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An older adult with Lewy body dementia lives with family and attends a day care center. A nurse at the day care center noticed the adult had a disheveled appearance, strong odor of urine, and bruises on the limbs and back. What type of abuse might be occurring? a. Psychological b. Financial c. Physical d. Sexual

C Lewy body dementia results in cognitive impairment. The assessment of physical abuse would be supported by the nurse's observation of bruises. Physical abuse includes evidence of improper care as well as physical endangerment behaviors, such as reckless behavior toward a vulnerable person that could lead to serious injury. No data substantiate the other options.

The nurse is reviewing case files for children at risk for injury resulting in brain injury. Which child is at most risk for experiencing this type of violence? a. A Caucasian, six-month-old infant living with a single mother b. An African-American, 24-month-old child living with her grandmother c. A Mexican, three-year-old child living in an inner city apartment d. A Japanese, eight-year-old child living in a home with three generations of family

A The highest incidence of traumatic brain injury occurs in Caucasian children aged birth to 1 year, and the abuse occurs most often from women.

6. What is a nurse's legal responsibility if child abuse or neglect is suspected? a. Discuss the findings with the child's parent and health care provider. b. Document the observation and suspicion in the medical record. c. Report the suspicion according to state regulations. d. Continue the assessment.

C Each state has specific regulations for reporting child abuse that must be observed. The nurse is a mandated reporter. The reporter does not need to be sure that abuse or neglect occurred, only that it is suspected. Speculation should not be documented, only the facts.

The parents of a 15-year-old seek to have this teen declared a delinquent because of excessive drinking, habitually running away, and prostitution. The nurse interviewing the patient should recognize these behaviors often occur in adolescents who: a. have been abused. b.are attention seeking. c.have eating disorders. d.are developmentally delayed.

A Self-mutilation, alcohol and drug abuse, bulimia, and unstable and unsatisfactory relationships are frequently seen in teens who are abused. These behaviors are not as closely aligned with any of the other options.

A patient tells the nurse, "My husband lost his job. He's abusive only when he drinks too much. His family was like that when he was growing up. He always apologizes and regrets hurting me." What risk factor was most predictive for the husband to become abusive? a. History of family violence c. Abuse of alcohol b. Loss of employment d. Poverty

A An abuse-prone individual is an individual who has experienced family violence and was often abused as a child. This phenomenon is part of the cycle of violence. The other options may be present but are not as predictive.

The nursing diagnosis Rape-trauma syndrome applies to a rape victim in the emergency department. Select the most appropriate outcome to achieve before discharging the patient. a. The memory of the rape will be less vivid and less frightening. b. The patient is able to describe feelings of safety and relaxation. c. Symptoms of pain, discomfort, and anxiety are no longer present. d. The patient agrees to a follow-up appointment with a rape victim advocate.

D Agreeing to keep a follow-up appointment is a realistic short-term outcome. The victim is in the acute phase; the distracters are unlikely to be achieved during the limited time the victim is in an emergency department.

14. What is probably the most important criterion on which to base the decision to report suspected child abuse? a. Inappropriate response of child b. Inappropriate parental concern for the degree of injury c. Absence of parents for questioning about child's injuries d. Incompatibility between the history and injury observed

D Conflicting stories about the "accident" are the most indicative red flags of abuse. The child or caregiver may have an inappropriate response, but this is subjective. Parents should be questioned at some point during the investigation.

Which assessment finding presents the greatest risk for violent behavior directed at others? a. Severe agoraphobia b. History of spousal abuse c. Bizarre somatic delusions d. Verbalized hopelessness and powerlessness

B A history of prior aggression or violence is the best predictor of who may become violent. Patients with anxiety disorders are not particularly prone to violence unless panic occurs. Patients experiencing hopelessness and powerlessness may have coexisting anger, but violence is uncommon. Patients with paranoid delusions are at greater risk for violence than those with bizarre somatic delusions.

A rape victim tells the nurse, "I should not have been out on the street alone." Select the nurse's most therapeutic response. a. "Rape can happen anywhere." b. "Blaming yourself increases your anxiety and discomfort." c. "You are right. You should not have been alone on the street at night." d. "You feel as though this would not have happened if you had not been alone."

D A reflective communication technique is most helpful. Looking at one's role in the event serves to explain events that the victim would otherwise find incomprehensible. The distracters discount the victim's perceived role and interfere with further discussion.

A confused older adult patient in a skilled nursing facility was asleep when unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) entered the room quietly and touched the bed to see if it was wet. The patient awakened and hit the UAP in the face. Which statement best explains the patient's action? a. Older adult patients often demonstrate exaggerations of behaviors used earlier in life. b. Crowding in skilled nursing facilities increases an individual's tendency toward violence. c. The patient learned violent behavior by watching other patients act out. d. The patient interpreted the UAP's behavior as potentially harmful.

D Confused patients are not always able to evaluate the actions of others accurately. This patient behaved as though provoked by the intrusive actions of the staff.

Which is an effective nursing intervention to assist an angry patient learn to manage anger without violence? a. Help a patient identify a thought that produces anger, evaluate the validity of the belief, and substitute reality-based thinking. b. Provide negative reinforcement such as restraint or seclusion in response to angry outbursts, whether or not violence is present. c. Use aversive conditioning, such as popping a rubber band on the wrist, to help extinguish angry feelings. d. Administer an antipsychotic or anti-anxiety medication.

A Anger has a strong cognitive component, so using cognition techniques to manage anger is logical. The incorrect options do nothing to help the patient learn anger management.

A rape victim tells the emergency nurse, "I feel so dirty. Help me take a shower before I get examined." The nurse should: (select all that apply) a. arrange for the victim to shower. b. explain that bathing destroys evidence. c. give the victim a basin of water and towels. d. offer the victim a shower after evidence is collected. e. explain that bathing facilities are not available in the emergency department.

B, D As uncomfortable as the victim may be, she should not bathe until the examination is completed. Collection of evidence is critical for prosecution of the attacker. Showering after the examination will provide comfort to the victim. The distracters will result in destruction of evidence or are untrue.

1. When an emergency department nurse teaches a victim of rape-trauma syndrome about reactions that may occur during the long-term phase of reorganization, which symptoms should be included? Select all that apply. a. Development of fears and phobias b. Decreased motor activity c. Feelings of numbness d. Flashbacks, dreams e. Syncopal episodes

: A, C, D These reactions are common to the long-term phase. Victims of rape frequently have a period of increased motor activity rather than decreased motor activity during the long-term reorganization phase. Syncopal episodes would not be expected.

