West Civilizations Final

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The Great Depression did not hit Britain as hard as the United States or Germany, in part because

the British economy had moved away from international markets and toward production of goods for the domestic market

Germany's initial offensive was stopped on the outskirts of Paris at the Battle of

the Marne

What did Columbus believe he had found when he arrived in the Caribbean?

Islands off the coast of Japan

What was the result of the Berlin Conference of 1884-85?

It set up the terms for the division of most of Africa among European colonial powers

The American stock market crash of October 1929 was primarily the result of

an imbalance between real investment and speculation

What did the Sclieffen Plan call for in 1914?

A lightning attack through neutral Belgium and a quick defeat of France before turning on Russia

When did Jews in Palestine proclaim the state of Israel?

After the British withdrew from Palestine in 1948

What characteristics did Communist and fascist dictatorships share?

Both engaged in state-controlled social engineering projects meant to replace individualism with a unified "people"

Which of the following characterizes the support in Great Britain for the war with Iraq that began in 2003?

British Prime Minister Tony Blair supported the war, but the majority of the population was opposed

What reform did France's Second Republic institute in 1848?

The right to vote for all adult men

What was the goal of the Prussian parliament in the 1850s and 1860s?

To establish that it held final political authority and that the army was responsible to it

Which of the following describes Eastern Bloc living standards in the 1970s?

Well below those in the West but well above those in the developing word

What was the long-established customs union among the German states?


As practiced in the 1930s, appeasement was

a British policy that aimed to give Hitler whatever he wanted in order to avoid war

The primary cause of the English Glorious Revolution was

a fear of the establishment of Catholic absolutism by James II

In the wake of the Great Fear in the summer of 1789, the National Assembly restored order by

abolishing all of the old noble and church privileges

Louis XV damaged the sense of his sacred authority by

allowing his common-born mistress to exercise tremendous influence both culturally and politically

The National Assembly that ruled France from 1789 to 1791 passed laws that

declared all men and women to be equal

The Allies adopted the principle of the unconditional surrender of Germany and Japan in order to

further encourage mutual trust among the Allies

In his Essay Concerning Human Understanding, John Locke claimed that

human development is determined by education and society

Copernicus's theory of the universe

postulated a sun-centered view of the universe

After the Second World War, the Soviet Union

reestablished a harsh dictatorship

Although perhaps best known as the longtime companion of Voltaire, Gabriel-Emile Le Tonnelier de Breteuil, marquise du Châtelet, published

the first translation of Newton's Principia into French

In his writings on human psychology, Sigmund Freud asserted that

the id is the unconscious source of sexual and aggressive instincts

The guiding force behind Cardinal Richelieu's domestic policies was

the subordination of all institutions to the monarcy

Rudyard Kipling "white man's burdern" referred to

the white race's supposed duty to civilize inferior, nonwhite races

How did the European response to terrorism differ from the American response?

Americans emphasized the need for warfare, while Europeans emphasized that terrorism was best resolved through police and intelligence measures

What was the February Revolution in Russia in 1917?

An unplanned uprising of hungry and angry people in the capital

Why did Klemens von Metternich, as Austrian foreign minister, have to oppose the spread of nationalism in Europe?

Austria was a multiethnic empire, and the spread of nationalism among its different ethnic groups threatened to dissolve the empire

in 1848, what reform did the French government refuse that created a sense of class injustice?

Electoral reform

In 1954, Vietnam obtained independence from


Why was France unable to manage its debt in the eighteenth century, even though that debt was much smaller, relative to its population, than the debt of either Great Britain or Holland?

France lacked a central bank and paper currency

What did Richard Nixon do following his election to the US presidency in 1968?

Gradually reduced American involvement in the Vietnam War

The target of the first of two atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945 was


The European voyages of the fifteenth century were derived from a desire to share in the wealth of the

Indian Ocean trade

How did Issac Newton's law of universal gravitation bring the Scientific Revolution to maturity?

It synthesized mathematics with physics and astronomy to demonstrate that the entire universe was unified into one coherent system.

How did the Peace of Westphalia mark a turning point in European history?

Large-scale armed conflicts over religious faith came to an end

What did the theories of Albert Einstein assert?

Matter and energy are interchangeable, linking the apparently infinite universe with the subatomic world

What was the immediate cause of British entry into the First World War?

The German invasion of neutral Belgium

What aspect of American foreign policy under President George W. Bush most troubled leaders of the European Union?

The United States increasingly ignored international opinion and pursued its own interests unilaterally

What two fundamental principles of the French Revolution were incorporated into the Napoleonic Code?

The equality of all male citizens before the law and the absolute security of wealth and private property

What was the core concept of the Enlightenment?

The methods of natural science should be used to examine all aspects of life

How did the process of Italian unification survive the French betrayal of Sardinia in its efforts to unify Italy?

The nationalist leaders in central Italy overthrew their local princes and merged with Sardinia, despite the displeasure of the Great Powers

How did the urban working class change in the latter half of the nineteenth century?

The sharp distinction between highly skilled artisans and unskilled manual workers broke down as semiskilled groups of workers became more relevant

What was the Holocaust?

The systematic effort of the Nazi state to exterminate all Europeans Jews during the Second World War

What did Klemens von Metternich and Alexander I proclaim at the Troppau Conference in 1820?

Their support for the principle of active intervention to maintain all autocratic regimes whenever threatened

Throughout the First World War, what mistake did military commanders repeatedly make?

They attempted to mount massive offensives designed to break through entrenched lines

How did France and Belgium react when Germany refused to make its second reparations payment?

They occupied the Ruhr district

Why were Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary the most successful Eastern European nations at economic modernization?

They were flexible in the adoption of economic policies and had an enthusiastic entrepreneurial class

The Persian Gulf War in 1991 clearly demonstrated

the effort of the United States and Western Europe to promote international consensus under US guidance

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