Week 5 assessment - Chapters 33 & 34

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False. America had to continue to produce food, fiber, and war equipment. Therefore, men employed in certain key industries were exempt from the draft.

America adopted universal conscription of all males of military service age. True False

False. These reports prompted Roosevelt to establish the War Refugee Board, which helped rescue Jews from occupied territories and to provide relief to inmates of Nazi concentration camps.

America received no reports of Nazi atrocities against Jews before America was drawn into World War II. True False


America's isolationism in the 1930s convinced Japan that America was a force to be feared in the Pacific. True False

True. Factories had to be re-purposed from churning out consumer goods to produce war material. The problem was not just industrial; agriculture also had to go from being paid for not producing (remember the AAA from Chapter 33?) to growing enough to feed Americans overseas.

The biggest challenge America faced in the early stages of World War II was that it would not be able to retool its industrial output for war production before the British and Soviet Union could be crushed. True False

Fear that Japanese citizens might commit acts of sabotage in the event of a Japanese invasion of the West Coast cause Roosevelt to issue and executive order forcibly interring those citizens in concentration camps.

What was Executive Order 9066?

The ABC-1 agreement with Britain adopted the strategy for prosecuting World War II that called for eliminating the German threat first.

What was the ABC-1 agreement?

The Lend-Lease Act allowed America to sell or loan weapons to the Allied powers during World War II. It marked the abandonment of official neutrality by America.

What was the Lend-Lease Act?

The Rome-Berlin Axis was an alliance between the fascists nations of Italy and Germany. The alliance was formed in 1936.

What was the Rome-Berlin Axis?

African Americans were suffering discrimination in the workplace even in the face of labor shortages during the war. The leader of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters threatened to stage a massive protest in Washington, DC. Roosevelt issued an executive order prohibiting discrimination in the defense industries and established the commission to enforce the order.

Why did Roosevelt establish the Fair Employment Practices Commission?

Roosevelt's decision to abandon the conference signaled that the European nations would have to weather the Depression with little American assistance. It deepened the Depression and fueled the rush to extreme nationalism.

Describe the effect that President Roosevelt's repudiation of the London Economic Conference caused.

True. This prompted America and Mexico to establish the bracero program, whereby Mexican agricultural workers were allowed to cross the border to help harvest crops in the West.

Despite draft exemptions for employees in key industries, a labor shortage still plagued industrial and agricultural output during World War II. True False

True. Despite promising that they would not strike, some unions, notably the United Mine Workers, did strike. Union members resented the work of the National War Labor Board in establishing a ceiling on wages. The Smith-Connally Strike Act was passed to prevent further work stoppages.

During World War II, patriotic fervor did not prevent labor from agitating higher wages. True False

This act, which passed in 1934, was intended to stimulate foreign trade. It act authorized the president to reduce the Hawley-Smoot Tariff rates by up to fifty percent if the nation whose rates were being eased agreed to lower their rates by the same amount. By 1939, twenty-one nations had entered into such agreements.

Explain the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act

The war altered the nation's demographics. The trend of African Americans migrating out of the South greatly accelerated as they sought work in the defense industry. African Americans also called more loudly for even-handed treatment in the workplace, which resulted in the establishment of the Fair Employment Practices Commission. The hand of the government was felt on everyone's shoulder as people became accustomed to interventions such as rationing. The income tax was expanded to apply to about four times as many people as before the war. More women became accustomed to working outside the home. Government-run housing projects were created to assist workers in war industries. Children were cared for in government-operated day cares. Roosevelt's policies attempted to improve the South's economy by funneling work to industries in the region. The use of migrant laborers for agricultural labor increase with the Bracero system.

Name three ways in which World War II changed the lives of average Americans.

True. Few Americans have enjoyed the good will among Latin Americans Roosevelt.

Roosevelt's Good Neighbor Policy fostered further good will with America's Latin American and Caribbean neighbors. True False

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