US World History Unit 1 to 4

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Explain the reasons the Spanish defeated the Aztec

- Playing upon the disunity among the diverse groups in the Aztec - Successfully fomented civil war - 200,000 fighters in the siege of Tenochtitlan - Smallpox (disease) took a heavy toll - Cortes was Aided by a Nahua woman called (Malintzin)

Recognize the challenges faced by Great Britain at the end of the Seven Years' War

- The was led Great Britain deeply into debt (the government's war debt) - Problems on the American Frontier. - In 1760s and 1770s, efforts to deal with the debt through imperial reforms would have consequence of causing stress - Strain that threatened to tear the Empire apart. - Signing of the Treaty of Paris

Explain Martin Luther's criticism of the Catholic church

- practice of selling indulgences - Church's taxation of ordinary Germans and the delivery of Mass in Latin - arguing that it failed to instruct German Catholics, who did not understand the language. - his protest had unintended consequence of splitting European Christianity. - church reforms: The Ninety-Five Theses. - movement called the Protestant Reformation

Who were the participants in the Pequot War?

-Pequot tribe and an alliance of the colonists of the Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, and Saybrook colonies and their allies from Narragansett and Mohegan tribes

What were the consequences of the Spanish Inquisition for non-Christians?

-inquisition was a campaign led by Queen Isabella to root out Jews and Muslims who had seemingly converted to Christianity but secretly continued to practice their faith. -caused persecution and death for jews and muslims

Identify the motivations of European explorers

-overcrowding and poverty in England-there was work in the tobacco fields-spreading protestantism

What were the main economic sources in the New World for the Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch, and English settlers?

-trading posts for furs, gold, and silver-Rivalries in religion and politics-sugar and tobacco cultivation-new medicines

Understand the impact of the Columbian Exchange

-two-way exchanges between the Americas and Europe/Africa bringing plants, animals, and diseases that changed lives and landscapes on both sides of the ocean-native peoples introduced chocolate-travelers unfortunately brought disease to native peoples - European(sugar(1st importance) and tobacco (2nd))

Identify the cause of the three-fifths compromise:

-when determining a state's total population when connecting the question of taxation, each slave would be counted as three-fifths a person-compromise gave extra political power to slave states - their human property to their state's population, allowing them to send representatives based in part on the number of slaves they held

Roughly, how much of the population supported independence?


How many Anglo-Powhatan Wars were there before the Powhatan were finally subdued?


How many states had to ratify the new Constitution for it to go into effect?


Which of the following was NOT a result of Dunmore's Proclamation?

A majority of slaves in the colonies won their freedom

Which of the following is NOT true of a republic?

A republic is governed by a monarch and the royal officials he or she appoints.

Identify the tenets of the Enlightenment

Accepted knowledge and spread new ideas about openness, investigation and religious tolerance throughout Europe and the Americas. (1) The law like order of the natural world. (2) The power of human reason. (3) The "natural rights" of individuals (including the right to self government) (4) The progressive improvement of society.

This unit argues that the colonists were divided over the question of revolution in the 1770s. Which of the following pieces of evidence best supports that argument?

All of the above

Which of the following best describes the historical context of the South Carolina Slave Codes of 1740?

All of the above

Which of the following was one of the driving forces behind the rapid expansion of slavery in the American colonies during the 18th century?

All of the above

Which of the following was a response to the Stamp Act?

All of the above Convening of the Stamp Act Congress Efforts by committees of correspondence to coordinate boycotts of British goods Formation of the Sons of Liberty

Which of the following statements best represents the division between Patriots and Loyalists?

American colonists were divided among those who wanted independence, those who wanted to remain part of the British Empire, and those who were neutral.

What explorer followed in Columbus's steps, but he realized that Columbus had discovered new land?

Amerigo Vespucci

Which of the following was a considerable problem for the British colonies caused by British victory in the French and Indian War?

An increased need to defend the frontier, where French colonist and their tribal allies remained strong

Which of the following Indian peoples built homes in cliff dwellings that still exist?


