Vette/Psg calculations
How do you calculate percentage of time in each sleep stage (% N1, % N2, % N3, % R)?
% N1= minutes of N1 / TST x 100 % N2 = minutes of N2 / TST x 100 % N3 = minutes of N3 / TST x 100 %R = minutes of R / TST x 100
How to you calculate the Total Recording Time (TRT)?
Epoch number of "Lights on" - Epoch number "Lights out" / 2
How do you calculate Sleep latency?
First epoch scored as asleep - "lights out" epoch / 2
How do you calculate Latency to slow wave sleep?
First epoch scored as stage N3 - First epoch scored asleep / 2
How do you calculate REM latency?
First epoch scored as stage R - First epoch scored asleep / 2
How do you calculate Sleep Period Time (SPT)?
Last epoch of sleep - first epoch of sleep / 2
How do you calculate percentage of wake time?
Minutes of W / TRT x 100
How do you calculate the Central apnea index?
Number of Central apneas / Minutes of sleep x 60
How do you calculate the Mixed apnea index?
Number of Mixed apneas / Minutes of sleep x 60
How do you calculate the Obstructive apnea index?
Number of Obstructive apneas / Minutes of sleep x 60
How do you calculate the PLM index?
Number of PLMs / Minutes of sleep x 60
How do you calculate the PLM with arousal index?
Number of PLMs associated with an arousal / Minutes of sleep x 60
How do you calculate the RERA index?
Number of RERAs / Minutes of sleep x 60
How do you calculate Arousal due to PLMs?
Number of arousals associated with PLMs / Minutes of sleep x 60
How do you calculate Arousal due to respiratory events?
Number of arousals due to respiratory events / Minutes of sleep x 60
How do you calculate the Hypopnea index (HI)?
Number of hypopneas / Minutes of sleep x 60
How do you calculate Spontaneous arousals?
Number of spontaneous arousals / Minutes of sleep x 60
How do you calculate the Respiratory Disturbance Index (RDI)?
Number of total apneas + hypopneas + RERAs / Minutes of sleep x 60
How do you calculate the Apnea/Hypopnea Index (AHI)?
Number of total apneas + hypopneas / Minutes of sleep x 60
How do you calculate Medicare's Respiratory Disturbance Index (RDI)?
Number of total apneas + hypopneas / TRT (in minutes) x 60
How do you calculate the Apnea index (AI)?
Number of total apneas / Minutes of sleep x 60
How do you calculate the Sleep Efficiency Index (SEI or SE)?
TST/TRT x 100
How do you calculate Total Sleep Time (TST)?
Total epochs of N1 + N2 + N3 + R / 2
How do you calculate Wake after sleep period (WASP)?
Total minutes scored W after the last epoch scored as asleep and the epoch of "lights on" "lights on" epoch - last epoch scored as asleep / 2
How do you calculate Wake after sleep onset (WASO)?
Total minutes scored W between the epoch of sleep onset and the last epoch scored as asleep.
How do you calculate Wake before sleep (this is the same as sleep latency) (WBSO)?
Total minutes scored W from "lights out" to the first epoch scored as asleep. First epoch scored asleep - "lights out" epoch / 2