they follow a course that is necessary - it could not happen in any other way
1st characteristic of historical development
each historical dev't. represents not only change but progress
2nd characteristic of historical development
thesis, antithesis, synthesis
3 phases of a typical dialectical development have often been called _____________________
Hegel argued that one phase of any historical dev't. tends to be confronted and replaced by its opposite. This opposite, in turn, tends to be replaced by a phase that is somehow a resolution of the 2 opposed phases.
3rd characteristic of historical development
Article III
Bill of Rights ;
Essence precedes existence
Existence precedes essence
Greek word meaning "power"
retrace ; understand its history
Hegel argued that in order to understand any aspect of human culture, we must ____________ and _______________
historical understanding
Hegel's emphasis on the importance of _______________ has greatly promoted the development of the historical study of philosophy, art, religion, science, and politics.
Tito Sotto, Homer Flores, and Ernie de la Peña
author of the poem "Magkaisa"
biographical account of the author
enemy of peace ; south africa, secessionist movements, and indian-sikh conflicts
economic exploitation
enemy of peace ; there cannot be peace if there's a wide gap between the rich and the poor, when the 'haves' are indifferent to the situations of the 'have nots'
population explosion
enemy of peace ; unmet needs result to frustration, despair, and violence
blind self-interest
enemy of peace ; wars are founded by unbridled greed, ambition, and self-centeredness
continued reliance on military violence
enemy of peace; arms buildup cannot but lead to world destruction
nation worship
enemy of peace; narrow, self-serving nationalism must be replaced by international cooperation and brotherhood if humankind is to survive
Faith, Nationalism
essentialism of magkaisa song
Oppression, Tyranny
existensialism of magkaisa song
greek word meaning "people"
historical background or period/epoch/era
Freedom, Unity
idealism of magkaisa song
is more than just the absence of war
it implies the actions, moves, conduct or functions of an individual/group towards other persons
true peace
means harmony, freedom, and unity where there is a climate of love and concern ; with understanding and cooperation
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
one of the most influential German philosophers
pervading morality during that period/moral conflicts or issues
philosophical background used by the author
philosophy that is the opposite of idealism
Torture, Human rights violation
realism of magkaisa song
refers to the person's mental view, regarding the way s/he thinks/feels about someone/something
refers to the philosophy of perfectionism wherein human mind is absolute
theory of history developed by Hegel
this philosophy refers to the use of perception/senses regarding the actual view of situation
trifurcation of literary tiers
vista 1
history ; biography ; philosophy ; morality
vista 1 of an author