Scholars believe that most Native Americans immigrated to the Americas thousands of years ago from:

Asia in search of food

Some scholars believe that the Americas were populated between 9000 and 15000 years ago by people crossing a land bridge called Beringia. This argument is supported by which of the following?

Asian and American Indians share genetic markers on the Y chromosome

Which of the following is not a tenet of the Enlightenment? A. atheismB. empiricismC. progressivismD. rationalism


Which of the following tribes would a Spanish explorer be most likely to encounter?


A main reason for the Spanish Armada being defeated was

Bad storms

What battle turned the tide of war in favor of the Americans?

Battle of Saratoga

What form of protest to British action was advocated by the First Continental Congress?

Boycott of British goods

Which of the following pieces of evidence supports the argument that slavery was important to the economy of South Carolina?

By 1715, South Carolina has a black majority because of the number of slaves in the colony

How did women support the Patriot cause during the American Revolution?

By making homespun clothing and by participating in boycotts of British goods

How did the British try to win over slaves to their army?

By passing Dunmore's Proclamation

After losing the war, where did many Loyalists go?


Which of the following tribes would an English explorer be most likely to encounter?


Place the following Spanish expeditions in chronological order according to the year they began:

Christopher Columbus's exploration of Hispaniola Hernando de Soto Francisco Vazquez de Coronado Juan de Oñate

Which plan resolved the issue of representation for the U.S. Constitution?

Connecticut Compromise

What was the primary goal of Britain's wars for empire from 1688 to 1763?

Control of North America

What was the basis of the Mesoamerican diet?

Corn or maize

Which of the following was not part of the Townshend Acts?

Declaratory Act

Native American societies at the time of European contact can best be described as:

Diverse, ranging from highly sophisticated to hunter-gatherer societies

Which of the following legal rights was granted to as a reward for loyal service to the Spanish crown?


Why didn't England make stronger attempts to colonize the New World before the late sixteenth to early seventeenth century?

English attention was turned to internal struggles and the encroaching Catholic menace to Scotland and Ireland.

Which of the following factors DID NOT play a role in the emergence of race-based slavery in the 16th-century Atlantic World?

European beliefs in racial equality

According to the video New World Encounters, Native Americans in the Southeast and New Mexico were unable to resist Spanish exploration and colonization in any meaningful way and there was little bloodshed between the two groups because of superior Spanish technology.


When did John Adams say "Thirteen clocks began to strike as one"?

First Continental Congress

During the 18th century, the British Atlantic experienced an outburst of Protestant revivalism known as the ________.

First Great Awakening

Recognize the primary cause of Bacon's Rebellion

Former indentured servants wanted more opportunities to expand their territory, "an uprising of both whites and blacks who believed that the Virginia government was impending their access to land and wealth".

List the main reasons for the founding of Georgia

Founded in 1732. James Oglethorpe, King George - For people to start a new after serving time in jail - To serve as a military base to defend against the Spanish. Charity towards debtors, Economics gain for King George, Defense against Spain.

What two countries argued over the claims to the islands of the New World?

France and the Dutch

How did the Treaty of Paris of 1783 cause future trouble?

France was upset to be left out of the treaty

Which of the following settlers did not use forced labor?


Which two groups of settlers focused on fur trading?

French and Dutch

Which of the following did NOT participate in the peace negotiations at the end of the war?

George Washington

Which of the following could not be considered a Restoration Colony?a)Georgiab)New Yorkc)Pennsylvaniad)Carolina


__________ is defined as "the ever-increasing interconnectedness of the world."


Who was the last king to reign over the colonies?

Greorge III

How did British General Thomas Gage attempt to deal with the uprising in Massachusetts in 1774?

He attempted to seize arms and munitions from the colonial insurgents.

In the reading that described the Winnebago Indians encountering the French, how did the Frenchman react when he first saw a Winnebago Indian smoking tobacco?

He poured water on the Native American to put out the fire.

