Variables and data types

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What is a Python Dictionary?

A Python dictionary, like a variable, is a container. It holds not only Python objects, but also other types of containers. The items are separated by commas, and the entire dictionary is enclosed in curly braces { }. The dictionary may be changed and updated as necessary, and it may contain any combination of values. The Python dictionary has unique keys, or pairs of items with related values. The keys themselves, which are composed of strings, numbers, or tuples, cannot be changed. Keys are separated from their values by colons ( : ).

What is a python turple?

A Python tuple is similar to a Python list. A tuple, like a list, is a sequenced data type that is versatile because it can contain any number of values separated by commas. However, tuples differ from lists because tuples are enclosed within parentheses ( ) instead of brackets [ ], although using parentheses is optional. Another major difference between tuples and lists is that tuples cannot be updated. They may be thought of as read-only lists; that is, they cannot be changed.

What are the most common data types?

Alphanumeric strings: mixed sequences of letters and numbers Boolean operators: variables that can hold one of two values — true or false Characters: individual letters, numbers, or symbols Floating point numbers: moveable decimal points in a number, rather than fixed (in other words, the location of the decimal point and the number of decimal places can change) Integers: numeric whole-number values, either positive or negative, that do not have decimal points

What is an example of a variable?

Example: A programmer who is developing a database for a store that includes customers' names and addresses may assign values to the variables to represent: firstName = first name lastName = last name fullName = full name The full equation might read "firstName + lastName = fullName."

What are some examples of python lists?

For example: list1=["computer science", "math", "biology"] list2=['Programming 101', 'Intro to Python'] list3=[23, 349, 52234, 200011]

What are some examples of python turtles?

For example: tup1=("computer science", "math", "biology") tup2='Programming 101', 'Intro to Python' tup3=(23, 349, 52234, 200011)

What are some examples of python strings?

For example: var1='Welcome to your lesson.' var2="Programming is challenging." The plus ( + ) sign can be used to connect two strings, and the asterisk ( * ) can be used to repeat the string. For example: Var1="Help" + "Me" Would store the value "Help Me" in the variable Var1 Var2='Help*3'

What is Boolean Data Type?

George Boole (1815—1864) was an English logician, mathematician, and philosopher. His work with mathematical formulas that represent logical reasoning is the foundation of digital computing. The Boolean data type is named after him. In computer programs, Boolean variables can hold one of two values — true or false — and use operators such as AND, OR, and NOT. Operators are programming objects that are able to control a value.

What does it mean if a programming language is strongly typed?

If a programming language is strongly typed, the data type has to be stated before the variable can be used. For example, the program may specify that an integer must be declared, followed by a character. Languages such as Visual Basic and JavaScript are strongly typed.

What does it mean if a programming language is weakly typed?

If a programming language is weakly typed, the data type does not have to be stated before the variable can be used. The data type will be determined automatically when a value is given to the variable. In this type of language, the data type (e.g., an integer) does not have to be specified before the value is declared. Python is an example of a programming language that is weakly typed.

What is the Floating-Point Data Type?

In mathematics, a floating point number is a real number that may be a fraction or a decimal number. The decimal point does not have to stay in the same place. It can "float" to different points within the number rather than remaining fixed The floating point is a variable data type that is used to store floating-point number values in programming. Different languages have different ways of describing floating-point numbers. In programming, the floating point may be located anywhere and have any number of decimal places: 0.123, 12.322, 4566.789057

What can variables be defined as in programming?

In programming, variables can be defined as: Scalar: This is a single number or value that may include an integer, a floating-point decimal, or a string of characters. Array: This is a group of related scalar or individual values assembled into one new entity, such as a sequence of numbers or letters. User-defined types (UDTs): This is a data type in which programmers assign their own true or false values to the data type, such as a schedule where all work and school entries are "true" and all leisure activities are "false." Abstract data types (ADTs): This is a data type in which multiple values are assigned to a single data type, such as a single course entry in a class syllabus, composed of the course name, number, and description.

What are the properties of variables?

In programming, variables have these properties: The name is the label or identifier the programmer assigns to a variable. The extent of a variable is a description of the variable's beginning and ending in time. The extent is the time in which the variable is available. Scope is the spatial location of a variable. A variable is either global or local in scope. A global variable is accessible from anywhere during the entire time the program is running. A local variable is accessible only in a specific region of a program or within a declared function.

What are Boolean operators?

Take a look at the following example that helps explain Boolean operators. A Boolean evaluation of 2 + 2 = 4 would result in a TRUE, because 2 plus 2 is equal to 4. A Boolean evaluation of 2 + 2 = 5 would result in a FALSE. Boolean operators like AND can be added to evaluate more complex samples of code. 1 + 1 = 2 AND 2 + 2 = 4 would result in a TRUE. 1 + 1 = 4 AND 2 + 2 = 4 would result in a FALSE, because one of the two evaluations is not true. If an AND operator is used, both parts being evaluated have to be true to result in a TRUE Boolean evaluation.

Why are variables useful in programming?

Variables are useful to programmers because: Variables can store temporary data. Variables are flexible. They can store values of different data types, which may include numeric or alphanumeric values; character strings, which are linear sequences of alphanumeric characters; or memory addresses composed of numeric indicators, which are identifiers for memory locations. Code with variables is easier to reuse and therefore reduces the amount of coding required.

What is an example of a value in a python dictionary?

dict = {'Name': 'Pedro', 'Age': 16, 'school': 'XYZ School'};

What is a value?

represents content in a computer program that is returned by a function; it is the result of a function. The value remains the same in the computer's memory unless the programmer changes it.

What are the five standard data types in python?

Numbers, which are numeric values Strings, which are connected sets of characters between two quotation marks " " Lists, which are sets of data separated by a comma between two brackets [ ] Tuples, which are sets of data separated by a comma between two parentheses ( ) Dictionary, which is a large and changeable list that can contain any number of Python objects

What are some examples of python lists?

Python lists have items that are separated by commas. The items in a list are enclosed in brackets [ ] and may or may not include single or double quotes. All of the items that belong to a list can be of different data types. This is one feature that makes lists the most versatile of Python's data types.

What are Python strings?

Python strings are variables that are set up as connecting sets of characters enclosed within either single or double quotes, with assigned values.

What numeric types does Python support?

Python supports four different numeric types: int (integers) long (large integers) float (floating-point numbers) complex (a mixture of characters and numbers) The most commonly used numeric types are int and float.

What is the Integer Data Type?

Integers are numeric values that can be either positive or negative whole numbers. For example, 7, —7, 24, and —5228 are all integers. A variable of the integer data type can hold whole numbers. A variable of the integer data type cannot hold fractions or decimal numbers.

What is a variable?

is a component or symbol in a computer program to which a programmer assigns a value or a set of values. store values or sets of values.

What is a common data type?

is the kind of value that a variable can hold. Each data type has unique characteristics and stores data in a specific way.

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