Which behavior best demonstrates aggression? a. Stomping away from the nurses' station, going to the hallway, and grabbing a tray from the meal cart. b. Bursting into tears, leaving the community meeting, and sitting on a bed hugging a pillow and sobbing. c. Telling the primary nurse, "I felt angry when you said I could not have a second helping at lunch." d. Telling the medication nurse, "I am not going to take that, or any other, medication you try to give me."

A Aggression is harsh physical or verbal action that reflects rage, hostility, and potential for physical or verbal destructiveness. Aggressive behavior violates the rights of others. Refusing medication is a patient's right and may be appropriate. The other incorrect options do not feature violation of another's rights.

The staff development coordinator plans to teach use of physical management techniques for use when patients become assaultive. Which topic should the coordinator emphasize? a. Practice and teamwork b. Spontaneity and surprise C. Caution and superior size d. Diversion and physical outlets

A Intervention techniques are learned behaviors and must be practiced to be used in a smooth, organized fashion. Every member of the intervention team should be assigned a specific task to carry out before beginning the intervention. The other options are useless if the staff does not know how to use physical techniques and how to apply them in an organized fashion.term-9

A patient who was responding to auditory hallucinations earlier in the morning now approaches the nurse shaking a fist and shouts, "Back off!" and then goes to the day room. While following the patient into the day room, the nurse should: a. make sure there is adequate physical space between the nurse and patient. b. move into a position that places the patient close to the door. c. maintain one arm's-length distance from the patient. d. begin talking to the patient about appropriate behavior.

A Making sure space is present between the nurse and the patient avoids invading the patient's personal space. Personal space needs increase when a patient feels anxious and threatened. Allowing the patient to block the nurse's exit from the room may result in injury to the nurse. Closeness may be threatening to the patient and provoke aggression. Sitting is inadvisable until further assessment suggests the patient's aggression is abating. One arm's length is inadequate space.

1. Which comment by the nurse would best support relationship building with a survivor of intimate partner abuse? a. "You are feeling violated because you thought you could trust your partner." b. "I'm here for you. I want you to tell me about the bad things that happened to you." c. "I was very worried about you. I knew you were living in a potentially violent situation." d. "Abusers often target people who are passive. I will refer you to an assertiveness class."

A The correct option uses the therapeutic technique of reflection. It shows empathy, an important nursing attribute for establishing rapport and building a relationship. None of the other options would help the patient feel accepted.

A patient was abducted and raped at gunpoint by an unknown assailant. Which nursing interventions are appropriate while caring for the patient in the emergency department? Select all that apply. a. Allow the patient to talk at a comfortable pace. b. Place the patient in a private room with a caregiver. c. Pose questions in nonjudgmental, empathetic ways. d. Invite the patient's family members to the examination room. e. Put an arm around the patient to demonstrate support and compassion.

A, B, C Neutral, nonjudgmental care and emotional support are critical to crisis management for the rape victim. The rape victim should have privacy but not be left alone. The rape victim's anxiety may escalate when touched by a stranger, even when the stranger is a nurse. Some rape victims prefer not to have family involved. The patient's privacy may be compromised by family presence.

A nurse directs the intervention team who places an aggressive patient in seclusion. Before approaching the patient, which actions will the nurse direct team members to take? Select all that apply. a. Appoint a person to clear a path and open, close, or lock doors. b. Quickly approach the patient and take the closest extremity. c. Select the person who will communicate with the patient. d. Move behind the patient when the patient is not looking. e. Remove jewelry, glasses, and harmful items.

A, C, E Injury to staff and the patient should be prevented. Only one person should explain what will happen and direct the patient. This may be the nurse or a staff member with a good relationship with the patient. A clear pathway is essential because those restraining a limb cannot use keys, move furniture, or open doors. The nurse is usually responsible for administering medication once the patient is restrained. Each staff member should have an assigned limb rather than just grabbing the closest. This system could leave one or two limbs unrestrained. Approaching in full view of the patient reduces suspicion.

patient with a history of command hallucinations approaches the nurse yelling obscenities. Which nursing actions are most likely to be effective in de-escalation for this scenario? Select all that apply. a. Stating the expectation that the patient will stay in control b. Asking the patient, "Do you want to go into seclusion?" c. Telling the patient, "You are behaving inappropriately." d. Offering to provide the patient with medication to help e. Speaking in a firm but calm voice

A, D, E Stating the expectation that the patient will maintain control of behavior reinforces positive, healthy behavior and avoids challenging the patient. Offering as-needed medication provides support for the patient trying to maintain control. A firm but calm voice will likely comfort and calm the patient. Belittling remarks may lead to aggression. Criticism will probably prompt the patient to begin shouting.

.Which central nervous system structures are most associated with anger and aggression? Select all that apply. a. Amygdala b. Cerebellum c. Basal ganglia d. Temporal lobe e. Prefrontal cortex

A, D, E The amygdala and prefrontal cortex mediate anger experiences and help a person judge an event as either rewarding or aversive. The temporal lobe, which is part of the limbic system, also plays a role in aggressive behavior. The basal ganglia are involved in movement. The cerebellum manages equilibrium, muscle tone, and movement.

Which aspects of assessment have priority when a nurse interviews a rape victim in an acute setting? Select all that apply. a. Coping mechanisms the patient is using b. The patient's previous sexual experiences c. The patient's history of sexually transmitted diseases d. Signs and symptoms of emotional and physical trauma e. Adequacy and availability of the patient's support system

A, D, E The nurse assesses the victim's level of anxiety, coping mechanisms, available support systems, signs and symptoms of emotional trauma, and signs and symptoms of physical trauma. The history of STDs or previous sexual experiences has little relevance.

A victim of a sexual assault comes to the hospital for treatment but abruptly decides to decline treatment and leaves the facility. While respecting the person's rights, the nurse should: a. say, "You may not leave until you receive prophylactic treatment for sexually transmitted diseases." b. provide written information about physical and emotional reactions the person may experience. c. explain the need and importance of infectious disease and pregnancy tests. d. give verbal information about legal resources in the community.

B All information given to a patient before he or she leaves the emergency department should be in writing. Patients who are anxious are unable to concentrate and therefore cannot retain much of what is verbally imparted. Written information can be read and referred to later. Patients may not be kept against their will or coerced into treatment. This constitutes false imprisonment.

A child is admitted to the hospital with lesions on his abdomen that appear like cigarette burns. What should accurate documentation by the nurse include? a. Two unhealed lesions are on the child's abdomen. b. Two round 4-mm lesions are on the child's lower abdomen. c. Two round symmetrical lesions are on the child's lower abdomen. d. Two round lesions on the child's abdomen that appear to be cigarette burns.

B Burn documentation should include the location, pattern, demarcation lines, and presence of eschar or blisters. The option that includes the size of the lesions is the most accurate.