Why did Columbus believe he could get to the Far East by sailing west? What were the problems with this plan?

He underestimated the circumference of the Earth, he also thought that the earth was flat, not taking many proven projections into account

Recognize Paul Revere's role in the coming of the revolution

He warned the colonies that British were coming (He is most famous for alerting Colonial militia of British invasion before the Battles of Lexington and Concord), He helped organize an intelligence and alarm system to keep watch on the British military

Which term describes German soldiers hired by Great Britain to put down the American rebellion?


Which culture developed a road system rivaling that of the Romans?


Why did diseases like smallpox affect Indians so badly?

Indians had no immunity to European diseases.

Oliver Cromwell ruled over England during the


The significance of Shays's Rebellion is that

It contributed to the push for a stronger central government

What was the British government's reaction to the Boston Tea Party?

It passed the Coercive Acts, which among other things shut down the town halls in Massachusetts and the port of Boston until the tea was paid for by the city of Boston

Which of the following was true of the city of Tenochtitlan?

It was well-planned, clean, and orderly

Which religious order joined the French settlement in Canada and tried to convert the natives to Christianity?


In 1492, the Spanish forced these two religious groups to either convert or leave.

Jews and Muslims

Who was the first explorer hired by the English to explore North America?

John Cabot

Who wrote "On the Equality of the Sexes" in the 1780s, arguing that God considered men and women intellectually equal?

Judith Sargent Murray

Who was the Native American woman who helped Cortes with translating?


Which culture developed the first writing system in the Western Hemisphere?


What provides evidence for the argument that most major Native American tribes of the Eastern Woodlands were matriarchal?

Men and women both took responsibility for childrearing, women were responsible for passing on the traditions of the tribe, women counseled the chief

Which of the following was not one of Franklin's thirteen virtues?


Which American general is responsible for improving the American military position in the South?

Nathanael Greene

Which city served as the base for British operations for most of the war?

New York

The Glorious Revolution witnessed uprisings in colonial America, including

New York and New England

Where did the Protestant Reformation begin?

Northern Europe

In what region did Dutch and English settlers have claims?

Northern, Eastern North America

Which of the following is not true of the Puritan religion?

Only men could participate.

Put the following events in chronological order.

Parliament passes the Tea Act Parliament passes the Coercive Acts Battle of Bunker Hill Common Sense is published

Which of the following states had the most democratic constitution in the 1780s?


Chattel slavery is a slave system in which

People are treated as personal property to be bought and sold

Which of the following could be considered a consequence of the agricultural revolution that happened approximately 10,000 years ago?

Permanent settlements

Which of the following figures did not actively challenge the status of women in the early American republic?

Phillis Wheatley

Most scholars believed that the Mayan Empire abandoned their large population centers around 900 CE primarily because of:

Poor soil and a drought that lasted for two centuries

Which country initiated the era of Atlantic exploration?


What reforms to the Catholic Church did Martin Luther and John Calvin call for?

Protestant Reformation

The founders of the Plymouth colony were:


What was the predominant religion in Pennsylvania?


The Incan system of writing was known as what?


According to the New World Encounters video, the greatest weapon that the Spanish had in their quest to conquer Native Americans was what?


The biggest issue separating the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan concerned


Identify the provisions of the Great Compromise

Roger Sherman's proposal, Connecticut Compromise, also known as the Great Compromise, outlined a different bicameral legislature in which the upper house, the Senate, would have equal representation for all states; each state would be represented by two senators chosen by the state legislatures. Only the lower house, the House of Representatives, would have proportional representation.

Western Africa was an important source of what natural resources in the early modern world?

Salt and Gold

The manner in which England enforced the Navigation Acts can best be described as:

Salutary neglect

An American victory at what battle marked the turning point of the war?


Which of the following cannot be considered a consequence of the Stono Rebellion

Several slaves gained their freedom after a successful uprising

According to John Green, the First Great Awakening contributed to the American Revolution by:

Signaling a breakdown in respect for established authority

How did slavery in the colonies differ from Africa?

