Vet Med 1 Crap

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How long must required controlled substance records be kept by the registrant?

2 years

How many of the current instructors at CCCC are graduates of the CCCC-VMT program themselves?


How long are businesses required to keep OSHA related records?

30-35 years

Regarding animal care duties, etc. what are the ramifications of a third offense?

A conference with the Animal Facilities Manager, the VMT program director, and the Dean of Vocational Education. Expulsion from the VMT curriculum.

According to North Carolina's Veterinary Practice Act, what is the definition of 'veterinary technician'

A person who has graduated from an AVMA approved program of veterinary technology, has taken and passed both National and State board exams, and is registered with the NCVMB as a veterinary technician.

Regarding animal care duties, etc. what are the ramifications of a first offense?

A verbal or written warning, loss of points, and extra cleaning duties will be assigned.

What set of regulations does the USDA require adherence to?


AEVNT stands for

Academy of Equine Veterinary Nursing Technicians

AIMVT stands for

Academy of Internal Medicine Veterinary Technicians

AVECCT stands for

Academy of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Technicians

AVTA stands for

Academy of Veterinary Technician Anesthetists

AVBT stands for:

Academy of Veterinary Technicians

AVST stands for :

Academy of Veterinary Technicians

AVTCP stands for

Academy of Veterinary Technicians in Clinical Practice

AVZMT stands for

Academy of Veterinary Zoological Medicine Technicians

According to North Carolina's Veterinary Practice Act, which of the following are required in order to call yourself a 'technician' in this state?

Accumulates 12 hours of continuing education every 2 years Has taken and passed the North Carolina Veterinary Technician Exam Has taken and passed the Veterinary Technician National Exam Graduate of a 2 or 3 year AVMA accredited vet tech program

AALAS stands for

American Association of Laboratory Animal Science

What does AVMA stand for?

American Veterinary Medical Association

Your grade for VET 114 will be broken down by thirds with one third of your score coming from which three areas?

Animal Enrichment, lecture tests and pop quizzes, and the final exam.

AWA stands for:

Animal Welfare Act

APHIS stands for

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

At what time of day are you permitted to perform a controlled substance inventory?

At the beginning or end of the day.

With which electronics should surge protectors NOT be used?

Autoclaves and coffee pots

When your animal has been seen for clinical services during the Spring semester, when is payment for that visit due?

By 4pm the next day (either Tuesday or Thursday)

When bringing animals in for clinical services during the Spring semester, you must arrive for check-in at what time?

By 7:30am.

Why would CD-ROMs, hard drives, and websites not be in compliance with OSHA regulations regarding the storage and access to MSDSs?

CD-ROMs and hard drives are not always up to date. None of these items can be said to be 'readily accessible' as is required by OSHA standards.

What is the best way to prevent ergonomic injuries on the job?

Change your posture and routine frequently

What does CVTEA stand for?

Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities

HCP stands for Hazard ___ ____.

Communication Plan

By law, what four (4) things can a veterinary technician NOT do?

Diagnose, prescribe, perform surgery, make an irreversible change

A written prescription is required for all OTC drugs that a veterinarian would like a patient to be on.


All pharmaceuticals and vaccines are exempt from the hazardous materials list.


An employee must always admit an OSHA representative into the building for an inspection.


Chemicals should always be stored at or above eye level so that their labels are in clear view from across a clinic.


During inclement weather, VMT students should follow the school closing announcements that are made for Lee County Schools.


Food may be stored in the same refrigerator as vaccines, drugs, and laboratory samples as long as a separate shelf is clearly labeled for this purpose.


The Dog Enrichment SOP requires that each student spend a minimum of 30 minutes per week with their assigned dog.


The HCP can be a verbal statement without written documentation.


The US Department of Labor estimates a 36% loss of jobs in the technician technologist field for the period 2008-2018.


When calling in a prescription for a Schedule II drug, anyone in the pharmacy can take that call.


Your employer has the right to require you to purchase your own set of PPE necessary for your job duties.


In regards to prescriptions for controlled substances, what is a technician legally allowed to do with a prescription?

Fill it or call it in to a pharmacist

HCS stands for

Hazard Communication Standard

The proper way to lift heavy objects is to:

Keep your back straight and lift with your legs recruiting help when needed for heavy objects

MSDS stands for:

Material Safety Data Sheet

NAVTA stands for

National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America

What does NAVTA stand for?

