anti-trust suits as Roosevelt, many progressives were angry at Taft for:

his conservation policies.

American agencies that mobilized the nation for war _____ the power of the government over industry.


The automobile industry helped stimulate the U.S. economy in the 1920s because it:

increased demand for products such as steel, rubber, and gasoline.

The expansion of America's railroad network in the late 1800s changed the standard of living by:

increasing the availability and variety of consumer goods.

The unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness acknowledge the importance of the


The problems of The Great Depression _____ the existing prejudice in American society.


The business combination that had several of the same directors as the competition was called:

interlocking directorates.

Theodore Roosevelt was known as the "trust buster" because:

is administration's "trustbusting" pursuits.

Use the information below and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question. Unhealthy working conditions Unequal distribution of wealth Long working hours for little pay Growing incidence of wage cuts The conditions listed above best explain the growth of:

labor unions

Many Americans opposed U.S. membership in the League of Nations out of concern that it would Incorrect.

lead to U.S. involvement in international conflicts without congressional approval.

During the Gilded Age, women and children earned _____ money doing the same job as men.


During the 1920s, blacks and women overall made:

little significant progress with civil rights.

One of the goals of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) was to:

loan money to struggling businesses.

The Chisholm Trail is the most famous of the:

long cattle drives

The invention of the electric elevator contributed to the growth of cities in the United States by:

making the construction of taller buildings practical.

The Populist movement of the Gilded Age was primarily a movement of all except:


The prosperity of the 1920s caused many consumers to become overconfident in the economy. One result of this overconfidence was that:

many Americans purchased goods on credit.

All are new inventions or new technology used during World War I except:


Teddy Roosevelt nicked-named progressive writers _____ because they were always stirring up a mess.


In the late 1800s, Americans who opposed immigration for economic and cultural reasons were often called:


The quote below from Chief Joseph is a good example of Native American ___________. "From where the sun now stands, I shall fight no more forever."

need to surrender to reservations.

To escape the poverty of the rural South, many African-Americans migrated to cities in the:


Many African-Americans moved _____ during this period so that they could pursue new economic opportunities.

north to the cities

In the Sussex Pledge, Germany promised:

not to sink unarmed vessels without warning.

Probably the biggest problem facing the individual farmer in the 1920s was:

overproduction of crops

Following the outbreak of fighting in Europe in 1914, the United States immediately:

pledged that it would follow a policy of neutrality.

The Harlem Renaissance refers to the explosion in New York City of African American:

poetry, literature and music.

President Franklin Roosevelt suffered from a debilitating disease for which the March of Dimes fund was created. He had:


Use the excerpt and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question. "How long are the Spaniards to drench Cuba with the blood and tears of her people? How long is the peasantry of Spain to be drafted away to Cuba to die miserably in a hopeless war, that Spanish nobles and Spanish officers may get medals and honors?" -The New York World, 1897 The author of this article most likely believed that U.S. involvement in the Spanish-American War was necessary in order to:

prevent further casualties in Cuba.

Use the quote below and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question. I am in favor of carrying out the Declaration of Independence to women as well as men. Women having to suffer the burdens of society and government should have their equal rights in it. They do not receive their rights in full proportion. - Leland Stanford, railroad tycoon and founder of Stanford University The quote above is an example of a _____ source in favor of rights for women.


The American view of _____ was in direct conflict with the Native American view on land ownership.

private property

The primary purpose of the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution is to

protect individual freedoms and rights

The Scottsboro case was about:

race relations in the Depression Era

A progressive law meant to remove a government official between elections is called:


"Muckrakers" is a term invented by President Roosevelt to refer to the _____ because they stirred up the "dirt."

reform journalists

The U.S. cut off diplomatic relations with Germany when the Central Powers decided to:

resume unrestricted submarine warfare.