Slavery on the colonies was based on race

The region where the British had the most success was


Which country established the first colonies in the Americas?


According to the excerpt from Christopher Columbus's journal, Spain's primary motivation for conquest in the New World was what?

Spreading Christianity

Put the following tax reform acts in chronological order:

Stamp Act Townshend Acts Tea Act Coercive (Intolerable) Acts

The Negro Act of 1740 was a reaction to ____

Stono Rebellion

When Spaniard Hernan Cortes arrived in Mexico in the 16th century, he heard tales of a great city of immense wealth. That city was:


A republic is governed by a monarch and the royal officials he or she appoints.

That monarchy was an illegitimate form of government.

Which of the following describes the first winter of the Jamestown settlers?

The "starving time"

Where did Christopher Columbus first land?

The Bahamas

Which of the following was not one of the consequences of the Coercive Acts?

The Boston Massacre increased colonial support for the Revolution

Why is the American win in the Battle of Saratoga significant?

The French decided to help the American effort

Which of the following was not a consequence of the Anglo-Dutch Wars (1650-1660)?

The Netherlands strengthened their position in North America

The imperial reform act that allowed for British troops to be stationed in private colonial homes was called:

The Quartering Act

Arguments against "taxation without representation" were presented in all of the following primary sources except:

The Saratoga Resolves

The imperial reform act that imposed an internal tax on nearly every type of printed paper (including newspapers, legal documents, and playing cards) was called

The Stamp Act

The imperial reform act that allowed the British East India Company to export its tea directly to the colonies without paying import or export duties was called:

The Tea Act

In John Dickinson's second "Letter from a Farmer in Pennsylvania," he argues that what was unconstitutional?

The Townshend Act(s)

What was the primary purpose of the South Carolina Slave Codes of 1740?

The authors wanted to prevent potential slave uprisings in South Carolina by clearly defining the rights of slave owners to control slave behavior

What did Sir Hans Sloane contribute to history?

The drinking of chocolate

One accomplishment under the Articles of Confederation dealt with

The establishment of territories and the admission of new states

Which of the following was a race-based system in the American colonies?

The slavery system

In Boston King's writing as a slave who fought for the British, what did he say that the British did to help the slaves?

They declared the slaves free and protected

According to Bernal Diaz del Castillo's report, how did Cortes's soldiers react to their first sight of Tenochtitlan?

They were shocked by the buildings that seemed to just rise out of the water

Who was the author of the political pamphlet called Common Sense, a small, but influential work that convinced many Americans to support the cause of independence in the spring and summer of 1776?

Thomas Paine

Of all the ways that diseases were spread, what was the most effective?

Through trade routes

The city of ________ became a leading center for Muslim scholarship and trade.


What Native Americans were decimated by the arrival of the Spanish at St. Augustine?


Which of the following was not a goal of the Stamp Act?

To declare null and void any laws the colonies had passed to govern and tax themselves

Put the following events in chronological order.__Battle of Yorktown_Battle of Saratoga_Battle of Trenton__Battle of Charleston

Trenton, Saratoga, Charleston, yorktown

________ became wealthy trading with the East.


Which state had the clearest separation of church and state?


In this quote, to whom is Adams referring by "another Tribe"?


What was patroonship?

a Dutch system of granting tracts of land in New Netherland to encourage colonization

What was the first great awakening?

a Protestant revival that emphasized emotional, experiential faith over book learning

What was the Inquisition?

a brutal campaign to root out Jews and Muslims who had seemingly converted to Christianity but secretly continued to practice their faith

Who were the Freemasons, and why were they significant?

a faternity that originated from london that were advocates of enlightenment

The term "matriarchal," as it was applied to tribes of the Eastern Woodlands in chapter 1 means:

a form of social or political organization where women are in charge

What was an on-going concern of Americans when forming the Articles of Confederation or the Constitution?