8. What is the most common form of child maltreatment? a. Sexual abuse b. Child neglect c. Physical abuse d. Emotional abuse

B Child neglect, which is characterized by the failure to provide for the child's basic needs, is the most common form of child maltreatment. Sexual abuse, physical abuse, and emotional abuse are individually not as common as neglect.

11. The parents of a 7-year-old boy tell the nurse that lately he has been cruel to their family pets and actually caused physical harm. The nurse's recommendation should be based on remembering what? a. This is an expected behavior at this age. b. This is a warning sign of a serious problem. c. This is harmless venting of anger and frustration. d. This is common in children who are physically abused.

B Cruelty to family pets is not an expected behavior. Hurting animals can be one of the earliest symptoms of a conduct disorder. Abusing animals does not dissipate violent emotions; rather, the acts may fuel the abusive behaviors. Referral for evaluation is essential. This behavior may be seen in emotional abuse or neglect, not physical abuse

The nurse is seeing a patient who has been in the clinic eight times in the past 6 months for injuries from an abusive partner. The patient states, "I don't see any way to get away from my partner, and I can't keep going on like this." What assessment question is most important for the nurse to ask? a. "Do you have any family in the area that can help?" b. "Have you thought about hurting yourself or someone else?" c. "Have you thought about moving to a different city?" d. "Have you discussed this with anyone else?

B Depression and an increased risk of suicide are common outcomes from individuals experiencing interpersonal violence. It is critical that the nurse specifically assess for the risk of harm to the patient or to others during assessment. Asking if family or friends are available for support is good, but it is more important to assess for the safety concern of suicide or harm to others. It is not helpful to ask if a person who has stated that they don't see a way out has thought of leaving—their comment indicates that they can't see any solution. This situation is a high risk for suicide, or even homicide against the perpetrator.

A new patient acts out so aggressively that seclusion is required before the admission assessment is completed or orders written. Immediately after safely secluding the patient, which action is the nurse's priority? a. Complete the physical assessment. b. Notify the health care provider to obtain a seclusion order. c. Document the incident objectively in the patient's medical record. d. Explain to the patient that seclusion will be discontinued when self-control is regained

B Emergency seclusion can be effected by a credentialed nurse but must be followed by securing a medical order within a period of time specified by the state and the agency. The incorrect options are not immediately necessary from a legal standpoint. See related audience response question.

An older adult with Alzheimer's disease lives with family in a rural area. During the week, the person attends a day care center while the family is at work. In the evenings, members of the family provide care. Which factor makes this patient most vulnerable to abuse? a. Multiple caregivers b. Alzheimer's disease c. Living in a rural area d. Being part of a busy family

B Older adults are at high risk for violence, particularly those with cognitive impairments. The other characteristics are not identified as placing an individual at high risk.

An emergency department nurse prepares to assist with evidence collection for a sexual assault victim. Prior to photographs and pelvic examination, what documentation is important? a. The patient's vital signs b. Consent signed by the patient c. Supervision and credentials of the examiner d. Storage location of the patient's personal effects

B Patients have the right to refuse legal and medical examination. Consent forms are required to proceed with these steps.

A 3-month-old infant dies shortly after arrival to the emergency department. The infant has subdural and retinal hemorrhages but no external signs of trauma. What should the nurse suspect? a. Unintentional injury b. Shaken baby syndrome c. Congenital neurologic problem d. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

B Shaken baby syndrome causes internal bleeding but may have no external signs. Unintentional injury would not cause these injuries. With unintentional injuries, external signs are usually present. Congenital neurologic problems would usually have signs of abnormal neurologic anatomy. SIDS does not usually have identifiable injuries.

Which rationale best explains why a nurse should be aware of personal feelings while working with a family experiencing family violence? a. Self-awareness enhances the nurse's advocacy role. b. Strong negative feelings interfere with assessment and judgment. c. Strong positive feelings lead to healthy transference with the victim. d. Positive feelings promote the development of sympathy for patients.

B Strong negative feelings cloud the nurse's judgment and interfere with assessment and intervention, no matter how well the nurse tries to cover or deny feelings. Strong positive feelings lead to over-involvement with victims rather than healthy transference.

An adult patient assaulted another patient and was then restrained. One hour later, which statement by the restrained patient requires the nurse's immediate attention? a. "I hate all of you!" c. "You wait until I tell my lawyer." b. "My fingers are tingly." d. "The other patient started the fight."

B The correct response indicates impaired circulation and necessitates the nurse's immediate attention. The incorrect responses indicate the patient has continued aggressiveness and agitation.

A patient with a history of anger and impulsivity was hospitalized after an accident resulting in injuries. When in pain, the patient loudly scolded nursing staff for "not knowing enough to give me pain medicine when I need it." Which nursing intervention would best address this problem? a. Teach the patient to use coping strategies such as deep breathing and progressive relaxation to reduce the pain. b. Talk with the health care provider about changing the pain medication from PRN to patient-controlled analgesia. c. Tell the patient that verbal assaults on nurses will not shorten the wait for analgesic medication. d. Talk with the patient about the risks of dependency associated with overuse of analgesic medication.

B Use of patient-controlled analgesia will help the patient manage the pain. This intervention will help reduce the patient's anxiety and anger. Dependency is not an important concern related to acute pain.

What identified characteristics occur more frequently in parents who abuse their children? (Select all that apply.) a. Older parents b. Socially isolated c. Middle class parents d. Single-parent families e. Few supportive relationships

B, D, E Abusive families are often socially isolated and have few supportive relationships. Single-parent families are at higher risk for abuse. Younger parents more often are abusers of their children. Abusive parents have stressors such as low-income circumstances, with little education, and are not middle class parents.

The nurse is counseling women at a crisis shelter about risk factors for increased intimate partner violence. What event is most likely to trigger an increase in abusive behaviors? a. Moving to a new community b. Starting a new job c. Becoming pregnant d. The death of a grandfather

C Abuse is not likely to decrease, and can often increase when a woman becomes pregnant. Moving, starting a new job, and a death in the family are all stressors, but they are not identified as factors that specifically increase violence more than pregnancy.

A patient with severe injuries is irritable, angry, and belittles the nurses. As a nurse changes a dressing, the patient screams, "Don't touch me! You are so stupid. You will make it worse!" Which intervention uses a cognitive technique to help the patient? a. Wordlessly discontinue the dressing change and then leave the room. b. Stop the dressing change, saying, "Perhaps you would like to change your own dressing." c. Continue the dressing change, saying, "This dressing change is needed so your wound will not get infected." d. Continue the dressing change, saying, "Unfortunately, you have no choice in this because your health care provider ordered this dressing change."

C Anger is cognitively driven. The answer helps the patient test his cognitions and may lead to lowering his anger. The incorrect options will escalate the patient's anger by belittling or escalating the patient's sense of powerlessness.