Progressives were angered with President Taft's support of his Secretary of Interior, Richard Balinger, against Gifford Pinchot over the _____ issue.

returning of forest land to the public sector

The development of both the telegraph and telephone contributed to the economic expansion of the United States by increasing the:

scale and speed of nationwide communications.

The Supreme Court decision of Plessy v. Ferguson was a cornerstone or landmark decision in 1896. It established the rule of:

separate but equal facilities for the different races is legal

The Open Door Policy proposed by the U.S. stated that European powers in China:

share territories with all interested traders.

The immediate spark to the war with Spain was the:

sinking of the U.S.S. Maine.

Harriet Beecher Stowe is most famous for writing a book about:


Before 1880, most of the immigrants were from western Europe. After 1880, 70% of the immigrants were from:

southern or eastern Europe.

Before the U.S. entered World War I, the western front was:


The spark of the Great Depression that alerted everyone that something big was happening began in October 1929 when _____ prices plummeted.


Raising tariffs like the McKinley Tariff is an example of conservative policy because it protected business with a:

tax on imports.

One of the original founders of the Sons of Liberty was Samuel Adams and their most famous activity was

the Boston Tea Party

Use the headlines and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question "Nationwide Stampede to Unload Stocks, Bank Failures Continue, Accounts Wiped Out." The events described in the newspaper headlines above were a cause of:

the Great Depression

The 1848 event that started the 1849 mining craze and rush into the west was:

the discovery of gold at Sutter's Creek in California

All of the following events or acts occurred while Hoover was president except:

the formation of the National Recreation and Park Association.

Andrew Jackson was president when The Indian Removal Act was signed. This act was responsible for

the removal of the five civilized tribes east of the Mississippi River to west of the Mississippi River

The nineteenth-century technological innovation that increased trade and commerce along rivers was

the steamboat

The Great Depression was:

the worst economic crisis in U.S. history.

Use the following chart and your knowledge of social studies to answer the next question. Economic Indicators of the 1920s 1921 Ford Motor Company reported record assets of more than $345 million Farm prices fell 72% 1925 Amount of money on credit: $1.38 billion 1929 Amount of money on credit: $3 billion 1929 0.1% Americans who had savings 80% Americans having no savings 1929 Year Personal Income of Henry Ford: $14 million Average year personal income: $750 Average year farmer income: $273 The main idea behind the table above is:

there is a gap between rich and average Americans.

African Americans migrated _____ during World War I to get jobs in the war industries.

to the north

The first key cash crop of the south brought to the colonies by John Rolfe was


Use the excerpt and your social studies skills to answer the following question. [We must protect] not free thought for those who agree with us, but freedom for the thought that we hate. -Supreme Court Justice\ Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., 1929 In this excerpt, Justice Holmes suggests that allowing free speech in a democratic society includes:

tolerating unpopular views.

The Populist Movement of the Gilded Age failed because it appealed to:

too few people.

The following quote is from the 1887 Interstate Commerce Act. "Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that the provisions of this act shall apply to any common carrier or carriages engaged in the transportation of passengers or property wholly by railroad, or partly by water when both are used, under a common control, management, or arrangement, for a continuous carriage or shipment, from one state or territory of the United States or the District of Columbia, to any other state or territory of the United States...." According to the excerpt above, the act sought to do all of the following except address:

transportation by horseback.

A military deadlock developed on the western front when both sides adopted _____ warfare?


The Second New Deal's basic economic plan was sometimes called "Pump Priming." This idea proposed to:

use government money to stimulate the economy.

Dozens of _____ were injured when the U.S. army led by Douglas MacArthur tried to disperse the Bonus Army.


The 15th and 19th amendments to the U.S. Constitution reflect an important aspect of our national identity because they both expanded the right to:


The stock market during most of the 1920s is called a bull market because it:

went up

At the Convention of Seneca Falls, _____ proclaimed their independence.


In 1920, the 19th Amendment went into effect which allowed for:

women's suffrage in national elections.

The aim of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was to deal with:

young men from unemployed families.

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