National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America

NIH stands for:

National Institutes of Health

NCAVT stands for

North Carolina Association of Veterinary Technicians

What does NCAVT stand for?

North Carolina Association of Veterinary Technicians

What should an employee do if a complaint about safety is not taken seriously by an employer or if there is a dangerous situation that is not adequately addressed?

Notify the regional OSHA office about the problem

OSHA stands for:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

OLAW stands for

Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare

According to the American Medical Association, what is the most often used animal in medical research?


PPE stands for:

Personal Protective Equipment

When using a fire extinguisher, you should use the PASS method. What does PASS stand for?

Pull the pin, Aim at the base of the fire, Squeeze the handle, Sweep side to side

High potential for abuse; NO currently accepted medical use in the US, or a lack of accepted safety for use in treatment under medical supervision

Schedule I

In which controlled substance schedule would you find cocaine listed?

Schedule I

High potential for abuse; currently accepted medical use in the US, or currently accepted use with severe restrictions; Abuse of the substance may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence

Schedule II

A potential for abuse less than the substances in Schedule I or II, currently accepted medical use in the US, abuse may lead to moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence

Schedule III

Low potential for abuse relative to substances in Schedule III; currently accepted medical use in the US; limited physical or psychological dependence relative to substances in Schedule III

Schedule IV

Low potential for abuse relative to the substances listed in Schedule IV; currently accepted medical use in the US; limited physical or psychological dependence relative to the substances listed in Schedule IV.

Schedule V

NO currently accepted medical use in the US, or a relatively low potential for abuse in terms of risk to public health and potential to produce psychic or physiological dependence based on current medical knowledge. or a need for further and continuing study to develop scientific evidence of the pharmacological effects.

Schedule VI

What are the requirements for a controlled substance box?

Securely locked, Substantially constructed, and protected by a centrally monitored alarm system.

What information must be included on a secondary label according to OSHA regulations?

The chemical component that is hazardous or chemical name (trade and generic), health hazard warnings, manufacturer of the chemical

Who is ultimately responsible for the accuracy of the hazardous materials list?

The employer

All DEA Form 222s must be accounted for and secured in the same manner as controlled substances.


All registered research facilities must track the source of the animals in their facility and these sources are checked during the random, unannounced USDA inspections.


An employee must be familiar with all of the inherent hazards associated with their job responsibilities and how to protect themselves from those hazards.


CCCC has a 100% tobacco free campus policy which forbids smoking, chewing, dipping, etc. anywhere on CCCC property.


Central Carolina Community College is registered with the USDA as a research facility.


Cheating and dishonesty are not tolerated by the faculty members in the VMT department.


DEA Form 222 are used to order substances in Schedules I and II only.


Documentation of the specifics of a training session is not required by OSHA.


In most states, an employee who is fired due to violations of safety rules will likely be denied unemployment benefits.


Overloaded or faulty electrical cords can overheat or short out and start a fire, even when the equipment plugged into them are switched off.


Powder-free chemotherapy gloves should be worn when handling cytotoxic drugs.


Regardless of the size of a compressed gas cylinder, always place them in a cool, dry place and away from potential heat or ignition sources


Sending and/or receiving text messages is not permitted in classes or labs.


The "Right to Know" law requires employees to wear all safety equipment that is prescribed by the manufacturer and the practice when using any product containing a hazardous chemical.


The HCS is also known as the "Right-to-Know" law.


There are Bachelor's programs in Veterinary Technology available for you to continue your studies beyond the Associate's degree from CCCC.


How many times may you enter the VMT program at CCCC?


USDA stands for:

United States Department of Agriculture

VCPR stands for:

Veterinary Client Patient Relationship

What does VMT stand for?

Veterinary Medical Technology

What does VTNE stand for?

Veterinary Technician National Exam

VTS stands for

Veterinary Technician Specialty

In which of the following instances would a veterinary technician be legally allowed to perform euthanasia?

When the technician is employed by a government run animal shelter or by a research facility and has been properly trained to do so.

You are the employee assigned to train new-hires into their jobs. What information would you document about their training in order to make sure that you, and the practice, are legally protected from any law suits relating to job hazards?

Who was trained, what they were trained about, when they were trained, how they were trained, how the training was assessed; signed and dated by all parties involved

When your animal is seen for clinical services during the Spring semester, who is responsible for cleaning the run or cage that your animal was in?

You, the owner of the animal, are responsible

Only eye specific spray attachments should be used to flush chemicals from eyes because other spray attachments may cause damage to the corneas.


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