Which referral will be most helpful for a woman who was severely beaten by intimate partner, has no relatives or friends in the community, is afraid to return home, and has limited financial resources? a. A support group b. A mental health center c. A women's shelter d. Vocational counseling

C Because the woman has no safe place to go, referral to a shelter is necessary. The shelter will provide other referrals as necessary.

An 11-year-old reluctantly tells the nurse, "My parents don't like me. They said they wish I was never born." Which type of abuse is likely? a. Sexual b.Physical c.Emotional d.Economic

C Examples of emotional abuse include having an adult demean a child's worth, frequently criticize, or belittle the child. No data support physical battering or endangerment, sexual abuse, or economic abuse.

Which medication from the medication administration record should a nurse administer to provide immediate intervention for a psychotic patient whose aggressive behavior continues to escalate despite verbal intervention? a.Lithium (Eskalith) b. Trazodone (Desyrel) c.Olanzapine (Zyprexa) d. valproic acid (Depakene)

C Olanzapine is a short-acting antipsychotic useful in calming angry, aggressive patients regardless of diagnosis. The other drugs listed require long-term use to reduce anger. Lithium is for bipolar patients. Trazodone is for patients with depression, insomnia, or chronic pain. Valproic acid is for bipolar or borderline patients.

An adult tells the nurse, "My partner abuses me when I make mistakes, but I always get an apology and a gift afterward. I've considered leaving but haven't been able to bring myself to actually do it." Which phase in the cycle of violence prevents this adult from leaving? a. Tension-building b. Acute battering c. Honeymoon d. Stabilization

C The honeymoon stage is characterized by kind, loving behaviors toward the abused spouse when the perpetrator feels remorseful. The victim believes the promises and drops plans to leave or seek legal help. The tension-building stage is characterized by minor violence in the form of abusive verbalization or pushing. The acute battering stage involves the abuser beating the victim. The violence cycle does not include a stabilization stage.

The nurse working at a women's health clinic is seeing a teenage female patient who has come in for a refill on her birth control medication and with a complaint of abdominal pain. When the nurse enters the room, the patient is sitting in the chair with her head down, rocking back and forth, does not make eye contact, and answers questions with no expression on her face. What assessment question would be important for the nurse to ask the patient? a. "What brings you to the clinic today?" b. "What can we do to help you today?" c. "Do you feel safe in your current relationship?" d. "Have you changed your diet lately?

C This patient is exhibiting signs of being abused. It is important to ask about the safety of the patient. General questions about her visit do not give an opportunity for the patient to discuss her safety needs. While a diet change can cause stomach problems, this assessment would be addressed once safety is addressed.

A woman was found confused and disoriented after being abducted and raped at gunpoint by an unknown assailant. The emergency department nurse makes these observations about the woman: talking rapidly in disjointed phrases, unable to concentrate, indecisive when asked to make simple decisions. What is the woman's level of anxiety? a.Weak b.Mild c.Moderate d.Severe

D Acute anxiety results from the personal threat to the victim's safety and security. In this case, the patient's symptoms of rapid, dissociated speech, inability to concentrate, and indecisiveness indicate severe anxiety. Weak is not a level of anxiety. Mild and moderate levels of anxiety would allow the patient to function at a higher level.

10. A young adult has recently had multiple absences from work. After each absence, this adult returned to work wearing dark glasses and long-sleeved shirts. During an interview with the occupational health nurse, this adult says, "My partner beat me, but it was because I did not do the laundry." What is the nurse's next action? a. Call the police. b. Arrange for hospitalization. c. Call the adult protective agency. d. Document injuries with a body map.

D Documentation of injuries provides a basis for possible legal intervention. In most states, the abused adult would need to make the decision to involve the police. Because the worker is not an older adult and is competent, the adult protective agency is unable to assist. Admission to the hospital is not necessary.

20. What do inflicted immersion burns often appear as? a. Partial-thickness, asymmetrical burns b. Splash pattern burns on hands or feet c. Any splash burn with dry linear marks d. Sharply demarcated, symmetrical burns

D Immersion burns are sharply demarcated symmetrical burns. Asymmetrical burns and splash burns are often accidental.

. A nurse cares for a rape victim who was given a drink that contained flunitrazepam (Rohypnol) by an assailant. Which intervention has priority? Monitoring for: a.coma. b.seizures. c.hypotonia. d.respiratory depression.

D Monitoring for respiratory depression takes priority over hypotonia, seizures, or coma.

10. When only one child is abused in a family, the abuse is usually a result of what? a. The child is the firstborn. b. The child is the same gender as the abusing parent. c. The parent abuses the child to avoid showing favoritism. d. The parent is unable to deal with the child's behavioral style.

D The child unintentionally contributes to the abuse. The "fit" or compatibility between the child's temperament and the parent's ability to deal with that behavior style is an important predictor. Birth order and gender can contribute to abuse, but there is not a specific birth order or gender relationship that is indicative of abuse. Being the firstborn or the same gender as the abuser is not linked to child abuse. Avoidance of favoritism is not usually a cause of abuse.

Which information from a patient's record would indicate marginal coping skills and the need for careful assessment of the risk for violence? A history of: a. academic problems. b. family involvement. c. childhood trauma. d. substance abuse.

D The nurse should suspect marginal coping skills in a patient with substance abuse. They are often anxious, may be concerned about inadequate pain relief, and may have personality styles that externalize blame. The incorrect options do not signal as high a degree of risk as substance abuse.

4. A nurse interviews a patient abducted and raped at gunpoint by an unknown assailant. The patient says, "I can't talk about it. Nothing happened. I have to forget." What is the patient's present coping strategy? a.Compensation b.Somatization c.Projection d.Denial

D The patient's statements reflect use of denial, an ego defense mechanism. This mechanism may be used unconsciously to protect the person from the emotionally overwhelming reality of the rape. The patient's statements do not reflect somatization, compensation, or projection.

A nurse works a rape telephone hotline. Communication with potential victims should focus on: a. explaining immediate steps victims should take. b. providing callers with a sympathetic listener. c. obtaining information for law enforcement. d. arranging counseling.

A The telephone counselor establishes where the victim is and what has happened and provides the necessary information to enable the victim to decide what steps to take immediately. Counseling is not the focus until immediate problems are resolved. The victim remains anonymous. The other distracters are inappropriate or incorrect because counselors are trained to be empathetic rather than sympathetic.

.A victim of a sexual assault who sits in the emergency department is rocking back and forth and repeatedly saying, "I can't believe I've been raped." This behavior is characteristic of which stage of rape-trauma syndrome? a.The acute phase reaction b.The long-term phase c.A delayed reaction d.The angry stage

A The victim's response is typical of the acute phase and shows cognitive, affective, and behavioral disruptions. This response is immediate and does not include a display of behaviors suggestive of the long-term (reorganization) phase, anger, or a delayed reaction.