a national government that would oppress the people

The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom ended all the following EXCEPT

a religious society

Which of the following does not describe a form of slavery traditionally practiced in Africa?

a system in which people are enslaved permanently on account of their race

Which of the following best describes the Columbian Exchange?

an exchange of plants, animals, and diseases between Europe and the Americas

The Inca maintained their empire through the use of

an extensive network of roads and disciplined armies

How was the U.S. Constitution ratified?

by each state at special ratifying conventions

How could Spaniards obtain encomiendas?

by serving the Spanish crown

Define the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)

divided the newly discovered lands outside Europe between the Portuguese empire and the Spanish empire; divides the americas between the portuguese and the spanish; drew a north-to-south line through South America; Spain gained territory west of the line, while Portugal retained the lands east of the line, including the east coast of Brazil.

In his "Description of Timbuktu," Leo Africanus describes Timbuktu as a city that:

emphasized literacy and trade

What sorts of labor systems were used in the Restoration colonies?

english planter used slave labor but in Pennsylvania they used indentured servitude

What idea was stressed in the Mayflower Compact?

establishing a community that would work together

What was the primary cause of Bacon's Rebellion?

former indentured servants wanted more opportunities to expand their territory

Who were the main combatants in the french and indian war?

great britian against the french and their indian allies

Which of the following is not one of the tasks women performed during the Revolution?

holding government offices

Who was Thomas Hariot?

in 1588, a promoter of English colonization who published A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia which contained many engravings of the native peoples who lived on the Carolina coast in the 1580s

What is globalization?

process of businesses and organizations that develop international influence or start operating on an international scale

Which of the following was a goal of the Spanish in their destruction of Fort Caroline?

reducing the threat of French privateers

To what form of government did the American revolutionaries turn after the war for independence?


Portuguese traders exported all of the following EXCEPT


Feudalism was a mutually supportive system of social and political organization in which:

serfs worked land in return for protection from a local lord

Understand the economic philosophy of mercantilism

shaped European perceptions of wealth from the 1500s to the late 1700s. Mercantilism held that only a limited amount of wealth, as measured in gold and silver bullion, existed in the world.

How did Dunmore's Proclamation backfire against the British?

slave owners turned against the British in order to help the slaves

What was the "conspiracy" of the New York Conspiracy Trials of 1741?

slaves conspiring to burn down the city and take control

Which of the following represents a concern that those in England and her colonies maintained about James 2?

that he would institute a catholic absolute monarchy

The series of attempts by Christian armies to retake the Holy Lands from Muslims was known as ________.

the Crusades

Identify the gains of the Treaty of Greenville:

the United States gained dominion over land in Ohio -treaty of "peace and friendship" between the US and native american tribes near Great Lakes and ohio river valley-established a clear boundary between the native american lands and the lands open to white settlement, allowing more settlers to move into the region

What was the dominion of new england?

the consolidated new england colony James 2 created

Under the Articles of Confederation, what power did the national Confederation Congress have?

the power to create land ordinances

To what does the term "Restoration" refer?

the restoration of Charles II to the English throne

What was the Middle Passage?

the transatlantic journey that African slaves made to America

What made several British victories costly, in spite of territorial gains?

they lost many men and couldn't easily get more

Why did the Spanish build Castillo de San Marcos?

to defend against imperial challengers

What was the chief goal of the Puritans?

to eliminate any traces of Catholicism from the Church of England

Why did General Gage send troops to Concord?

to get a cache of arms

Why were probanzas de meritas written?

to get support from monarchs

What was the most lucrative product of the Chesapeake colonies?


What was the main goal of the French in colonizing the Americas?

trading, especially for furs

Scholars believe that the Incan city of Machu Picchu primarily served what kind of purpose?

used for religious ceremonial purposes and housed the priesthood

Which of the following is not an item Europeans introduced to Indians?


What prompted the French and Indian War?

who had control over the ohio river valley, and beavers

What was the fundamental difference between a democracy and a republic?

who makes the decisions about government

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