Web Page Design

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Assign an ID to the destination tag; and Create a link at the source tag that will link to the given ID.

If you want to create a link that links to an item within the same page, you must follow two steps and they are:


In a typical HTML program, the very first line of the program instruction codes should start with:

Web Page

Each document on the World Wide Web is referred to as a


Enabled users to access a remote computer (host) and work with files and programs there.


First Email program was invented. ARPAnet expands to 15 additional nodes (includes military, NASA). Meanwhile, other types of networks different from ARPAnet sprang up across the country.


First public demonstration of ARPAnet at international conference. An eye-opening experience for many who want to join on.

Internet Protocol (IP) address 2. Domain Name System (DNS) 3. TCP/IP Protocol 4. Packet Switching

Four major technologies:


Government decided to allow access to the Internet for commercial purposes. Nodes > 10,000. First spam


IBM introduces its Personal Computer.


If the image cannot be displayed on the web page for some reason, the descriptive text written in the "alt" attribute may display instead in some browsers.


In a web site, the collection of web pages that it contains need not be linked to one another at all. The pages can exist independently on its own in an isolated fashion.


TCP split into TCP and IP to make it less complicated and reduce the demands on gateways and individual networks.


The IP address of a computer, which is in numerical form, can be converted into a textual domain name by domain name server (DNS) machine


The Internet was allowed for commercial purposes in the year ________.


The United States government owns and regulates the Internet.


The W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) has created a set of ____________________, or specifications, that all browser manufacturers must follow.


The W3C has no enforcement power

Hypertext Markup Language

The acronym HTML Stands for (pick one):


The content of the following HTML code will display on the final web page when viewed in the web browser. <!-- Author: Joe Blow -->


USSR launches Sputnik (World's 1st artificial satellite)...shaking the confidence of US

A Host or Node

Users typically access the Web through a computer called


WWW, an Internet application, is made available to the public. ARPAnet is decommissioned. Web invented by TimBerners-Lee


Web exceeds a billion users.

Web servers

Web pages are stored on _______, which are computers that make Web pages available to any device connected to the Internet.

when linking to a page on an external web site

When do you need to use a fully qualified URL in a hyperlink such as http://www.cnn.com (Links to an external site.)?


Which of the following cannot be written using a one-sided or empty tag?

<br />

Which tag is specifically used to force the browser to display the next text or element on a new line?

Hypertext Transfer Protocol

Your Web browser communicates with Web servers using the

FTP is a File Transfer Protocol,

and its only concern is to facilitate the transfer of files from one point to another, along with a few management capabilities like making and deleting directories


and the node that accesses the service is called a

Style sheets

are declarations that describe the layout and appearance of a document


first GUI interface called "browser" was developed. The name was Mosaic by Marc Andreessen of University of Illinois.

splash screen

is a Web page containing interesting animation or graphics that introduces a Web site

<div> vs. <span>

is a block level, meaning it's on its own separate line, while is inline, so it's a child of another block level element.

transparent color

is a color that is not displayed when the image is viewed in an application


is a descriptive text that appears whenever a user positions the mouse pointer over a link


is a diagram of a Web site's structure, showing all the pages in the site and indicating how they are linked together


is a number based on a base-16 numbering system rather than a base-10 numbering system that we use every day


is a set of rules defining how information is exchanged between two resources

world wide web

is a structure linking computers together for the purpose of sharing information and services

two-sided tag

is a tag that contains open/close tags and some content enclosed within:

one-sided tag (or empty tag)

is a tag with no content involved:


is an instruction to the Browser on how the text contained within the tag should be interpreted and displayed.


is the amount of space between characters (default unit is pixels (px))


is the amount of space between words and phrases

White space

is the blank space, tabs, and line breaks within the web page file

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)

is the most commonly used image format on the Web


is the space between lines of text

World Wide Web Consortium or W3C

A group of Web developers, programmers, and authors called the _________ created a set of standards or specifications that all browser manufacturers were to follow


A node that provides information or a service is called


A typical HTML program includes how many main sections within which the relevant tags such as <title>, <h1>, <p>, etc. are written?


ARPAnet is formally commissioned. Consists of four nodes: UCLA, UCSB, SRI, Univ. of Utah.


ARPAnet network project is launched to connect ARPA members to exchange data.

hyperlinked or hypertext

According to Tim-Berners Lee, the Web is a system of _____________________ documents.

He will see exactly one blank space only separating the two words on the web page.

Joe typed in the following HTML code in a web page file using NOTEPAD++. Using the space bar key, Joe entered 20 spaces between the two words "Big" and "Data". <h1> Big Data </h1> When Joe viewed this web page in the browser:


Leonard Kleinrock (UCLA) publishes the 1st paper on packet-switching analyzing the vulnerability of military communications in case of a Soviet nuclear attack.


Marc leaves college to found Netscape. 38 Million users worldwide.


Microsoft develops IE.

The Internet uses the following listed technology

Packet switching, TCP/IP protocol, Domain name system, IP addressing system


Place gateways between dissimilar networks to set up connections & translate messages between networks.


President Eisenhower creates ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency)within the Dept. of Defense (DOD) to get US into space. That role was later replaced by NASA. ARPA redefined itself as a sponsor of advanced research.


The following link is created in the home page. When it is clicked, it will link to the very top location in the products.htm page. <h2> <a href="products.htm#prod"> Check Our Products </a> </h2>


The following link is syntactically correct and when it is clicked it will display the contacts.htm page. <a href="contacts.htm"> <img src="smiley.jpg" alt="image of smiley" /> </a>

<hr />

The horizontal rule element places a horizontal line across the Web page


The interface that allows two dissimilar networks to communicate each other is called a gateway.


The internet is an application or a subset of the world wide web.


The number of networks reaches 200.


The number of nodes surpasses 1000 (universities and defense contractors). The DNS (Domain Name System) system comes into use.

<br />

The one-sided tag to mark a line break is


The organized collection of instructions for the computer is called software.

<a> </a>

The tag required to create a link is:

1. Inline Styles 2. Embedded Style Sheet 3. External Style Sheet

Three ways to apply a style to an HTML or XHTML document:

character encoding

To store a character set, browsers need to associate each symbol with a number in a process called

Packet Switching

breaks data into chunks and wraps the chunks into structures called packets. the packets are sent towards the destination irrespective of each other. Each packet has to find its own route to the destination.

Character sets

come in a wide variety of sizes, based on the number of symbols required for communication in the chosen Language

augmented linear structure

each page contains an additional link back to an opening page

site index

each page contains an additional link back to an opening page

linear structure

each page is linked with the pages that follow and precede it in an ordered chain

Web Browser

retrieves the page from the Web server and renders it on the user's computer or other device

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

specifies the precise location of a resource on the Internet

Circuit Switching

this path is decided upon before the data transmission starts

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