A rape victim says to the nurse, "I always try to be so careful. I know I should not have walked to my car alone. Was this attack my fault?" Which communication by the nurse is most therapeutic? a. Support the victim to separate issues of vulnerability from blame. b. Emphasize the importance of using a buddy system in public places. c. Reassure the victim that the outcome of the situation will be positive. d. Pose questions about the rape and help the patient explore why it happened.

A Although the victim may have made choices that made her vulnerable, she is not to blame for the rape. Correcting this distortion in thinking allows the victim to begin to restore a sense of control. This is a positive response to victimization. The distracters do not permit the victim to begin to restore a sense of control or offer use of non-therapeutic communication techniques. In this interaction, the victim needs to talk about feelings rather than prevention.

9. A child is admitted with a suspected diagnosis of Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP). What is an important consideration in the care of this child? a. Monitoring the parents whenever they are with the child b. Reassuring the parents that the cause of the disorder will be found c. Teaching the parents how to obtain necessary specimens d. Supporting the parents as they cope with diagnosis of a chronic illness

A MSBP refers to an illness that one person fabricates or induces in another. The child must be continuously observed for development of symptoms to determine the cause. MSBP is caused by an individual harming the child for the purpose of gaining attention. Nursing staff should obtain all specimens for analyzing. This minimizes the possibility of the abuser contaminating the sample. The child must be supported through the diagnosis of MSBP. The abuser must be identified and the child protected from that individual.

After treatment for a detached retina, a survivor of intimate partner abuse says, "My partner only abuses me when I make mistakes. I've considered leaving, but I was brought up to believe you stay together, no matter what happens." Which diagnosis should be the focus of the nurse's initial actions? a. Risk for injury related to physical abuse from partner b. Social isolation related to lack of a community support system c. Ineffective coping related to uneven distribution of power within a relationship d. Deficient knowledge related to resources for escape from an abusive relationship

A Risk for injury is the priority diagnosis because the partner has already inflicted physical injury during violent episodes. The other diagnoses are applicable, but the nurse must first address the patient's safety.

An 11-year-old says, "My parents don't like me. They call me stupid and say they wish I were never born. It doesn't matter what they think because I already know I'm dumb." Which nursing diagnosis applies to this child? a. Chronic low self-esteem related to negative feedback from parents b. Deficient knowledge related to interpersonal skills with parents c. Disturbed personal identity related to negative self-evaluation d. Complicated grieving related to poor academic performance

A The child has indicated a belief in being too dumb to learn. The child receives negative and demeaning feedback from the parents. The child has internalized these messages, resulting in a low self-esteem. Deficient knowledge refers to knowledge of health care measures. Disturbed personal identity refers to an alteration in the ability to distinguish between self and non-self. Grieving may apply, but a specific loss is not evident in the scenario. Low self-esteem is more relevant to the child's statements.

An older adult with Lewy body dementia lives with family. After observing multiple bruises, the home health nurse talked with the daughter, who became defensive and said, "My mother often wanders at night. Last night she fell down the stairs." Which nursing diagnosis has priority? a. Risk for injury related to poor judgment, cognitive impairments, and inadequate supervision b. Wandering related to confusion and disorientation as evidenced by sleepwalking and falls c. Chronic confusion related to degenerative changes in brain tissue as evidenced by nighttime wandering d. Insomnia related to sleep disruptions associated with cognitive impairment as evidenced by wandering at night

A The patient is at high risk for injury because of her confusion. The risk increases when caregivers are unable to give constant supervision. Insomnia, chronic confusion, and wandering apply to this patient; however, the risk for injury is a higher priority.

An adult has a history of physical violence against family when frustrated, followed by periods of remorse after each outburst. Which finding indicates a successful plan of care? The adult: a. expresses frustration verbally instead of physically. b. explains the rationale for behaviors to the victim. c. identifies three personal strengths. d. agrees to seek counseling.

A The patient will have developed a healthier way of coping with frustration if it is expressed verbally instead of physically. The incorrect options do not confirm achievement of outcomes.

A victim of a violent rape was treated in the emergency department. As discharge preparation begins, the victim says softly, "I will never be the same again. I can't face my friends. There is no reason to go on." Select the nurse's most appropriate response. a. "Are you thinking of harming yourself?" b. "It will take time, but you will feel the same as before the attack." c. "Your friends will understand when you explain it was not your fault." d. "You will be able to find meaning from this experience as time goes on."

A The patient's words suggest hopelessness. Whenever hopelessness is present, so is suicide risk. The nurse should directly address the possibility of suicidal ideation with the patient. The other options attempt to offer reassurance before making an assessment.

What statement is correct about young children who report sexual abuse? a. They may exhibit various behavioral manifestations. b. In more than half the cases, the child has fabricated the story. c. Their stories should not be believed unless other evidence is apparent. d. They should be able to retell the story the same way to another person.

A Victims of sexual abuse have no typical profile. The child may exhibit various behavioral manifestations, none of which is diagnostic for sexual abuse. When children report potentially sexually abusive experiences, their reports need to be taken seriously. Other children in the household also need to be evaluated. In children who are sexually abused, it is often difficult to identify other evidence. In one study, approximately 96% of children who were sexually abused had normal genital and anal findings. The ability to retell the story is partly dependent on the child's cognitive level. Children who repeatedly tell identical stories may have been coached.

A community health nurse visits a family with four children. The father behaves angrily, finds fault with the oldest child, and asks twice, "Why are you such a stupid kid?" The wife says, "I have difficulty disciplining the children. It's so frustrating." Which comments by the nurse will facilitate an interview with these parents? Select all that apply. a. "Tell me how you discipline your children." b. "How do you stop your baby from crying?" c. "Caring for four small children must be difficult." d. "Do you or your husband ever spank your children?" e. "Calling children 'stupid' injures their self-esteem.

A, B, C An interview with possible abusing individuals should be built on concern and carried out in a nonthreatening, nonjudgmental way. Empathetic remarks are helpful in creating rapport. Questions requiring a descriptive response are less threatening and elicit more relevant information than questions that can be answered by yes or no.

1. A 10-year-old cares for siblings while the parents work because the family cannot afford a babysitter. This child says, "My father doesn't like me. He calls me stupid all the time." The mother says the father is easily frustrated and has trouble disciplining the children. The community health nurse should consider which resources as priorities to stabilize the home situation? Select all that apply. a. Parental sessions to teach childrearing practices b. Anger management counseling for the father c. Continuing home visits to give support d. A safety plan for the wife and children e. Placing the children in foster care

A, B, C Anger management counseling for the father is appropriate. Support for this family will be an important component of treatment. By the wife's admission, the family has deficient knowledge of parenting practices. Whenever possible, the goal of intervention should be to keep the family together; thus, removing the children from the home should be considered a last resort. Physical abuse is not suspected, so a safety plan would not be a priority at this time.

