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Partial reinforcement

reinforce only some of the responses, and extinction is much slower animal doesn't understand rules have changed keeps a more long term response cause it takes longer to learn (i think)


responding increases in the precense of a new stimulus that resembles an old stimulus

Operant Conditioning big bang theory

this mans keeps giving this chick chocolate every time she does something he likes so she keeps doing it positive reinforcement


unconditioned response unlearned


unconditioned stimulus unlearned

Skinner experiment

used pigeons and rats to train them to make a response using different stimuli

another generalization example

when professor Irene teaches you how to take a multiple choice test, you can use those skills for other classes too-- the skill are generalizable


when you want a behavior to stop


when you want to increase a behavior

positive reinforcement

when you want to increase a behavior so you give something they like

negative reinforcement

when you want to increase a behavior so you take away something they don't like

Classical conditioning experiments

1. Trial 2. Acquisition (don't need to know) 3. Extinction 4. Generalization 5. Discrimination

example of discrimination

Muffin the dog barked and got happy when she heard Evan's car but would not bark and get happy if she heard a different car

example of discrimination in operant conditioning

Prof Irene uses cuss words when teaching college kids but NOT when teaching little bible babies

Alcohol Chart

UCS: Fireball alc ------> UCR: vomit + (association) CS: crest cinnamon toothpaste ---> CR: vomit

classical conditioning at BGSU chart

UCS: airsoft gun -----> UCR: roommate flinches + (association) CS: easy button-------> CR: roommate flinches

Taste Aversion chart

UCS: bacteria on taco -----> UCR: nausea/vomit + (Association) CS: seeing any taco --------> CR: nausea/vomit

Phobia chart

UCS: bit by a dog -----> UCR: get scared + (association) CS: any other dog -----> CR: get scared

PAVLOV Chart Example

UCS: dog food -------> UCR: Dog salivates +(association) CS: Rings Bells --------> CR: Dog salivates

Little albert Chart

UCS: loud noise ----> UCR: baby cries + (association) CS: white rat -----> CR: baby cries

stupid AXE commercial chart

UCS: sexy ladies coming at u ----> UCR:"excited" + (association) CS: AXE body spray -----> CR: "excited"

skinner box

a cage w limited stimuli only lever and food tray

Definition of Learning

a relatively permanent change in behavior that results from experience not due to maturation or temporary conditions


a stimuli similar to the CS also elicits the same response the CS is being generalized

baseline phase

animal makes a response and nothing happens rat presses lever and nothing happens pigeon presses key and nothing happens but then they learn wait actually why do you need this tho

Acquisition phase

animal makes the response and gets the reward rat presses lever, and gets food pigeon presses key, and gets food

Discrimination in operant conditioning

animals learn to make responses in some cases but not others

learning in animals

animals learn too, not just humans they're used to model learning

pavlov results

any dog would salivate to food when they're hungry thats unlearned but pavlov realized that he could classically condition dogs to associate something neutral (bell CS) with dog food (UCS) and get them to salivate

stupid AXE commercial results

any mans gonna get soup in his pants if he sees some sexy ladies but you've been classically conditioned when you actually believe that axe body spray is that reason and you continue to buy it

Phobia results

any would be be scared and fearful if they got bit by dog...unlearned but you've been classically conditioned now so when you see any other dog then you get scared too which is the development of a phobia cause obviously not all dogs are gonna bite you ya heard

taste aversion results

anyone would feel like ass if they ate a shit taco don't need no teaching for dat but you've been classically conditioned when you see a neutral taco and it makes you feel like ass too

results of classical conditioning and BGSU

anyone would flinch to an airsoft gun being shot at them thats an unlearned response but this one dude classically conditioned his roomy to flinch to the sound of the "that was easy" button by pressing it (CS) before shooting him with an airsoft gun (UCS) which would cause him to flinch to something completely neutral

alcohol results

anyone would vomit if they dumb and drink too much fireball. Again, UNLEARNED BITCH but you've been classically conditioned when you smell cinnamon (which is also in fireball) toothpaste and it makes you feel sicky