An emergency department nurse prepares to assist with examination of a sexual assault victim. What equipment will be needed to collect and document forensic evidence? Select all that apply. a. Camera b. Body map c. DNA swabs d. Pulse oximeter e. Sphygmomanometer

A, B, C Body maps, DNA swabs, and photographs are used to collect and preserve body fluids and other forensic evidence.

The nurse is admitting a child with a history of abuse. The nurse understands that the child may exhibit what behaviors that are consequences of being in an abusive environment? (Select all that apply.) a. Reliving abuse incidents b. Sleep disturbance c. Overeating d. Acting out behaviors e. Intermittent fever

A, B, D Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, depression symptoms, and aggression are all outcomes that children who are exposed to abuse experience. Overeating may be associated with some stressors, but it is not specifically indicative of abuse. Fever is not associated with abuse.

What are symptoms of abusive head trauma (AHT) in the more severe form that may be present? (Select all that apply.) a. Seizures b. Posturing c. Tachypnea d. Tachycardia e. Altered level of consciousness

A, B, E In more severe forms, presenting symptoms of abusive head trauma may include seizures, posturing, alterations in level of consciousness, apnea, bradycardia, or death.

Because an intervention was required to control a patient's aggressive behavior, the nurse plans a critical incident debriefing with staff members. Which topics should be the primary focus of this discussion? Select all that apply. a. Patient behaviors associated with the incident b. Genetic factors associated with aggression c. Intervention techniques used by the staff d. Effects of environmental factors e. Theories of aggression

A, C, D The patient's behavior, the intervention techniques used, and the environment in which the incident occurred are important to establish realistic outcomes and effective nursing interventions. Discussing views about the theoretical origins of aggression would be less effective and relevant.

5. The nurse is teaching parents of preschool-aged children strategies to prevent sexual abuse. What should the nurse include in the teaching session? (Select all that apply.) a. Back up a child's right to say no. b. Don't take what your child says too seriously. c. Take a second look at signals of potential danger. d. Don't be too detailed about examples of sexual assault. e. Remind children that even "nice" people sometimes do mean things.

A, C, E To provide protection and preparation from sexual abuse, parents should back up a child's right to say no, take a second look at signals of potential danger, and remind children that even "nice" people sometimes do mean things. Parents should take what children say seriously and they should give specific definitions and examples of sexual assault.

A nurse assists a victim of intimate partner abuse to create a plan for escape if it becomes necessary. Which components should the plan include? Select all that apply. a. Keep a cell phone fully charged. b. Hide money with which to buy new clothes. c. Have the phone number for the nearest shelter. d. Take enough toys to amuse the children for 2 days. e. Secure a supply of current medications for self and children. f. Assemble birth certificates, Social Security cards, and licenses. g. Determine a code word to signal children when it is time to leave.

A, C, E, F, G The victim must prepare for a quick exit and so should assemble necessary items. Keeping a cell phone fully charged will help with access to support persons or agencies. Taking a large supply of toys would be cumbersome and might compromise the plan. People are advised to take one favorite small toy or security object for each child, but most shelters have toys to further engage the children. Accumulating enough money to purchase clothing may be difficult.

1. A nurse is caring for a patient in the emergency department who has been a victim of intimate partner violence. What is most important for the nurse to include in the plan of care? a. Medication to calm the perpetrator of the violence b. A list of community resources c. A referral for self-defense training d. A referral to the victim's religious advisor

B Providing education that will address immediate safety needs for the patient is a priority action for the nurse. The nurse is not creating a plan for the perpetrator, nor is it the responsibility of the victim to receive medication for another person. Self-defense training does not meet the immediate safety concern for the patient and may aggravate the perpetrator further. Accessing support from a religious advisor is good for ongoing support, but it does not address the immediate need for safety information.

An intramuscular dose of antipsychotic medication needs to be administered to a patient who is becoming increasingly more aggressive and refused to leave the dayroom. The nurse should enter the day room: a. and say, "Would you like to come to your room and take some medication your health care provider prescribed for you?" b. accompanied by 3 staff members and say, "Please come to your room so I can give you some medication that will help you regain control." c. and place the patient in a basket-hold and then say, "I am going to take you to your room to give you an injection of medication to calm you." d. accompanied by a male security guard and tell the patient, "Come to your room willingly so I can give you this medication, or the guard and I will take you there."

B A patient gains feelings of security if he or she sees others are present to help with control. The nurse gives a simple direction, honestly states what is going to happen, and reassures the patient that the intervention will be helpful. This positive approach assumes the patient can act responsibly and will maintain control. Physical control measures are used only as a last resort.

Critical Thinking: A crisis intervention nurse is training emergency department staff on treatment needs of persons in abusive relationships. What is a common difficulty staff encounter when caring for this population? a. There is not a good legal pathway to help persons in abusive relationships. b. The abused person may return to the abusive home setting. c. Hospital policies do not identify the legal care needed for abused persons. d. Because length of care is short in the emergency department, there is little staff can do for patients who have been abused.

B Abused persons return to abusive settings because they feel they have no other options or they fear reprisal from the abusive partner. There are policies in all health care facilities that describe the legal needs and the legal process that needs to be followed when caring for abused patients. Even in short-stay care settings there are interventions that can be helpful to a patient who has experienced abuse.

An unconscious teenager is treated in the emergency department. The teenager's friends suspect a rape occurred at a party. Priority action by the nurse should focus on: a. preserving rape evidence. b. maintaining physiologic stability. c. determining what drugs were ingested. d. obtaining a description of the rape from a friend.

B Because the patient is unconscious, the risk for airway obstruction is present. The nurse's priority will focus on maintaining physiologic stability. The distracters are of lower priority than preserving physiological functioning.

11. A nurse interviews a 17-year-old male victim of sexual assault. The victim is reluctant to talk about the experience. Which comment should the nurse offer to this victim? a. "Male victims of sexual assault are usually better equipped than women to deal with the emotional pain that occurs." b. "Male victims of sexual assault often experience physical injuries and are assaulted by more than one person." c. "Do you have any male friends who have also been victims of sexual assault?" d. "Why do you think you became a victim of sexual assault?"

B Few rape survivors seek help, even with serious injury; so, it is important for the nurse to help the victim discuss the experience. The correct response therapeutically gives information to this victim. A male rape victim is more likely to experience physical trauma and to have been victimized by several assailants. Males experience the same devastation, physical injury, and emotional consequences as females. Although they may cover their responses, they too benefit from care and treatment. "Why" questions represent probing, which is a non-therapeutic communication technique. The victim may or may not have friends who have had this experience, but it's important to talk about his feelings rather than theirs.

A patient has a history of impulsively acting out anger by striking others. Select the most appropriate intervention for avoiding similar incidents. a. Teach the patient about herbal preparations that reduce anger. b. Help the patient identify incidents that trigger impulsive anger. c. Explain that restraint and seclusion will be used if violence occurs. d. Offer one-on-one supervision to help the patient maintain control.

B Identification of trigger incidents allows the patient and nurse to plan interventions to reduce irritation and frustration, which lead to acting out anger, and eventually to put into practice more adaptive coping strategies.

What feelings are most commonly experienced by nurses working with abusive families? a. Outrage toward the victim and discouragement regarding the abuser b. Helplessness regarding the victim and anger toward the abuser c. Unconcern for the victim and dislike for the abuser d. Vulnerability for self and empathy with the abuser

B Intense protective feelings, helplessness, and sympathy for the victim are common emotions of a nurse working with an abusive family. Anger and outrage toward the abuser are common emotions of a nurse working with an abusive family.

Which situation describes consensual sex rather than rape? a. A husband forces vaginal sex when he comes home intoxicated from a party. The wife objects. b. A woman's lover pleads with her to have oral sex. She gives in but later regrets the decision. c. A person is beaten, robbed, and forcibly subjected to anal penetration by an assailant. d. A dentist gives anesthesia for a procedure and then has intercourse with the unconscious patient.

B Only the key describes a scenario in which the sexual contact is consensual. Consensual sex is not considered rape if the participants are of legal age.

12. An adolescent girl is brought to the hospital emergency department by her parents after being raped. The girl is calm and controlled throughout the interview and examination. The nurse should recognize this behavior is what? a. A sign that a rape has not actually occurred b. One of a variety of behaviors normally seen in rape victims c. Indicative of a higher than usual level of maturity in the adolescent d. Suggestive that the adolescent had severe emotional problems before the rape occurred

B Rape victims display a wide range of behaviors. A controlled manner may be an attempt to maintain composure while hiding the inner turmoil. Because the observed behavior is within the range of expected behavior, there are no data to indicate that a rape has not actually occurred, that the adolescent is unusually mature, or that she had severe emotional problems before the rape occurred.

After an abduction and rape at gunpoint by an unknown assailant, which assessment finding best indicates that a patient is in the acute phase of the rape-trauma syndrome? a.Decreased motor activity b.Confusion and disbelief c.Flashbacks and dreams d.Fears and phobias

B Reactions of the acute phase of the rape-trauma syndrome are shock, emotional numbness, confusion, disbelief, restlessness, and agitated motor activity. Flashbacks, dreams, fears, and phobias are seen in the long-term reorganization phase of the rape-trauma syndrome. Decreased motor activity by itself is not indicative of any particular phase

A nurse in the emergency department assesses an unresponsive victim of rape. The victim's friend reports, "That guy gave her salty water before he raped her." Which question is most important for the nurse to ask of the victim's friend? a. "Does the victim have any kidney disease?" b. "Has the victim consumed any alcohol?" c. "What time was she given salty water?" d. "Did you witness the rape?"

B Salty water is a slang/street name for GHB (g-hydroxy-butyric acid), a Schedule III central nervous system depressant associated with rape. Use of alcohol would produce an increased risk for respiratory depression. GHB has a duration of 1-12 hours, but the duration is less important that the potential for respiratory depression. Seeking evidence is less important than the victim's physiologic stability.

A survivor of physical spousal abuse was treated in the emergency department for a broken wrist. This patient said, "I've considered leaving, but I made a vow and I must keep it no matter what happens." Which outcome should be met before discharge? The patient will: a. facilitate counseling for the abuser. b. name two community resources for help. c. demonstrate insight into the abusive relationship. d. reexamine cultural beliefs about marital commitment.

B The only outcome indicator clearly attainable within this time is for staff to provide the victim with information about community resources that can be contacted. Development of insight into the abusive relationship and reexamining cultural beliefs will require time. Securing a restraining order can be accomplished quickly but not while the patient is in the emergency department. Facilitating the abuser's counseling may require weeks or months.

An older woman diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease lives with family and attends day care. After observing poor hygiene, the nurse talked with the caregiver. This caregiver became defensive and said, "It takes all my energy to care for my mother. She's awake all night. I never get any sleep." Which nursing intervention has priority? a. Teach the caregiver about the effects of sundowner's syndrome. b. Secure additional resources for the mother's evening and night care. c. Support the caregiver to grieve the loss of the mother's cognitive abilities. d. Teach the family how to give physical care more effectively and efficiently.

B The patient's caregivers were coping with care until the patient began to stay awake at night. The family needs assistance with evening and night care to resume their pre-crisis state of functioning. Secondary prevention calls for the nurse to mobilize community resources to relieve overwhelming stress. The other interventions may then be accomplished.

Which scenario predicts the highest risk for directing violent behavior toward others? a. Major depression with delusions of worthlessness b. Obsessive-compulsive disorder; performs many rituals c. Paranoid delusions of being followed by alien monsters d. Completed alcohol withdrawal; beginning a rehabilitation program

C Patients who are delusional, hyperactive, impulsive, or predisposed to irritability are at higher risk for violence. The patient in the correct response has the greatest disruption of ability to perceive reality accurately. People who feel persecuted may strike out against those believed to be persecutors. The other patients have better reality-testing ability.

Several children are seen in the emergency department for treatment of various illnesses and injuries. Which assessment finding would create the most suspicion for child abuse? The child who has: a. complaints of abdominal pain. b. repeated middle ear infections. c. bruises on extremities. d. diarrhea.

C Injuries such as immersion or cigarette burns, facial fractures, whiplash, bite marks, traumatic injuries, bruises, and fractures in various stages of healing suggest the possibility of abuse. In older children, vague complaints such as back pain may also be suspicious. Ear infections, diarrhea, and abdominal pain are problems that were unlikely to have resulted from violence.

A patient is pacing the hall near the nurses' station, swearing loudly. An appropriate initial intervention for the nurse would be to address the patient by name and say: a. "What is going on?" b. "Please be quiet and sit down in this chair immediately." c. "I'd like to talk with you about how you're feeling right now." d. "You must go to your room and try to get control of yourself."

C Intervention should begin with analysis of the patient and the situation. When anger is escalating, a patient's ability to process decreases. It is important to speak to the patient slowly and in short sentences, using a low and calm voice. Use open-ended statements designed to hear the patient's feelings and concerns. This leads to the next step of planning an intervention.