Classical Conditioning

association learning the association between 2 stimuli pairs 2 stimuli works with involuntary responses PAVLOV'S DOGS

Little Albert experiment background info

baby of a year old experimenter: John Watson he was interested to see wether or not he could condition a baby to fear something neutral (wtf) basically condition him to fear something he liked baby wasn't afraid of fire, monkeys, dogs, or bunnies really liked the white rat tho (also wtf) watson uses the rat and tries to get albert to fear the rat by using a loud noise bc babies hate loud noises (again wtf is this experiment)


basically opposite of Generalization when one can distinguish one stimulus from another and respond differently to each

animal example of operant conditioning

bro im mf tired btw cats have learned ways to get the owners to get up and do what they want. they learned that scratching the door at 5 am gets the owner awake and then cats will get food operant conditioning comes in when owner wants to decrease the response (punishment) and knows that the cat hates the vacuum so owner puts the vacuum in their face (gives them something they don't like) so they stop scratching the door -sorry that was a weird ass way of phrasing an example but this is positive punishment


conditioned response learned


conditioned stimulus learned

Pavlov's dogs experiment

dogs salivate when you put food in their mouths naturally dogs started to learn the experimental process and salivate when they anticipated food Pavlov classically conditioned them to salivate to neutral things associated w/ food they salivated to food in a dish pavlov wanted to know if he could use anything to get them to salivate pavlov uses a bell to classically condition dogs to salivate to dogs learn that the ringing of the bell means food so they salivate to it aka they've been classically conditioned

Pavlov dog generalization example

dogs were conditioned to salivate to a bell but they could also be conditioned to salivate to a doorbell or a ringtone the CS is generalizable


each paired presentation of the UCS and CS


fate or a happy accident

example of animals learning

fish comes up to the top of the fish tank when they see your hand/shadow because they've learned that it means food is coming

example of generalization in operant conditioning

guy gets first girlfriend flowers and she reacts in a way he likes so the next girlfriend he's learned to get this girl flowers too

Associative Learning

learn about the relationship between a stimulus and something else

Operant Conditioning

learning the association between a stimulus and a response learn responses because they operate (affect) on the environment the consequences of the response affect the likelihood that the response will be repeated reinforcement: want an increase in the behavior punishment: want a decrease in the behavior

Taste Aversion

one trial learning because you only need to have food-poisoning once to not eat that food or at that place ever again because of survival instincts, you need to know what can hurt you to stay alive

Operant Conditioning Chart Example ROOMIE ADDITION

positive reinforcement: you want them to wash the dishes, so you GIVE them chocolate negative reinforcement: you want them to wash the dishes so you finish their math hw or sumthin (sounds like ass but whatever) aka take away the need for them to do their math hw which is something they dislike Positive punishment: you want them to stfu when youre tryna sleep so you give them lots of yelling and nagging Negative Punishment: you want them to stfu when youre tryna sleep so you blast sicko mode and take away their ability to sleep when they tired LOL

Extinction phase

stop reinforcing operant response rat presses lever, no food pigeon presses key, no food


the CR is gradually weakened, and then disappears this takes time

Little albert generalization example

the moment he gives little albert the white rat, he strucks a loud noise and then albert cries but will he generalize w a another animal like a bunny or dog? he seems upset by the bunny and dog so watson believes he's been generalized

familiarity effect

the more you see something thats neutral, the more you will like it

little albert results

wow shocker the baby cries when it hears a loud noise duh....unlearned but the baby was classically conditioned to cry/ be afraid of something it previously liked (the rat) because the white rat (CS) was presented before the loud noise (UCS) so little albert associated the rat w the fact that a loud ass sound is coming and started fearing the rat

pitbull video extinction example

you present a pitbull dog without the pitbull dog biting expose him to his fears: exposure

how do you do extinction

you present the CS without the UCS so then the CS is no longer predictive that the UCS is coming

pavlov dog extinction example

you present the bell and do not give the dog food

Negative Punishment

you want to decrease a behavior so you take away something they like

Positive Punishment

you want to decrease the behavior so you give something they don't like


youre learning the association between the UCS and CS you must present the CS before the UCS must present the bell before the dog food so they learn the association between the two

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