Family members describe the patient as "a difficult person who finds fault with others." The patient verbally abuses nurses for their poor care. The most likely explanation lies in: a.poor childrearing that did not teach respect for others. b.automatic thinking leading to cognitive distortions. c.a personality style that externalizes problems. d.delusions that others wish to deliver harm.

C Patients whose personality style causes them to externalize blame see the source of their discomfort and anxiety as being outside themselves. They displace anger and are often unable to self-soothe. The incorrect options are less likely to have a bearing on this behavior.

An emergency department nurse realizes that the spouse of a patient is becoming increasingly irritable while waiting. Which intervention should the nurse use to prevent further escalation of the spouse's anger? a. Offer the waiting spouse a cup of coffee. b. Explain that the patient's condition is not life threatening. c. Periodically provide an update and progress report on the patient. d. Suggest that the spouse return home until the patient's treatment is complete.

C Periodic updates reduce anxiety and defuse anger. This strategy acknowledges the spouse's presence and concern. A cup of coffee is a nice gesture, but it does not address the spouse's feelings. The other incorrect options would be likely to increase anger because they imply that the anxiety is inappropriate.

A rape victim visited a rape crisis counselor weekly for 8 weeks. At the end of this counseling period, which comment by the victim best demonstrates that reorganization was successful? a. "I have a rash on my buttocks. It itches all the time." b. "Now I know what I did that triggered the attack on me." c. "I'm sleeping better although I still have an occasional nightmare." d. "I have lost 8 pounds since the attack, but I needed to lose some weight."

C Rape-trauma syndrome is a variant of posttraumatic stress disorder. The absence of signs and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder suggest that the long-term reorganization phase was successfully completed. The victim's sleep has stabilized; occasional nightmares occur, even in reorganization. The distracters suggest somatic symptoms, appetite disturbances, and self-blame, all of which are indicators that the process is ongoing.

A patient with multi-infarct dementia lashes out and kicks at people who walk past in the hall of a skilled nursing facility. Intervention by the nurse should begin by: a. gently touching the patient's arm. b. asking the patient, "What do you need?" c. saying to the patient, "This is a safe place." d. directing the patient to cease the behavior

C Striking out usually signals fear or that the patient perceives the environment to be out of control. Getting the patient's attention is fundamental to intervention. The nurse should make eye contact and assure the patient of safety. Once the nurse has the patient's attention, gently touching the patient, asking what he or she needs, or directing the patient to discontinue the behavior may be appropriate.

After an assault by a patient, a nurse has difficulty sleeping, startles easily, and is preoccupied with the incident. The nurse said, "That patient should not be allowed to get away with that behavior." Which response poses the greatest barrier to the nurse's ability to provide therapeutic care? a.Startle reactions B. Difficulty sleeping C.A wish for revenge d. Preoccupation with the incident

C The desire for revenge signals an urgent need for professional supervision to work through anger and counter the aggressive feelings. Feelings of revenge create a risk for harm to the patient. The distracters are normal in a person who was assaulted. They usually are relieved with crisis intervention, help the individual regain a sense of control, and make sense of the event.

A cognitively impaired patient has been a widow for 30 years. This patient frantically tries to leave the facility, saying, "I have to go home to cook dinner before my husband arrives from work." To intervene with validation therapy, the nurse will say: a. "You must come away from the door." b. "You have been a widow for many years." c. "You want to go home to prepare your husband's dinner?" d. "Your husband gets angry if you do not have dinner ready on time?"

C Validation therapy meets the patient "where she or he is at the moment" and acknowledges the patient's wishes. Validation does not seek to redirect, reorient, or probe. The distracters do not validate the patient's feelings.

A patient was arrested for breaking windows in the home of a former domestic partner. The patient's history also reveals childhood abuse by a punitive parent, torturing family pets, and an arrest for disorderly conduct. Which nursing diagnosis has priority? a.Risk for injury b.Ineffective coping c.Impaired social interaction d.Risk for other-directed violence

D Defining characteristics for risk for other-directed violence include a history of being abused as a child, having committed other violent acts, and demonstrating poor impulse control. There is no indicator that the patient will experience injury. Ineffective coping and impaired social interaction have lower priorities.

1. The nurse at a university health center leads a dialogue with female freshmen about rape and sexual assault. One student says, "If I avoid strangers or situations where I am alone outside at night, I'll be safe from sexual attacks." Choose the nurse's best response. a. "Your plan is not adequate. You could still be raped or sexually assaulted." b. "I am glad you have this excellent safety plan. Would others like to comment?" c. "It's better to walk with someone or call security when you enter or leave a building." d. "Sexual assaults are more often perpetrated by acquaintances. Let's discuss ways to prevent that."

D Females know their offenders in almost 70% of all violent crimes committed against them, including rape. The nurse should share this information along with encouraging discussion of safety measures. The distracters fail to provide adequate information or encourage discussion.

Before a victim of sexual assault is discharged from the emergency department, the nurse should: a. notify the victim's family to provide emotional support. b. offer to stay with the patient until stability is regained. c. advise the patient to try not to think about the assault. d. provide referral information verbally and in writing

D Immediately after the assault, rape victims are often disorganized and unable to think well or remember instructions. Written information acknowledges this fact and provides a solution. The distracters violate the patient's right to privacy, evidence a rescue fantasy, and offer a platitude that is neither therapeutic nor effective.

A patient sat in silence for 20 minutes after a therapy appointment, appearing tense and vigilant. The patient abruptly stood, paced back and forth, clenched and unclenched fists, and then stopped and stared in the face of a staff member. The patient is: a. demonstrating withdrawal. b. working though angry feelings. c. attempting to use relaxation strategies. d. exhibiting clues to potential aggression.

D The description of the patient's behavior shows the classic signs of someone whose potential for aggression is increasing.

An adult has recently been absent from work for 3-day periods on several occasions. Each time, the individual returned wearing dark glasses. Facial and body bruises were apparent. What is occupational health nurse's priority assessment? a. Interpersonal relationships b. Work responsibilities c. Socialization skills d. Physical injuries

D The individual should be assessed for possible battering. Physical injuries are abuse indicators and are the primary focus for assessment. No data support the other options.

An emergency code was called after a patient pulled a knife from a pocket and threatened, "I will kill anyone who tries to get near me." The patient was safely disarmed and placed in seclusion. Justification for use of seclusion was that the patient: a. was threatening to others. b. was experiencing psychosis. c. presented an undeniable escape risk. d. presented a clear and present danger to others.

D The patient's threat to kill self or others with the knife he possessed constituted a clear and present danger to self and others. The distracters are not sufficient reasons for seclusion.

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APUSH Chapters 1-13 Possible Test Questions

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